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Weight = Pds = your actual weight

P: Wrist thikness (not diameter)- has to be precise cuz defines your bones frame.

TP: boobs size

TT: waist size (at you smallest point)

TH: hips size (at your largest point)

You have to calculate your ideal proportion and weight:
Donnot think why or what, just calculate and youll get the final results right!

H: measure your height in centimeters= . cm

P: measure your wrist thickness= cm

Calculate your variables:


Pc= (X/10)+6=..


Calculate your ideal measurements:

Ideal boobs size: TPs=TTc+Z= . cm
Ideal waist size: TTs=Thc+Z= . cm
Ideal hips size: THs=THc+Z= . cm
Ideal weight: Pdss=Pdsc+Z= . cm

Then compare them to your real measures:

Do you need to gain / loose centimeters on:

How much weigth do you need to loose?

These measures will help you define which morphotype you are, following the
underneath descriptions:
Morphotype Galile :

Perfection defined by:

- Chest= hips

- Waist= Chest -20cm for men et -30cm for women

The ideals average measure for a 170 cm tall woman

are: 100-70-100.

Galile has:

- a thin face

- Chest= hips

- Thin waist

- well balanced body

- actual measurements = ideal measurements

Morphotype Chops:

Chops (mostly women) are defined by :

- small boobs

- thick waist

- thick hips with cellulite

- flat & unmuscular butt

- too much thights

- saddlebags


- too much veggies

- too much carbs

- lack of proteins

- lack of fats

- soup for dinner

Corrected by:

- more proteins

- more sugar for afternoon snack (to increase boobs


- less carbs

- less veggies
Morphotype Schwarzy:

Mostly mens, Defined by :

- muscular chest

- no tittays

- muscular arms

- thin waist

- flat muscular stomach

- small muscular butt

- skinny hips

- normal and thin legs

Mistakes :

- too much proteins

- lack of veggies

- lack of fish

- lack of fats

Corrected by :

- more veggies, in particular salad

- a better balance between veggies and proteins in your


Morphotype Mae-West:

A Pin Up with all in the boobs !

Defined by:

- huge chest

- thin waist

- normal hips and legs


- too much sugar !

Corrected by:

- less carbs

- no more sugar between meals

- no more sugared drinks

Morphotype Don Camillo:

Mostly men.

Defined by :

- mens tittays

- bigger chest and arms

- fat arms

- unmuscular butt

- normal or thin legs


- too much proteins

- too much carbs

- too much pastries

- lack of veggies

Corrected by:

- more veggies

- less carbs

- eating a breakfast

- having a late afternoon snack

Morphotype Sablier:

A very feminine curvy body:

Les caractrisitques sont :

- a thin neck

- big boobs

- thin arms

- thin waist

- curvy hips

- round butt

- thin legs


- too much sugar

- too much fruits

- lack of proteins

Corrected by :

- less sugar

- proteins for breakfast

- zero fruits during meals

Morphotype Monastique:

Defined by :

- small chest

- normal boobs

- thin arms

- thick waist

- stomach belly

- thin thights

- normal/thin legs

Mistakes :

- too much carbs particulary at lunch

- too much bread

- too much pastries

- lack of proteins

Corrected by:

- more proteins

- less carbs

- less bread
Morphotype Tronc darbre:

The worst one:

Defined by :

- a fat face

- no more waist

- huge hips

- thick arms and legs


- bad eating for breakfast (sugar, fats ...)

- too much eating for lunch

- no afternoon snack

- too much eating for dinner

Corrected by:

- less sugar

- less carbs

- more proteins

Morphotype Asctique:

Scary skinny girls/men:

Defined by

- small chest

- thin arms and legs

- waist too thin

- no hips

- no thights no butt


- not enought eating

Corrected by

- real food

- more for breakfast

- more for snack

- less veggies for dinner

Morphotype Rubens:

Often greedy women who try to slim down.

Defined by:

- normal chest

- bigger boobs

- fat arms

- thick waist

- large hips

- fat butt

- large thights with cellulite

- fat legs

Mistakes :

- too much veggies

- too much fruits

- too much dairy

- too much eating all day long

- lack of proteins

Corrected by :

- more proteins

- less dairy

- less cake and treats

- less veggies

- less surgar
Morphotype Maya:

Close to Chops. Top body is well balanced ALLweight

stored in the lower body.

Defined by::
- normal chest

- arms and shoulders are skinny

- thick waist

- cellulite on the butt

- saddlebags

- legs and thights are too big


- too much veggies

- too much carbs

- too many diet food associated to normal eating

Corrected by
- less veggies

- less carbs

- no more bread

THIS IS NOT A DIET but a new nutritional habit ! It will make you loose weight (and mostly inches) but slowly
(even more slow if you only have a few pounds to loose), and your body has to get used to it so stick to it more
than a month to get results ! A contrario: an anorexic will gain weight but in a healthy way ....

The main ideas are:

1 - Eat heavy to stay light.

2 - Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. (Eat animal fats for breakfast, proteins+
carbs for lunch, vegetal fats and sugar for afternoon snack, and fish + veggies for dinner.)

3 - This is not a diet but a lifestyle so the weight loss can take some time - the important thing is measurements.

4 - You will naturaly get a well balanced body and get to your healthy weight.

5 - Eating too much veggies can increase your cellulite - eat more animal proteins !

6 - You can eat everything but at the right time : the body needs fat the morning, so it won't store it .... carbs and
proteins at lunch to keep on going ... sugar at the end of the afternnon to keep yourself awake 'til the night ... and
doesn't need much before going to bed ! It's quite logical !

7 - The only forbidden food are milk and yogourts, as lactose makes you store fat !

8 - Eating light / diet food won't prevent hunger

9- Listen to your body ! If you are hungry, eat more cheese for breakfast, proteins for lunch of fish for dinner.
Never increase the carbs and veggies ! If not hungry then stop eating ! And always start eating your dich with
proteins - you'll feel fuller faster !
10 - You can have 2 cheat meals per week when you can eat whatever you wanna !

Here's the link to articles in english I've found explining this nutritional plan:

A standart day for a 170 cm tall active girl is:

8 AM: Breakfast: 100g cheese + 10 g butter + 70g bread

12 AM: Lunch: 270 lean meat or 240 g red meat + 1 small cup of carbs

17 PM: Snack: 30g dark chocolate + 1 fruit

8 PM: Dinner: (if hungry only) 270 fish or 130 g lean meat with a small cup of veggies

Respect a 4/5 hours delay between: breakfast, lunch and snack, and 1h30 between snack and the optional
dinner. Try to drink 1,5 to 2 L per day of tea, coffe or water (no sugar added) and if you what a diet soda, keep it
for snack time !

2 (french only) forums can help you:

-You can ask your morphotype on, so you'll know wich eating program fits your case +
the ladies over there will send you a personalized program!

-For any questions or help there is

The Morphotypes: (I'll translate them all as soon as I can) - you can adapt the normal chrononutrition following
your morphotype:

Here's a link to upload a method to calculate your morphotype with your measurements in cm: http://

Breakfast Quantities
Respect quantities following your size and activity level
Long morning or late
Normal morning
Height Cheese Bread Butter
1.50m 60g /40g 50g/40g 10 20g
1.55 70/50g 55/45g 10 20g
1.60m 80g/60g 60g/50g 10 20g
1.65m 90g/70g 65g/55g 10 20g
Eat 1 hour before lunch
1.70m 100g/80g 70g/60g 10 20g 1 fresh banana
1.75m 110g/90g 75/65g 10 20g or 2 dry bananas
1.80m 120g/100g 80g/70g 10 20g or a handfull nuts
1.85m 130/110g 85/75g 10 20g
or 2 dry bananas
or a handfull nuts

1.90m 140g/120g 90g/80g 10 20g

2.00m 150g/130g 100g/90g 10 20g

Carbs and Veggies
Height Sedentary or retired
1.50m 80g/2cs
1.55m 100 g
1.60m 120g/3cs
1.65m 140 g
1.70m 160 g/4cs
1,75m 180g
1.80m 190g/5cs
1.85m 200g
1.90m 220/6cs
2.00m 240g/7 c s

You can replace veggies by a green salad plate

Lunch: Meat Retired, inactive, or Sedentary or active Active work Manual work or
ill in bed retired pro athletes
Red meat 1.50m 150g 170g 210g 250g

1.60m 160g 180g 220g 260g

1.70m 170g 190g 230g 270g

1.80m 180g 200g 240g 280g

1.90m 190g 210g 250g 290g

Lean meat 1.50m 190g 220g 260g 310 g

1.60m 200g 230g 270g 320 g

1.70m 210g 240g 280g 330g

1.80m 220g 250g 290g 340g

1.90m 230g 260g 300g 350g

Saussages, 1.50m 170g 190g 230g 270g
1.60m 180g 200g 240g 280g

1.70m 190g 210g 250g 290g

1.80m 200g 220g 260g 300g

1.90m 210g 230g 270g 310g

Eggs (max 3 1.50m 1 1+1/2 2 3
times a week )
1.60m 2 2+1/2 3 4

1.70m 3 3+1/2 4 5

1.80m 4 4+1/2 5 6

1.90m 5 5+1/2 6 7

Dinner: Fish
Your height + 100g max As much as youre hungry
1.50m 250 g
1.60m 260 g
1.70m 270 g
Fat or lean fishes
1.80m 280 g
1.90m 290 g
2.00m 300 g

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