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Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay.

(High acid levels

are measured by low pH values)

Anyone who has visited a dentist has been told that eating excessive amounts of sweets risks harming
the teeth. This is because sweets lower pH levels in the mouth to dangerous levels.

When the pH level in the mouth is kept above 5.5, acidity is such that teeth are unlikely to be in danger of
decay. Sweet foods, however, cause pH in the mouth to drop for a time, and the longer pH levels remain
below 5.5, the greater the opportunity for decay to occur.

By comparing fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey, which are all common ingredients of sweet foods, we
find that cane sugar lowers pH levels for the longest period, thus producing the greatest risk of the three.
Approximately five minutes aftfter consuming cane sugar, pH levels drop to as little as pH 3.5. They then
begin to rise slowly, but do not rise above pH 5.5 until at least 30 minutes have elapsed. By contrast, fruit
sugar, which causes the mouth's acidity to fall to just above pH 4, poses a danger for a shorter period:
tooth decay is unlikely 20 minutes after consumption. Honey appears an even less risky substance.
Though acidity falls to about pH 4.75 within five minutes of consumption, it returns to above pH 5.5 in
under fifteen minutes.

The implications, then, are that people who insist on eating sweet foods should be aware of the
ingredients, and that fruit sugar or honey appear preferable to cane sugar.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph

The graph compares the rate of smoking in men and women in Someland between the years
1960 and 2000. It can be clearly seen that the rate of smoking for both men and women is
currently declining and that fewer women have smoked throughout the period.

In 1960, 600 men in every 1,000 was smoking. This number decreased gradually to 500 by
1974 and continued to decrease but more steeply to 250 in 2000. In contrast, the rate of
smoking in women in 1960 was very low at only 80 in every 1,000. By 1968 this increased
to 170, and increased again but more steeply to 320 in 1977. The rate of female smokers
then remained stable at 320 until 1984 at which point the figures began to decline and had
dropped to 200 by 2000.

In conclusion we can see that the rate of smoking in men dropped throughout the whole
period but was always at a higher level than the female figures. The rate of smoking in
women increased until 1977 but then decreased for the rest of the period.
The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in the UK.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given.

The given line graph illustrates information on the percentage of people who went to the
movies in the United Kingdom between 1990 and 2010. The people's attendance is divided
into four different age groups.

Overall, younger people seemed to, and are predicted to, be more active in movie going
than their older counterparts. However, all four age groups showed a gradual increase in
attendance numbers during the given period, except for a slight drop between 1995 and

To be specific, a larger percentage of people between the ages of 24 and 34 went to, and
are expected to, go to the cinema than those in any other age group. Approximately 51% of
the respondents from this age group are expected to attend movies in 2010 compared with
only 38% in 1990. Even in the group that had the smallest number of movie goers, those
between the ages of 44 and 54, there was an increase of 6% in their attendance.
The graph shows Underground Station Passenger Numbers in London.

The graph shows the fluctuation in the number of people at a London underground station
over the course of a day.

The busiest time of the day is in the morning. There is a sharp increase between 06:00 and
08:00, with 400 people using the station at 8 o'clock. After this the numbers drop quickly to
less than 200 at 10 o'clock. Between 11 am and 3 pm the number rises, with a plateau of
just under 300 people using the station.

In the afternoon, numbers decline, with less than 100 using the station at 4 pm. There is
then a rapid rise to a peak of 380 at 6pm. After 7 pm, numbers fall significantly, with only a
slight increase again at 8pm, tailing off after 9 pm.

Overall, the graph shows that the station is most crowded in the early morning and early
evening periods.
The line graph shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai for 12 months in 2002 in millions of
dirhams. There were two main seasons for gold sales.

The main season for sales is in the December to May period. Sales were consistently above
200 million dirhams per month, rising sharply to a peak of 350 million dirhams in March.
However, for the next four months, sales declined steadily, reaching an annual low of 120
million dirhams in July.

In August, there was a sudden increase. Sales almost doubled, rising from 120 million
dirhams in July to 210 million dirhams in August. This was followed by a drop in September,
back to the July figure.

From September to October, sales recovered, from 120 to 180 million. In October and
November, sales remained steady, and there was a small increase in December to 190
million dirhams.

In conclusion, the main sales period is in the early part of the year, slumping in the summer,
except for a sudden increase in August.
The graph shows changes in the amount of fast food consumed in the UK between 1970 and 1990.
Several trends are apparent. First, Britons are eating more and more fast food. Secondly, the type of fast
food has changed.

In 1970, the most popular fast food was fish and chips. Over 300g were consumed each week. By 1990,
however, this had fallen to just over 200g - a 50% drop. Consumption of other fast foods such as pizza
and hamburgers increased, however. The amount of pizza eaten shot up from about 20g a week to more
than 270g, overtaking fish and chips in the late 1980s. Hamburger consumption also increased, rising
from about 80g in 1970 to almost 300g in 1990.

Accompanying this change in the choice of foods was an increase in the amount of fast food consumed.
In 1970, British consumers ate about 450g a week of fast food. In 1990, on the other hand, this had more
than doubled, to 1000g.


The graph shows the amount of fast food eaten between 1970 and 1990 in grams per person per week.
Overall, the amount of fast food eaten more than doubled.

The amount of fish and chips eaten declined slightly. In 1970, the consumption was about 300g/week.
This fell to 220g/week in 1990.

In contrast, sales of hamburger and pizza rocketed. In 1970, very little pizza was eaten - less than
50g/week. This rose to 280g/week by 1990. In the same period, hamburger sales shot up by more than
500%, from 100g/week in 1970 to 500 grams in 1990.

In conclusion, although there was a big increase in the consumption of pizza and hamburger, sales of fish
and chips decreased.
The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March 1993 and
March 1999.

According to the results of the labor-force research published recently, the following conclusions can be
drawn from it:

In March, 1993, United States had seven percent of their workforce which might not seem disastrous until
compared with Japan, where 2.5% were unemployed. However, the unemployment rate in United States
began declining slowly since March 1993, and reached 5% mark in the middle of 1996. Japan turned out
to be less lucky, as their unemployment rate doubled in three years. From then on, the percentage of
unemployed workforce in United States remained roughly the same about 5% until March 99, although
there were minor falls and rises in the unemployment rate.

As for Japan, the percentage of unemployed fell rapidly by 0.50.6% after March 1996, but from summer
1996 and onwards it grew steadily and without any falls to reach 5.0% boundary in March 1999.

The major conclusion that I've drawn using the graph, is that number of unemployed in USA decreased by
about 2.0% in the course of six years, while in Japan it actually increased by 2.5%. As a result, in March
99, both Japan and US had about 5% of their work force unemployed.
The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.

The graph shows the percentage of audiences over 4 yes old of UK follows the radio and television
throughout the day during the period October-December 1992. It has been observed from the graph that
less than 10% audiences follows the radio at 6:00 am and the percentage raised to a pick around 30% at
8AM and decline gradually to around 10% during the period 200 to 400 Pm and again raised a bi t to
around 12% between 400 to 600 PM. It then again dropped to below 10% at around 10PM. The rate
again raised to a bit between 1000 PM to 1200 PM and then dropped slowly by 400 AM. On the other
hand, the rate of television audiences raises 0-10% during the period 600 to 800 am and remain steady
up to 1 0AM and then gradually goes down by 1200 noon. The percentage raised dramatically to around
15% by 200 noon. The percentage raised dramatically goes down by 1200 noon. The percentage raised
dramatically to around 15% by 200 PM which again raised to a pick above 40% between 600-800 PM
and then gradually dropped between the period 1200 PM to 400 AM.


The blue graph shows the television audiences throughout the day. It shows that the percentage of
audiences is three percent in early morning but it gradually rises unto ten percent at 8:00 am and
maintains the same for the next two hours. There is a slight fall in percentage in next two hours however
after that it raises sharp unto twenty percent within the next two hours. After this the graph rises very fast
and attains its peak at 10 pm which is about forty five percent. The graph gradually falls down and at 2:00
am it is at five percent. The red graph shows the percentage for radio audiences. Unlike the television one
the peak percentage of the radio audiences is at 8:00 am which is about 30 percent. Then it gradually
falls and it corresponds with the television one at two pm. After that it gradually falls but with a small
increase in percentage at 4:30 to 6:00 pm. The percentage of audience then gradually goes down and at
four AM it is the lowest which is near 2 percent. These graphs prove the progressive popularity of
The graph below shows the differences in wheat exports over three different areas.

The three graphs of wheat exports each show a quite different pattern between 1985 and 1990. Exports
from Australia declined over the five-year period, while the Canadian market fluctuated considerably, and
the European Community showed an increase.

In 1985, Australia exported about 15 millions of tonnes of wheat and the following year the number
increased by one million tonnes to 16 million. After that, however, there was a gradual decline until 1989
and 1990 when it stabilised at about 11 million tonnes. Over the same period, the amount of Canadian
exports varied greatly. It started at 19 million tonnes in 1985, reached a peak in 1988 of 24 million,
dropped dramatically in 1989 to 14 million tonnes and then climbed back to 19 million in 1990. Seventeen
million tonnes were exported from the European Community in 1985, but this decreased to 14 million
tonnes in 1986 and then rose to 15 million in 1987 and 1988 before increasing once more to 20 million in
The graph below compares the number of visits to two new music sites on the web.

model answer 1:

The graph shows the number of hits to two new music sites on the web, measured in thousands over a
period of fifteen days. As far as Music Choice is concerned, the number of visits to the Site fluctuated
between 20,000 and 40,000 in the first eleven days, except for Day 3 when they reached 60,000. By
contrast, visits to the Pop Parade Site fell erratically from approximately 120,000 hits on Day 1 to around
40,000 on Day 7.

Between days 11 and 15 visits to Music Choice fluctuated dramatically, hitting a peak of over 120,000 on
Day 14. Despite a drop to less than 40,000 hits, Pop Parade Saw a huge increase in the number of hits
between Days 9 and 11, reaching a total of over 150,000 hits on Day 11. At the end of the fifteen-day
period the number of hits to Pop Parade peaked at around 170,00, whereas those for Music Choice
Showed a marked decline to around 70,000.

model answer 2:

The graph shows people using new music places on the Internet in fifteen days period of time namely
personal choice and trendy pop music.

The overall trend shows fluctuation with slight Increased towards the end of the period.

Starting with Music Choice websites; 40,000 poeple went on this new site on first-day. Half of them
backed out the next day. In Contrast to this Pop Parade net sites were visited by 120,000 music lovers on
day one which decreased slightly on the next day thereafter regaining the same fame on 3rd day.

After 3rd day the enthusiasm for both music lines on Internet dropped slowly- reaching maximum fall of
40,000 on 7th day. Whereas Music choice gained popularity, slightly Improoving to get the original
strength of 30,000 viewers on screen, but was getting still less visiters than their opponent Pop group i.e.
40,000 on day 7.

In the biegining of the next week both gained remarkable recovery after a few fluctuations for 8th and 9th
day having 40,000 and 50,000 visiters respectively, reaching to their peaks of one and a half thousand
new viewers for Pop Parade on 11th day showing a contrast of very few people visiting Music choice for
the same day. Thereafter Music choice gained popularity on 12th day for having more than 120,000 new
visiters on web.

In the end of the period Pop sites were visited by maximum viewers of 180,000 whereas sites located to
Music choice were not explored by more than 80,000 explorers on the last day of the report.
The graph below shows the population figures of different types of turtles in India between 1980
and 2012.

The total number of all species of turtles in India has been relatively stable over the last two decades,
although there were significant drops in numbers between 1987 and 1989 and again in 1992 and 1996.
Since 2004 there has been an improvement in numbers of all species, although the graph shows a slight
decrease in 2010.

In contrast, the population of Leatherback turtles has suffered a severe decline, particularly in 1988 when
numbers fell dramatically. The rate of decline in the population appears to have slowed and it has
remained relatively stable since 2009.

There was also a fall in the number of Green turtles of around 30% between 1984 and 2002. The
population increased slightly in 2010 but it had dropped again by 2012.

It is only Olive Ridley turtles that have seen a steady increase in population over this period. Their
numbers dropped slightly in 2007 and again in 2012 but the overall trend has been a positive one.
The graph shows how the populations of India and China have changed since 2000 and
how they will change in the future.

In 2000, there were more people living in China than in India. The number of Chinese was
1.25 bill ion, while India's population was about 1 billion. Between 2000 and the present,
there has been a 0.2 billion rise in the number of Indian citizens. Over the same period,
China's population has increased by 0.1 billion to reach over 1.35 billion.

According to the graph, the population in India will increase more quickly than in China, and
experts say that by 2030, both countries will have the same population of 1.45 billion. After
this, China's population is likely to fall slightly to 1.4 billion in 2050, while India's population
will probably increase and reach 1.6 billion.

Thus, over the 50-year period, India is going to experience steady growth in its population
and it will overtake China. On the other hand, China's population will peak in 2030 and then
begin to fall.
(1st paragraph introduces the topic of the graph, explains what the graph shows and
outlines overall trends or patterns.)
The graph shows pollution levels in London between 1600 and 2000. It measures smoke
and sulphur dioxide in micrograms per cubic metre. According to the information, the levels
of both pollutants formed a similar pattern during this period, but there were always higher
levels of sulphur dioxide than smoke in the atmosphere.

(2nd paragraph describes the trends in more detail and illustrates these using data from the
In 1600, pollution levels were low, but over the next hundred years, the levels of sulphur
dioxide rose to 700 micrograms per cubic metre, while the levels of smoke rose gradually to
about 200 micrograms per cubic metre. Over the next two hundred years the levels of
sulphur dioxide continued to increase, although there was some fluctuation in this trend.
They reached a peak in 1850. Smoke levels increased a little more sharply during this time
and peaked in 1900 at about 500 micrograms. During the 20th century, the levels of both
pollutants fell dramatically, though there was a great deal of fluctuation within this fall.

(Final paragraph draws a simple conclusion from the data.)

Clearly air pollution was a bigger problem in London in the early 20th century than it is now.
The graph below shows the number of books read by men and women at Burnaby Public Library
from 2011 to 2014.

The graph gives information about Burnaby Public Library between 2011 and 2014. It shows how many
library books people read over this four-year period.

As can be seen from the graph, there were different trends for men and women. The number of books
read by men increased steadily between 2011 and 2012, from about 3000 to 4000. After that, the number
rose dramatically to 14000 books in 2014. This was the highest figure in the period.

Women started off reading more books than men, but their numbers followed a different pattern. Between
2011 and 2012, there was an increase of 3000 from 5000 books to 8000 books, and then a gradual rise to
10000 books in 2013. However, in 2014, their numbers fell back to 8000 again.

Overall, there was a strong upward trend in the number of books read by men. Although women read
more books than men in 2011, their reading fell to below the level of men in 2014.
The line graph below shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited four different
attractions in Brighton.

The line graph shows the percentage of tourists to England who visited certain Brighton attractions
between 1980 and 2010. We can see that in 1980 and in 2010 the favourite attractions were the pavilion
and the festival. In 1980 the least popular attraction was the pier but in 2010 this changed and the art
gallery was the least popular.

During the 1980s and 1990s there was a sharp increase in visitors to the pavilion from 28% to 48% and
then the percentage gradually went down to 31% in 2010. The trend for the art gallery was similar to the
pavilion. Visitors increased rapidly from 22% to 37% from 1980 to 1985 then gradually decreased to less
than 10% over the next twenty-five years. The number of tourists who visited the Brighton Festival
fluctuated slightly but in general remained steady at about 25%. Visitors to the pier also fluctuated from
1980 to 2000 then rose significantly from 12% to 22% between 2000 and 2010.
The line graph below shows the changes in the share price of Outokumpu companies in euros
between January 2006 and December 2010.

The graph shows the changes and a decline overall in the share price of Outokumpu in a five-year period
from January 2006 through December 2010.

At the beginning of this period the share price was at EUR 13 per share. There were several fluctuations
until late 2006 when there was a sudden increase from EUR 21 to EUR 31. This higher price did not last
long, however, and it fell before rising strongly again in 2008. From mid-2008 there was a sharp
downward trend through the end of the year when it fell to the lowest point in this period at just over EUR
7 per share. After that the share price recovered and, despite some fluctuations, continued to rise until it
reached a peak of EUR 17 in early 2010. Until late 2010 the trend was downward again, ending the year
at just over EUR 12.
Outokumpu made significant gains and losses during this period but overall lost around EUR 1 per share.

The graph below shows the population change between 1940 and 2000 in three different counties
in the U.S. state of Oregon.

The graph shows the increase in population of three counties, Columbia, Yamhill and Washington in the
U.S. state of Oregon, between 1940 and 2000. In 1940, Columbia had the lowest population of the three
counties, at around 25,000. This compared with about 30,000 in Yamhill and approximately 75,000 in

By 1970, Columbias population had risen to just under 36,000. Although this appears on the graph to be
a gentle increase, it is in fact an increase of approximately 50%. Yamhills population also rose by nearly
50% between 1940 and 1970: from 30,000 to just under 45,000. However, the greatest real increase was
in Washington, where the population in 1970 had increased by approximately 75,000, to 125,000.
The years 1970 to 2000 saw the populations of Columbia and Yamhill increase by approximately the
same amounts that they had increased by the thirty years before. In 2000, Columbias population at
approximately 76,000 was triple what it had been in 1940. Likewise, Yamhills population, at around
90,000, was almost triple what it was in 1940.

Although Washingtons increase in population between 1940 and 1970 was large, its increase in the
following thirty years was even sharper, rising from about 125,000 in 1970 to more than 240,000 in 2000.

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