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The Trumpet May 2017 Volume 34 Issue 5

Firelands Presbyterian Church

2626 East Harbor Road

Port Clinton, Ohio 43452


Fax 419-734-5411

Rev. Mark Cooper, Pastor

Ed Bettendorf, Clerk of Session

Susan Larcey and Kay McIntosh, Musicians

Darrell Brand, Treasurer

Rachel Johnson, Musical Art Series

Preschool Director Cleveland Orchestra Bluegrass
Janine Dress, May 7 at 3:30 PM
Administrative Assistant
The Classics go down home. This concert is sponsored
Mark Owen, Custodian by The Jet Express, Arbys and Shumaker, Loop &
Kendrick and Jack Hilbert. Following the concert, there
will be a reception for the audience to meet the artists.
Table of Contents Tickets are available at the door for $15 ($12 for
Firelands members); students are admitted free of
Notes & Coming Attractions .............. 2 & 3
Session Highlights & May Lectionary ........ 4
Preschool News ..................................... 5
Pastor Remarks .................................... 6
Ministry Schedule & Internet Outreach .... 7
Birthdays & Monthly Prayer List .............. 8
Calendar .............................................. 9
WE NEED YOU!!! Would
Musical Arts 2016-2017 Season ............ 10
you be willing leave Sunday worship once every other
month to be a Nursery volunteer? If 5 more people
volunteer, thats all the Sundays our volunteers would
be asked to work. Would you be willing to set up
communion for a month or a few weeks? We need
Communion Stewards. If you are willing to take on one
of these opportunities of worship ministry, please let
Janine in the office know. If you feel you need training,
Janine will put you in touch with the correct person to
help you.
May 2016 Page 2

May 14th Presbytery has recently announced the creation of a
(Mothers Day) - new Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) Program,
June 18th (Fathers Day) formerly known as the Lay Pastor Program, to launch
this September 2017. The purpose of this program,
Heartbeat of Ottawa County has been standing firm for
which will involve a 30-month on-line training
the sanctity of human life for over 25 years. The funds
curriculum produced by Union Theological Seminary,
we (they) collect stay in our area helping young women
plus a Bible content course, a Preaching course, and a
and men to more fully embrace the life God has given
few other locally generated courses to fill out what
them, and to help them embrace the roles they hold in
Union Seminary provides, is to prepare lay pastors to
their families.
serve churches unable to find and/or afford called
It is so very easy: pastors.

Take a bottle home and fill it with checks, cash or Eligibility requirements include: Students must be
1. an elder in a PC(USA) church (or working toward
Then return the bottle by Fathers Day it within a year);

Your Mission Committee thanks you for your support of 2. endorsed by their local session;
this campaign!
3. Interviewed by the CRE committee prior to
acceptance into the program.
Summer Mission Opportunity The deadline for applying to this program is June 1,
2017. Any elder (whether active or inactive) who has or
PC (USA) mission co-worker Esther Wakeman is looking
may have an interest in this program should see clerk of
for volunteers for "English Fun Camp" in Chiang Mai,
session Ed Bettendorf for more information.
Thailand from July 8-22, 2017. This camp is designed
to boost the confidence of Payap University students
learning English. Volunteers may be aged 17 to 90, no
teaching experience necessary, and the expense is on
Bible Study at Fulton
one's own. The estimated expense of the trip Street Caf will begin
(depending on airfare) is $2650-2240. If anyone may May 17
be interested in this exciting opportunity or you know of
The bible study at Magruder Hospital
others who may have an interest, please email Esther
will begin on Wednesday May 17, at
10 am. All are invited to attend and it is opened to the
Shut-In Communion
If anyone knows of members or friends of Firelands who Now Available Printed Sermons
would like to celebrate Communion in their home,
Besides just listening to the sermons on our Website,
please notify Pastor Mark or the church office.
you can now have a printed copy. Printed copies of
previous weeks sermons will be on the round table in
Pastor Mark is out of town the gathering area.

May 1 May 10
Pastor Mark will be in Texas for a Mens conference in
Texas, leading a workshop on Biblical Storytelling. He
leaves May 1 and will be back in town May 10. If you
have an emergency please contact Janine at 419-265-

Rev. Hu Auburn will be our guest preacher on May 7.

May 2016 Page 3

Take a look .
at the Kiosk in the Gathering Area (Mission side). There
is a beautiful calendar that was sent to us by John and
Dianne Fowler, our co-mission workers presently serving
in the Near East. Feel free to take the calendar down to
see all the photos of the region where they live and
work. Take a look also at recent letters from the
Fowlers. Our church supports this wonderful mission
couple doing work in an area of our world far from us.
They are sharing Christs good news and helping to
transform lives. We support them with our prayers and
mission dollars.
Bistro 163 Free Community
Monday May 8, 2017
BISTRO 163 is hosting a free public dinner on the
Take a listen second Monday of every month at 1848 E Perry Street
to the Sunday morning sermon over your computer or in Port Clinton. Serving hours are from 5:00 - 7:00 PM.
smart phone any time you want by listening to it on the This is a free public dinner, open to all neighbors. Chef
Stacy and our volunteers will be serving up a delicious
church website ( In an
meal. See you there!
effort to simplify the recording of the Sunday service we
are putting ONLY the second scripture reading and
Pastor Marks sermon from each Sunday worship service Bistro 163 Wins Another Award
onto the website. Look for Sermons under the tab
Worship. Past sermons for up to a year are all there to At the annual Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce
hear. Dont forget to UN-mute your computer in order Awards Dinner, held at Mon Ami on Thursday, April 20th,
to listen. This is an excellent way to listen to a sermon Chef Stacy Maple accepted the coveted Lighthouse
you might have missed. It is also an especially good Award for a business that demonstrates excellence in
way to listen again to past sermons as many times as its field. Several people submitted nominations for
you wish. Bistro 163, citing our work in addressing hunger, and
especially our Snack and Study Program for school age
children. Other finalists in this category were the Ida
Rupp Public Library and the Light House Sober Living
residential facility. But our pay it forward restaurant
Thank you! Thank you! received the first place award, by vote of our peer
Our campaign for the Presbyterian Churchs One Great businesses in the chamber of commerce.
Hour of Sharing concluded on Easter Sunday. Our
churchs contribution to OGHS was $1026.63. This was
made up of offerings received combined with the
proceeds from ourSharing Cupboard.

Presbyterian World Mission uses this money to feed the

hungry, to help people build up their own livelihoods,
and in responding to disasters. In these ways, your
gifts are changing lives, changing communities, and
changing the world. Thank you on behalf of all the
people you help.
May 2016 Page 4


1. Passed an omnibus motion (offered by the clerk of session) regarding the following items as required by
Presbytery in its annual review of our minutes and records:

a. Authorized and directed the Worship & Music Committee, working in cooperation with the Pastor, to serve
Communion at our weekly Sunday Worship and at any other special occasions that the Committee and the
Pastor determine to be suitable for this Sacrament, throughout the year.

b. Authorized and directed the clerk of session, during the third quarter of each calendar year, to conduct a
review of the membership of the churchthe results of which shall be reported to session for approval and/or

c. Authorized and directed session to conduct or cause to be conducted an audit or like professional review of
church finances on an annual basis.

2. Received the Treasurers Report showing, due to a typical and expected diminution of income during February, a
$6,815.47 YTD decrease in our surplus as of March 31, 2017. However, as Bill Sharp put it to session, our financial
condition and performance is and remains not of much concern.

3. Appointed a Church Facilities Improvement Task Force, including three elders (Ginny McCook, John Pugh, and Bill
Sharp) and four congregation members (Darrell Brand, Mark Stevenson, Bill Umlauf, and TBA fourth member), having
as its purpose to identify areas to be included in the Facilities Improvement Campaign and how to raise funds to
support identified repairs, such as the building roof, parking lot, painting, and other areas. This task force will report
back to session which will, in turn (c. late-summer or early-fall); submit a report and recommendation for
consideration and approval to the congregation.

4. Approved a request from Bob Reynolds to present a film documentary at Firelands on his family Matthews Boat
Companys history (to be aired later this year).


May Lectionary
May 7, 2017
*Acts 2:42-47 Psalm 23 1 Peter 2:19-25 John 10:1-10
Fourth Sunday of Easter

May 14, 2017

*Acts 7:55-60 Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 1 Peter 2:2-10 John 14:1-14
Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 21, 2017

*Acts 17:22-31 Psalm 66:8-20 1 Peter 3:13-22 John 14:15-21
Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 25, 2017

*Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47or Psalm 93 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53
Ascension of the Lord

May 28, 2017

*Acts 1:6-14 Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 John 17:1-
Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 2016 Page 5

Preschool News
April brought us warmer weather and butterflies! in addition to playing outside
and studying our butterflies we have been very busy learning about caterpillar
and butterflies, The Story of Easter, taking care of our Earth, and

Our caterpillars arrived at the end of March. We enjoyed watching them grow
and change over the last few weeks. We have 12 beautiful Painted Lady
Butterflies that we will be releasing on our last day of preschool.

Our butterfly unit led right into learning about Easter and why we celebrate. We
explained the story with plastic eggs, each containing an important part of the
story. The kids were very interested and taken back by the egg with the nails in

We spent a week talking about the Earth and how to take care of it. We learned
about recycling, not littering, and planting flowers. We sorted recycling items,
made seed bombs. and picked up trash and broken toys on the playground.

We spent the last week of the month talking about transportation. We learned
about different types of transportation and sorted them by land, water, and air.

We learned about street signs and how to safely

walk across the street.

In addition to all the fun and learning, we

celebrated several birthdays and had our
monthly visit from Mrs.Winkie the librarian.

As the month and school year wind down we are

beginning to prepare for our Spring Program
and Graduation.

Rachel Johnson
Firelands Preschool Program Director

and Teacher
May 2016 Page 6

Pastors Remarks
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was essentially a revolt against
the authority imposed by the Roman Catholic Church. The Church claimed its own authority. What it said was beyond
simple law; it was an expression of the will of God. Everyone had to accept the authority of the church or be subject
to excommunication, which was tantamount to being consigned to hell. The Reformers turned all this upside down,
saying ultimate authority did not come from the Church but from the scriptures. People could go directly to the
scriptures on their own to discover the will of God, not depend upon the Church hierarchy to tell them about Gods
will. It is more than coincidental that the Reformation came about just a few years after the invention of the printing
press, so people in greater numbers were learning to read and could therefore actually read the Bible themselves. The
Reformation apparently is still at play, because after 500 years we still havent renamed ourselves. We are still
Protest-ants. We must still be protesting the Catholic Church, even though I dont think thats what I am doing.

The Reformation split the Christian church, but over time it became more than a split. It turned out to be an
explosion, with the Christian church being blown to bits. With everyone being given the freedom to believe whatever
they wanted, all kinds of new expressions of the Christian faith started popping up. If you were part of a church and
there was something going on you didnt like - you didnt agree with predestination or you didnt like the color of the
new carpet - you could just leave and start new church, even a whole new denomination. The result, I have read, is
that there are over 40,000 different denominations.

The Christian church generally in the United States is undergoing tremendous change. Overall church attendance is
dropping precipitously. Younger people especially are staying away from church. The traditional denominations and
institutions are struggling to remain relevant or even survive. Literally, thousands of churches close every year. At the
same time, thousands of new churches pop up. Perhaps many of them dont last very long, but some of them are very
successful and become what we call mega-churches.

There are quite a number of churches in Port Clinton and they cover quite a wide spectrum in how they believe and
worship. We do not have what could be called a mega-church. Perhaps that is about to change. A large and successful
independent church in Sandusky has started a new church in Norwalk and now intends to start one in Port Clinton.
They believe there are many un-churched people in Port Clinton that the churches already here are failing to reach.
They are currently trying to reassure the churches in Port Clinton that they are not interested in taking members
away from them. I suspect they are sincere in that, although the people I know who attend the Sandusky church all
previously were members of other churches.

We live in a time of great change, maybe even a time of shaking the foundations. It just may be that God is doing a
new thing, that new wine is coming which the old wineskins cannot hold. We never know about these things until we
can look back at them and see what happened. In the meantime, traditional churches like Firelands Presbyterian
cannot be threatened by whatever new thing is happening. We should ask, though, if we are part of the problem, part
of the reason why someone might think the churches in Port Clinton are not doing their jobs. Do we have any
understanding that we ought to be carrying our message out into the community, reaching new people for Christ, or
are we content to simply hope that some new people might just show up every now and then?

How can we be pro-active in our ministry? How can we, in our own unique ways, be evangelistic, actively sharing the
good news of Jesus Christ? These are important question, questions that we need to be asking.

May 2016 Page 7

Dont Forget Your Time to Serve!

Ministry Names
Monthly Deacon of the Month Dave & Sally Wahlers
Communion Steward Joyce Jagucki
May 7 Greeter(s)
Reader Ed Bettendorf
Communion Assistant Alison Falls
Servers Dick Coffin, Bob & Maxine Wilson, Ernie McCullough
Nursery Volunteer Anne OMalley
Pianist Kay McIntosh
May 14 Greeter(s) Dottie & Harold Douglass
Reader Connie Brand
Communion Assistant Nila McCullough
Servers Alison Falls, Susan Rogers, Bill Sharp, Karen Coffin
Nursery Volunteer Heather Stouffer
Pianist Susan Larcey
May 21 Greeter(s) Coffins
Reader Marta Vielhaber
Communion Assistant Bill Sharp
Servers Ernie McCullough, Ed Bettendorf, Nila McCullough, John McIntosh
Nursery Volunteer Susan Rogers
Pianist Kay McIntosh
May 28 Greeter(s) Brands
Reader Joyce Jagucki
Communion Assistant Bob Black
Servers Dave & Sally Wahlers, Bob & Maxine Wilson
Nursery Volunteer Connie Brand
Pianist Susan Larcey

Internet Outreach
Our Firelands Presbyterian Church web site,, has been a destination for 146 total users
during the month of April. 73.3% of viewers were looking at our web site for the first time, and an average of 2.2
pages were viewed in each session, with each session lasting an average of just more than one minute. 120 of those
users were searching from a desktop computer, 26 from a tablet or other mobile device. The pages most commonly
visited this month include the preschool, worship services, and contact us.

Entries of The Firelands Presbyterian Church Facebook page that reached the most people in April:

Bistro 163 Souper Sunday Invitation 70 people

Holy Week 62 people

Bistro 163 Free Community Dinner - 59 people

Serendipity Singers 55 people

Easter Sunday Worship and Communion 190 people

Musical Arts Series Cleveland Orchestra Brass Trio 91 people

May 2016 Page 8


June Gahris 3 Pat True 16 Bob and Kaye Elliott 5

Bill Sharp 6 Ginny McCook 24 Tim & Deb Flora 26

Alison Falls 10 Jordan Moore 25

Kay McIntosh 12 Sonja Kristensen 28 Is your birthday or anniversary

missing or incorrect? Contact the
Alex Viery 15 office so we can make the changes
to the list!

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

For those receiving medical treatment or therapy, or undergoing medical tests:

Debbie Ballinger, Jenatha Boose, June Gahris, Harold, Kim Hudson, Craig Kaiser, Arlene Kakareka, Stephen
Kessler, Angjuli Lele, Judy McCollough, John McLaughlin, Ele McLaughlin, Simon Mercurio, Michael, Jordan Moore,
John Rick, Sarah, Sue, Jack Schmidt, Justin Waugh, Ann Wagnitz.

For those facing the infirmities of age:

Carolyn Doane, Clara Maag, Shirley Ohles, Jamie Petty, Betty Rodwancy, Bob Rodwancy,
Gordan Wahlers, and Irene Wilson

For those seeking freedom, security, and hope:

Bobby, Justin, Sara, Val, and CASA Families

For those in the service of our country:

SMGT Jeff Bundy, Steven Coffin, FBI; Brant Crandall, USA; Cole Daniel, USCG; Mathew Devries, USAF;
Stu Gliwa, USMC; Aaron Haynes, USA; Andrew Hogue, USA, Ted Livingstine, USMC; Sanju Shinde, USMC;

For those in mission for our Lord:

Our missionaries in the Middle East; Phillip and Elizabeth Prasad in India;
The National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, Berea Presbytery;
The Rev. Hazael Compuzano, Dios es Amor congregation in Mexico City;
The Christian Community of Restoration and Renewal(CCRR) in Maumee Valley Presbytery.

To add or delete someone from this list, please contact Janine Dress in the church office.
May 2016 Page 9

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6
4 MAS Committee


7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9:15 Sunday Office closed 9 Quilting at Wilsons 9-1 Office open 9-1 Office open 4 Jordan
School Wedding
10:30 Worship 5 Free Community
Dinner @
3:30 MAS Concert Bistro163


14 15 16 17 18 19 20
9:15 Sunday 9-1 Office Open 7 Session 9-1 Office open OFFICE CLOSED
School 12_1:30 Recital
10:30 Worship Rehearsal

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
9:15 Sunday 9-1 Office Open 9 Quilting at Wilsons 9-1 Office open 9-1 Office open
10:30 Worship

1-4 Susan Larcey

28 29 30 31
9:15 Sunday
10:30 Worship

(The dog in this picture is exactly like my goofy Afghan Sailor who always had to have his hair cut short. Janine)
May 2016 Page 10

The Musical Art Series / Port Clinton, OH

2016 2017 Season
Sunday, October 9, 2016 STEVE & LISA BALL
3:30 PM Exploring music & stories of the American Civil War
Sponsored by Neidecker, Leveck & Crosser

Sunday, November 20, 2016 YIDDISHE CUP KLEZMER BAND

3:30 PM Be Klezmerized by Eastern European folk/jazz
Sponsored by Frederick Agency, Inc.

Saturday, December 10, 2016 MOSA STRING QUARTET

We salute talented musicians at this annual concert
Sponsored by Bassetts Market,
Stouffer Family & Catawba Island Club

Sunday, January 15, 2017 GAVIN GEORGE PIANO

3:30 PM 12 year-old Ohio native performs to international acclaim


3:30 PM Dynamic Duo from Down Under
Sponsored by Dubberts Outdrive Service,
1812 Food & Spirits
Otterbein North Shore


Factory Seconds but second to none
Sponsored by Crown Battery,
Miller Boat Line


3:30 PM The classics go down home
Sponsored by Jet Express,
Shumaker Loop & Kendrick and Jack Hilbert

Saturday, June 10, 2017 THE HIRED HANDS

7:30 PM Celtic harps, fiddle, concertina & penny whistle
Sponsored by Dr. Jay M. Mann in memory of Margaret N. Mann
All concerts at Firelands Presbyterian Church, 2626 East Harbor Rd., Port Clinton, OH
Tickets $15 at the door; students and children admitted free.
For information or season tickets, call 419-734-6211, go to WWW.MUSICALARTSPORTCLINTON.COM,
or find us on Facebook (The Musical Arts Series/Port Clinton).

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