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[ The Voice of Temples ]

ENGLISH `Q uty Rs. 5/-


''`"OQ "< - J~}K ^, WO_
Vol. 18 MAY 2017 No.5
'VAK' is available on



Bomdila: Emphasising the need for religious harmony, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama on Thursday
said India is still the best country to uphold religious harmony and tolerance. Religious harmony is very
essential at a time when the sense of responsibility is lacking. But despite niggles, it is possible in India
the most-populated democratic country. This country has shown the way for thousands of years, he
said while addressing people at the Buddha Park here.
He said all the worlds major religions flourished in India. We are social animals and without a sense of
compassion for each other, we wont be happy. Whether we are religious or not, there is a need for love
and compassion in the world, the Dalai Lama said.
Asserting he was disturbed by terrorism committed in the name of religion, the Dalai Lama said: We
hear a lot about Muslim terrorists, and of late of Buddhist terrorists (Myanmar). But as soon as anyone
indulges in terrorism, he is no longer a Muslim or a Buddhist. Come to think of it, Chinese officials describe
me as a terrorist too. (April 7, 2017 PTI)
CONTENTS Page tNy ............. 16
Editorial ................... 3 umy Ts - 194 ............. 17
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranamam-194 ....... 4
Madhura Vijayam - 67 ................... 7 u\ -67 ............. 20
O^HO ................ 9 Ahobilam and Ahobila Mutt-55 ................. 22
q+<= Q^=o194 .............. 10 News ................. 23
=^~q[O 67 .............. 13 Devotee's Experiences ................. 26

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Recently the Union Government has passed on order banning Red Beacon
lights on cars of VIPs thereby signaling the beginning of the end to the VIP culture
in all walks of life. For this movement against the VIP culture to succeed, we need
to bring an end to the blatant VIP Darshan system in our Temples.
In 1948, the then Governor General of India, Sri Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari
visited Tirumala for Lord Venkateswaras Darshan. From the moment he got down
from his convoy, he pleaded that he be treated like any other Pilgrim and thus
demonstrated his commitment to the discipline of being a true devotee, sacrificing
the privileges he was entitled to, keeping in view his foremost Constitutional position.
Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Justices of the Supreme Court, Commanders-
in-Chief and so on, have demonstrated their respect for the tradition, were readily
willing to be treated like a common devotee.
The insistence on being treated differently - matched only with the willing and
succumbing nature of administrators - and the problem of Special Darshans for VIPs
and the resultant manifold inconvenience to the common devotees has become a
This is the 1000th year of Saint Ramanuja who propagated Temple reforms
and was asserting that everyone is equal in the eyes of the Almighty. He not only
preached this principle but steadfastly practiced the same in his life which stands
as an example for all of us. Any devotee who performs pradakshinas in Chilkur Balaji
Temple cannot do so without being helped to chant Lord's namas in the way that
Sri Ramanuja desired from the Gopuram of Tirukoshtiyur temple from where he made
everyone chant Lords Namas and proclaimed that Moksha (Salvation) was equally
accessible to all devotees. Chilkur Balaji Temple also treats devotees equally by
having no separate darshan queues for VIPs and also no paid arjithasevas following
the ideals set by Sri Ramanuja. Persistent pressure by devotees on the continuance
of these practices propagated by Sri Ramanuja, understandably has been blessed
by the Lord, as revealed by the fact that today, starting from TTD Devasthanam,
Kanakadurga Temple etc. temple administrators are forced to consider the
discontinuance of privileged treatment for VIPs in Temples.
Slowing down the movement of the flow of Pilgrims, sometimes, even stopping
the flow, results in restless pressure being built up - causing commotion and sometimes
unfortunately resulting in stampedes, avoidable deaths and many unpleasant incidents.
whether it is the experience of the earlier Kumbhmelas or the recent unfortunate
incident at the recent Godavari Pushkarams there is only one observation to be
The time has come for us to unite to end the VIP treatment in temples.

There should be no regional boundaries for temples.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 4 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 194

Sri V.S.Karunakaran, Chennai

It was during the Tamil month of Margazhi (Dec When Vinata pleaded to her child to forgive her,
Jan) in 2015-16, I had been to the Divya desa he told her that after five hundred years his brother
Nachiyarkoil, well-renowned for Kal Garuda, to fulfil would emerge from the second egg and would free
my long time dream of reciting Thiruppavai in front her from the slavery. The first child lame by birth came
of the Divine couple, Goddess Vanjulavalli and Lord to be known as Aruna and later became the charioteer
Srinivasa in the morning for the whole month and of the Sun.
getting the satisfaction of performing my duty as One day, the sisters beheld the celestial white
theerthakara of the temple from the family of the horse Ucchaishravas flying in the sky. Vinata said the
descendents of Sri Nadadoor Azhwan Nephew of divine horse was fully white in colour. Kadru said that
Bhagavan Ramanuja. his body was white but his tail was black. They decided
In the evening, I delivered discourse on to lay a bet on this issue with the stipulation that
Thiruppavai daily in the premises of the temple. Many whoever lost would become the others slave. Deciding
school students also attended the discourse. We had to ascertain the colour of the tail the next day, the
arranged a competition for them with cash awards sisters returned home.
to the winners Kadru knew very well that the horses tail was
One of those students was a boy around ten white. But she had other plans. She asked her sons
years old. He was the son of the temples archaka. to go and twist themselves around the tail so that it
I asked him, I noticed that you are coming daily. Do would look black. But the snakes did not want to be
you like the discourse? a part of this trick and were hesitant. Kadru was very
He said, Yes. I like very much. I am very much angry at the disobedience of her sons and cursed
captivated by your novel interpretations and power- that all of them would die in the sacrificial fire of King
point presentations! Janamejaya.
I smiled and asked him, What is your name? When Kashyapa came to know of this, he went
He said, My name is Suvarnabhaksha! to Brahma for help. Brahma said, The snakes are
I told him, You should not spell it as poisonous and wicked and they deserve to die. After
Suvarnabhaksha, it is Suvarnapaksha! much pleading by Kashyapa, Brahma finally told him
I then explained him the meaning of his name. that the snakes that were good would survive.
Suvarna means gold literally .Figuratively it refers to In the meantime, the snakes which got scared
items as attractive as gold. Garuda, who is enshrined after hearing their mothers curse, decided to follow
as Kal Garuda in our temple is called Suvarnapaksha. her orders. They went and entwined around the tail
Paksha means wing. Suvarna-paksha means one with of the horse. The next day, the sisters went to inspect
wing as attractive as gold. Paksha also means the the horse. Observing a black tail, Vinata accepted her
side. So Suvrana-paksha means one in the side as defeat and started serving Kadru and her sons.
attractive as gold. Bhaksha on the contrary means After five hundred years, a huge bird emerged
food. It would mean one who eats Gold. Hiranyakasipu from the second egg of Vinata. This bird was powerful
was the one who ate Gold and dressed in gold So, and it shone brightly, even brighter than fire. He was
if you spell and pronounce your name as Suparna- none other than Garuda. Like his mother, he also had
bhaksha, it will not give the meaning Garuda but the to become the slave of Kadru and her sons. The snakes
meaning of Hiranya Kasipu..! would task Garuda with chores, and Vinata would ask
He then asked me, Why is Garuda called her son to duly oblige.
Suvarnapaksha? Garuda was fed up with being a servant of his
I told him, Kashyapa Prajapati had two wives - stepmother and stepbrothers. He asked his mother,
Kadru and Vinata. Though both were sisters, they were Why are we living like slaves? Vinata told him about
jealous of each other. Kashyapa offered each of them the bet and how she became the slave of Kadru. After
a boon. Kadru said, Let thousand brave and radiant hearing the story, Garuda asked the snakes, I want
sons be born to me. Kashyapa granted her the boon. to free myself and my mother from your bondage. What
However Vinata said, Let two gems be born as sons should I do so that you will free us from our slavery?
to me, who are braver and brighter than even my sisters The snakes replied, If you bring the divine nectar
sons. Kashyapa answered in the affirmative. from the Deva loka that would make us immortal, you
After sometime, Kadru gave birth to a thousand and your mother will be free.
snakes. Vinata laid two eggs and waited for them to Garuda then embarked on an adventurous quest
hatch. But since they did not hatch even after five after getting the blessings of his mother. He also met
hundred years, she got impatient and broke open one his father Kashyapa who was then meditating in the
of the eggs. The child in the egg, which was still half woods and received his blessings. On his way, he
formed, became angry with Vinata for her impatience saved a group of Valakhilya rishis falling upside down
and cursed her that she would become a slave. from the branches of the huge banyan tread on which
he had rested.

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May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 5 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
When he entered the realm of the Devas to claim smile and said, Make yourself small, my dear Garuda!
the nectar, the Devas saw many bad omens there. Garuda made himself very small. The Lord pulled
Sensing that something was seriously wrong, Indra out a Staff and said, This is my Staff. Now climb to
ran to Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Devas. the top of it and sit there. Garuda sat on top of the
Brihaspati said in a rush, Indra, thank God! I Staff. The Lord said, Hereafter You will be my flag!
was about to send for you! We are all in trouble. Garuda regained his original form and bowed
What is it, Acharya? Even during our fight with to the Lord, Lord! You are wise, loving and
the Asuras, I have never seen anything like this! Indra compassionate. I wish to give you whatever you want.
said breathlessly. The Lord said, I wish you to be my vehicle, to
Garuda, Vinatas son is on the way here, Indra! carry me around!
He wants the pot of Nectar! Brihaspati told Indra all Garuda smiled, It would be my honour to carry
about the order of the Snakes and Garudas quest. you around, My Lord! But before that, I have to finish
When he heard Garudas name, Indra turned my job. I have to give the pot of nectar to the Snakes
pale with fear. He hurried back to his own palace and and free myself and my mother from them. Then I
ordered, Summon all the Devas! We are going to will come to You!
wage a war! Lord Narayana blessed him, Go forth Garuda!
Agni said arrogantly, We will have thousand But Indra came back to fight Garuda. Garuda
Devas lined up in the first line of defence. Getting fought bravely and while he was on the verge of
past that itself would be difficult for him defeating Indra, Indra hurled his weapon Vajrayudha
Vayu continued, I think that alone would not be at Garuda. It was the most feared weapon of the Devas.
sufficient. After the line of Devas, I think Surya and But the Vajrayudha didnt do any harm to Garuda.
Agni should both create a wall of fire. It should be He smiled and told Indra in polite words, Oh King
so hot that no one should be able to penetrate it. of the Devas. I respect the sage Dadhichi from whose
Varuna came forward excitedly and said We can backbone this Vajra weapon was made. To honour
keep the pot of nectar in the centre and have two him, I will shed a single feather..
spinning metal wheels with pointed blades around Saying this Garuda dropped a single feather.
so that no one would be able to come close to it. Beholding this act and seeing the beautiful feather,
We will also have two snakes there protecting that the sages felt elated. Some of them said, Let this
area! bird of beautiful feather be called Suparna (one with
The other Devas listened and nodded their heads. fine feathers) feathers as attractive as gold. In oneway
They decided that they were going to crush Garuda. Suparna is virtually the short form of Suvarna paksha
Indra was the only one who felt otherwise, but But the other sages standing beside them asked,
he did not say anything and kept his thoughts to Why should you name him as Suparna? He can be
himself. named as Sundara-parna or Charu-parna or Mohana-
A fierce battle ensued. The Devas attacked Garuda parna, which would also mean one with fine feathers
from all sides. Garuda flapped his wings hard. The only?
air from the wings was so fierce and the dust was The sages said, We, sages, have got our
so high that the Devas could barely see anything. powers from the Vedas. The Lord incarnated as a
Indra asked Vayu to swallow the air and the air swan (Hamsavatara) with beautiful feathers and taught
became clear. The Devas were happy and attacked us the Vedas we had lost . That Swan form of the
Garuda again. Lord is called Suparna the one with fine feathers.
Garuda started to grow larger and in a swoop, Since the same Lord has blessed this Garuda with
he scooped hundreds of Devas in his hands, talons such mighty powers, it would be apt to give the name
and beak and threw them all away. of the Swan form of the Lord to Garuda also. Hence
As Garuda proceeded forward, a huge fire stopped let him be called Suparna!
him. The fire was so hot that he felt severe pain in Garuda is also called Vedatma the
his flesh and was in need of water. He grew to a massive personification of the Vedas.
size, flew back to the earth and sucked water from many Thus the Lord Hamsa, with fine feathers, who
rivers. He then returned to heavens with the water in blessed the sages with the Vedas and the
his mouth and poured the water on the fire. personification of the Vedas, Garuda, with mighty
The wall of fire evaporated and Garuda stepped powers, both are called Suparna.
through the second line of defence. He assumed a Nirukti puts this crisply as:
miniature form and entered the spinning wheel-like
device which was guarding the nectar. He cut the two|no m| Fuo Noz @
fiery snakes into pieces and successfully claimed the o m| Fuo o: @@
pot of nectar. He then grew bigger and bigger and
the metal wheels got shattered when he grew of Those who want to get all the powers which
immense size. a person could get by learning the Vedas, can
Garuda, without consuming even a drop of nectar, accomplish that easily by meditating on the form
rushed back to the abode of the Nagas. The Devas, of VISA Balajee at Chilkur and chanting the name
unable to stop him, sought the help of Lord Narayana.
Suparna. Let us chant
The Lord appeared before the bird and offered
him a boon of his choice. Garuda said, Oh Lord! I Suparnaya Namaha
wish to be above You! The Lord gave a very playful @@m| :@@ !
q=~xO\ P`q=~ J``"#k.
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 6 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

Chant 108 times

FO q #= FO +~H #=
G sue : G Nq :
To keep Evil forces at bay. For overcoming bad times.
^+ #O_ H_H#@. H #O_ q=H O^_xH.

|} q"K# #$O `O Chant one time

1. ^=` H~ ^~O O =^=O 6. ^ =~^O NO ^`~ q^i}O

N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
2. H eOy` "=OQO H<O =~^HO 7. ~Q _`<O, H<=^O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
8. "^ "^O` *O |~^k =Ok`O
3. PO` =^~O OY KH^ ^i}O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
9. W^O ~` x`O |}"K# Ol`O
4. ~}` ~O H^[q+<#O J#$}*` ` ^#O j="`
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
D `x Jx Ji, ^, PiH W|O^`
5. O<^# =` kQOu <#" L#" O =O XHi i KHx
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H e`O aOk.
FO `^ #= G o tz : FO ^` #= G z :
Chant this name to amend soured friendship For issueless couple. O`# H~
or any personal relationship FO q^` #= G uz :
q`` =O OKH=_xH, ^O` Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.
J<#`. P~QH~"# t= H~
Chant one time
Runa Vimochana Nrisimha Stotram
Devataakaarya-siddhyartham Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam
sabhaastambha-samudbhavam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
namaami runamuktaye
Lakshmyaalingita-vaamaangam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
kadrooja visha naasanam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
namaami runamuktaye
mochana samjnitam
Simhanaadena Mahataa Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam sheeghram avaapnuyaat

=Oz"~ x~O`~O `=Hx OK< `O K LO\~.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 7 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

Madhura Vijayam - 67 Sri Ranganatha Travel Part II

Tamil Manuscript : Sree Venugopalan, Chennai English Translation : CSL Narasimhan
Story so far: The story based on the 14th century state. Since both were disguised as Fakirs the villagers
incidents, was written by Sri Venugopalan which is who were seen outside went and locked themselves
based on the historic facts elucidated in Madhura inside the house after seeing these boys. When the
Vijayam composed by Maharani Ganga Devi, Chief boys were in dilemma as what to do , a man came
out from a house opposite to them and took them
Queen of King Kampanaraya. Two young men Vallabha
along with him inside the house. When they entered
and Dutta set out on an expedition to locate the idol of the house, two ladies who were wearing a heavy anklet
Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam, which was saved by came near to them making heavy sound of the anklet
four Kodavas from being ransacked by Muslim and stood in front of them. They sprayed some scent
invaders. After several adventures the two boys, found on them. They threw some flowers and started dancing
the idol along with one Kodava who protected the idol . They were inviting the boys and were showing some
for more than eighteen years deep inside the forest intimate messages through their dance expressions.
of Chandragiri. Lord Ranganatha was brought to Tirumala When Vallabha understood what they are for, he slowly
and King Ranganatha Yadavaraya the ruler of that whispered in Kannada to Duttas ears, Dutta! look
place patronized the upkeep of the idol with daily at the living condition of these people in their own tamil
pujas. Coincidentally Sri Gopanna, commander-in-chief speaking state. They are using these girls (prostitutes)
of the Vijayanagaras mulvoy province reaches Tirumala to satisfy the Sultanate people so that they are
in search of Lord Ranganatha and he promises safeguarded from any danger.
Vallabha to restore Lord Ranganatha to Sri Rangam The man who took them inside came laughing and
with the help of Vijayanagara king. Meanwhile, as a first told them in pardonable voice, Oh noble men! please
step the Vijayanagar army mission was undertaken to pardon me for not providing liquor to you as there is
conquer Sambuvaraya of Rajagambhira. Kanchee acute shortage of liquor these days here.
puram was conquered and Kampana Rayas army Vallbha controlled his laughter and they both stood
advanced to Rajagambhira mountain conquered it and stopped the dancing. They took the man a little
and killed the Raja Gambhiraking. The Madurai princess far place and asked him, Swamy! Are you a
was rescued. Vallabha who was on a mission to vaishnavite?
safeguard Pandya princess Makaravizhiyaal to pandya The man gave a dazed look at both of them .Vallabha
kingdom fell in love with her but promised to marry her then spoke in a pure vaishnavite language,
only after completing his mission. Meanwhile, Lord Swamy !are we making you afraid? please don't suspect
Ranganatha has been brought to Chenghee by Gopanna us. Please don't hesitate thinking that we are some
the commander of Vijayanagar army belonging to Mulvoy fakirs.
province. Vallabha, Datta and Vallabhas mother The man got surprised even more and enquired back
Vasanthika meet Gopanna to find out about the plans in the same vaishnavite accent, Swamy, who are you
of restoring Lord Ranganatha to Sri Rangam. It was 10 ? I am unable to understand what for you have come
years since the Rajagambhira Kingdom became part here .
of Vijayanagar and still no further advancement action With this they both ensured that they are vaishnavites.
was taken against Madurai Sultan due to trouble from Vallabha then replied, Swamy we came here from North
Bahamani sultans. Gopanna takes up on him and vows on a mission . Does anybody in the lineage of
to take up the expedition now and reaches Kanchi, the Singapirans family live here?
capital of King Kampana Raya. Kampana who was having The mans face became bright the moment he heard
fever at that time was feeling guilty that he did not take Singapirans name .He immediately replied, His son
any action to restore Lord Ranganatha. In his dream, Thirumanathoonnambi is here. Please come along
he felt that Goddess Parvathi herself comes and blesses with me, saying this he took them along with him.
him to continue the mission. Later Vasanthika briefs her On his way out Vallabha noticed the youngest lady among
son that she is the one who spoke as Parvathi to Kampana those devadasis,caroused her breasts while turning
and also pattered her big eyes several times just to
and she has also left the dagger with Kampana which
attract them and was breathing hot looking at Vallabha
was presented by Makaravizhiyal to Vallabha. Meanwhile
erotically. Then the man took them to Thrumanathoon
Gopanna meets Kampana, and the King with all others nambis residence and introduced them to him.
has an extensive meeting with ministers regarding an
Vallabha after greeting him started speaking, My mother
attack on Sultan. As per the discussion they all decided
has told a lot about your father Singapiran, and he
to send Vallabha and Dutta to study the Mughal army, introduced himself as who he is. Nambi too was too
their strengths and weaknesses. Vallbha and Dutta set glad to see them and replied back saying, even I have
on this expedition and went through different villages and heard a lot about your father Kulasekaran.
finally decided to go to Srirangam. On the way to Srirangam
Then Vallbha explained everything about Vijayanagar
they reached Azhagiya Manavalam village. Kingdom, Kampana, Gopanna . He then said, Now
The village Azagiya Manavalam was also in dilapidated my Majesty Kampana has sent me here to get the know

P~Qx *Q`Q H_H"e. O> =## K`#OQ, ~OQ LOKHO.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 8 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
the situation here. If you help me it will be grateful. They perform pooja in the direction of the temple. They
Thirumanathoonnambi replied saying Sir, My father are doing pooja for the thiruvarangan idol in one palace
helped as a spy then for the Hoysala Vallala King near the temple.
and now i can definitely help the Vijayanagara king. What did you say? Idol of Ranganatha? Vallbha jumped
But i have a grief all these days. again in shock.
What is it swamy? asked Vallabha. Yes, Idol of Ranganatha. replied Nambi. Vallabha could
All these days Vijayanagara kingdom did not turn to not control more.
protect us, is this political? Are they justified? asked Swamy? From where did you have the idol of
Nambi. Ranganatha? Don't you know that the idol has left the
Vallabha replied explaining in detail that how all these city long back?
days Vijayanagar kingdom had to be in battle with I know. I even came to know that the idol was safely
Bahaminis in the north to protect their northern region kept somewhere in Sathyamangalam replied Nambi.
. The northern region has to be safeguarded then Oh! you just know only this ? Don't you know what all
only the southern region would be safe and so happened to the idol.
everyones attention was in the north all these days.
No , I don't know the details. But some few years back
Then is there no means to get back our southern somebody from the west brought the idol secretly here.
region? asked Nambi.
What ?did they bring the idol here? who brought and
Yes there is! The Commander in chief of Southern from where? asked Vallabha
region Gopannaswamy is now exploring those
possibilities . That is why he has sent me to study No, I do not know. The man who brought the idol died
the current Sultans rule, their army strengths . I am on the same night . Nobody knows from where and
little astonished that people like you are still managing how he brought the idol . We simply accepted the idol
to stay here. as he said this is Ranganatha idol belonging to
Srirangam. The man even told them that, Now I have
Why are you astonished? asked Nambi. brought the idol safely , it is your responsibility to perform
I meant, I am astonished that you are still in Srirangam pooja for him .
all these 47 years undergoing the enemy rules Vallabha was completely puzzled after hearing all this.
atrocities replied vallabhan.
Vallbha asked, Swamy! dont you really know how the
It is not only me . The entire village people everyday idol reached Sathyamanagalam and what all happened
goes to the bank of cauvery and have darshan of the after that.
Srirangam temple Gopuram on the other side of river
and then have their food. It shows not only our devotion Did anything happen really? asked Nambi
but our determination to stay here. said Nambi. At that time Vallabha realised that 47 years is a long
Really heart moving! exclaimed Vallabha. span. Now that the old generation completely gone there
was nobody to pass on all the old stories that happened
I can tell you even more astonishing thing. The people to the new generation. His heart became heavy with
who left before came back again as they were unable sadness after realising this.
to bear the seperation from Srirangam. They now live
in Srirangam itself. said Nambi. Vallabha went into deep thoughts. With the raise of a
new generation the entire story has become old and
What? Are they living in Srirangam? asked vallabha. vanished almost. Is it just an old story? Vallabha asked
Yes, they are staying there secretly somehow gifting himself. Yes, it is old but for him since he has been
and pacifying the Sultans soldiers and without disturbing lingering about this all the time, it has been fresh in
them explained Nambi. his mind as if it happened yesterday. For others it is
How swamy? I have heard that the Sultans kill not so. 47 years is Long period before which Lord
unhesitatingly the followers of other religions. Then Ranganatha left the town. Even his stay at
how is it possible? asked vallabha. Sathyamangalam for some time was also 28 years ago.
Since so much of time has lapsed it is not surprising
That they were doing initially when they captured this that Lord Ranganathas original idols memories have
place. Later after few years they stopped doing it waned from public memory. The elders who can describe
because if they keep killing who will do the farming? and identify the idol have also passed away. How did
who will take care of businesses? These days we it remain in the memory of Vallabha? It was because
dont visit temples and dont have festivals. Other than of his mother Vasanthika who has been constantly
that we dont have much disturbance but still we have following-up.
to be alert all the time.
While Vallabha was lost in these thoughts the person
This is all surprising. said Vallabha in front of him Nambi called Oh! Sir! You seem to have
There is another big surprise said Nambi. lost in thoughts
What ?big surprise? asked Vallabha Vallabha was startled back to reality. No Sir! I have
They are even performing pooja for Lord Ranganatha, to narrate a big Ramayana like story to you now
declared Nambi. Why? enquired Nambi
Vallabha got terribly shocked. is this true, swamy? Lord Ranganathas idol is currently in Ghengee replied
Yes very much true. But they do not open the temple. Vallabha. (To be continued)

PK# _ "HO\"... "\x h~ OKe. H` Jq_ "_`~ !

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
WH<< V.I.P. ^~< JO`==`?!
W\= H O^ `O JkH~ ^# ^i OK Z]|Q H~# x+kOzOk. Wk K i}=O.
Hx, ^"x `H ^~<# P ^" [=< ~^ K QO@Ok...
1948= O=`~O, J\ Q=~~ [#~# N KH=i ~[QKi Q~ N "OH>~q
^~<iQ u~=H =K~. P# u~= H"Q< JH_ JkH~, J#kH~ =~` `## `H
=HQ HO_ XH =# xQ iQ}OK=OkQ iOK~. ~*OQ ~OQ aOz# H~#,
=Y`# `QO K# D K~ P#x K"# _ JOH`"x K`#k. WH_ =#O
QOK=#k U"< LO^?
ZO^~ ~R`, ^#=O`, OH~ ^# <=~, ^# xHkH~ "^#
"~O^~ `=x =# Q iQ}OK=x JiOK_O ^~ O^ `=# Q~"x K\
KC<~. L^O`#O_ QOK=On, <~H=O^"< LO^?
`=# ` HOQ K_x @\ # ^ "i O`xH "O@< `=Oz ^=O@ Oy~#
JkH~ VIP H~ `H ^~< =# xH ~A~AH iy`# JH~ =#OQ
y`<~. O@## QO` K__O, K <~H=_O =<O.
D O=`~O Q = ` ~=#A"i a.... O^ih =#OQ Q = O`_ Pj~k~< ~...
''Q=O`_ JO^ih =#OQ< K_. XH~ Z= =~H~ `= J< `~`=O ^. D
=#< \OK_O P# W+O. J< ^qH x*x =#~HOQ #=`, D~ ~` *<x
L`[OQ fx z~ VIP (Very Important Person) ^~< LO_=x x~~OK<=.
WQ HH qKH}` =## =kOz f# =iHx x~, O_x f"_O, "^#
Q z~ r Px XH `H POQ, JO^~ QiOKQ KOk. D H~}OQ
=` OKOx =# z~ rH XH `H #O U~_Ok. = x~# J=
~K_xH Hi#"# @^# J=OaOK=, Q=O`_ = x~x J~OKx Pj~kOK_. nxH
x^~#O u~= u~u ^=#O "~, H#H^~ PO "~, H ~x P JkH~, VIP
^~< xe"< q+" KiOK@ f= Xu_ OK`<~....
z~ P * q^#O #O_ =#O Uq QOK=? Uq <~<=? Uq J~O
K <=? WO^ J~O K H=_xH <~ H=_xH Ug ^? ^= i`" # PK## J~O K HO_
=#O Kq\ "iQ, Q_ "iQ, K`#~`"# [_^~Q LO_^=?!
H [ # "x P_O Qh H "Qx `yO K_O Qh K, ^x ~ =#OQ [#O =u_,
iy `H@, J"Oz` =~} =O\ ^~} OqOK =^O LOk. Jk J\ O"
H=K, W\=e HO [iy# Q^=i +~ O@< H=K, ~O_\ =#O K PzOK=#
q+O XH>.
VIP ^~< ~^ =#=O^~= HOH} |^=^=... !

^" H~ O` i^ ~O_=
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

q+<= Q^=o194
POQ=O : N q.. ~}H~< J#"^O : _II =<`
2015-16 =~j~=O (_O|~-[#=i), <# ''Q~ `O`_H ~}H 'J# <=O ZO^HzOk?
k=^"# HQ~_xH k KOk# <z~ H~ P _ D H <# W q=iOK#. - 'H *uH
^"x O^iOK<#. =~j~ =O "`O H^=-q#` J< W^~ ~O_"~. "i^~ H=\xH
30 ~A@ k=^O`~# =OA=e-Nx" JH K J~<, XH~O> XHiH K D~Q LO_k.
=M# L^< 'u~" Q#O K# < z~H H_ `# ~ e^ih XHH =~O H~H=<_.
x < ~ " ~ H=@O`@, =Ok~xH K O k# ^xH H^= - ''"~ =Ok H=O`"# g~ <
f~H~xQ, Q=^ ~=#A "i "#_~# #_^~ H_# [xOKe Jx Hi` H_ J#QOK_.
P< Qi =OxH KOk# =HQ < H~"x <~"~# q#` - ''W^~ =*=O\ `# J#QOKO_. "~
O`$x O^x qOK#. < ^i O`#O H# ~-g~Q HtOKe!
u k#= OH = O u~ " # H_ D =~x _ J#QOK_.
QiOz =zOK"_x. ZO^~ ~ q^~ _ Hk HO `~"` H^= "~=Ok <Q
D =K<# q#\xH =K"~. "iH "= XH \ [#xzOk. q#` ~O_ JO_ [#xz, Jq ky
\, Qe#"iH #Q^ |=ux _ W=\xH `y# =\xH fHOk. J~` 500 O=`~ Q_z<
U~@# K<=. JO_O #O_ ~H=@O` q#` FH #tOzOk.
"i k O=`~ = Hey# _ _ JO^H XH JO_x QQ\Ok. J~` P JO_O ##
L<_. P" _, PQ_ J~x =~_. <# Px t= WOH QO =`" `~_. JO^H q#`@
''#= u~E =<= H^! h =K#O #zO^? Hk`_~ 'h= ^ ==`=x P"# OK_.
Jx tOKQ, ''J=# < K #zOk. g~ K q#` `## HqOK=x iOKQ, =~H 500
H` q^<xH, H`Q J#~ K H` q+`@ O=`~ `~ "` ~ O_= JO_O #O_ `# `=_ [xOz,
g = ~ ~O\ * O > + # _ ## K P" ^q=H Hey_x K_. J JOQh iQ
PH@O\Ok Jx K_. U~_H =O^ [xOz# q#` ^ =~x ~ 'J~}_!
<# z~#=` ''h~q\? Jx J_Q#. J`# ~Q " #x ~^ ~kQ L<_.
''<~ =~H! XH<_ H^=-q#`e^~ PHO ZQ~`#
''h ~# ''=~H Jx H_^. Jk =~H! `\ LK==< ^=`Jx = P~OQ gHOK~.
Jx =iOz, P" _ ~ J~x q=i K#. ''=~ q#` 'P JO ZO` ^= =~O LO^ H^! JOk.
J#=@H J~ O | ~ O Q K |OQ~ O . =i H ^ = ^xx YO_ , s ~ = O` ` Q L< D
H } H ~ O K |OQ~ O PH i OK " \ H ^=`xH `H =`O #Q LO^#k. J@# "i^~
yOK@O [~Q`Ok. Q~`O`_, D Q_ O^O "<~. Z=~ F_` "~ ~O_="iH ^O
HQ~_xQ L<_ H^! P# =~H J# <=O Kx _ XO^O @x, D^=`O `H
LOk. H= JO> ~H, '=~H JO> |OQ~O U~OQ L#^# q+ x~~} =~\H "~^"x
PHiOK ~H#"_x J~O. H=O> '" 'H Jx "i^~ W =~~.
_ J~O . JO> |OQ~O PHiOK H #"_x J~O . H^= ` P Q]O `H_ `Q< LO^x!
=i ' H =O> [#=x J~ O . JO> |OQ~x Hx P" =# "~ }oH ^O KO\Ok.
lOK"_ J# J~O =Ok. ~} H_ |OQ~x `# H_# ez `H #Q HxOKx "ix P
lOz, |OQ~x ^iOK"_ `? JO^H #= Q]O `H K@H=x KOk. J~` P~ =`O
h~x =~H Jx "< - Kkq<, eH< Jk D "O `= Q= H=@O W+OH, H
~}H_x J~O =Ok` Q~`O`_# J~x O^OK~. H^= "i@ HOz ~## HO
W=^x Q~OKH! "~O` [#"[x [O #t~x OzOk.

XH ^i J=HO HxOKH`, =~H ^i `O_ ^iH J=HO LO@Ok.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 11 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
HxH D q+O `e |=^ xH |$u, ~ P^#~O J=$`O_xH ~`#
"Q K`~Y_ - ''~ q+i`, ^+|k Hq. Q~_x ~H# zOK_.
"\H =~}" "! J<_. H_ ZO` "_# Q~_x ~ q#Q< WO^x =YO H `Ok.
g^@, =Oz ~ |uH |@_`x `e K_. "O@< J`# ~Q-~Q# `# =<xH K~x -
`= `e x q# Hx ~ _ `" ''^=` #O^ih ~O_! =#O ^O K`<O!
P^x \OKx x~~OKx, Q]O `H `=# Jx P^tOK_.
`= K@<~. =~_ JH Ko^~ Jx Jy x~H OQ - ''=#O "^\ =~ "~=Ok
sHOK\xH "~. `HQO #Q LO_\x K# ^=`# xe LOK^O. "ix ^\ ~=@" J`xH
q#`, `# F@qx JOwHiOz, H^= - P" ` qHe H+O J=`Ok! J<_.
^O K rqOK@O "^ \Ok. nxx _y "=, ''W^H> iH =K
500 O=`~ Q_KH XH ^ H, q#` ~O_= ##O\#. ^=` xe# =~ `~"` ~_, Jy
JO_O #O_ L^qOzOk. D H ZO` |"#k, JyH# W^~ He Jy *# Q_ x\e. "\ `xH
f=OQ, H=O`OQ LOk. PH =~=~H^, Q~__! Z=~ JO^Oz " H LO__^!
`# `eQ Q~__ _ \#\#O_ H^=, P" =~ }_ =O^ Hz =iO` L` OQ ` #
O`<xH ^O Ke =zOk. ~ J`xH << =x W K_ - ''=#O J=$` O_x =^
~H # K"~. q#` "\ #x\h `H LOz ^<# z=~ L# ~O_ KH# ^x K@
K=x `# `xH Kk. J=~^O. D U~@ =# ^x ^H Z=~ ~~.
`# =u `eH, =u ^~ T_QO K ~O_ OH~"# ~# _ P^xH ~H}Q
|``# Q~`O`xH qQ =z, `# `ex J_Q_ LOK^O.
''=#O ZO^H ^O K |``<=x? q#` Jx =# `H# ^=`O^~ Ju ^Q
`# =~xH `= O^O, XO^O =# Z H^= PHOz, ~#O@ P"^x `e~. `=O` He
^O K= =O^x q=iOzOk. D Q^# q# Q~__x `H < Q=x qOK~.
Q~__, ~` - ''= J=H, < ^q=H H"e?
^xH <<O Ke? Jx J_Q_. D ~ - WO^_H_ JqOK^. J`x =# "~
''J=~HO #O_ J=$`x f~! Jk `y` = ` =z<, Z=i` OKH^.
J=~`O kOk. #=, h `e ^q=Q=K. OH~"# ^O i}qOK`Ok. ^=`
`# `e Pj~^x fx, Q~__ D |$`~ #k #O_ Q~__x K@=\~. "#`_ `#
^#H ~HiOK_. J~} `=Ki# `O_ |"# H# HkeOK_. P ~H H^eH =# gz#
H_H _ }qe P# Pj# O^_. Qe, Zyi# ^= H} ZO` |OQ, ZO` Z`
=~O `# J f~<O^ qqOz# q"# Zy~O>, ^=` HO\H Ug HxOK^.
=]K@ H= `HO^Q "_` _~# WO^_, "=`, g# Qex qOQ=x
"d< `# ~HOK_. K@O` "= JQ K_. K@ Mm J=@O`
Q~ `O`_ ^=HO #O_ J=$`x `=\xH JH_ ^=` =iO` L`OQ Q~_x ^O_`~.
"t# =# ^=` Z< K_ <# K~. Q~__ JO`HO` iy` XH =~Q
U^ x [~ Q `O^ x Q OK # ^ " O ^ _ =O^=Ok ^=`# `# |"# O*` Zu ^~OQ
^=Q~"# |$u =^ "_. qi "@O ~OaOK_.
WO^_x K< |$u - ''=K" ^"O^? Q~__ J =O^ Q` LO_Q, OH~
<< h =~=#O Ox J#O@<#. =#=O` "# Jy J`_x P"Ok. Jy "_H J`x XO\ =OO
Q P^ zH`<=. L_H~ ^ Hey LO_@O =# h~ H= =zOk.
WO^ _ ZO` H O Q~ Q - ''PK~! UO Q~__ =iO` cH~"# i}=O iy, uiy q
[~Q`Ok? =#O J~` ^O K# " _ g^ Zyi qq^ #^ h\x <_. `#<@
<# W@=O\ i}=# K_^. HO` [x `z ^xx [e# Jy# [_.
''WO^! q#` =~_~# Q~__ W@" JO` ! Jy *` H \ # Q_ H K i
=<_. `# J=$` O_x fH`<_. Jx ==~Ok. Q~__ ~O_ J=~^O " =O^

^~, J, Q~OD =_ ZO`\ =x+<< ^Oz"~.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 12 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
"_. J`_ Ju z# ~OH =i, KHO u~Q` ^=` =^## J =*^O Ju OH~"#k.
J=$`x ~H# O`OH "tOK_. H \# Hx =* ^ O Q ~ _ xH g " ` x _
~O_ OH~"# ~# `<`#H K, J=$` HeyOK^. ZO` =~^Q Q~__ W J<_. ''F
O_x KlHOK<_. J@# =~ =iO`Q ^"O^! =*^x `~ K\xH `# "<=H#
s~x OK@O` P KHO`O H =H - `QO K# ^nz =i Q~"~O <# XH ~Ox
=HQ qiy~Ok. =^`# JO@ Q~__ XH ~Ox =k_. J`x
J=$` O_ O x XH K H _ `# D =~^~H"# K~# O, P`x JO^"# P
HiOKO_ Q~__ <Q x"xH O_O`@ ~x K# =# O`+OK~. JO^ HO^~
Zyi "_. |=O`_~# Q~__x ZkiOKx ^=`, ''JO^"# ~H# D Hx '~_x ^O J<~.
<~}_ x JiOK~. ~H |OQ~O = PH~}"#q. XH~HOQ KO>
<~}_ Q~_x =O^ `H" H=e# =~x '~ J#k '=~H OH ~O. =iHO`=Ok
k#<_. Q~__ - ''F ~=`! <# hH# =# W tOK~. - ''g~ J`xH '~_ J<
Z` LO_# O@<#! Wk q# ~ = ` ZO^ ~ WK~? J`xH 'O^~~ 'K~~,
#~Q~OQ #q - ''Q~_! x# #= z# PH~OH '"#~ =O\ <= U^~< W==KH^! Jx\
=~H! Jx P^tOK_. J~= ''JO^"# ~= H"_ J< H^!
Q~__ `## `# Juz# ~H =~<_. ^xH =# - ''=#O, JO> =#O =# #
~=` XH _"\ H~# f - ''Wk < ^O_O! nx# " ^ #O_ O^=. =#O H~# " ^ * < x
ZH ~! J<_. ~=` =# JO^"# ~` _# O=`~"u,
Q~__ P ^O_O z=~ QxH z# ~O ZH JO^*_. P# D O=`~O ~_. J^
~<_. ~=` - ''WH g^@ h= W < ^[" ~=` |=O`_~# D qOQxH Z< #
`=! J<_. kOK_. Q#H, Q~_xH _ ~ <=x=@O
ZO`< =O[O. JO^H J`_x '~_x ^O.
Q~ __ ^u H =z ~= ` =O^ "Hi_ .
''F ~=`! h= *xq, ==iq, ^=_=! Q~_xH '"^` Jx _ ~Ok. JO> "^
<# h UO H"< W#. ~_x J~O.
nxH =^#OQ ~=` ''h= < "#OQ LO_, Pq^OQ PH~}"# H Hey# O=
#" ## f "x < HiH! `~"u, =# "^# =~ JOkOz# ~=`
OQ "^`_#|_ |=O`_~# Q~__ - W^iH
Q~__ z~#=` - ''x# <# ~@x '~ J# <=O HeyOk.
qiO*@=#k < ^ Q~=O. J~`, ^xH#
=O^ <# < Dxx i Ke. D J=$` O_x x~H H~O :
~ JOkOz, ##, < `ex "i #O_ ^q=Hx|no m| Fuo Noz @
O^e. J@# <# h = ^=~=#. o m| Fuo o: @@
<~}_ Pj~kOz - ''K~! Jx O_. z~ "# r ~x ^x '~
Hx DQ WO^_ Q~_x` ^xH =K_. <=x HQ [OK "iH "^^#O =# aOK
Q~ __ ZO` `OQ ~_ WO^_x F_OK `H a~. ~O_ H` [^O -
", J`_ `# =*^x yOK@O [iyOk. ''FO ~ #= !

y z u o z z z z @ o z @@
N~= ~= ~"u ~" ~" =<~" I <= ``O ~= <= =~#< II
NEWS q^Q~~= HiH "~ J~e Q_H H\
^~^ : U 26 : ~@ lx J~e H;#iOq ^" Ja=$k # HO ~R `O ~. H\
=OE~ KOk. D "~ O|Ok` ^GO ZO HP~ |^"~O O`HO K~. J~eH KOk# ` h\ ~^
^~ P~. q^Q~~= Hk ~A H`O ZO# He ^"x #~^iOKx H~@O` HP~ x^ q_^
K~. ` O q^Q~~ = ^~^x F " \ Pu zH` O^`# q+ O `eO^... (PO^* u 27.4.2017)

ZH_ Q~qO|_`<~, JH_ ^=` P#Ok~. `= =~# i~.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 13 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

=^~q[O ^~"H...67 =^~ q[O - 11

Q` OzH `~"~ QO.... J#"^O : N=u ^ ~OQ~[<
[iy# H^ : Z< Ki``H x* `# O^~K# D HO#_ [~ f=` =# J_ Q L<_x `O\_. ~OQ<^ x
=^ ~q[O, =~A HO#~x @= + =~} QOQ^qK N~OQxH uiy K~_xH `# Z@=O\ K~ K@^x HO#_
~zO|_#k. q[#Q~ =*n _# N |H~x ^ =~_ ^ _ `O\_. J`x H H` =^ ~ g<H^ q =z, `~Q P
=~HO#~_. H^~OQ q[O^ = =i ^`_ J< OHx i K =x P^tOz " O k. `~ "` "OuH, `< g<HQ
W^~ = N~OQOx N~OQ<^x qQx "^H_xH HO#x` =\_O^x, =H~qo =xH |=uQ Wz#
|^~`~. # #O #O_ D qQx #Q~ H_=~ K ~Hu x `# HO#xH WK#x = xH K|`Ok. Wk q# = _
H_ ~ ^O ^z_~. Z< Hi, ZO^i< `_`_. WO` Q# HO#x HO\_. ~A W`~
tOz# ^ , KOK`Q "i O` W^~ = N~OQ<^ x =O`` He #x ZkiOK_xH =O`< K Q_. =
qQO =i 18 UQ qQx }kHOQ H_`# PYi ^` N~OQxH |^~~. ^i Z< Q=# ^\~. Jy
H_=~x _ KO^yi J_= H#HQQ`~. ^` _ HO`=Ok =#" Q=xH K~<~. WH K^= O_...
"@Q O` P ^< ~*# N~OQ<^ ^=~xH Jy =#"Q=O r~ u L#k. W^~ H ~ "+O
O^x K~"_. ~A \\# #O` H^e=_. ..... LO_@O =# Q= gix K_Q< eH "o `O
WO` q[#Q~ # O, |OkOK|_# O =~ H@# K~ x "<~. = Uq K Jx Pz LO_Q
=@_O zOk. = _ =i ~=i =^ ~Oyx H@ [~Q`#
Z^~Q L# WO\#Oz XH =H =z, "ix `= WO\H
^x Z`# ^ O #O_ PHQ K_Q~. .... = ~*x
K~# `~"`, O=~ Pn#O L# Hx z# ~* fx "_. "~ WO\H "tO_Q W^~ |"#
q[#Q~~ *xH `= =^` x H\ O Kx, JO^ `# =`$ q "# \ ` L# H Q[ KC KO@ "i "Q
` =OQO _ LO^x = _ `O\_. H=# ` =OQxH =K~. J`~ K~. = K~. <@O K~. $OQ~
"o `ex K ~"#O\_. =^` |$O^O = ~[O Oy= ^iOz "ix "OK ` K<~.
K~ O\~. O =~ Jn#Ox HO^~ ~A `=# q[#Q~ "i ` J~O K # = _, ^` x Kq z#Q
~*xH Jn#=x H\ ~ . JO^ =^ ` Q=O ` =OQO K_. ''`=^# ~RO g n<= K"? `= J=~#
"o = x `e "OuH^qx He [iy#=x P" q=iOz P"` K, Jq, # #O_ }` |``<~! ZO` ~O?
W~ ~A LO_ uiy =K~. ^H} O_ ^xH `= }x `=# xH PxOz# =H #=O@ =K_.
H#y =#~ ` =~# =K# =O =^" H# U#Q ''Hq OKO_. D=^ =^O ^~H_ O ^ . JO^H g JOkOKH
= ^` |$O^x =@_O KQ, =~}x ~HO K `O W^~ `<=.
He HO_ #O_ HO^ ^~` _ HO^Q ^@"# J_qH =_ #= PHH_. J=~ <\x
_`~. JH_"~ =^" `Q KOk# XH [O@# H~. P P=<_. P =Hx HO` ^~O fx "o, ''g~ "+=
`Q"i qO` PK~ QiOz =~} =x` Hk =O
q? Jx J_Q_.
O+Ok..... "~ Hk ~A JQ }Oz ^~
K~ O\~. `# \# ^ xH K~ <#< L`O` =^ ~ Jx P =H x~O`_. =_ "+=
~\Oz# "QO` ~QuOk. =^~Oy}x `e^O_ =^ Ki =\__.
=^ ` u~Q }O H\~ . =~= ^ O |K # K@ ~u" ''q! ==e K _HO_! "= H~= H=.
=_ =^~ T F_`O_Q =_ JH_H =z J`x = J#=HO =^!
= `= H ^# P@OHO HQ^x Ki_. =^~ =m P =H WOH P~xH #_. "+ = < J_Q_!
=m *H O ~=_O =# = _ `q^~ O q_~# ^ xH uiy ''g~=~? giH_H ZO^ =K~ < J~O H=_O ^ .
"_. JH_ =^~# HO\_. W~=~ "i =# =H D O+}` `q^~ "+=" Jx "i~=~
~KO\~. =^~ `## o KH=#Q N~OQO ~OQ<^x `<~. `~"` =_ ''g! "= L`~ ^O #O_
# u+O z# `~ "` K O^=x JO\_. Wk W [~Q`O_Q H~~" WH_ =K=. OQ~< Qi =O Z=~<
q[#Q~ =[ <ku NQ#Q~ N~OQ<^x = WH_ x=<~? OQ~< ~ q#O`< P =H =YO
~*Ox yOw O`xH fx =K_. =H~ qi `## O_ "ey~Ok. "O@< P# ''P# `_ u~=}`}#Oa
KH=x J_QQ, ~OQ<^x N~OQO # u+Oz# `~"` WH_ L<~. ^K <` ~O_ JO@ "i^ix `#`
O_ K O^=x JO\_ = _. q[#Q~ ~[ ~ < ku
"O@@x "_.
Q# N~OQ<^ x *OlH fx =K_. = _ `# `e =i
^`x` He Q## H=_xH =_.. Q# `# =^` J`x` "`O_Q JH_ XH ^=^ gi^ih
` H _` #x "Q#O K, # O` |^i, =~HO # PHiOK_xH `q^ `O KOk. H#w\ Q K,
~x ~["# HOzH K~ O\_. ~A# H"x J#O\_. Hh "_ x@~ q_ =x " HiH` K_yOk. J
O J< #Q}O L#"_ `$Q J#qOK_.
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 14 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
#_z "o "~ u~=}`} #Oa WO\H "o `## iKO J<_ #Oa.
K <_. J"H_ =_. ''x[=? q?
= _ P # #= iOz, ''< ` e g ` O _ ''J=# x[". Hx ^"O `~=~. ^"O L#
OQ~<Qi QiOz ZC_ Kk JO@ `## iKO k# K [ K~. ~OQ<^ qQxH _ XH
K<_. #Oa _ gix K ZO` O`+Oz, ''<# =#O [ [~Q`<~
_ h `O_ Y~x QiOz K q<# Jx eH_. ''U=<~ ? ~ O Q < ^ qQ xH?! = _
J@ =@ =_ P# q[#Q~ =[O, x~O`_.
HO#_, Q# QiOz K_. `~"` HO# =~A ''J=#. ~OQ<^ qQ xH! |^eK_ #Oa. = _
Q~ ## WH_ i` `H=x O~. g~ = WH P~ KH`__.
O K "= ~^ H$`AO Jx J<_. ''q? ~OQ<^ qQO ZH_k?! Pq qQO
''Wx ~A q[#Q~ =[O ==e ~HO KH =_O #Q~O^\ ZC_ "o~O^x `e^?!
<=?! ~[H =?! #Oa q+ < _. ''< `. `=OQO ^Q~ qqQO H=OQ
L`~O " |=h` ^O LO__O` q[#Q~ LO^x _ ` J<_ #Oa.
=[O"~ `= H#O` J@" =oOz L`~x ''J~` gHO` `? `~ "` UO [iyO^ `e^?!
H_`<~x KC HK_ = _. L`~ O " H = OQ LO>< ''^! <Hg `e^. Hx Hx O=`~ H`O XH~
^H} k# H_H=K H^! JO@<_ =_. t=O#O_ PqQx WH_ ~OQ `K~.
''^ H } k # =#O uiy O^ = ? = _ ''Uq? qQ =?! `K~?! Z=~? ZH_#O_?! = _ J_Q_.
J_Q`<_. ''< `e^. qQ O `z# =H J^ ~u =~}O K_.
''O^Q =! ^H} k < ku Q#Q~ J=H# J`# ZH_Oz Z `K_# q+O Z=iH `e^. Wk
J<+ < ~. JO^H ## WH_H O~. # H =~, ~OQ<^ "ik J#Q< H` HiOK=. q qQx
# | `O@<=. WO\ "`=~}O g~ uiy `K#. WH [ H=OQ K ^` _ g^
WH_ L<~x P~OQ L#k. J<_. W^O` qx =_ K P~_.
''WO^ P~"=Ok? J_Q_ #Oa. ''q! P qQO `=OQO Z KiOk. P `~"`
''< L^ O... 47 U J~KHx, zHx i Oz WOH UO [iyOk J# q+ gHg `e^?! J_Q_ = _.
N~OQO Z LO_QQ`<~x? =_ |^eK_. ''U"< [iyO^? #Oa Z^~ tOK_. WC_
''<# =`" H^. D Q=Ox u XH~O H"s #kH = _H J~= ~Ok. 47 O=`~ HO K ^k . ``~ O
"o J@" X_# L# N~OQO Q~x ^iOz# ^ "O^~ Jq OK~. [iy# q+ # H`` ~ O " K
P~ fO\=. Wk H =`" H^. WH_ LO_# " ~. =_ =# ~OQ J~Ok.
^$_ OHO. ''$^ x HkeO k. = _ P~O` J<_. n~O Q PzOK_ = _. H`` ~ O ~=_O` `^O `
''WOH P~O HeyOK q+ O K|`#. WO` =O^ H#=~Q~Ok. =" ~Ok. Wk H =O ` H^< ?! = _
N~OQO q_z "o# " _ uiy =K~. D H`x riOKHH `<_. `# =k D @#h x# [iy#>
=ke LO_H. WC_ WH_ =<~ JO@<_ #Oa. L<~. 47 O=`~ ~O ~OQ<^ "~ D @} O
''UO\?! N~OQO L<~?! =_ J_Q_. q_z "~. ` =OQO L# O @# [iy _ 28
''J=#. # x# =\, OKe "# U~ Ok. Wx O=`~ n~H O ~OQ<^ "i ~O
^_ WH_ ~OQ LO@<~ #Oa K_. , [ =kOz ===_O ^ q+ "g H^.
''J^ ^O q? `< "~ =`O "x ~OQ<^ qQO QiOz =iOKQ ^ _ WH
x~H}OQ KOO^x q<<?! =_ J_Q_. =#=^~. Hx =x =k D q+ Z L<~.
''J^O` H` D O`x [~Oz#C_. Hx J`x `e "OuH =<.... "OuH [~Q`# O@##
O=`~ `~"` JO` =k~. J KO` ` xt`OQ Q=xO_Ok H=# H...
==O Z=~ Kk? "~ Z=~ K~? D ~A ''J! U" PK#H "o~#@<~?!
^" "_O Hx, O_Q KH=_O Hx ^. Jq =x K #Oa J< P =H J_Q_.
q# JO` ==! J~< "= *Q`Q< LO@<=. LeH_ = _ |^eK_. ''g [iyO^O` KO>
''W^O` K P~OQ L#k. Jk XH ^ ~=}OO\ Q^ J=`Ok.
''WO^ WOHH ^ P~H~"# q+O L#k. ''ZO^? J_Q_ #Oa.
''^^? P~H~"#^?! J_Q_ =_. ''~OQ<^"i qQO `O *Or L#k.
''WH_ ~OQ<^ "iH [ _ [~Q`<~ =_ |^eK_. (+O)
rq`O =O^_Q "_xH HiOKq - J=~O, PH.
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 15 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
All slokas Chant 28 times
FO ~=`< #= G nz :
FO $+H #= For self employed people, for promotions and
G J yNz : success in games.
For overcoming bad habits H_H~, O Lk L# "iH, L#`
^~"@#O_ q=H O^_xH. ^= PtOK "iH.
FO =+\~ #= G b N : FO ` =< #= G o :
For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa
For better health. =Oz P~QxH.
Interviews, building relationship
"~a=$kH, WO@~ O FO ``< #= G o nz :
To remove mental stress and for mental
H=_xH iOKO_.
FO N=` #= G yoz : =# H P~QxH =# H Xu _ #O_
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.
s~ O^~xH, O^.
FO JH~ #= G Eq : FO ~} #= G | m z :
For Job Satisfaction
For Education and better Financial strength. L^QO, K x JOH` "xH, `$H.
q^a=$kH =i S~a=$kH.
=[O O\ s~xH....... j y Nz uL Chant 28 times

FO #" <~O =[^O =l}I =[^ =* #" =[ #MKII

H z u \ t b~ u\~ m z @ \~ t z \~ z \~ Q Y @@
NEWS =~#O_ WO^#O
~H, ==~H =~# ~"} J=~HO ^= WO^#OQ=~ SK2(SK ~) OHuH =~x
[=O^ ^i OK_xH OQ ~ x '+ >Hr O@~ ^= =`#k. "}[ J=~HO D OHuH`# ^Z `#
Ja=$k ~K_xH OKOx Ju^ K=~ O XH@~# ~ _K+ OQ~ HO^x U~@ KOk. =~
~O_K@<^~O_x P"~_", J"iHx < _ W@=O\ HO^# U~@ K_O [iyOk.
~H, ==~H =~# ^=WO^#OQ =~ SK 2 >Hrx ""xH +HQx Q >Hr W<@\
Ja=$k KOk. nx < # ~ _K + J#|O^ O J~# P~S H@e HOh O`O K#k.
J~O D >Hr J~O. ==, J@g, ~H =~#, Hx ~H H =~# _[<, L+O, L`~H
O` \, _[, H~<=O\ ~"} WO^<Q Ju `= Y~` =~_xH D >Hr Q LQ _`Ok.
~A 5@# =~# ^= WO^#OQ =~Q =~O` xK XH _" H~Q~x OQ~ <H`<~. D
# D U_k z=~ ~=`~.
OQ ~ H O^O_ D >Hrx Ja=$k~ K _ xH Q` P~Q q# k. =~# WO^# OQ =~_O XH HH
L`~Hx D H O^O q[=O`OQ Ja=$k KO k. ''D ~OQO O^ ^` # q" `HOQ =~_O SK2 >Hr
HH==`Ok. `^~ < ^x WO^# ZQ=u ^O Q _ =~Q^ Jx H O^ \eO, [" M =Ou N
^~ O^ ^< "MxOK~. W\= OQ ~ H O^O H` = # ~O`=O J#O`~O P# D "~ \\ K~.
''WC_H "O KeOk `"@ Q=O^~ D OHuH`# ^Z`# J=H f~"e. nxH =O^
Q=, @}, #Q~ K`#, =~# ZH_HH_ HO_ _OOQ ~(K`x HO^) `~eOK q+O
JO^s K`#~Ke LOk J<~ N H;#~O<. OQ~ HO^O <" H@eH "\i HO^xH [#~ "<[~Q
L# P# WC_ '>Hr J_H b_ Q #`# ^` K\~.
^~^ t"~x z~ x" J~# N #~O< Lx qq^O q^i. `O =# #Q~,
@}, ==~OQO ~A 350 #O_ 500 @# =~# $+<h, nxx SK 2 >Hr ^~ r= WO^#OQ
=~=Kx P# q=iOK~. (k O^ 10-4-2017 # `Q J#"^O)

#Op, Q =#Op JO> JO^i#Op =#O <~H=Ok K LO^x QOKe.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 16 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
tNy ...
ut y y.EF|.y. t| Ny s EN Tz
u Nz N z yEF|y Ty y Ny s uo T ut, u\Nz
Yoz yEF|y Ny z z Yy E y s Eo z Ty@ E E T {@ uN Fy N Nz
uo Nz ut y T Noz L ut yEF|y t| Ny s EN Tz, ouN t|us|
Nz gy o u Nz@
| 1948 o Nz T| \ YNoy| \TzYy uo T Nbz Nz t|
Nz uL Tz, oz \{z y z Ez Nuz z Ez, Gz N Nz GNz y E t|us| Ny
o y ^oz L F t| Nz N ET uN E{ F N Gz LN z O Ny o
E N N t| uNz E{ GNz ty \z y y uub z Nz EyN N tz Nz
u Ny Tu Nz z Q, u\ y TuN Nz t\| o zz Ny o Ny Ty {@
b~uo, y, z| Nz P y, zq Eut-Eut, E{
u N Noz L O Ny o y ut T Nz t| Nz Nz uL o{ @
ut yEF|y t| Ny s Nz Nm Nz uN F Qgz O Nz zy
Gey goy {@ yEF|y uz t| E\ E z \z Nz Nm y uout F z Qgz
z O Nz zy z y @
E\ z 1000 z o \ z ut Nz N| Noz L N s uN n
Ny ub O {@ Gz Nz F uo Nz uouto uN, uN Fz t{uN \y
y y Nz Eoz L Et| suo Nz Nz uL y zuo uN@ uYN \y ut Ny uN
Nz y O Nz N \ Gy N Noz u\ N uoNzby ut z y\\y
Yoz sz@ \ z y N Ny to z uO uoy { E{ y O LN z \oz @ uYN
\y ut y y O Nz t\| ut \o {@ yEF|y t| Nz uL uNy N Ny ET
s { E{ s y Eu\|o z Nz uL NzF| To uN \o@ F N y\ Nz
Et| Nz suo uN T {@ y \ Ny F N Em Noz L E ut Nz y yQ
zN F uo Nz E YuL@ y Nz Nz t| z z@ F s Nz bybygy tzs,
NNtT| ut Eut Nz ut N E N YuL E{ yEF|y Nz ty \zy z Nz
Qn Nz Ny ut N| N YuL@
yEF|y s Nz Nm F Tz O Nz Nz zy N N go {, uN
F Nz N \z E{ y Nz Yoz uNy Nz oo zz Ny {t z \oy {@ Fz |
Nz y Ny Vb FN \yo \To o {@ t|S z u Tzty N Ny Vb
z y Nz Nz z YuL@ E E T { \ LN\b zN ut yEF|y t| Ny
s N Eo N Et| suo N@

L^_ W_. q^i Hi_. W=_xHO@ J`x=^ HO` LO_e. HiOK_xH W`_ ^OQ LO_e.
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 17 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

um y Ts - 194

m| :
-y.L. NmN EtN : g} . o
| 2015-16 N T|y| (ET) N y@ uN@
<NTg> Nz u uttz, <u NzF> ut Nz t| NZ Nz Yo N z \ T Nz \ ut@
Nz T@ Ny z zy FXZ { uN ET Nz y uo z tz Elg Nz \ut@ G zN N G z z
ut n yu E{ o \y Nz q o: uNz Ny oyq Nz Ty@ o 500 | yoz Nz t y
N uo{ N T N@ zz F z Nz Nz Nz s- G Elg z z uNz Nz Nm uo uO qym
s zY uN ut Nz oys|N E{ T \Y| \y Nz zTF|@ Eo: Gz LN Elgz Nz zg g@ uNo Elgz u
`\z gt E \y Nz \ zz Nz oz F N|N z Ey m uN s@ Eo: Ey o z Nuo
Ez No| Nz u| N Nz Ny owuo y HT@ zN Gz ut uN <<o ty zTy>>@
ut s Nz uo{ Y ut No uo z Ez z q Y Ny oz Gz N uN
s@ NF| eE Nz usy| y F Y Nz z E 500 z Nz Yo F Elg z zz F| N \ zT E{
Noz sz@ z GNz uL | N Ez\ N, u\zoE Nz o uO utzT@ z ET Nz u|m L u y \z uo
Nt N tzz Ny y z\ F|@ Nz gz N <Em> {, \z |N ssy @
G z LN t y| N y s@ N ut Nz LN ut N E{ uo, EN Gg z m| Nz
\y N zb s@ z LN ut Gz Z - <<o uout G{ N tz Nz gz EY| z tzQoz y TL@ uo z
Y oz E z z@ o t E?>> N - <tzQz@ E N{ t m| @ <N z GN
<^z o EXZ T {@ E u\ L jTz o z Qlg Noz L N -> y zo { F tzo N,
, L-L u N N z E{ EN Fb Zoz Ny {@ F G tz z t TF| uN \z \LT,
z\bz y o EXZ T {@> u\zo Ny to NzT@ F tzo Ny Z Nz T N
oz z z Z - <o M ?> u|m ETz ut Nz uL b N, tz V Yy TF|@
z { <m|M> N Nz o { uN G E Ny Z y zt y {@
z Gz eyN Noz z N - <m| M m| q Ez NZ E{ y z\ y sy@ Z N utQz
{ o @> z GNz N Es| ^oz L N - Nz uL Ez T Nz N G Etz ut uN Z z
<<m| N utN Es| { m|@ ET FN qumN Es| z ub \Ez@ uNo F Z T z G z Nz t
oz FN zT m| \{z y EN|my oE Nz uL uN zz Nz Nm z u^^Nz Tz@ N z Nuo zN ut uN
\o {@ Tg\y F ut <NTg> Nz z u\ ETy \z\ Nz Tr o \N z
@ G <m| q> {@ q z Q@ m| q N Es| { \EzTz@
m| \{z EN|my q @ E{ <q> N Es| { z\@ N Nz FNz z \Ny F| E{ z z
m| q Nz EN|my \z {, m| q {@ ET o o Tz TL oz Yo|Q z N - <<| u{z zoz , wn
E <m|q> NzTz oz GN Es| uNzT ulN@ y GNz uL eyN {@ N Ny Ny s| N, utuN
\oz z o uN ul N m| N z\ E{ m| N m EXZz | Y uNTz@
No s@ FyuL ET o Ez N Gm zQ, Ey Nz Nz N T g TL@ Nz Etz
<m|M> NzTz oz GN Es| Tg uN ulN N Noz L Gz Ez ENz Vzgz Ny Z z ub
uNzT@ m Qz@>> u@ ETz ut tz E Ny yq Nz uNz@ Z T
G z Nz uN Tg N <ul q> M Nz N tzQN uo z Ey y@ N E{ GNy
g? Gz oz T - <<N u Ny tz un sy - N Ny ty N z Noy \yz Ty@
E{ uo@ tz z zz y LN tz z o F|| Noy 500 z Nz Yo uo Nz tz Elgz z LN u
s@ N z Ey un z LN-LN Tz Nz uL N@ qy N Gt E@ Eno qy EuS z y oz\z
F Nz T uN>> LN - y N E{ N {@ E{ NzF| uN Tg {@ Ey Nz
zz T| z \@ N z Gz ETyo uN@ uo z T s-s Tg Nz y \ z y N E{ GNy o Ny
uN - <<^z tz \ \z zy Ny o z y EuN - to Ny gy@ |, Gz N Noz sz@ uo z
y Nz N @>> Nz F z y ETyo Ez z G Etz N E Nz Nz uL Noy@

Q #C_ `~O H^. JO^ =#, #O, ^$_"# OHO H"e.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 18 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Ey {ozy E{ {ozz F| Ny to Noz-Noz y @
HN Tg z Z - << M Lzz t N z N z F z Nz Etzut uN oy Nz uT z@
?>> uo z Ez Nz Ez o| Nz z o@ Fz z Lzz y uN@ Y Ez Gn Qy Nz tzQ, tzTm
Tg z z z Z <<Ey Nz s-s ^z y to z N Gn j E{ z t Tg ENm Nz ET L@
O z {@ FNz uL ^z M N {?>> F zz N Tg -uo joz - joz wtN Nz m N
- <<EzN z z uL Ewo zN E@ GN N u@ ^bNz Ez y \ z {Ng tzTm Nz Ge-Ge
E Tz@ o Ey Nz s to z O z \EzTz@>> N t-t oN bNz T@
Ey Nz Ey|t zN Tg, F wo N| Nz z ET z z Tg Nz EuS z E uN@ EuS Nz o
Nz uL Q {N o{ E@ o N z Ez uo Nz Nm Tg Nz y N oz z Gz T@ F yg
Nz y Ey|t u@ T| Tg z Ey sN ubz Nz uL z G z Nz uL \ Ny ENo gy@ Tg z Ez
u Tt wq u uN@ G wq Ny QE z Gbz EN Nz E{ j N u z wy Gg E@ uu ut
bNz <uQ> N ou Nz uTz z YN q Ny@ Nz \ Ny Gz YNy y@ Ey YY \ N z E
Tg \ Ewo z, FzN Ny Ez ETz j, o GNz E{ Gz Nz E y EuS Ny [E uZgN ut@
z Noz NF| z T tzoE z tzQ@ F Nz @ EuS Ny b z y ty, ^N T zTF|@
E E uN NZ u zz y {, Eo: yV y wuo Tg tz Ez Ny Ez ETz j@ EN Gz Ez
Nz Y @ ENz Zzbz z EN uuo|o Nu E{ YN Ny uo
F Nz tzQoz y wuo z N - <<EXZ E F Voz Nyz z uqo Ewog Nz z N u@ q
uN o ETL@ o z N tz z\z s@ Nz uL Qz TL tz N z Nz Qlg N, Ewog Nz
o gy ut z z @>> us u@ FNz t Gz E y m uN u\z
Voz L F z N - <<EY|@ M zz {? E z y YNY zT@
z Noz y z Lzz z um tzQz@>> Ewo lg z LN t y Tj z g E{
<<F! uo Nz Tg, Fy Ez E { Ewo N G lg Nz s T Nz s Tg Gg Y@ y
g z\z@>> wuo z F Nz o uN z z Ey to Tg N N Nz Nz Nm tz z m Ny o
Nz o Nz F Ewog z\z E {@ Ty@
Tg N oz y F N Q yN gT@ oo ym z Tg Nz q Nb zN N uN
Ez Y E{ z tz Nz LNuo zz N Etz ut o Y tT@ Tz@ F Tg z Ey FXZ Mo
<MuN Nzz @> Ny - <<n@ oz EuN HYF| Yo @>>
EuS tzz o y Nz jT z N - <<s uO Fz n Nz Q u|N Nb utQy@ Gz
LN \ tz Nz q Nz uL Qg N tTz@ G N Et Etz ut - <<Tg@ o Ez ENz Zzbz z EN ub z@>>
E y GNz uL Nue N| zT@>> Tg z G Etz N N, Ez ENz Zzbz EN
Fz ETz joz z z N - <<Fy LN z N| zb u@ E n z LN z z glgz Nz z N
zT@ tz Ny uMo Nz Yo | E{ EuS-tz Nz uN, N - << z glg {@ F YjN {ez@>>
ET Ny [E z LN Ng zT@ GNz oz NzF| y Tg G glgz Nz Zz \{e@ n z N - E
Et z Nz @>> z o Lzz y zz \ N zTz@
ETz EN m z y Ez Nz gz Gn z ^ Tg Ez \ Nz m Noz L n Nz q
- << Ewolg Nz yY QN GNz Y Ez z Nz tz YN tlgo zN z - <<z n@ E ry {@ z Ny uo|
Nz QT,z u\Nz uNz gz Nyz T@z F N Nz z E E{ t Nz u @ y EN Y NZ NZ tz
NzF| ^NN tzQz N y NzT@ s E{ Yo @>>
EuN q Nz uL tz N z Nz y QTz@>> nz N - <<zy y FXZ { uN o zz
z tz z y Nz gz z , E Ezt N, Y Ez ^z z\E@>>
ut@ z Eo L uN Fz Tg Nz gy o z <<n! o Ez ye u\ NN u
o N Noz @ N zz uL Eno T{ Ny o {@ uNo Gz z ^z
Nz F Fo uuo N@ GNz EzN E LN N| N {@ F Ewo g Nz z\N z Nz tz
N Nz uY EzTz, o Fz E Nz q Ez uY { E{ Gz ^z os zy Ny to z Mo z {@
Nz Q @ onYo ENy z Ez ENz oo N T@>>
N - V uZgz {@ tzTm z Tg Nz ym z Ey|t tzN ut uN@
Y Ez z Vz u@ {oz z Ez Q Nz u@ Gz uNo Foz F, Tg z Nz E@ Tg gy
Lzy oz\ y E{ Nz Nm Foz HYz Gez uN tz Nz NZ utQ yo utQoz L F Nz u\o Nz y s uN Fz
Hx ^+OK, PxOK. H+OOz H` =#Q_, Q Z^Q^ @HOk.
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 19 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Ez \ z Tg uN@ tz Nz E \ y Nz n z t mz z O o N mN, :
Eno VoN {@ o N {@ z F o <m|> Nz@ Gy n
uNo \ z Tg Nz y y y F|@ Eno z F uT Nz y NF| uMo t Ny@ Eo: Tg Nz y
yo z Tg z N - <<z tz\ F@ \ Nz z <m|> tz uNo y yYy {@ Eo: Tg Nz y
Nz uL Ey yj Ny hy N nT Nz z Ju yYy m| Nz z \Tz@ Tg N LN <ztn> y { Es|o
Nz uo Et utQoz L E LN Q N E nTo @>> zt N @
Tg z Ez LN Q N E Nz Zzg@ Tg Nz F F N z EN|my Q z O o N m
yo m| Ny Noz L, GNz t Q Nz N, u Nz zt Nz : o Nz z n E{
uoz L uTm L E{ G z NZ u z N <ztn> Nzz y Tg - tz Nz <m|> g@
<<Foz t Q z F uT Nz <m|> Nz z uuMo Nz E
NTz@>> GNz Q m| \{z EN|my @ LN N z|no m| Fuo Noz @
NNoz uN <m|> , <m|q> N uqoyNm {@ NZ o m| Fuo o: @@
E{ u z E tz oo uN <Ez G m| y zt z o zzy uO Nz Yz z, uYN
M ut? <t m|> <Ym|> Es <z m|> \z{z u\ \y Nz N Nz L <m| :>
z NZ tzNoz @ MuN y N Es| <t mz y oz {@> N \ E N@
FN G tzoz L u z N - <<, z uTm EFL y uO E{ z \z
z Ey uMo Nz zt z o uN {@ z Zb TL {utN r <H m| :> !
All slokas Chant 108 times

FO <~O =+ #= FO H`* #= FO *uO` #=

G u z : G qz r : G [z u o oz :
In moments of distress and despair For aspirants of Plots and own residence.
For good eye - sight.

P^ L#C_ iOKO_. O`OQ @, WO_ H<## "iH. +"# K H~.

D Hx iOKO_. Chant 28 times
Nz N N Nuz @
: Nu N Y@@ = o [iy# Hx << P#` q_ fH"x
H"~ H= H= Hq< I x~~ Oz# =O Hx z~ q#_O [iyOk.
#= H=q~ H=~^~ K II ~E i< L<#. P~H~"# su = =^
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine J=Q# iy K J<#OQ LO@<=.
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also XH ~, =OQyi
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and = J=~H 38 U. Z< O|O^ =z< o
trust between couples.
q" , ~ ~ #_= u, SH=`xH ^~^. J~` D HO K# Hx ~A =Oz
=~_` o kiOk. XH ~,
NEWS T~~ =O|<= LQk O|~
"~<^ : LQk O_Q O^~OQ |^"~O z~ r ^"O `H [ K~. ^=`=~ L`=
qQ # P =O_O U~@K [ x~OK~. J#O`~O OKOQ =}O qxOK~. D O^~ O Q r^"
`" O|OkOz# uH# Pq+iOK~. * H~H=O ^~^`@ qq^ O` #Oz `~e=z# ,
x L<~. QqO^<= ~}` P OQ}O =~"yOk. PO ~n H#yOk. P =O@OOz
=^~ ^~ #O HeOK~. `Q #`# O=`~O UO\ W|O^ O_ LO_x [ q"ix H~<~.
JO^~ Mn = ^iOKe - z~ ^" J~ ~OQ~[< : u XH~ Mk = ^iOKx z~ r
^" J~ ~OQ~[< `e*~. ^" P=~} OKOQ ~#O K~. D O=`~O ~A A_x `e~. A_
=k u Jx JO^HO u XH~ K<` = ^i Oz q"ix "OKx `e~. J="iH ZO` W+" # PK x =
^i Oz J="i H$# O^=Kx `e~. [ _O @` YO`` LO\~x `e~. Q` O=`~O HO> D O=`~O
JO` =OK [~Q`O^x `e~ =~ =$kQ ~ x K~. H~H=O x L<~.....
(PO^*u 30.3.2017)

q"H=O`xH YO ^ ^Q~ Hx, =~xH YO ^~OQ HxOk.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 20 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

uN LzuouN G << u\>> u\ - 67

EtN : g} . L. T
E oN Ez j.... Ny 14 y ty Nz VbE Eo {@ , t E{ uoN u\T [ Nz | zy Tz
Euo u\T Ny y TWtzy uuYo u\ z uz Eo {@ Tz z Y ut uN E zT tzT@
N N Euo yzmT z \y Nz G N uty Et z uo uN N, N N Nz [ NYy Y \o {@
uN @ uty o t u oTN N tuqm o Nz \ z u Yo {@ N [ Ny oyo Nz Nm, Ez
ENm z NF| ut ut Eo-o z Tz@ yW y Y Nz Es oo {@ yTs Nz yT z Nz uL N z
y @ y Ws\y Nz Gn uo| Nz {uN z Yoz L 15 NzF| Nt Ge s@ F Nm uso zz To {@ GNz
z tuqm o m N Eoo: Y Nzg Mo YuTu Nz \T [ z z t{ Nz yqy \y Nb zN, F N Nz
zTL@ Gz oy {uN z TL@ LN Nzg Ws \y Nz Yz Nz N Etz tzoy @ FNz Yo uoN z y yqy y o
z L@ 18 t y Ws Nz uo| Nz jj oz L E{ t Ny - F o Ny Y Nuu N Nz ooy {@ Nuu
N tz N uN gz@ E{ t Gz jj uNz Nz t z Nz LN Nb ty@ y Nb Gz N Nz tzz Ny o
yWs \y Nz YuTu \ Nz z uo suo Noz @ Nz ooy {@ o zo {@ Foz Tz N
uo yWs \y Nz GNz \ u E \ Nz N z u@ \ Ez E u z uN o z bNz Nz
Nz \ Noz @..... yWs\y Nz yW z : uoue uY N s@ y E{ t yT Ny Ez Y goz @
Nz Nz uz u\T Nz zq Tzlm Nz zoz {@ YNuo| oz Nz NF| T Nz Gz uN@ zEuT T Yz@
.... Tzlm EQ { o Nz u\o N muN
E ETz ujL@......
z@ t{ Nz lg \Ny Nuu (Wy) Nz z
Ez uNz z ty N Q {@ Gz Yz N tun E{ t EuT T \ym| Es s@ tz Ny Nz z
Nz \ Nm \o {@ tuqm o Nz t{ o z sz@ F Nm T Nz zT G tzQoz y V Yz TL E{ Ez
O Nz zo Ez u z gz {z uN, -Y V Nz t\z t N yo z o y g u@ N zY z
Noz @ G z Nt Nz \Ty [ u\ o N sz uN M N oy z Nz V z LN uMo EN, G Ez
s@ uY N u@.... z Nt Nz , NYy u\y V z T@ z yo z Noz tz u uO E{ zby
zN, N Ny z \Ty |o Nz y \yo zo {@ uc z VV Ny E\ Noy F| GNy Ez EF|@ Gzz F
\ z \o {@ \Ny uTy Nz uqo z uZgN E{ uQzz@ wn E{ wT uT Nz tu|o Noy
g [ Y z N N E{ t Nz \o {@ F y G Nz Ny YzbL N@
\Ny z ut Qz uo Yo { ....@ { [ GNz n z ETo z z t Nz N yz z NZ
Nz Y z Nz Yo, Nz Ey Nz Zzb-z Zzbz [ u\T N@ <<Ez y [ FNy tys tzQz@ Ey guN Nz
Nz Ey tt tzz Nz oo z TL@ G GNy owu nT utQ zY, o z q z @ uNoy N usuo {?>>
sy - o Nz uuto F@| F Nm Ey Nz tzQ Ez G yo Euo Nz uMo o E E@
Nz zYo {@ E{ t tz Ez us uo { [ Y <<q N, FyY u y {@ Fy Nm o
\oz @ G E{ t N T \z nT No { - z Gz tz z @>>
tzQoz @ F Nm Ey Nz N N z uz Ey y Nz zN N@ guN z Y t Nz
nT \N {boz {@ onYo GNz tuqm-lg tz Nz Nz N@ szg y t z \N G uO z Z - <<M E {m ?>>
\Ny Ny q Nz s uN goz {@ T z t sy uO EN T@ z {m Nz Gm N@
L t Nz ENm Noz @ \Ny Ny q Nz n <<! tzQ VFz o @ Ny @
E{ \Ny tz u g z yYz Ny Ez jNoz yYz Nz Eu o Nyu\L@>>
Vz \T uT \oz @ z t { \uo Ny LN \zg y z uoz @ G
\uo Nz uuY EY Nz z \Ny NZ oN uooy {@
uO E{ y YuNo E@ Gz {m Nz Gm Z
{b N Ez Nz z u zYz o@ z Gy N - <<E N{ {? E M EL? zy ^ NZ y
N t Y \oz @ Ez \ s Y z Nz Gn z E {@>>
Vzg z Nz ty Tuo z t{goy {@ uTy Nz o-uo Nz N F oYyo z tz ^ TL uN tz {m @ FNz t
E{ t Ez T Ny Ez Y g@z T| \ Fz o z N - ! G tz z uNy N z Ez
uoF| sy, Nz uY Qz T s@ Fy t @ M uTu Nz \ NzF| { ? uTu N oz
E@ t z Ez u Nz Yzoy ty uN GN z -uo y G uO N Yz uQ Ge@ oo Gz <<GNz
Nb zT - t E y sy@ G s u uommu {@ Nw zz s EFz@>> NN G Ez
\o {@ z uo {@ tz Ez - Ez z Nz Mo Noz s z TL@
@ \ u Ny o Geoy {, o b No { uN u GNz s \oz LN tzty z G ENu|o Nz Ny
yTs Ny : s Nz t y zT@ Fy u\T [ o Yzb Ny@ EQ N F Noy F|, E oy F|
Nz zuo y Tz \y yTs Nz { [ Nz uTTy tz z Ny Ez tzQz Ty Yoz L z uommu Nz E \N

Q_z# u~E =#= U^< <~H<kQ LO_e.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 21 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
E uY ut@ <<\y ? ut Qzoz @ u\ ut ut {, G
z G N - <<zy oz uo uTu Nz Ez tzQN \L Noz @ LN yTs Ny uo| Ny
z t zoy oy sy>> Noz L Gz E uY ut@ \L Y y @>>
y y G tzQ ob z - << z y ENz uo NzQ Nz <<M N? yTs Ny uo| Ny>>
z o y oz y@>> N@ EN T@
FNz Yo z u\T [, N E{ Tz <<! yTs Ny uo| Ny y>> G ut yz@
Nz z o@ FNz Yo N \ z Ny uusuo E{ y YuNo E@
Nz \z Nz uL ^z z\@ <<ut E F u o NTz <<! yTs Ny uo| N z z@ oz T
oz t ENz Nwor Tz@>> N Ny Ny Yy TF| { ?>>
<<Foz ut oN u\T [ Ny Gzq Ns << \o @ nT Nz Ny uo| uqo @>>
To {?! \yuo?!>> y uzm Nz T@ N y z@
<<G Ny Ez y o @ u\T Nz zT GNz s <<M o Fo y \oz z? GNz t \z E Gz o
y @ z Ey y uMo G Ny Ez y T z @ M \oz?>>
uN G N zT oz tuqm uqo zT@>> N z@ <<@ NZ \o@ LN o@ NZ | |
<<tuqm Nz M : NTz?>> Z s@ uY z uo| To z z @>>
<<GNz uL y T| {?! F z Tz \y {N Ny <<M? uo| Nz z ? N{? N z?>> z Z@
o N z @ Fy Nm ^z z\@ o Ny | E{ << y \o@ uo| z Gy o Y @
z Nz z z \Ny o N z @ Lzz E ? N z N{z - NzF| \o@>> Gz N <<
oz E| gz Ny o {@>> Ts Ny uo| @ z | yN@ Ny uo| Nz y
<<F EY| Ny M o {?>> y z N@ {b@ z Z uu|N z, u\zty y ENy @>>
<<z Gz.... 47 | oN {uYN EnY Nz N YuNo zo T@
y yT E N{z \y z ?>> z G ut@ <<! uo| nTb N{z Yy@>> GNz t
<< y , F T N Ety Nzy ty \N G M E? M E z o \oz? z uN@
Ez uso yT Nz Tz Nz t| Nz t y E Tm Noz {@ <<M? NZ E?>> y z uN@ E Ny ^
Nz uMo y , z N j N {@>> t E@ 47 | N o {@ z zT Y z@ z zT
Nz uYuo N {@ z YuNo z N@ N \ {@ z zT Nz oz Nz uL NzF| s@
<<E{ y YuNo Nzy o oHT@ GNz | yT z o zY@ y yjy Nz o zoz y F| yjy
Zzg \zz y, F qz Nz uo z Nz Nm, E\ @>> EF|@ M y Ny y ?! Fo Nz Y
N y z@ N@ Gz oz, y VbL N- Vby \{z T@ 47 | |
<<M?! z yT ?>> z Z yTs F Nz Zzg TL sz@ n T \z Vb F|
<<\y! o Nz {uN Ny EQ YN uo tzN, G Gz yoz 28 | z TL sz@ F z Ez| Ny uo| N E
uNy uNy o Q To z \y z @>> y z N@ zT N E@
<< N{z zT? z uN E ou Nz Ey Ts Ny uo| N{y sy Gz ozz y
{uN ut|o z uT z @>> z Z@ Nz z oz N{z \y {? GNy
<< Lz s@ yz-yz Gz Zzg ut@ Lzz uoN Nz Nm y@ o Yzo sy@ t N
oz \ oz Qzoy N{ NzT? N{ NTz? ut \ t y zT@
E@ Gn N T@ G Zzg z \{ z {@ <<! N Qz TL \{z ?!>>
u y y o z @>> z yz uN@
<< YuNo N {@>> YN g@ Gz \ ut -
<<LN E{ o YuNo Nzy o y {@>> <<ut uo z N oz m \{y y Ns zTy@>>
<<o YuNo Nzy? M?>> Z z@ <<M?>> y z uN@
<< Ts Ny \L y z y @>> Ny y z@ <<yTs Ny uo| E \\y {@>>
<<EN T @>> M Y { ? z o@ (z)
NEWS Fervour marks millennial celebrations of Ramanuja
The millennial celebrations of the great Srivaishnavite saint Bhagawad Ramanujacharya on Monday reached its
crescendo at the famous hill temple of Lord Venkateswara. Special rituals like Sathumurai in connection with
the 1,000th year birth anniversary celebrations of the saint philosopher dominated the proceedings.
The rituals were observed at the sub-shrine of Sri Ramanujacharya located inside the vimana prakaram. The celebra-
tions were carried out in the presence of the temple Jeeyars, Ekangis and a battery of Srivaishnavite scholars.
(The Hindu 2-5-'17)
HO ~OaOz# # L`= e`# W~.
May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 22 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
In the previous episode we saw how Vedas These are the boons I have granted to you all
lamented at their plight and every time Lord Brahma After according the Vedas their desired boons the Lord
grants boons they are tormented. They all congregated disappeared. From then on this mountain has been
and .. known as VEDADRI or VEDACHALAM. Because this
The Vedas decided to perform penance so Mountain has been blessed by Sri Mahalakshmi with
that they can win over everyone such as Asuras, Devas, her glance the mountain is always shining with all
Humans who are unable to control their senses, other the time full of fruits, flowers, creepers.
low level sastras, Puranas and Itihaasas. They decided On the west side of Vedachalam, near where
that after the severe penance they will realize the Lord Goddess Lakshmi has her abode looking at South
and they will become invincible and There will be direction Lord Yoga Narasimha has his abode. He
none who can humiliate vedas. The Vedas went in had taught to Prahlaada Yogabhyasa. From then on
search of a suitable place for penance and wandered the whole world has been worshipping him as
all the forests. All vedas climbed this mountain and Yogananda Narasimha. Yogananda Narasimha had
performed a severe penance in front of Lord Lakshmi made a nearby cave on VEDADRI as his abode so
Narasimha. The penance was so severe that the that he can teach Yoga to Prahlaada and also to the
thought itself shilled many devas. Lord Lakshmi whole world. If the Yoga practitioners have a darshan
Narasimha appeared before them with his Jata and of this Lord and get initiated into yoga with his
said to them blessings people will realize Lord the ultimate
When the whole world is performing purpose of Yoga. On the South side of
penance for you why are you all performing a severe GARUDACHALAM, there is a water body called
penance as if you dont know the difference between Pavanam. There Lord Vishnu is residing in the form
body and soul? of Lord Narasimha. That Deity gives everything that
The Vedas responded: is needed to the animals taking refuge under him.
Oh! Lord, the omniscient Jagannatha! Would To the west of Garudachalam there is a Kundumani
you not know the items that is good for us and not tree. Lord Narasimha is having his abode under the
so good for us? Oh! Lord! The controller of the whole tree. From that towards south west direction at a
universe and us! Why are you creating Maya to us distance of about a mile there is a banyan tree which
like to the others? is like an umbrella. Lord Narasimha is residing there
Lord replied back: under that tree. In the North direction from the Banyan
I know the stories of you all. Whatever you tree, there is a waster body called Bhargava. Lord
desire will happen. You will not be humiliated by Devas Narasimha is having his abode on the Bhargava
Lead by Indira ,Asuras, humans etc. Whoever theertham. There is a small mountain near by called
humiliates Vedas they will become Pashandas ACHALA-CHAYA-MERU. In that mountain Lord
meaning fakes. No Sastras, Puranas, Itihaasas will Narasimha is residing as Jwala Narasimha. These
be against you even though they are in many forms nine Narasimhas have nine type of natures and
and are over flowing. If any of them are against you divinities. Each of the Narasimhas greatness cannot
all they will become like holy Ganges water spoilt be fully sung by Vedas or Brahma. Eventhen, I will
with wine. From now on this mountain will be try to tell about them.
worshipped by the whole world as VEDADRI. To be continued.....
=y# z~ |`"
"~<^ : `OQ} u~uQ, g ^=_Q ~Ok# z~ r |`" Q~"~O KHf~ #O`
=y~. L^O POx J^= q"iH `H [ K~. N"i`@ N^q, ^g "`OQ H
^"O Q~Q_ K@ T~yOK~. t"O OQ}Ox =O_OH fHz r`@ KHqH [,
q"i kH ~u x~OK~. ^x <"^OQ =iOK~. J~ =O`K~} =^ Ja+H
K~. J#O`~O q"ix QO_@ [O =~ T~yOQ fHo JH_ KHf~ #O K~OK~. L`==~#
`HOQ JOHiOz uiy H T~yOQ `z P OQ}Ox J^ = P## K~. |`"
qt+`# *i ~OQ~[< q=iOK~. |`" z=i ~A H=_O` ^OY `~e=K~. ~n =
=^~ ^~ #O HeOK~. O`O ^[J=~}O, ^^~^# =` L`" =yOK~..... (#= `OQ} 14.4.2017)
<`~O... Nx"x ~^`=O
-J="i` He T~y# z~ r
"~<^ : z~ r |`" ^# @"# k= ~^`=O =OQ"~O J~~u H# O_=Q
[iyOk. "OH>~q, N^q, ^q "`OQ ~^O P# ^"O K@ T~Q~. ~u 11 QO@ q"iH,
J="~ J^ = `H [ x~Oz T~yOQ fHK~. ~^O K@ ^H} K~Oz "^\
JO` P## K~. JO` =O^ ~^O =O^ J~ =O x~OK~. .... (H 13.4.2017)

h i=#` =`" O K~.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
NEWS Waste to fuel demo by year-end J_H=_O` r" J= O|OkOz # <\H+<,
The Shell Technology Centre, Bangalore, is gearing x==o ~H# *O [~Q`O^x J~H O
up to demonstrate its IH2 (IH square) technology for ux^ JO`$ =HO K~. \\ _ i#, L
conversion of municipal and agriculture waste into liquid
transport fuel. ~x W`~ ^" i# O|O^O ^. \\ _
The technology centre at Bangalore is one of the q~j == (P^O J~ QO) LO_k. ^x Q`O <
three centres set up by the global oil major Royal Dutch ~^ K~. D q~j == H"x \\ _ J~ H~_O
Shell and the other two are in Amsterdam in Netherlands
and Houston in the US to develop the technology for ^x u~= ^# J~, PQ= ~ _H~ Z.q. ~=}
commercial application on a large scale. nH` `e~. ~=} nH` U `xH W\= XH
While the IH2 technology concept was developed Y ~, q~j ==# `= H~_O ^x , J~` OH~
by the Chicago-based Gas Technology Institute for
conversion of municipal and agriculture waste into liquid
f~ H~O H< 142H~O \\ _ =~^, |=<
transport fuel, the worldwide licence rights for the new =O~O~ J~H KO^x +O K~. 2007 K@O
technology were acquired by CRI Catalyst Company, a H~O J#=OtHOQ J~H`O K J=HO LO^<~. H<
subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell. 144 H~O =O~O~ J~ r=<kHO XH Hr
Unique technology
Vikash Mishra, Country Head, Shell India Markets U~@ Kx \\ _ H=O_e XH f~<x KO^x
Private Limited, speaking toThe Hindu explained that P# Q~ K~. \\_ Zy \" == =`O H~ f~#,
the technology is unique in nature as it uses catalysts, ` K\# J= K_O ^x `e~. H~ f~,
hydrogen and heat to convert forestry, agricultural, sorted
municipal waste and certain plastics inside the plant `O K# K\# J= K P^ *s Kx
into fungible hydrocarbon transportation fuels like petrol, P# `# Y `xH q[ K~.
diesel, kerosene etc., in a cost-effective way. A demo ~`#"# z# ^" H< 34(3) H~O =O
plant with a scale of five tonnes per day is being
constructed in Bangalore and will be completed by the
~O~ # #~^i OKx, U J~H =Y ^ # H~^i
end of this year. U. P` |, H~x~H H~^i kO\ ~O| H~~. D
The Bangalore Centre had been working on the "~ `xH XH Y ~, ^"^ K\x (33/2007)
technology for the last six years and it succeeded in J= K e# ^ ` `O LO^x "~ q=iOK~.
developing a key catalyst for the conversion of waste
into fuel. H~ f~, `O "# Hq\ K# K# H~O
The IH2 technology can be one of the game changers z# ^" J~ "~` ^u H#yOKx ^"
that can make my country a net exporter of energy, said i~H} L^= O^#H~ O.q. O^~~ [< H~~. WO^
Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra
Pradhan in a tweet recently after inaugurating the new J#Q}OQ U `O, `OQ} `O J=~"# K~
building of Bangalore Technology Centre. fH"x P# H~~. (PO^q 31.3.2017)
Laxmi Narasimhan, General Manager, Centre of J~ =# i+iOKO_ - Q=~~ P i~H} "kH q#u
Novel Catalytic Materials at the Bangalore Centre, who
has now taken the new role of Technology Advocacy ^~^, U 2 : PO^^, `OQ} ~x J~
Lead, says their efforts will be now to facilitate the =# i+iOKO^ Q=~~ WZZ #~O< K~=
technology to be scaled up through public-private
partnership and creating awareness in villages, towns Kx P i~H} L^=O Hh#~ ZO.q. O^~~[<
and cities about transporting the waste to dumping yards H~~. J~ J~`, "`< O|OkOz 2017 |=i
without burning it. 16# *s K# rF# `.K. `O_ J= K K_x
Mr. Narasimhan, who hails from Chilkur near here
and an alumnus of Osmania University, told The Q=~~ Pk"~O OOz# XH Y P# H~~. r"
Hindu that about 350 to 500 tonnes of municipal and *s J~#\H, `k <\H+< *s H^x, P
agriculture waste was generated a day in towns and
cities and it could be converted with IH2 technology to =u~HOQ xK # HO`=Ok J_H =_O = `k <\H +<
generate biofuel. (The Hindu 10-4-2017) *s K_O *O [~Q`O^x Q~ K~. D JOO
J~ J<O PO^^ *s K rF, x==oH J#Q}OQ `OQ}
-z# P =O~O~ q^#O ~"e - H~f~ ~RO _ J=~" # K~ f< J=H<x ~<~.
J= J~H O _=O_ JO^= D JOO ^ fx J~ O|OkOz# =
^~^, =i 30 : L`Q ~x ^" i~xH K~=Kx O^~~[< `# Y Q=~~#
=O~O~ J~H`O #~^i=O@ Q`O H~~. (PO^q 3.4.2017)
Wz# g W\ =~ <~" ~ ^ . D q+ O L
`Q H=hO r H}O
~ KOk# ^"^, ^~^ Y JkH~ ``~O -H# O_=Q "OH>~q N^q, ^q q"
K < ~. ^O` L
`Q~x z# ^" J~ =`=O -q^n HO` ^n=#OQ z~
JO`$` L<~. D q+O PO^^ `O W\= ^"O
XH r"# q_^ K# \H, u~= u~u ^=< (\\_ ) "~<^ : Kx `~}... Oki =OQ"^

^~K~}O `e# =HH Juk =#_< [h_.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
.... "^O_` =O`K~} =^ HeQ ^=O N P^~O 25 =Ok "^O_` "^=O`K~}`
"OH>~q H}`=O JOQ~OQ "=OQ [iyOk. Nx"_ H} =`"x ~OaOK~. "+ = O^O
z~ r |`" QOQ q"i H} H ~ O =O^ Q q+ H #x P~k O z k = K # O,
=`"x #OQ x~OK~. Pk"~O ~u 11.30 }=K< x~OK~. H} =`=O P
QO@ #Oz J~~u 1.30 QO@ =~ N "OH>~q, "<lOQ Hq\ <~.
N^q, ^q H}O H# O_=Q yOk. =O^Q @= =~} : z~ r H}`=O O^~OQ
N"~ "OH#qx T~yOQ fH o ^"O gOx q"iH Q= OKf `~# ~OK Q< Ow`
=O_ O " O K ~OK~ . J#O` ~ O J="~ # _ ^O` @= q"iH =iOK~. JQ Q<
T~yOQ q"i KO` fHo Z^~H H~H=O =Oj q"iH @= =iOK~.... q"i
x~OK~. q"i, J="~ `~"~ XHi XH~ H}xH ^ OY `~e=K~.
~OQ K<~. P J~ #$` KO@ q"iH "# = : |`" QOQ ="~O
Z^~ H~H=x ~H H\ OK~. J#O`~O q"~, q"iH "#= JOkOK~. =O``=O, Q["#O
J="~# T~yOQ P Q~Q_ "#HQO U~@ q"ix P ~g^ T~yOK~. (H 11.4.2017)
K# o Oki P## K~. ~= ~OQK~
The central message of Shri Ramanujacharyas life was inclusive society,
religion and philosophy : Honble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
The Text of the Speech by Honble t Fo u, Fo zNy s@
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi This is precisely why Swami Vivekananda spoke of
at release of Commemorative the heart of Saint Shri Ramanujacharya the large
Stamp to mark the occasion of Sri heart that cried for the downtrodden at a time when
Ramanujas Sahasrabdi (1000th being downtrodden was recognized and accepted as
Birth anniversary) Celebrations part of ones karma. Saint Shri Ramanujacharya broke
I am very happy to release a stamp the settled prejudice of his times. His thinking was
on the occasion of the one much ahead of his era.
thousandth birth anniversary of the In more than one sense, Saint Shri Ramanujacharya
great social reformer and Saint was a millennial sage who foresaw a thousand
Shri Ramanujacharya. I am privileged to have been years before, the hidden and un-spelt-out aspirations
given this opportunity. of the downtrodden. He realized the need to include
The central message of Saint Shri Ramanujacharyas the socially excluded, outcaste and the divyangs to make
life was inclusive society, religion and philosophy. Saint not only religion, but society itself, wholesome and
Shri Ramanujacharya believed that whatever is, and complete.
whatever will be, is but an expression of God. He saw Ty Nz uL, zuo Nz uL, uYo Nz uL, tuo Nz uL z
the manifestation of God in Human beings, and Human
beings in God. He saw all devotees of God as equal.
qo T N EL@ LN s uouYy yT
When caste distinction and hierarchy had been ut N LN uz \uo Nz y s@ FuL Gz
recognized as integral to society and religion and every ut N administrative system y t ut s@ Gz
one had accepted her place as high and low in the ET-ET \uo Nz zT Nz ut Nz administration
hierarchy, Saint Shri Ramanujacharya rebelled against u uN uE Nz y NF| u\zty y TF|@ ut Nz
it - In his personal life and religious teachings. Gz TuN Nm E{ \z N N @ Gz ut Nz
o y \Y| z u| Gtz utL, u| F| LN Lzz institution t ut \ Ty Nz z\, tF,
utQF|, uN Ey u\tTy Gz Ez Y Nz \yN y Ngz E{ z Nz uL \T ty \oy sy@ GNz ty Et| E\
utQ@ z \z uQ { - Y N|m, F y NF| ut <\-Nb> Nz o{ \ Eoz @
Yoz L Gz Ey u\tTy Nz y E Gtz ut@ \z Lzz uNoz y Gtm ENz GNy u\tTy uTz@ caste-
GNz s, y Y s E{ y N| y utQ o y system Nz Y{oy tzoz L Gz E T y Lzz uO Nz
\Y| LN uzo sy uN \ y ut zo s, oz z u\z \uo Ny \ z o N \ T z zS
usuo Nz E{ uTgz z zNz E{ Nz ^z N o s@ Gz Eutu oN Y N G \TN uN,
Noz sz@ F| Nz ^z Nz uL E{ot E{ {ot z ET, yY GNy u\N u\tTy Nz uL N uN@
N LN T| <uub{o> y Fy Ny Ngy s@ FuL | Nz zT z, T| Nz zT z o y \Y| Ny
z , \z \ zt {t Noy z, Gz boy z, o y Gusuo E{ tz z zm F|@ zNzb Nz ut T Ny
\Y| GNz uQ sz@ z G s Nz ozgz Nz uL, Gz E Noy u \Ny yy uY Ny uo| FNy T
tz Nz uL Ey y uO z Noz sz@ {@ tz Nz o N zT Nz o zT uN E\ z \ | | uty
ENz ro zT uN uN o uO E{ zq Nz u\ Nz G Nz o Ny zby yy uY Ny uo| o y \Y| z y
|\uN z uN T s, z Gz LN N, T|, ut suo NF| sy@
o Nz zT Nz z Guo N ut s@ Gz N s uN E Et\ T Noz { uN G u\N o E{
u\ z zu z uO uoy {, z uNy LN Nz M N uNo g tz o y \Y| z Ez F N| Nz
z, GN o Ty Nz T YuL@ o y \Y| N z ut s@ E\ y yy uY Ny uo| Eu|o uNL

=## J^ LOKHQ =H =Oz =~# Hey LO\_.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 25 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
\oz @ yy uY Ny uo| Ny o y o y \Y| N \z Ny N{by Q Goo, z uNo y Yy M
tz E\ y Go y uTN {@ z, G N y y Nwuo {@ FuL - z
o y \Y| Nz \y E{ uq z oy \ N Gt, tz Lzy EnL z EF| u\z Ey uOTo uoe Nz
oty E{ um E{ \o E@ z y t TN, u yN, o N uN GeN, \ Nz z
EzgN z y GNz z Ey {T\y uNwo o 3 \, Nz uL N uN@ u\z {Ng z z Yy E y s Ny
1927 Nz LN Lugbzu uQ s@ 90 | z uQz F F Nz Qn Nz N uN@ u\z \ uo| Nz
Lugbzu Nz jz o y \Y| Nz zmy \y Ny uL, o Ny Yzo Nz Yz Nz uL, Gz \Tz Nz uL N uN@
uNoy y o, -ut Nz Z \oy @ o y \Y| \{z Ju N o {, FNz uNL E{
z z uQ s - Eu Yoz u\N \Tm Nz l N o { uN -
<ut | o Ny ut ut uNy z nm| N| uNL, E{ y z z T{y Fuo EugT y
G T Nz N uN, oz z o y \Y| z y uN@ EY, yuo-u\, L N oz TL y zY z
Gz NYym| Nz LN T{ m Nz E T @ \ T Nz z y@
Nz z\ Nz Nz t GNy y z V Nz uN oz o y Fy Nm \ TT z oo G|Ty @ y z Eon
\Y| z FN uz uN> { u\z y Nwuo uYo zoz L y uno y y@
LN tuo T Nz V Ez Nz t Ez y V Ny u zoz tzQ F l EnE Nz Ewo s Ny \ z T| z Noz -
o y \Y| o t:Qy y L E{ G o T y E <NZ o { uN oy uboy y, ut { t t{-\
s@ u\ Nyuo Nz ubz Nz uL z EsN u N z sz, z > tu N M t T, gz-gz tz Qn z TL, zuN
GNz V z y t z Ny sy@ FNz t y Gz z o, uto, N s-N uN Nz o
u E{ u E \y \ uo T ut@ u Nz s ETz j {@
NT@ Gz u| Gtz ut uN Ez Nz z G Gtz E\ ^z Qy { uN o y \Y| Nz \ Nz ty |
Nz \yN y utQ@ NF| sL uN GNy uq E{ tz Nz V-V oN Y y
G t{ \ Ny u\ o Ny zY sy, G o y \Y| {@ ^z Gyt { uN F uqE E{ tz Nz tz Nz o| z y
uE Nz N{z O Noz sz, F z y z z Ez \zg \ zT@
editorial o {@ You all are aware that Saint Shri Ramanujacharya had
Gzz uQ { - also linked fulfilling the needs of the poor with social
uoy LN tuo u Nz s LN s| Nz t Gz G u responsibility. For instance, he got an artificial lake
z N uN E ^z N [t ry @ FNz t o y \Y| made, spread over 200 acres in Thondanur near Melkot.
z G u Nz tyq ty E{ GNy uo| N ut y suo This lake continues to exist as a living example of Saint
Shri Ramanujacharyas work for the welfare of the
NF|@ Gz t| Nz LN Ew Nz E u @ Fy people. Even today it serves over 70 villages, fulfilling
u Ny tt z z ty Nz Nz t Eoz sz@ their drinking water and irrigation needs.
uo E{ uzy wuo N z LN Eto T s@ u\ uO E\ \ o y Nz zN Foy uYo {, o LN \ | |
Nz V tuo T Nz z Nz t Gz uN T z, z uO F| TF| z ^y F o N \ { uN \ qm M EN
ty Nz Nz t LN tuo N y zN ut oN \o s@ {@ LN \ | \z uNoy yuj Nz G ^y z Ey|t
u\ t{ tuo uE Nz QN zz Ny y oo z, u {, \y u {@ z ^y F o N y o { uN \
G t{ Gz LN tuo u z s| z ut qm Nz zN E\ \z y o{y Noz , GN t Ez
GNy uo| y TF|@ z {Ng z oN zT Nz zo {@ FuL E\ ut Ny F|,
z FuL o y \Y| z o uo sz@ \z zT ^y Ny F|, Q o Qt, o| Nz s y u Ny
z Nz joz z , z LTz uN GNz uY E{ u\tTy o{y N y u {@
o \Y| N uNo g s@ F ^y Ny YY| Noz L E y z z Ey NT uN o y
^z To { uN Lzz N y uO Tz u\Nz \y Ny zm N \Y| Nz Nz Nz zT oN Y oz , \ qm Nz zN
uo LN \ | oN Lzz ET-ET NQg E z@ o E\ M NZ uN \ No {, G z y zT Nz uN N@
y \Y| Nz uY z y uo zN LN \ | Nz F I would also like to make an appeal to the leaders of
z t{ NF| u\N Etz z \ u@ GNz tz z the various institutions gathered here. As India enters
y uO Etz N o uN@ its 75th year of Independence in 2022, we are work-
b~ Ny t, \s E{ T\o t, ing on the weaknesses and constraints that hold us
o E{ T Y{o t E{ E N tz z GNz back. You too, must set yourself specific targets which
uY Nz \-\ Y@ are tangible and measurable.
o y \Y| Nz Y z y uo zN T\oy EutNu E{ E o N Noz uN t \ T oN \LTz, 50 \
o y zo z N s-{m \ oz ozz NuL, \z y F| \mz z@ T oN \LTz@
Ty N tt| ^z N z o y \Y| Ny y tz @ zy Ey { uN o y \Y| Nz b~| Ny Yzo \Tz z
F LN \ z o y \Y| Nz tz z tz Nz Q- Y Nz s-s o| Y{uo Nz Qoz L
Nzg zT Nz u\N o, u\N E{ u\N Nm, y Nm, Ty Nm Nz z y zT Nz E{
u\ztu N Lz N {@ Gz ^ { uN Nco uN uN \L@
E{ N|Ng gz z Nz y | N N, Eru N, Fy t Nz s Ey o Qn No . LN u E
E-uu N, oN|y N o {@ FuL z uO \z y N E O No uN Ez \z o y \|
\uozt, uo E{ u Nz u Qg zo { z T N z N gN ubNb \y Nz N E ut@
\o {, Ny z \o {@ E y N o-o t@

hH< Q"ix K J#iOK, ` = "ix K O K~.

May '17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 151 z~ r J#Q O 151


I lost my purse while sitting in the <# z~ ^H} =yOKHx
Verandah of the Chilkur Temple. I came H# L# =~O_ ~x LO_Q < ~
and requested the Pujari to announce in ~Ok. *iQiH q+ O K#. P# "H
the mike. He asked the devotees to chant
the Mantra "Karthaveeryarjuna..." three JO^ih "`H = <~. J^ =O ''H~g ~~# ...
times. The Police located in the bus stop Hx =_~ KOK~. b O`OQO
the person who took my purse which had _ " u H ~ f # = # |
heavy cash, Debit cards, all other cards. @<~. ~ " OY _|, < H_\
Really the Balaji grace is H~ Jh H=OQ ^iH~.
extraordinary. I had lost hopes of getting
the purse. Wk P r q J^`" # J#Q "...
XH ~
Chant 28 times

No| y| \ | z \ @ o mz m To b Y oz @ @
H~g~~< <= ~* "< I ` ~} =`} Q`O #+O K ` II
Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`~# =, == uiy aOK@ D Hx H` iOKO_.
"VAK" [The Voice of Temples]
(English - Telugu - Hindi) Form No.IV (See Rule 8)
1. Place of Publcation : 2-2-647/77/D, Srinivasanagar,
Hyderabad-500 013. Tel : 27425640
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01-05-2017 Editor, Printer, Publisher & Owner

KQeQ H L#"_HO>, K< HiH L#"_ Z= K_.

Date of Posting 6th & 7th 28 Date of Publication 1st of every month
Registered as a News Paper RNI. No. AP/BIL/2000/2474
Vol.18 VAK / MAY / 2017 Postal Registration No. HSE/738/2017-19 No.5
uoouYgygz(g{) uyguo qz Is not the Paduka pair capable of removing every kind of sin? The
four-headed brahmas who are reputed as the creators of all the
tuouozVzozV uu|m: @ worlds themselves reap their welfare only from the grace of Sri
Numz: zmyuQumVc Paduka. With such might, the Paduka is certainly capable of removing
wumooz Wqzmywoz umtNz @@ all our sins and there can be no doubt in this regard. (Paduka Sahasram)
u`t~__ x_~`OH" JOMH Lx+` K_=}# N~OQ~* t~+}OQ Hey#,
^i` i`"<`#" qi}I HH"} i}qOK K`~Y OHH t~=} ~}K ###
H= i}=^^ }tM=} @< ~HOHey# N~OQ~[/~` =}= ^H, J_O_ =#
=$}` ` ~OQH}$` =}^H II < #^ "# JiH> H Hq. (^HO)
z~ r ^"xH xk.... ''_~b * O_^~ =~O_.
D O_H kQ= zOK|_# O KeO HiOK|_#.
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) (\ OH P ^~^, "~<^ Y,
~OQ~_ l) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated in any part of the Country.
2) SB A/c No. 091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Andhra
Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch PO^ OH, ^=OQ~O ("~<^ Y)) (R.R. Dist.) from any
branch of Andhra Bank situated in any part of the World. OKOx U O`O #O_< [= K=K.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara Bank,
113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H#~ OH, 113, "~< ~_, =`#Q~, "~<^
=O_, ~OQ~_ l, from any branch of Canara Bank situated in any part of India. (=#^O x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with UCO
Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H OH, z~ Oz, "~<^ =O_, ~OQ~_ l,
from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India. (=#^O x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
~.100/- Hh KeO Q D xkH [= K =K.
D ` xkx =~_xH O^ih HiOK=#kQ i<=. J HiOz H=~x OOkOK
qH}"# z~ * q^<x PKO^~O xeK `__#O^ P r H$ `=`~.
The Fund donations can be remitted in the Following Banks with the following Particulars:-
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad
situated in any part of the Country. IFSC Code 'SBHY0020637'.
2) SB A/c No.091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained
with Andhra Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch) (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Andhra
Bank situated in any part of the World. IFSC Code 'ANDB0000911'.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara
Bank, 113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of Canara Bank situated in
India. IFSC Code 'CNRB0003063'.
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
UCO Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India.
IFSC Code 'UCBA0002473'.
Devotees can remit their contributions with a minimum of Rs.100/- to this Fund.
The Devotees who contribute to this Fund will have the blessings of the Lord Balaji for participating
in the continuation of this unique way of worship which inculcates Pure Devotion in the Temple system..
Andhra Bank Ph : 08417-252064, SBH Ph. : 08417-252071, Canara Bank : 08413-235088, UCO Bank Ph.: 08417-200023
All business communications and payments may
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Owned, Edited, Printed and Published by : Dr. M.V. Soundara
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side Karur Vysya Bank ATM, D.D. Colony, Bagh Amberpet,
Hyderabad-500 013; Website :
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