Protectee - Backup Module

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- Protectee - Backup module-

1. Adding a new task

To add a new task go to Protectee module, expand the workstation Backup
Settings Create Task.
Very important !!! If the station does not appear in Protectee check in
Overview if the Protectee module is activated.

Now we need to add the task name - it should not contain spaces. After the
task will be added we can run it manualy from Task Scheduler. The name of the
task in Task Scheduler will be OptimumDeskBackup_task_name .

Please click on the Next button to continue. We have 4 types of algorithms:

By Day the task can be set to run every X days at a certain time
By Week - the task can be set to run every X weeks at a certain time
By Month - the task can be set to run every X months at a certain date
and time
Only Once the task can be set to run only once at a certain time
Regardless of the chosen backup algorithm we should set it Active to start.
Click the Next button to continue. There are 3 types of backups in portal:
Local is saving documents in a specific partition of the workstation
Network - is saving documents on a server from the workstation
Azure is saving documents from the workstation in the cloud
Requirements Local Backup:
Path - where files will be copied , it must begin with the drive letter ,
followed by two points and the backslash (\) and the destination folder if
necessary. (C:\ or C:\backuptest)
Username and password are not required
Requirements Network Backup:
Path where files will be copied , it must begin with two characters
backslash ( \\ ) followed by the IP or hostname of the destination.(
\\sharepoint\sharepc01 or \\\pc001)
The user and password are required in all cases except where the
respective share is public for Everyone (full access).
Requirements Azure Backup:
Azure account Azure account that will be used
Azure key unique Azure key

Click the Next button to continue. In this step we will select the folders that
we want to make backup . If the directory tree does not appear check if the ip has the 443 port open using telnet, eg telnet 443. If
telnet is not activated we can turn the Programs and Features Turn Windows
features on or off .

Click Save button to complete.

2. Save a task as profile
Profile helps us to setup a task previously defined on multiple station
To add a new profile go to Backup Settings Save as Profile. Add a profile name

and save.

To assign a profile from Backup Settings Assign profiles.

Select the profile from the list and save.
From Settings Protectee we can automatically change profiles and we
can assign profiles on workstations easily.

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