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Reception Summer Term

Class Teachers: Miss James (Pine) and Mrs Boyle (Elm)

Teaching Assistants: Miss Sibley, Mrs Hill, Miss Druce, Mrs Betts and Miss Brown

Reception Curriculum

During this half term our topic will be

People who help us. The children will be
sharing the knowledge they already have
and learning new information. If you are
Reception will be going on their school trip able to come in and speak to the children
to The Look Out Discovery Centre on about a job that you do that helps others
Wednesday 14th June. we would love to hear from you.

Further information will follow later in the The topic will be used to further the
term. childrens reading, writing and maths skills.

Later on in the term we will be learning

about Around the World
It is great that our children are enjoying
reading at home. Dont forget to sign the
reading record book each time you read
with your child at home, each book
counts towards their Reading Raccoons


Children will be able to take their water On Wednesday 28th June Miss James will
bottles outside as the weather gets hold meetings for parents to explain the
hotter so please ensure their bottles are end of Reception levels and outline the
named. information in the childrens reports.

Names in uniforms are starting to fade or The meetings will be held at 9.00am and
labels fall off. At the start of the new term 5.30pm.
please check that all of your childs
uniform is named. Help from Parents/Carers
In Reception the children have their PE At Iver Village Infant School we really
lesson on a Tuesday afternoon. Please appreciate any free time you may have to
ensure your child has their PE kit and that help in school, whether it is hearing
each item of clothing is clearly labelled. children read or using your arty skills to help
with displays. We would really appreciate
your help. Please let your Class Teacher

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