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Deliverable 1 - Writing a News Article

You will write a news article of at least 350 words. Your news article must be about some
aspect of fake news and how the Workshop School community is reacting to your topic.
For instance:
Who makes money off of fake news (Mild)
How fake news influenced the 2016 election (Mild)
Social medias influence on the news media (Medium)
Bias and political influence in media sources (Spicy)
or some idea of your own! (Mouth-Burning Spicy)

Include background information from two different credible sources.
Interview at least one person who is outside of our seminar class.
Your article must include at least three quotes: You must have a quote from your
interview AND from your research notes.
Check your article for grammatical mistakes.

Checklist: What does outstanding work look like?

Beginning: A short headline explains what happened and gets the readers
Headline and attention.
Lede The lede includes the who, what, when, and where of the event or issue
in the first one or two sentences.

Context The article provides context for the event or issue by giving background
information and important facts.
The information is presented with the most important information first.

Quotes The profile should include at least three quotes.

The last quote should be a wrap-up quote at the end of the article.

Research The article includes information from at least two other credible

Grammar and Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
punctuation The word I is always capitalized.
Every quote is in quotation marks (with a comma to separate it from
the rest of the text when necessary).
It is easy to read this article out loud and understand its meaning (no
missing or misspelled words).

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