Poster Session V: Study Design: Conclusion

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org Poster Session V

STUDY DESIGN: Pregnant rats were dived into normal pregnant (NP) (Figure A). 5) Time interval from presentation to the diagnosis of
and RUPP groups; RUPP was performed on gestational day (GD) 14, severe PET was inversely related to GA at presentation (Figure B).
and on GD19 conscious mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was CONCLUSION: GA at the diagnosis of GHTN is inversely related with
measured, placentas were collected and mitochondria were isolated. both the rate of disease progression to PET and to the time interval
Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain (ETC) complex I and IV to the diagnosis of severe PET.
activities were measured spectrophotometrically. Additionally,
glutamate/malate was used as complex I substrate to measure
respiration. Respiration rates measured included: basal state (no
substrates), state 2 (glutamate/malate), state 3 (ADP), state 4 (oli-
gomycin), and maximal state (FCCP).
RESULTS: MAP was elevated in RUPP (n16) compared to NP rats
(n14) (1192 vs. 1002 mmHg, p<0.05). Complex I mediated
state 3 and maximal state respiration rates were signicantly reduced
in RUPP vs. NP (31316, n7 vs. 42315, n8, pmol/sec/mg,
p<0.01) and (24413, n7 vs. 30011, n8, pmol/sec/mg,
p<0.01) respectively. Respiratory control ratio (state3/state4) was
signicantly reduced in RUPP (n6) vs. NP rats (n8) (71 vs
101, p<0.05). Additionally, ETC complex I (123, n3 vs. 232,
n5 nmol e-/min/mg, P<0.05) and complex IV (50914, n4 vs.
64417, n6 nmol e-/min/mg, P<0.01) activities were drastically
reduced in RUPP compared to NP rats.
CONCLUSION: Impairment of mitochondrial respiration and ETC
activities indicate that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with
placental ischemia of pregnancy and thereby could contribute to
oxidative stress, hypertension and other pathophysiological features
of PE.

881 Progression from gestational hypertension to

preeclampsia - what is the role of gestational age?
Eyal Krispin1, Liran Hiersch2, Adi Katz1, Omri Riter1,
Amir Aviram2, Eran Hadar1, Arnon Wiznitzer1, Yariv Yogev2,
Eran Ashwal2
Helen Schneider Hospital for Women, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva,
and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2Lis
Maternity Hospital, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, and Sackler Faculty of 882 A role for natural killer cells in the
Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel pathophysiology of preeclampsia
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of gestational age (GA) at presen- Jamil T. ElFarra, Lorena M. Amaral, Maggie McCalmon,
tation with gestational hypertension (GHTN) on the interval to Ashley Gnam, Mark W. Cunningham Jr., Tarek Ibrahim,
progression to preeclampsia (PET). Jeremy D. Scott, Babbette LaMarca, Denise C. Cornelius
STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study of all women presenting University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
with new onset hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in a single OBJECTIVE: Preecalmptic woman exhibit an increase in the number
medical center (2014-2015). Hypertensive disorders were classied of total and cytolytic natural killer (NK) cells when compared to
as either gestational hypertension (GHTN) or PET as dened by women with normal pregnancies. The exact role of the NK cells
ACOG. Severe PET was dened as blood pressure >160/110 or during preeclampsia pathophysiology remains elusive. Using the
HELLP syndrome. Women with chronic hypertension, multiple Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure (RUPP) rat model, which ex-
gestations and chronic renal disease were excluded. Women with hibits many of the characteristics of preeclampsia, we hypothesize
GHTN at presentation were subdivided according to GA at presen- that NK cell depletion could improve preeclampsia pathophysiology.
tation (<34 vs. 34-36 vs. 37 weeks) and the rate of progression to STUDY DESIGN: Three groups were used in this study: normal preg-
PET and the time interval from presentation with GHTN to the nant (NP; n13), RUPP (n11), and RUPP+NK cell depletion
diagnosis of PET was explored. (NKD; n13). NK cells were depleted in a subset of the RUPP rats
RESULTS: 1) Overall, among 15,564 women delivered during the by i.p. administration of the Anti-asialo GM1 antibody (AaGM1), an
study period 359 (2.3%) met inclusion criteria and presented with NK cell specic depleting antibody. Blood pressure and pup
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. 2) Diagnosis at presentation weights were measured in all groups and tissues were collected for
was GHTN in 222 (61.8%), mild PET in 102 (28.4%) and Severe further analysis. Total and cytolytic placental NK cells were quanti-
PET in 35 (9.7%) women. Among 220 women with GHTN, 22 ed in all groups using ow cytometry. Placental reactive oxidative
(9.9%) presented at GA<34 weeks, 47 (21.2%) at 34-36 weeks and stress was measured in all groups using the lucigenin chemilumi-
153 (68.9%) at 37 weeks. 3) The characteristics of the study groups nescent assay
are presented in the Table. No signicant difference was observed RESULTS: Placental ischemia caused an increase in both the total
between the groups regarding Blood pressure or laboratory indices at placental NK cells (NP: 7.42% vs RUPP 16.53%, p<0.05) and the
presentation. 4) The rate of those who progressed to any PET cytolytic activation of placental NK cells (NP: 3.01% vs RUPP
and severe PET was inversely related to GA at diagnosis of GHTN 11.73%, p<0.05). NK cell depletion (NKD) signicantly lowered

Supplement to JANUARY 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S503

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