Factors Determining Customer Satisfaction

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Customer Satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by company meet

or surpass customer Customer satisfaction is essentially a judgment levied by the customer

after the service has been procured and consumed. It is basically a customer. fulfilment

response. This response may include over fulfilment or under fulfillment Customer

satisfaction refers to the emotional response that people feel after making a purchase from a

company. The more positive the level of customer satisfaction, the more likely the purchaser

is to come back and buy again and to recommend that company to others who are looking for

what Satisfaction of buyer depends on the product or service performance in relation to

buyers expectations. In general, satisfaction is a person. s feelings of pleasure or

disappointment, resulting from comparing products perceived performance in relation to his

or her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the customer is

dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied. If the

performance exceeds expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted Marketers

have discovered that it is generally more profitable to maintain existing customers than to

replace them with new customers. Retaining current customers required that they be satisfied

with their purchase and use of the product. Therefore, customers.

Factors determining Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction could be related to various business aspects like marketing, product

manufacturing, technological and engineering aspects of products & services,

marketer.capability to commit on deadlines, cost, quality and performance of product,

response to customers problems, post delivery services, complaint management etc.

The above factors could be widely classified under two categories. The first category is

regarding engineering & technological aspects of product and service, quality, cost and

performance of the product and service. The second category depends on the behavior of

senior managers and other employees and all other functional activities like customer

response, maintenance services, complaint management etc.

It is practically impossible for the marketer to provide all the above features. There are

always some positive as well as negative features in product and service which will influence

level of customer satisfaction. The final opinion is the sum of overall experiences which a

customer percept.

After Sales Service

Almost all consumer durable goods need post sales servicing .After sales service is an

important aspect of a marketing transaction. Such service covers repairs, spare parts and

smooth maintenance at lower charges after the product has been sold and being used. The

need for such services arises to prevent dissatisfaction, frustration and ill will among

customers against the manufacturer. product .

Service quality dimensions and performance elements:

The helpful perceptions and attitudes of the target clients towards the quality basics presented

by the industries, leads to both attraction of new clients cheers to word-of-mouth (WOM) link

and recommendations of the continuing clients, as well as to progress of the connection of the

stable alongside its present clients by making them supplementary loyalty and devoted. In

supplementary words, Later denoting to finished ability quality perceptions, it is noticed that

a colossal body of the works (Rust 1993) is in line with (Spreng 1996) results, claiming that

finished ability quality perceptions convince WOM contact, recommendations, as well as

Loyalty. In this context, client satisfaction has been the subject of a colossal body of works

(Parasuraman et al., 1994) because of its impact on client behavioral aims and attitudes

(Anderson and Sullivan,1993(Rust, 1993); Taylor, 1992). concerning behavioral goals,

Zeithamlet al.(1996) ) counsel that favorable behavioral aims are generally in the form of

clients referrals and recommendations ,customers, enthusiasm for re-buying as well as

customers willingness to expend supplementary money alongside the specific firm or to wage

extra for the produce of this company.

Because of the present discover focuses on two aspects of behavioral aims and as a lot has

been said concerning the re-buy intention it is vital to investigate additional suggestion

feature. Referrals or recommendations embody one form of WOM contact, and denote to the

affirmative interpersonal contact concerning product and ability offered , Because of the

present discover focuses on two aspects of behavioral aims and as a lot has been said

concerning the re buy intention it is vital to investigate supplementary suggestion feature.

Referrals or recommendations embody one form of WOM contact, and denote to the

affirmative interpersonal contact concerning product and ability presented (Wheiler, 1987).

This kind of contact, nevertheless casual and unstructured, it is extremely competent and

consequently powerfully desirable as a marketing output. A lot of models describe in the

literature(McDougall 2000);(Lam et al., 2004) reveal that WOM is a consequence of client

satisfaction. Alongside these lines, the appropriate works suggests that there is a affirmative

association amid referrals and loyalty and dedication Heskettet al., 1994). Moreover, as it is

very important in the literature (e.g. Wilson,1994), because of the reduced risk that the

beneficiary as a new customer gains by the referrals, they perform as very strong motives for

buying the service, and as such they must be integrated among the most efficient and useful

marketing tools. For these reasons, it is asserted that referrals in finished are alongside the

companys vital intangible resources though, after the worth of referrals they are institute to

craft difference amid the assorted services categories. Additionally, the noted chance by the

client afterward challenged alongside buying a product a skill is a vital factor that influences

the worth and the efficiency of referrals (Murray, 1991; Roselius, 1971).

In finish, preceding studies connected to satisfaction, the volume of the people are focus on

satisfaction as the effect of the presenting of the core ability that endowed by the hotel

industry. On the supplementary hand, there is yet question as to the relation amid the rather

faithful and creative services generated finished satisfaction and their encounter on

satisfaction. This is the question that this exacting discover activities to address as it has been

clashed that the softly more important act of competitive primacy necessitates are

conceptualization of instituted thoughts like that of the scale of the services presented in the

restaurant services sector, in the form of merchandising sustain or client support.

Customer satisfaction:

Consumers are very important for every industry. Industries are more customers oriented they

have to satisfy their customers needs, the satisfied customer enhance the level of retain more

customers, which results in high sale earnings, higher efficiency and profit to the
organization. Customer satisfaction is associated with good after sales services to the

customer and financially established performance of the industries.

The component of client consideration is all that much administration arranged as most

merchandise are energetic in the meantime as administrations are experienced. To satisfy a

customer, the supplier needs to have the those services which satisfy customer needs, which

customer requires through after sales services.(Davidow, 2003) On the off chance that the

client sees an administration in a constructive manner, however evaluated less, then the client

is fulfilled, People and associations that utilization expert administrations are generally set to

pay high charges for the administrations, due to the equivocalness, significance, and danger

included. The client needs to realize that they get the obliged focus. A service firm that is able

of project a helpful image and support that image with import is likely to success (Liljander,


The customer wants to know how the service will be act and that is added to his/her

expectations. Customers have previous experiences and based on those experiences, clients

understand services to be delivered in a helpful way, which can be measured company fulfill

expectations. Most of companies fulfill customer expectations and most of is not.

Mostly clients analysis services according to industries values with which they are well-

known and those do not essentially relay to the service that is performed(Cotts, 1995), and

(Oliver,1997)It is important for the supplier to learn, to think as the customer does and be

aware of why a customer is buying specific suppliers products. This will make it easier to

perform in a way that influences the customer to purchase services from that supplier.

(Koskela, 2002)note that many managers require the intensity of understanding about how

their customers run and make their money. Often companies focus on mechanics but ignore

social relationships. Barsky (1995) notes that customer satisfaction is a feeling and can affect
the customers attitudes towards a product or a service. In a different environment, it is very

important to remember that it is the people who work together (Maister, 1997).

Attitudes are important for the supplier as there will become a strong relationship between

satisfaction and expectation.

Customer Loyalty:

(Oliver et al., 1997)defines customer loyalty as follows:

Customer loyalty is an exceedingly held loyalty to re purchase and preferred that service

again and again in the future. According to Liljander , customer satisfaction and repurchase

decision intentions create a positively connection. They discovered that it could be extra

favorable to focus on affecting customers experiences than changing their expectations in

their study set-up. (Rust, 1993) have learned client lifetime worth and the significance of

client loyalty by listening to their complaints, anticipating their setbacks, and understanding

why clients move to competitors. Clients stay faithful because of the worth they accord from

the supplier.

Customer retention way long-term an long live connection alongside a client (Cannie, 1994),

(Berger, 1998) situation that preceding this research presenting a little facts that good ability

quality and client satisfaction affirmatively alter the customers behavior. Customers, after

their have no ability setbacks have the strongest levels of loyalty intentions. On the

supplementary hand, their aims to wage extra are not extensively higher than customers who

are experiencing ability setbacks that are resolved satisfactorily.

Therefore, firms keen to enhance services, chiefly afar the wanted service-level, ought to do

so in a cost-effective manner. Firms aiming for client loyalty change their offerings to clients

to fit client demands. Produce or services are held to clients alongside minimum difficulty
and at hostile prices. Fulfilling client demands can be expensive, but its additionally

extremely vital factor. The client could additionally have to wage supplementary for best

quality ability.

Customer Expectations:

Customer expectations are thinking considering skill transport that give out as benefits or

proposition points opposite that presentation is judged. Knowing what the client expects is

the main and plausibly most vital pace in grasping good quality service.

In this Thesis we furnish a assembly for thinking considering client expectations. The

meaning and kinds of anticipated skill, that factors that encounter client expectations of skill,

and present subjects pondering client ability expectations. Different clients grasp disparate

kinds of expectations considering service. The anticipation result the hopes and wishes of

these clients ,without these hopes and wishes and they believed that they might be fulfilled,

clients ought to perhaps not buy the dating service.

Activities In After Sales Services:

According to Levitt (1983), the sale of a product is merely the onset of a seller-buyer

connection whereas the long-term connection amid the two parties is the key for long-term

prosperity influence the fact that after-sales services are frolic vital act in a firm to stable

competitive gains and to amass profits. There are a number of classifications hobbies inside

after sales services, is to uphold client uphold, product prop, and ability (Goffin, 2001) After

sales has many times confidential as a business network process, due to the fact that it has a

direct impact on the overall business performance and the competitive advantage (Egonsson,
2013) The hobbies inside a company can be endowed across alternative channels and actors,

or across several channels and actors parallel. Internet has additionally endowed at after-sales

ability channel that has made it probable for firms to have extra stroke points alongside its

client, consequently it is extremely easier to present the attention of client care. According to

(Saccani, 2007)after sales could be seen as a business, contain of multiple activities.

Profit is the affirmative degree of difference amid subsidiary revenue and subsidiary cost.

Later sales ability is measured a main basis of business efficiency as well as the main factor

of presentation evaluation of associations (Dimitriades, 2006)Accepted is the fact that profit

create positively link with after sales services is greater than that generated based on sales

and sales activities of those product display to point of sales Levitt (1983), for this reason

after sales services protected consumer loyalty, enhanced revenue based on enhanced

consumer satisfaction .

To make sure enhanced business profitability therefore, organizations are estimated to invest

on after sales services as method for enhanced word of mouth communication among

satisfied consumers, for improved consumer perception, loyalty and revenue.

After-Sales Services, Quality and Customer Perception:

After sales services have great cost inference even at this, consumers are demanding high

quality at low prices. Quality, hence is a key source of services differentiation between firms

in the market place and gives competitive advantages to organizations that are highly quality

aware(Mosota, 2013) It fuses the associations capacity to meet the particular needs and
necessities, for example, conveyance on time of precisely the right quality, bundled

legitimately, including administration to clients some time recently, amid and after a buy.

(Inghilleri 2010)Customer services, according to(Rowley, 2002), are arrangement of

exercises intended to impact the level of consumer loyalty, that is the inclination that an

administration has met the clients desire. It is additionally an agreeable execution for the

nature of administration in eatery hopes to convey to its clients, and can much of the time

disclosed concerning conveyance and accessibility of item.

From the position of an overall sales process development, after sale services plays an

important role in an organizations ability to make income and generate revenue (Selden,

2000) From that insightful, customer services should be included as part of an overall

approach to organized success. Customer service experience can change the actual perception

of customer has of the organization Micah, (2010). Services performance and client service

are closely linked in any quality programmed the greater the attention to services quality in

production, the less demand on the customer service act to correct following problems.

Additionally its typical capacities, client administration can execute as an early cautioning

framework to identify item quality issues. Client overviews measuring item execution can

likewise help spot quality control or plan challenges; and obviously identifying issues early,

then the level of satisfaction is consequently increment. So that is the reason additionally

maintained a strategic distance from humiliation and migraines. The quality of customer

service after the sale is very important as the quality of the product itself (Rust, 2000)A broad

majority of high tech firms managed to grow successfully during the recent economic

recession by developing their after sales services. In high technology area, more than any

other industry, after sales activity is very often a highly beneficial business, but has great cost

suggestion associated there to it. After-sales services include not only the customers its

management ,but also the maintenance operations perform, the extra parts planning and
logistics, and all the operations with a long-lasting effect on customers satisfaction(Viardot,

2004),(Erasmus, 2010)For firms that have marketing strategy, after sale services cannot be

measured without help of the product or services in terms of market share and profitability.

In a study of the restaurant services, show that finished satisfaction indicated that the services

sector made extra profit alongside its $9 billion after-sales than alongside its manage

$150billion to furnish delivery.

Different companies, such as Dell, Lexmark have conducted research on the needs and

loyalty of their customers regarding after-sales services. All the surveys display that although

price is important to customers, the key issues are quickness of delivery, reliability, and

availability of different menu choices and maintenance services. The beauty of after-sales

services, they can double profit margin contrast to the profitability of the goods sold,

particularly in an environment that is economically depressed like Nigeria. But this is limited

by the incapability of firms to create favorable balance between the marginal cost of

operation (implicit and explicit) and actual and or predictable marginal revenue. This work is

interested in the management of the cost implications of after sales services as factor of

quality of offer and method to customer favorable perception, loyalty and revenue and

business profitability.


(Kotler, 1997) defines ability as follows: Service is each deed or presentation that one party

can proposal to one more that is basically intangible and does not consequence in the

ownership of anything. Its creation could or could not be tied to a physical product. (Mathe

1993) define ability as follows: Service is all of the hobbies undertaken by the stable to

furnish worth in use above period, measured by increased client satisfaction alongside a
palpable product or sequence of products. Producing and ability procedures have public

characteristics, but most services are crafted at the client boundary.

After-sales services and retail management:

According to (VITASEK, 2005) After-sales services are mostly referred to as client services

activities, meaning all hobbies that prop the product-centric transaction. Furthermore, the

word after-sales services has been approached in the works below two large perspectives.

Later denoting to skill bestowing companies, after-sales services are being indulged as one

amid countless supplementary skill agents endowed by them (Oliva, 2003). The theory of

allocation services quarrels that the merchandise of explicit produce or services is to be

observed embodied in a collection of allocation services (Betancourt , 1998) As per the

specific hypothesis, these administrations escort the stock owning one of the two primary

constituents or retailing and can be attack five bunches, to be specific variety, data, area and

atmosphere and confirmation of moment item transport at the needed period and in the

needed structure From the above administrations, just the latter is being gave as an after-

deals capacity, as, time-wise, it takes after the purchasing offering collaboration. The key

four organizations, intending to in-store organizations, are skirting a supplementary or less

enduring deed in the client acquiring decision however the fifth can be seen as worth adding

fitness to customers.

While the above methods can be connected, it is clashed here that both these perspectives are

rather slender in scope because of their limitations. This contemplate, that focuses on an

oftentimes undifferentiated palpable good or ability, and grips the rising services as being of

minor meaning, leads to a cut finished worth proposition and subsequently a connection

alongside manipulated potential.

Such an method provides the most finished basis alongside sound implications encompassing,

amid others, the endowed competitive supremacy (C. Armistead , 1994)and the achieved

clients satisfaction and long-term relationships (Cespedes, 1995) Thus, in line alongside the

trusted of connection marketing, whereas firms battle to retain the relations alongside their

clientele alert, the intangible giving can be proved to be tremendously priceless as an agent of

the finished offering.

The importance of after sales service has been known by durable goods manufacturers.

Firms present durable goods are essentially offering after sales services. After sales service

not only increase competitive advantage and helps in brand positioning but also contributes

extensively in profit generation. Customers are very conscious about purchase choice, mostly

in sales services. The most important reason is to conduct this study is to evaluate the impact

of after sales services on consumer customer satisfaction.

After sales service is an important for differentiating brands somewhat it increases customer

loyalty and retention. It is recommended that firms should estimate the importance and the

strategic role that after sales services can develop market competitive positions. Previous

research in behavioral science has recommended that the time planned of service delivery

may affect customer assessment of service and as a result it may also affect customer



Services have been studied broadly since 1980s. The idea of involving service importance

and customer satisfaction has existed for a long time. This Study examine that there are

association between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability. Throughout a

couple of years, there have been studies that have instituted to develop connection amid client

satisfaction and client loyalty. Countless studies additionally develop associations amid good
skill quality, client satisfaction, client loyalty, and proficiency. (Grnroos, 1980) Finally after

sales used to express services for those customers who are very able to provide such services

(Lim, 2011). At last, after deals capacity is an approach to allow a consistent improvement of

item outline and value. Deep perceptive of afterward sales as a basis of competitive

advantage and company opportunity needs from a anticipated product centric think, in that

afterward sales is believed a vital (Lele, 1997) to customer centric view.

Many studies related to customer loyalty, customer expectation since 1990 have been

conducted in the area of consumer markets. Such studies have mostly concentrated on

relationship marketing, but only a few studies have concentrated on after sales services

creating an impact on customer satisfaction. Even nevertheless there are countless studies in

the span of services, afterward sales services and afterward sales hobbies normally have

signify a flouted span of the association works and merely an insufficient researchers have

paid attention on it. For the most portions, subjects connected to afterward sales hobbies and

afterward sales services have been given merely manipulated attention in those studies. On

the other hand, afterward sales services crafting an encounter on client satisfaction. Customer

satisfaction survey questions are not designed to measure loyalty, how the customer will

perform. In a survey by Deloitte across different industries, it was found that companies set

goals for improving customer loyalty for more advantageous and more likely to increase

growth plans than many industries that did not have such a good strategy. Most managers

concur that there is a affirmative connection amid client satisfaction and client expectation.

According to the researchers, mostly in business cases, price ranked among the most

important key factors that consumers were not satisfied with.

One of the reasons could be the difficulty to exactly and consistently measure customer

satisfaction. The customers in general fill the surveys about satisfaction level through after

sales services. There are different ways of inflating satisfaction ratings, including the
formation of questions, timing of the measurement, and the mood of the respondent. Since

customers are likely to overvalue their satisfaction in these surveys, the consistency of

satisfaction surveys as predictors of repeat purchase can be questioned.

Gap Analysis

After sales services has been used in the most companies ,which describe services that are

provided to the customer after the products have been delivered (Sigala, Rigopoulou,

Chaniotakis, 2008) Every industry should always focus to the customer perceptions and

expectations. If there is a huge difference among customer expectations and satisfaction, then

there is a gap and in observe, it does not matter whether the gap is based on facts or feelings,

but how the customers give customer expectation.

In the shoppers mind observation process it has been depict that clients perceive more serious

danger when obtaining administrations as opposed to items, more reliant on data from

individual sources, and utilize cost and physical offices as the most essential for

administration quality. Clients can be unwilling to attempt new administrations in view of the

dangers included (Cannie, 1994) Making and holding extra association with client while

utilizing each component of taking, holding and upgrading consumer loyalty is known as

client deals services administration (Armstrong, 2010). At the point when commercial

ventures offer administrations proficiently it needs to make accommodating anticipating

administrations after deal, similar to this current arranging is a piece of consumer loyalty.

After sale service has been important for every industries to battle in the market by using

such comprehensive services (Sigala et al., 2008) Mostly customers have different needs

some customers want that the services to be delivered to their target place at right time and

right place, others industries give value to customers needs and wants, then again poor after

deals administrations make negative impact on the outcomes, and customer fulfillment. Every
industries need to improve relationship with customers for increase more efficiency and to

improve their sales revenue. To provide good services, it will provide to the customers

pleasant sale service to consumer from organization. Properly planned feedback is very

important for every industry as they came to know that what customer needs from us. And

also know about what type of changes industries should bring into the services, so that they

give more value to the customers. hence, services given to consumer after sale are more

important to satisfy consumer needs, after sale service is very important for industries to

retain customers for a long time period and generate high advantageous relationship with


Many researchers agree that industries can achieve more than their revenue due to after sale

service if they provide to customer during a life cycle of a product. therefore, efficiency and

sales revenue increases and generate profit may be more than product sale (Alexander, 2002)

After above all discover, Most of the industries are not aware relating to the after-sales ability

factors and its encounter towards the client satisfaction. Dissatisfied clients will coil to

competitors who can proposal larger afterward sales services.

I recognize the gap that can reason, setbacks in ability transport that client anticipate extra to

the company. This Gap is amid client expectations. The intention of this thesis is to

concentrating on client satisfaction and client anticipation across afterward sales services.

This ideal helps to enhance afterward sales services.

However, most of the industries are not aware about the after sales service characteristics and

its impact towards the client satisfaction. Disappointed customers will turn to competitors just

for want better after-sales services.

Electronic Home appliances

1. Mixer Grinder
2. Gas Induction
3. Microwave Oven
4. Others (Refrigerator, Air conditioner, Water purifier)

Mixer Grinder-

Now a day people are becoming health conscious and they adopting method to keep

healthy and fit. Many people prefer to take a glass of fresh juice in the morning after

workout session or a long walk. Healthy juices are great sources of minerals and

vitamins. And it helps the body in fighting against diseases by improving immunity

power. The interesting fact is that people are having processed and packaged juices.

They think that they drinks pure juices, but there are certain amount of added colors,

preservative and flavors in them for sure. Therefore it is best to buy a juicer mixer

grinder for your home to drink fresh juices as and when required.

It is very good idea to buy a juicer for home and it is a good investment as well. Today there

are new technologies used by many companies that manufacture juicers of different kinds. To

buy a juicer, you must understand what your exact requirements are. Now a day juicer also

comes in complete set of mixer, grinder and juicer. With the advance technologies that are

applied in the juicer, the best results are derived from them. In fact now a day juicers have

become necessary part of kitchens in many people's home as juicers are great sources of

maintaining good health.

An important task is maintaining and cleaning a juicer. This needs quite a lot of attention.

This should be kept in mind while you buying a juicer mixer grinder. After use, it is quite

obvious that the juicer has to be clean properly so that it keeps on working and remains

functional for long term. In the most of juicers several parts have to be cleaned separately.

This has to be done very carefully. The high-end juicer is costly on maintenance. It also

requires delicate handling while cleaning. As per instructions that states that the parts of

juicer mixer grinder should be clean with soft hand and should not be put anywhere in home;

as there are chances to break down some parts or get damaged. After all of cleaning process

each part should be wiping with a clean cloth. All parts should be placed together in safe


With these types of kitchen appliances, you can easily prepare juices and milkshakes from the

fruits in no time and less consumption of energy. Now a day you can buy online. These

appliances have indeed made our life easy and secure. It is difficult to think a life of modern

home worker without these appliances.

Gas Induction-
Induction cooking heats a cooking vessel by magnetic induction, instead of by thermal

conduction from a flame, or an electrical heating element. Because inductive heating directly

heats the vessel, very rapid increases in temperature can be achieved.

In an induction cooktop ("induction hob" or "induction stove"), a coil of copper wire is

placed under the cooking pot and an alternating electric current is passed through it. The

resulting oscillating magnetic field induces a magnetic flux which repeatedly magnetises the

pot, treating it like the lossy magnetic core of a transformer. This produces large eddy

currents in the pot, which because of the resistance of the pot, heats it.
For nearly all models of induction cooktops, a cooking vessel must be made of, or contain,

a ferromagnetic metal such as cast iron or some stainless steels. However, copper, glass, non

magnetic stainless steels, and aluminum vessels can be used if placed on a ferromagnetic disk

which functions as a conventional hotplate.

Induction cooking is quite efficient, which means it puts less waste heat into the kitchen, can

be quickly turned off, and has safety advantages compared to gas stoves. Cooktops are also

usually easy to clean, because the cooktop itself does not get very hot.

Microwave oven-

A microwave oven (commonly referred to as a microwave) is a kitchen appliance that heats

and cooks food by exposing it to microwave radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. This

induces polar molecules in the food to rotate and produce thermal energy in a process known

as dielectric heating. Microwave ovens heat foods quickly and efficiently because excitation

is fairly uniform in the outer 2538 mm (11.5 inches) of a homogeneous, high water content

food item; food is more evenly heated throughout (except in heterogeneous, dense objects)

than generally occurs in other cooking techniques.

Percy Spencer is generally credited with inventing the modern microwave oven after World

War II from radar technology developed during the war. Named the "Radarange", it was first

sold in 1946. Raytheon later licensed its patents for a home-use microwave oven that was

first introduced by Tappan in 1955, but these units were still too large and expensive for

general home use. The countertop microwave oven was first introduced in 1967 by

the Amana Corporation, and their use has spread into commercial and

residential kitchens around the world.

Microwave ovens are popular for reheating previously cooked foods and cooking a variety of

foods. They are also useful for rapid heating of otherwise slowly prepared cooking items,

such as hot butter, fats, and chocolate. Unlike conventional ovens, microwave ovens usually

do not directly brown or caramelize food, since they rarely attain the necessary temperatures

to produce Maillard reactions. Exceptions occur in rare cases where the oven is used to heat

frying-oil and other very oily items (such as bacon), which attain far higher temperatures than

that of boiling water. Microwave ovens have a limited role in professional cooking, [1] because

the boiling-range temperatures produced in especially hydrous foods impede flavors

produced by the higher temperatures of frying, browning, or baking. However, additional

heat sources can be added to microwave ovens, or into combination microwave ovens, to

produce these other heating effects, and microwave heating may cut the overall time needed

to prepare such dishes. Some modern microwave ovens are part of over-the-range units with

built-in extractor hoods.


A refrigerator (colloquially fridge) is a popular household appliance that consists of

a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump (mechanical, electronic or chemical) that

transfers heat from the inside of the fridge to its external environment so that the inside of the

fridge is cooled to a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room. Refrigeration is

an essential food storage technique in developed countries. The lower temperature lowers the

reproduction rate of bacteria, so the refrigerator reduces the rate of spoilage. A refrigerator

maintains a temperature a few degrees above the freezing point of water. Optimum

temperature range for perishable food storage is 3 to 5 C (37 to 41 F). A similar device that

maintains a temperature below the freezing point of water is called a freezer. The refrigerator

replaced the icebox, which had been a common household appliance for almost a century and

a half. For this reason, a refrigerator is sometimes referred to as an icebox in American usage.
The first cooling systems for food involved using ice. Artificial refrigeration began in the

mid-1750s, and developed in the early 1800s. In 1834, the first working vapor-compression

refrigeration system was built. The first commercial ice-making machine was invented in

1854. In 1913, refrigerators for home use were invented. In 1923 Frigidaire introduced the

first self-contained unit. The introduction of Freon in the 1920s expanded the refrigerator

market during the 1930s. Home freezers as separate compartments (larger than necessary just

for ice cubes) were introduced in 1940. Frozen foods, previously a luxury item, became


Freezer units are used in households and in industry and commerce. Commercial refrigerator

and freezer units were in use for almost 40 years prior to the common home models. Most

households use the freezer-on-top-and-refrigerator-on-bottom style, which has been the basic

style since the 1940s. A vapor compression cycle is used in most household refrigerators,

refrigeratorfreezers and freezers. Newer refrigerators may include automatic defrosting,

chilled water and ice from a dispenser in the door.

Domestic refrigerators and freezers for food storage are made in a range of sizes. Among the

smallest is a 4 L Peltier refrigerator advertised as being able to hold 6 cans of beer. A large

domestic refrigerator stands as tall as a person and may be about 1 m wide with a capacity of

600 L. Refrigerators and freezers may be free-standing, or built into a kitchen. The

refrigerator allows the modern household to keep food fresh for longer than before. Freezers

allow people to buy food in bulk and eat it at leisure, and bulk purchases save money.

Air conditioning-
Air conditioning (often referred to as AC, A.C., or A/C) is the process of removing heat from

a confined space, thus cooling the air, and removing humidity. Air conditioning can be used
in both domestic and commercial environments. This process is used to achieve a more

comfortable interior environment, typically for humans or animals; however, air conditioning

is also used to cool/dehumidify rooms filled with heat-producing electronic devices, such

as computer servers, power amplifiers, and even to display and store artwork.

Air conditioners often use a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied space such as

a building or a car to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Electric refrigerant-

based AC units range from small units that can cool a small bedroom, which can be carried

by a single adult, to massive units installed on the roof of office towers that can cool an entire

building. The cooling is typically achieved through a refrigeration cycle, but

sometimes evaporation or free cooling is used. Air conditioning systems can also be made

based on desiccants (chemicals which remove moisture from the air) and subterraneous pipes

that can distribute the heated refrigerant to the ground for cooling.

In the most general sense, air conditioning can refer to any form of technology that modifies

the condition of air (heating, cooling, (de-)humidification, cleaning, ventilation, or air

movement). In common usage, though, "air conditioning" refers to systems which cool air.

In construction, a complete system of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning is referred to

as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC as opposed to AC).

Water purification -

Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological

contaminants, suspended solids and gases from water. The goal is to produce water fit for a

specific purpose. Most water is disinfected for human consumption (drinking water), but

water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, including fulfilling

the requirements of medical, pharmacological, chemical and industrial applications. The

methods used include physical processes such as filtration, sedimentation, and distillation;

biological processes such as slow sand filters or biologically active carbon; chemical

processes such as flocculation and chlorination and the use of electromagnetic radiation such

as ultraviolet light.

Purifying water may reduce the concentration of particulate matter

including suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, as well as reducing

the amount of a range of dissolved and particulate material derived from the surfaces that

come from runoff due to rain.

The standards for drinking water quality are typically set by governments or by international

standards. These standards usually include minimum and maximum concentrations of

contaminants, depending on the intended purpose of water use.

Visual inspection cannot determine if water is of appropriate quality. Simple procedures such

as boiling or the use of a household activated carbon filter are not sufficient for treating all

the possible contaminants that may be present in water from an unknown source. Even

natural spring water considered safe for all practical purposes in the 19th century must

now be tested before determining what kind of treatment, if any, is

needed. Chemical and microbiological analysis, while expensive, are the only way to obtain

the information necessary for deciding on the appropriate method of purification.

According to a 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) report, 1.1 billion people lack access

to an improved drinking water supply, 88% of the 4 billion annual cases of diarrheal

disease are attributed to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation and hygiene, while 1.8

million people die from diarrheal diseases each year. The WHO estimates that 94% of these

diarrheal cases are preventable through modifications to the environment, including access to

safe water.[1] Simple techniques for treating water at home, such as chlorination, filters, and

solar disinfection, and storing it in safe containers could save a huge number of lives each

year.[2] Reducing deaths from waterborne diseases is a major public health goal in developing


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