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Which of the following variables controls the physical properties of a perfect gas
(a) pressure (b) temperature (c) volume (d) all of the above (e) atomic mass.
Ans: d

2. Which of the following laws is applicable for the behavior of a perfect gas

(a) Boyle's law (b) Charles'law (c) Gay-Lussac law (d) all of the above (e) Joule's law.
Ans: d

3. The unit of temperature in S.I. units is

(a) Centigrade (b) Celsius (c) Fahrenheit (d) Kelvin (e) Rankine.
Ans: d

4. The unit of mass in S.I. units is

(a) kilogram (b) gram (c) tonne (d) quintal (e) newton.
Ans: a

5. The unit of time in S.I. units is

(a) second (b) minute (c) hour (d) day (e) year.
Ans: a

6. The unit of length in S.I. units is

(a) meter (b) centimeter (c) kilometer (d) millimeter.
Ans: a

7. The unit of energy in S.I. units is

(a) watt (b) joule (c) joule/s (d) joule/m (e) joule m.
Ans: b

8. According to Gay-Lussac law for a perfect gas, the absolute pressure of given mass varies directly as
(a) temperature (b) absolute (c) absolute temperature, if volume is kept constant (d) volume, if temperature is kept
(e) remains constant,if volume and temperature are kept constant.
Ans: c

9. An ideal gas as compared to a real gas at very high pressure occupies

(a) more volume (b) less volume (c) same volume (d) unpredictable behavior (e) no such correlation.
Ans: a

10. General gas equation is

(a) PV=nRT (b) PV=mRT (d) PV = C (c) PV=KiRT (e) Cp-Cv = Wj
Ans: b

11. According to Dalton's law, the total pressure of the mixture of gases is equal to
(a) greater of the partial pressures of all (b) average of the partial pressures of all (c) sum of the partial pressures of
all (d) atmospheric pressure.
Ans: c

12. Which of the following can be regarded as gas so that gas laws could be applicable, within the commonly
encountered temperature limits.
(a) 02, N2, steam, C02 (b) Oz, N2, water vapour (c) S02, NH3, C02, moisture (d) 02, N2, H2, air (e) steam vapours,
H2, C02.
Ans: d

13. The unit of pressure in S.I. units is

(a) kg/cm2 (b) mm of water column (c) pascal (d) dynes per square cm (e) bars
Ans: c

14. A closed system is one in which

(a) mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so
(b) mass crosses the boundary but not the energy
(c) neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system
(d) both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system
(e) thermodynamic reactions take place.
Ans: a

15. Temperature of a gas is produced due to

(a) its heating value (b) kinetic energy of molecules (c) repulsion of molecules (d) attraction of molecules (e) surface
tension of molecules.
Ans: b

16. According to kinetic theory of gases, the absolute zero temperature is attained when
(a) volume of the gas is zero (b) pressure of the gas is zero (c) kinetic energy of the molecules is zero (d) specific
heat of gas is zero (e) mass is zero.
Ans: c

17. Kinetic theory of gases assumes that the collisions between the molecules are
(a) perfectly elastic (b) perfectly inelastic (c) partly elastic (d) partly inelastic (e) partly elastic and partly inelastic.
Ans: a

18. The pressure'of a gas in terms of its mean kinetic energy per unit volume E is equal to
(a) E/3 (b) E/2 (c) 3E/4 (d) 2E/3 (e) 5E/4.
Ans: d

19. Kinetic energy of the molecules in terms of absolute temperature (T) is proportional to
(a) T (b) j (c) J2 (d) Vr (e) 1/Vr.
Ans: a

20. Superheated vapour behaves

(a) exactly as gas (b) as steam (c) as ordinary vapour (d) approximately as a gas (e) as average of gas and vapour.
Ans: d

21. Absolute zero pressure will occur

(a) at sea level (b) at the center of the earth (c) when molecular momentum of the system becomes zero (d) under
vacuum conditions (e) at a temperature of - 273 K
Ans: c

22. No liquid can exist as liquid at

(a) - 273 K (b) vacuum (c) zero pressure (d) centre of earth (e) in space.
Ans: c

23. The unit of power in S.I. units is

(a) newton (b) pascal (c) erg (d) watt (e) joule.
Ans: d

24. The condition of perfect vacuum, i.e., absolute zero pressure can be attained at
(a) a temperature of - 273.16C (b) a temperature of 0C (c) a temperature of 273 K (d) a negative pressure and 0C
temperature (e) can't be attained.
Ans: a

25. Intensive property of a system is one whose value

(a) depends on the mass of the system, like volume
(b) does not depend on the mass of the system, like temperature, pressure, etc.
(c) is not dependent on the path followed but on the state
(d) is dependent on the path followed and not on the state
(e) remains constant.
Ans: b

26. A perfect gas

(a) has constant viscosity (b) has zero viscosity (c) is in compressible (d) is of theoretical interest (e) none of the
Ans: e

27. A fluid in equilibrium can't sustain

(a) tensile stress (b) compressive stress (c) shear stress (d) bending stress (e) all of the above.
Ans: c

28. Viscosity of water in comparison to mercury is

(a) higher (b) lower (c) same (d) higher/lower depending on temperature (e) unpredictable.
Ans: a

29. The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressure

(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (d) increases first up to certain limit and then decreases (e)
Ans: a

30. The bulk modulus of elasticity

(a) has the dimensions of 1/pressure (b) increases with pressure (c) is large when fluid is more compressible
(d) is independent of pressure and viscosity (e) is directly proportional to flow.
Ans: b

31. A balloon lifting in air follows the following principle

(a) law of gravitation (b) Archimedes principle (c) principle of buoyancy (d) all of the above (e) continuity equation.
Ans: d

32. The value of the coefficient of compressibility for water at ordinary pressure and temperature in kg/cm is equal
(a) 1000 (b) 2100 (c) 2700 (d) 10,000 (e) 21,000.
Ans: e

33. The increase of temperature results in

(a) increase in viscosity of gas (b) increase in viscosity of liquid (c) decrease in viscosity of gas (d) decrease in
viscosity of liquid
(e) (a) and (d) above.
Ans: d

34. Surface tension has the units of

(a) newtons/m (b) newtons/m (c) new tons/m (d) newtons (e) newton m.
Ans: c

35. Surface tension

(a) acts in the plane of the interface normal to any line in the surface (b) is also known as capillarity (c) is a function
of the curvature of the interface (d) decreases with fall in temperature (e) has no units.
Ans: a

36. The stress-strain relation of the newtoneon fluid is

(a) linear (b) parabolic (c) hyperbolic (d) inverse type (e) none of the above.
Ans: a
37. A liquid compressed in cylinder has a volume of 0.04 m3 at 50 kg/cm2 and a volume of 0.039 m3 at 150 kg/cm2.
The bulk
modulus of elasticity of liquid is
(a) 400 kg/cm2 (b) 4000 kg/cm2 (c) 40 x 105 kg/cm2 (d) 40 x 106 kg/cm2 (e) none of the above.
Ans: b

38. The units of viscosity are

(a) metres2 per sec (b) kg sec/metre (c) newton-sec per metre2 (d) newton-sec per meter (e) none of the above.
Ans: b

39. Kinematic viscosity is dependent upon

(a) pressure (b) distance (c) level (d) flow (e) density.
Ans: e

40. Units of surface tension are

(a) energy/unit area (b) distance (c) both of the above (d) it has no units (e) none of the above.
Ans: c

41. Which of the following meters is not associated with viscosity

(a) Red wood (b) Say bolt (c) Engler (d) Orsat (e) none of the above.
Ans: d

42. Choose the correct relationship

(a) specific gravity = gravity x density (b) dynamicviscosity = kinematicviscosity x density (c) gravity = specific
gravity x density
(d) kinematicviscosity = dynamicviscosity x density (e) hydrostaticforce = surface tension x gravity.
Ans: b

43. Dimensions of surface tension are

(a) MlLT2 (b) MlLTx (c) MlL r2 (d) MlL2T2 (e) MlLt.
Ans: a

44. For manometer, a better liquid combination is one having

(a) higher surface tension (b) lower surface tension (c) surface tension is no criterion (d) high density and viscosity
(e) low density and viscosity.
Ans: a

45. If mercury in a barometer is replaced by water, the height of 3.75 cm of mercury will be following cm of water
(a) 51 cm (b) 50 cm (c) 52 cm (d) 52.2 cm (e) 51.7 cm.
Ans: a

46. Choose the wrong statement.

Alcohol is used in manometer, because
(a) its vapour pressure is low (b) it provides suitable meniscus for the inclined tube (c) its density is less (d) it
provides longer length for a given pressure difference (e) it provides accurate readings.
Ans: a

47. If w is the specific weight of liquid and k the depth of any point from the surface, then pressure intensity at that
point will
(a) h (b) wh (c) w/h (d) h/w (e) h/wh.
Ans: b

48. The property of fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance to shear is called
(a) surface tension (b) adhesion (c) cohesion (d) viscosity (e) all of the above.
Ans: d

49. Choose the wrong statement

(a) fluids are capable of flowing (b) fluids conform to the shape of the containing vessels (c) when in equilibrium,
fluids cannot sustain tangential forces (d) when in equilibrium, fluids can sustain shear forces (e) fluids have some
degree of comprehensibility and offer little resistance to form.
Ans: d

50. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 at

(a) 0C (b) 0K (c) 4C (d) 20C (e) all temperature.
Ans: c

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