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Balochistan, the largest and resource-rich province of Pakistan, has been facing the
worst human rights crisis where the Baloch are being suppressed.

Human Right means right to life, liberty, equality and the dignity of an individual
irrespective of caste, creed or sex.Every year the Human Rights Day is observed on
10th of December across the whole world except in Balochistan where there has
been continuous unrest and violations for the last seven decades of these essential
rights. It has misused the American weapons against its own people. This is a
resource-rich province, and instead of the people benefiting from those resources,
end up migrating in other parts of Pakistan.

There has been brutal use of armed forces and weapons on innocent people

Balochistan.The Baloch separatists blame the central government for not

developing the region and say that is why the Balochs remain weak.
Suicide bombings, armed attacks, and killings by the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and their
affiliates has
targeted nearly every sector of Balochistan society, including religious minorities
and journalists, resulting in hundreds of deaths. The government failed to take
adequate steps to prevent and respond to deadly attacks on Shia and other religious
minorities in 2015. In January, at least 53 people were
killed in a bomb blast at a Shia mosque in the city of Shikarpur in Sindh province.
Many journalists
increasingly practiced self-censorship, fearing retribution from both state security
forces and militant groups. For instance, in April, Syed Wahidur Rahman, a
journalism professor and former journalist, was gunned down in Karachi. In
September, in Karachi, Aftab Alam, a senior journalist, was gunned down near his
home, while Arshad Ali Jaffery, a TV satellite engineer, was killed by three
gunmen. The government took inadequate action to protect women and girls from
abuses including rape, murder through so-called honor killings, acid attacks,
domestic violence, and forced marriages. The Pakistani government has even
failed to pass the promised legislation constituting the National Commission on the
Rights of the Child, an independent body to protect and enforce child rights in the

Moreover a number of people has disappeared in Balochistan and are quoted

between hundreds and several thousand. Baloch nationalists, militants or even
innocent bystanders are picked up, disappeared, tortured, mutilated and then killed.

Also For the first time in history, an Indian Prime Minister has spoken about the
violations in this province that use of aerial bombardment, use of gases have
become routine, he claimed and added that Balochistan is the world capital of
missing people.
Human rights defenders and journalists, migrants, and children are among the
targets of those acts. For instance, cases of forced recruitment and use of children
in hostilities by groups pledging allegiance to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,
or ISIL/Daesh, are also documented.
There has been a series of attacks by armed groups against women activists since
2014. The assassination of well-known activists, such as Salwa Bugaighis, Fareeha
Al-Berkawi and Intissar Al-Hasaeri, and the threats, harassment and assaults
targeting many others appear designed to send a broader message that women
should not be vocal in the public sphere, notes the report.
One of the most striking elements of this report lies in the complete impunity
which continues to prevail in Libya and the systemic failures of the justice
system, Mr. Zeid said, underscoring the lack of means and capacity in the justice
system to conduct prompt, independent and credible investigations or to prosecute
those responsible for violations or abuses.
Despite the human rights situation in Libya, the country only sporadically makes
the headlines. A multitude of actors both State and non-State are accused of
very serious violations and abuses that may, in many cases, amount to war crimes,
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad Al Hussein said in a press
The violations and abuses documented by the report from the High
Commissioners Office (OHCHR) relate to unlawful killings, including executions
of people taken captive, detained, abducted or perceived to be voicing dissent;
indiscriminate attacks on highly populated residential areas; torture and ill-
treatment; arbitrary detention; abductions and disappearances; and gender-based
violence and discrimination against women.

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