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fter completing the are in line with the stated mission of mittee on Specifications will develop a
1999 Load and Resis- the AISC Committee on Specifications: supplement to the 1989 ASD Specifica-
tance Factor Design Develop the practice-oriented speci- tion, tentatively due out by late 2001.
(LRFD) Specification fication for structural steel buildings This short supplement will update the
for Structural Steel that provides for 1989 ASD Specification to include the
Buildings (the basis for the 3rd Edition life safety current versions of other referenced
AISC LRFD Manual), the AISC Com- standards and codes together with re-
economical building systems
mittee on Specifications set its sights on lated major design developments.
future goals. A major issue to be ad- predictable behavior and response AISC and its Committee on Specifi-
dressed is the current dichotomy be- cations have made a serious commit-
efficient use
tween the 1989 Allowable Stress ment towards this objective, and we
Design (ASD) Specification and its To expedite development of the recognize that you, the user, have im-
LRFD counterpart. Countless discus- specification, the Committee on Speci- portant input to be considered. With
sions and debates on the differences, fications has established a new Ad Hoc this in mind, we welcome and encour-
future, and relative attributes of each Development Task Committee, headed age your input. Please submit any
steel design specificationboth within by James Fisher of Computerized specific ideas for specification im-
and outside of AISChave led to one Structural Design, S.C., Milwaukee, provements, simplifications, or prob-
inescapable conclusion: a unified AISC WI. The ad hoc committee will solicit, lems to:
design specification is necessary to cap- discuss, and prepare new revised spec-
American Institute of Steel Construction
ture the most current knowledge and ification provisions for review and Committee on Specifications
practices of both methods. ballot by the full Committee on Speci- c/o Cynthia J. Lanz
In November 2000, the ANSI-ac- fications. Work items already under Director of Specifications
credited AISC Committee on Specifica- consideration include overall format, One E. Wacker Drive, Ste. 3100
tions agreed to develop The AISC nomenclature and organization of the Chicago, IL 60601
Specification with the full support of document, and the placement and de-
the AISC Board of Directors. This land- termination of equivalent ASD factors Email:
mark decision means that by approxi- of safety for all limit states. Adjust- Fax: (312) 644-4226
mately 2005, a single specification will ments to aspects of column and beam
provide design alternatives for both design are also being considered.
factored and service load requirements. By focusing industry efforts upon Nestor R. Iwankiw, P.E., is Vice Presi-
This future specification, when the creation of a single specification, dent, Engineering and Research at AISC.
adopted by building codes, will replace the best technical information and us-
previous AISC specifications. ability factors will be brought under Cynthia J. Lanz is Director of Specifica-
Along with the merging of allow- the umbrella of a single document. The tions and Secretary to the AISC Committee
able stress and limit states design crite- design of steel structures will return to on Specifications.
ria into one, the new specification will the seemingly simpler times of
incorporate appropriate simplifications AISCs first 70 years.
and usability features to increase de- To bridge the gap between now and
sign efficiency. These improvements the single steel specification, the Com-

Modern Steel Construction / September 2001

To better understand what AISC means
by a unified specification, Charlie
the easiest to unify since theyre al-
ready unified. Q: What can you tell us about
the process and time line for
Carter, AISCs Director of Engineering
and Continuing Education, answers a few
frequently-asked-questions about the AISC
Q: After 15 years in a dual-
specification system, what
achieving a unified AISC Specifica-
prompted AISC to launch such a bold
unified specification effort. initiative now? A: The development process will
be a consensus committee
process. This is how AISC does all its

Q: AISC has announced that the

next AISC Specification will A: It was originally believed that
there would be a natural tran-
sition from ASD to LRFD. For 15 years,
work on specifications.
To get things started and headed in
combine the LRFD and ASD Specifi- the right direction, an ad-hoc task com-
all new information has been incorpo-
cations into a single document. What mittee of the AISC Committee on Spec-
rated into LRFD, whereas little atten-
ifications has been assembled with
does this mean? tion has been paid to ASD.
very good balance of interests and a
Consequently, there is now too great a

A: The AISC Committee on Speci-

fications has begun work on
the next AISC Specification a unified
disparity in the requirements between
the two methods, which really are not
practical focus to develop a draft for
the unified specification. Their charge
is to integrate the two similar specifi-
all that different anyway.
document that provides for design at cations and produce a single proposed
I also believe that far too great a di-
both the factored-load level and the draft that they believe represents the
visiveness has developed (particularly
service-load level with a single set of best of both in terms of safety, practi-
between those who have willingly
strength provisions. Essentially, this cality, economy and efficiency. Once
placed themselves at one end of the
means that no matter at which load the ad-hoc task committee has com-
spectrum or the other) promising they
level an engineer chooses to calculate pleted their work, the remainder of the
will continue to advocate that only
loads in ASCE 7, there will be one set Committee on Specifications will put it
their preferred method, LRFD or ASD,
of strength equations in the AISC Spec- to the test. Once finalized, the AISC
is at all acceptable no matter what. I es-
ification with a resistance factor for Committee on Specifications and all of
timate that 15 percent of people are at
LRFD and a factor of safety for ASD. its formal task committees will use that
each of the two extremes. Between
As a result, future discussions about single proposed draft for all subse-
them the middle 70 percent are
whether LRFD or ASD is better should quent development, including consen-
people who want a positive solution
amount to nothing more than a debate sus review and approval.
they can accept, not continued rhetoric
over whether ASCEs factored-load The people serving on the ad-hoc
and divisiveness. In all of the discus-
combinations are easier or more diffi- task committee are all top-notch indi-
sions and debates, it was the concerns
cult to apply than ASCEs service-load viduals proven innovators who have
and comments of this segment that
combinations. a solutions-oriented attitude and an
were most telling of the need to find a
ability to work effectively and objec-
way to all move forward and come

Q: Will serviceability require-

ments be unified as well?
back together at the same time.
The bold initiative as you call it
was born of an objective assessment of
tively with others to solve problems. I
expect that the ad-hoc task committee
will jump-start the pursuit of design-

A: Neither the ASD Specification

nor the LRFD Specification cur-
rently prescribes serviceability limits
the beliefs and biases of the middle
70 as well as the hardened propo-
office practicality in the provisions in
the AISC Specification. And interest-
ingly enough, I think it will be the uni-
nents of each method. It also grew
because they vary so widely by appli- fication effort itself that perpetuates
from the search for a solution that
cation. Instead, it is generally required this pursuit in the subsequent and on-
would give all the best and most us-
in the AISC Specification that build- going activities of the AISC Committee
able criteria for steel design and con-
ings be serviceable. Some requirements on Specification.
can be found in the applicable building Approximately two-thirds of the
As with all good ideas, the idea of
code. Many recommendations can be membership of the AISC Committee
unification came quickly. Despite the
found in various references, including on Specifications works in a design of-
obvious technical and emotional obsta-
a few AISC Design Guides. fice or the steel construction industry.
cles, it was clear that unification
Nonetheless, the treatment required With two parallel specifications and
bringing the best of both together
to ensure the serviceability of a steel only one of them under active devel-
would represent the positive and natu-
structure is (and has always been) opment, those people could comfort-
ral progression that must occur for the
identical in LRFD and ASD. Therefore, ably sit back and not speak up. All too
design community and steel construc-
serviceability requirements, such as often, I would hear later at the dinner
tion industry to all move forward to-
deflection and drift limitations and after a committee meeting that new
floor vibration criteria, will actually be provision we just voted into the LRFD

September 2001 / Modern Steel Construction

Specification is really elegant, but it work and genuine participation, I be- ers, educators and code officials. There
seems too complex and Ill probably lieve they revitalized it into the best is no more credible, authoritative or
just continue to use the simple old ASD AISC Code ever. broadly diversified group representing
approach that I already know well. Im most excited again because I see the design community and steel con-
However, with a unified AISC Specifi- the same positive spirit and genuine struction industry anywhere.
cation that replaces both the 1999 cooperation at work as the ad-hoc task Furthermore, the internal support
LRFD and 1989 ASD Specifications, I committee has begun the creation of of this effort by the AISCs staff and
expect to see the entire Committee reg- the draft unified AISC Specification AISC Board of Directors is strong. With
ularly and actively participating to that the AISC Committee on Specifica- everyones good will and cooperation,
make every provision that gets into the tions will use for subsequent develop- this effort will be successful.
AISC Specification as good and practi- ment. Im confident we will look back
cal as it can possibly be. And that is ex-
actly the way it should be. Have you
ever heard of a specification becoming
upon the initial work of the ad-hoc task
committee and subsequent work of the
AISC Committee on Specifications as a
Q: What will happen in the

simpler in a new edition?

As far as the time line for this work,
model for others responsible for the de-
velopment of specifications and stan-
A: In the interim, the 1999 LRFD
Specification for Structural
Steel Buildings will become applicable
the original estimates pegged it for re- dards to follow.
as it is referenced in the applicable
lease as the 2005 AISC Specification for
Structural Steel Buildings. That release
date will be adjusted (forward or back-
ward) as the scope of work is better de-
Q: You have personally been a
strong advocate for LRFD in
building code. Similarly, the 1989 ASD
Specification for Structural Steel Build-
ings will remain applicable as it is ref-
the past. Have you changed your erenced in the applicable building
fined by the ad-hoc task committee and
mind? code.
AISC Committee on Specifications.

Q: Is there any one aspect of the

unified AISC Specification
A: No, I dont think so. In the two-
specification era, I advocated
that the LRFD Specification as a whole
An abbreviated supplement to the
1989 ASD Specification will be pro-
vided to address the safety-related dis-
that excites you the most? was better than the ASD Specification
parities between it and the 1999 LRFD
as a whole. With the unification effort
Specification. Although a full descrip-
A: No. Every aspect of it excites
me. Everything I see about it
makes me think it is history in the mak-
underway, Im confident that good
things will be maintained. Said another
tion of the supplement being devel-
oped is beyond the scope of this article,
way, I think the unified specification as
ing. a few things are worthy of note. Treat-
a whole will be better than I thought
This effort is all about merging two ment of service loads and service-load
the LRFD Specification was.
similar but different specifications into combinations will be updated to con-
I see the unified AISC Specification
a unified specification that is the best form to the provisions in ASCE 7-98.
as a positive step forward for every-
of both. And the discussions of the ad- References to other specifications,
one. It must be recognized that, to
hoc task committee to date have been codes and standards (such as those
some extent, the unified AISC Specifi-
extremely promising. from ASCE, ASTM, RCSC, AWS, etc.)
cation will represent change for every-
Everything is on the table. Nothing will be updated to their most current
body. But I think that change will be
is out of bounds. Potential specification editions. Filler-metal notch toughness
worth it for everybody to make.
provisions are standing on their merits requirements will be added in ASD as
in terms of safety, practicality, economy
and efficiency. And the members of the
ad-hoc task committee are working in
Q: Will the current AISC Com-
mittee on Specifications be
they have been in LRFD.
When available, this supplement
will bring ASD more into line with the
able to accomplish this endeavor? current reference standards and re-
as genuine and dedicated a fashion as
quirements for design and construc-
anyone could have hoped.
I was privileged to serve as the Sec-
retary of the AISC Committee on the
A: Absolutely! The AISC Commit-
tee on Specifications, the ANSI-
accredited consensus committee with
tion in LRFD. Looking further ahead,
though, the unified AISC Specification
Code of Standard Practice during the expertise in structural steel building will minimize the potential for dispar-
development of the 2000 AISC Code of design and construction, charted this ity in provisions for steel design and
Standard Practice for Steel Buildings course. With essentially equal repre- construction.
and Bridges. That diverse and broadly sentation of the three areas of interest
representative group came together in (user, producer and general interest en-
good faith to improve upon an AISC tities), the committee membership in-
Code that had fallen into a state of cludes structural engineers, steel
mixed acceptance. And through hard fabricators, steel erectors, steel produc-
Q: Are you saying that people
should just wait for the uni-
fied AISC Specification and do what
they are doing now until then?

A: No, not at all. I believe there is

reason for designers to get into
the 1999 LRFD Specification now. It
contains many newly developed provi-
sions for real-life issues that designers
regularly face. For example, there are
new provisions that will address the
strength and stiffness required for sta-
bility bracing for beams, columns and
frames; a new section on evaluation of
existing structures and treatment of de-
sign for fatigue has been significantly
expanded and improved. Another item
of note is the addition of filler-metal
notch-toughness requirements.
I should also mention that the 3rd
Edition LRFD Manual of Steel Con-
struction will be a Manual unlike any
other in recent memory. It will be con-
densed back into a thinner and lighter
single volume. It will have new design
aids, including tables for tension mem-
bers and beam-columns. It will have
improved guidance on material selec-
tion, fire protection, corrosion protec-
tion, consideration of thermal effects,
and many other issues in the design
and construction of steel buildings.
This may just be like your Fathers
AISC Manual.

Charles J. Carter, S.E., P.E., is Director

of Engineering and Continuing Education
at the American Institute of Steel Con-
struction, Inc. in Chicago, IL.

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