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Book Publishing

Writers Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Wizards of the Coast, Inc. We will happily consider
unsolicited and unagented submissions, but only if they follow the guidelines below.

Book Lines
Wizards of the Coast is well-known as a publisher of successful shared-world series. We are currently releasing new
novels in the following book lines:

FORGOTTEN REALMS(sword and sorcery)

DRAGONLANCE(epic high fantasy)
MAGIC: THE GATHERING(high fantasy)

Before You Send Us Anything

If you plan on submitting your work to us, please be familiar with the novels we have already published. The best
guide to Wizards of the Coasts needs can be found in the novels we are currently publishing. The Book Department
maintains book lists for each of Wizards of the Coasts lines of novels, available upon request. For more information
consult the Wizards of the Coast website at

Please remember that we do not and will not publish any novels not strictly tied to one of our shared-world
properties under any circumstances, even if all of our editors agree that the book is wonderful. We all hate to see
anyone waste their time, hope, and good efforts thinking maybe theyll break their rules for me. Please understand
who we are and what we do before you send us your work.

Writing in Wizards Shared Worlds

The novels in each of the shared-world book lines are written on a work-for-hire basis. This means that Wizards of
the Coast contracts with authors to write the books on a royalty (or in some instances flat-fee) basis and retains all
rights to the characters and stories we publish in these lines.

Please realize that it is quite difficult to maintain consistency within series as large and complex as these. The
outside manuscripts and proposals we receive unfailingly conflict in some way with what the editors and designers
have planned for the lines or with what has already been published. Therefore, we do not consider for publication
any unsolicited manuscripts set in these worlds. Neither can we send you reference materials about a shared-world
setting for a manuscript you may be working on.

If you are interested in writing for hire, you must send us a writing sample, typed and double-spaced, of 10 pages in
length, in the appropriate genre (e.g. high fantasy for MAGIC THE GATHERING novels, etc.). Short stories can make
acceptable writing samples and first-time authors are most often asked to submit short stories for one of our
anthologies before being considered for a full-length novel. Like our novel lines, however, the anthologies tend to be
very narrowly focused, so the story you might send as a writing sample will most likely not be published.

Keep in mind that there are not necessarily openings in each line every year, and some years there are no openings at
all. The DRAGONLANCE and FORGOTTEN REALMS lines especially are filled up quickly with established
authors. We are actively looking for new authors, but the competition is fierce. Send us only the material you

The symbol designates registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The symbol designates other trademarks owned by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 1998 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Wizards of the Coast, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. CENTIPEDE is a registered trademark owned by Hasbro, Inc.
WotC Book Publishing Guidelinesrevised 1/01page 2

think reflects the tone and style of our novels. Check your grammar, spelling, and usage very carefully. Be aware
that we will be evaluating your writing, not your story proposal, at this stage.

A select few authors whose samples most closely match the style, tone, and writing standards of our shared-world
lines will be asked to (1) audition for a specific book line. This might be a blind audition, no names or credentials
will be known to the editor reading your audition material; or (2) send us another sample; or (3) allow us to hold the
sample until we have an opening in the appropriate line, at which point we would re-evaluate the sample.

This system is less formal than the audition packets we used in the past. Based on the suitability of these solicited
submissions, we select writers for available books. Most of those asked for further submissions will not be offered a
contract. And, if you are chosen for a shared-world novel, it is doubtful you will be asked to work on the proposal
you may have sent to Wizards of the Coast originally as a writing samplein fact, this has never happened. Authors
plan out their assigned books with our editors to match the direction the line is taking, based on information that
people outside Wizards of the Coast may not be privy to.

Do not send us an entire manuscript. If we receive a writing sample longer than ten pages, it will be returned

Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

A cover letter that notes your writing credentials should accompany your submission. Your work should be typed,
double-spaced, with a one-inch margin. The pages should be numbered consecutively, with your name and an
abbreviated title somewhere on each page. If youre using a computer printer, be sure the ribbon is new so that the
copy you send to us is dark. Always separate continuous computer sheets.

Do not send computer disks. Do not send submissions by electronic mail.

Address all queries to: Manuscript EditorBooks. Please note that because of changes in the way the U.S. Postal
Service handles parcels (brought on by concern over terrorism) we can not always return unsolicited
manuscripts. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Simply include a self-addressed, stamped,
business-sized envelope for our reply and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We usually take at least 12 to 18 weeks to reply. Sometimes we can get to your submission quicker than that, but not
very often. Please dont call to check on the status of your submission. Instead, drop us a note and well get back
to you as soon as possible.

Again, thank you for your interest in publishing with Wizards of the Coast. If you have questions not answered here,
please include them in your query letter. We look forward to hearing from you!

Copyright/Trademark Information

Please note that all the books Wizards of the Coast publishes are protected under copyright. No one can write
original material using the characters, place names, etc., from these worlds exceptin the case of Wizards of the
Coast-owned worldsfor publication by Wizards of the Coast on a work-for-hire basis. This exception also allows
prospective authors to send exclusively to us writing samples set in Wizards of the Coasts worlds. (Please see
Writing in Wizards of the Coasts Shared Worlds for the specifics on submitting writing samples.) If youre not
under contract with Wizards of the Coast or working on a writing sample, we cant give you permission to include in
your work characters, place names, monsters, etc., that are protected under our shared-world trademarks.

If you enjoy writing fantasy, it is best to invent your own worlds and characters, to avoid trademark and copyright
restrictions. Any monster, place, or character found in classical literature or mythology is not covered under Wizards
of the Coast trademark and, therefore, may be used. However, be careful not to copy characteristics that are specific
to Wizards of the Coasts descriptions.

Book Submissions
Wizards of the Coast
PO Box 707
Renton, WA 98057-0707

The symbol designates registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The symbol designates other trademarks owned by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 1998 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Wizards of the Coast, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.

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