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Porcelain Golem

Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: None
Treasure: Special
Alignment: As creator
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 15
Hit Dice: 6 (18hp)
THAC0: 15
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 1-3/1-3
Special Attacks: None
Special Defenses: See Below
Magic Resistance: 25%
Size: M (5-6')
Morale: Fearless (19-20)
XP Value: 1400

The porcelain golem is a construct created by a high level wizard of priest. It is animated by a small
part of the creator's own spirit.

Background: Adventurers and most of the populations of fantasy realms are well versed in
combat golems, but not all golems are built for the sole purpose of mindlessly guarding a treasure.
There are many tasks that are either too droll and/or too sensitive to be trusted to a hired hand. A
wizard seldom allows even his apprentice access to his great library but someone needs to dust,
sweep, and clean up his half eaten sandwich...
The porcelain golem was designed for the non-combat, companionship role. It's creation
uses a small part of the wizard's own life force for animation, causing it to be completely loyal to
the wizard. The construction process requires a specially made crucible (big enough to fit the golem
in), the service of a master potter, porcelain of the finest quality, a drop of the wizard's blood placed
in a vial made of a ruby (permanent loss of 1hp), a variable number of knowledge books, and the
following spells: enchant item, light, mending, grease, clean, limited wish, magic mouth, and
Unique in this process is the use of knowledge books. The actual body of the golem is
hollow. This is where the ruby vial and books are placed (in small storage bins so they don't crash
around). While the blood provides a motivating force and intelligence, the books provide
knwoledge and skills. Each book is a small work of art requiring at least 1,000gp and contains the
writings about a single non-weapon proficiency skill (such as cooking, dancing, etc) or other
specific information (such as the wizards favorite book of potions). The golem may contain a
number of books equal to the language bonus granted by the wizard's intelligence score. The golem
may then use the non-weapon skill or recite the book it contains. The skill of the golem is based
upon the quality of the books, so a wizard will go to great lengths for a high quality, all inclusive
book. Once the golem is made, the books can not be removed without destroying the golem.
Each golem is usually designed, by the whim of the creator, to resemble a specific humanoid
race. From a distance, the golem looks like a fairly atractive member of that race, but upon close
inspection, it is easily distinguished as a construct. Unlike other golems, they are capable of speech
and may speak multiple languages (if these books were used in construction). The golems are also
very graceful and dextrous.
Three times per day, the golem can cast one of the following spells (at the level of the
wizard that created it): Mending, clean, light, and grease. The golem has no need to eat, breath,
sleep, or rest, but may do so if it's creator wishes.

Combat: Porcelain golems do not fair well in combat and will only enter combat if there is no
other option to save their master. Even then, they will seek to remove their master from danger and
then flee. It will never abanden it's master, but being intelligent, if it believes it can rescue it's
master later, it might withdraw from combat and seek help. It will make the best use of grease and
light spells to disable characters before entering a fight.
In combat, the golem hits twice per round with it's fists doing only 1d3 points of damage. It
takes maximum damage from blunt weapons and will avoid them if possible. Piercing projectiles
will only to 1 point of damage (max) to the golem. The golem is immune to poison, acid, lightning,
fire, hold, charm, fear, other mind based spells, and gas attacks. A mend spell (guided by it's master)
will restore all of the golem's hit points and return it to it's orginal condition. If the golem attempts
to cast a mend spell without guidance, the hit points are restored, but the results can be horrifying.
The golem retains a cracked and broken form which can cause fear and revulsion in all they meet.


The golem serves as the caretaker of a powerful, but somewhat senile wizard in his final years. It
hires the characters to find items to entertain it's master.

A hooded woman hires the adventurers to rescue a kidnaped wizard. The hooded woman turns out
to be a severely shattered porcelain golem trying to free it's master before it is too late.

The characters come across a well tended garden in the middle of a forbidden
woods/badland/desert/etc. It is the resting place for a porelain golem's creator, well tended by the
golem and an army of other odd golems created by the wizard before his death.

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