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y New materials having high strength and hardness, such as

nimonic alloys and alloys with alloying elements such as

NTMM tungsten, molybdenum, and columbium are difficult to

machine by the traditional methods.
y By conventional machining the MRR reduces with an
increase in the work material hardness.
y Need for development
p of nontraditional machining
processes which utilize other methods such as
BySKMondal electrochemical processes for the material removal.

NeedforUnconventionalProcesses InUnconventionalMachining ClassificationofNTMM

l f f
y Complex shapes. y Different
Diff forms
f off energy directly
di l applied
li d to the
h The
Th Nontraditional
N di i l Machining
M hi i Methods
M h d are classified
l ifi d
workpiece to have shape transformation or material according to the major energy sources employed in
y A very high accuracy is desired besides the complexity of removal from work surface. machining.
h surface
f to be
b machined.
hi d y No chips,
chips No lay pattern on work surface,
surface no direct 1.ThermalEnergyMethods
Th lE M h d
physical contact between the tool and the workpiece .
y The
h tooll materiall does
d not have
h to be
b harder
h d thanh the h 2.Electro
El t ChemicalEnergyMethod
Ch i lE M th d
work material.
3 ChemicalEnergyMethods
y Tool forces do not increase as the work material gets
harder 4 MechanicalEnergyMethods
y Economic metal removal rate does not decrease as the
work material gets harder.

h l h d 2.Electro ChemicalEnergyMethod 3. ChemicalEnergyMethods
h l h d
y Electricaldischargemachining(EDM) These
Th methods
h d involve
i l controlled
ll d etching
hi off the
y ElectroChemicalMachining(ECM)
workpiece material in contact with a chemical solution.
y LaserbeamMachining(LBM)
y ElectroChemicalgrinding(ECG)
y PlasmaArcMachining(PAM) y Chemical Machining Method (CHM).
y ElectroChemicalHoning(ECH)
y ElectronBeamMachining(EBM)
( )
y ElectroChemicalDeburring (ECD)
y IonBeamMachining(IBM)
I B M hi i (IBM)

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 1

4. MechanicalEnergyMethods
h l h d SomeObservations
b ShapesCuttingCapability
h bl
y EDM has
h the
th lowest
l t specific
ifi power requirement
i t and
d can The
Th various
i NTMM have
h some special
i l shape
h cutting
y UltraSonicMachining(USM)
achieve sufficient accuracy. capability as given below:
y AbrasiveJetMachining(AJM) y ECM has the highest metal removal rate, MRR.
1. Micromachining and Drilling : LBM and EBM
y USM and AJM J have low MRR and combined with high g
y WaterJetMachining(WJM) tool wear, are used for nonmetal cutting. 2. Cavity sinking and standard Hole Drilling: EDM and
y LBM and EBM have high penetration rates with low
MRR and, therefore, are commonly used for micro USM
drilling sheet cutting,
drilling, cutting and welding.
3. Fine hole drilling and Contour Machining: ECM
y CHM is used for manufacturing PCB and other shallow
components.t 4. Clean, rapid Cuts and Profiles: PAM
y PAM can be used for clean, rapid cuts and profiles in
almost all plates upto 20 cm thick with 5o to 10o taper. 5. Shallow Pocketing: AJM

f ElectrochemicalMachining
l h l h
y Expensive set up, low MRR and skilled labour required. y Electrochemical
El h i l machining
hi i is
i the
h reverse off electro
y The limitation of electrical machining methods is that y The workpiece is made the anode, which is placed in
h work
k material
i l must be
b an electrical
l i l conductor.
consumption of electrical energy is very large.
ECM close proximity to an electrode (cathode),
(cathode) and a high
amperage direct current is passed between them through
an electrolyte,
electrol te such as salt water,
ater flowing
flo ing in the anode
cathode gap.
y The NTMM which have not been proved commercially
y Metal is removed by anodic dissolution and is carried
economical are: USM, AJM,
J CHM, EBM and PAM. away in the form of a hydroxide in the electrolyte for
recycling or recovery.
y MRR ini ECM depends
d d on atomic
t i weight
i ht off work
k material
t i l

l h l h ECMEquipment
y Variation
V i i in
i the
h current density
d i willill result
l in
i work
taking the electrodes shape.
y The electrode is fed with a constant velocity, and the
electrolyte is fed through the tool.

Fig- Electrochemical Machining process

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 2
ECMEquipment ECMEquipment Electrolyte
l l
y Supply
S l Voltage
V l 2 to 35 V DC and
d Current
C 500 to 40,000 A y The
Th electrolyte
l l consists
i off the
h metall debris
d b i removed
d The
Th electrolyte
l t l t is i so chosen
h that
th t the
th anoded (workpiece)
( k i )
y The tooltowork g
p needs to be maintained at a veryy from the anode, which will have to be filtered before it is is dissolved but no deposition takes place on the cathode
repumped into the system. (t l)
small value 0.1 to 0.25 mm. A servo drive is provided on
the tool axis for this purpose.
purpose y Also a large amount of heat is generated during the
Properties electrolyte should be
electrolysis, which heats up the electrolyte, and hence it 1. High electrical conductivity
y The electrolyte needs to be pumped through this gap at
needs to be cooled.
cooled 2 Low viscosity
h h pressures ranging from
high f 0.70 to 3.00 MPa. Thish
introduces a large amount of load on the machine, 3. High specific heat
because of the large working areas involved. Hence the 4. Chemical
h l stability
machine structure will have to be made rigid to a 55. Resistance to formation of p passivating
g film on
withstand such forces. workpiece surface
6 Non
6. Noncorrosive
corrosive and non
7. Inexpensive and readily available

T l
Tool Advantages
Th properties
ti off tool
t l materials
t i l should
h ld be:
b 1. Complex threedimensional surfaces can be machined
1. High
g electrical and thermal comductivityy accurately.
y Good for low machinabilityy or complicated
2. Easy machinability
2 As ECM leads to atomic level dissolution,
2. dissolution the surface
3. Good shiffness
finish is excellent (Ra 0.2 to 0.6 m) with almost stress
ForECMofsteelNaCl isusedastheelectrolyte. 4. High corrosion resistance f
free machined
hi d surface
f andd without
ih any thermal
h l
y Tool materials: Copper,
Copper brass,
brass bronze,
bronze Al,
Al Stainless
3. The tool wear is practically nil which results in a large
Steel, Cupro nickel, etc.
number of components produced per tool. tool
y Material wear / Tool wear: Infinite 3
4. MRR is highest (1600 mm /min) among NTMM and
comparablebl withh conventionall machining.

Disadvantages Applications
l ECMCalculations
l l
1. Use
U off corrosive i media
di as electrolytes
l t l t makes k it difficult
diffi lt to
t y Any electrically conductive work material irrespective Faradays
F d lawsl state
t t that,
th t
of their hardness, strength or even thermal properties.
It E
2. Sh
Sharp i
i edges
difficult to produce.
andd corners (<( 0.2 mm radius)
di ) are y The machining surface can be situated at any
inaccessible. m=

3. V expensive
Very i machine.
hi y Shape application blind complex
comple cavities,
ca ities curved
surfaces, through cutting, large through cavities.
cur ed F
4. Forces are large with this method because of fluid pumping Where m =weight(g)ofamaterial
g g
forces. y It is
i used
d for
f the
th machining
hi i off the
th gas turbine
t bi blades.
bl d
I =current(A)
55. Veryy highg specific
p energy
gy consumption
p (about 150
5 times y Die sinking
t =time(sec)
that required for conventional processes), y Profiling and contouring
6. Not applicable
pp with electricallyy nonconducting
g materials y Trepanning
p g E =gramequivalentweightofthe
and jobs with very small dimensions material
t i l
y Grinding
77. Lower fatigue
g strengthg y Drilling
F =constantofproportionality
y Micromachining
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 3
l l ECMCalculations
l l ECMCalculations
l l
y MRR for
f pure metall
yMRR = F
g/s =
F. V
g/s AI cm3 EI cm3
vF sec F sec
y MRR for Alloy
Ii A
9 5 / /
Eeq I cm3

TheMRRwillbeing/s eq F sec

100 x 100 x v
= i and = i i
eq i i Eeq i Ai

l l DynamicsofElectrochemicalMachining
y To
T calculate
l l the
h fluid
fl id flow
fl required,
i d match
h the
h heat
h Overvoltage
generated to the heat absorbed by the electrolyte. y If the total over voltage at the anode and the cathode is
V and the applied voltage is V, the current I is given

y Neglecting
g g all the heat losses
y Schematic representation of the ECM process with no
l2R = q e ce (B o ) ffeed to the tool

ElectrochemicalGrinding(ECG) ElectrochemicalGrinding(ECG)
l h l d ( )
y In
ECG the
th tool
t l electrode
l t d is i a rotating,
t ti metal
t l bonded,
b d d y The process is used for shaping and sharpening
diamond grit grinding wheel. carbide cutting tools, which cause high wear rates on
y A the
As h electric
l i current flows
fl b
between the
h workpiece
k i andd the
h expensive
i di
diamondd wheels
h l ini normall grinding.
i di
wheel, through the electrolyte, the surface metal is changed Electrochemical grinding greatly reduces this wheel
to a metal oxide,
oxide which is ground away by the abrasives.
abrasives As wear.
the oxide film is removed, new surface metal is oxidized and y Fragile parts (honeycomb structures), surgical needles,
and tips of assembled turbine blades have been ECG
y ECG is a lowvoltage highcurrent electrical process. processed successfully.
p y
y Th purpose off the
The h abrasive
b i is i to increase
i the
h efficiency
ffi i off the
ECG process and permit the continuance of the process. y The lack of heat damage, burrs, and residual stresses is
very beneficial,
beneficial particularly when coupled with MRRs
y The
h abrasive
b particles
l are always
l nonconductive
d materiall
such as aluminum oxide, diamond, or borazon (CBN). Thus that are competitive with conventional grinding but
h act as an insulating
i l i spacer maintaining
i i i a separation i off with far less wheel wear.
from 0.012 to 0.050 mm between the electrodes.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 4
h l l
Other Electrochemical processes y Basic
B i process

y Electrochemicalpolishing
El h i l li hi

y Electrochemicalholedrilling

y ElectrochemicalDeburring

h l l PhysicalPrinciple
h l l PhysicalPrinciple
h l l
y An
A arc jumps
j between
b two points
i along
l the
h path
h off least
l y The
Th energy off the
h arc is
i so concentrated
d that
h iti causes the
h y The
Th metall and
d dielectric
di l i fluid
fl id is
i partly
l vaporized,
i d
resistance. electrode, and the work to melt. But the electrode causing sudden expansion.
material is chosen so that it melts less.

h l l CharacteristicsofEDM
h f CharacteristicsofEDM
h f
y The
Th blast
bl from
f the
h expanding
di vapors knocks
k k some y Mechanics
M h i off material
i l removall melting
li and
d y Uses
U Voltage
V l off 60
6 to 300 V to give
i a transient
i arc lasting
l i
molten particles loose, and the remaining molten metal evaporation aided by cavitation. from 0.1 s to 8 ms.
hardens. y The process is based on melting temperature, not y Typical cycle time is 20 ms or less, up to millions of
hardness so some very hard materials can be machined
hardness, cycles may be required for completion of the part.
this way. y Rotating the wire in an orbital direction will,
y The
h arc that
h jumps heats
h the
h metal,
l andd about
b 1 to 10%
% off Increase accuracy in form and surface finish
the molten metal goes into the fluid. The melted metal Decrease electrode wear
then recast layer is about 1 to 30 m thick, and is
generally hard and rough. y Surface finish obtained 0.25 m
y The electrode workpiece gap is in the range of 10 m to
100 m.
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EDMTool EDMTool WearRatio
P i requirements
i EDM tooll Material
M i l Theusualchoicesfortool(electrode)materialsare
Th l h i f l( l d ) i l y One
O major
j drawback
d b k off EDM is
i the
h wear that
h occurs on
1. It should be electricallyy conductive. y Copper,
pp , the electrode at each spark. Tool wear is given in terms of
2. It should have good machinability, thus allowing y brass,
wear ratio which is defined as,
easy manufacture of complex shapes.
shapes y alloysofzincandtin,
ll f i d i Volume of metal removed work
3. It should have low erosion rate or good work to tool Wear ratio =
y hardenedplaincarbonsteel,
p , Volume of metal removed tool
wear ratio. y coppertungsten,
4 It should have low electrical resistance.
4. resistance y Wear ratio for brass electrode is 1: 1.
1 For most other
y silvertungsten,
5. It should have high melting point. metallic electrodes, it is about 3: 1 or 4: 1.
y tungstencarbide,
6. It should have high electron emission. y With
h graphite
h (with
( h the
h highest
h h melting
l point, 3500C),
y coppergraphite,andgraphite.
the wear ratio mayy range
g from 55: 1 up
p to 550: 1.

h DielectricFluid
l l d Relaxationcircuit
y Fluid
Fl id is
i used
d to
t actt as a dielectric,
di l t i andd to
t help
h l carry away
y The gap between the tool and work has a critical
importance. As the
h workpiece
k is machined,
h d this
h gap y If the fluid is pumped through and out the end of the
electrode, particles will push out, and mainly collect at
tends to increase.
increase For optimum machining efficiency,
efficiency the edges. They will lower the dielectric resistance, Fig-Relaxation circuit used for generating the pulses in EDM process
this gap should be maintained constant. This is done by resulting in more arcs. As a result the holes will be
servo mechanism which controls the movement of the y If fluid
u d iss vacuu
vacuum pu
pumpedped into
to tthee eelectrode
ect ode ttip,
p, st
ag t
electrode. holes will result.
y Quite often kerosenebased oil. oil
y The dielectric fluid is circulated through the tool at a
N/ 2 or less.
pressure off 0.35 N/m l T free
To f it from
f eroded
d d
metal particles, it is circulated through a filter.

d Di d
Disadvantages Applications
1. Hardness,
H d toughness
t h or brittleness
b ittl off the
th material
t i l poses no 1. Only
O l electrically
l t i ll conductive
d ti materials
t i l can be
b machined
hi d
problems. Due to this EDM can be used for machining y EDM can be used for machining any material that is
by EDM. Thus non metallic, such as plastics, ceramics
materials that are too hard or brittle to be machined by or glass,
l cannott be
b machined
hi d by
b EDM.
EDM electrically
l ll conductive,
d thus
h including
l d metals,
l alloys
ll and
conventional methods.
2. Electrode wear and overcut are serious problems.
2. The method does not leave any chips or burrs on the work most carbides.
piece. 3. A rehardened, highly stressed zone is produced on the
work surface byy the heat g generated during
g machining.
g y EDM is widely used for machining burr free intricate
3. C tti forces
Cutting f are virtually
i t ll zero, so very delicate
d li t andd fine
work can be done. This brittle layer can cause serious problems when the
partt iss put into
pa to se
v ce. shapes,
p , narrow slots and blind cavities etc.,, for example,
p ,
4. Th process dimension
The di i repeatability
bili and d surface
f fi i h
obtained in finishing are extremely good. 4. Perfectly square corners cannot be made by EDM. sinking of dies for moulding, die casting, plastic
5. The
h characteristic
h surface
f obtained,
b d which
h h is made
d up off 5. Hi h specific
High ifi energy consumption
ti (about
( b t 50 times
ti th t
craters, helps in better oil retention. This improves die life. in conventional machining) moulding, wire drawing, compacting, cold heading,
6. Because the forces between the tool and the workpiece and 6. MRR is quite low forging, extrusion and press tools.
virtually zero, very delicate
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Applications Applications
l WireEDM
y EDM is particularly useful when dealing with internal y The method is also employed for blanking parts from sheets, y Wire EDM is a special form of EDM wherein the

cuts that
h are hard
h d to get tools
l into. Machining
h tends
d to cutting off rods of materials,
materials flat or form grinding and electrode
l t d is i a continuously
ti l moving
i conductive
d ti wire.
sharpening of tools, cutters and broaches.
work best with external cuts.
cuts y A thin wire of brass,
brass tungsten,
tungsten or copper is used as an
y In EDM method, small holes, about 0.13 mm, in
y Almost any geometry (negative of tool geometry) can be electrode.
diameter and as deep as 20mm diameters can be drilled
generated on a workpiece
g p if a suitable tool can be with virtually no bending or drifting of hole.
hole Due to this,
this y The electrode wire is typically
yp y made with a 0.055 to 0.25
fabricated (the use of punch as a tool to machine its own EDM is particularly useful for machining of small holes, mm diameter, which is wire electrode wound between
mating die is commonly employed in EDM method). orifices or slots in dieselfuel injection nozzles, or in aircraft the two spools.
engines, air brake valves and so on.
y Deionized water is used as the dielectric.

y This process is much faster than electrode EDM.

y This process is widely used for the manufacture of

h di
dies, and
d stripper
i plates,
l with
i h modern
machines capable of cutting die relief,
relief intricate
p g , tight
g radius contours,, and corners routinely.
y Geometrically accurate but moderately finished straight
toothed metallic spur
p g gears,, both external and internal
type, can be produced by wire type Electro discharge
Machining (EDM).

l h d ( ) ElectricDischargeGrinding(EDG)
l h d ( )
y EDG is
i similar
i il to EDM except that
h the
h electrode
l d is
i a y The
Th spark
k gap is
i normally
ll held
h ld at 0.013 to 0.076
6 mm
rotating wheel (usually graphite). y The g
p wheel is rotated at 0.55 to 3 m/s
y Positively charged work pieces are immersed in or The method can be used for
flooded by a dielectric fluid and fed past the negatively 1. External
E l cylindrical
li d i l grinding,
i di i
l grinding
i di and
charged wheel by servocontrolled machine table. surface grinding.
y Metall is removed d by
b intermittent high
h h frequency
f 2. Grinding carbide and steel at the same time without
electrical discharges passing through the gap between wheel loading.
wheel and workpiece.
3. Grinding thin sections where abrasive wheel pressures
y Each spark discharge melts or vaporizes a small amount
h cause distortion.
of metal from the workpiece surface, producing a small
4. Grinding brittle materials or fragile parts where
t att the
th discharge
di h sit,
it as in
i EDM.
Fig- Electric Discharge Grinding (EDG) abrasive materials might cause fracturing.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 7
l h UltrasonicMachining
l h
g y In
I ultrasonic
l i machining,
hi i a tooll off desired
d i d shape
h vibrates
ib at an
ultrasonic frequency (19 ~ 25 kHz) with an amplitude of
around d 15 50 m over the
h workpiece.
y Generally y the tool is p
pressed downward with a feed force,, F.
Between the tool and workpiece, the machining zone is
flooded with hard abrasive p particles g
generallyy in the form of
water based slurry.
y As the tool vibrates over the workpiece,
workpiece the abrasive particles
act as the indenters and indent both the work material and
the tool.
tool The abrasive particles,
particles as they indent,
indent the work
y material, would remove the same, particularly if the work
material is brittle,
brittle due to crack initiation,
initiation propagation and
brittle fracture of the material.

l h UltrasonicMachining
l h ProcessParameters
y USM is
i mainly
i l used
d for
f machining
hi i brittle
b i l materials
i l y At
A full
f ll indentation,
i d i the
h indentation
i d i depth
d h ini the
h work
{which are poor conductors of electricity and thus material is characterized by w. Due to the indentation,
cannot be processed by Electrochemical and Electro as the work material is brittle, brittle fracture takes place
g machining
g ((ECM and EDM)}.
)} leadingg to hemispherical
p fracture of diameter 2x under
the contact zone.
y If at any
an moment of time,
time there are an average
a erage n
n of grits
and the tool is vibrating at a frequency f then material
removall rate can be
b expressed d as

y MRRw = ( w db )3/2 nf

EffectofmachiningparametersonMRR UltrasonicMachine
l h UltrasonicMachine
l h
Feedforce(F) y The
Th basic
b i mechanical
h i l structure off an USM is
i very similar
i il
to a drill press.
A lit d f ib ti ( o)
y It has additional features to carry out USM of brittle
work material.
g g
y The workpiece is mounted on a vice, which can be
locatedd at the
h desired
d d position under
d the
h tooll using a 2
q y ( ) axis table.
y The table can further be lowered or raised to
accommodate work of different thickness.
y Slurry delivery and return system
inwaterslurry C

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 8

l h SubsystemsofUSM
Subsystemsof USM Transducer
y Feed
F d mechanism
h i to provide
id a downward
d d feed
f d force
f on y The
Th ultrasonic
l i vibrations
ib i are produced
d d by b the
the tool during machining transducer. The transducer is driven by suitable signal
y The transducer, which generates the ultrasonic vibration generator followed by power amplifier. The transducer
y The horn or concentrator,
concentrator which mechanically amplifies for USM works on the following
the vibration to the required amplitude of 15 50 m and Piezoelectric effect

d the
h tooll at its tip. A C Magnetostrictive effect
ect ost ct ve eeffect
y Magnetostrictive transducers are most popular and
b t amongstt all.ll

l h ld Tooll Li i i
y Its function is to increase the tool vibration amplitude y Tools should be constructed from relatively ductile y LowMRR
y Ratherhightoolwear
d to match
h the
h vibrator
b to the
h acoustic load.
l d materials.
y Lowdepthofhole
y It
I must be
b constructed
d off a material
i l with
i h good
d acoustic
i y The
Th harder
h d the
h tooll material,
i l the
h faster
f i wear rate will
its ill
properties and be highly resistant to fatigue cracking.
cracking be.

y Monel and titanium have good acoustic properties and

are often used together
g with stainless steel, which is

l Note Ch i l M hi i
y Used
U d for
f machining
hi i hard
h d and
d brittle
b i l metallic
lli alloys,
ll y The
Th following
f ll i material
i l is
i generally
ll machined
hi d by
b USM y Chemicals are used to dissolve material
semiconductors, glass, ceramics, carbides etc. ()
(i) Glass
y Used for machining round, square, irregular shaped (ii) Silicon y Masks are used to control attack
holes and surface impressions.
impressions (iii) G
Germaniumi y Most common use is circuit boards and plates for
y Machining, wire drawing, punching or small blanking
y Tool in USM is ggenerallyy made of Steel
dies. printing.
i ti

y Cutting speed of 0.00250.1

0 0025 0 1 mm/minute very slow

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 9

Ch i l M hi i
ChemicalMachining Ph
Ch i l M hi i Ph
Ch i l M hi i
y PCM is
i a material
i l removall process using
i chemicals
h i l
(etchants) to produce high precision parts.
y This process is also known as Photo Etching, Chemical
Blanking and Photo Chemical Milling.
y Coat both sides of the plate with photoresist.
( h
(photoresist is a polymer
l that
h adheres
dh to the
h metall when
exposed to UV light).
y Spray metal with etchant or dip it in hot acidic solution
to etch all material other than part covered with
photoresist (115 min.).
y Rinse the plate to ensure photoresist and etchant

LaserBeamMachining LaserBeamMachining LaserBeamMachining

y Direct
Di laser
l beam
b against
i surface
f off workpiece,
k i as in
y Produceslargeremelt zone
laser welding
y Canproduceholesassmallas0.0005mmdiameter
y Success
ve pu
ses from
o laser
ase gu
gun vapo
vaporizee ttinyy b
ts o
y Canproducedeepholes
y Usedtoproducecoolingholesinblades/vanesforjet
y Location of laser beam controlled by computer
y Workpiece need not be conductive

y Cuts are tapered

y Gotta trap overshoot from laser beam

85 86 87

ElectronBeamMachining ElectronBeamMachining PlasmaArcCutting

y Workpiece placed in vacuum chamber y Plasma is a stream of ionized gas

y Highvoltage electron beam directed toward y Typical

T i l temperatures
t t are very high
hi h

workpiece y Same process as plasma welding,

welding without filler metal

y Energy
e gy o
of eelectron
ect o bea
beam melts/
e ts/ vaporizes
apo es seselected
ected y Torch movement controlled by
y computer

region of workpiece y Power requirements depend on material being cut,

y Electron beam moved by deflection coils plus depth of cut

y Recast layer
l i deeper
is d than
h with
i h other
h processes
y Similar process to EB welding

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Page 10 89 90
Abrasive Jet Machining (Dry)
WaterJetMachining WaterJetMachining y It is similar to sand blasting, except that a very narrow jet of
gas and abrasive particles achieves localized cutting.
y Narrowjetofwaterdirected,athighpressureand y It removes material through the eroding action of a high
velocity,againstsurfaceofworkpiece velocity
l it stream
t off abrasiveladen
b i l d gas.
y The gas is first compressed and mixed with the abrasive
y Jetofwatererodessurfaceofworkpiece,thereby
J t f t d f f k i th b powder
d ini a mixing
i i chamber
h b and d passedd through
h h outlet
g p nozzle.
y Computer is used d to position the
h jet.
y Computercontroltoachieveshape y Gas Pressure about 7 atm
y Velocity of jet about 300 m/s
y Jet Diameter 0.12 mm to 1.25 mm
y Abrasive used: Al2O3 , SiC with particle size 10 to 50 m
y Tool (nozzle) material tungsten
g carbide or sapphire
y Tool(nozzle)Life about30hours
91 92 93

AbrasiveJetMachining AdvantagesofAJM DisadvantagesofAJM

y Can be used in any material, conductive, non y LowMRR
conductive, ductile or brittle y Possibilityofstraycutting
y Good
d dimensional
d l accuracy (0.05
( mm))
y Embeddingofabrasiveparticlesinsoftworkpiece
y Good
G d Surface
S f fi i h 0.25 to
finish t 1.25 m
y Dustcontrolneeded
y Due to cooling action of gas stream no thermal damage
on the work surface
y Due to negligible force delicate workpiece can be


ApplicationofAJM AbrasiveWJCutting AbrasiveWJCuttingg

y Used to cut much harder materials
y Cutting and drilling on metal foils and thin
y Water is not used directly to cut material as in Pure,
Pure y Evolution of mixing tube
sections of ceramics and glass technology
instead water is used to accelerate abrasive particles which
y Intricate holes
h l in electronic
l components such
h as y Standard Tungsten Carbide
do the cutting lasts 46 hours (not used much
resistor paths in insulation y 80mesh
8 h garnet (sandpaper)
( d ) is
i typically
i ll used
d though
h h 50 anymore)
y Engraving of characters on toughened glass and 120mesh is also used y Premium Composite Carbide
lasts 100150 hours
automobile windows y Standoff distance between mixing tube and workpart is
y Consumables include water,,
typically 0.0100.200 important to keep to a minimum to abrasive, orifice and mixing
y Cleaning, polishing and deburring the surface
keep a good surface finish tube

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 11

NC,CNC&Robotics WhatisNC/CNC?
h / ?
y NC is an acronym for Numerical Control and CNC is an
Q.No Option Q.No Option
1 D 8 D acronym for
f Computer Numericall Control.

2 B 9 A
3 B 10 B
4 D 11 D
5 D 12 A
6 B 13 A
7 A 14 B

WhatisthedifferencebetweenNCandCNC? WhatisthedifferencebetweenNCandCNC? WheredidCNCgetstarted?

h dd d?
y The
Th difference
diff between
b NC and
d CNC is
i one off age and
d y Some of the enhancements that came along with CNC y 1940 Jhon Parson developed first machine able to drill
y The earliest NC machines performed limited functions include:
l d Canned
d Cycles,
l Sub
b Programming, Cutter h l at specific
holes f coordinates
d programmed
d on punch
and movements controlled by punched tape or punch Compensation Work coordinates,
Compensation, coordinates Coordinate system cards.
rotation, automatic corner rounding, chamfering, and B
B y 1951 MIT developed servomechanism
y As the
h technology
h l evolved,
l d the
h machines
h were equiped d
with increasingly powerful microprocessors (computers) spline interpolation. y 1952 MIT developed first NC machines for milling.
with the addition of these computers, NC machines
become CNC machines. y 1970 First CNC machines came into picture
y CNC machines have far more capability than their
y modified 1970s
97 machines are used.
d contd..

D ll hi k th CNC WhatisaConversationalControl
h l l AreCNCmachinesfasterthan
language y CNC machine tool builders offer an option what is conventionalmachines?
l h
y No, while there is fairly standard set of G and M codes, k
known as the
h conversationall control.
l This
h controll lets
y Yes, No, Sometimes. When it comes to making a single,
there i some variation
is i ti ini their
th i application.
li ti F example
For l the operator/programmer use simple descriptive
simple part it is hard to beat a conventional mill or lathe.
a G0 or G00 command is universally regarded as the language to program the part. The control then
CNC machines move faster in rapid travel than
command for rapid
p travel. Some older machines do not displayed a graphical representation of the instructions
i l machines.
have a G00 command. On these machines, rapid travel is so the operator/programmer can verify the tool path.
commanded by using the F (feed) word address.

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 12

AreCNCmachinesmoreaccurate NC/CNCMachinesAdvantages NC/CNCMachinesDisadvantages
h l h y High Repeatability and Precision e.g. Aircraft parts y Costlysetup,skilledoperators
y Volume of production is very high
y Complex contours/surfaces need to be machined. E.g. y Computers,programmingknowledgerequired
y Yes, they
y can be. But like anything
y g else it depends
p on
Turbines y Maintenanceisdifficult
who is running the machine, how well the machines has
y Flexibility in job change,
change automatic tool settings,
settings less
been maintained, quality of setup and so on. scrap
y More
M safe,
f higher
hi h productivity,
d i i better
b quality
y Less ppaper
p work,, faster p
yp pproduction,, reduction
in lead times

y Direct Numerical Control is a system that uses a Directnumericalcontrol
Direct numerical control DNC
central computer
p to control several machines at the same
y Distributed Numerical Control (DNC): the central
computer downloads complete programs to the CNC
hi which
hi h can be
b workstations
k i or PCs,
PC and d can get
the information for the machine operations.
y The speed of the system is increased, large files can be
handled and the number of machine tools used is

112 113 114

StepperMotor BasicLengthUnit(BLU)
h ( )
y The stepper motor is special type of synchronous motor y In
I NC machine,
hi the
h displacement
di l length
l h per one pulse
output from machine is defined as a Basic Length Unit
h h is designed
d d to rotate through
h h a specific
f angle
l (BLU).
(Called step) for each electrical pulse received from the y In the CNC computer each bit (binary digit) represents 1
control unit.
Bit = BLU
y Example:
a p e: If oonee pu
se makes
a es a se
vo motor
oto rotate
otate by o
degree and the servo motor moves the table by 0.0001
mm one BLU will be 0.0001
mm, 0 0001 mm.
y The lead of a ball screw is related to the displacement
unit of the machine tool table.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 13
ControlSystemspossibleinCNCMachine Pointtopointstraightlinemode
y Point
P i to point
i mode:

y All the
h machine
hi tooll use Cartesian
C i Coordinate
C di system.
y The first axis to be identified is the Z axis,, This is
followed by X and Y axes respectively.


For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 14

Absolute and Incremental Coordinate System

5axesCNCverticalaxismachiningcentreconfiguration Absolute Coordinate System Incremental Coordinate System

Thefollowingarethestepstobefollowed PartProgramming
while developing the CNC part programs
y Processplanning
p g
y Axesselection y SIEMENSCONTROLL
y Toolselection
T l l ti
y Cuttingprocessparametersplanning
gp p p g
y Jobandtoolsetupplanning
y Machiningpathplanning
M hi i th l i y For a CNC machine
h controll unit (MCU)
( ) decides
d d cutting
y Partprogramwriting
p g g speed,
p feed, depth
p of cut, tool selection , coolant on off
y Partprogramproving and tool paths. The MCU issues commands in form of
numeric data to motors that position slides and tool

ProgrammingKeyLetters Code Meaning Format
y O Programnumber(Usedforprogramidentification)
G00 RapidTransverse N__G00X___Y___Z___
CoordinateSystem y N
N Sequencenumber(Usedforlineidentification) G01 p
LinearInterpolation N__G01X___Y___Z___F___
y G Preparatoryfunction G02 CircularInterpolation, N__G02X__Y__Z___R___F___
Units,incrementalorabsolutepositioning y X Xaxisdesignation
g CW N G X
y Y Yaxisdesignation
G03 CircularInterpolation, N__G03 X___Y___Z__R__F___
, , , , , y Z Zaxisdesignation
y R Radiusdesignation N__G03 X__Y__Z__I__J__K__F__
p p y F Feedratedesignation G04 Dwell N__G04P___
y S Spindlespeeddesignation
G17 XY Plane
y H Toollengthoffsetdesignation
CoolantControl:On/Off Flood Mist
y D Toolradiusoffsetdesignation G8
G18 XZPl
y T ToolDesignation G19 YZPlane
ToolControl:Toolandtoolparameters y M Miscellaneousfunction

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 15

p TableofImportantGcodes
Format Code Meaning Format
G44 Toollengthcompensation N__G44H__
G21/G71 MetricUnit (minus)
y G00:
G28 AutomaticReturntoReference G49 Toollengthcompensation y tomakethemachinemoveatmaximumspeed.
Point cancel
y Itisusedforpositioningmotion.
G40 Cuttercompensationcancel G80 Cancelcannedcycles G90G00X20.0Y10.0
G81 Drillingcycle N G81Z R F
G41 C tt
ti l ft N G D
N__G41D__ End
G90 Absolutepositioning G90:
G42 Cuttercompensationright N__G42D__ absolute
G91 Incrementalpositioning coordinates (10,10)
G43 Toollengthcompensation N__G43H__ G92 Absolutepreset,changethe N__G92X__Y__Z__
(plus) datumposition
Start (0,0)

Linearinterpolation:G01 Circularinterpolation:G02,G03
Circular interpolation: G02, G03 Circularinterpolation:G02,G03
Circular interpolation: G02, G03
y G01: y G02,G03:
y Forcircularinterpolation,thetooldestinationandthecircle
Forcircularinterpolation thetooldestinationandthecircle Y
y linearinterpolationatfeedspeed. centerareprogrammedinoneblock
G91G0lX200.0Y100.0F200.0 y G02isclockwiseinterpolation,G03iscounterclockwise X R=-50mm
l i End SpecifyRwith
S if R i h
G 02 R signbeforeit:
9 End G17 X __ Y __ F __;;
incremental 100.0 G 03 I __ J __ 180 +R
coordinates G 02 R >180 R
G18 X __ Z __ F __;; Start R=50mm
G 03 I __ K __
G 02 R
G19 Y __ Z __ F __;;
G 03 J __ K __ G91G02X60.0Y20.0R50.0 F300.0
Start 200.0 X End Circlecenter,radius
, G91G02X60.0Y20.0R50.0 F300.0

Circular interpolation: G02 G03 Circularinterpolation:G02,G03
Circular interpolation: G02, G03 Circularinterpolation:G02,G03
Circular interpolation: G02 G03
N0010G92X200.0Y40.0Z0; AnnotationforCircularInterpolation
Y y SpecifyCenterwithI,J,K N0020G90G03X140.0Y100.0I60.0F300
End y I0.0,J0.0,andK0.0canbeomitted.
N0030G02X120.0Y60.0I 50.0 G92:
y I,J,Karetheincremental
Or Todefineworking
T d fi ki y IfX,Y,Zareallomittedintheprogram,thatmeans
IfX Y Zareallomittedintheprogram thatmeans
N0010G92X200.0Y40.0Z0 coordinate startandendofarcaresamepoints.
X thearc;
N0020G90G03X140.0Y100.0R60.0F300 N0020G02I20 0(afullcircle)
y Viewingthestartofarcas N0030G02X120.0Y60.0R50.0
Start theorigin,I,J,Khave y IfI,J,K,andRallappearsincircularinterpolation
j positiveornegativesigns.
ii i i G
G90: i t ti Ri lid dI J dK i
Center absolute 100 R50
i coordinates 60 R60
O 90 120 140 200

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 16

ToolCompensation p
ToolRadiusCompensation p
y Toolradiuscompensationsmakeitpossibleto
y ToolRadiusCompensation
oo Rad us Co pe sat o programdirectlyfromthedrawing,andthuseliminate
programdirectlyfromthedrawing andthuseliminate y Notethedifferencebetweentwoways
y LefthandG41 thetooloffsetcalculation
y RighthandG42 N0060G01 X2.000Y1.700
X2 000Y1 700
G (G )D
G41(G42)D N0060G40G01 X2.000Y1.700M02
N0070G40 M02
y CanceltoolradiuscompensationG40 y D:theradiusoftooltocompensateissavedinamemoryunitthat
y ToolHeightCompensation y G41/G42isdirectlyrelatedwithdirectionoftoolmovementand
y PositiveG43
os e G43
y NegativeG44
y CanceltoolheightcompensationG49
Canceltool heightcompensationG49
rampoffblock effectivetotheendpoint

g p
ToolHeightCompensation ToolHeightCompensation
ToolHeight Compensation TableofImportantMcodes
y M00Programstop
G43(G44)H y Example: y M01Optionalprogramstop
y N0010G91G00X12.0Y80.0 G91: y M03Spindleonclockwise
y H:specifiedmemoryunitusedtosaveheight
y N0020G44Z32.0H02
N G Z H iincremental
t l y M04Spindleoncounterclockwise
M S i dl t l k i
compensationoftool. coordinates
y M05Spindlestop
y Positivecompensation(G43):
y Ifweput0.5mmintoH02, y M06Toolchange
y realposition=32.0
p 3 0.5=32.5
5 3 5 y M08Coolanton
y Negativecompensation(G44): y M09Coolantoff
p p p valuesavedinH y Canceltoolheightcompensation:G49 y M10Clampson
y M11Clampsoff
y M02orM30Programstop,resettostart

Rulesforprogramming Top O0001

R l f i
Block Format
E l f CNC P i View N005G54G90S600M03
N135 G01 X1.0 Y1.0 Z0.125 F5
y WhatMustBeDoneToDrillAHoleOnACNC N015G43H01Z.1M08
5 43
Sample Block
Restrictions on CNC blocks VerticalMillingMachine N020G01Z.75F3.5
Each mayy contain onlyy one tool move
Each may contain any number of non-tool move G-codes N025G00Z 1M09
Each may contain only one feed rate N030G91G28X0Y0Z0
Each may contain only one specified tool or spindle speed Front
The block numbers should be sequential View N035M30
Both the program start flag and the program number must be
independent of all other commands (on separate lines) M30
3 EndofProgram
The data within a block should follow the sequence shown
in the above sample block

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 17

APTLanguage W d
y APT (Automatically
(A i ll Programmed
P d Tools)
T l )
y The words to be used in the statements are built up from
y The APT language consists of many different types of
statements made up of the following valid letters, numerals one to six letters
l or numerals
l with
h the
h first
f one being
b a
and p
punctuation marks.
letter No special character is allowed in the words.
letter. words
y Numerals: 0123456789
,, Acommaisusedasaseparatorbetweentheelementsin
= Anequalsisusedforassigninganentitytoasymbolic

ThecompleteAPTpartprogramconsistsof OtherPartProgrammingLanguages
the following four types of statements y ADAPT (ADaptation
(AD i APT) was the
h first
fi attempt to adapt
d APT APTLanguage
APT Language
programming system for smaller computers
y Geometry y AUTOSPOT (AUTOmatic
(AUTO ti Sytem S t f POsitioning
for PO iti i T l ) was
developed by IBM and first introduced in 1962 MACHIN/DRILL, 2
y Motion y EXAPT (EXtended subset of APT) was developed jointly in
German in about 1964 by several universities to adapt APT for Forexample: COOLNT/MIST COOLNT/FLOOD COOLNT/OFF
p use. It is compatible
p with APT and thus can use the FEDRAT/
y Postprocessor
same processor as APT SPINDL/

y Compilationcontrol y COMPACT was developed p byy Manufacturingg Data Systems,

y Inc. Forexample: SPINDL/ON SPINDL/1250, CCLW
y SPLIT (Sundstrand Processing Language Internally Translated) TURRET/
was developed
d l d by
b Sundstrand
S d d Corporation,
C i i
d d for
f its
i own END
machine tools
y MAPT (MicroAPT)
(Mi APT) isi a subset
b t off APT,
APT tot be
b run on the th
microcomputers 158 159

Point (POINT) Point (POINT)

( ) Point (POINT)
( )

(3, 4, 5)

z LIN3


For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 18

Point (POINT)
( ) Point (POINT) Line (LINE)





x x

Line (LINE) Line (LINE)

( ) Line (LINE)
( )
ATANGL ANGLE (in degrees),
degrees) LINE
LIN4 = LINE/ PT6, 15, -30, 3 L14 = LINE/ PT1, ATANGL, 40
L15 = LINE/ 32, -3, 2, ATANGL, -15, XAXIS
PT6 PT3 L14

PT1 L12
L16 30 LINE1
L4 (15,30,3)
40 20

x 15 x

Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE)
( )


MODIFIER d The LEFT & RIGHT modifier indicates whether the line
where the slope value is y/x. The modifier options are [XAXIS, The modifier options are [XAXIS, YAXIS], and d is the
YAXIS] and d is the corresponding intercept value on the selected
YAXIS], is at the left or right
g tangent
g point,, depending
p p g on how
corresponding intercept value on the selected axis (i.e., modifier).
axis (i.e., modifier). one looks at the circle from the point.

y y


=30 PT51
x x
(6,0)PointofX Intercept
(6,0)PointofXIntercept d

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 19

Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE)
( )
L2 = LINE/ PT51,
L4 = LINE/ PT40, LEFT, TANTO, C11 C4
L3 Right C3
Right L6
PT40 C4
L8 L9
Left C3
Left L4
PT51 The descriptive words LEFT and RIGHT are used by L8 L9

looking from the first circle written towards the L7
d circle.
i l

Line (LINE)
( ) Line Plane (PLANE)
( )

y PT15

LN3 PT6 PT12

LN4 y 3.0

LN13 PT4


Plane (PLANE)
( ) Circle (CIRCLE) Circle (CIRCLE)


C1 = CIRCLE/ 3, 6, 5, 4.3 C3 = CIRCLE/ CENTER, PT6, TANTO, LN4
y y y
C1 LN4
y PT6 PT12 PT5
3.0 4.3


4 (3,6,5) C7
x x x
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 20
The Machining Plan The Machining Plan The Machining
g Plan

Contouring: z
y Part surface: the surface on which the end of the Drivesurface CS CS CS

tool is riding.
y Drive surface: the surface against
g which the edge
g of cutter cuttermotion

the tool rides. x


y Check surface: a surface at which the current tool

motion is to stop. Partsurface

The Machining Plan FROM/PTARG
Motion commands: GORGT/L3,PAST,L4
GOLFT/ : Move left along the drive surface GOFWD
GORGT/ : Move right along the drive surface
Present tool
GOUP/ : Move upp along
g the drive surface GOBACK position
GODOWN/ : Move down along the drive surface GORGT
GOFWD/ : Move forward from a tangent position
GOBACK/ : Move
M b k d from
backward f a tangent
t t position

tool position

Machining Specifications Machining Specifications Machining Specifications

Postprocessor commands for a particular machine tool are: FEDRAT/ : specifies the feed rate for moving the tool along the TOLERANCE SETTING: Nonlinear motion is accomplished in
MACHIN/ : used d to
t specify if the
th machine
hi t l and
tool d call
ll the
th part surface
f i inches
in i h per minute:
i straight-line
straight line segments,
segments and INTOL/ and OUTTOL/ statements
postprocessor for that tool: dictate the number of straight-line segments to be generated.
SPINDL/ : gives the spindle rotation speed in revolutions per
COOLNT/ : allows the coolant fluid to be turned on or off: OUTTOL/ 0.001
COOLNT/ FLOOD TURRET/ : can be used to call a specific tool from an automatic
COOLNT/ OFF t l changer:
tool h

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 21

Machining Specifications Machining Specifications
PARTNO: identifies the part program and is inserted at the start of FINI: specifies the end of the program.
APT Language
the program.
program GO/{TO}, Drive surface, {TO} Part surface, {TO},
Check surface
CLPRNT: indicates that a cutter location printout is desired. Or
CUTTER: specifies a cutter diameter for offset (rough versus finish GO/{TO}, Drive surface, {TO} Part surface, {TANTO},
Check surface
g) If a milling
cutting). g cutter is 0.5 in. in diameter and we have AndthesamewithPASTorONinsteadofTO
then the tool will be offset from the finish cut by 0.05 in. GODOWN/


Name the four types of statements in a complete APT
Prepare part using APT language for milling the contour
part program. Prepare part program for geometry shown in Fig. in a single pass. [20Marks] CLPRNT
p of the contour shown in the figure
g below: R30 P0 = POINT/0.0, 0.0, 10.0
[15Marks] Q
PTA = POINT/0.0, 0.0, 0.0
30 40 PTB = POINT/0.0, 120.0, 0.0
PTC = POINT/30.0,
POINT/30 0 150.0,
150 0 00.0
PTD = POINT/140.0, 150.0, 0.0
L2 C1 110 PTE = POINT/140.0, 40.0, 0.0
L3 20
R 120 PTF = POINT/100.0, 0.0, 0.0
PTQ = POINT/30.0, 120.0, 0.0
+ PTP = POINT/140.0, 0.0, 0.0

L4 40
100 + 40 P LAF = LINE/PTA, PTF

20 Material : M S. CBC = CIRCLE/CENTRE, PTQ, RADIUS, 30.0
R P1

Contd. Contd.
Prepare part program to machine the contour shown in
INTOL/0.05 COOLNT/OFF the figure using APT on CNC milling machine.
60 50
200 mm

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 22 Material: MS Thickness: 8.0 mm

Write a complete part program in APT for machining
the product which is given in the diagram. Thickness of
th workpiece
the k i i 6 mm. All dimensions
is di i are in
[15] P0=POINT/25.0,25.0,25.0
P2=POINT/117 0 32 0 6 0
P2=POINT/117.0,32.0,6.0 INTOL/0.05
P3=POINT/117.0,32.0,6.0 OUTTOL/0.05
/ , , , 5 SPINDL/1000,CLW

GO/TO,L1,TO,PL1,TANTO,C1 Whatisanindustrialrobot?
GORGT/L TANTO C Robotics A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional
GOFWD/C3,TANTO,C4 manipulator
p designed
g to handle material,, pparts,, tools or
GOFWD/C4,TANTO,C2 specialized devices through variable programmed
GOFWD/C2,PAST,L2 motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

Ad t fR b t
AdvantagesofRobots Di d t fR b t
y Robotics and automation can, in many situation, increase y Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies, this can cause:
d i i safety,
f efficiency,
ffi i quality,
li and d consistency
i off Inappropriate and d wrong responses
products A lack of decisionmaking power IndustrialRobots
y Robots can work in hazardous environments A loss of power
y Robots need no environmental comfort Damage to the robot and other devices Material handling
Human injuries Material transfer
y Robots work continuously without any humanity needs and
y Robots
b may have
h l
d capabilities
bl in Machine loading and/or unloading
Degrees of Freedom Spot welding
y Robots have repetable
p precision at all times
p Dexterity MaterialHandling
C ti arc welding
y Robots can be much more accurate than humans, they may have Sensors Manipulator
Spray coating
mili or micro inch accuracy. Vision systems Assembly
y R b
Robots and
d their
h i sensors can have
h capabilities
bili i beyond
b d that
h off Realtime Response
humans y Robots are costly, due to
y Robots can process multiple stimuli or tasks simultaneously,
simultaneously Initial cost of equipment
humans can only one. Installation Costs
y Robots replace
ep ace human
u a workerso e s who o ca
can ccreate
eate eco
o c Need for peripherals Assembly
problems Need for training Manipulator
Need for Programming SpotWelding
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 23 Manipulator
' h l f b i Allrobotshavethefollowingbasiccomponents:
ll b h h f ll b
1. Manipulators: the mechanical unit, often called the
First law (Human safety): "arm," that does the actual work of the robot. It is
y A robot may not injure a human being, being or,
or through p
composed of mechanical linkages g and jjoints with actuators y Wristassemblyisattachedtoendofarm
Wristassemblyisattachedtoend of arm
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. to drive the mechanism directly or indirectly through gears, y Endeffector isattachedtowristassembly
chains, or ball screws.
Second d law
l (R b
(Robots are slaves):
l ) 2. Feedback devices: transducers that sense the positions of yFFunctionofwristassemblyistoorientendeffector
i f i bl i i d ff
y A robot must obey y orders ggiven it byy human beings,
g, various linkages
g and jjoints and transmit this information to y Bodyandarmdeterminesglobalpositionofend
the controllers in either digital or analog Form. effector
except where such orders would conflict with the First
Law 33. End effectors: the "hand" or "gripper"g pp portion of the
p y Twoorthreedegreesoffreedom:
robot, which attaches the end of the arm and perform the y Roll
Third law (Robot survival): p
operations of the robot. y Pitch
y A robot must protect its own existence as long as such 4. Controller: the brains of the system that direct the y Yaw
protection does not conflict with the First or Second p
movements of the manipulator.
Law. 5. Power supply

E d Eff
y Thespecialtoolingforarobotthatenablesitto GrippersandTools
Grippers and Tools y The degree of freedom or grip of a robotic system can be
performaspecifictask compared to the way in which the human body moves.
y Twotypes: y For each degree of freedom a joint is required.
y Grippers tograspandmanipulateobjects(e.g.,
tograspandmanipulateobjects(e g
parts)duringworkcycle y The degrees of freedom located in the arm define the
y Tools
Tools toperformaprocess,e.g.,spotwelding,spray
toperformaprocess e g spotwelding spray configuration.
fi ti
y Each of the five basic motion configurations utilizes three
degrees of freedom in the arm.
y Three degrees of freedom located in the wrist give the end
effector all the flexibility.

fF d ( td ) D
fF d ( td )
y A total of six degrees of freedom is needed to locate a The radial traverse: is the extension and retraction
robots hand at any point in its work space. of the arm or the inandout motion relative to the
y Althoughg six degreesg of freedom are needed for base.
maximum flexibility, most robot employee only three to The vertical traverse: provides the upanddown
five degrees of freedom.
ti off the
th arm off the
th robotic
b ti system.
y The more the degrees of freedom, the greater is the
y The three degrees of freedom located in the wrist,
complexity of motions encountered.
which bear the names of aeronautical terms, are
y The three degrees of freedom located in the arm of
Pitch or bend: is the upupanddown
and down movement of the
a robotic
b i system are:
The e rotational
otat o a reverse:
eve se: iss tthee movement
ove e t o
of tthee aarm
Y i the
is h rightandleft
i h d l f movement off the
h wrist.
assembly about a rotary axis, such as leftandright
swivel of the robot
robotss arm about a base.
base Roll or swivel: is the rotation of the hand.

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 24

TypesofRobot TypesofRobot TypesofRobot
y Cartesian
C t i or Gantry
G t y Cylindrical
C li d i l robot:
b y Spherical
S h i l or
robot: Polar robot:
y It's a robot whose axes
y It's
I ' a robot
b whose
h arm
form a cylindrical y It's a robot whose axes
has three prismatic
joints whose axes are
joints, coordinate system.
system form a ppolar coordinate
coincident with a system.
y Used for assembly
Cartesian coordinator.
coordinator y Used for handling at
operations, handling
h dl at
y Used for pick and place machine tools, spot
machine tools, spot welding
welding, diecasting
work, application of
sealant, assembly welding, and handling fettling machines, gas
operations, handling at die casting welding and arc
machine tools and arc machines. welding.

Types of Robot
TypesofRobot TypesofRobot TypesofRobot
y SC R robot
SCARA obot
y Articulated
A i l d or y Parallel
P ll l robot
y The SCARA acronym stands Revolute Robot: One use is a mobile
ffor Selective
S l ti C
li t Assembly
A bl
y It's a robot whose arm platform handling
Robot Arm or Selective Compliant
has at least three rotary cockpit flight
Articulated Robot Arm.
joints. simulators. It's a robot
y It
It'ss a robot which has two parallel whose
hose arms ha e
y Used d for
f assembly
rotary joints to provide compliance concurrent prismatic
operations, die casting,
in a plane or rotary joints.
fettling machines, gas
y Used for pick and place work, welding, arc welding
application of sealant, assembly and spray painting.
p and handlingg machine

R b tC t lS t
Joint Drive Systems y Limitedsequencecontrol
q p p
Robot Control System
y Electric
y Playbackwithpointtopointcontrol
Playbackwithpoint to pointcontrol records
y Useselectricmotorstoactuateindividualjoints Cell
workcycleasasequenceofpoints,thenplaysback Supervisor
y Preferreddrivesystemintoday'srobots
y y
d i ti
y Hydraulic
y Playbackwithcontinuouspathcontrol
y p Controller
y Useshydraulicpistonsandrotaryvaneactuators &Program

y Notedfortheirhighpowerandliftcapacity
p y p ( p
y Pneumatic
y Intelligentcontrol exhibitsbehaviorthatmakes Joint1 Joint2 Joint3 Joint4 Joint5 Joint6 Sensors Level0
y Typicallylimitedtosmallerrobotsandsimplematerial
yp y p
itseemintelligent e g respondstosensorinputs

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 25

W ki E l
WorkingEnvelope R b i A W ldi C ll
RoboticArcWeldingCell R b tP i
y Leadthrough
eadt oug p og a g
y Robotperforms y Work cycle is taught to robot by moving the
fl d manipulator
i l t through
th h the
th required
i d motion
ti cycle
l and d
welding(FCAW) simultaneously entering the program into controller
i memory for later playback
y Robot programming languages
hil fi
changespartsat y Textual programming language to enter commands
theother i t robot
into b t controller
t ll
workstation y Simulation and offline programming
p g g
y Program is prepared at a remote computer terminal
and downloaded to robot controller for execution
without need for leadthrough methods

Leadthrough Programming Leadthrough ProgrammingAdvantages

y Advantages:
Ad t
1. Poweredleadthrough Computer Aided Design (CAD): Used for creating the
y Easilylearnedbyshoppersonnel
y Commonforpointto
C f i product database
y Logicalwaytoteacharobot
y Nocomputerprogramming
y Usesteachpendant y Geometric Modeling
y Disadvantages:
2. Manualleadthroughg
y Downtimeduringprogramming
d y Engineering Analysis
y Convenientfor
continuouspath y Limitedprogramminglogiccapability
p g g g p y
y D i Review
Design R i and
d Evaluation
E l i
y Notcompatiblewithsupervisorycontrol
y Humanprogrammer
y A t
t d Drafting
D fti

Automation Automation
CAM y Automation is the process of following a predetermined
sequence of operations with little or no human intervention,
Fixed Automation
d d f ( ) using specialized equipment and devices that perform and y It is also known as hard automation.
y ComputerAidedProcessPlanning(CAPP)
p g( ) control the manufacturing gp
y ComputerizedmaterialResourcePlanning(MRP) Why go for Automation? y Used to produce a standardized product.
y NCpartprogramming 1. Increased productivity
p y
2. Reduced cost of labour y Used for very large quantity production of one or few
y RobotProgramming
3. Improved quality marginally different components.
y ComputerizedScheduling 4. Reduced inprocess inventory
y Computerizedprocesscontrol 5 Reduce Manufacturing time
5. y Highly specialized tools, devices, equipment, special
y ComputerizedManufacturingControlbyFMS 6. Increased safety
purpose machine tools, are utilized to produce a
y Shopfloorcontrol
Sh fl t l There are three types of Automation
1. Fixed Automation product.
y ComputerAidedQualityControl(CAQC)
2 Programmable Automation
y ComputerAidedInspection 3. Flexible Automation y Very efficient, high production rate , low unit cost.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 26
Automation Automation
g Automation Flexible Automation y A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a
y Can change
g the design
g of the p
product or even change
g the y If is also known as FMS,, and uses CAD/CAM manufacturing system in which there is some
amount off flexibility
fl ibili that
h allows
ll the
h system to
product by changing the program. y Produce different p
products on the same equipment
q p in react in the case of changes.
y Used for the low quantity production of large number of any order or mix. y Two categories of flexibility
y Machine
M hi flexibility,
fl ibilit covers the
th system's
t ' ability
bilit to
t be
different components. changed to produce new product types, and ability to
h the
h order
d off operations
i executed
d on a part.
y Equipment are designed to be flexible or programmable.
y Routing g flexibility,
y which consists of the abilityy to
y Used for batch production. use multiple machines to perform the same operation
on a ppart, as well as the system's
y abilityy to absorb
largescale changes, such as in volume, capacity, or

FMSComponents FMSGoals AdvantagesofFMS

y Reduction in manufacturing cost by lowering direct y Faster,
F t lower
l costt changes
h from
f one partt to
t another
y Most FMS systems comprise of three main
labor cost and minimizing scrap, rework, and material which will improve capital utilization
t y Lower direct labor cost, due to the reduction in number
y Work machines (typically automated CNC
y Less skilled labor required.
q of workers
machines) that perform a series of operations;
y Reduction in workinprocess inventory by eliminating y Reduced inventory, due to the planning and
y An integrated material transport system and a p g
programming gp
the need for batch processing.
computer that controls the flow of materials, y Consistent and better quality, due to the automated
tools,, and information ((e.g.
g machining g data y Reduction in production lead time permitting
and machine malfunctions) throughout the manufacturers to respond more quickly to the variability
of market demand. y Lower cost/unit of output, due to the greater
system; productivity
d ti it using
i the
th same number
b off workers
y Auxiliary work stations for loading and y Better process control resulting in consistent quality.
y Savings from the indirect labor, from reduced errors,
l d cleaning,
l inspection, etc. rework, repairs and rejects

Ch 11: NC CNC Robotics

DisadvantagesofFMS ReferenceBook Q
Q.No p
Option Q
Q.No p
y Limited
Li i d ability
bili to adapt
d to changes
h in
i product
d or product
d y CAD/CAM:ComputerAidedDesignand
mix (e.g., machines are of limited capacity and the ManufacturingByGroover 1 A 9 B
tooling necessary for products, even of the same family, y CNCMachines ByB.S.Pabla,M.Adithan 2 B 10 D
is not always
y feasible in a g
given FMS)) y Machinetooldesignandnumericalcontrol
Machinetooldesignandnumericalcontrol By 3 A 11 A
y Substantial preplanning activity Mehta
4 A 12 C
y Expensive, costing millions
ll off dollars
d ll y ComputerControlOfManu.Systems
C C lOfM S ByKoren
y Technological
ec o og ca p problems
ob e s o of eexact
act co
po e t pos
to g 5 D 13 D
and precise timing necessary to process a component 6 A 14 A
y Sophisticated
S hi ti t d manufacturing
f t i systems t 7 A 15 C
8 A 16 B
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 27 17 A

h Lathe
h Generalclassificationsusedwhendescribinglathes
y A lathe
l th is
i a large
l machine
hi that
th t rotates
t t the
th work,
k and
d y Bed
B d this is a bottom pan on the lathe that catches chips, y Swing
S i the
h largest
l diameter
di off work
k that
h can be
b rotated.
cutting is done with a nonrotating cutting tool. The cutting fluids, etc. y Distance Between Centres the longest
g length
g of
h cutt are generally
ll round,d or helical.
h li l The
Th tool
t l is
typically moved parallel to the axis of rotation during y carriage this part of the lathe carries the cutting tool and workpiece
tti moves based on the rotation of the lead screw or rod.
rod y Length of Bed Related to the Distance Between
y headstock thisendofthelathecontainsthedriving y Lead screw A large screw with a few threads per inch used Centres
motorandgears.Powertorotatethepartisdelivered f cutting
for i threads.
h d It I has
h ACME threads
h d with i h included
i l d d angle
l y Power The range of speeds and feeds, and the
fromhere.Thistypicallyhasleversthatletthespeeds of 29o for easy engagement and disengagement of half nut.
o sepo e ava
ab e
andfeedsbeset. y Lead rod a rod with a shaft down the side used for driving
y ways thesearehardenedrailsthatthecarriagerides normal cutting g feeds.
on. y The critical parameters on the lathe are speed of rotation
y tailstock thiscanbeusedtoholdtheotherendofthe (speed in RPM) and how far the tool moves across the work
part. for each rotation (feed in IPR)

NumberofSpindleSpeed Turning Th di
y Number
N b off spindle
i dl speed
d is
i in
i a geometric
i progression.
i y Turning
T i producesasmoothandstraightoutsideradius
d h d i h id di y Threading
Th di Thecuttingtoolismovedquicklycutting
Th i li d i kl i
y If n number of spindle
p speed
p is required
q with N1 is the onapart. threads.
minimum speed then
N1 , N1r , N1r 2 , N1r 3 ,.............N1r n1
N1 = N min and N1r n1 = N max
N n1
Therefore, Step Ratio ( r ) = max
N min
y The values of step ratios are 1.06, 1.12, 1.26, 1.41, 1.58 and 2

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 28

Threading F i
y Inonerevolutionofthespindle,carriagemusttravel
I l i f h i dl i l y Facing
F i The
Th end
d off the
h part is
i turned
d to be
b square.
N s Pz s = N L Lz L
P = Pitch
Pit h off the
th screw thread
th d to b cutt
t be
L = Pitch of the lead screw
z s = Number of start of the screw thread to be cut
z L = Number
b off start off the
h lead
l d screw
icg = g
gear ratio of spindle
p (N s ) to carriage
g (N L ) g
gear train

i Parting/Slotting/Grooving
/ l / Drilling/Boring
ll /
y Tapering
T i thetoolismovessoastocutataper(cone
h li ( y A tooll is
i moved
d in/out
i / off the
h work.
k shallow
h ll cut will
ill leave
l y Drilling/Boring
D illi /B i a cutter or drill
d ill bit
bi is
i pushed
h d into
i the
shape). a formed cut, a deep cut will cut off the unsupported end to create an internal feature.

l Spinning
y Knurling is y Metal
K li i a manufacturing
f i process whereby
h b a M l Spinning
S i i is
i a process by
b which
hi h circles
i l off metall are
visuallyattractive diamondshaped (crisscross) shaped over mandrels (also called forms) while mounted y A reamer enters the workpiece axially through the end
pattern is cut or rolled into metal. on a spinning lathe by the application of levered force and enlarges an existing hole to the diameter of the
y This pattern allows human hands or fingers to get a with various tools. tool Reaming removes a minimal amount of material
better grip on the knurled object than would be and is often performed after drilling to obtain both a
provided by the originallysmooth
originally smooth metal surface.
surface more accurate diameter and a smoother internal

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 29

k h ld f h Lathechucks
h h k
pp g
Tapping y Held y Lathe
L th chucks
h k are used
d to
t supportt a wider
id variety
i t off
H ld between
b centers
y A tap enters the workpiece axially through the end and workpiece shapes and to permit more operations to be
y 3 jjaw self centering
g chuck ((Disc type
yp jjobs being
g held
cuts internal threads into an existing hole.hole The performed
f d than
th can be b accomplished
li h d when h the
th work k is
existing hole is typically drilled by the required tap in chucks ) held between centers.
d ill size
drill i that
th t will
ill accommodate
d t the
th desired
d i d tap.
t y 4 jaw independently adjusted chuck y Threejaw, selfcentering chucks are used for work that
y Held in a collet (Slender rod like jobs being held in has a round or hexagonal cross section.
collets ) y Each jaw in a fourjaw independent chuck can be moved
y Mounted on a face plate (Odd shape jobs,
jobs being held a d aand
inward d out
a d independent
depe de t oof tthee ot
e s by means
ea s
in face plate) of a chuck wrench. Thus they can be used to support a
wide variety of work shapes.
y Mounted d on the
h carriage
y Combination fourjaw chucks are available in which each
y Mandrels jaw can be moved independently or can be moved
y Magnetic chuck for thin job simultaneously by means of a spiral cam.


Collets MagneticChuck

J 4JawChuck


l f TurningTapersonLathes
h Ui
C d Slid
D D2 y Limited
ted movement
ove e t o
of tthee co pou d sslide
compound de
D h off cut, d = DOC = 1
y Depth mm
2 y Usingacompoundslide, y Feeding is by hand and is nonuniform. This is
y Average diameter of workpiece D1 + D2
Davg = mm responsible
ibl for
f l
d ti it and d poor surface
y Usingformtools,
g finish.
y Cutting Time,CT = L + A + O y Can be employed for turning short internal and
fN y Offsettingthetailstock,and
Offsettingthetailstock and external tapers with a large angle of (steep) taper.

y Metal Removal Rate

(D 2
1 D 22 )= D a v g d fN
y Usingtaperturningattachment.
U i t t i tt h t
4 / fN
y Cutting Speed, V = ,m / min
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 30
UsingaCompoundSlidecontd.. Offsettingthetailstock OffsettingthetailstockContd..
y The angle is determined by y It
I is
i necessary to measure the
h tailstock
il k offset
ff when
h using
i y Tailstock
T il k offset
ff (h) can be
b determined
d i d by
Dd this method. L(D d )
tan = y This method is limited to small tapers (Not exceeding 8o h= or h = L tan
2l 2l
= Half taper angle ) over long lengths.
D = Diameter of stock y By offsetting the tailstock, the axis of rotation of the job
d = smaller diameter is inclined
l d byb the
h half
h lf angle
l off taper.
l = length of the taper

Formtooll T
T i A h
y Special
S i l form
f tooll for
f generating
i the
h tapers is
i used.
d The
Th y Additional
Addi i l equipment
i is
i attached
h d at the
h rear off the
h lathe.
l h
feed is given by plunging the tool directly into the work. y The cross slide is disconnected from the cross feed nut.
This method is useful for short external tapers, where y The cross slide is then connected to the attachment.
the steepness
p is of no consequence,
q , such as for
y As
A the
h carriage
i i engaged,
is d and
d travels
l along
l the
h bed,
b d the
attachment will cause the cutter to move in/out to cut
the taper.
y For turning tapers over a comprehensive range is the use
of taper turning attachment.

Turret Lathe
l TurretLathe
A turret lathe,
l h a number b off tools
l can be
b set up on theh
machine and then quickly be brought successively into
working position so that a complete part can be
machined without the necessityy for further adjusting,
j g,
changing tools, or making measurements.

y Setting the tool below the centre decrease actual rake angle,
while clearance angle increases by the same amount. Thus
cutting force increased.
y Setting the tool above the centre causes the rake angle to
increase while
increase, hile clearance angle reduces.
reduces More rubbing with
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 31
Capstan lathe Turret lathe
Capstan Lathe
CapstanLathe Sh t slide,
Short lid since
i th saddle
the ddl iis Saddle
S ddl moves alongl th bed,
the b d
clamped on the bed in position. thus allowing the turret to be of Turretindexingmechanism
large size.
y The hexagonal turret is rotated (for indexing) by a
Light duty machine, generally for Heavy duty machine, generally
components whose diameter is for components with large Geneva mechanism where a Geneva disc having six
less than 50 mm. diameters, such as 200 mm.
di l slots
l i driven
is di b a revolving
by l i pin.
i Before
B f starting
Too much overhang of the turret Since the turret slides on the
when it is nearing cut. bed, there is no such difference. rotation the locking pin is withdrawn by a cam lever
Ramtype turret lathe, the ram and Saddletype lathes, the main
the turret are moved up to the turret is mounted directly on the
mechanism. The single
g rotation of the disc holding
g the
cutting position by means of the saddle, and the entire saddle indexing pin is derived from the auxiliary shaft with the
capstan Wheel.
Wheel As the ram is and turret assembly
moved toward the headstock, the reciprocates. help of another single revolution clutch as indicated.
turret is automatically locked into
position. y For automatic lathe: Ratchet and Pawl mechanism

h SwisstypeAutomaticLatheOrSlidingHeadstockAutomatics

y The
Th term automatic
i is
i somewhat
h loosely
l l applied,
li d but
b is
i y Headstock travels enabling axial feed of the bar stock
normally restricted to those machine tools capable of against the cutting tools.
producing identical pieces without the attention of an y There
h is no tailstock
l k or turret
p , after each p piece is completed.
p Thus,, after y High spindle speed (2000 10,000 rpm) for small job
setting up and providing an initial supply of material, diameter
further attention beyond replenishing the material y The
Th cutting
tti tools
t l (upto
( t five
fi in
i number
b including
i l di two
t on
supply is not required until the dimensions of the work the rocker arm) are fed radially
i change
h owing
i to t tool
t l wear.
y Used for lot or mass production of thin slender rod or
y A number of types
yp of automatic lathes are developed p tubular jobs, like components of small clocks and wrist
that can be used for large volume manufacture watches, by precision machining.
application, such as single spindle automatics, Swiss type
automatics, and multispindle automatics.

T bl i k h G b NortontypeTumblergearquickchangeGearbox
y For increase in rate of production of jobs usually of y It comprises
i a cone off gears 1 to
t 8 mounted
t d on shaft
h ft S2.

ll size
i and
d simpler
i l geometry.
t y The tumbler gear can slide on shaft S1. It can mesh with any
gear on shaft S2 through an intermediate gear which is
y Having four to eight parallel spindles are preferably used.
located on a swinging and sliding lever so that it can engage
y Multiple spindle automats also may be parallel action or gears 1 to
t 8 off different
diff t diameters,
di t on shaft
h ft S2.
p g y working
g type.
yp y The lever can be fixed in any desired ratio position with the
help of a stop pin.
y The drive is usually from the driving shaft S1 to the driven
shaft S2.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 32
Ch 2:Lathe
Q. No Option Q. No Option
Drilling Drilling
y Drilling
D illi isi a operation
i that
h cuts cylindrical
li d i l holes.
h l
1 C 6 A

2 A 7 B

3 D 8 B

4 B 9 D

5 B 10 C B SKM d l

ll Chip formation
of a drill
y Verticalorpillartype

y RadialArmtype

y Gangdrill

y MultiSpindledrill

y NumericalControldrill
N i lC ld ill

Drill Drillll Drillll

y The twist drill does most of the cutting with the tip of
th bit.
bit y Axial rake angle is the angle between the face and the line
There are flutes
parallel to the drill axis.
axis At the periphery of the drill,
drill it is
to carry the chips
up from the equivalent to the helix angle.
cutting edges to y The lip clearance angle is the angle formed by the portion of
the top of the
the flank adjacent to the land and a plane at right angles to
hole where they
are castt off.
ff the drill axis measured at the periphery of the drill.
y Lead of the helix is the distance measured p
parallel to the drill
axis, between corresponding point on the leading edge of the
land in one complete revolution.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 33
Drillll PointAngle(2) HelixAngle()
y The p g is selected to suit the hardness and brittleness of
point angle y Helix angle is the angle between the leading edge of the
y Drill sizes are typically measured across the drill points with the material being drilled.
land and the axis of the drill. Sometimes it is also called
y Harder materials have higher
g point angles,
p g , soft materials have
a micrometer
i t lower point angles. as spiral
i l angle.
y Most widely used material is High Speed Steel y An increase in the drill p
point angle
g leads to an increase in the y The helix results in a p
positive cutting
g rake
thrust force and a decrease in the torque due to increase of the
orthogonal rake angle.
y This angle is equivalent to back rake angle of a single
y The
eddrill b
a s aaree made
ade by forging
o g g aand
d tthen
e aaree ttwisted
sted to point cutting tool.
y This angle (half)
( ) refers to side cutting edge angle of a single point
provide the torsional rigidity. Then the flutes are machined tool. y Usual 20 to 35 most common
y S d d Point
Standard P i Angle
A l is i 118
and hardened before the final grinding of the geometry. y Large helix : 45 to 60 suitable for deep holes and softer
y It is 116 to 118 for medium hard steel and cast iron
work materials
y Deep hole drilling requires special precautions to take care of y It is 125 for hardened steel
y It is 130 to 140 for brass and bronze y Small helix : for harder / stronger materials
th removall off large
the l volume
l off chips.
hi y It is only 60 for wood and plastics y Zero helix : spade drills for high production drilling
microdrilling and hard work materials

C i S
d i D illi DrillingTime
ll MRRinDrilling
y Thecuttingspeedindrillingisthesurfacespeedofthe
Th i di d illi i h f d f h y Time
Ti for
f drilling
d illi the
h hole
h l
twistdrill. D2
DN L MRR = 3
fN , mm / min
V= m / min T= , min 4
1000 fN

F l f D illi
Cone height (h) =
2 tan
Uncut chip thickness (t ) = sin
2 Reaming,Boring,Broaching
Width of cut (b) =
D Reaming
( 2r / D ) tan
O th
l rake l ( ) = tan
k angle t 1

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 34
Reaming Reamer
y Reaming
R i removes a small
ll amountt off material
t i l from
f the
surface of holes.
y It
I is
i done
d f two purposes: to bring
for b i holes
h l to a more exact
size and to improve the finish of an existing hole.
y Multiage
M li cutting
i tools
l that
h has
h many flutes,
fl which
hi h may be
straight or in a helix are used.
y No special machines are built for reaming. The same
machine that was employed for drilling the hole can be used
f reaming
for i byb changing
h i the h cutting
i tool.
y Only a minimum amount of materials should be left for
removall by
b reaming. As little
l l as 0.1 mm is desirable,
d bl and
d in
no case should the amount exceed 0.4 mm.
y A properly reamed hole will be within 0.025 mm of the
correct size and have a fine finish.

Reamer Flutes
ReamerFlutes TypesofReamers
f Reaming
y The reamer flutes are either straight or helical.
y The helical flutes promote smoother cutting and should be Theprincipaltypesofreamersare:
Th i i l f y To
T meet quality
li requirements,
i including
i l di both
b h finish
fi i h and
used specifically for holes that are not continuous, such as 1. Handreamers accuracy (tolerances on diameter, roundness,
those with keyways parallel to the axis of the hole. straightness, and absence of bellmouth at ends of
a. Straight
y The cuttingg action of the helical flutes is smoother and helps holes).) Reamers must have adequate
q support
pp for the
in preventing chatter. b
b. T
Taper cutting edges, and reamer deflection must be minimal.
y The reamers are termed as left hand or right g hand,, g
2. Machineorchuckingreamers
depending upon the direction in which they are moved, y Reaming speed is usually
usuall twothirds
t o thirds the speed for
looking from the shank to the cutting portion. a. Rose drilling the same materials. However, for close tolerances
y The righthand reamer with righthand helix is used for b
b. Fluted
l d andd fine
f f
h speeds
d should
h ld be
b slower.
g g cuts, since the tool tends to g
roughing go into the workpiece
p 3. Shellreamers y Feeds are usually much higher than those for drilling
more efficiently and thereby promotes the material removal. and depend upon material.
4. Expansionreamers
y A righthand
g reamer with lefthand flutes is used for
finishing cuts. 5. Adjustablereamers y Recommended
R d d cutting
tti fluids
fl id are the
th same as those
th f

y Reamers,
R like
lik drills,
d ill should
h ld nott be
b allowed
ll d to
t become
b dull.
d ll RoseReamer
Rose Reamer ChuckingReamer
Chucking Reamer
The chamfer must be reground long before it exhibits
excessive wear.
wear Sharpening is usually restricted to the Rose chucking reamers Fluted chucking
starting taper or chamfer. Each flute must be ground exactly are ground cylindrical reamers have relief
evenly or the tool will cut oversize.
oversize and have no relief behind the edges of the
y Reamers tend to chatter when not held securely, when the behind the outer edges teeth as well as beveled
work or work holder is loose,
loose or when the reamer is not off the
h teeth.
h All cutting
i ends.
d They
Th can cut on
properly ground.
is done on the beveled all portions of the teeth.
y Irregularly spaced teeth may help reduce chatter.
chatter Other cures
ends of the teeth Their flutes are
for chatter in reaming are to reduce the speed, vary the feed
rate chamfer the hole opening,
rate, opening use a piloted reamer,
reamer reduce relativelyy short and theyy
the relief angle on the chamfer, or change the cutting fluid. are intended for light
y Any misalignment between the work piece and the reamer finishing cuts.
will cause chatter and improper reaming.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 35
p g Boring
y Trepanning is a annular groove producing operation
Shell Reamer which leaves a solid cylindrical core in the centre.
centre In
trepanning a cutter consisting of one or more cutting
Shell reamers often are edges placed along the circumference of a circle is used
used for sizes over 20 to produce the annular groove.
mm to save cuttingtool
cutting tool
material. The shell,
maded off HSS for
f smaller
sizes and with carbide
edges for larger sizes or
for massproduction


B i
Boring Boring
y Boring
B i always
l involves
i l the
h enlarging
l i off an existing
i i hole,
h l y The
Th same principles
i i l are used
d for
f boring
b i as for
f turning.
which may have been made by a drill or may be the result of a y The tool should be set exactly
y at the same height
g as the
core in a casting.
axis of rotation. Slightly larger end clearance angles
y An equally
q y important
p and concurrent p purpose
p of boringg mayy sometimes have to be used to prevent the heel of the tool
be to make the hole concentric with the axis of rotation of from rubbing on the inner surface of the hole.
the workpiece
p and thus correct anyy eccentricityy that mayy
have resulted from the drill drifting off the centerline.
Concentricity is an important attribute of bored holes.
y When boring is done in a lathe, the work usually is held in a
chuck or on a faceplate.
faceplate Holes may be bored straight,
tapered, or to irregular contours.
y Boring is essentially
ll internall turning while
h l feeding
f d the
h tooll
parallel to the rotation axis of the workpiece.

Boring FormulaforBoring
l f
y Because
B the
h tooll overhang
h will
ill be
b greater, feeds
f d and
depths of cut may be somewhat less than for turning to D1 + D2
y Average diameter of workpiece Davg = mm
prevent tool vibration and chatter. 2
y In some cases,
cases the boring bar may be made of tungsten
carbide because of this material's greater stiffness. y Cutting Time, CT = L + A + O
y The
h boring
b tooll is a singlepoint
l cutting tool.
y Hole
o e qua
ty, finish
s bo boring
g ca
can typ
ca y ac
eve holes
o es y Metal Removal Rate
within tolerances of IT9.
y Surface
S f fi i h better
finishes b tt than
th Ra R 1 micron
i can be
b achieved.
hi d MRR =
(D 2
1 D 22 )= D a v g d fN
4 / fN

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 36

hi Broaching BroachConstruction
y Broaching
B hi isi a multipletooth
lti l t th cutting
tti operation
ti with
ith the
th y The
Th material
i l removall using
i the
h broach
b h teeth
h is
i shown
tool reciprocating. schematically in Fig. shown in below. The dotted line in
y Since in broaching the machining operation is the figure indicates the amount of material being
completed in a singlestroke as the teeth on the cutting removed byy successive individual teeth.
tool, called broach, are at gradually increasing height
corresponding to the feed per tooth of a milling cutter.
y The shape of the broach determines the shape of the
ac ed pa
machined part.
y Broaching was originally developed for machining
internal keyways,
keyways but looking at the advantages,
advantages it has
been extensively used in the mass production of
automobile component manufacture for various other
surfaces as well.

h BroachConstruction
h BroachConstruction
y The
Th broach
b h is
i composed
d off a series
i off teeth,
h each
h tooth
h y The
Th last
l set off teeth
h is
i called
ll d the
h finishing
fi i hi or sizing
i i teeth.
h y The
Th rear pilot
il helps
h l to keep
k the
h broach
b h to remain
i square
standing slightly higher than the previous one. This rise Very little material will be removed by these teeth. with the workpiece as it leaves the workpiece after
per tooth is the feed per tooth and determines the y The necessary size will be achieved by these teeth and broaching.
material removed byy the tooth. hence all the teeth will be of the same size as that y Broaching speeds are relatively low,
low of the order of 6 to 15
y There are basically three sets of teeth present in a broach required finally. With the progress of time, when the m/min. However, the production rate is high with the
as shown
sho n in Fig.
Fig shown
sho n above.
abo e first set of teeth wear
ear out,
out the next
ne t set of teeth will
ill be c cle times being about 5 to 30 seconds,
cycle seconds including the
y The roughing teeth that have the highest rise per tooth able to provide the sizing function. workpiece and tool handling times. The low cutting
remove bulk of the material. y The pull end of the broach (Fig. shown in above) is speeds
d are conducive
d to very high
h h tooll life
l f withh very
y The semifinishing teeth,
teeth whose rise per tooth is smaller,
smaller attached to the pulling mechanism of the broaching small tool wear rates.
remove relatively smaller amounts of material compared machine with the front pilot aligning the broach
t the
to th roughing
hi teeth.
t th properly with respect to the workpiece axis before the
actual cutting starts.

h BroachConstruction
h Advantagesofbroaching
d fb h
y Broaches
B h are generally
ll made
d off high
hi h speed
d steell in
i view
i y For
F smooth
h operation,
i it
i is
i essential
i l that
h at least
l two or 1.
1 It is the fastest way of finishing an operation with a single
of its high impact strength. Sometimes, the titanium three teeth be simultaneously engaged.
2 Since all the machining parameters are built into the
nitride coating helps to improve the tool life further. y The thumb rule for tooth spacing, s =1.75 l , mm broach, very little skill is required from the operator.
Also,, the carbide inserttype
yp broaches are used more for y The cut per tooth f is kept in the range 0.05
0 05 mm 0.09
0 09 3 Broaching machine is simple since only a single
surface broaching of cast iron for very large volume reciprocating motion is required for cutting.
mm. 4. Final cost of the machining
4 g operation
p is one of the lowest
production to reduce the frequent resharpening of the
y In the normal speed BUE may be a problem. To avoid for mass production.
broach, which is a very difficult operation.
tthiss a cop
ous supp
supplyy o
of tthee cutt
g fluid
u d iss p
ov ded. 55. Anyy type
yp of surface, internal or external, can be g generated
y Standard
d d broaches
b h are available
l bl for
f common and d more with broaching.
often used forms, such as round and square q holes, 6. Many surfaces, which are very difficult or impossible by
keyways, etc. other
h means, can be b done
d b broaching.
by b hi F example,
For l square
hole and internal splines.
7. Good
G d surface
f fi i h and
finish d fine
fi dimensional
di i l tolerances
t l can be
achieved by broaching, often better than boring or reaming
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 37
fb h Ch6:Drilling,Boring&Reaming Milling
1. Custom
C t made
d broaches
b h are very expensive i and d can
therefore be justified only for very large volume Q.No Option Q.No Option
d ti
1 A 8 D
2. A broach has to be designed for a specific application
and can be used only for that application. Hence, the 2 D 9 A
lead time for manufacture is more for custom designed
broaches. 3 A 10 B
3. Broaching,
oac g, be being
g a ve veryy heavy
eavy metal
eta removal
e ova 4 B 11 C
operation, requires that the workpiece is rigid and
capable of withstanding the large forces. 5 C 12 C BySKMondal
4. Broaching can only be carried out on the workpiece 6 B 13 B
whose geometry is such that there is no interference for
the broach movement for the cutting. 7 D

ll Milling
ll Upmillinganddownmilling
Milli machines
hi off various
i types are widely
id l used
d y 2D contouring like cam profiles, clutches etc and 3D
for the following purposes using proper cutting
tools called milling cutters: contouring like
l k die
d or mould
ld cavities
y Flat surface in vertical,
vertical horizontal and inclined planes y Cutting
C i teeth
h in
i piece
i or batch
b h production
d i off spur gears,
y Making slots or ribs of various sections
straight toothed bevel gears,
gears worm wheels,
wheels sprockets,
y Slitting or parting
y Often producing surfaces of revolution clutches etc.
y Making helical grooves like flutes of the drills y Producing
g some salient features like g
grooves, flutes,
y Long thread milling on large lead screws, power screws,
gushing and profiles in various cutting tools, e.g., drills,
worms etc and short thread milling for small size
fastening screws, bolts etc. taps, reamers, hobs, gear shaping cutters etc.

ll dd ll AdvantagesofDownMilling
d f ll DisadvantagesofDownMilling
d f ll
y In
I down
d milling,
illi though
h h the
h cut starts with
i h a full
f ll chip
hi 1. Suited
S i d to machinehi thin
hi and d hardtohold
h d h ld parts since
thickness, the cut gradually reduces to zero. This helps in the workpiece is forced against the table or holding 1. It cannot be used unless the machine has a backlash
eliminating the feed marks present in the case of up device by the cutter.
g and consequently
q y better surface finish. eliminator and the table jibs have been tightened.
2 Work need not be clamped as tightly.
2. tightly
y Climb milling also allows greater feeds per tooth and 3. Consistent parallelism and size may be maintained,
longer cutting life between
bet een regrinds than the 2 It cannot be used for machining castings or hot rolled
l l on thin
h parts.
conventional milling. 4. Itt mayay be used where
ee b breakout
ea out at tthee edge oof tthee steel since the hard outer scale will damage the cutter.
steel, cutter
y Up milling needs stronger holding of the job and down workpiece could not be tolerated.
milling needs backlash free screwscrewnut
nut systems for 5. It requires
i uptot 20%% less
l power to
t cutt by
b this
thi method.
th d
6. It mayy be used when cuttingg off stock or when milling g
deep, thin slots.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 38
l f f ll h Classificationofmillingmachines
l f f ll h Classificationsofmillingcutters
l f f ll
( ) According
A di to nature off purposes off use: (c)
( ) According
A di to t the
th orientation
i t ti off theth spindle(s).
i dl ( ) (a)
( ) Profile
P fil sharpened
h d cutters where
h the
h geometry off
y General purpose
p p y Plain horizontal knee type the machined surfaces are not related with the tool
y Horizontal axis (spindle) and swiveling bed type shape, viz;
y Single purpose
y Vertical spindle
p type
yp i
i. Slab or plain milling cutter: straight or helical
y S
i l purpose y Universal head milling machine fluted
((b)) According g to configuration
g and motion of the (d) According to mechanization / automation and
workholding table / bed production rate
ii. Side
S d milling
ll cutters single
l side
d or both
b h sided
d d type
y K
Knee t
type y Hand mill (milling machine) iii.. S
ott g cutte
y Bed type
yp y Planer and rotary table type vertical axis milling machines iv. Slitting or parting tools
y Tracer
T controlled
ll d copy milling
illi machine,
hi v. End d milling
ll cutters with
h straight
h or taper shank
h k
y Planer type
y Milling machines for short thread milling vi. Face milling cutters.
y R t
Rotary t bl type
table t y Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) milling machine

l f f ll SlaborPlainmillingcutters
l b l ll Sideandslotmillingcutters
d d l ll
(b) Form
F relieved
li d cutters where
h the
h job
j b profile
becomes the replica of the
Toolform, e.g., viz.;
i. Form cutters
ii. Gear (teeth) milling cutters
iii. Spline shaft cutters
iv. T l form
Tool f cutters
v. Tslotcutters
vi. Threadmillingcutter

l l EndmillingcuttersorEndmills
d ll d ll Facemillingcutters

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 39

Useofformrelievedcutters(milling) T slotcutter

h ll Spline
l shaftcutters
h f Straddlemilling
ddl ll

ll Turningbyrotarytools(millingcutters) Indexing

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 40

l l d MillingVelocity
ll l MillingTime
y Plain
Pl i indexing
i d i isi the
h name given
i to the
h indexing
i d i method
h d y The
Th cutting
i speed
d in
i milling
illi isi the
h surface
f speed
d off the
carried out using any of the indexing plates in milling cutter. y Time for one p
pass =
L + 2 A minutes
conjunction with the worm.
V= y Approach

A = d = d (D d )
1000 A h distance,
2 2

ll Some Formulae for Milling
SomeFormulaeforMilling Ch 7 Milli
C id i h d fi di h di i f 2f d QNo Option Q.No Option
speedsandfeeds,etc,theMRRisgivenbelow, Maximum uncut chip thickness (t max ) =
NZ D 1 B 7 D
f d
((t a vg ) =
wd F
Average uncut chip
hi thickness
hi k 2 B 8 D
where,w=widthofcut, d=depthofcut f2 3 D 9 A
Peak to valley surface roughness (h max ) =
4 DN 2 Z 2
4DN 4 A 10 D
5 C 11 C
6 D 12 D

f f FormingandGeneration
Manufacture of gears needs several processing operations in
g sequential stages depending upon the material and type of the
gears and q
g qualityy desired. Those stages
g g generallyy are:
y Preforming the blank without or with teeth
Gear teeth are produced by machining based on

Forming where the profile of the teeth are obtained as

y Annealing
g of the blank,, if required,
q , as in case of forged
g or
cast steels the replica of the form of the cutting tool (edge); e.g.,
y Preparation of the gear blank to the required dimensions milling, broaching etc.
by machining
b h
y Producing teeth or finishing the preformed teeth by Generation where the complicated
p tooth p
profile are
hi i
y Full or surface hardening of the machined gear (teeth), if provided by much simpler form cutting tool (edges)
BySKMondal y Finishing teeth, if required, by shaving, grinding etc through rolling type, tool work motions, e.g., hobbing,
y Inspection
I ti off the
th finished
fi i h d gears
gear shaping etc.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 41
Sunderlandmethodusingracktypecutter Sunderlandmethodusingracktypecutter Gearshaping
y The
Th rack
k type HSS cutter (having
(h i rake
k and
d y Applicationsofthismethod(andmachine)include: y Gear
G shaping
h i is i similar
i il to the
h rack
k type cutting
i process,
clearance angles) reciprocates to accomplish the excepting that, the linear type rack cutter is replaced by a
machining (cutting) action while rolling type y Moderatesizestraightandhelicaltoothedexternal circular cutter where both the cutter and the blank
rotate as a p pair of spur
p gears in addition to the
i t
ti with
ith the
th gear blank
bl k like
lik a pair
i off rack
k spurgearswithhighaccuracyandfinish
i hhi h dfi i h
reciprocation of the cutter.
and pinion.
y Cuttingtheteethofdoublehelicalorherringbone
C tti th t th fd bl h li l h i b

y Cuttingteethofstraightorhelicalflutedclustergears

y Howeverthismethodneeds,thoughautomatic,few
, g ,
External gear teeth generation by rack type cutter (Sunderland method)

h GearHobbing
bb GearHobbing
y Generation
G ti method
th d is
i characterised
h t i d byb automatic
t ti indexing
i d i y The HSS or carbide cutter having teeth like gear milling
and ability of a single cutter to cover the entire range of cutter and the gear blank apparently interact like a pair y Having lesser number (only three) of tool work
number of teeth for a given combination of module and of worm and worm wheel.
motions, hobbing
h bb machines
h are much
h more rigid,
d strong
pressure angle and hence provides high productivity and y The hob (cutter) looks and behaves like a single or
economy multiple start worms.
worms and productive than gear shaping machine.
y The gear type cutter is made of HSS and possesses proper
rake and clearance angles.
angles y But hobbing provides lesser accuracy and finish and is
y The additional advantages of gear shaping over rack type
cutting are: used onlyy for cutting
g straight
g or helical teeth ((single)
g ) of
Separate indexing is not required at all external spur gears and worm wheels.
h or helical
h l l teeth h off both
b h externall and
d internall
spur gears can be produced with high accuracy and
fi i h
finish (a)Straight(b)helicaltoothand(c)wormwheel
Productivity is also higher.

d f bb DisadvantagesofgearHobbing
d f bb Milling
( ) The
Th method h d is i versatile
il andd can generate spur, (a) Gear hobbing cannot generate internal gears and y Gear
G teeth
t th can be
b produced
d d byb both
b th disc
di and
d end
d mill
ill type
helical, worm and worm wheels. form milling cutter.
bevel gears.
(b) Since gear hobbing is a continuous process, it is (b) Enough space has to be there in component
rapid; economical and highly productive.
configuration for hob approach.
(c) The method produces accurate gears and is suitable
f medium
for d and
d large
l b h production.
batch d
(d) Thee cutte
cutter iss u
ve sa , because itt ca
can cut aall gea
gearss o
same module, irrespective of number of teeth on the y The gears produced by gear hobbing are used in
gear Fi
Fig. ( ) disc
(a) di type and d endd mill
ill type for
automobiles, machine tools, various instruments, clocks
(b) single helical and
d other
h equipments.
i (c) double helical teeth
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 42
ll Shaping,PlanningandSlotting
h l d l
P d ti off gear teeth
t th by
b form
f milling
illi are characterised
h t i d y Straight
S i h toothed
h d spur gear can be
b produced
d d ini shaping
h i
by: machine.
y Use
U off HSS form
f milling
illi cutters
y Both productivity and product quality are very low in
y Use of ordinary milling machines
this process which therefore,
therefore is used,
used if at all,
all for making
y Low production rate for
one or few teeth on one or two pieces of gears as and
Need of indexing after machining each tooth gap when
hen required for repair and maintenance purpose.
Slow speed and feed
y Planning and slotting machines work on the same
y Low
L accuracy and d surface
f fi i h
principle. Planning machine is used for making teeth of
y Inventory problem due to need of a set of eight cutters for
large gears whereas slotting for internal gears.
h module
d l pressure angle
l combination
bi ti
y End mill type cutters are used for teeth of large gears and / or
d l Fig gearteethcuttinginordinaryshapingmachine

Fastproductionofteethofspurgears Fastproductionofteethofspurgears Manufactureofgearsbyrolling

P ll l multiple li l teeth
h Broaching
B hi y The
Th straight
i h and
d helical
h li l teeth
h off disc
di or rod
d type externall
shaping y Teeth of small internal and external spur
p g gears;; straight
g steel gears of small to medium diameter and module are
y It is similar to ordinary or single helical, of relatively softer materials are generated by cold rolling by either flat dies or circular
shaping but all the tooth gaps produced in large quantity by broaching.
broaching dies.
are made simultaneously, y This method leads to very high productivity and quality y Such rolling imparts high accuracy and surface integrity
ithout requiring indexing,
inde ing b cost off machine
but h and
d broach
b h are very high.
h h of the teeth which
hich are formed by
b material flow
flo unlike
by a set of radially in feeding cutting.
l point form
f tools.
l y Gear rolling is reasonably employed for high productivity
y This old process was highly and high quality though initial machinery costs are
productive but became almost relatively high.
obsolete for very high initial y Larger
L size
i gears are formed
f d by
b hot
h t rolling
lli and
d then
and running costs. finished by machining.

P d M ll
PowderMetallurgy Wi EDM
y Small
S ll size
i high
hi h quality
li externall or internal
i l spur, bevel
b l or y Geometrically
G i ll accurate but
b moderately
d l finished
fi i h d straight
i h
spiral gears are also produced by powder metallurgy toothed metallic spur gears, both external and internal
process. type, can be produced by wire type Electrodischarge
y Large size gears are rolled after briquetting and sintering Machiningg ((EDM).
for more strength and life.
y Powder
d metallurgically
ll ll produced
d d gears hardly
h dl require
any further finishing work.

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 43

C i
Casting Gearfinishingprocess
f h
y Sandcasting
S d i y One
O off the
th goals
l off the
th gear finishing
fi i hi process in
i gears is
y BlankinginPresstool
y Metalmouldcasting
g to obtain a certain level of toughness in the gear teeth to
y Plasticmoulding reduce
d and/or
d/ eliminate
li i t bending
b di and
d contact
t t fatigue
f ti
y Diecasting failures.
y Extrusionprocess y Investmentcasting
I i y Reduction of index undulation errors associated with
y Shellmouldcasting
g helical gear teeth caused by the grinding process during
the manufacture of the gears without degrading other
y Centrifugalcasting
gear accuracies (e.g. profile, tooth spacing) below levels
required for precision (AGMA16 or DIN1) gears.
y A mold of the space between several gear teeth is
obtained, with the mold having a length equal to or
greater than the wavelength of the undulation error to be

h Gearburnishing
b h
y A micro
i finishing
fi i hi film
fil is
i affixed
ffi d to the
h mold
ld and
d the
h y Gear
G shaving
h i is
i a gear finishing
fi i hi operation
ti with
ith high
hi h
efficiency and high precision. y It is designed to remove or reduce gear tooth nicks and
mold is placed relative to a gear tooth so that the micro
finishing film rests against a tooth surface having the y When a work gear has been shaved by a shaving cutter burrs, along with improving the smoothness of the
undulation error. with a true involute profile, the ''midconcave''
phenomena inevitably exist around the pitch points of tooth's active profile finish.
y The grit size of the micro finishing film is such as to
the work gear tooth flanks.
remo e approximately
remove appro imatel 2 to 3 millionths of gear material
y Aiming at this problem, a newstyle shaving cutter with y The action of the burnishing dies on the tooth surface
with each pass through the teeth by the mold. Multiple unequal
u equa dept
depth gas
es iss des
g ed aand
d manufactured.
a u actu ed.
passes are made
d byb hand
h d untill the
h undulation
d l error is allows the machine to accomplish these quality
y This paper analyses the forming of the gash on the basis
reduced to an acceptable
p value. Duringg the pprocess the of the slotting principle,
principle and proposes a gashdesigning
micro finishing film is replaced after approximately 3 or method. improvements without altering the tooth profile or lead.
4 passes and the process is repeated for each tooth of the y Experiment
E i t has
h proven thatth t the
th shaved
h d gear has
h a better
b tt
gear. y Both internal and external gears are possible to burnish.
surface finish that achieves the anticipated effect.

GearLapping Ch8:GearandScrewthreadManufacturing
y Gear lapping is used to finish hardened gears by
Q.No Option Q.No Option
ti small
ll errors in
i spacing,
i profile,
fil helix
h li
1 A 8 D
angle and eccentricity.
angle, eccentricity
2 B 9 C
y The operation is performed with all forms of gears 3 C 10 C Manufacturing
running together with mating gears, and cast iron 4 D 11 D
toothed laps, under a flow of fine oil mixed with 5 C 12 B
an abrasive compound. 6 A 13 D
7 D BySKMondal
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 44
Thread Cutting
ThreadCutting Th d C tti
L th
Processes,MachinesandTools External Internal y Can cut both external and
UsedForProducingScrewThreads Threading on a lathe Threading (on a lathe or Internal thread
h di on a NC lathe l h NC lathe)
l h ) y Thread
h d cutting is a form
( )
g With a die held in a stock With a tap and holder cutting
g operation
p an
(manual) (manual NC, machine, accurately shaped tool is
( )
g With an automatic die semiautomatic, or used (with zero rake)
(turret lathe or screw automatic) y The lead screw and the
g machine) or NC lathe With a collapsible tap split
lit nut,
t which
hi h provide
By milling (turret lathe, screw positive motion of the
B Grinding
G i di machine,
hi or special
i l carriage relative to the
threading machine) rotation of the spindle.
By milling

h d Thread Milling
CuttingThreadswithDies y Highly
g y accurate threads,
y Straight and tapered external threads can be cut quickly y Cutting internal thread by a multiplepoint
multiple point tool is called
particularly in larger
manually by means of threading dies. thread tapping, and the tool is called a tap.
sizes, are often form
y Dies are made of carbon or highspeed tool steel y A hole of diameter slightly larger than the minor milled. Either a single or
diameter of the thread must alreadyy exist. a multipleform
multiple form Cutter
The flutes on tap create cutting may be used.
d on theh thread
h d profilef l and
d y The milling cutter is
provide space
p p for the chips
p and tilted at an angle
g equal
the passage of cutting fluid. to the helix angle of the
Taps are made of either carbon thread and is fed inward
or highspeed steel and coated radially to full depth
( )S lid h di di (b) lid dj
bl h di di while the work is
with TiN.

ThreadGrinding ThreadRolling
y Grinding can produce y Thread rolling is used to produce threads in substantial
very accurate threads, and quantities.
it also permits threads to
be produced in hardened y Coldforming process operation in which the threads are
materials formed byy rolling
g a thread blank between hardened dies
y A singleribbed grinding that cause the metal to flow radially into the desired Sh
Pl Sl
wheel is employed,
employed but shape.
multipleribbed wheels y Chip less process,
are used occasionally.
fast and economical.
y Centerless thread
i di i
is used
d forf y Mechanical properties BySKMondal
making headless sets are good.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 45
h Shaper
h Q i k t ti M h i
y The
Th relative
l i motions
i between
b the
h tooll and
d the
h workpiece,
k i
shaping and planing use a straightline cutting motion with a
l cutting tooll to generate a flat
fl surface.
y In shaping,
p g, the workpiece
p is fed at right
g angles
g to the cuttingg
motion between successive strokes of the tool.
y For either shaping or planing,
planing the tool is held in a clapper box
which prevents the cutting edge from being damaged on the
return stroke of the tool.
y Relatively skilled workers are required to operate shapers and
l andd most off the
h shapes
h that
h can be
b produced
d d on
them also can be made by much more productive processes,
suchh as milling,
ll b
h or grinding.

k h
y In
I shaping,
h i the
h cutting
i tooll is
i held
h ld in
i the
h tooll post RamDrive
Ram Drive FeedMechanism
Feed Mechanism
located in the ram, which reciprocates over the work y Themechanicalramdriveisaslottedarmquickreturn y Table feed is intermittent and is accomplished on the
with a forward stroke, cutting at velocity V and a quick motionmechanism,
return stroke at velocityy VR. return ((non cutting)
g) stroke when the tool has cleared
y The rpm rate of the drive crank (Ns) drives the ram and the workpiece.
determines the velocity
elocit of the operation.
y The cross feed is given to the table with the help of a
tti g stroke
t k angle
y The stroke ratio, Rs = 0
cross feed screw which is actuated by a pawl which
360 engages a notched wheel (ratchet) keyed to the screw.

l f f h h Formula
l HydraulicShaper
Sh hi l ll l ifi d NL(1 + m)
accordingtotheirgeneraldesignfeaturesasfollows, y Cuttingspeed, V =
1. Horizontal w
, Ns =
y Numberofstrokes,
a. Push cut
Pushcut f
b. Pullcutordrawcutshaper L(1 + m)
Timeofonestroke t =
y Timeofonestroke, min
2. Vertical 1000V
a. R
l l tt L(1 + m) Lw(1 + m)
y Totaltime,T = Ns = min
b. y
Keyseaters 1000v 1000vf
3. Specialpurpose

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 46

g y p g
Pl Slotter
y Planing
Pl i can be
b used
d to produce
d horizontal,
h i l vertical,
i l or y Slotting
Sl i machine
hi is
i basically
b i ll a vertical
i l axis
i shaper.
h Thus
y 1. Cutting speed remains constant throughout most of the cutting inclined flat surfaces on workpieces that are too large to the workpieces, which cannot be conveniently held in
t k unlike
lik the
th crank
k shaper
h where
h th speed
the d changes
h continuously.
ti l
be accommodated on shapers. shaper, can be machined in a slotter.
y 2. Since the p
power available remains constant throughout,
g , it is p
possible y Planing is much less efficient than other basic y Generally,
Generally keyways,
keyways splines,
splines serrations,
serrations rectangular
to utilise the full capacity of the cutting tool during the cutting stroke.
machining processes, such as milling, that will produce grooves and similar shapes are machined in a slotting
y 3.
3 The ram reverses quickly without any shock due the hydraulic such surfaces.
surfaces machine.
cylinder utilised. The inertia of the moving parts is relatively small.
y Planing and planers have largely been replaced by planer y The stroke of the ram is smaller in slotting machines
y 4. The
Th range and
d number
b off cutting
i strokes
k possible
ibl are relatively
l i l large
in hydraulic shaper. milling machines or machines that can do both milling than in shapers to account for the type of the work that
and planing. is handled in them.
y 5. More strokes per minute can be achieved by consuming less time for
reversal and return strokes.

Slotter Slotter
y The
Th types off tools
l used
d in
i a slotter
l are very similar
i il to
those in a shaper, except that the cutting actually takes
place in the direction of cutting.
y However,
However in view of the type of surfaces that are possible
in the case of slotter, a large variety of boring bars or
single point tools with
singlepoint ith long shanks are used.

Ch5:ShapingandPlanning P
Process F
Grinding Useswheels,accuratesizing,finishing,lowMRR;
Useswheels accuratesizing finishing lowMRR;
Q.No Option canbedoneathighspeeds.
Creepfeed Useswheelswithlongcuttingarc veryslowfeed
1 C grinding rateandlargedepthofcut
2 A Abrasive HighMRR,toobtaindesiredshapesand
3 C G d g& s g
Grinding&Finishing machining
4 B jjetMachining
g abrasiveparticles(silicaandgarnet)
p ( g )
Honing "Stones"containingfineabrasives;primarilya
5 B hole finishingprocess
6 C Lapping Fineparticlesembeddedinsoftmetalorcloth;
BySKMondal primarilyasurfacefinishingprocess

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 47

G i di
Grinding Whyishighvelocitydesiredingrinding?
y Grinding
G i di is
i the
th mostt common form
f off abrasive
b i y It
I is
i desired
d i d to off
ff set the
h adverse
d effect
ff off very high
hi h
machining. negative rake angle of the working grit, to reduce the
y It is a material cutting process which engages an abrasive force per grit as well as the overall grinding force.
tool whose cutting elements are grains of abrasive
material known as grit.
y These g grits are characterized byy sharp
p cutting
g p
high hot hardness, and chemical stability and wear
es sta ce.
y The grits are held together by a suitable bonding
material to give shape of an abrasive tool.
tool Fi cutting
Fig- tti action
ti off abrasive
b i grains
y Grinding can be compared with milling with an infinite
numberb off cutting
tti edge.

f G i di A li i
f G i di Grinding
y If each
h abrasive
b i grain
i is
i viewed
i d as a cutting
i tooll then
h in
y Dimensionalaccuracy y Surfacefinishing
grinding operation.
y Goodsurfacefinish y Slittingandparting High
y Rake angle can be positive,
positive zero,
zero or negative ranging from
y Goodformandlocational accuracy y Descaling,deburring
+45o to 60o, dull, rounded grits has large negative rake angle
y Applicabletobothhardenedandunhardenedmaterial y Stockremoval(abrasivemilling)
( ) y Cutting
C i speed d is
i very high
hi h
y Very
y high
g specific
p energy
gy of cutting
y Finishingofflataswellascylindricalsurface
Fi i hi ffl ll li d i l f
y Grindingoftoolsandcuttersandresharpening
G i di ft l d tt d h i ofthe
fth y Low
L shear
h angle
same y Low feed rate
y Low depth of cut

Interactionofthegritwiththeworkpiece Howischipaccommodationvolumeis Specificenergyconsumptioningrinding

y Grit
G i with
i h favourable
f bl geometry can produce
d chip
hi in
i shear
h relatedtomaterialremovalrate?
l t dt t i l l t ?
y However, grits having large negative rake angle or y Volume of chip accommodation space ahead of each grit
rounded cutting edge do not form chips but may rub or must be ggreater than the chip
p volume pproduced byy each
make a groove by ploughing leading to lateral flow of the grit to facilitate easy evacuation of the chip from the
orkpiece material.
material grinding wheel.

Fig Grits engage shearing, ploughing and rubbing

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 48
GRatio Parametersforspecifyagrindingwheel
y The
h grinding
d ratio or G ratio is defined
d f d as thee
h cubic
b mm 1)) The
Th type off griti material
i l
of stock removed divided by the cubic mm of wheel lost. 2)) The ggrit size
3) The bond strength of the wheel, commonly known
y In conventional grinding,
grinding the G ratio is in the range 20: 1 as wheel hardness
to 80: 1.
4) The structure of the wheel denoting the porosity i.e.
the amount of inter grit spacing
y The G ratio is a measure of grinding production and
fl the
h amount off work
k a wheel
h l can do
d during
d i its
i 5) The type of bond material
useful life. 6) Other than these parameters, the wheel
f may adddd their
h own identification
d f code
y As the wheel losses material,
material it must be reset or prefixing
p g or suffixingg (or both) the standard code.
repositioned to maintain workpiece size.

Abrasive CommentsandUses
Aluminium oxide
Whyisaluminium oxidepreferredto Gi i
Softer and tougher than silicon
carbide; use on steel, iron, brass siliconcarbideingrindingsteel?
ili bid i i di t l? y The
Th grain
i size
i affects
ff material
i l removall rate and
d the
surface quality of workpiece in grinding.
bid Usedd f
for b
brass, b
bronze, y Al2O3 is tougher than SiC. Therefore it is y Large grit big grinding capacity, rough workpiece
aluminum, stainless steel and preferred to grind material having high tensile surface
cast iron
strength like steel. Moreover, Al2O3 shows higher y Fine grit small grinding capacity, smooth workpiece
cBN (cubicboron For grinding hard,
hard tough tool
h l inertness than
h SiC towards d steell leading
l d surface
nitride) steels, stainless steel, cobalt and
i k l based
b d superalloys,
ll and
to much improved wear resistance during
hard coatings grinding.
Diamond Used to grind nonferrous
materials, tungsten carbide and

G d
Grade S
/ i Whyiscoarsegrainandopenstructuredwheel
y The
Th worn out grit
i must pull
ll out from
f the
h bond
b d and
d make
k y The
Th structure should
h ld be
b open for
f grinding
i di wheels
h l ispreferredforstockremovalgrinding?
f df k l d
room for fresh sharp grit in order to avoid excessive rise engaged in high material removal to provide chip
of grinding force and temperature. accommodation space. y Coarse grit allows large grit protrusion and open
y A soft wheel should be chosen for grinding hard y The space between the grits also serves as pocket for structure p
provides large
g inter ggrit chip
p space.
p Thus in
material. holding grinding fluid. combination those two provide large space for chip
accommodation during stock removal grinding and risk
y A hard
h d wheel
h l should
h ld beb chosen
h f
for grinding
d soft
f y Dense structuredd wheels
h l are used d for
f longer
l wheel
h l life,
of wheel loading is minimized.
material. for holding precision forms and profiles.

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 49

BondingMaterialsforGrindingwheels Bonding Materials for Grinding wheels
BondingMaterialsforGrindingwheels Glazing
T off Bond
B d Attributes
A ib Type of Bond Attributes y With
Wi h continuous
i use a grinding
i di wheel
h l becomes
b dull
d ll with
Rubber bond For use in thin wheels,, replaced
p byy resin the sharp abrasive grains becoming rounded.
Vitrified bonds Composed of clays and other ceramic
bond. y This condition of a dull grinding wheel with worn out
substances, porous, strong, rigid, and
ff d b
by oils,
il water, or Oxychloride
O hl id Li it d use.
Limited grains is termed as glazing.
temperature. Brittle and can not be used bond
for high wheel speed. Metal bond Extensively used with super abrasive
Resinoid, or Plastic bond,
bond replaced shellac and wheels, high toughness, high accuracy,
phenolic rubber wheels, not with alkaline large stock removal.
i grinding
i di fluid.
fl id Electroplated
El t l t d U d for
Used f smallll wheel,
h l form
f wheel
h l and d
Shellac bond For flexible cut off wheels, replaced
p byy bond thin super abrasive wheels, for abrasive
resin bond. milling and ultra high speed grinding.
Replace by electroplated bond

d D
i T i
y Some
S grinding
i di chips
hi get lodged
l d d into
i the
h spaces between
b y Dressing
D i isi the
h conditioning
di i i off the
h wheel
h l surface
f which
hi h y Truing
T i is i the
h act off regenerating
i the
h required
i d geometry
the grits resulting in a condition known as loaded wheel. ensures that grit cutting edges are exposed from the on the grinding wheel.
y Loading is generally caused during the grinding of soft bond and thus able to penetrate into the workpiece y Truing is also required on a new conventional wheel to
and ductile materials.
materials material. ensure concentricity with specific mounting system.
y A loaded grinding wheel cannot cut properly and need y In dressing attempts are made to splinter the abrasive y Truing and dressing are commonly combined into one
dressing. grains to make them sharp and free cutting and also to operation for
f conventionall abrasive
b grinding
d wheels,
h l but
remove any residue left by material being ground. are usually two distinctly separate operation for super
y Dressing therefore produces microgeometry. abrasive wheel.

BalancingGrindingWheels C
f d i di Statethebasicadvantageofacreepfeed
y Because of the high rotation speeds involved, grinding y Thismachineenablessinglepassgrindingofasurface
Thi hi bl i l i di f f grinderoveraconventionalsurface
i d ti l f
wheels must never be used unless theyy are in g good withalargerdownfeedbutslowertablespeedthanthat
balance. adoptedformultipassconventionalsurfacegrinding. y Productivityisenhancedandlifeofthegrindingwheelis
y Grinding wheel must be balanced Statically and y Increep
theentiredepthofcutis extended.
Dynamically. completedinonepassonlyusingverysmallinfeed
y A slight imbalance will produce vibrations that will cause rates.
waviness in the work surface. It mayy cause a wheel to
break, with the probability of serious damage and injury.

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 50

l d l d Centerless
l Grinding
y Centertype
C cylindrical
li d i l grinding
i di is
i commonly
l used
d far
f y Centerless
C l grinding
i di makes
k iti possible
ibl to grind
i d both
b h
producing external cylindrical surfaces. external and internal cylindrical surfaces without
y The grinding wheel revolves at an ordinary cutting requiring the workpiece to be mounted between centers
speed and the workpiece rotates on centers at a much
speed, or in a chuck.
slower speed. y This eliminates the requirement of center holes in some
y Grinding
G d machines
h are available
l bl in which
h h the
h workpiece
k workpieces
orkpieces and the necessity
necessit for mounting the
is held in a chuck for grinding both external and internal workpiece, thereby reducing the cycle time.
cylindrical surfaces. y Two wheels are used. The larger one operates at regular
grinding speeds and does the actual grinding. The
smaller wheel is the regulating wheel. It is mounted at
an angle to the plane of the grinding wheel.

Centerless Grinding
l Grinding
d Centerless
l Grinding
y The
Th regulating
l i wheel
h l controls l theh rotationi andd The axial feed is calculated by the equation
longitudinal motion of the workpiece and usually is a
F = dN sin
plastic or rubberbonded wheel with a fairly wide face.
y Theworkpieceisheldagainstthework
restbladebythe where
cuttingforcesexertedbythegrindingwheelandrotates F = feed (mm/min)
atappro imatel thesamesurfacespeedasthatofthe
atapproximatelythesamesurfacespeedasthatofthe d = di
diameter off the
h regulating
l i wheel
h l ((mm))
regulatingwheel. N = revolutions
evo u o s pe
per minute
u e oof thee regulating
egu a g wheel
w ee
= angle of inclination of the regulating wheel

l internalGrinding
l d Statethedisadvantagesofcentreless SurfaceGrindingMachines
y This
Thi machine
hi is
i used
d for
f grinding
i di cylindrical
li d i l and
d cylindricalgrindingmachine?
li d i l i di hi ? y Surface grinding machines are used primarily to
tapered holes in cylindrical parts (e.g. cylindrical liners, g
grind flat surfaces.
various bushings etc). Itdoesnotgrindconcentricallywithcentres. y However formed, irregular surfaces can be
y The workpiece is rotated between supporting roll, roll Largediametershortworkpiecearedifficultto produced on some types of surface grinders by use
pressure roll and regulating wheel and is ground by the controlintheprocess of a formed wheel.
grinding wheel.
heel I
i k i di l i Four basic types of surface grinding machines are:
1. Horizontal spindle and reciprocating table
2. Vertical spindle and reciprocating table
3. Horizontal spindle and rotary table
4. Vertical spindle and rotary table

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 51

Lapping Characteristicsoflappingprocess
h fl
y Lappingisbasicallyanabrasiveprocessinwhichloose
L i i b i ll b i i hi hl y Useoflooseabrasivebetweenlapandtheworkpiece
U fl b i b l d h k i
abrasivesfunctionascuttingpointsfindingmomentary y Usuallylapandworkpiecearenotpositivelydrivenbut
y p p p y
supportfromthelaps. areguidedincontactwitheachother
y Materialremovalinlappingusuallyrangesfrom.003to
Materialremovalinlappingusuallyrangesfrom 003to y Relativemotionbetweenthelapandtheworkshould
.03mmbutmanyreach0.08to0.1mmincertaincases. changecontinuouslysothatpathoftheabrasivegrains
f h l d h k
y Castironisthemostlyusedlapmaterial.However,soft
Cast o s t e ost y used ap ate a . o eve , so t

b fl Vehiclematerialsforlapping
h l l f l Technicalparametersaffectinglappingprocessesare
y Al2O3 andSiC,grainsize5~100m y Machineoil y unitpressure

y Cr2O3,grainsize1~2m y Rapeside oil y thegrainsizeofabrasive

y B4C3,grainsize5 60m y grease y concentrationofabrasiveinthevehicle

y Diamond,grainsize0.5~5m y lappingspeed

Honing Honing Honing

y Honing
H i is i a finishing
fi i hi process, in
i which
hi h a tooll called
ll d hone
h y It
I is
i desired
d i d that
carries out a combined rotary and reciprocating motion 1. Honingg stones should not leave the work surface
while the workpiece does not perform any working 2. Stroke length must cover the entire work length.
3. InI honing
h i rotary and
d oscillatory
ill motions
i are
y Most honing is done on internal cylindrical surface, such
combined to produce a cross hatched lay pattern.
as automobile cylindrical
c lindrical walls.
alls The honing stones are
held against the workpiece with controlled light
pressure. The
h honing
h h d is not guided
head d d externally
ll but,
instead, floats in the hole, being g g
guided byy the work y The honingg stones are g
given a complex
p motion so as
surface. to prevent every single grit from repeating its path Fig.Honingtool Fig.Laypatternproducedbycombinationofrotaryand
over the work surface. oscillatorymotion

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 52

Thecriticalprocessparametersare B ffi
y Buffing
B ffi isi a polishing
li hi operation
ti ini which
hi h the
th workpiece
k i
y 1.rotationspeed
is brought into contact with a revolving cloth wheel that
y 2.oscillationspeed has been
h b charged
h d with
ith a fine
fi abrasive,
b i such h as polishing
li hi
y 3.lengthandpositionofthestroke y The wheels are made of disks of linen, cotton,
broadcloth, or canvas, and achieve the desired degree of
y 4.honingstickpressure firmness through the amount of stitching used to fasten
the layers of cloth together.
y Negligible amount of material is removed in buffing
while a very high luster is generated on the buffed
y The dimensional accuracy of the parts is not affected by
the buffing operation.

h Statethespecificapplicationofaplanetary
i t l i d
y Planetary
a eta y internal
te a g grinders
de s find
d app
cat o for
o ggrinding
d g
holes in workpieces of irregular shape or large heavy
Fig. super finishing of end face
of a cylindrical work piece in radial mode Fi super finishing
Fig. fi i hi operation
ti iin plunge
l mode

In this case the abrasive stone covers the section of the

In this both feeding and oscillation of the super
workpiece requiring super finish. The abrasive stone is
finishing stone is given in the radial direction.
slowly fed in radial direction while its oscillation is
imparted in the axial direction. It reduce surface
roughness and increase bearing load capacity.

Q.No Option Q.No Option
1 D 7 A
2 D 8 A
3 A 9 A
4 A 10 C
5 B 11 A
6 B 12 D
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 53
IES 2001 IES 1992
Th i dl d i l l h Feedgearboxforascrewcuttinglatheisdesigned
F d b f i l h i d i d
isdividedintostepswhichapproximatelyfollow onthebasisof
(a) Arithmeticprogression (a) Geometricprogression
Lathe (b) Geometricprogression
(c) Harmonicprogression
(b) Arithmeticprogression
(c) Harmonicprogression
(d) Logarithmicprogression (d) None.


IES 1998 IES 1993,ISRO2009 Example

A single
i l start thread
h d off pitch
i h 2 mm isi to be
b produced
d d It
I is
i required
i d to cut screw threads
h d off 2 mm pitch
i h on
How much machining time will be required to reduce
on a lathe having a lead screw with a double start a lathe. The lead screw has a pitch of 6 mm. If the
thread of pitch 4 mm. The ratio of speeds between spindle speed is 60 rpm, then the speed of the lead the diameter of a cast iron rod from 120 mm to 116 mm
the spindle
p and lead screw for this operation
p is screw will be
over a length
l h off 100 mm by
b turning
i using
i a carbide
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2: 1 (a) 10 rpm (b) 20 rpm
( ) 1: 4 (d) 4: 1
(c) ( ) 120 rpm
(c) (d) 180 rpm insert Cutting velocity is 100 m/min and feed rate = 0.2
insert. 02

IES2010 IES 2003 IAS 2002

I turning
t i a solid
lid roundd bar,
b if the
th travel
t l The
Th timei taken
k to face
f a workpiece
k i off 72 mm A 150 mm long,
l 12 mm diameter
di 304 stainless
i l steell
of the cutting tool in the direction of diameter, if the spindle speed is 80 r.p.m. and cross rod is being reduced in diameter to 115 mm by
feed is 0.3 mm/rev, is turning on a lathe. The spindle rotates at N = 400
feed motion is 1000 mm, rotational rpm
p and the tool is travelling
g at an axial speed
p of
(a) 1.5
1 5 minutes (b) 3.0
3 0 minutes
speed of the workpiece is 500 rpm, and (c) 5.4 minutes (d) 8.5 minutes 200 mm/min. The time taken for cutting is given by
rate of feed is 0.2
0 2 mm/revolution,
mm/revolution then (a) 30 s (b) 36 s
the machining g time will be A (c) 1 minute (d) 45 s
(a) 10 seconds (b) 100 seconds
(c) 5 minutes (d) 10 minutes
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 54
IES 2004 IES 2006 Example
A medium
di carbon
b steell workpiece
k i is
i turned
d on a For
F taper turning i on centre lathes,
l h the
h method
h d off Find
Fi d the
h anglel at which
hi h the
h compound d rest should
h ld
lathe at 50 m/min. cutting speed 0.8 mm/rev feed swiveling the compound rest is preferred for: be set up to turn taper on the workpiece having a
and 1.5 mm depth of cut. What is the rate of metal (a) Long jobs with small taper angles length of 200 mm, larger diameter 45 mm and the
removal? (b) Long jobs with steep taper angles smaller 330 mm.
(a) 1000 mm3/min (c) Short jobs with small taper angles
(b) 60,000 mm3/min
/ (d) Short jobs with steep taper angles
0,000 mm3//min
(c) 20,000 D
(d) Can not be calculated with the given data

IES 1992 IAS 2002 IES 1998

T il k h d f i i The
Th amount off offset
ff off tail
il stock
k for
f turning
i taper A 400 mm longl shaft
h f has
h a 100 mm tapered
d step at
preferredfor on full length of a job 300 mm long which is to have the middle with 4 included angle. The tailstock
(a) Internaltapers its two diameters at 50 mm and 38 mm respectively offset required to produce this taper on a lathe
(b) Smalltapers is would be
(c) Longslendertapers (a) 6 mm (b) 12 mm (a) 400 sin 4 (b) 400 sin 2
(d) Steeptapers ( ) 25 mm
(c) (d) 44 mm ( ) 100 sin 4 (d) 100 sin 2

IES2010 IES 2012 GATE 2002

The effect of centering error Lathe
L h machine hi with
i h turret can turn a work k piece
i off
when the tool is set above the A leadscrew with half nuts in a lathe, free to rotate
limited length only because,
center line as shown in the figure
(a) Cross slide motion is obstructed by turret in both
b h directions
d h
results effectively in
1 Increase in rake angle.
1. angle (b) Turret cannot work on a long job ( ) Vthreads
(a) V h d
2. Reduction in rake angle. (c) Chuck cannot be replaced by a face plate
3. Increase in clearance angle. (b) Whitworth
Whit th threads
th d
(d) Turret replaces the loose centre
4. Reduction in clearance angle.
B (c) Buttress threads
Which of these statements is/are
(d) ACME threads
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 1,
1 2,
2 3 and 4 D
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 55
GATE 2008 GATE2008Contd. IES 2004
Th figure
fi shows
h an incomplete
i l schematic
h i off a Match
M h List
Li I (Cutting
(C i tools)
l ) with
i h List
Li II (Features)
(F )
conventional lathe to be used for cutting threads and select the correct answer using the codes given
with different pitches. The speed gear box Uv, is below the Lists:
shown and the feed ggear box Us, is to be p
placed. P,, Q
Q. List I List II
R and S denote locations and have no other A. Turning tool 1. Chisel edge
significance Changes in Uv, should NOT affect the
significance. Th
i d h l fUsare
pitch of the thread being cut and changes in Us, B. Reamer 2. Flutes
h ld NOT affect
ff t the
th cutting
tti speed. d ( ) QandEareconnected.
(a) Q dE t d Us,isplacedbetweenPandQ.
i l db t P dQ C Milling cutter
C. 3
3. Axial relief
(b) SandEareconnected.Us isplacedbetweenRandS. 4. Side relief C
( ) QandEareconnected.U
(c) Q dE d Us,isplacedbetweenQandE.
i l db Q dE Codes: A B C A B C
(d) SandEareconnected.Us,isplacedbetweenSandE.
C td
Contd.. C (a) 1 2 3 (b) 4 3 2
(c) 4 2 3 (d) 1 3 2

GATE1994 IES 1996 IES 2009

T get good d surface
f finish
fi i h on a turned
d job,
j b Inturningofslenderrods,itisnecessarytokeep
I i f l d d i i k Whatisthenumberofjawsinselfcentred
Wh i h b fj i lf d chuck?
h k?
one should use a sharp tool with a ..feed thetransverseforceminimummainlyto ((a)) Eight
and speed of rotation of the job. (a) Improvethesurfacefinish (b) Six
( ) Minimum, minimum
(a) (b) Increaseproductivity ( ) Four
(c) F
(c) Improvecuttingefficiency ((d)) Three D
(b) Minimum,
Minimum maximum
(d) Reducevibrationsandchatter. D
((c)) Maximum,, maximum
(d) Maximum, minimum B

IES 1999 IES 2009 IES 1992

Whi h one off the h following
f ll i sets off forces
f are Whichoneofthefollowingmethodsshouldbeused
Whi h f h f ll i h d h ldb d Whichofthefollowingstatementisincorrectwith
Whi h f h f ll i i i i h
encountered by a lathe parting tool while groove forturninginternaltaperonly? referenceoflathecuttingtools?
cutting? (a) Tailstockoffset (a) Theflankofthetoolisthesurfacebelowand
(a) Tangential,
Tangential radial and axial (b) Taperattachment adjacenttothecuttingedges
(b) Tangential and radial (c) Formtool (b) Thenoseisthecorner,orchamferjoiningtheside
(c) Tangential and axial (d) Compoundrest cuttingandtheendcuttingedges
d h d d
(d) Radial and axial A D (c) Theheelisthatpartofthewhichisshapedto
e ee s t at pa t o t e c s s aped to
(d) Thebaseisthatsurfaceoftheshankwhichagainst
Th b i th t f fth h k hi h i t
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 56
IES 2006 IES 1997 IES 2009
I is
i required
i d to cut screw threads
h d with
i h double
d bl start Consider
C id the h following
f ll i operations: i A capstan lathe
l h isi usedd to massproduce,
d in
i batches
b h
and 2 mm pitch on a lathe having lead screw pitch 1. Under cutting g 2. Plain turning
g of 200, a particular component. The direct material
of 6 mm. What is the speed ratio between lathe 3. Taper turning 4. Thread cutting cost is Rs 4 per piece, the direct labour cost is Rs 3
p and lead screw? per p
p piece and the overhead costs are 4 400% of the
Th correct sequence off these
The h operations
i i machining
in hi i a labour costs. What is the production cost per piece?
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 3: 1 product is
( ) 2 : 3 (d) 3: 2
(c) (a) Rs 19 (b) Rs 23
(a) 2, 3, 4, 1 (b) 3, 2, 4, 1
D (c) Rs 16 (d) Rs 15
( ) 2, 3, 1, 4
(c) (d) 3, 2, 1, 4

IES 2007 IES 1995 IES 1996

A i (A):
(A) InI a multispindle
l i i dl automatic
i lathe,
l h the h Consider
C id theth following
f ll i characteristics:
h t i ti Assertion
A i (A):
(A) Special
S i l purpose machine
hi toolsl andd
turret tool holder is indexed to engage the cutting tools 1. Multiple operations can be performed automatic machine tools are quite useful for job
one by
b one forf successive machining
h operations. 2. Operator's fatigue is greatly reduced. shops
Reason ((R): ) Turret is a multiple
p tool holder so that for 3 Ideally suited for batch production
3. Reason (R): Special purpose machine tools can do
successive machining operation, the tools need not be special types of machining work automatically
4. A breakdown in one machine does not affect the
flo of products.
flow products ( ) Both
(a) h A and d R are individually
d d ll true andd R is the
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
5. Can accommodate modifications in design of correct explanation of A
explanation of A components, withinh certain limits.
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
The characteristics which can be attributed to special
p correct explanation of A
correct explanation
l i off A purpose machines would include
(c) A is true but R is false (c) A is true but R is false
(a) 1,
1 3 and 4 (b) 1, 1 2 and 4
(d) A is false but R is true A (c) 2, 3 and 5 (d) 1, 2 and 5 C (d) A is false but R is true D

IES 2003 IES 2009 IES 2001

Whi h one off the h following
f ll i mechanisms
h i is
i For
F theh manufacture
f off screw fasteners
f on a mass The
Th indexing
i d i off the
h turret in
i a singlespindle
i l i dl
employed for indexing of turret in an automatic scale, which is the most suitable machine tool? automatic lathe is done using
lathe? (a) Capstan lathe (a) Geneva mechanism
(a) Whitworth (b) Rack and pinion (b) Singlespindle
Single spindle automatic lathe (b) Ratchet and Pawl mechanism
(c) Ratchet and pawl (d) Geneva wheel (c) CNC turning centre (lathe) (c) Rack and pinion mechanism
(d) CNC machining centre (d) Whitworth mechanism

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 57

IES 1995 IES 1992 IAS 2007
A ti (A):
(A) In
I a Swiss
S i type
t automatic
t ti lathe,
l th the
th Maximum
M i production
d i off small
ll and
d slender
l d parts is
i Which
Whi h one off the
h following
f ll i is
i the
h characteristic
h i i for
turret is given longitudinal feed for each tool in a done by capstan lathe?
ifi order
d withith suitable
it bl indexing.
i d i
(a) Watch maker's lathe (a) Rate of production is low
Reason (R): A turret is a multiple tool holder to
facilitate machining with each tool by indexing (b) Sliding head stock automatic lathe (b) Labour cost is high
without the need to change the tools. (c) Multispindle automatic lathe (c) Used for handling jobs of varying shapes and sizes
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (d) Capstan lathe (d) Capstan head is mounted on a slide
co ect eexplanation
p a at o oof A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A C D
(c) A is true but R is false
( ) A is false but R is true
(d) D

IAS 2002 IAS 1996 IAS 2004

C id theh following
f ll i statements related l d to Turret
T Apart
A from
f hexagonal
h l turret, the
h elements
l (s)
( ) in
i a Swiss
S i type screw machineshi have
lathe: turret lathe include (s) ((a)) Turrets ((b)) Radial slides
1. Turret is mounted directly on the saddle. (a) Crossslide tool post (c) Spindle carriers (d) Tool posts
2 Turret is mounted on an auxiliary slide.
2. slide (b) Crossslide
Cross slide tool post and rear tool post
3. Much heavier and larger jobs than Capstan lathe can (c) Crossslide tool post and tail stock C
be produced. (d) Teal tool post and tail stock
Which of the above statements is/are correct? A
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 only (d) 2 only A

IAS 2001 IAS 1995 IAS 1994

C id the
h following
f ll i operations
i and
d timei Assertion
A ti (A):
(A) In
I a multispindle
lti i dl automat,
t t the
th turret
t t A multispindle
l i i dl automat performs f four
f operations
required on a multi spindle automatic machine to is indexed to engage each of the cutting tool with times 50, 60, 65 and 75 seconds at each of its
produce a particular job mountedt d on it.
it work centers. The cycle time (time required to
1 Turning
1. 1.2
1 2 minutes Reason(R): Turret is a multiple tool holder so that manufacture one work p piece)) in seconds will be
the machining can be continued with each tool
2. Drilling 1.6 minutes without the need to change the tool. (a) 50 + 60 + 65 + 75
3. Forming 0.2 minute (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (b) (50
( + 60 + 65 + 75)) /4
4 Parting
4. 0.6
0 6 minute correct
co ect eexplanation
p a at o oof A (c) 75/4
The time required to make one piece (cycle time) will be (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the (d) 75
correct explanation of A D
(a) 0.6 minutes (b) 1.6 minutes
(c) A is true but R is false
(c) 3.6
3 6 minutes (d) 0.90 9 minute ( ) A is false but R is true
(d) D
B For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 58
IAS 1998 IAS 1998 IES2011
A i (A):
(A) For
F thread
h d cutting,
i the
h spindle
i dl speed d Consider
C id theh following
f ll i statements associated
i d withih In Norton type feedf d gearbox
b for
f cutting Whitworth
h h
selected on a lathe, is very low. the lathe accessories: standard threads with a standard TPI Leadscrew, power
Reason (R): The required feed rate is low in 1. Steady rest is used for supporting a long job in flows from:
threading operation.
operation between head stock and tail stock.
stock ((a)) Spindle
p to Tumbler g
gear to Norton cone to Meander
drive to Leadscrew
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 2. Mandrel is used for turning small cylindrical job.
(b) Spindle to Norton cone to Tumbler geat to Meander
correct explanation
l off A 3. Collects are used for turning discshaped job. drive to Leadscrew
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee Of these statements: (c) Spindle t o Tumbler gear to Meander drive to Norton
correct explanation of A (a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 2 and 3 are correct cone to Leadscrew
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l (c) 3 alone is correct (d) 1 alone is correct (d) Spindle
dl to Norton cone to Meanderd drive
d to Tumbler
(d) A is false but R is true C gear to Leadscrew A

IAS 2000 Drilling IES 2004

C id the h following
f ll i features:
f Consider
C id the h following
f ll i statements:
1. All spindles
p operate
p simultaneously,
y, The helical flute in a twist drill p
provides the necessaryy
2. One piece is completed each time the tools are 1. Clearance angle for the cutting edge
withdrawn and the spindles are indexed 2. Rake
R k angle l for
f the
h cutting
i edged
3. The tool slide indexes or revolves with the spindle 33. Space
p for the chip
p to come out during g drilling
carrier 4. Guidance for the drill to enter into the workpiece
Which of these features are characteristics of a multi Which
h h off the
h statements given above
b are correct?
spindle automatic machine used for bar work?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1 and d2 B SKM d l
BySKMondal (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 A

IES 2003 GATE 1996 IES 1997

Th purpose off helical
h li l grooves ini a twist
i drill
d ill is
i to The
Th rake k anglel in
i a drill
d ill The
Th rakek angle l in
i a twist
i drill
d ill
1. Improve the stiffness ((a)) Increases from centre to p periphery
p y ((a)) Varies from minimum near the dead centre to a
2. Save a tool material (b) decreases from centre to periphery maximum value at the periphery
3. Provide
P id space for f chip
hi removall ( ) Remains
(c) R i constant (b) Is maximum at the dead centre and zero at the
4. Provide rake angle
4 g for the cutting
g edge
g ((d)) Is irrelevant to the drilling
g operation
p periphery
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: A (c) Is constant at every point of the cutting edge
d (d) Is a function of the size of the chisel edge.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 A
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 59
IES 1992 GATE 1997 IES 1992
A drill
d ill for
f drilling
d illi deep
d holes
h l ini aluminum
l i should
h ld Helix
H li angle
l off fast
f helix
h li drill
d ill is
i normally
ll Low
L helix
h li angle
l drills
d ill are preferred
f d for
f drilling
d illi
have ((a)) 35o holes in
(a) High helix angle (b) Taper shank (b) 60o (a) Plastics (b) Copper
(c) Small point angle (d) No lip ( ) 90o
(c) (c) Cast steel (d) Carbon steel
A ((d)) 5o D

l GATE 2002
IFS2011 A hole with 40mm diameter and 50mm depth is to The
Th time
i taken
k to drill
d ill a hole
h l through
h h a 25 mm thick
hi k
plate with the drill rotating at 300 r.p.m. and
Discuss deephole
deep hole drilling keeping in mind speed and b drilled
be d ll d in mild
ld steell component. The
h cutting moving at a feed rate of 0.25 mm/revolution is
feed,, mentioning
g the technique
q of applying
pp y g coolant. speed can be taken as 65 m/min and the feed rate as (a) 10 sec (b) 20 sec
[5marks] (c) 60 sec (d) 100 sec
0.25 mm/rev. Calculate the machining time and the
material removal rate.

GATE 2004 GATE 2012 IES 2002

Th h holes
h l off 10 mm diameter
di are to be
b drilled
d ill d In a single pass drilling operation, a through hole of The
Th arm off a radialdi l drilling
d illi machine
hi is i being
b i raisedi d
in a steel plate of 20 mm thickness. Drill spindle at a speed of 3.9 m/min by single start square
speed is 300 rpm, feed 0.2 mm/ rev and drill point 15 mm diameter
d is to be
b drilled
d ll d in a steell plate
l off 50 threads of 6 mm pitch and 30 mm diameter. The
g is 120. Assuming g drill over travel of 2 mm,, the mm thickness.
thickness Drill spindle speed is 500 rpm,
rpm feed speed
p of the screw
time for producing a hole will be (a) Is 650 rpm
(a) 4 seconds (b) 252 seconds is 0.2 mm/rev and drill point angle is 118
118.. Assuming
(b) Is 180 rpm
(c) 100 seconds (d) 110 seconds 2 mm clearance at approach and exit, the total drill (c) Iss 130
30 rpm
B time (in seconds) is (d) Cannot be determined as the data is insufficient
(a) 35.1 (b) 32.4

(c) 31.2 (d) 30.1

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 60
IES 1994 IES 2009 IES 2002
Th ratio i between
b two consecutive
i spindle
i dl speedsd What
Wh is i the
h drilling
d illi time
i for
f producing
d i a hole
h l in
i an A 31.8
8 mm H.S.S.
H S S drill
d ill is
i used
d to drill
d ill a hole
h l in
i a cast
for a sixspeed drilling machine using drills of MS sheet of 25 mm thickness using an HSS drill of iron block 100 mm thick at a cutting speed 20
diameter 6.25 to 25 mm size and at a cutting velocity 20 mm diameter? The cutting speed and feed for m/min and feed 0.3 mm/rev. If the over travel of
of 18 m/min
/ is drill are 20 m/min / and 0.255 mm/revolution
/ drill is 4 mm and approach
pp 9 mm,, the time required
(a) 1.02 (b) 1.32 respectively, Neglect time taken for setting up, to drill the hole is
( ) 1.62 (d) 1.82
(c) approaching and travelling of tools.
tools (a) 1 min 40 s (b) 1 min 44 s
B (a) 0.314 min (b) 0.236 min (c) 1 min 49 s (d) 1 min 53 s
(c) 0.438 min (d) 0.443 min D

IAS 1999 GATE 2007(PI)LinkedS1

( ) k d GATE 2007(PI)LinkedS2
( ) k d
T drill
d ill a 10 mm diameter
di hole
h l through
h h a 20 mm Blind
Bli d holes
h l 10 mm diameter,
di t 50 mm deep
d are Blind
Bli d holes
h l 10 mm diameter,
di t 50 mm deep
d are
thick M.S. plate with a drill bit running at 300 rpm beingg drilled in steel block. Drilling g spindle
p beingg drilled in steel block. Drilling g spindle
and a feed of 0.25 mm per revolution, time taken speed is 600 rpm, feed 0.2 mm/rev, point angle of speed is 600 rpm, feed 0.2 mm/rev, point angle of
will be drill is 120o. drill is 120o.
(a) 8 s (b) 16 s
Machining g time ((in minutes)) p
per hole will be During g the above operation,
p , the drill wears out
( ) 24 s (d) 32 s
(a) 0.08 (b) 0.31 (c) 0.44 (d) 0.86 after producing 200 holes. Taylors tool life
C equation is of the form VT0.3 0 3 = C,
C where V =
cutting g speed in m/minute and T = tool life in
minutes. Taylors constant C will be
( ) 15
(a) (b) 72 ( ) 93
(c) (d) 490

IAS 1994 IES 1999

Th time
i (in
(i minutes)
i ) for
f drilling
d illi a hole
h l is
i given
i by
b Match
M t h ListI
Li t I (Drill
(D ill bits)
bit ) with
ith ListII
Li t II (Applications)
(A li ti ) andd select
l t the
th correctt
answer using the codes given below the Lists:
Depth of the hole + h ListII
List ListII
List II
t= A. Core drill 1. To enlarge a hole to a certain depth so as to
Feed RPM accommodate the bolt head of a screw Reaming,Boring,Broaching
h 'h' is
i the
h B. Reamer 2. To drill and enlarge an already existing hole in a
((a)) Length
g of the drill g
C. Counter bore drill 3. To drill a hole before making internal
(b) Drill diameter thread
( ) Flute
(c) l l
lengthh off the
h drill
d ll D. Tap drill 4. To improve the surface finish and dimensional
accuracy of the already drilled hole [C]
(d) Cone height of the drill.
Code:A B C D A B C D
D (a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 2 4 1 BySKMondal
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 61
IES 1999 IES 1999
IFS2011 Which
Whi h one off the
h following
f ll i processes results
l ini the
h Consider
C id the
h following
f ll i statements regarding
best accuracy of the hole made? reaming process:
Wh t is
What i the
th main
i difference
diff b t
between rose reamer
(a) Drilling (b) Reaming 1. Reaming generally produces a hole larger than its
and chucking reamer ? Write in short about shell (c) Broaching (d) Boring own diameter
reamer. 2. Generally rake angles are not provided on reamers.
B 3. Even numbers of teeth are preferred in reamer
[5marks] des g .
Which of these statements are correct?
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 B

IES 1998 IES 1994 GATE 2007(PI)

( )
M h ListI
Li I with
i h ListII
Li II and d select
l the
h correct answer InI reamingi process Reaming
R i is
i primarily
i il used
d for
f achieving
hi i
using the codes given below the lists: ((a)) Metal removal rate is high
g ((a)) Higher
ListI ListII
(b) High surface finish is obtained. (b) Improved dimensional tolerance
A. Reaming 1. Smoothing and squaring surface
( ) High
(c) Hi h form
f accuracy is
i obtained
b i d ( ) Fine
(c) Fi surface
f fi i h
around the hole for proper seating
B Counterboring
B. Counter boring 2.Sizing
2 Sizing and finishing the hole ((d)) High
g dimensional accuracyy is obtained. ((d)) Improved
p positional tolerance
C. Countersinking 3. Enlarging the end of the hole
D. Spot facing 4. Making a conical enlargement at the D B
end of the hole [ ]
Code:A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 2 3 1 4
(c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 2 3 4 1

IES 1993 IES 1998 IAS 1999

A hole
h l off 30 mm diameter
di is
i to be
b produced
d d by
b reaming.
i A component requires i a hole
h l which
hi h must be
b within
i hi For
F reaming i operation
i off blind
bli d hole,
h l the
h type off
The minimum diameter permissible is 30.00 mm while the two limits of 25.03 and 25.04 mm diameter. reamer required is
h maximum diameter
d permissible
bl is 30.05 mm. In this
h Which of the following statements about the (a) Straight flute reamer
regard, consider the following statements about the reamer size are correct?
reamer size: (b) Right hand spiral fluted reamer
1. Reamer size cannot be below 25.03 mm. (c) Left hand spiral fluted reamer
1. The minimum diameter of the reamer can be less than 30 mm.
2. The minimum diameter of the reamer cannot be less than 30 mm. 2. Reamer size cannot be b above
b 25.04 mm. (d) None of the above
33. The maximum diameter of the reamer can be more than 330.055 mm. 3. Rea
Reamer e ssizee ca
can be 25.04
5.04 mm..
4.The maximum diameter of the reamer must be less than 30.05 mm.
4. Reamer size can be 25.03 mm. B
Of these statements [D]
l the
h correct answer using the h codes
d given below:
b l
(a) 1 and 4 are correct (b) 1 and 3 are correct
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 4 are correct
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 B
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 62
IAS 2003 IES 1992
M t h List
Li t I (Operation)
(O ti ) with
ith List
Li t II (Application)
(A li ti ) and
the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
d select
l t Shell
Sh ll reamers are mountedd on IES2009
IES 2009
List I
ListI List II
ListII ((a)) Tool holders ((b)) Amour p
(Operation) (Application) (c) Arbor (d) Shanks
(A) Reaming
R i 1. Used
U d for
f enlarging
l i the th endd off a hole
h l to
t give
i it a
conical shape for a short distance
[ ]
(B) Boring
B i 2. Used
U d for
f enlarging
l i only l a limited
li i d portion
i off the
hole [C]
(C) Counter boring 3. Used for finishing a hole
(D) Counter sinking 4. Used for enlarging a hole
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 1 2 4 3

IES 1993 IES 1994,ISRO2008 IES 1992,ISRO2010

Th main i purpose off boring
b i operation,
i as compared
d Enlarging
E l i an existing
i i circular
i l hole
h l with
i h a rotating
i Which
Whi h off the
h machine
hi tools l can be
b used
d for
f boring
b i
to drilling is to: single point tool is called 1. Lathe
(a) Drill a hole (a) Boring (b) Drilling 2. Drilling machine
(b) Finish the drilled hole (c) Reaming (d) Internal turning.
turning 3. Vertical
V i l milling
illi machine
(c) Correct the hole 4. Horizontal milling
4 g machine
(d) Enlarge the existing hole A (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 3, 4
( ) 2 and
(c) d4 (d) 1, 2, 3, 4

IES 2000 IES 1996 IES 1995

Whi h one off the h following
f ll i sets off tools
l or tools
l and
d Which
Whi h off theh following
f ll i statements are correct?? The
Th effects
ff off setting
i a boring
b i tooll above
b centre
processes are normally employed for making large 1. A boring g machine is suitable for a jjob shop.
p height leads to a/an.
diameter holes? 2. A jig boring machine is designed specially for doing (a) Increase in the effective rake angle and a decrease in
(a) Boring tool more accurate work when compared to a vertical the effective clearance angle.
(b) BTA tools (Boring and trepanning association) and milling machine. (b) Increase in both effective rake angle and effective
gun drill
d ll 3. A vertical precision boring machine is suitable for clearance
l angle.
(c) Gu
Gun d drill aand
d bo
g too
tool boring
bo g holes
o es in cy
de bblocks
oc s aand
d liners.
e s. (c) Decrease
ec ease in tthee eeffective
ect ve rake
a e aangle
g e aand
d aan increase
c ease
(d) Boring tools and trepanning (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 in the effective clearance angle.
( ) 2 and
(c) d3 (d) 1 and d 3. (d) Decrease
D i both
in b th effective
ff ti rank k angle l and d effective
ff ti
D clearance angle.
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 63
JWM2010 IES 2007 IES 1993
Considerthefollowingoperationsregardingboring Among
A the
h following
f ll i machining
hi i processes, which
hi h Assertion
A i (A):
(A) Soluble
S l bl oils il are employedl d with
machines: can be used for machining flat surfaces? broaching machine.
1.Counterboring 1. Shaping 2. Milling 3. Broaching Reason (R): Soluble oils have excellent cooling
C i ki Select the correct answer using the code given below: effect.
p g (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 correct explanation
l off A
D (b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee
( ) d
(a)1,2and3 (b) d l
correct explanation of A
(c) a d 3 o y (d)(d)1only
o y
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l
(d) A is false but R is true

IES 1993,2001 IES 2001 IAS 2004

A i (A):
(A) No
N separate feed f d motion i is
i required
i d The
Th screw and d nut ini a broaching
b hi machine
hi are Which
Whi h one off the
h following
f ll i is
i true for
f the
h last
l few
during broaching. changed from square thread to ACME thread. The teeth of a broach which are meant for fine
Reason (R): The broaching machines are generally power requirement of the machine at the same finishing?
hydraulically operated.
operated r.p.m.
p will (a) They have equal diameter
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (a) Remain same (b) They have increasing diameter
correct explanation
l off A (b) Decrease (c) They have decreasing diameter
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee (c) Increase
c ease (d) They have alternately increasing and decreasing
correct explanation of A (d) Depend on the operator diameter.
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l C A
(d) A is false but R is true

IES 2005 IES 2002 Milling

M t h List
Li t I (Tool)
(T l) with
ith List
Li t II (Element
(El t off Tool)
T l) andd Match
M h ListLi I with
i h List
Li II andd select
l the
h correct answer:
select the correct answer using the code given below the List I (Machine tool) List II (Features)
List I List II A. Lathe 1. Push or pull tool
A Broach
B h 1. T
Tang B Drilling machine
B. 2
2. Rachet and pawl
B. Reamer 2. Pilot mechanism
C. Drill 3. Front taper C Shaper
C. Sh 3. Di idi head
Dividing h d
D. Carbide insert face mill 4. Bond [C] D. Broaching g machine 4. Hollow tapered
p spindle
5. Sweeper tooth 5. Face plate [D]
Codes:A B C D A B C D Codes:A B C D A B C D BySKMondal
(a) 2 5 1 3 (b) 1 3 4 5 (a) 2 4 5 1 (b) 5 3 2 4
( ) 2
(c) 3 1 5 (d) 1 5 4 3 (c) 2 3 5 4 (d) 5 4 2 1
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 64
IES 2007 IES 1997 IES2010
Wh is i the
h process off removing
i metall by
b a milling
illi Consider
C id the
th following
f ll i statements:
t t t Assertion (A): Climb or down milling operation ensures
In Up milling process, smoother operation of the machine tool and longer tool life
cutter which is rotated against the direction of
as compared to the conventional up milling operation.
travel of the work piece, called? 1. The cutter starts the cut from the machined surface and
proceeds upwards. Reason (R): In climb or down milling operation, the
(a) Down milling (b) Up milling rotational motion of the cutter as well as the feed motion of
2. The cutter starts the cut from the top surface and
(c) End milling (d) Face milling the workpiece are in the same direction, and the depth of
proceeds downwards.
cut is maximum at the entry point as the cutter engages the
3. The job is fed in a direction opposite to that of cutter workpiece.
B rotation.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
4. The job is fed in the same direction as that of cutter explanation of A
(b) Both
B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t b t R is
but i NOT the
th correctt
Of these statements correct are: explanation of A
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 4 ( ) A is true but
(c) b R is false
f l
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 A (d) A is false but R is true B

IES 1995,ISRO2010
IAS2009 main In
I a milling
illi operation
i two side
id milling
illi cutters are IAS2009Main
IAS2009 Main
mounted with a desired distance between them so
that both sides of a work piece can be milled With a sketch,
k t h explain
l i the
th principle
i i l off working
simultaneously. y This set up
p is called. and variations of bed
type milling machine.
(a) Gang milling (b) Straddle milling
[9 marks]
( ) String
(c) S milling
ll (d) Side
S d milling.

IES 2006 IES 2009 IES 2004,ISRO2011

G milling
illi isi a For
F machining,
hi i which
hi h one off the
h following
f ll i gang One
O brand
b d off milling
illi machine
hi has
h the
h following
f ll i two
((a)) Milling
gpprocess for g
g hexagonal
g surfaces milling operations is employed? index plates supplied along with the indexing head:
(a) Threads Plate 1: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 hole circles
(b) Process of cutting gears
(b) Bores Plate 2: 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33 hole circles
( ) Process
(c) P i which
in hi h two or more cutters are used d
simultaneously (c) Grooves It is proposed to mill a spur gear of 28 teeth using simple
indexing method.
method Which one of the following combinations
(d) Milling operation combined with turning (d) Steps on prismatic parts of index plate and number of revolutions is correct?
( ) Plate 1: 1 revolution and 9 holes in 18 hole circles
C D ((b)) Plate 2: 1 revolution and 9 holes in 21 hole circles
(c) Plate 2: 1 revolution and 9 holes In 33 hole circles
(d) Plate 1: 1 revolution
re olution and 9 holes In 15 hole circles B
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 65
IES 2000 IAS 1994 E
O off the
h index
i d plates
l off a milling
illi machine
hi A standard
d d dividing
di idi head
h d is i equipped
i d with
i h the
h AC50steelflatsurfaceofdimensions100mm
AC lfl f fdi i 250
dividing head has the following hole circles: 15; 16; following index plates mmistobeproducedonahorizontalaxismilling
17; 18; 19; 20 1. Plate with 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 holes circles machine.AnHSSslabmillwitha100mmdiameter
A gear wheel of 34 teeth has to be milled by simple 2 Plate with 21,
2. 21 23,
23 27,
27 29,
29 31,
31 33 holes circles and150mmwidthistobeusedforthepurpose.The
5 p p
indexing method. To machine each tooth, the index millingcutterhas8teeth.
3. Plate with 37, 39, 41,43,47,49 holes circles
crank has to be rotated through Calculatethemachiningtimeassumingthatentire
For obtaining 24 divisions on a work piece by simple stockcanberemovedinonedepthof2mm.
(a) 17 holes in the 20hole circle indexing
(b) 18 holes in the 20hole circle Given,
(a) Hole plate 2 alone can be used
( ) 1 revolution
(c) l ti andd 3 holes
h l ini 17hole
h l circle
i l Feed f=0 13mm/tooth
(b) Hole plates 1 and 2 can be used
(d) 1 revolution and 2 holes in 18hole circle C Cuttingspeed,V=20m/min.
(c) Hole plates 1 and 3 can be used
(d) Any of the three hole plates can be used D

GATE 1995 GATE 1993 IES 2003

Li I List
Li II A milling
illi cutter having
h i 8 teeth h is
i rotating
i at 150 In
I milling
illi machine,
hi the
h cutting
i tooll is
i held
h ld in
((Manufacturing g Processes)) ((Condition)) rpm. If the feed per tooth is 0.1 mm, the table speed position by
(A) Finish turning 1. Backlash eliminator in mm per minute is (a) Chuck (b) Spindle
(B) Forming
F i 2. Z
Zero rake
k (a) 120 (b) 187 (c) Arbor (d) Tool holder
((C)) Thread cutting
g 33. Nose radius (c) 125 (d) 70
(D) Down milling 4. Low speed [A] C
d B C D A B C D A
(a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 1 2 3

IES 2009 IES 1994 IES 1992

Th arbor
b off a milling
illi machine
hi is
i used
d to hold
h ld Consider
C id theh following
f ll i operations: i A set off eight
i h form
f relieved
li d milling
illi cutters for
f each
which one of the following? 1. Cutting g keyy ways
y on shafts module is provided to enable cutting of gears of
(a) Spindle (b) Overarm 2. Cutting external screw threads. different
(c) Cutting tool (d) Mandrel 3. Cutting
C i teeth h off spur gears (a) Materials
4. Cutting
4 g external splines.
p (b) Types e.g. spur, helical, etc.
C Those which can be performed with milling cutters (c) Number of teeth
ld include
i l d (d) Width of gears
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2,3 and 4
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,2,3 and 4 D C

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 66

GATE 1992 IES 1995 IES 2005
I horizontal
h i l milling
illi process. (up/down)
( /d ) Assertion
A i (A):
(A) UpU millingilli or climb
li b milling
illi is
i Which
Whi h one off the h following
f ll i statements is i correct??
milling provides better surface finish and.. commonly used for machining castings and In upmilling
p g operation,
p , the undeformed chip p thickness,,
(updown) milling provides longer tool life. forgings. a) Is zero at the start of the cut and increases to a
Reason (R): Up milling can be done on universal maximum value just before the tooth disengages the
milling machines. workpiece.
( ) Both
(a) h A andd R are individually
d d ll true and
d R is the
h b) Increases to the maximum value at the centre of the
Ans down,
Ans. down down correct explanation of A ttravel
ave aandd dec
eases totowards
a ds tthee eendd oof toot
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the engagement.
correct explanation of A c)) Has
H a maximumi value
l just
j t after
ft the
th cutt is
i started
t t d andd
(c) A is true but R is false drops to zero at the end of the cut.
(d) A is false but R is true D d) Remains unchanged. A

IES 1993 IES 2002 IES 2004

Cli b milling
illi isi chosen
h while
hil machining
hi i because
b Assertion
A ti (A):
(A) Virtually
Vi t ll all ll modern
d milling
illi machines
hi The
Th cuttingi speed
d off a milling
illi cutter while
hil cutting
are capable of doing downmilling. brass is:
((a)) The chip p thickness increases g
Reason (R) In
(R): I downmilling
d illi the
h cutter tends
d to push
(b) It enables the cutter to dig in and depth of cut the work along and lift it upward from the table. This (a) 45 to 60 m/min (b) 30 to 40 m/min
( ) The
(c) Th specific
ifi power consumptioni isi reduced
d d action tends to eliminate any effect in looseness in the (c) 25 to 35 m/min (d) 15 to 20 m/min
feed screw and nut of the milling machine table and
((d)) Better surface finish can be obtained results in smooth cut.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct A
D explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correctt explanation
l ti off A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true C

IES 1999 IES 2002 GATE 2012(PI)CommonDataS1

A straight
i h teethh slab
l b milling
illi cutter off 100 mm A side
id andd face
f cutter 125 mm diameter
di has
h 10 teeth.
h Data for a plain milling operation are given below.
diameter and 10 teeth rotating at 200 r.p.m. is used It operates at a cutting speed of 14 m/min with a Length of workpiece 200 mm
to remove a layer of 3 mm thickness from a steel bar. table traverse 100 mm/min. The feed per tooth of
Cutter diameter 100 mm
If the table feed is 4400 mm/minute,
/ , the feed p
per the cutter is
tooth in this operation will be No. of teeth 4
(a) 10 mm (b) 2.86 mm
(a) 0.2
0 2 mm (b) 0.4
0 4 mm Cutter speed 100 rpm
( ) 0.286 mm (d) 0.8 mm
(c) 0.5 mm (d) 0.6 mm Feed 200 mm/min
Depth of cut 2 mm
A Total clearance (entry and exit) 5 mm [C]
Mean undeformed chip thickness (in microns) is
(a) 142 (b) 100 (c) 71 (d) 50
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 67
GATE 2012(PI)CommonDataS2 IES 2004 IAS 2001
M t h List
Li t I (Milling
(Milli problem)
bl ) with ith List
Li t II (Probable
(P b bl Which one of the following statements are correct in respect of
Data for a plain milling operation are given below. upmilling and downmilling?
causes) and select the correct answer using the codes
Length of workpiece 200 mm 1. In upmilling
p g the cutter rotates in a direction oppositepp to that of
given below the Lists: workpiece
k travell whereas
h in downmilling
d ll the
h cutter rotates in a
Cutter diameter 100 mm List I List II direction similar to that of workpiece travel.
2. In down
milling chip will be thin at the beginning and increase to a
No. of teeth 4 A Chatter
A. Ch 1. T high
Too hi h feed
f d maximum at the end of the cut and reverse will be the case for a chip
B. Poor surface finish 2. Lack of rigidity in machine formed by upmilling.
Cutter speed 100 rpm 3. D
illi isi desirable
d i bl with ith milling
illi cutters
tt h i a high
having hi h radial
di l
fixtures, bar or workpiece
rake angle when compared to upmilling.
Feed 200 mm/min C. Loss of accuracyy 33. High
g cutting g load 4. Downmilling
Dow g forces
o ces tthee wo
p ece aga
st tthee milling
g tab
tablee to
Depth of cut 2 mm D. Cutter burrs 4. Radial relief too great exert more pressure while upmilling tends to lift the workpiece from the
Total clearance (entry and exit) 5 mm 5
5. Not enough lubricant [B] Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Machiningtimeforasinglepass(inseconds)is Codes:A B C D A B C D Codes:
(a) 2 1 5 3 (b) 2 1 3 5 (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4
(a)60 (b)66 (c)126 (d)150 [B] (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4 [D]
(c) 4 5 2 3 (d) 4 2 3 5

IAS 1998 IAS 2001 IAS 2000

Whi h off the
th following
f ll i statements
t t t are true
t off face
f Which
Whi h off theh following
f ll i mechanisms
h i are suitable
i bl for
f Consider
C id theh following
f ll i mechanisms:
h i
milling? indexing the table of rotary transfer line? 1. Geneva gearing
g g
1. Face milling cutter is held on an arbor. 1. Rack and pinion 2. Ratchet and pawl 2. Rack and pinion
2. It has two rake angles
g axial rake and radial rake. 3 Lead screw
3. 4
4. Geneva mechanism 3. Ratchet
R h and d pawll
3. The maximum chip thickness equals the feed per
tooth Select the correct answer by using the codes given below: Which of these mechanisms are used to index the work
4. The chip thickness varies from a minimum at the Codes: table on a transfer machine?
t t off cutt to
t a maximum
i att the
th endd off cut.
t ( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 2, 3 and d4 ( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4 [D] (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 [D]
Codes :
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 4 [B]

IAS 2003 IES1994 IES 2012

A milling
illi cutter off 70 mm diameter
di with
i h 12 teeth
h is
i Whichoneofthefollowingoperationsiscarriedout
Whi h f h f ll i i i i d Statement
St t t (I):
(I) Vibrations
Vib ti in
i milling
illi are induced
i d d due d to
operating at a cutting speed of 22 m/min and a feed attheminimumcuttingvelocityifthemachinesare interrupted cutting operation.
of 0.05 mm/tooth. The feed per minute is equallyrigidandthetoolworkmaterialsarethe S
Statement (II) Vib i
(II):Vibrations can be
b suppressed d to a large
l extent
by using equal spacing of teeth along the periphery of the
(a) 110 m/min (b) 35 mm/min same? cutters.
(c) 6 mm/min (d) 60 mm/min (a) Turning (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
(b) Grinding
G d t
true andd Statement
St t t (II) is
i the
th correctt explanation
l ti off
Statement (I)
[D] (c) Boring
o g
(b) Both
B h Statement
S (I) and
d Statement
S (II) are individually
i di id ll
(d) Milling[D] true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of
St t
Statement t (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true [B]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 68
IES 2011
IES2011 IES 2002
M h List Li I with
i h List
Li II and
d select
l the
h correct

Li I
ListI Li II
answer: GearManufacturing
List I (Machine tools) List II (Machine tool parts)
A Lathe
A.Lathe 1 Flute
1.Flute A Lathe
A. 1
1. Lead strew
B.Shaper 2.Universalindexing B. Milling machine 2. Rocker arm
C. Shaper 3. Universal indexing
C.Drillingmachine 3.Leadscrew
D Drilling
D. D illi machine
hi 4. Fl t
Flute [B]
4.Rockerarm[B] Codes:A B C D A B C D
A B C D A B C D (a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 1 3 2 4 BySKMondal
(a) 2 4 1 3 (b) 3 4 1 2 ( ) 4
(c) 3 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 1 4 3 (d) 3 1 4 2

IES 1999 IES 2006 IES 2005

C id the
h following
f ll i processes for
f the
h Which
Whi h off the h following
f ll i is/are
i / used
d for
f cutting
i In
I helical
h li l milling,
illi the
h ratio
i off the
h circumference
i f off
manufacture of gears: internal gears? the gear blank to the lead of the helix determines
1. Casting 1. Gear hobber 2. Gear shaper the:
2 Powder metallurgy
2. 3 Rack cutter
3. 4
4. Jig borer (a) Proper speed to use
3. Machining from bar stock Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (b) Proper feed and depth of cut required
4. Closed die forging (a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3 (c) Angle setting of the machine table
Th correctt sequence in
The i increasing
i i order
d off bending
b di ( ) Only
(c) O l 1 and d4 (d) Only
O l 2 D (d) Gear ratio for table screw and dividing head
strength of gear teeth is
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 1, 2, 4, 3 C
(c) 2,
2 1,
1 4,
4 3 (d) 2,
2 1,1 3,
3 4 A

IES2010 IES 1996 IES 2000

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using Gear
G cutting
i on a milling
illi machine
hi usingi an involute
i l Which
Whi h one off the h following
f ll i processes off gear
the code given below the lists:
profile cutter is a manufacture results in best accuracy of the involute
Li t I
List Li t II
(a) Gear forming process gear tooth profile?
(Type of work) (Manufacturing)
(b) Gear generating process.
process (a) Milling
A. High rate production of worm Gears and 1. Gear shaving
worm wheel [D] (c) Gear shaping process (b) Hobbing
B. Generating internal gears and Cluster gears 2. Gear milling (d) Highly accurate gear producing process. (c) Rotary gear shaper
C Finishing of gear tooth profiles
C. 3 Gear hobbing
3. (d) Rack type gear shaper
D. Repair and piece production of gears 4. Gear shaping
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 3 4 1 2
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 69
IES 2009 IES 1996 IES 2009
A ti (A):
(A) Gears
G produced
d d by
b employing
l i form
f Consider
C id the
h following
f ll i processes off gear By
B which
hi h one off the
h following
f ll i machines
hi the
h teeth
h off
cutting principle using gearmilling cutter on a milling manufacture: an internal spur gear can be cut accurately?
machine are not very accurate.
Reason (R): Production of the correct gear tooth profile 1. Milling with form cutter (a) Milling machine
employing formcutting
form cutting principle would require a 2 Rack type gear shaper (gear planer)
2. (b) Slotting machine
separate cutter for cutting different numbers of teeth 3. Rotary gear shaper (gear shaper) (c) Hobbing machine
even for the same module and also errors are associated
with inaccurate operation of indexing mechanism. 4. Gear hobbing (d) Gearshaping machine
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of Th correctt sequence off these
The th processes in i increasing
i i
A order of accuracy of involute profile of the gear [D]
(b) Both
B th A and d R are true
t b t R is
but i NOT theth correctt
explanation of A
(a) 3, 2, 4, 1 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1
( ) A is
(c) i true but
b R is i false
f l (c) 3,
3 2,
2 1,
1 4 (d) 2,
2 3,
3 1,
1 4 [A]
(d) A is false but R is true [A]

IES 2004 IES 1992 IES 2003

G shaping
h i is i a process off manufacturing
f i gears. InI gear hobbing
h bbi A spur gear off 40 teethh is
i machined
hi d ini a gear
Which one of the following gp
p is employed
p y byy it? ((a)) Onlyy hob rotates hobbing machine using a double start hob cutter.
(a) Form cutting with cutter (b) Only gear blank rotates The speed ratio between the hob and the blank is
(b) Generating
G i tooth h form
f with
i h a reciprocating
i i cutter ( ) Both
(c) B h hob
h b and
d gear blank
bl k rotate (a) 1:20 (b) 1:40
((c)) Generatingg tooth form byy a rotating
g cutter ((d)) Neither hob nor g
gear blank rotates (c) 40: 1 (d) 20: 1
(d) Generating form with a reciprocating and revolving
tt C D

IES 2008 IES 1999 IES 1997

Whi h machininghi i processes are used d for
f gear A 60teeth
6 h gear whenh hobbed
h bb d on a differential
diff i l Which
Whi h off the
h following
f ll i motions
i are not needed
d d for
manufacture? hobber with a twostart hob, the index change gear spur gear cutting with a hob?
1. Form milling 2. Broaching ratio is governed by which one of the following 1. Rotary motion of hob
3 Roll forming
3. 4
4. Hobbing kinematic balance equations?
q 2 Linear axial reciprocator motion of hob
Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 revolution of gear blank = 1/60 of hob revolutions 3. Rotary motion of gear blank
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 1 revolution
l off gear blank
bl k = 2/60
/ off hob
h b revolutions
l 4. Radial advancement of hob.
( ) 1, 2 and
(c) d4 (d) 2, 3 andd4 (c) 1 revolution
evo ut o oof hob
ob = 2/60
/60 o
of b
a revolutions
evo ut o s S l t the
Select th correctt answer using
i theth codes
d given
i b l
(d) 1 revolution of hob = 1/60 of blank revolutions (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4
C (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 70
IES 2007 GATE 2007(PI)
( ) IES 1993
Whi h off the
h following
f ll i methods h d are gear generating i Which
Whi h one off the
th following
f ll i gear manufacturing
f t i Internal
I l gear cutting
i operation
i can be
b performed
f d by
processes? processes is NOT based on g
p generation p
p ((a)) Millingg
1. Gear shaping (a) Gear Hobbing (b) Gear Shaping (b) Shaping with rack cutter
2 Gear hobbing
2. ( ) Shaping
(c) Sh i with i h pinion
i i cutter
(c) Gear Milling (d) Gear Shaving
3. Gear milling ((d)) Hobbing g
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d3 (b) 1 and d 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 onlyy (d) 1 and 3 onlyy

IAS 1998 IES 2006 IES 1996

A i (A):
(A) Internal
I l gears are cut on a gear Which
Whi h off the
h following
f ll i cannot be
b cut by
b hobbing
h bbi For
F the
h manufacture
f off full
f ll depth
d h spur gear byb
shaper. process? hobbing process, the number of teeth to be cut = 30,
Reason (R): Hobbing is not suitable for cutting (a) Helical gears (b) Bevel gears module = 3 mm and pressure angle = 20. The radial
internal gear.
gear (c) Worm gears (d) Spur gears depth
p of cut to be employed
p y should be equal
q to
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the (a) 3.75 mm (b) 4.50 mm
correct explanation
l off A B ( ) 6.00 mm
(c) (d) 6.75 mm
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee
correct explanation of A D
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l
(d) A is false but R is true [B]

IES 1995 IES 1992 IAS 2003

Whil cuttingi helical
h li l gears on a nondifferential
diff i l Gear
G burnishing
b i hi process for f Which
Whi h one off theh following
f ll i is
i not a feature
f off gear
gear hobber, the feed change gear ratio is ((a)) Removing g residual stresses from teeth roots hobbing process?
(a) Independent of index change gear ratio (b) Surface finishing (a) High rate of production
(b) dependent on speed change gear ratio ( ) Undercut
(c) U d gears (b) Generation of helical gears
(c) Interrelated to index change gear ratio ((d)) Cycloidal
y gears
g (c) Very accurate tooth profile
(d) Independent of speed and index change gear ratio. (d) Generation of internal gears

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 71

IAS 2001 IES 1994 IES 1992
C id the h following
f ll i motions
i and
d setting
i in
i a Consider
C id theh following
f ll i machine hi tools:l Gear
G lapping
l i
hobbing machine: 1. Hobbing g machine ((a)) An operation
p after heat treatment
1. Hob rotation 2. Gear shaping machine (b) An operation prior to heat treatment
2 Job rotation
2. 3. Broaching
B hi machine.
hi ( ) An
(c) A independent
i d d operation
i for
f gear reconditioning
di i i
3. Axial reciprocating hob rotation p g
The teeth of internal spur gears can be cut in ((d)) None of the above
4. Tilting of hob to its helix angle (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
Whi h off these
Which th motions
ti and
d setting
tti i a hobbing
in h bbi ( ) 1and
(c) d3 (d) 2 and d3 A
machine are required to machine a spur gear?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 D
(c) 1,
1 2 and 4 (d) 1, 1 3 and 4 C

GATE 2003 IES2011

Q li h d d db Externall threads
h d can be
b produced
d d byb :
((a)) Threadmillingg 1. Rolling
2. Grinding
ScrewThread (b) Threadchasing
( ) Threadcuttingwithsinglepointtool
(c) Th d i i h i l i l 3 Milling

Manufacturing ((d)) Threadcasting

g (a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

D . Form g
g wheel p
produces veryy g
good q

IES2010 IES 2007

F producing
d i both
b th internal
i t l andd external
t l Screw
S threads
h d are produced
d d on solid
lid rods
d by
b using
i ISRO2011
screw threads, the method used is which of the following?
Whi h fth f ll i
th di d t df
(a) Thread chasing with multiplerib chasers (a) Dies (b) Punch
(c) Mandrel (d) Boring bar powertransmissioninonedirection
(b) Thread milling and multiplethread cutters
(c) Thread tapping with taps (a)Acmethreads

((d)) Die threading

g with selfopening
p g die heads A
( )

( ) q
(d)Multiplethreads B

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 72

IES 2012 IES 2012
ISRO2010 The differential screw is used in a Multistart threads are used to get
I t
l and
d external
t l threads
th d can be
b produced
d d (a) Turnbuckle (a) Smaller linear displacement
on tapered surfaces conveniently by
(b) Micrometer (b) Larger linear displacement with assured self locking
(a) Universal milling machine
(c) Vernier Caliper (c) Larger linear displacement with no guarantee of self
(b) Plano
a o miller
e locking
(d) Coupler
C l
((c)) Planetaryy milling
g machine (d) None of the above
((d)) lathe C C

IES 2012 GATE 2005

Which of the following screw threads is adopted for A 600
6 mm x 30 mm flatfl surface
f off a plate
l is
i to be
finish machined on a shaper. The plate has been
power transmission in either
h direction
d fixed with the 600 mm side along the tool travel
direction. If the tool overtravel at each end of the
( ) ACME threads
(a) h d
Pl Sl plate is 20 mm, average cutting speed is 8 m/min,
feed rate is 0.3
0 3 mm/stroke and the ratio of return
(b) Square
S th d
time to cutting time of the tool is 1:2, the time
(c) Buttress threads required
i d for
f machining
hi i will
ill be
(a) 8 minutes (b) 12 minutes
(d) Multiple threads BySKMondal
(c) 16 minutes (d) 20 minutes

IES 2004 IES 2001 IES2010

C id theh following
f ll i alignment
li tests on machine
hi Assertion (A): Longitudinal cutting motion of the
In a shaper machine, the mechanism for tool feed is
tools tool and crosswise feed motion of the job generates
1. Straightness 2. Flatness (a) Geneva mechanism fl surfaces
flat f i planning
in l i process.
3 Run out
3. 4
4. Parallelism Reason ((R): ) JJobs used in p planningg machines are
(b) Whitworth mechanism generally long and heavy compared to shaping.
Which of the above alignment tests on machine tools are
common to both lathe and shaper? ( ) Ratchet and Pawl mechanism
(c) ( ) Both
(a) B th A and d R are individually
i di id ll true
t and
d R is
i the
correct explanation of A
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (d) Ward
W d Leonard
L d system (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is NOT the
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
C (d) A is false but R is true D
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 73
IES 1997 IES 1995 IES 1994,ISRO2008
Whi h off theh following
f ll i are the
h advantages
d off a In
I a mechanical
h i l shaper,h the
h length
l h off stroke
k isi Given
Gi that,
h average cutting
i speedd = 9 m/min,
/ i the h
hydraulic shaper over a mechanically driven shaper? increased by return time to cutting time ratio is = 1 : 2, the feed
1. More strokes per minute can be obtained at a given (a) Increasing the centre distance of bull gear and crank rate = 0.3 mm/stroke, the clearance at each end of
cutting speed.
speed pin cut = 255 mm and that the pplate is fixed with 7700 mm
2. The cutting stroke has a definite stopping point. (b) Decreasing the centre distance of bull gear and side along the direction of tool travel, the time
k pin required for finishing one flat surface of a plate of
3. It is simpler in construction. size 700 x 30 mm in a shaper, will be
4 Cutting speed is constant throughout most of the
4. (c) Increasing
c eas g tthee length
e gt oof tthee ram
( ) 10 min
(a) (b) 12.5 min
cutting stroke. (d) Decreasing the length of the slot in the slotted lever
(c) 15 min (d) 20 min
l the
h correct answer using the
h codes
d given below:
b l
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 4 A
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4 B

IAS 1995 IAS 1994

Size of a shaper is given by
ISRO2010 Stroke
S k off a shaping
h i machine
hi isi 250 mm. ItI makes
k 30
double strokes per minute. Overall average speed of
(a) Stroke length (b) Motor power Th cutting
The tti speed
d off the
th tool
t l in
i a mechanical
h i l operation is
shaper is (a) 3.75
3 75 m/min (b) 5.0
5 0 m/min
(c) Weight of the machine (d) Table size
(c) 7.5 m/min (d) 15 m/min
(a) Maximum at the beginning of the cutting stroke

((b)) Maximum at the end of the cutting

g stroke D
((c)) Maximum at the middle of the cutting
g stroke

(d) Minimum at the middle of the cutting stroke

GATE 2012 (PI)

In a shaping process, the number of double strokes per
GATE 2011 (PI)
minute is 30 and
d the
h quick
k return ratio is 0.6. Iff the
volume of wheel wear
length of the stroke is 250 mm,
mm the average cutting ( )
volume of work material removed
velocity in m/min is G d g& s g
Grinding&Finishing (b)
volume of work material removed
volume of wheel wear
((a)) 33.0 ((b)) 4
4.55 ((c)) 77.55 ((d)) 12.0 cutting speed
l it di l feed
longitudinal f d
(d) B
D BySKMondal transverse feed

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 74

GATE 1995 GATE 1998
IES 2009 Among
A the
h conventional
i l machining
hi i processes, Ideal
Id l surface
f roughness,
h as measured
d by
b the
maximum specific energy is consumed in maximum height of unevenness, is best achieved
(a) Turning (b) Drilling when, the material is removed by
(c) Planning (d) Grinding (a) An end mill
(b) A grinding wheel
D (c) A tool with zero nose radius
(d) A ball mill

GATE 1998 GATE 2000 GATE 2002

I machining
hi i using
i abrasive
b i material,
i l increasing
i i Abrasive
Ab i material i l used
d in
i grinding
i di wheel
h l selected
l d The
Th hardness
h d off a grinding
i di wheel
h l is
i determined
d i d by
abrasive grain size for grinding ferrous alloys is the
(a) Increases the material removal rate (a) Silicon carbide (b) Diamond (a) Hardness of abrasive grains
(b) Decreases the material removal rate (c) Aluminium oxide (d) Boron carbide (b) Ability of the bond to retain abrasives
(c) First decreases and then increases the material (c) Hardness of the bond
removal rate C (d) Ability of the grinding wheel to penetrate the work
(d) First increases and then decreases the material piece
removal rate

GATE 2006 GATE 1997 IES 2005

If each
h abrasive
b i grain i is
i viewed
i d as a cutting
i tool,
l List
Li I List
Li II Consider
C id the
h following
f ll i statements in i respect off
then which of the following represents the cutting ( ) Grinding
(A) g 1. Surface for oil retention grinding?
parameters in common grinding operations? (B) Honing 2. Surface for max. load 1. The pitch of the grit cutting edges is larger than the
(a) Large negative rake angle,
angle low shear angle and high capacity pitch of the milling cutter.
cutting speed (C) Superfinishing 3. Surface of limiting friction 2. The cutting angles of the grits have a random
(b) Large positive rake
k angle,
l lowl shear
h angle
l andd high
h h D) Burnishing 4. Surface of matte finish geometry.
cutting speed 3. Thee ssizee o
of tthee cchip
p cuts iss ve
veryy ssmall
a for
o g
d g.
5. S f
Surface f pressure sealing
for li
(c) Large negative rake angle, high shear angle and low Which of the statements given above are correct?
cutting speed 6. Surface for interference fit.
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3
(d) Zero rake angle, high shear angle and high cutting (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 B
speed A A
Ans. (A) 3, (B) 1, (C)2,
(C) (D)5
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 75
IES 2009 IES 1997 IES 1996
Whi h one off theh following
f ll i isi NOT used
d as abrasive
b i Which
Whi h one off theh following
f ll i materials
i l is
i used
d as the
h Grinding
G i di wheel h l isi said
id to be
b loaded
l d d when
h the h
material in grinding wheels? bonding material for grinding wheels? ((a)) Metal pparticles g
get embedded in the wheel surface
(a) Aluminium oxide (a) Silicon carbide blocking the interspaces between cutting grains.
(b) Silicon carbide (b) Sodium silicate (b) Bonding material comes on the surface and the
(c) Cubic boron nitride (c) Boron carbide wheel becomes blunt.
(d) Manganese oxide (d) Aluminum oxide (c) Work piece being ground comes to a stop in
cy d ca g grinding.
d g.
D B (d) Grinding wheel stops because of very large depth of

IES 2001 IES 1996 IES 1994

S ifi cutting
i energy isi more ini grinding
i di process Specific
S ifi energy requirements
i in
i a grinding
i di process The
Th ratio
i off thrust
h force
f to cutting
i force
f is
i nearly
l 2.5
compared to turning because are more than those in turning for the same metal in
(a) Grinding (cutting) speed is higher removal rate because of the (a) Turning (b) Broaching
(b) The wheel has multiple cutting edges (grains) (a) Specific pressures between wheel and work being (c) Grinding (d) Plain milling
(c) Plaguing force is significant due to small chip size high.
(d) Grinding wheel undergoes continuous wear (b) Size
S effect
ff off the
h larger
l contact areas between
b wheel
h l C
and work.
(c) High cutting velocities
(d) High
Hi h heat
h t produced
d d during
d i grinding
i di

IES 1992 IES 2000 IES 1995

A i (A):
(A) Vitrified
Vi ifi d bond
b d is
i preferred
f d for
f thin
hi Assertion
A ti (A):
(A) The
Th ratioti off cutting
tti force
f to
t thrust
th t force
f is
i Soft
S f materials
i l cannot be b economically
i ll grind
i d due
d to
grinding wheels. very high in grinding process as compared to other
machining processes.
processes ((a)) The high
g temperatures
p involved
Reason (R): Vitrified bond is hard brittle. Reason (R): Random orientation and effective negative (b) Frequent wheel clogging
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the rake angles of abrasive grains increase the cutting force ( ) Rapid
(c) R id wheel
h l wear
correct explanation of A and adversely affect the cutting action and promote
rubbing action.
action ((d)) Low work p
piece stiffness
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct
co ect eexplanation
p a at o o
of A explanation of A B
(c) A is true but R is false (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
(d) A is false
f l but
b R is true correctt explanation
l ti off A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true D
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 76
IES2010 IES 2009 IES 2002
I relation
l ti to
t the
th peripheral
i h l or surfacef Given
Gi that
h the
h peripheral
i h l speed d off the
h grinding
i di Which
Whi h off the h following
f ll i materials
i l are used d in
speeds of the g
grindingg wheel and that of the wheel of 100 mm diameter for cylindrical grinding grinding wheel?
workpiece in cylindrical grinding of alloy of a steel work piece is 30 m/s, what will be the 1. Aluminium oxide
steel workpieces,
workpieces the grinding wheel speed is estimated rotational speed
p of the g
g wheel in 2 Cubic boron nitride
revolution per minute (r.p.m.)?
((a)) Less than the speed
p of the workpiece
p 3. Silicon carbide
(a) 11460 (b) 5730
(b) Same as the speed of the workpiece Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(c) 2865 (d) 95
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1 and d2
(c) Double the speed of the workpiece
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
(d) 65
6 to
t 75 times
ti th speed
the d off the
th workpiece.
k i B

IES 2001,ISRO2009 IES 2000 IES 1995

Th marking
ki on a grinding
i di wheel
h l is
i '51
' A 36
6 L 5 V 93'.' The
Th sequence off markings
ki "S 14 K 14 S" on a grinding
i di In
I theh grinding
i di wheel
h l off A 60
6 G 7 B 23, B stands
d for
The code '36' represents the wheel represents respectively ((a)) Resinoid bond ((b)) Rubber bond
(a) Structure (a) Bond type, structure, grade, grain size and abrasive (c) Shellac bond (d) Silicate bond.
(b) Grade type
(c) Grain size (b) Abrasive type, grain size, grade, structure and bond A
(d) Manufacturer's number type
(c) Bond
o d type, g
ade, st
uctu e, ggrain
a ssizee aand
d ab
as ve
(d) Abrasive
Ab i type,
t structure,
t t grade,
d graini size
i and d bond
b d
type B

IES 1993 IES 2001 IES 1994

T l life
lif in
i the
h case off a grinding
i di wheel h l isi the
h time
i Assertion
A i (A):
(A) Hard
H d wheels h l are chosen
h for
f grinding
i di Consider
C id the
h following
f ll i statements regarding
((a)) Between two successive regrinds
g of the wheel hard metals. grinding of high carbon steel:
(b) Taken for the wheel to be balanced Reason (R): In hard wheels only the abrasive grains 1. Grinding at high speed results in the reduction of
( ) Taken
(c) T k between
b two successive
i wheel
h l dressings
d i are retained for long time.
time chip thickness and cutting forces per grit.
((d)) Taken for a wear of 1mm on its diameter (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 2. Aluminium oxide wheels are employed.
correct explanation
l off A 3. The grinding wheel has to be of open structure.
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee Of these statements
C correct explanation of A (a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l (c) 1 and 3 are correct (d) 2 and 3 are correct
(d) A is false but R is true D B
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 77
IES 1999 IES 2001 IES 1993
C id the h following
f ll i reasons: Dry
D and d compressed
d air
i is
i used
d as cutting
i fluid
fl id for
f InI centreless
l grinding,
i di the
h work k piece
i centre will
ill be
1. Grinding g wheel is soft machining ((a)) Above the line jjoining
g the two wheel centres
2. RPM of grinding wheel is too low (a) Steel (b) Aluminium (b) Below the line joining the two wheel centres
3. Cut
C is i very fine
fi (c) Cast iron (d) Brass ( ) On
(c) O the
h line
li joining
j i i the h two wheel
h l centres
4. An improper
4 p p cutting g fluid is used ((d)) At the intersection of the line jjoiningg the wheel
A grinding wheel may become loaded due to reasons C centres with the work plate plane.
t t d att
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 1 and 3 A
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 2 and 3 C

IES 2000 IES 1996 IES 1993

C id theh following
f ll i advantages:
d A grinding
i di wheel
h l off 150 mm diameter
di is
i rotating
i at Consider
C id theh following
f ll i parameters:
1. Rapidp pprocess 3000 rpm. The grinding speed is 1. Grinding g wheel diameter.
2. Work with keyways can be ground 2. Regulating wheel diameter.
3. No
N work k holding
h ldi device
d i isi required.
i d 3. Speed
S d off the
h grinding
i di wheel.
h l
Which of these are the advantages g of centre less 4. Speed
4 p of the regulating
g g wheel.
grinding? 5. Angle between the axes of grinding and regulating
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1 and d2 wheels.
h l
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 D A Among g these p parameters, those which influence the
axial feed rate in centreless grinding would include
(a) 2,
2 4 and 5 (b) 1, 1 2 and 3
(c) 1, 4 and 5 (d) 3, 4 and 5 A

IES 2007 IES 1992 IES 2012

H i Process
P gives
i surface
f finish
fi i h off what
h order?
d ? CLA value
l forf Honing
H i process is i Statement(I):Honingisanabradingprocesstoremove
St t t(I) H i i b di t
((a)) 10
m ((CLA)) ((b)) 1.0
m ((CLA)) ((a)) 6 ((b)) 0.055 33.0 stockfrommetallicsurfaces.
(c) 0.1 m (CLA) (d) 0.01 m (CLA) (c) 0.05 1.0 (d) 0.025 0.1 surfaces.
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
C individuallyy true and Statement ((II)) is the correct
C explanation of Statement (I)
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct
explanation of Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
( ) Statement (I)
(d) ( ) is false but Statement (II)
( ) is true [B]
[ ]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 78
IES 2001 IES 1992 IES 1992
M t h ListI
Li t I (Cutting
(C tti Tools)
T l ) with
ith ListII
Li t II (Applications)
(A li ti ) A surface
f finish
fi i h off 0.025 0.1 micrometer
i CLA values
l Buffing
B ffi wheelsh l are moded off
and select the correct answer using the codes given is to by produced. Which machining process would
below the lists: ((a)) Softer metals ((b)) Cotton fabric
you recommend? (c) Carbon (d) Graphite
List I List II
A Trepanning
A. T i tooll 1. F surface
For f fi i hi by
finishing b (a) Grinding (b) Rough turning
honing (c) Lapping (d) Honing B
B. Side milling cutter 2. For machining gears
C. Hob cutter 33. For cuttingg keyways
y y in shafts C
D. Abrasive sticks 4. For drilling large diameter
holes [ ]
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 4 2 3 1

IAS 2004 IAS 2000 IAS 1999

Th size
i effect
ff refers
f to the
h increase
i in
i specific
ifi Consider
C id theh following
f ll i statements in
i respect off a Assertion
A i (A):
(A) The
Th grade d off a grinding
i di wheel
h l is
i a
cutting energy at low values of under formed chip grinding wheel of specification, 51A 36L7R23, measure of hardness of the abrasive used for the
thickness. It is due to which one of the following? using the standard alphanumeric codification: wheel.
(a) Existence of ploughing force 1 Abrasive used in the wheel is aluminum oxide
1. Reason (R): Grading is necessary for making right
(b) Work hardening 2. The grain size of abrasive is medium selection of the wheel for a particular work.
(c) High strain rate 3. The wheel grade is medium hard ( ) Both
(a) h A and d R are individually
d d ll true and d R is the
(d) Presence of high friction at chiptool interface.
interface 4 It has an open structure
4. correct explanation of A
5. It has resinoid as bonding agent (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
A Which (If these statements are correct?
(c) A is true but R is false
(a) 1,
1 2 and 3 (b) 1, 1 3 and 4
(d) A is false but R is true D
(c) 2, 3 and 5 (d) 1, 4 and 5 A

IAS 2001 IAS 1997 IAS 2007

Consider the following statements: Which
Whi h off the
h following
f ll i pairs i are correctly l matched?
h d? Match
M t h List
Li t I with
ith List
Li t II andd select
l t the
th correctt answer
The setup for internal centreless grinding consists of a using the code given below the Lists:
regulating wheel, a pressure roll and a support roll, between 1. Drill ppress : Trepanning
p g
which the tubular workpiece is supported with the grinding Li I
List Li II
wheel within the tube, wherein 2. Centreless grinding: Through feeding (Machine Tool/ Cutting Tool) (Part/ Characteristics)
Th grinding
i di wheel,
h l workpiece
k i andd regulating
l i wheel
h l centers 3. Capstan
C l h
lathe: R
Ram type turret A. Screw cutting lathe1. Self locking taper
must lie on one line
2 The directions of rotation of workpiece and grinding wheel are
2.The Select the correct answer usingg the codes g
given below: B. Drill 2. Chasing g dial
same Codes: C. End mill 3. Wiper insert
33.The directions of rotation of p pressure roll,, support
pp roll and D Grinding wheel
D. 4
4. Self releasing taper
regulating wheel are same ( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 1, 2 and
4.The directions of rotation of grinding wheel and regulating 5. Balance weights [B]
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3 B
h l are same C d A
Code:A B C D A B C D
Which of these statements are correct? (a) 4 5 3 1 (b) 2 1 4 5
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d3 (b) 1, 3 and
(c) 4 1 3 5 (d) 2 5 4 1
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 A
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 79
IAS 1999 IAS 2001 NC,CNC&Robotics
Whi h one off the h following
f ll i processing
i sequences Which
Whi h one off the h following
f ll i grinding
i di wheels
h l (with
( ih
will give the best accuracy as well as surface finish? Grade, Grit and Bond) is suitable for cutter
(a) Drilling, reaming and grinding grinding?
(b) Drilling,
Drilling boring and grinding (a) K 60 vitrified (b) K 320 vitrified
(c) Drilling, reaming and lapping (c) T 60 resinoid (d) T 320 resinoid
(d) Drilling, reaming and electroplating



IAS 1996 GATE 1994 IES 1999

A i (A):
(A) The
Th temperature controll off an CNC machines
hi are more accurate than
h conventional
i l Consider
C id the
h following
f ll i statements regarding
electric iron is an example of servomechanism. machines because they have a high resolution numerically controlled machine tools:
Reason (R): It is an automatic control system. encoder and digital readouts for positioning. 1. They reduce nonproductive time
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the 2 They reduce fixturing
correct explanation of A True or false? 3. They reduce maintenance cost
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the Which of these statements are correct?
co ect eexplanation
p a at o o
of A ( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1 and d2
(c) A is true but R is false Ans. True (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
(d) A is false
f l but
b R is true B

IES 1995 IES 2009 GATE 1993

C id the
h following
f ll i characteristics
h i i off In
I which
hi h off the
h following
f ll i machining
hi i manuall part With
Wi h reference
f to NC machine, hi which
hi h off the
production jobs: programming is done? following statement is wrong?
1. Processing of parts frequently in small lots (a) CNC machining (b) NC machining (a) Both closedloop and openloop control systems are
2 Need to accommodate design changes of products.
2. products (c) DNC machining (d) FMS machining used
3. Low rate of metal removal (b) Paper tapes, floppy tapes and cassettes are used for
4. Need for holding close tolerances B data storage
The characteristics
h t i ti which
hi h favour
f th choice
the h i off (c) Digitizers
g t e s may
ay be used as interactive
te act ve input
put dev
numerically controlled machines would include (d) Post processor is an item of hardware
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1,
1 3 and 4 (d) 1, 1 2 and 4 D D

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 80

IES 2007 JWM2010 IES 2009
Wh are the h main i components off an NC machine?hi ? Consider the following components regarding numerical What
Wh is
i theh purpose off satellite lli computers ini
1. Part program
p g control system : Distributed Numerical Control machines?
2. Machine Control Unit 1. Programme of instructions (a) To act as standby systems
3. Servo
S motor 2 Machine control unit
2. (b) To share the processing of largesize
large size NC programs
Select the correct answer using
g the code ggiven below: 3. Processing equipment (c) To serve a group of NC machines
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only Which of these are correct ? (d) To network with another DNC setup
( ) 2 and
(c) d 3 only
l (d) 1 and d 3 only
l (a) 1,
1 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only
A (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only C

IES 1999 JWM2010 IES 2002S1

C id the h following
f ll i components: ConsiderthefollowingadvantagesofDNCsystems: Match
M t h List
Li t I with
ith List
Li t II and d select
l t theth correctt
1. A dedicated computer
p 1.Timesharing answer:
2.Greatercomputationalcapability List I List II
2. Bulk memory
((NC machine tool systems)
y ) ((Features))
3. Telecommunication
Tl i i lines
li 3 Remotecomputerlocation
A. NC system 1. It has an integrated automatic tool
Which of these components are required
q for a DNC changing unit and a component
system? Whichoftheaboveis/arecorrect? indexing device
( ) 2 and
(a) d3 (b) 1 andd2 ( ) d l
(a)1and2only (b) d l
(b)2and3only B CNC system
B. t 2. A number b off machine hi t l are
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 (c)2only
y (d)1,2and33 controlled by a computer. No tape
d theth partt program isi
transmitted directly to the
C D machine
hi tool
t l from
f th
computer memory

IES 2002Contd..FromS1
C DNC system
t 3.The
Th controller
t ll consists
i t off IAS2011main
IAS2011 main IAS2009main
IAS2009 main
softwired computer and
h d wired
hard i d logic
l i Graphic
G hi E l i att least
Explain, l t two,
t characteristics
h t i ti each
h off NC,
NC Wh t is
What i the
th function
f ti off stepper
t motor?
t ?
display of tool path is
l possible
CNC and DNC.
DNC [2 marks]
D. Machining centre 4. The instructions on tape is [10 Marks]
prepared in binary
decimal form and operated
p byy
a series of coded
instructions [ ]
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 1 3 2 4
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 81
IAS2010Main GATE 2007 IES 1994
Whi h f i NOT di i i dl Feed
F d drives
d i in
i CNC milling
illi machines
hi are provided
id d
Illustratewiththehelpofneatsketchesthedifferences drivesofCNCmachinetools? by
betweenopenloopandclosedloopcontrolinNC (a) Inductionmotor (b) DCservomotor (a) Synchronous motors
system.Whyisfeedbacknotpossibleinopenloop (c) Steppermotor (d) Linearservomotor (b) Induction motors
(c) Stepper motors
controls stem?
A (d) Servomotors.
[22 Marks]

IES 2002 GATE 1997 GATE 2007(PI)

( )
I a CNC machine
hi tool,
l encoder
d isi used
d to sense and
d In
I a point
i to point
i controll NC machine,
hi the
h slides
lid In
I a CNC machine hi feed
f d drive,
di a stepper
t motor
control are positioned by an integrally mounted stepper with step p angle o
g of 1.8 drives a lead screw with
(a) Table position motor drive. If the specification of the motor is pitch of 2 mm. The Basic Length Unit (BLU) for
(b) Table velocity 1o/p
/pulse,, and the p
pitch of the lead screw is 33.6 mm,, this drive is
what is the expected positioning accuracy?
(c) Spindle speed ((a)) 10 microns ((b)) 20 microns
( a ) 1 m (b) 10 m
(d) Coolant flow (c) 40 microns (d) 100 microns
(c ) 50 m (d ) 100 m

GATE 2008(PI) Example IES2011Conventional

A stepper motor has 150 steps. The output shaft of the y A DC servomotor is coupled
l d directly
d l to a leadscrew
l d y The
h table
bl off a CNC machine
h is driven
d by
b a Lead
d screw which
h h
which drives the table of an NC machine tool. A is rotated by a DC servomotor. A digital encoder which emits
motor is directly
d l coupled
l d to a lead
l d screw off pitch
h 4 mm, digital encoder, which emits 500 pulses per
revolution, is mounted on the other end of the 1000 pulses per second is mounted on the lead screw as a
which drives a table.
table If the frequency of pulse supply to leadscrew. If the leadscrew pitch is 5 mm and the feedback device. If the lead screw pitch is 6 mm and motor
the motor is 200 Hz, the speed of the table (in mm/min) motor rotates at 600 rpm, calculate
t t att 500 rpm, find
fi d
(a) The linear velocity of the table
is Basic length Units of the system
(b) The BLU of the NC system 1

(a) 400 (b) 320 (c) 300 (d) 280 (c) The frequency of pulses transmitted by the encoder. 2. Linear velocity of the table.

B 3. Frequency of pulses generated by the feedback device.

Ans. 3 m/min,, 10 micron,, 55000 pp
Ans. 50 microns, 3 m/min, 1000 pps [5 Marks]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 82
GATE 2010(PI) StatementforLinkedAnswersquestions:S1 GATE 2008Q1 (StatementinS1)
( )
F a 3 axes CNC table,
bl the
h slide
lid along
l the
h vertical
i l axis
i In
I the
h feed
f d drive
d i off a PointtoPoint
P i P i open loop
l CNC The
Th Basic
B i Length
L h Unit
U i (BLU),
(BLU) i.e.,
i the
h table
of the table is driven by a DC servo motor via a lead drive, a stepper motor rotating at 200 steps/rev drives a movement corresponding to 1 pulse of the pulse
screw nut mechanism. The lead screw has a pitch of 5 table through a gear box and lead screwnut mechanism generator, is
mm. This lead screw is fitted with a relative (pitch = 4 mm,, number of starts = 1).
(p ) (a) 0.5
0 5 microns (b) 5 microns
Output rotational speed
(incremental) circular encoder. The basic length unit The gear ratio = Input rotational speed is given by U = 14 (c) 50 microns (d) 500 microns
(BLU) of the slide along the vertical axis of the table is The
h stepper motor (driven
(d b voltage
by l pulses
l f
from a pulse
0.005 mm. When the table moves along the vertical axis B
generator) executes 1 step/pulse of the pulse generator.
b 9 mm, the
by th corresponding
di number b off pulses
l generated
t d The frequency of the pulse train from the pulse
by the encoder is generator is f = 10,000 pulses per minute.
(a) 1400 (b) 1800 (c) 4200 (d) 9000

GATE 2008Q2 (StatementinS1)

( ) IAS 2010 Main
GATE 2009(PI) p p NC system
In openloop y pp g motor is
the shaft of a stepping
A customer
t insists
i i t on a modification
difi ti to
t change
h the
th BLU connected directly to the lead screw xaxis of the
of the CNC drive to 10 microns without changing the The total angular movement (in degrees) of a leadscrew
t bl speed.
table d The
Th modification
difi ti can be
b accomplished
li h d by
b machine table. The pitch of the lead screw is 3.0 mm.
with a pitch of 5.0 mm to drive the worktable by a The number of step angles on the stepping motor is 200.
distance off 200 mm in
i a NC machine
hi isi Determine how closely the position of the table can be
( ) 14400
(a) (b) 28800
88 ( ) 57600
(c) 6 (d) 72000 controlled assuming that there are no mechanical errors
in the positioning system.
Also, what is the required frequency of the pulse train
and the corresponding rotational speed of the stepping
motor in order to drive the table at a travel rate of 100
Ans. (a) It is correct ans.
Ans ans Most books will give (c).
(c) For mm/min? [8 Marks]
same table speed, f must be half.

GATE 1992 GATE 2006 GATE2005

I a pointtopoint
i i type off NC system NC contouring i isi an example l off
((a)) Control of pposition and velocityy of the tool is ((a)) Continuous ppath ppositioning
g continuouspathoperations?
essential (b) Pointtopoint positioning ArcWelding(AW) Milling(M)
(b) Control of only position of the tool is sufficient ( ) Absolute
(c) Ab l positioning
ii i Drilling(D) PunchingisSheetMetal(P)
(c) Control of only velocity of the tool is sufficient ((d)) Incremental p
positioningg LaserCuttingofSheetMetal(LC)SpotWelding(SW)
(d) Neither position nor velocity need be controlled (a) AW,LCandM (b)AW,D,LCandM
A ( ) D,LC,PandSW
(c) d (d)

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 83

IES 2000 IES 1996 IES 2003S1
A i (A):
(A) The
Th axis i off an NC drilling
d illi machine
hi Assertion
A i (A):
(A) Numerically
N i ll controlledll d machines
hi While
Whil part programming i
spindle is denoted as zaxis. having more than three axes do not exist. in CNC machines, the
Reason (R): In NC machine tool, the axis Reason (R): There are only three Cartesian input of dimensional
perpendicular to both x x and y
axis is designated as coordinates namely x xyz
y z. information for the tool
zaxis (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the path can be given in the
( ) Both
(a) h A and d R are individually
d d ll true and d R is the
h correct explanation
l off A absolute coordinate
correct explanation of A system or in incremental
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee coordinate
di t system.t Th
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A above figure shows the
correct explanation of A ( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l route to be
b followed
f ll d by
b theh
(c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true D tool from O to C, i.e., O A
(d) A is false but R is true A B C.

IES 2003Contd..FromS1
d GATE 2007(PI)
( )
If incremental
i l coordinates
di system is
i used,d theh co GATE2012
GATE 2012 SameQinGATE2012(PI)
Same Q in GATE 2012 (PI) The
Th interpolator
i t l t in
i a CNC machine
hi controls
t l
ordinates of each point A, B and C are A CNC vertical milling machine has to cut a (a) Spindle Speed (b) Coolant flow
(a) A: X 5.0, Y 10.0 (b) A: X 5.0, Y 10.0 straight slot of 10 mm width and 2 mm depth by a (c) Feed rate (d) Tool change
B: X 20.0,
20 0 Y5.0
Y5 0 B: X 25
25, Y 15.0
15 0 cutter of 10 mm diameter between points (0, (0 0)
C: X 10.0, Y 10.0 C: X 35, Y 5.0 and (100, 100) on the XY plane (dimensions in
mm). ) The
Th feed
f d rate usedd for
f milling
illi is
i 50 mm/min.
/ i C
(c) A: X 10.0, Y 5.0 (d) A: X 10.0, Y 5.0
Milling time for the slot (in seconds) is
B X 15.0, Y 25.0
B: B X 5.0, Y 20.0
(a) 120 (b) 170 (c) 180 (d) 240
C: X 15.0, Y 35.0 C: X 10.0, Y 10.0


GATE 2004 GATE 2010 IES 2009

D i the h execution
i off a CNC part program block
bl k In
I a CNC program block,bl k N002
N G02
G G91
G X40X Z40,
Z Interpolation in the controller refers to control of
N020 G02 X45.0
45 Y25.05 R5.0
5 the type
yp of tool motion will G02 and G91 refer to
be (a) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction which
h h one off the
h following
f ll in a CNC machine?
(a) Circular Interpolation clockwise and incremental dimension ( ) Loading/unloading
(a) L di / l di off jobs
j b on machine
(b) Circular Interpolation counter clockwise (b) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction
andd absolute
b l d
dimension (b) Loading/unloading
L di / l di off tools
t l from
f th tool
the t l changer
(c) Linear Interpolation
(d) Rapid
R id feed
f d (c) CCircular
cu a interpolation
te po at o in cclockwise
oc se d
ect o aandd (c) Axes of machine for contouring
incremental dimension
(d) Circular
Ci l interpolation
i t l ti i clockwise
in l k i direction
di ti andd (d) Coolant and miscellaneous functions on machine
A absolute dimension
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 84
GATE 2001 GATE 2005 GATE 2000
I an NC machining
hi i operation,
i the
h tooll has
h to beb The
Th tooll off an NC machine hi has
h to move alongl a In
I finish
fi i h machining
hi i off an island
i l d on a casting i with
moved from point (5, 4) to point (7, 2) along a circular arc from (5, 5) to (10,10) while performing an CNC milling machine, an end mill with 10 mm
circular path with centre at (5, 2). Before starting the operation. The centre of the arc is at (10, 5). Which diameter is employed. The corner points of the
p , the tool is at (5, 4)
4). The correct G and M one of the following g NC tool p path commands island are represented
p by
y ((0,, 0),
), ((0,, 330),
), (5
(50,, 330),
), and
code for this motion is performs the above mentioned operation? (50, 0). By applying cutter radius right
(a) N010 G03 X7.0
X 0 Y2.0
Y2 0 I5.0
I 0 J2.0
J2 0 (a) N010G02 X10 Y10 X5X Y5
Y R5R compensation the trajectory of the cutter will be
(b) N010 G02 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0 (b) N010G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5 (a) (5, 0), (5, 35), (55, 35), (55, 5), (5, 5)
(c) N010 G01 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0 (c) N010G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5 (b) (0, 5), (55, 5), (55, 35), (5, 35), (5, 5)
(d) N010
N G X7.0
G00 X Y
Y2.0 I
I5.0 J
J2.0 (d) N010G02
N G X5 X Y5
Y X10
X Y10Y R5 R (c) (5,
(5 5),
5) (5,
(5 25),
25) (45,
(45 25),
25) (45,
(45 5),
5) (5,
(5 5)
B D (d) (5, 5), (45, 5), (45, 25), (5, 25), (5, 5)

GATE 2009 IES 1993 IES 1996

A 'block'
'bl k' off information
i f i in
i N.C.
N C machine
hi program In
I manuall programmingi and d tape preparation
i for
f a
means NC drilling machine, the spindle speed was coded
(a) One row on tape as S 684 (using the magicthree code). The spindle
(b) A word comprising several rows on tape speed
p in rpm
p will be
(c) One complete instruction (a) 684
(d) One complete program for a job (b) 68.4
(c) 840
c (d) 6840

IES 1995 IAS2011Main

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists:
In an NC drilling operation,
operation the tool tip is at location (
( IFS2011
IFS 2011
100, 0, 100). The datum (0, 0, 0) is left hand lower corner
List I List II on top surface
f off the
h workpiece,
k i which
hi h is
i rectangular
l I NC machine,
In hi what
h t is
i the
th purpose off the
th parity
(A function connected (Associated parameter)
(300 mm x 300 mm x 1.5 mm thick). A thru' hole of 10 check ? What is the function of Data Processing
with NC m/c tool)
A. Interpolation 1. Tape preparation
mm diameter is t o be drilled in the centre of the
workpiece. Using only rapid positioning and linear Unit (DPU) and Control Loop
p Unit (CLU) of MCU.
B Parity check
B. 2 Canned cycle
C. Preparatory function 3. Drilling interpolation functions, write the program blocks, in How is Feed Rate Number (FRN) expressed ? What
D Point
D. P i t to
t point
i t control
t l 4. Contouring
C t i absolute mode.
5. Turning [A] Assume permitted cutting speed = 32 m/min and feed is indirect feedback ?
C d A
Code:A B C D A B C D rate = 150 mm/min. [10Marks] [10marks]
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 1 2 5
( ) 5
(c) 1 3 2 (d) 1 4 3 2
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 85
IES 1998 IES2008
Name the four types of statements in a complete APT
Prepare part using APT language for milling the contour
Whi h off the h following
f ll i are theh rules
l off part program. Prepare part program for geometry shown in Fig. in a single pass. D [20Marks]
programming NC machine tools in APT language? description
p of the contour shown in the figure
g below: C

Y R30
1. Only capital letters are used [15Marks] Q
30 40

2 A period is placed at the end of each statement

2. 20

3. Insertion of space does not affect the APT word L2

L3 20
C1 110
R 120
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 135

( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3

L4 40
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 alone 80 L1
D 100 + 40 P

20 Material : M S.
R P1
P2 20
X 8 mm

Prepare part program to machine the contour shown in
HomeWork IES2011Conventional
Write a complete part program in APT for machining
the figure using APT on CNC milling machine. State the method of defining line segment of
the product which is given in the diagram. Thickness of
th workpiece
the k i i 6 mm. All dimensions
is di i are in
i mm. cutter
tt motion
ti using
i APT program format.
f t
R20 [15]
[5 Marks]

100 mm

60 50
200 mm

Material: MS Thickness: 8.0 mm

IES 1997 IES 1995 GATE 2008 (PI)

Suppose point P1 in APT programming is coded by statement
Whi h off the h following
f ll i are valid
lid statements forf In
I APT language,
l the
h cutter motion
i in
i incremental
i l
point to point motion of the tool in APT language? coordinate mode is addressed as P1 = POINT/XSMALL, INTOF, LN1, CR1
1. GO/TO/............ (a) GO/TO/..... The
h coded
d d geometric situation without
h causing error is

2 GO DLTA/............
2. DLTA/ (b) GO/TO.....
3. GO/TO, . (c) GO DLTA/....
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (d) GO FWD/...
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3 C
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 86
IES 2012 IES2011 IES2010
Th fi i f b i l i h Consider the following statements:
Trajectoryofarobotmean: Good dynamic performance is usually difficult to achieve
onarotatingbaseiscalled (a)Pathtracedbytheendeffectors i robots
in b which
hi h contain i a rotary base
b b
1. Position, speed and acceleration of the other joints cause
f b variations in the reflected torque and moment of inertia.
(b)Cylindrical 2. The moment of inertia reflected at the base depends
p upon
p the
(c)Cartesiancoordinate ( )R b tj i t
(c)Robotjoints weight of the object being carried.
(d)Jointedarm (d)Robotprogramming 3 The moment of inertia reflected at the base also depends upon
the distance between the base axis and the manipulated object.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
A (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 only (d) 1 and 3 only B

IES 2006 IES 2000 IES 2006

Whi h one off theh following
f ll i is
i the
h third
hi d basic
b i Consider
C id theh following
f ll i characteristics
h i i off a robot:
b Which
Whi h item
i best
b describes
d ib a CAM technology?
h l ?
component of robots besides power supply and 1. The tip of the robot arm moves from one point to ((a)) Geometric modeling
g ((b)) Documentation
control (memory) console? another with its inbetween path not being defined.
(c) Drafting (d) Numerical control
(a) Software (b) Coaxial cable 2. It can be used for drilling holes at difference points in a
(c) Mechanical unit arm (d) Microcomputer workpiece.
3. It can be used for V butt joint welding between two
points. D
C 4. The memory capacity required for its control unit is low.
Which of these are the characteristics associated with a point
to point robot?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1,1 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 C

IES 2012 IES 1996

ISRO2011 Programmableautomationissuitablefor Whichofthefollowingpairsarecorrectlymatched?
Whi h f h f ll i i l h d?
1. CNCmachinePostprocessor
In CAM " Part
P programming"
i " refers
f to (a)Lowproductionvolumeandlargevarietiesofparts 2. Machiningcentre.Toolmagazine
(a) Generation of cutter location data (b)Lowproductionvolumeandsmallvarietiesofparts 3. DNC.FMS
((a)) 1,2and3
, 3 ((b)) 1and2
(b) Online Inspection ( )
(c) 1and3 (d)2and3
(d)Hi h d i l
dl i i f
(c) Machine Selection
(d) Tool Selection A
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 87
IES 2006 IES 2004 IES 2012
Flexible manufacturing allows for: Consider
C id theh following
f ll i characteristics:
h i i Rankorderclusteringasappliedtomanufacturing
R k d l i li d f i
g machine tool
1. Single automationis
(a) Tool design and production 2. Manual materials handling system (a)Atechniqueofidentifyingprocesssequencein
3. Computer
C controll productionofacomponent
(b) Automated design
4. Random sequencing
4 q g of p
parts to machines (b)Ajustintime(JIT)method
( ) Quick and inexpensive product change
(c) (c)Anapproachofgroupingthemachinesintocellsin
Which of the above characteristics are associated with
fl ibl manufacturing
flexible f t i system?t ? a
S syste
(d) Quality
Q li controll
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (d)Atooltogeneratebillofmaterials
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4

IES 2012 GATE 2006

A the
th processes in i the
th increasing
i i order
d off
their maximum material removal rate.
l ff Electrochemical Machining (ECM)

NTMM ( )El

(b)El t h i l
hi i

hi i
Ultrasonic Machiningg ((USM))
Electron Beam Machining (EBM)
Laser Beam Machining (LBM) and
Electric Discharge Machining (EDM)
(d)Plasmaarcmachining (b) EBM,
BySKMondal B (d) LBM,

IES 2007 IES 2009 IAS 2002

C id theh following
f ll i statements in i relation
l i to theh Which
Whi h one off theh following
f ll i statements is i correct in
i Match
M t h List
Li t I (Processes)
(P ) with
ith List
Li t II (Tolerances
(T l
unconventional machining processes: respect of unconventional machining processes? obtained) and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the Lists:
1. Different forms of energy directly applied to the (a) The cutting tool is in direct contact with the job List I List II
piece to have shape transformation or material removal (b) The tool material needs to be harder than the job (P
(Processes) ) (T l
(Tolerances obtained)
b i d)
from work surface. material A. Plasma Arc machining 1. 75 microns
2. Relative
l motion between
b the
h work k and
d the
h tooll is (c) The tool is never in contact with the job B. Laser Beam machining 2. 25 microns
essential. (d) There has to be a relative motion between the tool C. Abrasive Jet machining 3. 50 microns
3. Cutting tool is not in physical contact with work and the job D. Ultrasonic machining 4. 125 microns [C]
piece C Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3 only (a) 4 1 3 2 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only D ( ) 4
(c) 2 3 1 (d) 3 1 4 2
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 88
The machining process in which the work picce is
(a)steel Commercial ECM is carried out at a combination
dissolved into an electrolyte solution is called of
( ) low
(a) l voltage
l hi h current
(a) Electrochemical machining (c)Al2O3
((b)) low current low voltage
(b) Ultrasonic machining (c) high current high voltage
(c) Electrodischarge machining (d) low
l current low
l voltage
(d) Laser machining

l GATE2008(PI)
IAS2011 Main 3/minfromanironworkpiece,
U i ECM / i f i k i In an electro chemical machining (ECM) operation, a
What is the principle of electroelectrochemical
chemical whatcurrentisrequired?
square hole of dimensions 5 mm x 5 mm is drilled in a
machining (ECM)? Atomicweightofiron56,density7.8g/cm3 valency,2
block of copper. The current used is 5000 A. Atomic
Wh are the
What h advantages
d and
d disadvantages
di d off weight of cupper is 63 and valency of dissolution is 1.
ECM over conventional drilling?
Faradayss constant is 96500 coulomb.
Faraday coulomb The material
Comment on the surface finish and the accuracy of
removal rate (in g/s) is
the ECM.
[20Marks] (a) 0.326 (b) 3.260 (c) 3.15 x 103 (d) 3.15 x 105

GATE 2011(PI)
( ) Example
l Example(GATE2009)
l ( )
Whil removingi material i l from
f iron
i (atomic
( i weight
i h = 56,
6 Calculate
C l l the
h material i l removall rate and d the
h Electrochemicalmachiningisperformedtoremove
El h i l hi i i f d
valency = 2 and density = 7.8 g/cc) by electrochemical electrode feed rate in the electrochemical materialfromanironsurfaceof20mmx20mmunder
machining, a metal removal rate of 2 cc/min is desired. machining of an iron surface that is 25 mm 25 mm thefollowingconditions:
The current ((in A)) required
q for achieving
g this material in crosssection usingg NaCl in water as electrolyte.
y Interelectrodegap = 0 2mm
removal rate is The gap between the tool and the workpiece is 0.25 SupplyVoltage(DC) = 12V
(a) 896.07
896 0 (b) 14.93
14 93 mm The supply voltage is 12 V DC.
mm. DC The specific
(c) 448.03 (d) 53764.29 resistance of the electrolyte is 3 c m
For iron, Valency,
l Z=2 AtomicweightofIron = 55 85
Atomic weight, A = 55.85 ValencyofIron = 2
A Faraday'sconstant = 96540Coulombs
Density, = 7860 kg / m3 3.53 mm/min
Thematerialremovalrate(ing/s)is[0 347]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 89
l GATE 2008 Example
Composition of a Nickel superalloy
super alloy is as follows: The
Th electrochemical
l h i l machininghi i off an iron
i surface
f that
h isi
A researcher conducts electrochemical machining
Ni = 70.0%, Cr = 20.0%, Fe = 5.0% and rest Titanium 25 mm 25 mm in crosssection using NaCl in water as
) on a binary
b alloy
ll (density
(d 6000 kg/m
k 3) of
f iron
Calculate rate of dissolution if the area of the tool is 1500 electrolyte. The gap between the tool and the workpiece
mm2 and a current of 1000 A is being passed through the (atomic weight 56,
56 valency 2) and metal P (atomic is 0.255 mm. The supply
pp y voltage
g is 12 V DC. The specific
cell. Assume dissolution to take place at lowest valancy resistance of the electrolyte is 3 cm.
off the
th elements.
l t weight 24, valency 4). Faraday
Faraday'ss constant = 96500 Estimate the electrolyte
electrol te flow
flo rate.
rate Specific heat of the
coulomb/mole. Volumetric material removal rate of electrolyte is given as 0.997 cal/gC. The ambient
temperature is 35C and d the
h electrolyte
l l b l
the alloy is 50 mm3/s at a current of 2000 A. The temperature,
p is 95C.
percentage of the metal P in the alloy is closest to Density, = 7860 kg/m3

1.41 mm/min (a) 40 (b) 25 (c) 15 (d) 79 [B]

l GATE 2007(PI)
( ) GATE 2012(PI)LinkedS1
I ECM operation i off pure iron
i an equilibrium
ilib i gap off 2 Which
Whi h one off theth following
f ll i process conditions
diti In an EDM process using RC relaxation circuit, a 12 mm
mm is to be kept. Determine supply voltage, if the total g
leads to higher MRR in ECM p process? diameter throughg hole is made in a steel p plate of 550 mm
overvoltage is 2.5 V. The resistivity of the electrolyte is 50 thickness using a graphite tool and kerosene as
(a) higher current, larger atomic weight
mm and the set feed rate is 0.255 mm/min.
/ dielectric Assume discharge time to be negligible.
dielectric. negligible
(b) higher valency, lower current Machining is carried out under the following conditions:
(c) lower atomic weight,
weight lower valency R i
Resistance 40
3.73 Volt
ot ((d)) higher
g valency,
y, lower atomic weight
g Capacitance
p 20
Supply voltage 220 V
A Discharge
h voltage
l 110 V
The time for one cycle, in milliseconds, is
(a) 0.55 (b) 0.32 (c) 0.89 (d) 0.24 A

GATE 2012(PI)LinkedS2 IES 2000 GATE 2001

In an EDM process using RC relaxation circuit, a 12 mm Consider
C id the
th following
f ll i statements:
t t t InI ECM,
ECM theh material
i l removall is
i due
d to
diameter throughg hole is made in a steel p
plate of 550 mm In electrochemical grinding, ((a)) Corrosion
thickness using a graphite tool and kerosene as 1. A rubber bonded alumina grinding wheel acts as the (b) Erosion
dielectric Assume discharge time to be negligible.
dielectric. negligible cathode and the workplace
p as the anode.
( ) Fusion
(c) F i
Machining is carried out under the following conditions: 2. A copper bonded alumina grinding wheel acts as the
cathode and the work piece as the anode.
anode ((d)) Ion displacement
R i
Resistance 40
3. Metal removal takes place due to the pressure
p 20 F
li d by
b the
th grinding
i di wheel.
h l
Supply voltage 220 V 4. Metal removal takes place due to electrolysis. [D]
h voltage
l 110 V Which of these statements are correct?
Averagepowerinput(inkW)is (a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
(a)0.373 (b)0.137 (c)0.218 (d)0.500C (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and3 [B]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 90
GATE 1997 GATE 1992 GATE 1997
S l i electrolyte
l l for
f ECM is i as follows:
f ll The two main criteria for selecting the electrolyte in Inter electrode gap in ECG is controlled by
((a)) Nonpassivating
p g electrolyte
y for stock removal and
El t
h i l Machining
M hi i (ECM) is
i that
th t the
th (a) Controlling the pressure of electrolyte flow
passivating electrolyte for finish control
(b) Passivating electrolyte for stock removal and non
non electrolyte should
(b) Controlling the applied static load
passivating electrolyte for finish control ((a)) Be chemicallyy stable
(c) Selection of electrolyte is dependent on current ( ) Controlling the size of diamond particle in the wheel
de s ty
density (b) Not allow dissolution of cathode material
(d) Controlling
C lli the
h texture off the
h work
k piece
(d) Electrolyte selection is based on tool work (c) Not allow dissolution of anode material
l t d C
(d) Have high electrical conductivity

[D] Ans. (a, d)

IES 2002 IES 1997 IES2011Conventional

A i (A):
(A) In
ECM the h shape
h off the
h cavity
i isi theh Which one of the following processes does not Discuss the effects of insufficient dielectric and
mirror image of the tool, but unlike EDM, the tool
wear in ECM is less. cause tooll wear? electrolyte
l l circulation
l in the
h interelectrode
l d gap on the
Reason (R): The tool in ECM is a cathode.
cathode ( ) Ultrasonic
(a) Ul i machining
hi i Electric Discharge machining and Electro Chemical
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
(b) Electrochemical
El t h i l machining
hi i Machining process respectively. [5 Marks]
correct explanation
l off A
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee (c) Electric discharge machining
correct explanation of A
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l (d) Anode mechanical machining
(d) A is false but R is true D B

GATE 1994 IES 2012

IES 2009 Conventional Electric
El i discharge
di h machining
hi i is
i more efficient
ffi i Statement
S (I):
(I) In I Electro
El Discharge
Di h Machining
M hi i (EDM)
process than Electrochemical machining for process, tool is made cathode and work piece anode
i. What is the principle of metal removal in EDM
process? producing large noncircular holes. Statement (II): In this process if both electrodes are made of
The above statement is same material,, ggreatest erosion takes p
place upon
p anode
ii Describe
ii. D ib the
h process with
i h the
h help
h l off sketch.
k h
(a) True (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually
iii. List advantages
g and limitations of the system.
y true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of
[15marks] (b) False Statement (I)
(c) Cant say (b) Both
B th Statement
St t t (I) and
d Statement
St t t (II) are individually
i di id ll
(d) Insufficient data true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of
Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
(d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true [A]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 91
GATE 2004 GATE 2003 GATE 1999
Th mechanism
h i off material
i l removall in
i EDM AsA tooll andd workk are not in
i contact in
i EDM process In
I ElectroDischarge
El Di h Machining
M hi i (EDM),
(EDM) the
h tooll is
process is ((a)) No relative motion occurs between them made of
(a) Melting and Evaporation (b) No wear of tool occurs (a) Copper (b) High Speed Steel
(b) Melting and Corrosion ( ) No
(c) N power isi consumedd during
d i metall cutting
i (c) Cast Iron (d) Plain Carbon Steel
(c) Erosion and Cavitation ((d)) No force between tool and work occurs
(d) Cavitation and Evaporation A


GATE2010(PI) GATE 2007 GATE 2005

Keeping all other parameters unchanged, the tool In
I electro
l discharge
di h machining
hi i (EDM),
(EDM) if theh A zigzag
i cavity
i ini a block
bl k off
thermal conductivity of tool is high and the specific high strength alloy is to be
wear in electrical discharge machining (EDM) would
heat of work piece is low, then the tool wear rate finish machined. This can be
be less if the tool material has and material removal rate are expected p to be carried out by y usingg
respectively (a) Electricdischargemachining
(a) high thermal conductivity and high specific heat
(a) High and high (b) Low
Lo and lowlo (b) Electrochemicalmachining
l h l h
(b) high thermal conductivity and low specific heat (c) High and low (d) Low and high (c) Laserbeammachining
ase bea ac g
(c) low thermal conductivity and low specific heat (d) Abrasiveflowmachining
(d) low thermal conductivity and high specific heat

IES 2005 GATE 2000 GATE 2009(PI)

Whi h off theh following
f ll i is/are
i / used
d as low
l wearing
i Deep
D hole
h l drilling
d illi off small
ll diameter,
di say 0.2 mm is
tool material(s) in electric discharge machining? done with EDM by selecting the tool material as A titanium sheet of 5.0 mm thickness is cut by wire
(a) Copper and brass (a) Copper wire (b) Tungsten wire cut EDM process using a wire of 1.0 mm diameter.
(b) Aluminium and graphite (c) Brass wire (d) Tungsten carbide A uniform spark gap of 0.5 mm on both sides of the
(c) Silver tungsten and copper tungsten
ire is maintained during cutting operation.
operation If the
(d) Cast iron B
feed rate of the wire into the sheet is 20 mm/min,
C the material removal rate (in mm3/min) will be

(a) 150 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 400 [B]

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 92

GATE2010(PI) GATE 1994 IES2011
Ul i machining
hi i is
i about
b the
h best
b process for
Ultrasonic machines, used in material removal processes, USM has good machining performance for :
making holes in glass which are comparable in size
require ultrasonic transducers. The transducers works on with the thickness of the sheet. (a) Al
different working principles.
principles One of the working principles The above statement is
(b) Steel
of such ultrasonic transducers is based on (a) True
(b) False (c) Super alloys
(a) eddy current effect (b) Seebeck effect
(c) Cant say
(d) Refractory material
(c) piezoresistive effect (d) piezoelectric effect (d) Insufficient data
[D] D

GATE 1993 GATE 1992 IES 2009

In ultrasonic machining process, the material In
I Ultrasonic
Ul i Machining
M hi i (USM) the
h material
i l By
B which
hi h one off the h following
f ll i processes the
removal rate would metering holes in injector nozzles of diesel engines
removall rate will
ll be
b higher
h h for
f materials
l with
h (a) Increase can be suitably made?
( ) Higher
(a) Hi h toughness
h (b) Hi h ductility
Higher d ili (b) Decrease (a) Ultrasonic machining
(c) Increase and then decrease (b) Abrasive jet machining
( ) Lower
(c) L t
h (d) Hi h fracture
Higher f t strain
t i (c) Electron beam machining
(d) decrease and then increase
ith increasing
i i mean graini diameter
di t off the
th abrasive
b i (d) Chemical machining

IES 2006 IAS 1996

During ultrasonic machining, the metal removal is During ultrasonic machining, the metal removal is
h d by
b affected
ff d by
b the
h Writetheadvantages limitationsandapplicationsof
g yp
( ) High
(a) Hi h frequency
f eddy
dd currents ( ) Hammering
(a) H i action
i off abrasive
b i particles
i l
(b) high
hi h frequency
f sound
d waves (b) Rubbing
R bbi action
ti between
b t t l and
tool d workpiece
k i
(c) Hammering action of abrasive particles (c) High frequency sound waves

(d) Rubbing action between tool and workpiece (d) High frequency eddy currents

For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 93
GATE 2012 SameQinGATE2012(PI)
Same Q in GATE 2012 (PI) IAS2011Main
IAS2011 Main IFS2011
In abrasive jet machining, as the distance between St t th
h i f tti b b i j t Whatarethedisadvantagesofabrasivejetmachining?
the nozzle tip and the work surface increases, the
material removal rate Writesomeofitsapplications.
(a) increases continuously. AJM?Mentiontwoapplications. [5Marks]
(b) decreases continuously.
(c) decreases,
decreases becomes stable and then increases.
increases [
(d) increases, becomes stable and then decreases

GATE 1992 GATE 2011

GATE2011 GATE 2007
Match the followingg non traditional machiningg
M h the h following
f ll i components with i h the h appropriate
i processes with the corresponding material removal Matchthemostsuitablemanufacturingprocessesfor
M t hth t it bl f t i f
machining processes: mechanism: thefollowingparts.
Component Process Machiningprocess Mechanismofmaterialremoval Parts ManufacturingProcesses
(A) Square hole in a high strength alloy (1) Milling g
P.Chemicalmachining 1.Erosion P. Computerchip
p p 1. ElectrochemicalMachining g
(B) Square hole in a ceramic component (2) Drilling Q.Electro chemical 2.Corrosivereaction Q. Metalformingdiesandmoulds
(C) Blind holes in a die (3) ECM machining 2
2. UltrasonicMachining
(D) Turbine blade profile on high strength alloy(4) Jig boring R.Electro discharge 3.Iondisplacement R. Turbineblade 3. Electrodischarge
(5) EDM machining Machining[A]
h [ ]
[B] (6) USM S.Ultrasonicmachining 4.Fusionandvaporization S. Glass 4.
4 PhotochemicalMachining g
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a)P 2,Q 3,R 4,S 1(b)P 2,Q 4,R 3,S 1
Codes:P Q R S P Q R S
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 5 6 1 3
(c)P 3,Q 2,R 4,S 1(d)P 2,Q 3,R 1,S 4[A] (a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4
(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 1 2 4 3

GATE 1998 IES 2008 IES 1998,ISRO2009

Li I List
Li II Match
M h ListI
Li I withi h ListII
Li II and d select
l the
h correct answer Match
M h ListI
Li I (Machining
(M hi i process)) withi h ListII
((A)) ECM ()
(1) Plastic shear using the code given below the lists: (Associated medium) and select the correct answer
(B) EDM (2) Erosion/Brittle fracture ListI ListII using the codes given below the lists:
(Unconventional machining process) (Basic process) ListII
List ListII
List II
(C) USM ( )
(3) C
i reaction
A. Electro polishing 1. Thermal A. Ultrasonic machining 1. Kerosene
((D)) LBM (4) Melting g and vaporization
B Electrochemical
B. El h i l machining
hi i 2. M h i l
Mechanical B. EDM 2. Abrasive slurry
(5) Ion displacement [B]
C. Abrasive jjet machiningg 33. Electrochemical C ECM
C. 3
3. Vacuum
( )
(6) Plastic
l shear
h andd ion displacement
d l D. Electrical discharge machining 4. Chemical [A]
Codes:A B C D A B C D D. EBM 4. Salt solution [B]
Code:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 5 4 2 4 Code:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 2 1 4 3
( ) 4
(c) 2 1 3 ( ) 3
(d) 1 2 4 (a) 2 3 4 1 (b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 3 4 1
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 94 (c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 4 3 2 1
IES 2005 IES 2003 IES 2003
Match List I (Machining Process) with List II Match
M t h List
Li t I (Materials)
(M t i l ) with
ith List
Li t II (Machining)
(M hi i ) and d Assertion
A ti (A):
(A) Water
W t jet
j t machining
hi i uses high
hi h
(Application) and select the correct answer using the select the correct answer using the codes given below pressure and high velocity water stream which acts
code given below the Lists: the Lists: lik a saw and
like d cuts
t a narrow groove in
i the
th material.
t i l
List I List II List I List II
A EDM 1.
A. 1 Holes & cavities in hard & brittle materials Reason (R): The force required for cutting is
i l ) (M hi i )
(Machining) generated from sudden change in the momentum
B. LBM 2. Microdrilling & microwelding of
materials A. Machining of conducting materials 1. ECM of the water stream.
C. USM 3. Shaping of hard metals or reshaping of B. Ruby rod 2. EDM (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
cemented carbide tools C. Electrolyte 3. USM correct
co ect eexplanation
p a at o oof A
D. ECM 4. Shaping of cemented carbide dies and D. Abrasive slurry [D] 4. LBM (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
punches [C]
Codes:A B C D A B C D correct explanation of A
Codes:A B C D A B C D
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 4 (a) 4 2 1 3 (b) 4 2 3 1 (c) A is true but R is false
(c) 4 2 1 3 (d) 3 1 2 4 ( ) 2
(c) 4 3 1 (d) 2 4 1 3 ( ) A is false but R is true
(d) [ ]

IAS 2002 IAS 1999 IES 2004

Whi h one off the h following
f ll i pairs
i isi NOT correctly l Match
M h List
Li I (Unconventional
(U i l machining
hi i process)) with
ih Match
M t h List
Li t I (Machining
(M hi i processes)) withith List
Li t II
matched? List II (Typical application) and select the correct (Operating media) and select the correct answer using
answer using the
h codes
d given below
b l the
h lists:
l the codes given below the Lists:
(Unconventional (Application) List I List II
List I List II
machining method) A Abrasive
A. Ab i jet j machining
hi i 1. Di l
A. Electro discharge machining 1. Drilling micro holes in
(a) Electric discharge : Machining of electrically very hard metals B. Electron beam machining 2. Electrolyte
conductive materials C. Electrochemical machining 3. Abrasive slurry
B. Electro chemical machining 2. Drilling holes in glass
(b) Laser beam : Micromachining D. Electro
discharge machining 4. Vacuum
C. Ultrasonic machining 3. Die sinking [ ]
(c) Plasma arc : Faster cutting of hard materials 5. Air [A]
D. Laser beam machining g 4 4. Machining g contours Codes:A B C D A B C D
(d) Electron beam : Faster metal removal rate Codes:A B C D A B C D (a) 5 4 2 1 (b) 4 5 2 1
[D] (a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 3 4 1 2 ( ) 4
(c) 2 3 5 (d) 2 5 3 4
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 3 4 2 1

IES 1999 GATE 2004

M t h ListI
Li t I with
ith ListII
Li t II andd select
l t theth correctt answer Typical
T i l machining
hi i operations
ti are to
t be
b performed
f d on hard
h d
using the codes given below the Lists: tomachine materials by using the processes listed below.
Choose the best set of Operation
Process combinations
Li I
ListI Li II
Operation Process
A. Die sinking
B. Debarring
1. Abrasive jet machining
2. Laser beam machining
g ((thin materials)) 33. EDM
C. Fine hole drilling
P. Debarring (internal surface) 1.
Q. Die sinking
R Fine hole drilling in thin sheets 3.
Plasma Arc Machining
Abrasive Flow Machining
3 Electric Discharge
D. Cutting/sharpening hard materials [C] Machining
4 Ultrasonic machining
4. S
S. Tool sharpening 4
4. Ultrasonic Machining
5. Electrochemical grinding 5. Laser beam Machining
C d A
Code:A B C D A B C D 6
6. Electrochemical Grinding
(a) 3 5 4 1 (b) 2 4 1 3 (a) P1 Q5 R3 S4 (b) P1 Q4 R1 S2
(c) 3 1 2 5 (d) 4 5 1 3 ( ) P5
(c) P Q1
Q R2
R S6
S6 (d) P Q3
P2 Q R5
R S6S6 [D]
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 95 BySKMondal
IES 2007 GATE 2005 GATE 2001
A di to the
h principle
i i l off location
l i in
i jigs
ji and
d When
Wh 321 principle
i i l is
i used
d to support and
d locate
l a 321 method
h d off location
l i in
i a jig
ji or fixture
fi would
fixtures, how many degrees of freedom are to be three dimensional workpiece during machining, collectively restrict the workpiece in n degrees of
eliminated to have a body fixed in space? the number of degrees of freedom that are freedom, where the value of n is
(a) 3 restricted is (a) 6
(b) 4 (a) 7 (b) 8
(c) 5 (b) 8 (c) 9
(d) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
(d) 10

IES2011 IES 1999

Inthe321principleoffixture3referstonumberof Assertion
A i (A):
(A) Spherical
S h i l washers h are used
d to locate
l IFS2011
: the job in the fixtures.
What are the functions of jig ? Draw a jig to machine
(a)Setupspossible Reason (R): 321 principle should be adopted to
locate the job.
job four holes in a p
plate. What are two reasons for not
i d
( )
p y (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the having drill bushings actually touching the workpiece
correct explanation
l off A ? What is a duplex fixture ?
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee
correct explanation of A [10marks]
s. (d) oca o s o p a y ace o pos o s o
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l
(d) A is false but R is true D

IES 1998,1999 IES 2009 IES 1995

Di d pin
i location
l i isi used d in
i a fixture
fi because
b A lever
l having
h i two
t precisely
i l drilled
d ill d holes,
h l one
If the diameter of the hole is subject to considerable
((a)) It does not wear out smaller than the other, has to be located in a fixture
i h d
hardenedd and d ground d plugs
l f
for f th
further variation, then
h for
f locating
l in jigs and
d fixtures,
f the
(b) It takes care of any variation in centre distance machining in relation to the holes. Select the
between two holes correctt method
th d off locating
l ti the
th lever
l f
from th given
the i pressure type of locator used is
(c) It is easy to clamp the part on diamond pins alternatives.
(a) Conical locator
(d) It is easy to manufacture (a) Using two hardened and ground plugs, the smaller
one having flats machined on each side (b) Cylindrical locator
(b) Using two hardened and ground plugs
B (c) Using one hardened and ground plug and one V (c) Diamond pin locator
((d)) Vee locator A
(d) Using
U i two
t Vblocks
V bl k A
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 96
IES 2005 IES 2000
M t h List
Li t I (An
(A Element
El t off Jigs
Ji and d Fixtures)
Fi t ) with
ith List
Li t IES2011 Match List I (Components used in jigs and fixtures) with List II
(Their functions) and select the correct answer using the codes
II (Associating System) and select the correct answer given below the Lists:
using the code given below the Lists: With the help of a neat sketch,
sketch explain the working of
List I List II
List I List II
the diamond p
pin locator. A. JJack ppin 1. To g guide the drill bit during
g machining g
A Bush
B h 1. Milli fixture
Milling fi B. Vlocator 2. For easy removal of the work piece from the
B. Setting block 2. Turning fixture [5marks] jjig or fixture after the machining operation
C. Diamond pin 3. Radial location is over
D. VVblock
block 4. Cylindrical location C. Bushes 3. To locate the circular or
semicircular objects in a jig or fixture
5. Drill jigs [C]
D. Ejectors 4. To locate work piece whose dimensions are
Codes:A B C D A B C D
subject to variations [B]
(a) 5 4 3 1 (b) 3 1 2 4 Code: A B C D A B C D
( ) 5
(c) 1 3 4 (d) 3 4 2 1 (a) 3 4 1 2 (b) 4 3 1 2
(c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 4 3 2 1

IES 1995 IES 2005 IES 1996

Match List I with List Ii and select the correct answer using the Which
Whi h one off the h following
f ll i is
i the
h most significant
i ifi Assertion
A i (A):
(A) A workpiece
k i with
i h rough
h unmachined
hi d
codes given below the lists:
List I (Task) List II (Recommendation) property to be considered in the selection of surface can be located in a jig or fixture on three
A. Three components in a straight 1. Clamp with a material for the manufacture of locating pins and supporting points.
floating pad.
line should worked in one loading drill jjig
g buses used in jjigs
g and fixtures? Reason (R): Indexing is made accurate by
(a) Wearresistance (b) Elasticity supporting on three points.
B. Unloading g of clamp
p element from jjig
g is essential
2. Quick action nut ( ) Shearstrength
(c) Sh h (d) Tensilestrength
l h ( ) Both
(a) h A and d R are individually
d d ll true and d R is the
C. Clamping of rough surfaces 3. Cam clamp correct explanation of A
D. Need
d for
f heavy
h clamping
l f
force 4. Equalising
l clamp
5. Strap clamp [D] A (b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
Code: A B C D A B C D correct explanation of A
(a) 5 2 3 4 (b) 4 2 1 5
(c) A is true but R is false
(c) 1 4 2 3 (d) 4 1 5 3
(d) A is false but R is true C

IES 1996 IES 1993 GATE 2009(PI)

( )
Match the following:
C id theh following
f ll i statements: The
Th floating
fl i position
ii off the
h holding
h ldi fixture
fi in
i a
rotary transfer device is used to Device Function
The cutter setting
g block in a millingg fixture
(a) Improve the accuracy of location P. Jig 1. Helps to place the workpiece in the same
1. Sets the cutting tool with respect of two of its surfaces.
position cycle
p y after cycle
2. Limits
Li i theh totall travell required
i d byb theh cutter during
d i (b) Reduce the tendency to over index
Q. Fixture 2. Holds the workpiece only
machining. (c) Reduce the cycle time
R. Clamp
R Cl 3. Holds
H ld andd positions
ii the
h workpiece
k i
3. Takes location from the location scheme of the (d) Improve upon the acceleration and deceleration
component characteristics S. Locator 4
4. Holds and p positions the workpiece
p and
guides the cutting tool during a machining
(a) 1,2 and 3 are correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct D
(a) P1, Q3, R1, S2 (b) P1, Q2, R3, S4
(c) P1, Q4, R3, S2 (d) P4, Q3, R2, S1 D
For-2013 (IES, GATE & PSUs) Page 97

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