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JOBRESPONSIBILITIES KanbarCenter TLCClassrooms TechnologyCommons

TechnologyCustomerService X
LearningTechnologySpecialist X
TechnicianSimulation,ClinicalSkills, X X
Engineer X
CoordinateTraining X
FinancialManagement X
TrainerClinicalStandarizedPatients X
OperationsManager X X


















Classrooms FY2010111 FY201112 FY201213 FY201314 FY201415

SubtotalClassrooms $ 221,272 $ 226,781 $ 198,728 $210,107 $ 225,415


SubtotalTechnologyCommons $ 69,033 $ 121,829 $ 127,921 $134,317 $ 141,033


SubtotalKanbarSimulationCenter $147,881 $192,772 $203,304 $216,302 $223,114

TOTALNEWOPERATIONS $ 438,186 $ 541,382 $ 529,953 $560,726 $ 589,562


KanbarSimulationCenter FY201011* FY201112 FY201213 FY201314 FY201415

SubtotalKanbarSimulationCenter $ 440,671 $ 564,632 $ 596,494 $619,881 $ 674,707


SubtotalTechnologyCommons $ 381,333 $ 583,116 $ 614,754 $648,142 $ 674,443

GRANDTOTALALLTLCOPERATIONS $ 1,260,190 $ 1,689,130 $ 1,741,201 $1,828,749 $ 1,938,712











Metric Measure Reporting Responsible Target

Frequency Party


timelinessofresponse Amttimebetweenrequestforservice quarterly KSCstaff 1businessday


%utilizationbyschool numberoftimeslotsusedby quarterly KSCstaff within+/5%ofproportionof

(alsoreportedbyactivity school/availableslots learners

%utilization numberofslotsused/availableslots quarterly KSCstaff 80%

%unabletoschedulein numberofunabletoschedule quarterly KSCstaff 10%

first,secondorthird sessions/numberofsessionsscheduled

Facultysatisfaction Surveyofteachingfaculty Quarterly KSCstaff Averageratingof4<ona5



typesand%ofsimulations numberofeachtype/bookedsesssions quarterly KSCstaff 33%mannequin/



%telemedicineactivitiesin Number/bookedsessions quarterly KSCstaff 10%ofbookedsessions


clinicalskillsactivitiesin Number/bookedsessions quarterly KSCstaff 20%interprofessional


innovativeassessments surveyofusers quarterly KSCstaff 5%ofusersaredevelopingor


innovativeprograms surveyofusers quarterly KSCstaff 5%ofusersaredevelopingor



Satisfaction Surveyofstudents quarterly SOMevaluation Averageratingof4ona5

staff pointLikertitemsforall


RIPLSInterprofessional Surveyofstudents quarterly SOMevaluation Averageratingincreasingacross

(attitude) staff yearsofexposuretoKSC


numberofresearch NumberofactivitieslinkedtoaCHR quarterly KSCstaff 10%ofallactivities

studiesusingcenter approvedresearchprotocol

outreachtopotential Numberofactivitiesofferedto quarterly KSCstaff 2%ofallactivities

students communityyouthorpotentialstudents


Metric Measurement ResponsibleParty Goal

Classroomutilization Classroomuse(hoursper EducationalTechnology 60%ofavailable

week)fortelemedicine Services hoursduring
training,PRIMEUSteaching, schedulingday

Scheduling Turnaroundtimeon EducationalTechnology Oneday

schedulingrequests Services

Maintenanceoftechnology Averageopentimefor EducationalTechnology Oneweek

engineeringservicerequests Services

Responsivenesstohelpline Averagetimetorespondto EducationalTechnology 510minutes

requests helplinecalls Services

Reliabilityoftechnology Downtimefortechnology EducationalTechnology Zero

andequipmentduring Services




Metric Measure Reporting Responsible Target

Frequency Party

Gatecount Totalnumberofgateentriesperhour, monthly TCManager 100perday


TCworkstationusage Amountoftimeeachworkstationisin monthly TCManager 4hoursperday


Classroomreservations Numberofclassroomreservations monthly TCManager 15reservationspermonth;60


Usersatisfaction Responsetousersatisfactionsurveys monthly TCManager Averageratingof4ona5point


Requestsforfacetoface Numberandtypeofrequestsforface monthly TCManager 10perday

technologysupport tofacetechnologysupportintheTC

Multimediaworkstation Amountoftimeeachworkstationisin monthly TCManager 2hoursperday

usage usedaily

Presentationroomusage Numberofpresentationroom monthly TCManager 15reservationspermonth







spring 2010
volume 51 | no 1

the Future
of Medical

Also inside:

volunteer facult y

venture capital docs


1 news | editorial 14 presidents letter 15 class notes

Spring 2010: Volume 51, Number 1

Editor: Gordon Fung, MD 79, MPH, PhD

Managing Editor: Anne Kavanagh
Contributing Editors: Gary Bernard, Mark Boone,
Debra Holcomb, Carrie Smith
Writers: Anne Kavanagh, Kate Volkman, Tina Vu
Photographers: Noah Berger, David Bishop,
Thomas Broening, Robert Foothorap, Dinno Kovic,
Majed, Earl McCowen, Kim Steele, Tina Vu
Editorial AssistanT: Michelle Pardo
DesignER: Laura Myers Design

Administrative Council 20092010

Lawrence Hill, MD 67, President; Donna Hoghooghi,
MD 98, President-Elect; H. John Blossom, MD 70,
Representative (Central California); Ronald P. Karlsberg,
MD 73, Representative (Southern California); Kenneth
M. Bermudez, MD 92, Secretary/Treasurer
Caley Castelein, MD 99; Neal H. Cohen, MD 71; Edward
R. Conner, MD 00; Timothy J. Crowley, MD 80; Julie
Jacobs, MD 78; Tomas Magana, MD 95; Gary Mizono,
MD; Naomi Nakashima, MD 60; Harlan B. Watkins,
MD 63; William Kapla, MD, President, Association of the
Clinical Faculty
Editor Emeritus, Medical Alumni Magazine
Kenneth Fye, MD 68
Lawrence Lustig, MD 91; Gordon L. Fung, MD 79;
David N. Schindler, MD 66; Judith A. Luce, MD 74; 2 Constructing the Future of Medical Education
John Fletcher, MD 57 The technology-rich Teaching and Learning Center, opening next year,
will create an environment like none seen before at UCSF.
7 Playing Patient, Practicing Doctor
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE All the worlds a medical stage for actors and students at the Kanbar Center.
Arul Thangavel, MS3
EX-OFFICIO 8 Private Practitioners Give Back
Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, Chancellor A salute to UCSF volunteer faculty who show budding physicians the ropes.
Sam Hawgood, MBBS, Dean, UCSF School of Medicine
10 Venture Capital Docs
UCSF School of Medicine With their medical savvy and business smarts, these alumni are making
Medical Alumni Association bench to bedside happen.
UCSF Box 0248
INS ET ON T H E C O VER : Architectural rendering of a simulation operating room
San Francisco, CA 94143-0248
at the Teaching and Learning Center.
Tel: 415/476-1591
Fax: 415/476-3264
Website: Contact us! Your letters are welcome. Write to: UCSF Medical Alumni
Magazine, Letters to the Editor, UCSF Box 0248, San Francisco, CA
2010 UCSF School of Medicine, MAA. All rights reserved.
94143-0248. You may also email your letter to:
Please type Letter to the Editor in your subject field.
NEWS Editorial

Dean Named to Primary Care Must Be Saved

Institute of Medicine

he worsening shortage of primary care physicians in
Sam Hawgood, MBBS, dean and
the United States is no secret. However, the extent
vice chancellor for medical affairs
at the UCSF School of Medicine, of the problem was brought home to me recently
was recently elected to the Institute when I found myself in need of a good internist. Being a
of Medicine (IOM), one of the doctor, I was able to find a superb physician willing to take
highest honors in the fields of on my care, but it was clear that it would not have been so
health and medicine. Established in easy were I not so connected to the medical community.
1970, the IOM is the health arm of At the heart of the problem is the lack of young
the National Academy of Sciences
physicians interested in pursuing a career in primary
and is a national resource for
independent, scientifically informed care. There are many reasons why: the pay is
analysis and recommendations on relatively low, the hours are long, the social and ethical
health issues. Membership is responsibilities taxing, the legal and bureaucratic
offered to 65 individuals a year, restrictions oppressive, and the pure magnitude of
elected by the current members required continuing medical education suffocating. More
through a highly selective process and more young physicians are choosing careers that are Kenneth H. Fye
in which candidates are nominated either procedure-oriented or that allow more free time.
for their professional achievement
Is there a solution to the problem of decreasing primary care physicians?
and commitment to service.
In November and December 2008, the New England Journal of Medicine
UCSF Chancellor Named published a collection of perspectives and responses on the future of primary
care. The thrust of the discussion was toward the creation of a team of diverse
among Forbes Most
health care providers, presumably including nurses, dietitians, physical
Powerful Innovators therapists, etc., to provide more efficient primary health care. The physician
Forbes magazines annual feature would manage and accept responsibility for the activities of this team. It makes
on the Most Powerful People sense to have a dietitian help a diabetic with dietary concerns or to have a nurse
included UCSF Chancellor Susan
instruct a patient on the self-administration of adalimumab. In my opinion, a
Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH,
among the worlds seven Most health team would provide a platform for better general health care delivery.
Powerful Innovators. The story that However, the creation of such a team per se would not attract new physicians
appeared in the Nov. 30 issue into primary care, because it would not address the primary problems. It would
called Desmond-Hellmann a hero not de-emphasize the societal value of procedure-oriented sub-specialties
to legions of cancer patients for and would not increase reimbursement for primary or cognitive health care.
her role in the development of the In a June 2009 issue of the New Yorker Dr. Atul Gawande documented
cancer drugs Avastin and
financial abuse apparent in the delivery of health care in the town of McAllen,
Texas. In addition, he explained that a major reason for the rise in health care
Susan Desmond-Hellmann as pictured costs might have been an accumulation of individual decisions made by armies
in Forbes magazine of sub-specialists. The paper contrasted McAllen to the Mayo Clinic, which,
with an emphasis on primary care physicians, used fewer, less invasive
diagnostic studies and had better outcomes than systems with a greater use of
sub-specialty physicians. In fact, what McAllen may need is a cadre of primary
care physicians willing to oversee and manage the care of its populace. In the
final analysis, the only way to attract physicians into the fields of primary care is
to increase the rewards, e.g. financial reimbursements, for such services.
We are suffering through difficult economic times, but we still need primary
care physicians. Finding the resources to make primary care economically
competitive is a sacrifice society has to make.
As usual we encourage any responses or comments to these opinions.

As the magazine went to press,

we learned that Ken Fye died on
March 28. He wrote the editorial
Kenneth H. Fye, MD 68, FACP, MACR above for this issue, and we
include it here as a tribute to Kens
Emeritus Professor of Medicine legacy. He will be greatly missed.
Department of Medicine, UCSF Gordon Fung, MD 79, Editor
Editor Emeritus, UCSF Medical Alumni Magazine Larry Hill, MD 67, President, MAA

medical alumni magazine 1 |

t each i n g a n d l ear n i n g ce n t er

the Future
of Medical Education
By T ina V u

Top right: A student checks

the SimMans pulse.
Background: Floor plan
for the new Teaching and
Learning Center
Inset above: The centers
technology hub

2 spring 2010
We dont want it to with the other four University
of California medical schools,
be business as usual,
would receive funding to
says Kevin Souza, construct space for medical
UCSF School of and telemedicine instruction.
Medicine assistant dean But the Parnassus campus is,
was and always will be limited
for medical education. by land. The ongoing campus
In the new Teaching library space planning committee
and Learning Center at knew, though, of a place that
UCSF, opening January could house telemedicine
education. Through their vision,
2011, not a lot will be. the TLC was born.
On the cramped Parnassus The TLC will occupy the
campus, where static physical second floor of the library as
classrooms are the norm, a vital three functional areas: a
and dynamic educational space is telemedicine, clinical skills
emerging. The new $22 million and simulation training
Teaching and Learning Center facility; technology enhanced
(TLC) will create an environment classrooms; and a technology
like none before at UCSF. commons. The existing Clinical
Using advanced technology Skills Center and the Kanbar
and innovative design, students, Center for Simulation Education
residents and fellows from all the currently located on the Mount
schools will come together to Zion campus will be united
learn preparing them to better under one roof and named in
care for patients in a complex honor of San Francisco-based
changing world. entrepreneur Maurice Kanbar,
Little did the members of a who made the key founding
committee know that such a donation of $2 million.
vision would arise when they Development of the 22,250
gathered in 2005 to investigate square-foot center, which is
the use of library space. part of a larger $35 million
Soon there was a list of all project involving additional
the things that the University teaching sites, began in fall
needed to remain competitive: 2008 but was suspended
more classroom space, due to state budget problems.
advanced technology, capacity The project resumed in October
for increased simulations, 2009 when the University of
health disparities education California reached a funding
and interprofessional activities. agreement with the state of
In 2006, the Telemedicine California. It is scheduled to
and Program in Medical open January 2011. The
Education for the Urban establishment of the Teaching
Underserved Education Facilities and Learning Center will
Initiative a part of California synergize health sciences
Proposition 1D offered a training across the schools and
solution that addressed a manifest an exciting new era for
number of the concerns. our education mission, says
Under this initiative UCSF, along Dean Sam Hawgood, MBBS.

medical alumni magazine 3
t each i n g a n d l ear n i n g ce n t er

Learning Together Part-task simulators stand-alone

body parts designed for training a
More than 2,500 students are specific skill provide practice
expected to utilize the TLC each year opportunities for such intricate
for simulations, telemedicine training maneuvers as intubation, needle
and interprofessional exposure. New insertion and pelvic exams. One of the
curricular development will capitalize three full-body mannequins, Noelle,
on the capacity for students from serves as a birth trainer. Another, the
the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, SimBaby, features realistic infant
Nursing and Pharmacy and the anatomy and functionality. Perry, the
Department of Physical Therapy and SimMan, requires a remote operator
Rehabilitation Science to learn who controls his vital signs and
together. Students from each of the speaks for him. As students alter
schools will gather for exercises and Perrys health by performing the
training to better understand what appropriate examinations and
each health professional contributes treatments, the simulation technician
to the care of patients, and to begin manipulates Perrys body in
working jointly well before their first response. Although even higher-fidelity
day on the job as part of a patient models exist on the market, The
care team. simulators we have are really quite
With its objective of better training extraordinary in what theyre capable
clinicians, the TLC aligns with the of physiologically, Souza says.
School of Medicines mission, Souza Sensors detect the actual level of
says. Its a good fit. airflow through Perrys airway;
barcodes on IV bags are scanned and
Kanbar Center for matched to medications that elicit the
same response in SimMan as their real
Simulation and Clinical drug counterparts would in a human.
Skills Education Scenarios designed specifically
for the simulators also give students
Primum non nocere First, do no the chance to work effectively in a
harm is a basic precept of health health care team and practice how
professionals. The new Kanbar Center to react to life-threatening situations.
for Simulation and Clinical Skills Exercises planned for the center
Education will offer UCSFs students including code blue cardiac arrest
a realistic learning environment responses where students from each
where they can practice clinical and school will work together to revive the
procedural skills on trained actors patient are part of the Universitys
or mannequins without risking harm interprofessional development Convertible
to patients. efforts. By increasing such training
The clinical skills area, directed opportunities for students, the
by Bernie Miller, will feature mock
University is helping ensure better
examination rooms where students outcomes for patients. tables
will work with standardized patients The TLC will be outfitted with
trained actors to practice bedside state-of-the-art recording and Digital classroom
and diagnostic skills. (See Playing monitoring equipment, allowing signage
Patient, Practicing Doctor, page 7.) sessions to be broadcast or reviewed
The number and size of rooms later by instructors and students.
available for clinical skills learning
Three seminar-sized
The recordings will enable increased
and assessment will increase in the feedback to improve student rooms of 48 per room
new space, allowing added flexibility performance.
for multiple use and team-based The center permits a variety of Two large team-based
purposes. simulation settings, from an acute learning rooms
As part of their education at UCSF, care facility to an outpatient clinic.
students work with sophisticated In addition to the exam rooms, the
simulators to learn and refine their
Four operational O
Teaching and Learning Center will
techniques for invasive procedures. feature areas that can serve as a spaces

4 spring 2010
mock operating room, emergency dialogue that will help lead to the best
department and intensive care unit. possible treatment for patients.
The great thing about the new
space is that its flexibility allows us Technology Commons
to make it what we want it to be,
says Michael Quirk, director of the The Technology Commons will be the
Kanbar Center. Many of the rooms hub for faculty and students interested
can convert between task-training use in maximizing the technological
and clinical skills exercises. A lot of capabilities of the center. Designed to
thought was put into the design of support an exceptional web-based
the space for daily use, Quirk adds. instructional environment, the
commons will feature networked
Smart Classrooms multimedia pods equipped with video
creation and editing tools to enable
One of the greatest contributions of collaborative and advanced learning.
the Teaching and Learning Center will The Interactive Learning Center and
be the increase in classroom space. Center for Instructional Technology will
Smart design by architects from relocate to the commons, centralizing
Harley Ellis Devereaux will feature the media-rich educational content
efficient spaces that can easily and expertise available to the campus.
transform to accommodate the many Stand-up computer bars will offer
programs and schools utilizing the quick online access, while lounge
center. Simulators will be able to tuck areas with ample outlets and wireless
into wall storage, exam tables will access will encourage discussion and
collapse under countertops, and room collaboration. The movable furniture in
borders will be drawn and re-drawn the commons can be easily
with sliding partitions. reconfigured, and room dividers will
The center layout also will promote create multi-purpose spaces.
team-based learning. A simulation in
one of the patient rooms can be
projected via LCD screens to groups
of students seated in adjacent The catalyst for the TLC, telemedicine
classrooms. Immediately after the education will play a key role in the
demonstration, students will be able to School of Medicines curriculum.
ask questions whether on procedure, Students will develop the skills to
technique or equipment use thanks use and promote telemedicine and
to center networking. Students will telehealth activities effectively, leading
then be able to work in small groups to increased access to care for
elements and re-create the scenario they just underserved populations.
observed. And because the rooms can Special carts containing high-
be interconnected literally or virtually, definition videoconferencing and
Patient one instructor can observe and telemedicine equipment at the center
dental chairs facilitate a number of groups and affiliated sites will serve as the
simultaneously. main telemedicine resources. The
Emergency In addition, the spaces within the networked clinical exam rooms at
messaging TLC will support interprofessional the TLC will facilitate telemedicine
education. There are currently few simulations. Students will learn to
facilities dedicated to large-group use the technological tools involved
Six rooms of learning that can house resources and the nuances of presenting and
20 per room specific to each of the health examining a patient remotely, including
professions needs. In the new center, providing appropriate camera direction
Four rooms of students from the different schools will to properly view the patient.
24 per room be able to observe simulations and Classrooms are being developed at
discuss complex case studies. Each teaching sites, including San Francisco
of the students unique perspectives, General Hospital and UCSF-Fresno,
One interconnected framed by their specialty, will to further distribute telemedicine
room contribute to an interdisciplinary education. Thus, School of Medicine

medical alumni magazine 5
t each i n g a n d l ear n i n g ce n t er

The establishment of the

Teaching and Learning Center
will synergize health sciences
training across the schools and
manifest an exciting new era for
our education mission.
Dean Sam Hawgood, MBBS

graduates will enter the health care

workforce with the latest skills for serving
rural and underserved populations.
Eventually, Souza notes, as tele-
medicine continues to grow, patients
with limited access to care, such as in
the Central Valley, may be able to see
a specialist in San Francisco without
having to travel.

The Pieces Come

Although construction was delayed,
the extended timeline brought its own
benefits: Building costs have decreased
as a result of the economic downturn
(total expenses may fall substantially
lower than projected), and the technology
designed for the center has improved
since the initial discussions. (For example,
laptop batteries have become so much
more efficient that fewer outlets will be
needed.) These unanticipated changes
have enabled implementation of certain
functions, including high-definition video,
earlier than planned.
The center will be designed with
sustainability in mind and will strive to
achieve the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) certification
At right: Residents and with the U.S. Green Building Council.
students perform UCSF is becoming more creative in
simulation-based exercises
at the Kanbar Center.
how to use its spaces, says Gail Persily,
director of education and public services
Above, from top:
at the library.
exam table converted to
a patient dental chair, At every stage of the TLC from
simulation hospital room, construction to curriculum leaders
media review room representing the different health
Architectural renderings professions have worked together to
by Harley Ellis Devereaux build the strongest educational experience
possible for students. Were leading
by example, Souza says. Advancing
health begins with advancing education.
The Teaching and Learning Center is
where itll happen.

6 spring 2010
Playing Patient, Practicing Doctor
r. T. is in his 60s. He has high blood pressure, patients. Prior to UCSF, Situ worked at a health center in
high cholesterol, congestive heart failure and East Los Angeles and with squatter communities in the
suffers from depression the last a likely result of Philippines.
his wifes recent death. He is also non-compliant with his There are things I learned in my feedback with SPs that
medications. Ill never forget, she says, including procedural, behavioral
Now what do the students do with that information? and stylistic elements that have benefitted her subsequent
asks David Usner, one of several actors portraying patients.
Mr. T. Usner began performing as a standardized patient One SP asked me a very difficult question that I wasnt
almost 10 years ago in Philadelphia. expecting. He noticed I crossed my legs and turned away,
Standardized patients, or SPs for short, are a core part Situ adds, hunching her shoulders into a semi-fetal position
of the Kanbar Center for Simulation and Clinical Skills in demonstration. I didnt realize I had done that.
Education. The center is currently located on the Mount Usner points out that the feedback SPs give is essential.
Zion campus but will join the Teaching and Learning Center The students cant get that any other place, he says.
in January 2011. The Kanbar Center provides medical Regular patients feel a particular way because of a
students a safe environment in which to practice their doctors behavior. Our job is to identify those behaviors and
doctoring skills before they encounter their first real let the student know what effect that has on the patient.
patients. Feedback can be rare even during rotations, Situ adds.
Standardized patients are used in exercises and clinical Students begin working with standardized patients as
performance exams. The actors spend anywhere from days early as their first year, practicing empathy and physical
to weeks in training with Clinical Skills Director Bernie Miller exam procedures. The complexity of cases and basis for
and faculty on how to personify a particular patient learning evaluation evolve with the students education. For
everything from the characters back story to how to relay example, third- or fourth-year students may find themselves
specific symptoms and evaluate students on procedure. practicing end-of-life care conversations within the
Abiodun Situ, a third-year medical student who served controlled setting of the Kanbar Center.
as Mr. Ts physician, feels her time at the Kanbar Center When people embrace it, its a powerful teaching tool,
has been invaluable despite her previous experience with Usner says.

Below: A medical student performs an exam on a standardized patient at the Kanbar Center
for Simulation and Clinical Skills Education. At right: simulation debriefing room

medical alumni magazine 7
v o l u n t eer c l i n i ca l facu lt y

Private Practitioners Give Back

By k ate vo l k man

ake yourself back to when you were a medical student in your second
year, beginning to wonder what the future holds. Youre curious what
specialty youll choose will it mesh well with your other life plans?
What will it be like to work in private practice to interview and diagnose
real patients? You want to ask someone, but who do you ask?
Volunteer clinical faculty. What volunteer clinical faculty provide is a
window into what a practice is like, says David Irby, PhD, vice dean for
education. First- and second-year students can learn all the basic science
information, but it doesnt tell them what its like to actually apply that in the
care of real patients.
There are just 2,000 full-time paid faculty in the UCSF School of
Medicine, and approximately 3,100 volunteer clinical faculty. They teach not
only medical students but also residents and fellows in the classrooms and
clinics of UCSF, and in their own practices.
They are committed to teaching at least 50 hours per year, but often go
above and beyond. A recent survey conducted by the Association of Clinical
Faculty shows 868 clinical faculty contributed 116,310 total teaching hours
for the 2008-2009 academic year an average of 133 hours per respondent. Roger Hoag, MD 50
If the University were to pay those members of the volunteer faculty for their
Specialty: Ob/Gyn
time, it would translate to almost $12.5 million in salaries, or 56 full-time
faculty equivalents. Lives: Berkeley
The benefit to students being trained by clinical care physicians is Reason he served on clinical
paramount. Second-year student Tim Schmidt says, The volunteer clinical faculty: I just thought it was
faculty member who has made the greatest impact on my medical something I could do and should do.
education thus far was my preceptor. Jacqueline Nemer, MD, a physician
in the Emergency Department at UCSF Medical Center, balanced managing Hoag volunteered from the time he
a full department and providing quality clinical education. Schmidt recalls completed his residency in 1958 until
talking over what a patient with suspected pulmonary embolism needed he retired in 1996 with clinical
to consider, and what we were considering from a medical standpoint. professor emeritus status. In addition
Then I got to witness her have a whole conversation with this very anxious to spending 1.5 days per week in the
patient. I just learned a lot from how she handled that. clinic on Parnassus, every January or
Irby confirms, They are a critical aspect of students becoming doctors. February Hoag took a hiatus from his
The bottom line is the contribution of the volunteer clinical faculty is huge. private practice and spent the whole
Theyre incredibly valued by the school. We could not run our educational month working alongside and teaching
programs without them. residents at San Francisco General
At right is a glimpse at four volunteer clinical faculty who also are alumni Hospital. Now thats clinical faculty,
of the UCSF School of Medicine. declares his wife Silvija, MD 52.
In 2001 he received the Charlotte
Baer Award, the ACFs highest honor
given in recognition of outstanding
clinical faculty contributions to the
School of Medicine.
Now hes cut back and just attends
grand rounds in the Department of
Obstetrics, Gynecology and
Reproductive Sciences every week.
He practiced in Berkeley and delivered
more than 4,000 babies over the
course of his career at Alta Bates
Hospital. The third floor maternity
ward is named for him the Roger
Many members of the volunteer clinical faculty belong to the Association of Clinical Hoag Family Center.
Faculty (ACF). At the November 2009 ACF Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet are (from
left) 2009 Special Recognition Award recipients Donald Kay, Camilla Lindan and William
Good; Dean Hawgood; and the 2009 Charlotte Baer Award recipient John Callander.

8 spring 2010
David Schindler, MD 66
Specialty: Otolaryngology
Works: San Francisco
Reason he serves on clinical faculty: If there were no clinical
faculty, there would have been no residency in ear, nose and
throat when I trained. I like teaching residents because I learn more
from them than they learn from me. Im always being challenged.
Schindler runs his otolaryngology practice with his brother Brian, MD 74, and
three other doctors who all serve as volunteer clinical faculty at UCSF. Its a fact of
which Schindler is proud. Its also a tradition begun by the Schindlers father, who
was on clinical faculty from the 1940s until his death in 1983, including a few years
as interim chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology.
Every Friday morning Schindler heads to the clinic and spends at least four to
five hours with students and residents. In addition, he always welcomes them to join
him at his office in the Union Square area of San Francisco.
He is a past president of the Medical Alumni Association and is the president
of Hearing Research Inc., a foundation that in part supports the UCSF School
of Medicine.

Erica Goode, MD 77 Rashmi Dixit, MD 91

Specialty: Internal Medicine emphasizing prevention through nutrition Specialty: Rheumatology
Works: San Francisco Works: Walnut Creek and
Reason she serves on clinical faculty: The word doctor is derived from a word San Ramon
that means teacher. Reason she serves on clinical
faculty: I love to teach and want
Goode entered medical school at the age of 33 and feels grateful to have been
to give something back to an
accepted, and well taught, especially by clinical faculty. In return, since 1984,
institution that was pivotal in my
she has spent more than 200 hours per year teaching the Foundations of Patient Care
medical training. Ive always
(FPC) class for first- and second-year students, in collaboration with a non-physician.
enjoyed the atmosphere at UCSF.
I enjoy watching students grow into collaborators in learning in this homeroom for
medical students, she says. We had nothing like that when I began at UCSF in 1973. By the time Dixit entered medical
Often wed have lectures from some distracted researcher who seemed annoyed at school at UCSF, she was married
having to spend an hour talking to us. Its splendid to note the evolution of teaching with a child. Although she had
quality at UCSF, and the integration of classroom and lab topics with the FPC always hoped to work as a
introductory course. clinician-scientist, she opted to
As a nutritionist, too she received her MPH in nutrition from UC Berkeley work in private practice for the
Goode wants to ensure UCSF medical students receive education that incorporates sake of her family. But she has
nutrition. In addition, she volunteers to raise scholarship funds from her classmates kept her feet wet by attending
for current medical students. clinic regularly since 1996, and
strongly believes in the value of
having clinical faculty teaching
medical students, residents
and fellows.
Their learning in the clinics
is enhanced by interacting with
physicians who are practicing
in the community, says Dixit.
In addition to sharing her
knowledge, Dixit loves learning
from the residents and fellows.
I enjoy discussing interesting
cases with them. They have
sharper, more inquisitive minds
and are going to look at things a
little bit differently.

medical alumni magazine 9
i n ves t me n t i n INNO V A TION

The pursuit of translational

medicine the conversion
of scientific discovery
into patient care has
largely defined UCSFs
mission in the 21st century.
New Chancellor Susan
Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH,
wants UCSF to be nothing less

than the world leader in this
arena. From the Mission Bay
biomedical research campus
to new educational programs

in clinical and translational
research, the push is on.
But the seeds for this

mission were planted long
ago and carried forth by many
educated at the UCSF School
of Medicine. These graduates
By A nne Kavanag h have pursued the same goal
through careers in biotech-
nology or pharmaceuticals or
an interwoven path of both.
And some alumni have
chosen a particularly potent
route venture capital. By
investing in and advising
biotech, pharmaceutical and
other medical start-ups,
they are catalyzing innovations
that will improve the health
of millions. Meet five alumni
whose medical education
and training launched them
on the road to venture.

10 spring 2010
Big picture, firm McKinsey & Company. In 2002
she moved into venture capital, first
that was very concrete evidence of
what was possible.

big impact with Flagship Ventures and then

Frazier Healthcare Ventures in Menlo
Park, Calif., where she is part of the
Castelein, a former investment
banker, was equally captivated by the
Bay Areas churning dot-com activity.
Shelley Chu, MD 00, PhD 98 biopharmaceutical team. At one point he recommended
Even in the whirlwind world of biotech Chu says her role as a venture that Dalal purchase stock in Cisco.
investing, its been an exciting few capitalist is often to provide the big I thought he was talking
months for Shelley Chu, a principal picture. Entrepreneurs or scientists about cooking oil, Dalal
can be focused on only the step laughs. Caley was
with Frazier Healthcare Ventures.
directly in front of them, she explains. unique in med school;
In 2005 Chu and her firm invested
We help guide them strategically he was clever enough to
in Cerexa, a company developing
to think about not only the correct be parallel processing.
drugs to treat hospital-based
clinical trials to achieve proof of After graduation the
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
concept for both the medical and friends parted ways,
aureus (MRSA) infections. A strain of
investor community, but also what Castelein to an internship
staph known as the superbug,
the market will look like in five years, in ear, nose and throat at
MRSA is resistant to many antibiotics.
what reimbursement will be like, UCSF and Dalal to a surgery Anupam Dalal
After completing a successful
how to navigate the FDA, and how residency at Brigham and
phase 2 trial, Cerexa was acquired
to partner or sell. We help them put Womens Hospital in Boston.
by Forest Labs the next year for
it all together. Castelein soon realized he was more
$480 million. The same
I leverage my UCSF background interested in thinking about medicine
management team
every single day, she adds. I than practicing it. Venture capital
then started Calixa learned so much there. Not only the beckoned as an ideal path.
Therapeutics in fundamentals of science and medicine Meanwhile Dalal earned an MBA at
2007. This time but how to ask the right questions Harvard Business School while on a
their drug target and how to listen. break from his training. A summer job
was virulent with a venture capital firm sealed his
Capitalizing fate. I got hooked and never went
pathogens, a back to the OR, he says.
growing problem

on timing
In 2006 Dalal joined Castelein and
in intensive care his two partners at Kearny Venture
Shelley Chu units. It was Partners. The San Francisco firms
again a real unmet
need, says Chu. In December 2009
Calixa was acquired by Cubist
and training portfolio runs the gamut from
companies developing therapies for
anemia, pain and cardiovascular
Pharmaceuticals in a deal worth up Caley Castelein, MD 99, and disease to those creating devices for
to $402 million. Anupam Dalal, MD 98, MBA prevention of stroke and repair of
The chain of liquidity events for Caley Castelein and Anupam Dalal heart valves.
Frazier Healthcare Ventures was attended UCSF during a perfect storm Intellectually its an incredibly
rapid even by Silicon Valley standards. of opportunity, and they are still riding stimulating place to be, says Dalal.
Thats what I love about this job, it out today. We are seeing the best entrepreneurs
she says. With venture you can make When they and scientists coming up with ways to
bench to bedside happen. We are started change the world.
taking a medicine forward that medical Its also a daily tsunami of medical
patients really need. school in information one minute they are
The desire to have a broad impact 1994, the hearing about a novel approach to
quickly prompted Chu to transition AIDS ward hypertension, the next about a new
from physician-scientist to venture at San ablation catheter for lung cancer.
capitalist. Her first inkling of that Francisco Both count on their research-rich
impact came when she co-founded General UCSF education to ground and guide
and organized the first Mini Medical Hospital was their decisions. The incredible
School at UCSF. It was a sold-out Caley Castelein experience at UCSF formed the
full of dying
event. I realized I could do something patients. As they foundation for thinking about science
other than the straight route and still began their clinical clerkships in and data that is critical to our work
help a lot of patients, she says. 1996, Crixivan, the first protease today, says Castelein.
After graduating with an MD and inhibitor, was approved. Within a They split their time between
PhD in biochemistry, Chu honed her very rapid window, we had access to helping their businesses with the nuts
business acumen at the consulting a miracle drug, says Dalal. For me, and bolts of execution and seeking

medical alumni magazine 11
i n ves t me n t i n INNO V A TION

the next ripe opportunity. The trick commercializing PCR, a method to the line asked if he wanted to run an
in venture is to find the idea that generate millions of copies of a endocrinology drug development
represents a paradigm shift, but not specific DNA sequence that won its program at Syntex Corporation.
a radical one, says Castelein. inventor the Nobel Prize and is now Syntex was an exciting place to
Right now kidney disease is on their ubiquitous in medical research and be, he recalls. The company was in
radar. Its the next big epidemic, laboratory medicine. the middle of developing what would
says Dalal, citing its link to cardio- A series of senior management become the blockbuster drug for pain
vascular disease, a rampant problem and chief executive roles followed relief, Naprosyn. He jumped at the
in the U.S. with Chiron Diagnostics, Onyx chance to move closer to his original
Though he misses the operating Pharmaceuticals, diaDexus LLC and passion, research.
room, Dalal sums up their sentiments Epoch BioSciences. Gerber joined Strand ran clinical trials at Syntex,
about Kearny Venture Partners: I feel Bay City Capital in San Francisco in then served as director of market
we are giving back to patients in a 1999 and manages investments in research and director of marketing
different way. Hopefully well make an the life sciences industry. planning. One of his most important
impact at the end of the day. Its fascinating, he says. If you roles was as vice president of clinical
like to learn something new every and regulatory affairs at Syntex

Synthesizing day, you will definitely thrive in this

business. On average he reads two
Laboratories. Engrossed by the
challenge of business, he went to

science and
to three business plans a week from night school at Santa Clara University
among the many hundreds that flood for his MBA. I enjoyed helping
the firm each year. people direct their research toward a
business He and the other partners quickly
reject most ideas and knock out
product where there was
a big medical need,
others following due diligence. he says.
William Gerber, MD 71 Gerber ticks off the many reasons An offer to
A word keeps popping up as Bill why: entrepreneurs are nave about head up a
Gerber describes his career in venture how much money they will need, small biotech
capital fun. stiff competition, limited market, company lured
You are constantly seeing new issues with intellectual property or him away from
ideas, new treatments, new science, licensing. Sometimes its a great Syntex. He left
he says. You get to talk to very bright, technology, but we know no one after a short
talented people. And you get to see will pay for it, he says. Ultimately time to become
the latest developments in medicine Bay City Capital invests in less than president and CEO L. James Strand
long before they are commercialized. 1 percent of the companies that of a start-up surgical
All of it great, great fun. seek financing. laser company and
For Gerber its also an ideal Part of the winnowing process then president of a biomedical
synthesis of science, medicine and includes picking the brains of fellow marketing and product development
business, themes that have defined his physicians, a favorite aspect of his job. consulting firm.
path. After serving as director of the He speaks with both key opinion In 1986 he joined Institutional
Family Practice Residency Program leaders (KOLs), who tend to be Venture Partners in Menlo Park. Over
at San Francisco General Hospital, academics, and practicing physicians. the next 25 years, he led a slew of
he practiced as an emergency room Generally if the KOL says its going to successful investments in start-up
physician before launching be a wonderful innovation and the biotech, medical device and medical
a company to establish, doctor says, I could use that services companies. While there are
manage and staff tomorrow, youve got a winner. too many to list, one he cites as
urgent care centers. particularly meaningful is Aviron, which

After selling the produced Flumist, a nasally applied
business he dove into flu vaccine useful with children.
biotech at one of the Moving from bench to beside is
earliest firms, Cetus
Corporation. Gerber in people such a complicated process, Strand
says. From a venture capitalist point
was at Cetus just two of view, the most important thing is
weeks when a scientist there L. James Strand, MD 66, MA, MBA finding great people to work with.
William Gerber
approached him about a One day Jim Strand got a call from Many times the initial application of a
new technology. He said out of the blue. It couldnt have come technology turns out not to be the
PCR [polymerase chain reaction] was at a better time. best thats more the rule than the
going to revolutionize science. I Back then his days were filled with exception. You invest in smart people
thought he said CPR, Gerber laughs. conducting routine exams for colds because they figure out a way to
He went on to lead the team and ear infections. The recruiter on make it work.

12 spring 2010

In the Trenches
with Robert Roe, MD 66
Whats it like to spend a career in
the vortex of biotech and pharma
both big and small?

On trends in biotech...
obert Roe needed a job.
That rather mundane fact launched him into a career
that has been anything but. Hes helped shepherd 19
drugs to market, led biotech companies and is now developing
With health care reform and the a therapeutic for psychotic depression. I never found a project
I didnt like, he says.
challenges of reimbursement, Roe originally planned on a career in academic medicine.
I think there is going to be a trend He joined the faculty at UCSF but research dollars were tight,
so he opted to try private practice. Six months later, feeling
toward innovative new medicines. restless, he left. He was applying for academic posts again
But investors will still be looking when his classmate, Jim Strand, called about a position at
for clinical proof of concept. Syntex Corporation. They needed someone to supervise a
clinical project.
Shelley Chu, MD 00 I assumed it would be for a year, two at most, says Roe.
He stayed for two decades.
Roe eventually became president of the development
From a sheer disease prevalence research division. All the drugs were fascinating, he says,
perspective, everyone is focused from analgesics to antiviral therapies. He restructured the drug
on cancer, cardiovascular disease, development process to improve efficiency. By performing
various developmental activities in parallel, reducing the
obesity and diabetes. Also, the companys drug programs from 20 to 6, and other measures,
power of gene sequencing is starting Roe knocked half a dozen years off the research process.
It became quite clear to me that if you focus on valuable
to bear fruit, with some pretty
therapeutics and you can get them approved, then you can
interesting platforms. have an impact on millions of people, he says.
Caley Castelein, MD 99, When Roche bought Syntex in 1994, Roe was laid off.
This time his unemployment served as a springboard into
and Anupam Dalal, MD 98
biotech. He ran or helped lead several firms developing anti-
inflammatory medicines and oral vaccines before joining
The whole area of gene sequencing Corcept Therapeutics as president in 2001.
Corcept is deep into phase 3 studies of a drug that
and understanding how genes are modulates the effect of cortisol and will be used to treat
regulated is exploding. It is going to psychotic depression and Cushings syndrome. Today one of
have a profound impact on medicine. the treatments for psychotic depression is electroconvulsive
therapy, which can cause permanent memory loss, and there
William Gerber, MD 71 is no approved drug for Cushings syndrome. The patient
need for Corcepts new drug is profound, and for Roe, that is,
as always, a driving force.
The glory days of biotech as a
start-up industry are probably over.
Im sure there will be many more
successful start-up companies, but
more and more biotech is being
incorporated into mainstream large
pharmaceutical companies.
L. James Strand, MD 66

medical alumni magazine 13
Y o ur M E D I C A L A L U M NI A S S O C I A TION

Tell Us Your Story To join the MAA, visit
Dear Fellow Alumni, To contact the MAA, email
As promised, much has changed since my first letter to you in the
fall of 2009. Your representatives on the Medical Alumni Association
Board changed the term of officers in the bylaws and have asked me
to be the first president to serve a two-year term.
I am honored to do so. Story Submission
You may remember the article Engrossing
Anatomy from the fall 2009 issue of the Guidelines
UCSF Medical Alumni Magazine. It outlined
Stories should be no more than
the history of anatomy instruction at UCSF and
600 words and may be edited
how it has changed since 2000. Most of us
recall memories of that important class and the for UCSF style. You may also
professors who taught it. On behalf of the editors send a photograph of yourself,
of our magazine, I invite you to write your most either current or from your medical
memorable experience of anatomy class and send school days. For best print quality,
it to us. It may be selected for publication in an upcoming issue of the photos should be high resolution
magazine. By way of encouragement, I have included one of mine. 300 pixels per inch or larger.
It was a sunny Friday in the late morning. The members of the Class Email to:
of 1967 were in the anatomy lab getting to know their cadavers. I
Mail to: Editor, UCSF Medical
excused myself to go into the hall and make a 10-cent call on the pay
Alumni Magazine, UCSF Box 0248,
phone to my girlfriend. I dialed a couple of times and after each attempt
the automated voice told me there were no lines available. It didnt occur San Francisco, CA 94143-0248
to me to wonder what that was all about, and I returned tableside to
pick up my scalpel and get to work.
Ten minutes after I returned, our beloved professor, Ian Monie,
chairman of the Anatomy Department and director of the first-year
anatomy class, came into the lab. I dont remember his exact words
but the message was, President Kennedy has been shot in Dallas.
I dont remember if our president was already dead or whether he was
on his way to the ER at Parkland Hospital. I do remember there were no
shouts or cries of hysteria in the classroom, only mumblings of sadness
and surprise.
I still remember the eerie quiet.
And, I remember that a mere minute or two later, many of our
classmates returned to their dissections. Not many more minutes elapsed
when the question of whether the anatomy test, scheduled for Monday,
would go on as planned or whether it would be postponed. We soon
learned that the exam, like the NFL games of that weekend (but not the
AFL ones), would proceed on schedule. I remember being surprised,
confused and dismayed that normal activity did not pause longer to
honor the man many of us admired so much.
I know that my memory of this cardinal event in my life may
not be identical to that of others in the room on that 22nd of
November in 1963. However I hope it will inspire you to record and
send important memories from your experiences in and around the
anatomy lab.

Lawrence Hill, MD 67
MAA President

14 spring 2010
1940s n William E. Junkert
Jr., MD 55, retired, is
active in choral music
n Charles C. Hedges, MD 49,
groups, cooking and
works part time verifying blindness
travel. He and his wife,
pension applications in Sun City, Ariz.
Joy, have two children
n Grace M. Waldrop, MD 49, a and eight grandchildren.
retired ob-gyn, lives in Camarillo, Calif.,
n H. Mark Kline Jr., MD 55 (below),
with her sister.
retired to Palm Springs, Calif., and stays

busy enjoying the desert, wildflowers,
bird-watching, traveling and serving on
several homeowner committees.
n Jacquelin Perry, MD 50 (below),
a retired orthopedic surgeon, continues
to work with the Polio Clinic and Patho-
kinesiology Laboratory at Rancho Los
Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, and the complexity involved. He was honored
recently finished the second edition of Gait and elected to honorary status by the
Analysis, Normal and Pathological Function. UCLA Department of Psychiatry.
n Roy S. Wagner, MD 55, a retired
psychiatrist, lives in Napa, Calif., with
his wife, Mignon. They have five children,
n Samuel R. Leavitt, MD 55, a retired
23 living grandchildren and six great-
pediatrician, consults in the Adolescent
grandchildren. They are active members
Clinic at UCSF one afternoon a week.
of the LDS Church and enjoy traveling,
He and his wife, Thea, celebrated their
water aerobics, golf, movies, reading,
54th anniversary in April. He stays active
photography and dining out.
with tennis, music and roses.
n Daniel N. Berez, MD 59, lives in
n Stephen Plank, MD 55, lives near
Studio City, Calif., with his wife, enjoys
n John Van Peenen, MD 54, lives in San Rafael, Calif. He writes, For me,
cooking at home, attends CME courses,
Cascade Manor in Eugene, Ore., with his life has been and continues to be good.
dances two-step and swing, plays the
wife, Linda. I hope thats true, too, for you other
electric bass with his grandsons and
survivors of the Class of 55.
n Mathea Reuter Allansmith, MD 55, takes two cruises a year.
was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus n Wallace Sampson, MD 55, and his
n Allen B. Casebolt, MD 59, lives
Award for Career Achievement from the wife, Rita, have been married 53 years,
in Rocklin, Calif., with his wife, Jane.
Schepens Eye Research Institute, which is and have five sons and nine grandchildren.
They travel to Florida and South Carolina
affiliated with Harvard Medical School. In his retirement Sampson founded and
frequently to see their children and
She completed her ninth marathon in edited The Scientific Review of Alternative
Honolulu in December. Medicine, a journal for the scientific
analysis of anomalous medical claims, n Milton C. David, MD 59, writes,
and still investigates and writes I have been retired for 10 years and love
on the subject. it. He and his wife, Carol, have two sons,
two daughters and three grandsons.
n Lee Smith, MD 55, writes, It took
several years to adapt to retirement but n Gerald C. Hays, MD 59, practices
now I seem as busy as ever. I have fond two days a week at the Cal Poly
memories from all the years at UC and Pomona Student Health Center during
from practice. I hope all of you can look the academic year. He writes, Semi-
back with equal delight. retirement is great. I would have done it
n Thomas Daane, MD 55, writes, Much after graduation if Id had any money.
n Leon I. Sones, MD 55, and Gittelle
of what goes on in our lives right now have been married for 58 years and have n John J. Kao, MD 59, writes,
revolves around our four children (above) three sons and seven grandchildren. Muriel and I are planning our third
of whom we are very proud. We are in the He continues to work as a psychiatrist overseas golfing trip, which includes the
same location in Lafayette (almost 40 and is a member of the Westside 10,000-foot-elevation Jade Dragon Snow
years) where we continue to have family Neuroscience Group, which reviews Mountain Golf Club in western China.
gatherings. We would love hearing from current literature that attempts to integrate We both golf twice a week despite the
any of you: psychiatry and neuroscience despite fact that I am still trying to break 100.

medical alumni magazine 15
1960s working part time, as well as pursuing
interests in travel, music and family.
Happily married for 40 years with two
n Marvin D. Call, MD 60, lives part
lovely daughters one who has given us
time on the Hopi Indian reservation in
two delightful young grandchildren, and
northeastern Arizona in the village where
one whose work in Italy gives us the
his wife, Jean, was born and raised.
their four grandchildren (above) grow up, perfect excuse to visit Europe each year.
They travel a lot and spend much of
their time with their eight grandchildren. traveling and catching up on home projects. n Ronald B. Rushford, MD 64, is the
He writes, If any of my classmates are n Reed E. Miller, MD 60, writes that medical director for Solano Regional
visiting the Southwest, we would love he spends a good Medical Group. He has two grandchildren.
to have the opportunity to show you deal of time trying to n Ronald H. Wojnas, MD 64, is a
around the reservation or the Land of learn things he didnt pediatrician in Kennewick, Wash.,
Enchantment (New Mexico). have time for in specializing in ADHD, mood disorders,
college, such as ODD and similar parental challenges with
philosophy, religion, kids ( He has six
linguistics, history, kids and eight grandchildren, all of whom
math and calculus, he has taught to ski in Alta, Utah.
etc., with the help of The Teaching
n Blair S. Edwards,
Company, a series of lectures that he
MD 65, a retired
listens to while on the treadmill.
ophthalmologist, lives in
Santa Barbara, Calif. He
recently embarked on a
43-day cruise from Hong
Kong, across the Indian
n John P. Geyman, MD 60 (above), Ocean, to Cape Town, South Africa.
focuses his research, writing and teaching
n David C. Hurwitz, MD 65, works
on health policy and health care reform.
one day a week at the Oxnard Clinic,
He writes, This has led to seven books
n Naomi Nakashima, MD 60 (above), which has no full-time rheumatologist.
on our failing health care system. The
a retired pediatrician, is a docent at the He writes, After 26 years of a very hectic
most recent are Do Not Resuscitate:
California Academy of Sciences in Golden practice, I have enjoyed the last 10 years
Why the Health Insurance Industry Is
Gate Park and writes, It has been good of part-time work with less responsibility.
Dying and How We Must Replace It and
exercise for my brain and hopefully a He and Cindy have two children and
The Cancer Generation: Baby Boomers
deterrent to developing Alzheimers. I one grandchild.
Facing a Perfect Storm.
especially enjoy introducing natural history n Geoff Nunes, MD 65, has presented
n Bob Irwin, MD 60, a to our young school groups. six historical papers at the Pacific Coast
retired anesthesiologist,
n David L. Swanson, Surgical Association meetings since
enjoys spending time with
MD 60, retired Army col., his retirement and has traveled to about
his grandchildren.
is living in Walla Walla, 70 countries. He and his wife, Susan
n Don L. Jewett, MD 60, though Wash. (below), have been married 49 years and
retired from practice and the have three sons and seven grandchildren.
n Vincent S. Yuen, MD 60, and wife,
full-time faculty at UCSF,
still does research on brain Kim Yuen, BS 61, have three children and
activity using a new six grandchildren.
technique he developed. n Robert M. Dryden, MD 64,
He is collaborating with MDs at UCSF to practices full-body cosmetic surgery and
find clinical applications for these findings. eye and facial reconstructive surgery in
n Leonard M. Lipman, MD 60, retired
Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz. He and his
at the end of 2004, after a 36-year career wife, Laurie, breed Arabian horses in
Tucson and Harrison, Neb. He has three n Robert A. Shain, MD 65, treats
as an endocrinologist with special interest patients with general psychiatric problems,
in intensive insulin therapy. He has three children and three grandchildren.
including addiction, in a private practice
children and one granddaughter; his n Lawrence E. Nelson, MD 64, and
with offices in Santa Monica and Malibu,
daughter and granddaughter live nearby. his wife, Jean, spend their time traveling
Calif., and is the medical director for
n Robert C. Lim Jr., MD 60, an
between Dickson, Tenn., Seattle and
Magellan Behavioral Health. He and his
emeritus professor in the UCSF Phoenix, where their children live.
wife of 30 years, Genny, have three
Department of Surgery, teaches residents n Robert J. Riopelle, MD 64, writes, daughters, seven grandchildren and a son
one day a week. He and Carolee still After 40 years practicing office-based who attends UC Hastings College of the
live in the Bay Area and enjoy watching psychiatry in San Francisco, I still enjoy Law in San Francisco.

16 spring 2010
n Robert N. Wells, MD 65, divides
his time between Walnut 1970s n Allen Krohn, MD 70, is the medical
consultant to State Compensation
Creek, Calif., and Incline n Jim Buxman, MD 70 (below), Insurance Fund in Redding, Calif. He is
Village at Lake Tahoe. continues to enjoy family practice in active in his community with the Rotary,
He volunteers for San Portland, Ore., having completed 35 Chamber of Commerce, mayoral
Francisco Performances, years with no plans to retire. commissions and community service
UC Berkeley Alumni agencies, and is chairman of the Shasta
Association, the Lake County Air Quality Management District
Tahoe Music Festival Hearing Board.
and the Sand Harbor
n Leslie Laird, MD 70, is self-
Shakespeare Festival.
employed doing accounting for small
He also attends Commonwealth Club
businesses and has
and World Affairs Council programs.
raised two children.
n A. Brent Eastman, MD 66, was She writes, Among
elected chairman of the Board of Regents other things, Ive
of the American College of Surgeons traveled (New
during the annual Clinical Congress in Zealand, France,
October 2009. A general, vascular and Japan, Scandinavia,
trauma surgeon, he is chief medical officer Mallorca and twice to
of Scripps Health and the Paul Whittier China), danced hula,
endowed chair of trauma at Scripps run marathons, sung in a chorus, and
Memorial Hospital La Jolla, Calif. He is n Marty Cohen, MD 70, writes, enjoy photography and tending my
also a clinical professor of surgery-trauma I am mostly retired vegetable garden.
at UC San Diego. from full-time pediatric
n H. Trent MacKay, MD 70, is chief of
practice and work
n Stephen L. Davis, MD 69, works the Contraception and Reproductive Health
occasionally in my
part time for the VA Medical Center Branch at NICHD/NIH, the single largest
old practice in Arizona
in Martinez, Calif., and part time at source of funding for contraceptive
(about a week every
Kaiser Permanente Richmond Urgent research in the world. He continues to
other month). I am
Care Center. actively practice in the Department of
happily pursing my
n Lorraine J. Day, MD 69, owns a interests in photography and website Obstetrics and Gynecology at National
medical publishing company, Rockford development and recently participated Naval Medical Center and teach as a
Press Inc., which produces videos, DVDs, in my first art show and sale in Carmel professor of ob-gyn at the Uniformed
CDs and books on alternative medicine. Valley, Calif. My photography website is Services University of the Health Sciences.
She writes, Please visit my website at He is very active in the family planning community in the U.S. and internationally.
n James Gottesman, MD 70, semi-
n Dan Miller, MD 69, writes, My retired from full-time
semi-retired life is full and happy, and clinical practice as
yes, I am still married to Maxine. Golf and chief of Urology at
skiing and dirt bike trail riding have been Swedish Medical
my hobbies, as well as taking care of our Center in Seattle,
cabin in the mountains. started a vasectomy-
only clinic. He and his
n Michael T. Peterson, MD 69,
wife live on Mercer
writes, 35 years ago I disappeared into
Island in Washington
the Oregon wilderness and began a
and spend winters on
career as a backcountry radiologist. I gave
a golf course in the n Edward Schneider, MD 70, teaches
up the invasive stuff, so now I sit riveted
Palm Springs warmth. anatomy to nursing students at his local
to the monitor all day, misinterpreting all
manner of images and congratulating n Eva Hauer Hewes, MD 70, an community college and continues to work
myself for switching out of internal ophthalmologist, is active on the clinical in surgery. He and his wife, Nancy (above),
medicine and out of emergency medicine. faculty at Stanford and UCSF teaching have two sons and two young grandsons.
oculoplastics, and holds a full-time
n William C. Reeves, MD 69, is n Eileen Z. Aicardi, MD 74, is the
position at Stanford and the VA Palo Alto.
chief of the Chronic Viral Diseases Branch senior partner at Golden Gate Pediatrics.
in the National Center for Zoonotic, n Tim Hurley, MD 70, lives in a restored She writes, I love what I do, which is
Vector Borne and Enteric Diseases Victorian house built in 1903 and works in good because with the downturn in the
at the CDC. His research involves cervical the GI Department at Kaiser Santa Rosa. economy and all five of my sons saying
cancer, sleep disorders, military illness He and Marianne have four children and grad school, I will be working for quite
and chronic fatigue syndrome. five grandchildren. some time more.

medical alumni magazine 17
Class Notes 1970s | continued

n Reginald F. Gipson, MD 74, has an ob-gyn. She writes, My passion for Hitchcock Medical Center: division
extensive experience working in the travel and medical volunteerism has led director of General Ob-Gyn, associate
Caribbean, Asia and Africa and manages me to Guatemala, Bolivia and Kenya. director of GME, and program director
a large international public health program for a preventive medicine residency.
n Ruth Tabancay, MD 79, is an artist
focused on improving maternal, neonatal She also teaches in the MPH program
working with mixed media/fiber sculpture
and child health, and decreasing mortality at the Dartmouth Institute for Health
and computerized Jacquard weaving
and morbidity. He serves as chief of party/ Policy and Clinical Practice. She writes,
whose works are inspired by biologic
director for the John Snow Inc. Research The Connecticut River Valley of Vermont
images as seen under the microscope.
& Training Institute Inc.s Indonesia Health and New Hampshire is an amazingly
She writes, Because of medical school I
Services Program. beautiful place. The quality of life is
have my wonderful husband, amazing
superb, and I work with an incredible
n John (MD 74) and Judy Luce, daughters and the inspiration for the art
bunch of people. I have learned to love
MD 74, live in San Francisco and work that I create.
snow and to appreciate flowers and
at San Francisco General Hospital:

greenery in a whole new way.
John in pulmonary and critical care
as the chief medical officer, and Judy n Peter M. Liljeberg, MD 84, and
in hematology/oncology as director of n Ana Maria Osorio, MD 80, leads his wife, Betsy, live in Palatine Bridge in
oncology services. They have two the first U.S. Food and Drug upstate New York. He writes, Betsy
children, Michael and Caroline. Administration office in South America, and I have ventured abroad on medical
located at the U.S. Embassy in Santiago, mission trips. I have spent time in
n Rick Voakes, MD 75, is a
Chile. She writes, Please feel free to let Tanzania, Dominican Republic and
pediatrician in Bowling Green, Ky.,
folks know that I would be happy to hear Guatemala. It is in these places that I
and a medical activist campaigning
from anyone from our class. My e-mail is become a real doctor again, using
against tobacco and fructose. He is skills learned in residency, unfettered by
president of his county medical
paperwork and insurance companies.
association, and co-founder and
president of the Healthy Weight Kids n Don Schengel, MD 84, enjoys living
Coalition. For the last 26 years, he in Visalia, Calif., and practicing in a small
has been a professional athlete in the orthopedic group. Though half of his time
growing sport of disc golf, holds six is directed toward sports medicine/
world championship titles, and was arthroscopy, he still practices some
inducted into the International Disc Golf aspects of general orthopedic surgery.
Center Hall of Fame. He is the team physician for the local
junior college and a high school.
n Carol Brosgart, MD 77, was
named chief medical officer and senior n Zachary A. Zimmerman, MD 84,
vice president of Childrens Hospital & n Alan Werblin, MD 80, chief of adult is chief of anesthesia at Kaiser Foundation
Research Center Oakland in January. medicine at Kaiser Permanente Medical Hospital in Vallejo, Calif. He writes, I have
Previously she held several clinical roles Center in Vacaville, Calif., continues to play had the opportunity to build an excellent
at Gilead including vice president of blues harmonica under the stage name department, design two new hospitals
clinical research and vice president of Dr. Blues. He and his wife, Tina (above), and I am involved in the design of new
public health and policy. have two children and live in Fairfield with medical equipment that is used at all
their two poodles, Lola Bo and Quincy. levels of care for patients. We are opening
n Lawrence Casalino, MD 79,
n Joanna Wong, a new hospital in Vacaville, and we are
is the division chief of outcomes and
MD 80, is a rebuilding our hospital in Vallejo.
effectiveness research in the Dept. of
Public Health at Weill Cornell Medical pediatrician in n Joel Gallant, MD 85 (below), is a
College in Manhattan. He writes, Manhattan Beach, professor of medicine in the Division of
Margy and I are now grandparents of Calif. Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins,
a 14-month-old and loving that! Our n Charles Albert, MD 84, is a solo-
daughter, Ariana, and her daughter are practitioner in Alabama. He and his wife,
also in NYC. Chris, have three children and four
n Charles Hyde, MD 79, lives in grandchildren.
Chestnut Hill, Mass., just outside of n Daniel A. Egerter, MD 84,
Boston. He and his wife, Joan, have practices pathology in Sacramento, Calif.,
three children. with Outpatient Pathology Associates, a
n Rodrigo H. Manalo Jr., MD 79, small lab specializing in surgical pathology
practiced general pediatrics with Kaiser and cytology, including fine needle
Permanente Vallejo Medical Center. aspiration biopsy.
n Diane Sklar, MD 79, works at n Tina Clark-Samazan Foster, MD
Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco as 84, holds several positions at Dartmouth-

18 spring 2010
focusing on the treatment of HIV infection.
He writes, Ive had some wonderful
Valley Hospital for Touro University
Nevada. He continues to read and run 1990s
opportunities to teach in Africa, India, Latin as much as he can. n Ashish M. Mehta, MD 90,
America and Thailand. I recently published n Judy Schwartz, MD 85, lives in specializes in pediatric ophthalmology and
a book for patients called 100 Questions Oakland, Calif., adult strabismus at Southern California
and Answers about HIV and AIDS, which with her husband, Permanente Medical Group. He writes,
was a lot more fun to write than a journal Rod, and their I have also had the opportunity to go on
article or a textbook chapter. three cats. She medical missions to India every other year
n Susan Hellerstein, MD 85, works has a small for the past 12 years, which reminds me of
as a gynecologist in a multispecialty psychiatric practice how fortunate I am to have the resources
womens health center and takes calls at in Berkeley and is we have as patients and physicians in this
the Brigham and Womens Hospital to also a psychiatrist country. He and his wife, Asha (below),
cover the high-risk OB service. She and at the UC Berkeley have two children, Karina and Shaina.
her husband, John, have three kids, student health
Nellie (19), Andy (17) and Hal (12). care center.
n Steven Lane, MD 85, splits time n Abelardo (Al) Pita, MD 86, grew
between a family medicine practice in a one-man practice into a 12-physician
Palo Alto, Calif., family practice group with two offices,
and a position four nurse practitioners and 60 employees.
with Sutter He also founded an IPA, which integrates
Health where urgent care, subspecialty care, chiropractic,
he helps lead PT and several comprehensive disease
the electronic management services. He opened a
health record senior center with yoga classes, balance
(EHR) programs. therapy, seven-card stud tournaments and
He also works Nintendo Wii stations. He has three
with the Certification Commission for teenage children.
n Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD 90, and
Healthcare IT and other groups supporting n Andrew Calman, MD 89, PhD 89, his wife, Gale (below), have three sons
the broad adoption of EHRs across the has been elected president of the and live in Lexington, Mass. He conducts
spectrum of care. California Academy of Eye Physicians and population-based research and practices
n Cres P. Miranda, MD 85, is an Surgeons for 2010. He teaches at UCSF primary care at Beth Israel Deaconess
interventional and preventive cardiologist as a member of the clinical faculty, has a Medical Center in Boston.
with Nevada Heart & Vascular Center, private practice in the Mission District,
and staff for the internal medicine training and is a single-payer activist. He lives near
programs at University Medical Center Half Moon Bay, Calif., with his children
for University of Nevada, Reno and David (11), Rebecca (10) and Daniel (7).

n Clifford I. Harris, MD 89, hung up his stethoscope in 2001 and is now

working as a fundraiser for Stanford Hospital. He also writes jokes for the Bizarro
comic strip and is writing a childrens book.

n Daniel Pine, MD 90, lives in

Berkeley, Calif., with his wife, Jennifer,
and their two preschool children, Fiona
and Tyler.
n Suzanne Summer, MD 90, writes,
After finishing at UCSF under the
five-year, two-child plan, I completed my
residency in emergency medicine at

medical alumni magazine 19
Class Notes 1990s | continued

Highland Hospital in 1995. Since that time of Northern California and Solano
Ive worked in the Emergency Department Dermatology Associates) and enjoys
at Kaiser Oakland. Ive also headed teaching residents and fellows at UC Davis.
up the intimate partner violence team n Jonathan Vlahos, MD 04, married
there. Im looking forward to pursuing a Melanie in 2008, spent four months
long-term interest by joining the palliative working in Kenya with her, and had a
care/hospice team in 2010. This will be in baby boy in September 2009.
addition to my work in the ER.
n Thomas Tayeri, MD 90, an He and his wife, Jenny (above), have two
ophthalmologist in private practice in
Palo Alto, Calif., stays involved in resident
children, Elan (7) and Mari (5).
Send us
education by attending at the Palo Alto
n Jorge S. Siopack, MD 95, works at
La Clnica de La Raza, a nonprofit your class note
VA hospital. He has gone on surgical and
training missions in Africa and India and
community health clinic in the East Bay
directing comprehensive womens
is in the process of creating a nonprofit services and also works at Santa Clara Your classmates want to know whats
organization to aid in medical delivery Valley Medical Center teaching as an going on in your life. Share your informa-
efforts abroad. He and his wife, Lisa ob-gyn clinical instructor for Stanford. He tion at; mail it to
(below), have three school-aged children. lives in San Francisco with his wife, Alumni Services, UCSF Box 0248, San
Deanna, and two sons, Antonio and Francisco, CA 94143-0248; or email
Alejandro. your news and high-resolution photo to For best print
n David Stoker, MD 95, is a plastic quality, your photo resolution should be
surgeon in private practice in Marina 300 pixels per inch or larger. To include
del Rey, Calif. He and his wife, Sarah as many alumni as possible, class notes
Cosgrove Stoker (below), have two girls, published in this magazine are edited for
Annabelle (7) and Whitney (5). They spend space. To read the full text of each note,
their days playing with the girls, surfing, please visit
running, biking and having a great time.

David M. Ferber, MD 37
Nicholas G. Maximov, MD 40
Paul M. Abrahm, MD 42
n Allen Barkev Nalbandian, MD 94,
Joseph C. Bacon, MD 43
is president of Valley Radiology
F.J. Charlton, MD 46
Consultants in San Diego and founder
William H. Clark, MD 46
and CEO of Womens Imaging Specialists,
John P. Conrad Jr., MD 46
a niche teleradiology company dedicated
Edwin W. Butler, MD 50
to providing subspecialty breast imaging
Douglass S. Cartwright, MD 50
interpretations on a national scale.
Mahlon C. Connett, MD 52
n Kristin Behle Wheeler, MD 95,
lives in Portland, Ore., and works at a
2000s Maurice Rotbart, MD 54
Kenneth B. Bonilla, MD 55
community health department providing n Jennifer Roost, MD 00, a Abdul R. Al-Shamma, MD 56
primary care to underserved populations. gastroenterologist with the Palo Alto Alfred A. de Lorimier, MD 56
She and her husband, Derrell, have a Medical Clinic, and her husband, Mike James O. Trowbridge, MD 57
4-year-old daughter, Clara. Rothenberg, have two daughters, Coral Michael E. Musicant, MD 62
n Jacquelyn Chang, MD 95, a and Camille. Maria G. Benedet, MD 80
psychiatrist in Burlingame, Calif., n Nicolas von dem Bussche, MD 00, Faculty, Housestaff
volunteers as a clinical psychotherapy completed his residency and fellowship at Richard S. Goodman
supervisor for psychiatry residents training UC San Diego and is in private practice at Ralph H. Kellogg
with San Mateo County. She and her Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, Calif., Bernard M. Kramer
husband have two sons. where he reads all imaging modalities but Beverly J. Metcalf
n Brian M. Ilfeld, MD 95, has been specializes in body and breast imaging Morrie Mink
an assistant professor-in-residence at and procedures. Malcolm O. Perry II
UC San Diego since 2006 and spends n Andrea Willey, MD 00, works in Jane M. Rosenzweig
80 percent of his time on clinical research dermatologic surgery in two private Warden B. Sisson
involving postoperative analgesia. practices (Laser & Skin Surgery Center Tien-Sze B. Yen

20 spring 2010
UCSF is grateful to the many alumni who
have contributed to scholarships and so are the
many students whose lives you have touched.
In their own words

Aubrey Gilbert MS 3
The day I opened my 2009-2010 letter from the financial aid
office, I actually cried and then immediately called my parents,
who, although they never would say it outright, have also
been incredibly stressed about the costs of medical school.
Thanks to alumni support, I will realize a lifelong dream to
become a physician.

Francisco Valles MS 3
I appreciate the financial help that you have provided. This
reduction in loan debt gives me more freedom to choose
a field of medicine based on my interests, values and
passions instead of being forced to choose something due
to financial limitations. Regardless of where my final journey
takes me, I will be serving an underserved population.

Bianca Watson MS 4
I am applying for residency in family medicine. I cant tell
you enough how both honored and grateful I am to receive
support from School of Medicine alumni. Your assistance
helped me make a career decision based on my heart rather
than my finances. I will have debt when I graduate, but it will
be much more manageable. I truly appreciate your support.

Thomas Bullock MS 2
Your scholarship assistance has been invaluable. Without
it, concerns for my financial stability would impede my
pursuit to help the undeserved. There is nothing more
important to me than receiving my medical education.
I appreciate your assistance more than I can ever express
to you. Thank you.

To learn more about the importance of student support at the UCSF School
of Medicine, please call 415/476-6341 or email
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UCSF School of Medicine Alumni Weekend

May 7-8, 2010 / Plus 4-hour CME course
Featuring keynote address from Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann:
A Vision of the Future of UCSF
Register today at
For more information about the CME course and
weekend details, email

Celebrate the Past,

Imagine the Future

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