Materials Management in Sap Basic Guide To Key Users PDF

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ERP MM End User Guide

ERP MM End User Guide




Version : 2.0





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ERP MM End User Guide

BSNL ERP MM End Users Guide

Contents Page No.
1. MM Module Structure ..3
2. BSNL Procurement Process in SAP.6
3. MM Documents Workflow/Release-Approval (SAP Work Place) Process...9
4. Purchase Requisition.13
5. Contract /APO.16
6. Purchase Order ..21
7. Service Entry Sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 27
8. Goods Receipt (MIGO)........................................................................................................................................ 32
9. Reservation and Goods Issue 36
10. Transfer of Material with in Plants ..39
11. Intra and Inter Company Transfer of Materials .42
12. Printouts of MM Documents .43
13. MM Module Reports ..47
14. Sub Contracting /Card Repairing Process and Gate Pass .51
15. Inventory Analysis and Inventory Scrapping ..59
15. MM Roles and authorization68

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Chapter -1 MM Module Structure

ERP Material Management Organization Structure


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Telecom Circle Telecom Project Telecom Factory Maintenance Training Centre

Company (26) Company Company (7) Region Company (6)
Circle (4) Company (4)


(Plant) (Plant) (Plant) (Stores / Deptt.) (Plant) (Stores / Deptt.)


(Stores/Deptt.) (Stores /Deptt.) (Stores / Deptt.)

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ERP MM End User Guide
MM Terminology

Company Code :-
Financial reporting (Balance Sheet/ Profit & Loss Accounts) are prepared at company code level. In BSNL all the telecom circl es, project circles,
maintenance regions etc. have been designated as a company code.
A plant is an organizational logistics unit that structures the enterprise from the perspective of procurement, material plan ning, production and
plant maintenance. Each plant is assigned to a company code. One company code can have several plants. A plant can be assigned to only one
company code. In BSNL, inventory valuation is done at plant level.
Storage Location:-
The storage location is an organizational unit where either inventory management on quantity basis or verification of services is carried out
within a plant. A storage location is assigned to a plant. A plant may cover several storage locations. A storage location can be assigned to only
one plant.
Purchase Organization:-
A Purchasing Organization is an organization level that negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors for one or more plants. BSNL has both
centralized and decentralized purchasing organization.
Purchase Group:-
A Purchase Group is the key for a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain category of procurement activities. Purchase Groups will be
defined at a combination of departments (Telecom, Civil, Electrical, Marketing, Administration and Finance) and locations (Co rporate, Factories,
Circles, SSA, Projects, Telecom Regions and Training Centres)

Master Data Maintenance:-

Material Master
Material master is used in all material procurement processes. The creation of new material codes is handled by the Master Data Management
(MDM) Cell. When a Material Creation Request is received by the MDM Cell, it makes a duplicate check and, if valid, creates the material code in
the System.
Service Master
Service Masters are used to standardize externally procured services. At present Civil, Electrical service master are availab le in PRD/QAS system.

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Chapter-2 BSNL Procurement Process in SAP: Material and Service Purchase Process in BSNL:-
In BSNL, we procure the materials and services from external vendors for our day to day activities. Different scenarios of procurement are
as follows:

Capital /Maintenance Works Special Works such as House-keeping,

Security, Legal Fees, Pest Control etc.

Services Material Without Note- With Note-

sheet approval sheet approval
PR PM/PS Directly
Module From PO/ APO
From PM
PM Order
or or
or Di
Di rectl
rectl yy
Vendor Manual/ Vendor
Directly PO/ APO
selectio /RFQ/ selection SES
n E tendering




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Payment through MM Process-
For payment through MM Process bare minimum documents required in ERP are: Purchase Order, MIGO (Goods Receipt Note) or
Service Entry Sheet.

Vendor Payment once approved in note-sheet can be realized through ERP by Purchase Order and Service entry sheet/ Goods Receipt
through MIGO route in the following way:
a. Create a Purchase order by T-Code me21n. Data required for creating a PO is Vendor Code, GL Code and Cost Centre along with
Purchase Organization, Purchase Group, Company Code, Plant, Storage Location, Account Assignment, tax code and Item
Category. All these data can be searched and help of account personnel may be taken for clarification.
b. Purchase order once created is stored in the inbox, SAP Business Workplace, of the initiator and can be forwarded to the next
higher authority through the workflow by writing the user ids of the reviewer and Final Approver.
c. After approval of P.O., a Service Entry Sheet is created by T-code ML81n against the P.O. in order to measure the services marked
in the P.O. In case the Purchase Order is for procurement of Material, then Goods Receipt is to be done with the help of T -code
d. Service Entry sheet once created is stored in the inbox, SAP Business Workplace, of the initiator and can be forwarded to the next
higher authority through the workflow by writing the user ids of the reviewer and Final Approver. There is no workflow for MIGO
e. The original vendor invoice is forwarded to Finance section for payment either with copies of PO and material document/SES
or mentioning ERP system generated PO no. and SES/Material document no. in sanction memo as per their requirement. AO
(Claims) in Finance section run the T-code MIRO, Invoice verification, and create liability. The created liability is forwarded to
competent authority through workflow for release of payment block and subsequent payment by Central Settlement Cell (CSS).

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1. Purchase Process as per BSNL Procurement Manual

The MM or Planning Cell compiles all the requirement of material /services to be procured and get the sanction of competent authority
through Purchase Requisition process. The appropriate vendor, meeting technical specifications is decided by manual tendering/ E
tendering process. An Advanced Purchase Order (APO) is placed to the vendor /vendors for submission of Bank Guarantee and signing of
legal contract. Once a contract is in place, purchase orders (work order) can be issued by competent executives during the validity of

However if a contract is not available/required, direct Purchase order can also be placed to the vendor based on
finalization of manual/e-tendering process.

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Chapter 3. MM Documents Workflow/Release-Approval (SAP Work Place) Process

MM Documents PR/APO/PO/SES are subject to release/Approval process in ERP. There are generally two releases R1 and R2. R2 R elease
is used for final approval of the document by the competent authority.

Once PR/APO/PO is created, it is stored in the inbox in SAP Business Workplace of the initiator and can be accessed by clicking the
PR/APO/PO entry in the inbox.

Go to the main screen, click on SBWP icon.

Click on this Icon

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Go to the INBOX

Click on this Inbox.

On opening inbox the APO/ PO/ SES workflow pending at the user end is visible .
The below screen appears.

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4. Ini tiator can view the PO by cli cking Display Tab

6. Wri te the id of the reviewer

in Forward To Tab

10. Wri te the user i d of the ini tiator

to return ba ck the document

5. Contents of the
PO can be changed by 7. Wri te the id of the Final
cli cking Change Tab approver in the Final Release Tab
9. Press initiate button to forwa rd
the document to reviewer

8. Any notes tha t a re the part of approval

process can be wri tten in the Review window

Steps for Releasing/ approving PO in a workflow:

1. Click the SAP Business Workplace .

2. Click the inbox
3. Click the entry containing the PO number to be released/ approved.
4. PO can be displayed by pressing Display Ta
5. Write the user id of the Reviewer in the Forward To tab.
6. Write the user id of the Final Approver in Final Release By Tab
7. Write any notes/ comments that are the part of the approval process in the Review window. Notes once written cannot be edited.
8. Press the initiate button to forward the document to reviewer. The document will now flow to the inbox of the reviewer and can
be accessed by clicking on it. Steps 4 to 8 are same for reviewer.

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9. If the reviewer thinks that there is something wrong in PO, then he can return back the PO document to the initiator by writing the

user id of the initiator in the Return To Tab and pressing the Tab. Any comments/notes can be written in the Review Tab
(Step 8).
10. If everything is OK, then the reviewer will write the user id of the final approver in the Forward To Tab and along with its

comments in Review window will press the tab. The PO document will now flows to the inbox of the Final approver.
11. If the Final approver thinks that there is something wrong in PO, then he can return back the PO document to the initiator by
writing the user id of the initiator in the Return To Tab. Any comments/notes can be written in the Review Tab (Step 8).

12. If everything is OK, then the Final approver will write its comments in the Review window and press the Green Flag . On
pressing the green flag, the PO document is said to be approved/ final released thereby completing PO process.

11. Write the user id of

Final approver

12. Write the user id of the 13. Final approver will click the Green Flag to
initiator to return back the Approve/ Final Release the document

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Chapter 4. Purchase Requisition

A requisition defines the need for a material or service. It is the primary document in the purchasing cycle. Purchase Requisition for
services will be used to procure external services. The requisition is assigned a PR number which is subject to release/appro val through a
workflow process. Only after approval the requisition is available for further processing.

Requisition is analogous to estimate in tendering process. Purchase Order can be created with respect to approved Purchase Re quisition.

Write T-code me51n Create Purchase Requisition in title Bar and press enter. Below screen appears.

1. Select document type-

Service Requisition

2. Wri te Description of the

Requisition i n Header Note.

Steps for creating Purchase Requisitions:

1. Write PR Type. Select from dropdown. (a) need base requisition , (b) Service Requisition
2. Write Description of the Requisition in Header Note. The header note will be displayed in the print preview of PR.
3. Write Account Assignment as K (Cost center)
4. Write Item category as D (Service) in case of service procurement or leave it blank in case of procurement of material

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5. Write material Code in case material is to be procured
6. Write Description of item in Short Text and PO Quantity
7. Write material Group Code
8. Write Plant Code, 1002 in case of BSNL CO
9. Write
a. Purchase Organization 2000
b. Purchase Group 010, A10, I10, M10 in case of BSNL CO
9(a) Wri te Purchase
5.Wri te 6 . Wri te description of item 7. Wri te Organization
material code in Short Text Material Group
9(b) Wri te
Purchase Group 11. Wri te
Tracking No.

3 . Wri te Account 8. Wri te

4 . Wri te item category Maintain Quantity 10. Wri te
Assignment as K
D In case of Servi ce and Unit
Plant Code
Requisitioner name
Blank i n case of ma terial

12. Ma intain
servi ces 16. Wri te Rate of the
Service to be procured

13 . Wri te description of 17. Wri te

item i n Short Text G/L Account
15. Wri te
14. Wri te Unit
18. Wri te Cost

10. Write Requisitioner name

11. Write Tracking No. and press enter

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12. System will ask for maintaining Services in Item data Tab of the Create Purchase Requisition
13. Maintain services in Short Text. Short Text should be within 40 characters.
14. Write Quantity to be procured
15. Write the unit
16. Write the Gross price and press enter.
17. System will ask for G/L Account and Cost center. Write the appropriate G/L Account and Cost center and press enter.

18. Once all the required fields are filled completely then select the Icon Check at the top of the screen.

19. If system does not display any error message then we can save the document by clicking on the Save button . and a
Requisition number is generated at the bottom of the screen.
20. Saved requisition can be viewed by T-Code me53n
21. Saved PRs can be changed by T-Code me52n
22. Purchase Requisition once created is complete only when it is Released by the Final Release authority and for approving/ releasing
the Purchase Requisition, there is a well defined workflow.

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Chapter 5. Contract /APO

A contract establishes a long-term agreement with a vendor to supply a material or service. Contracts may either be value contracts or
quantity contracts. Value contracts have a ceiling that is a monetary amount that should not be exceeded. A quantity contact specifies a
ceiling of goods or services that the vendor will provide to us.

Steps for creating contact in SAP

1. Use T Code ME31K

2. Click on Reference to PReq

3. Enter the Proper PReq

2. In the Create Contract: Initial Screen, Select the Reference to the PReq
3. Enter Proper PR no. and press enter. A new screen appears
4. In new screen write the Vendor Code.

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5. Write the Agreement Type. (It is automatically picked from the Purchase Requisition)
6. Write Purchase Organisation
7. Write Purchase Group and press enter

8. Enter the
validity end date

4. Write the Vendor Code

5. Write the Agreement Type 9. Enter

target value
6. Write Purchase Organisation

7. Write Purchase Group

10. Enter BSNL APO No.

8. Write the Validity end period

9. Write the Target Value
10. Write BSNL File no. /legacy no. and press enter. A new screen Create Contract: Overview: Reference Document Items appears
11. Select the Line Item
12. Enter the Storage Location
13. Click on Adopt. A new screen Create Contract Item 00010 appears
14. Write Tax code. A new screen Create Contract : Item Overview appears.

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12. Enter the storage

11. Select the line item 13. Click on Adopt

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14. Enter tax Code

15. Click on services button

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15. Click on services button. A new screen Service Specifications : Contract Specs for Item Maintain appears
16. Items maintained in the PR will be populated.
17. Press <Save>icon , contract will be created and contract number will be displayed.

16. Items maintained in the PR will be populated

18. APO can be viewed by T code ME33K.

19. If any change is required it can be changed by T-Code ME32K

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Chapter 6: Purchase order
1. Write T-code me21n Create Purchase Order in title Bar and press enter. Below screen appears.

7. Press Execute Tab

2. Select the Order Type

5. Wri te Purchase

3. Cl i ck on Document Overview

4. Cl i ck on Selection Variant and

select Purchase Requisitions
6. Wri te the PR number in
Purchasing Document Ta b

2. Select the Order Type.

3. Click on the Document Overview On button .
4. Click on the Selection Variant and select Purchase Requisition . The above screen appears.
5. Write Purchase Organization.
6. Write Purchasing Document number. (In this case PR number)

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7. Press execute Tab.

8. PRs will be displayed in "Document Overview window"

9. Select the PR and press the adopt button or drag and drop the required PR to the basket
10. All the relevant details maintained in the PR will automatically populate to Purchase Order.

12. Press Check i con

9. Select PR press adopt button
or drag & drop PR in Basket

8. PR will be displa yed

11. If any detail is not maintained in the PR, then it is to be entered manually in the PO.

12. Once all the required fields are filled completely then select the Icon Check at the top of the screen.

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13. If system does not display any error message then we can save the document by clicking on the Save button . and a Purchase Order
number is generated at the bottom of the screen.
Creation of Purchase Order directly without any reference to PR or RFQ
1. Write T-code me21n Create Purchase Order in title Bar and press enter. Below screen appears.

1. Select Order type from dropdown

Need Based Order
Service Order

2 . Write Vendor Code

3 . Write
Purchase Organization as 2000
Purchase Group as A10, I10, M10, 010
Company Code as 1010 in case of C. Office
6. Wri te material code (onl y
in case of procurement of

7 . Write description of item in

Short Text and PO Quantity

8 . Write Material group Code

5 . Write item category
D In case of Service
9 . Write Plant Code
Blank in case of material 1002 in case of Corporate office
10 . Write Storage
Location Code
4 . Write
Assignment as K

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Steps for creating Purchase Order:

1. Write Order Type. Select from dropdown. (a) need base d order , (b) Service order
2. Write vendor code and press enter. In case vendor is not created in the system, then it is to be created in order to proceed further.
3. In Org. Data Tab, write the
(a) Purchase Organization 2000
(b) Purchase Group 030/040/C30/C40/E30 etc.
(c) Company Code 1024 in case of MH
4. Write Account Assignment as K (Cost center) for Service Oder otherwise in case of material PO leave it blank.
5. Write Item category as D (Service) in case of service procurement or leave it blank in case of procurement of material
6. Write material code (only in case of procurement of material)
7. Write Description of item in Short Text and PO Quantity
8. Write material Group Code
9. Write Plant Code, 1002 in case of BSNL CO
10. Write Storage Location press enter.
System will ask for maintaining Services in Item data Tab
11. Maintain services in Short Text.
12. Write Quantity to be procured
13. Write the unit
14. Write the Gross price and press enter.
15. System will ask for Tax Code in Invoice data Tab. Write the appropriate tax code and press enter.
16. System will ask for G/L Account and Cost center. Write the appropriate G/L Account and Cost center and press enter.

Note:- In case of procurement of material, system will not ask for maintaining services (Sr. No. 11 to 14) in Item data tab.

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11 . Maintain services in 14. Wri te Gross Price

short text 12. Wri te Quantity

13. Wri te Unit

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15. Wri te Tax Code

16. Wri te the

(a ) GL Account
(b) Cost Center

Once all the required fields are filled completely then select the Icon Check at the top of the screen.

If system does not display any error message then we can save the document by clicking on the Save button . and a Purchase Order
number is generated at the bottom of the screen.
Saved POs can be changed and viewed by entering T-Code me22n and me23n respectively and clicking "other purchase order
icon . The below screen appears. Write the saved PO number and press other document to change or view the PO.

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PO once created is complete only when it is Released by the Final Release authority and for releasing/ approving the PO, there is a well
defined workflow.

Chapter 7. Service Entry Sheet

After approval of P.O., a Service Entry Sheet is created by T-code ML81n against the P.O. in order to measure the services performed by
the vendor as per the P.O. The service entry sheet is a list of all planned services that have actually been performed. It is the abstract of
the measurement book. The actual payment to vendor will be made in accordance with the duly approved Service Entry Sheet.

Create Service Entry Sheet - T code ml81n Press Enter

1. Click on Other Purchase Order

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1. Click on the Other Purchase Order button and enter the PO number in the following window and press Enter.

2. Click on the Create Entry Sheet icon and type short text in the short text field

2. Click on Create
Service Entry sheet

2. Write the Description of the

SES in the short text field

3. Write the Storage Location in the Stor. Location Tab

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3. Write the Storage Location

4. Press the Service Sel. tab

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4. Click on the Service Selection Tab at the bottom of the screen and type the Service Purchase Order number in
the Service Selection window and press enter.

4. Wri te Service
Purchase Order number

5. Select the line of services to be performed.

6. Cl i ck on Adopt Services

5. Select the Line of Services

6. Click on Adopt Service Tab.

7. Services will be fetched on main screen

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7. Services will be fetched

to main s creen

8. Save the Document by clicking on the Save button .and a document will be stored in the inbox of the SES creator (initiator), which
will further go for workflow approval.
9. Workflow approval for SES is same as mentioned for PO workflow approval.
10. Approved Service Entry sheet along with the vendor invoice will be forwarded to Finance section for payment. Finance section will run
the T-code MIRO, Invoice verification, and verify the vendor invoice against the Service Entry Sheet. In case, the invoices match, the same may
be saved and is forwarded to competent authority through workflow for release of payment block and subsequent payment.

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Chapter 8. Goods Receipt (MIGO)

MIGO is used to receive the Goods in Storage Location/ Inventory against the Purchase Order.
Write T-code migo Goods Receipt in title Bar and press enter. Below screen appears.

Steps involved in MIGO

1. Select Goods Receipt against Purchase Order.
2. Write the movement type 101

3. Write the Purchase Order No. and execute it by pressing tab

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1. Select Goods Receipt

agains t Purchase Order

2.Wri te the
Movement Type 101

3. Wri te the PO number

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7. Press Post to pos t

the document.

6. Press check to check

the document for error

4. Wri te the Quantity

in Delivery note

4. Write the Quantity in Delivery note

5. Check item Ok.
6. Press Check at the top of the screen. The system shows a message "Document is OK"
7. Press Post. System shows the message "Material Document 5000021480 is posted" and the quantity mentioned in the delivery note will
be credited to the inventory.

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5. Check item OK

8. Material Document along with the vendor invoice will be forwarded to Finance section for payment. Finance section will run the T-code
MIRO, Invoice verification, and verify the vendor invoice against the Material Document. In case, the invoices match, the same may be saved and
is forwarded to competent authority through workflow for release of payment block and subsequent payment.

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Chapter 9 . Reservation and Goods Issue

Reservation (MB21)
Reservation is used as a request for transfer of material from main store to a storage location/cost centre.

1. Create reservation using T Code MB21. Movement type 913 is to be used for request for transfer of material from main store while
movement type 201 is to be used for consumption.

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2. Fill the material codes, Quantity and donor SLOC. Save the document, reservation no is created.

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Goods Issue (MIGO)

Good issue is made against reservation. The material will be issued by in charge of store with T code MIGO and selecting Good Issue against
reservation. Reservation no. is entered. The material document is checked and posted.

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Chapter 10. Transfer of Material with in plants

1. Receiving SLOC will Create reservation MB21 with movement type 913
2. Donors SLOC will open MIGO screen select Transfer posting against reservation, enter reservation no. and movement type 913. Check
and post the material document.

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3. At the receiving storage location, Open MIGO Screen selects Place in storage and enter material document no. Check and post the

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Change of stocks - Transfer Postings

I. Unrestricted Stock to Project stock
MIGO (Transfer posting & R10 Other) Mom. Type-412Q
II . Project stock to unrestricted stock
MIGO (Transfer posting & R10 Other) Mom. Type-411Q
III. Single step transfer posting ( where locations are nearby)
MIGO (Transfer posting &R10 other) Mom. Type-311

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Chapter11. Intra and Inter Company transfer of Materials

i) Transfer of material within Company ( From CTSD to SSA or SSA to SSA )

1. Create and release PR (ZSTR / ZSDR) by receiving Plant (ME51N )
2. Create and release STO (Stock transfer Order) (ME21N) by receiving Plant.
3. The donor(issuing) plant will Create Out Bound Delivery in reference to PO (VL10B)
4. Donor ( issuing plant) Pick up quantity /enter Sloc and Post Goods Issue (VL02N)
5. Create Excise invoice (J1IJ) - Select RG23D from header delivery- fill OBD no
6. Receive Goods in SSA (MIGO) against Out Bound Delivery

ii) Stock Transfer-Circle A to Circle B (Inter Company) (Across Company codes)

1. Create and release PR (ZSTR / ZSDR) (ME51N & ME54N) by circle B ( Receiving circle)
2. Create and release STO(Stock transfer Order) ME21N by circle B ( Receiving circle)
3. In issuing Circle Create Out bound delivery With reference to PO (VL10B)
4. Picking quantity and Post Goods Issue (VL02N) by In issuing Circle
5. Select Billing document (VF01)- Fill OBD no and billing type (ZIV) i.e for inter co. billing).
6. Excise in voice (J1IJ)- Select RG23D
7. Receive Goods (MIGO) at receiving Circle B against Out Bound Delivery

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Chapter12. Printout of MM Documents

Print Purchase Order

4. Press Execute

2. Wri te the PO
5. Select the check box 6. Cl i ck on Display Message/
Output Message or Trial Printout
1. Write T-Code me9f in the Title bar.
3. Wri te EF 2. Write the PO number in Document Number field.
3. Write EF in Application Field in Message Data. EF defaults
for Purchase Order.

4. Press the execute button.

5. Select the check box
6. Click on <Display Message> and/ or
<Output Message> and/ or for
taking printout of the PO.

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2. Print Service Entry Sheet

1. Write T-Code ML83 in the Title Bar

2. Wri te the SES number

6. Cl i ck on Trial
number 5. Select the check box

4. Press Execute

2. Write the SES number in Document Number field.

3. Write ES in Message Application Field in Message
Parameter. ES defaults for SES.

3. Wri te ES 4. Press the execute button.

5. Select the check box
6. Click on for taking printout of the SES.

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3. Print out of Material (MIGO) documents

Use T code MB90 to get printout of material document

Enter material document


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Select the printer

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Chapter 13 . MM Module Reports

Reservation List (MB25)

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Stock Overview (MMBE)

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Inventory Value / Ware House Stock Report (MB52)

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Purchase Requisition List ME5A

APO Reports ME3C
Purchase Order Reports
a. Purchasing orders by the Material Group ME2C
b. purchasing documents by material ME2M
Purchasing orders by Vendors (ME2L)

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Chapter 14: Subcontracting /Card repairing process, RGP and NRGP.

First Damaged card is to be brought into stock through migo against maintenance order.
(Damaged card material no. Is suffixed with D).

1. Create need based PO with ME21N fill in all the details enter the material number suffixed with R and type of service required free or
paid. and K & L are to be maintained in A and I columns of PO

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2. in material tab click on component and enter the damaged material number suffixed with D

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3. Enter the material no. suffixed with D.

4. Enter the G/L account and cost centre and then save PO

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5. Now with MB1B issue the material to the vendor for the repairing purpose

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6. Now with ZMMP_RGP01 issue the gate pass for sending material out of the company with 941 movement type.(Returnable Gate Pass)
and RGP no. will be generated.

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7. Now by MIGO receive the material from the repair vendor (subcontractor) .

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8. With code MBLB we can view the stocks available with Subcontractor (repair vendor).

9. Non returnable gate pass is created with code ZMMF_NRGP

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Chapter 15: Inventory Analysis and Scrapping

1. Code MC.6 is used for inventory analysis in a plant

2. With code ZMMP_SMO01 declare the materials as Slow moving, non-moving & obsolete and new entry can be made.

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3. Check Stocks & details on materials declared as slow-moving, non-moving & obsolete with report zmmr_sro

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4. Create internal order with code KO01.

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5. Create scrap lot reservation with code MB21with movement type 261

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6. With ZMM_ACE9 get the required documents to get the approval of the competent authority as followed in legacy process for declaring

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7. Goods Issued to reservation against internal order by MIGO

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8. With code MM03 identify the material scrap code, if not available send request to MM MDM team for creation of new scrap material.

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9. Now again create reservation with material scrap code and movement 521.

10. Scrapped material is received in store by MIGO transaction and further sold by S&D sale process.

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Chapter 16. MM Roles and authorization


The person who compile and prepare Store PR CREATION

requirement for SSA/Area, who Initiate the ME51N ZMM_PURCHASEGROUP_PR GROUP CODE
Requirement/Indents of SSA/Circle for
procurement like for MM, Admn., IT, Mktg.,
Civil, Electrical i.e. different purchase

Person who Approves the ZMM_CR_PUR_REQ_PLANT CODE

Requirement/Indents for Procurement for Through Workflow ZMM_PURCHASEGROUP_PR GROUP CODE
SSA/Circle i.e. for different purchase ZMM_RELEASE_PR_RELEASE CODE_R2
Person who prepares/initiates Purchase ZMM_PURCHASEGROUP_PR GROUP CODE

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Through Workflow ZMM_PO_CREATE_2000_PLANT CODE
Person who Approves the Purchase Order PO APPROVAL ZMM_PURCHASEGROUP_PR GROUP CODE
Person who collects Rate Quotation &
initiate the same for approval in SDCA/ ME41
SSA/ Circle/ Civil/ Electrical etc. ZMM_RFQ_RELEASE_RELEASE CODE_R1

Through Workflow ZMM_MAINTAIN_RFQ_2000_COMPANY

Person who Approves Rate Quotation RFQ APPROVAL

Person who issue Indents for Store CREATE CODE

Person who prepares and check SHEET (SES)
Measurements (MB) against a service for CREATION
his section & initiate for approval

Person who Approves Measurements( MB) SES FINAL RELEASE Through Workflow ZMM_SERVICE_REL_RELEASE CODE_R2

Person who prepares Advance Purchase CREATE APO ZMM_MAINTAIN_CR_2000_COMPANY CODE

Order for SSA/Circle & initiate the Advance

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Person who Approves the Advance ZMM_MAINTAIN_CR_2000_COMPANY CODE
Purchase Order for SSA/Circle.
Person who Verify the PBG against
Advance Purchase Order. P1 RELEASE Through Workflow (TO BE GIVEN TO FINANCE PERSON)

Person who responsible for Receipt and ZMM_STORAGELOCATION_SLOC CODE
issue of store.( One Plant to another Plant) ZMM_GOODS_ISSUE_PLANT CODE

Person who responsible for Receipt and

issue of store( One store location to another
under the same Plant)


Person who Initiates Physical Verification of CREATE DOCUMENT MI01 ZMM_CREATE_PID_PLANT CODE
Person who counts items for Physical COUNT DOCUMENT MI04 ZMM_PID_COUNT_PLANT CODE
Verification of Store.
Person who Post the Difference in inventory POST DIFFERENCE MI07 ZMM_PID_POST_PLANT CODE
after Physical Verification of Store. DOCUMENT

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Person authorized to open the MM Period ( OPENING/ CLOSING MMPV ZMM_PERIOD_CLOSE
two months current and one past month) to MM POSTING (TO BE GIVEN TO IFA or MM Person)
allow Goods movement and approve works PERIOD
(MB) Services.


Person who can view the inventory status INVENTORY MMBE, MB52, ZMM_INV_DISPLAYS
Person who can view the Purchasing PURCHASING DOC. ME5A, ZMM_PUR_LISTDISP
document status. DISPLAY ME2M,ME2L,ME3C
Person who can view the Service SERVICE DOC. ML83 ZMM_SERVICES_LIST
Documents Created. DISPLAY
To take print of documents PRINT

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ERP MM End User Guide

Your Suggestions/ feedback are most welcome to improve and make the user guide more useful for utilization of BSNL
Please send suggestions/feedback to : ,

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