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Deliverable 2 - Writing a FAKE News Article

You will write a fake news article. Your news article may be about any topic you want, provided it fulfills the
expectations below.

Your goal is to hook your audience so that they want to read your article. Then, you must write your article so that
your audience will believe it is true. In your article, you must still include two quotes. These quotes, even though
you are making them up, should still be convincing.


Checklist: What does outstanding work look like?

Beginning: A well-written headline that functions as effective clickbait

Headline and The lede includes the who, w
hat, w
hen, and where of the event or issue in the first
Lede one or two sentences

Content The article provides background information for your topic by giving context and
including important facts
Anyone reading your article will understand what you are saying and why your
topic is newsworthy

Persuasion The article is engaging and enticing to encourage people to read it

The article appears factual through the use of quotes to create a believable story

Quotes The profile should include at least two quotes

Grammar and Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period
punctuation The word I is always capitalized.
Every quote is in quotation marks (with a comma to separate it from the rest of the
text when necessary)
It is easy to read this article out loud and understand its meaning (no missing or
misspelled words)

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