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Resources about International Students

Although search engines have made accessing information quick and easy, sometimes the results
that are returned are too numerous to handle. Quality is also issue as results may include anything
from opinion pieces and blogs to government reports and research articles.
For those interested in learning more about international students, their experiences, and strategies
to assist them, the following resources are available either online or in the Wilmington University
library and consist of reliable, accurate information.

Items available online

Tips for Teaching Non-Native English Speaking Students

The Center for Teaching Excellence, Wilmington University

This publication, offered on the website of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Wilming-
ton University, provides practical tips for instructors who do not have an ESL background,
but may have non-native speakers in the classroom. It addresses topics such as class partici-
pation, communication, listening comprehension, note-taking, writing, and presenting.

Recognizing and Addressing Cultural Variations in the Classroom

Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence Intercultural Communication Center-Carnegie Mellon University

This 32-page guide was developed at Carnegie Mellon University to address faculty requests for information and guidance in
effectively teaching classes comprised of students from various cultural backgrounds. It is divided into 3 sections: background
issues, cultural variations, and suggestions for instructors.

Teaching International Students: Pedagogical Issues and Strategies

University of Michigan-Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

This website offers practical advice for working with non-native speakers in the classroom, including: bridging differences in
background knowledge and classroom practice, teaching non-native speakers of English, improving climate, and promoting
academic integrity.

Newsletter created by: Danielle Bergez, Academic Liaison for International Student Support,

Sample of books available at the Wilmington University Library

Advice from the pros:

Fostering international student success in higher education
Shapiro, S., Farrelly, R., and Toma, Z. (2014)
Wilmington University Library LB2375.S43 2014
This book is filled with practical advice and appendices that take into account cultural differences and second lan-
guage acquisition. It would be useful for non-ESL instructors who have international students in their classroom.

In their own words:

What do international students think and feel?: Adapting to U.S. college life and culture
Gebhard, J. G. (2010)
Wilmington University Library LB2376.4
This book uses students brief stories about their experiences adjusting to American universities to raise awareness of
the challenges they face.

Advice/information to offer students:

Succeeding as an international student in the United States and Canada
Lipson, C. (2008)
Wilmington University Library LB2376.4.L57 2008
This book is a practical resource for international students studying in the United States and for their instructors. It
identifies the key areas of challenge for international students in the U.S. in terms of daily life, university life, expec-
tations, procedures, and responsibilities. It provides instructors ways to explain differences and expectations. Part 2:
Succeeding at your university is particularly beneficial.

Newsletter created by: Danielle Bergez, Academic Liaison for International Student Support,

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