CXC It Past Paper Jan 2014

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eae rest cove 01229020 FORM TP 2014014 Re, JANUARY 2014 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* "EXAMINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Paper 02 ~ General Proficiency >) y Sate eusheoneniete Sar This pesmi of THREE sons a tof TWELVE aes ‘rads SRT awe ALL guna nal THRE errs 3. Code tote writen in the programming language, Pascal DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ‘Conyigh © 2012 Caitean Examinations Coun! Allights eserves oLa2p0ANUARYIF2014 Low © « © © secTiON ‘THEORY 60 marks Anower ALL questions. (@) Name ONE example ofan opetng system software for prsonabeomputes (mark) (iSite TWO funtion ofan operating te. mar) | gaphisa user interac (GU dspysappintions wing cons. List THREE other features of GUL (G marks) Sate ONE example of softness interac other than graphical use interface ma) Slate ONE example oft hardware umes (mark Sate ONE example of n appistion hat wes EACH ofthe following: ach procesing (mark) (GReabtime roe (mare) “ota 10 mars (G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 122502nANUARYIF 2014 2 % Stee wnt or EACH he Fowingdeszipon (Network of computes within smal ree ) (i) Network of computers within a wide gogrepic! arse (Gi) Duta ansmission none diecon aime 9) Data ansision in both detonate same ine (Beans sve fr the posing and ean of ule meses (Smitty (©) Stet te echnical em or EACH a he allowing examples: (0) Aeacher ues a websttoshar hier penonal commen on schoo ines (aul le soning he rie Miers perch on independence Dy at ‘Sen placed an the Ire for downading ca ttsig (i CXC sends esto ech candid tetrniaty (9) Adam uses the etre purse his textbooks from Amazon (©) Kies doing dats in using wing ioe. (makes) Total 10 marks % Tenia of high shot hes recently scqued en computer syst and sled hardware, ‘tnd software tobe used by teachers fo teaching ad eamng scan (© (0 Orbe ha ompters nd power protection devices, st THREE hadware devices ‘which ould be used withthe computer satan (G maria) (Give ONE example ofan appropiate we by the teacher of EACH ofthe tee ‘ona arvare devices that you ave ited ina) above, oraanaah (© _Escheompuer sytem waspre-leaded withthe following types ofsoftwre, Give stable ‘lample of how EACH type of sofware euld be wed y he nibs chorea g © Pascal compiles IT eacher (Spreadsheet: Accounting echer (Gi) Presenation sofware: English teacher (6) CDIDYD buring ofa: Sosial Sues teacher 4 marks ‘Total 10 marks G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1229020 ANUARYIF 2014 4 Classify the flowing: examples of EITHER verification OR validation For EACH verifeation atv, stat the purpose, For EACH validation tivity, state the name fhe check. @ ® © © © » © ‘Yu are asked to eter. new password wie (Check to vest eters have bon entered sed of digs on fon, ‘Check o see i te date etre for Aili between 1 and 30 incline Check that the nde fs pron i" tee eM ‘Check to se ithe year) is enero as 68 instead of 6 Find the decimal representation of « SIGNED number represented by BCD, {O11 0100101 8100. Show ll working mars) Fin the wos complement igh-bitepresentation fhe desma umber, 42. Show al woking marks) copy nd complete theta belo by ndeting the typeof Rorage medina the method seo access dt. Storage Me “ypeof Storage Melia | Acces Method marty ‘Total 10 marks {G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 6 Colum X in the tbl below gives the descriptions of sme special names used in information ‘ecioogy a Colum Y ives names of tse esr ‘You are eqied to match Colin X with Col Vas follows, Wit the mambers, 12 10, in {youranewer okie Nexto EACH number, write he lr at coresponds a your cole fom {he Ii given in Col ¥o the ble 1 Sean geri [A Network adn 2, Stores gras eda emporiy OME 3 Uppades compute harare ad sttare (eMC [Prins mul copes wih erbon pape D.Feewal 5 Gri noes onetwork resourses RAM 6 Prevents umuhriand scss to acomputr network F Compute tein 7. Us by banks 1 ad eodes on cee Dota pier Tums on the ih when someone apposite dor [Homeric tem 9. oiling rn i Rover ‘Total marks D1220020ANUARYIF 2016 SECTION It PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS ~15 marks 7 The Softall Asssiatonkegps details of all monies collected ina spreadsest.” Pr of te spreadsheets shown blow forall evens collected fo he fist six mono the ear, x ST -STET x “Tora + frevnue is uni __Fes|_wren|__aprl__ sy] June connec [Slo soveeF nn] iano] soo! — 17oo] 1.201 —— ood] — on sod col — sso] — au] —ascol aso! as and so] —s.o0] —s.ce} a eo! —vzs0o! 500] exo] oan] anol +a — 0] aoa) 120 00 ,0o{ aoa] — at} ee TS Ta.oo]—17anol —ieeoo] — 38200] 35.200] zo cnol Ta (2) State te cll adres ar the anton reuie inthe cll 19 emput the revenue clic om sponsos. Gari) (&) What ma as been applied ote numeri ain hesrenshce? (mark) (©) pie char was rated forthe atin the sreasbet, Each sie of te pe indcates the moth theta forthe month andthe pecennge ofthe otal evenue elle. Sine the range othe eatery mame and th da ed nth ration of thee chart ‘@ mars) (© The table below shows the etre range ofa fir to ext al evens items witha TOTAL greater an 25000 forthe iacmoth perio Hevee(S)] dae] Fe] Mark] Apel] My] Joe] ror © Suethe crterintoimplementhettesbve. (Inst the coln eading and ‘heertrion ob inserted under he cola heading} ‘Gimark How many revenue tem wl be ett? (mare ‘Total 8 marks (60 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01225MD0ANUARYIF 2014 8 TheSofball Assocation ses ‘the dasha fawn below. tba able sre det of mbersfthe association, Part = ae eee ee, eo es rer giao ae ee ee ee eee a alee eee nae (2) State the hame ofthe table used to stove dat in the database mark) oss SS =—= ——— ee (i>. Howmany records willbe dapayed when the query isexected? (mark) (Arey genetel om the database table, State TWO Bel wich could be used to soup the data (marks) Total 7 are (G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘012290200ANUARYIF 2014 SECTION IHL PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING ~45 marks Ammer ALL questions ‘The scores bie by five tists nwo ets are ven inthe aay elo Ter: 2 1s oO Tes: ls os (0) We ses PASCAL to declare th ary TESTI (marks) (6) Athindanay DIFF crested sbttng TEST2 sores rom TEST! scores. Assuming ttaalltvearays begin ating I, write content aray DIFF whe the owing ‘agent of code resets FOR «:=1 05 D0 DIFF} = TESTI(s]-TEST2Ie (Saris) (60 ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE ‘or220020ANUARY 2014 m © o Using he lowing pros copy at complete he traceable Below, Program tae; sae stg > eye rats 352 wrtlnAt end of program y=", =") mM (6 marks) Avater company ues the following condition to avand a wane of monthly water hogs: (Applicant must be 65 yeursor oer, AND (i) Appicant must NOT be woking Copy and complete he folowing th be (5 years or ler Working Waiver mars) ‘Total 10 marks G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 1220020ANUARYIF 2014 ‘Sate ONE dieronce betwen EACH ofthe lowing prof tems ts in prograneing (@) Vaid anda constant marie (©) Candia! branching an looping conta stra 2 marks (2) Syntacand logic enor: @ marks (3) Testing nd debasing marta (0) Soure code nd object ae (maria “otal 10 marks ‘The Customs Deparment esa program to comput the dis ad tesa be aid on sed ar Imported in he coun. 1 Alea pay a dy of 0% ofthe landed value ofthe aos of vehi ps siping charges) {Allens wit an engine eapacty of 1800 ce and ave pa awy tx of LOO the Inde fale of tee, + Cars witha engine capacity Blow 180 ce ar ot charged any lnay tx Fo ech cs the program wll compute the customs dates to be pi, ry tn ob pid anc ‘heals a nes (0) Wee PASCAL coe to desl te dis ate a oxy axe 2 marks) (©) Drawalo chat chuck he engine sz of acarand compat the ary tat be pa Use te variable cavalo tre the yale ofthe car ad the variable engine to store the see of becarenge. (marks) (©) Wie PASCAL code to declare THREE yrabes with meaningful names tobe wd in «he prosan, (G marks) (Write PASCAL cde t nile the variable tat wll cntin the oldies and tes too. (Garis) (©) Wee PASCAL code to ale the day tobe pli ons car_Use the variables you declares, ‘Gna ‘Tota 1S marks END OF TEST |F YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME 1S CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 2297201 ANUARVIF 2014

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