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Enea aay May 2017 a Wont 10.00 1 2 - 4 2 6 ir 2: 10 wae | [Be tees, | Sompe, | utdonna |e Soe | “ie 7. ceaccssveae 790 14 “ 16 17 18 19 20 coment | met | BR] ote] a |e 21 : 22 23 24 25 26 27 — i Garo ine, Lary Enters — a=. 28 eel 30 = Lo oe we ae ae em [A stony from Fred Craddock’s book, Craddock Stories You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Wrong. Ifyou believe in God, you can teach an ‘old dog new tricks. I've never been to the greyhound races, but've seen them on TV. They have these beautiful, bigold dogs say beautiful, they're realy ugly-big old dogs, and they run that mechanical rabbit aound the ring, and these dogs just run, exhausting themselves chasing, int. When those dogs get to where they can’ race, the owners puta litle ad in the paper, and anybody wants one for pet, then ean have it, otherwic theyre going to be destroyed. | have a niece in Arizona who can’t stand that ad. She goes and gets them. Big old dogs inthe house; she loves them, | was in a home not long ago where they'd adopted a dog that had been a racer. it was big old greyhound, spetted hound, ving therein the den, One of the kids inthe family, just a toddler, was pulling on is tall, and a litle older kid had his head over on that old dog's stomach, used I for pilow. That dog ust seemed so happy, and I said to the dog, “Uh, are you stil racing any?” “No, no, no dor’trace anymore.” I sad, “Do you iss the glitter and the excitement ofthe track?” He said, "No, no" Isai, “Well, what's the matter? You got too old?” “No, no, stil had some race in me” “Well did you not win?” He sad, “I won overa milion dollars for my owner.” “Then what wast, bad treatment?” “oh, no, they tested us royally when we were racing.” I sid, “Then what?” Andihe said “quit” Isai, “Why didyou quit?” ‘And he said,“ ciscovered that what | was chasing was not realy a rabbit. And | quit.” He looked at me and said “All that running, running, running, running, and what | was chasing, ot even real.” What are you chasing? Isit real? Does ft nourish your soul? Or sit simply exhausting? Maybe ifyou're not happy and exhausted with the race you're chasing the wrong things? i ded for ion Help is always neede HT Sable VBS is July 30 — Aug. 3 Please contact Tracy or Pastor Brian May Usher List June Usher List June 42017 May 7.2017 David & Cindy Manhart, Carrol & Karen Oba, Walter Tim & Doreen Koch ‘Chambers, Sally Bea June 11,2017 May 14,2017 Jenry & Amanda Mutley Dan & Peggy Manbart June 18,2017 May 21,2016 Gary & Kaila Wedel Dave Fischer & Mont McDonald June 25,2017 May 28,2017 Kaylee SchneeKloth, Carolyn Siebels Jelf & Sheri Guerrero High School Seniors who are members of the Minden UCC are eligible for scholarship money for further education after graduation. Ifyou ‘are a graduating senior or recipient of & GED in this school yeat you ‘may apply. Application consists ofa short narrative stating when you g [| will graduate and your plans for further ‘education. The aplication should be presented to the church office by August 2017. The ‘amount ofthe scholarship will epend on the amount ef money Available and the number of applicents Save the Date Ice Cream Social August 27, 2017 events in our Church Life May 7— New Member Sunday May 9- MOPS 6-7:30 May 10-'Tri-Center Bacealaureate 7:00 May 17- Board Meeting 7:30 apenas, wiv | Obituary for Gene Elmer Thies ‘errunSn(doman Ties. He wen gate shot nd igh sel at Shey Tear (ene eneed gong up on he am nc a Hoe phe shot a sens reeds hefarm ae Dad Far He ha song work he eng epoed ot ‘Aecesty he, h Monat, Mes, ese ese, ong mnt age of ya yrs nama, andy, Ho pode feat ye prasad ser Chote le eso is oe oan Bow of EuquayVsng, Naw Ca es Caan ar ushana Rete Prohaka k ov siete red ghew; ero andy re May Scripture Readings May 7~ Acts 242-4, Pain 23, 1 Peter 21825, John 10-10 May 14 Act 7.5.60, Pulm 311-5, 1-161 Petee22-10, John 14 May2~ Acs 1722-31, Pan 668-2, 1 Per 13.20, John 141521 May 28 ~ Acts 1:6-14, Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35, 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11, John 17:1-11 InMemory Of Given by Alice Falk... sovsnnente eeseeeeDon & Sharon Falk ‘Merlyn Bitz. .orssses (Carolyn Bintz Honor Of Given by Our Patents oeo svtneentnsnsesenePeter & Pam Danke (2) The Trojan Special Olympic Team thanks you for making our April 8 fundraiser such a success! SWANN A TRe- Der cle “O Qr et if narenee 0/7 Gesett eS} E tah : : * CGumasndlee Guth PLETE ‘Aces 17 describes Pal peaking sbut God co the po- lee Ache in Gea of increily!—a ste tha tL Bs. Wha chs? ‘The Pastbamic Sadia The Apa 4 (C.The Acoli andthe Parhea The Temple of Hephaesas Tanevescmy | “Why don’t streetlamps have ears?” ‘Mom! ny 3-year sid a 6am. "Why dont | | | ft | setups ve aa My roa oe Ga 197 ae SD chat he eee e aley letakng 2 Somes omee Soul” "Tac yor [smc — tnd espera —eny pats vwithenunles quent "Why did eee Ge shoe iran ene he? If God sup nba, hw did he ke he Why a ion i” To at Ma pli," gus ths on Gow Heer ens hase welt Gol saver fear ens” ‘PTE queso: Why iy Ayaan young end Aging of ene? Why a eae own den sme ‘esd oie? How twee pve cx al Feking? Shnld we done mney oreo alle? How tray doe cn work? Sonne sence [pal ae Go's israensto aswer goes Eons Sometimes ames ome qityto my beat —and ‘ties thy dt cre ae Tt dosnt mesn seve questioning, mens cing cough even when 4 quo ses sli opi i al a Da rec ey yur = ingesmple ht Golalway were quetions. . - ie Mian "Special dates | hon Day of Paes May 42007 | Neca Dap May 207 Asm Foes oy, Ay 20,2017 ‘i Dy (ate hy 28,2017 Ascent ly 25,2017 ‘Memes Day. ay 29,2017 \ Ba pag angie SSE ae | eatin cher satya Soni STRSSURe ae aloes hl Sey maccneratipems Saget Fmt ree | Smear eeeradinta Teequnen cub oaths eg Saas ere SUGIRESH Ese ea aping stetion cos po rater how hori things might | median wi ing recipients ‘Ayounggndune lange fore ceria spars cacaad | lew hi dl could aoe ic Soon the big dae wt | Infed oreehe laced aleiesboundjetboued | ible He thew ie down ad fe go. ‘Yeu lie afer is iher di thon etre is | het ey wi soz and rege. Suing thrgh be longings, be ound the gift and eis highlighed verse "If yu then, wh a, ow How oe good gis to our dlrs, tow mach ore wil yur Patet who iia Frese god hinge nr who ack ht” auchew | 7H), Sel someting dpe onthe ace | cf the Bible aly wid cag fom he deer ofthe ez id wanted lng ago, On the tag si gato date sd ch woede "Palin Pll” "How fen we mis ton God's genera gifts bese they cme “pckage™ diferent than we expect! At Eston and hho fe — may Be ope co hry gilt Gad stows cs with Fath dep lve a eae | rears pica aarsacinansts ) )y Subsribrs can dowload these C on ms atiies fam our wee h th Neéivs Newsletter” ACTIVITIES PAGE votume a9, numaer s A CARS oR YU Jesus ells his followers noe co wotry about thee daly needs, ‘Whar example docs he give of God's cae for his cretion? oct yet ‘tne yx pa What yourest: Tei Lk 1227 07 rh ateld sire ‘hes ec an “Tempura pane (rown, dlc pnk igh ine nd wis - Paintbrush “ighlue or whice construction pape «paper par *Qttps Bipetonels Wty a 1 Ralupone sew and paiteyor arm and the Palm oyu band brown Th in. 2 pear io «grow. They do nt labor or spin, carl plat your Pinedo an and, Sith fingers spend opr Ghisistecee nk Soa ranches) 3. ace be othe pine Colors en the pce 4. ing ripe ple dvs Yet I tell you, not even of pain (blossoms! all, AIN zt am osm lover the Branches so au0 ayy poss sem opus see soo NOK TL 5. When dey, display your “yds 2o re ouop 4 as8 amog pa APIA, ANY tree orgie tas 8 Mother's Day gif toast) aoe 76, [MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST —Reospt and Expense forthe Month of March Balance in Bank March 12017 Income: Eavelopes & Loos Offsings ‘Sundy Soo! ‘Loa From Bank (otal borowed to dae $2,100.00) aster Lilie coffee How Misllneous: Yeinhursement fom Crop 16 Toaster om Pakng Lot Fa, Total income Expenses ‘ocwM Salaries, ‘Travel Expense Insurance — Pastor Annuity Pastor ‘Transfert Mies Fe Church insurance Uses ~Charch| Postage Xichen Supplies Copier ‘Transfert Parking Lat Pd Maintenance hack Grounds Paromage Minden Grocery (Cvistin Bd, Deprment, the: Minden Mest Miscellaneous: Donation Total Expenses Balance in Bank March 31, 2017 671800 1800 2,100.00 3800 aus 1556 32000 4034 raat aastaa 9a 20000 187.00 ‘544s a2 sr08 sro aw oss 7500 1585 227 $700 sa00 s s s 291238 8 9716800 1266876 na THE CORNERSTONE NON-PROFIT onc, | U,8. Postage PAID MINDEN, TOWA Permit #7 Return Service Requested Sprritt Lovet FOrGIvEe! _ “Keep THE Spirit" "BE YOURSELF" iG Bose ea ce y Shepherd an FOverseer | Sor Overse of your souls, ER 2.28, £5 |

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