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Lenormand TOWER card

The Tower card has various common meanings of which can be the

*a separation between people, situations and things

*an authority figure or organization. Official matters.
*an isolated state of mind. Loneliness. Remote feelings.
*a building. Something or someone tall.
*the Ego

Some simple combinations

with the Letter, a legal or formal notification

with the Cross, traumatizing separation
with the Birds, legal frets or worries
with the Mountain, monumental obstruction to a goal
with the Scythe, no reconciliation possible, the end for sure
with the House, a high rise hotel, court house

Tower in one of the GT Houses

For example: the Stork House

Whatever meaning you chose for the Tower card it will undergo change
of direction. If Tower was determined to be a hospital then it can
predict the return to the facility. Should it be official matters then you
will experience a different approach to such plans. It could even
indicate changing something connected to official documents. When
Tower represents loneliness the emotions will undergo some changes
as well.
The Stork House meaning remains the same & it is best to assign one
stronger meaning initially. Yes, you can read the Lenormand on multi-
level but I think staying on track to the themes/topics will assist you in a
more clear reading.
Vintage Lenormand by Rootweaver. May 1/17

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