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Unit 6 Due (with

Name: __________________________________________ Handout # stamp):

Unit 6: The Civil War & Reconstruction

1 Wednesday

Anticipation Guide
Directions: Discuss each statement with your group then write your response. Be sure to JUSTIFY and EXPLAIN your
answer in COMPLETE sentences.

1. Believing in values you are raised with are more important than respecting other peoples

2. If you join a group, you should never quit it.

3. Disagreements can always be solved.

4. Compromises are always fair between the two sides.

5. There can never be trust between two groups after a fight.

Journal: Quitting
DIRECTIONS: Respond to the following prompt in complete sentences.

Prompt: Describe a time in your life when you decided to quit/stop doing something. Use the following questions to guide
your response:
What group/commitment were you a part of?
Why did you first join the group?
Why did you decide to quit?
How did other people feel about your decision?
Was the decision to quit worth it? Why or why not?

*You will not have to share this experience. The teacher is the only one who will read this assignment!

Continue onto a separate piece of paper if you need more room.

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