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An Atlas of

An Atlas of
Third Edition
John C Stevenson FRCP FESC MFSEM
Consultant Physician and Reader
National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
Royal Brompton Hospital
London, UK

Michael S Marsh MD MRCOG

Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Kings College Hospital
Senior Lecturer
Guys, Kings and St Thomas School of Medicine
London, UK
2007 Informa UK Ltd

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Foreword vii

Acknowledgements ix

Introduction xi

1 Epidemiology 1

2 Bone structure 9

3 Pathophysiology 21

4 Biochemical changes 29

5 Diagnosis 35

6 Management 49

7 Conclusions 71

Index 75

Over the last several years, many volumes have training. This volume places that test in its clinical
appeared on the subject of osteoporosis. Most of context, provides a review of a majority of the
these are multi-authored books with a high degree tests that are currently available and should enhance
of scientific accuracy, but the usual heterogeneity the comfort level of any practicing physician with
in writing style. In this, the third edition of An this investigation. In situations in which the orig-
Atlas of Osteoporosis, Drs Stevenson and Marsh inal print-outs are not provided to the practicing
have produced an exciting volume that provides doctor from the densitometry unit, the illustrations
cogent, up-to-date evaluation of the pathophysi- here allow the clinician to provide simple expla-
ology, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. nation to the patient about the test, its meaning,
The large number of figures and diagrams render its interpretation and its clinical utility.
this a novel volume. This unique approach to The senior author, Dr John Stevenson, is a
osteoporosis provides a valuable resource for phy- Reader in Medicine at Imperial College and is an
sicians who practice in the field as well as for those international expert in the field of osteoporosis and
who see patients with osteoporosis only occasion- metabolic medicine. In this volume, Dr Stevenson
ally. It will be particularly useful for young physi- brings his outstanding gifts as a teacher and scien-
cians as they enter their career. Written in a readable tist and provides the high-quality, factual infor-
style throughout, the many illustrations enhance mation required to make a success of this volume.
the text, fulfilling the old adage, a picture is worth He is ably supported by Dr Michael Marsh who is
a thousand words. Of particular importance are a Consultant Gynecologist with a thorough under-
the images surrounding the techniques of bone standing of this disease and its importance for the
densitometry, which demonstrate not only the Ob/Gyn community. In this third edition, they
techniques, but the output from the techniques. have enhanced figures, updated and revised text,
This provides an introduction for the practicing and provide a detailed account of the advances
physician to the technology which has become of that have occurred in osteoporosis in a format of
increasing clinical importance. Osteoporosis is particular use to clinicians. I can thoroughly
defined as a disease of low bone density which is recommend this book to those with both a
recognised as a major risk factor for fracture. Thus, passing and a detailed interest in this disease.
in order to make the diagnosis, the clinician must Dr Robert Lindsay
make use of bone densitometry. However, many Helen Hayes Hospital
physicians are still wary of a test that they did not West Haverstraw, New York
learn about in medical school or during their early USA


The authors and publishers are grateful to the Drs Kroll and Winter, Siemens AG, Berlin.
following for their kind permission to include
some of the illustrations in this Atlas: Dr Belinda Lees, Clinical Trials and Evaluation
Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, London.
Mr Paul R Allen, Consultant Orthopaedic
Surgeon, Princess Royal University Hospital, Dr Flemming Melsen, University Department of
Orpington, Kent. Pathology, Aarhus County Hospital, Aarhus.
Ms Linda Banks, Superintendent Radiographer, Dr Leif Mosekilde, University Department of
Charing Cross Hospital, London. Endocrinology and Metabolism, Aarhus County
Professor Alan Boyde, Professor Sheila Jones, and Hospital, Aarhus.
Mr J. A. P. Jayasinghe, formerly, Department of
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University
College London. GE Lunar Inc., Madison, Wisconsin.
Dr David Dempster and Professor Robert Lindsay, Hologic Inc., Bedford, Massachusetts.
Regional Bone Center, Helen Hayes Hospital,
West Haverstraw, New York. Siemens AG, Erlangen.


Osteoporosis may be defined as a reduction in population, many women are still not sufficiently
bone mass per unit volume such that fractures aware of the condition, do not appreciate the way
may occur with minimal trauma. It is the most in which it may affect their lives and, most impor-
common metabolic bone disease in the Western tantly, do not understand that it is preventable. It
world. There are many causes, but by far the most is the duty of healthcare professionals to provide
common and most important is postmenopausal women with an impartial account of the current
osteoporosis, which affects most women by the knowledge regarding osteoporosis.
end of their lives.
Despite an increasing awareness of the impor-
tance of osteoporosis in some sections of the



AGE- AND GENDER-SPECIFIC and the upper femur. Fractures of the distal radius
INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE invariably result from a fall onto the outstretched
Osteoporosis is the most important cause of hand. Each year, there are approximately 40 000
fracture in the elderly in the Western world such fractures in the UK9 and 250 000 in the
(Figure 1.1)1. In the USA, at least 1.3 million USA2; in the UK, it has been estimated that 0.5%
fractures per year are attributable to this condi- of women over the age of 70 years will sustain
tion2, of which 700 000 are vertebral fractures this fracture each year10. The rate of distal forearm
and 300 000 are hip fractures3. It is estimated fracture rises sharply after the age of 50 years in
that in the USA, 8 million women aged 50 or women, but changes little with age in men. After
older have osteoporosis and 22 million have low the age of 65 years, the rate in women does not
bone mass4. By 2010, these numbers are predicted appear to increase further.
to increase to 9 million and 26 million, respectively. In England in 1985, 37 600 people aged 65 years
Estimates of fracture frequency in the UK vary, and over sustained a fracture of the hip11, and in the
but the combined annual incidence of fracture of USA in 1987, there were approximately 250 000
the vertebrae, hip, and distal forearm is approxi- hip fractures2. Whilst hip fracture is most common
mately 200 000, of which the majority are associ- in elderly women, it should also be appreciated that
ated with osteoporosis. over 9000 hip fractures per year occur in women
An estimated 40% of women and 13% of men aged between 50 and 65 years in the UK12.
aged 50 years and older will sustain an osteoporo- Although the increase in the age-specific rate of
tic fracture in their lifetime5. Taking into account hip fracture that occurred in the UK between the
future mortality trends, these figures rise to 47% mid-1950s and 198013,14 appears to have ceased
for women and 22% for men6. more recently13, it is likely that the proportion of
The cumulative lifetime risk of having an osteo- elderly women in the population will continue to
porotic fracture is 24 times greater in women than increase. It has been estimated that a 15% increase
in men7. It is difficult to calculate the economic cost may be anticipated in the rate of proximal femoral
of osteoporotic fractures, but it is clear that the fractures during the next decade simply because
monetary cost is high and that it is rising. In the of aging of the population15. The risk of hip frac-
1980s it was estimated that the annual cost of care ture rises approximately 1.3% per annum in women
for patients with proximal femoral fracture alone in aged over 65 years15 and at half this rate in men16.
the USA was $8 billion8. More recently, direct med- At age 65 years, the incidence is 12 per thousand
ical expenditures for managing osteoporotic frac- for women and 0.51 per thousand for men. By
tures were estimated to be $17 billion annually2. 85 years of age, the corresponding incidences in
The three most common sites of osteoporotic women and men are approximately 25 and 10 per
fracture are the distal radius, the vertebral body, thousand, respectively16. The present incidence


Figure 1.1 Incidence rates for the three most common osteoporotic fractures, plotted as a function of age at time of
fracture. Rates are much lower in men and occur at a later age than in women. From reference 1, with permission

suggests that 15% of women over age 65 years17 of such events are brought to medical attention at
and nearly a quarter of English women living to the time of fracture9. The annual incidence in
90 years of age7,18 can expect to have a hip fracture. Rochester, Minnesota, in the 1980s was 0.5% at
Osteoporosis is an important cause of mortality age 50 years, rising to 4% at age 85 years1. In the
and morbidity not only in the Western countries, 1960s, Smith and Risek21 X-rayed 2063 women
because the number of elderly women is increasing in Puerto Rico and southwestern Michigan, and
worldwide, most rapidly in Asia, Latin America, found a prevalence of vertebral fracture that rose
the Middle East, and Africa (Figure 1.2). It has with age to a maximum of approximately 20% at
been estimated that these regions will account for around 70 years of age. Data from the 1980s17
more than 70% of the estimated 6.26 million from 134 apparently normal women showed a
fractures expected in the year 20508. prevalence of wedge fracture in approximately
Hip fracture is an important cause of mortality 60% of women over age 70 years and a prevalence
and morbidity. Approximately 2027% of women of crushed vertebrae of 10%. A recent prospective
who sustain such a fracture die within a year19,20. study22 of 2260 women, mean age 62.2 years,
About half of the women who have had a hip recruited in 18 European centers estimated verte-
fracture will experience long-term pain and dis- bral fracture by lateral spinal X-ray at baseline and
ability15, and 20% will have severely impaired 5 years later. Two hundred and forty (11%) had
mobility a year later19. In the USA, which does prevalent fractures at the baseline survey, and a
not have a domiciliary system such as has devel- further 3.8% developed incident fractures during
oped in the UK, half of the survivors of a frac- follow-up. Vertebral fractures are at least 10 times
tured hip will enter long-term nursing-home more common in women than in men23.
care1. A detailed and extensive study20 of all fractures
There are few studies of the age-specific incidence in the town of Malm, Sweden, during the 1950s
of vertebral fracture as many fractures are sub- to the 1980s showed an increasing annual age-
clinical. It has been estimated that only one-third adjusted incidence of fracture of the hip, vertebrae,


Figure 1.2 Hip fracture incidence around the world expressed as a ratio of the rates observed to those expected
in the US for white women of the same age. From reference 8, with permission

and radius. This was attributed to reduced bone 6.5 years. Fracture risk (excluding spinal frac-
density resulting from declining physical activity, tures) increased with age and with decreasing
altered nutrition, and increased use of tobacco radial bone density after age adjustment. The rate
and/or alcohol24. The mortality following verte- of increase in fracture risk with declining bone
bral fracture is often overlooked, but such frac- density appeared to be greater in the older age
tures are associated with a 2030% mortality by groups and in those with the lowest bone density
5 years25. (Figure 1.3). Overall, the risk of hip fracture alone
increased 1.9 times with each g/cm decrease in
radial bone mass.
RELATIONSHIP OF BONE Using SPA measurement at the distal and mid-
DENSITY TO FRACTURE radius, Grdsell and colleagues29 estimated bone
Studies in which progressively increasing forces density in 1076 women who were followed up for
were applied to human femoral neck preparations 11 years. The fracture risk was up to 7.5 times
in vivo have shown that the force necessary to greater in the 10% of women with the lowest
cause fracture is linearly related to bone density26,27. bone densities compared with the 10% who had
There is little doubt that the risk of fracture is great- the highest densities. A larger study of 9704
est in those women whose bone density is lowest. white women used similar methods and followed
Several prospective studies using modern meth- up those women who had had bone density mea-
ods of bone density measurement have shown a sured in the radius and os calcis. An increased risk
significant association between bone density and of hip, humeral shaft, and wrist fractures was
fracture risk in the female population. In the study found in those with the lowest bone densities30,31.
of Hui and co-workers28, single-photon absorpti- Although there are correlations between bone
ometry (SPA) was used to measure bone density density in the radius with those in the spine
at the mid-radius in 521 white women who were (Figure 1.4) and hip32,33, the risk of hip fracture is
followed up for an average of approximately more strongly associated with the bone density in


Figure 1.3 Relationship of bone density to fracture at different ages allows prediction of future fracture risk. From
reference 28, with permission

Figure 1.4 Correlation between vertebral and forearm trabecular bone density as measured by quantitative computed
tomography (QCT). The relationship is highly significant, but not predictive. From reference 32, with permission

the proximal femur than in the radius34,35. Similarly, directly at the hip and spine is stronger than that
vertebral bone density is likely to be the best pre- of bone density measured at peripheral sites38.
dictor of spinal fracture36,37. The relationship Hip geometry may be an additional factor in
between fracture risk and bone density measured fracture risk. A study39 of hip axis length showed


that this measurement was greater in women with RELATIONSHIP OF FALLS TO

osteoporotic fracture than in those without, sug- FRACTURE
gesting that this may be a predictor of fracture Although bone mineral density is closely associ-
independent of bone mineral density (BMD). ated with the risk of fracture, it does not account
More recent studies suggest that measurements for all of the variation in fracture rate in the pop-
of hip geometry may be combined with BMD to ulation. Age appears to be an important factor that
improve the prediction of fracture risk40,41. Further is independent of bone mineral density. Thus, for
development of the measurement software and any given bone mineral density, the fracture rate
more data are required before such methods can increases with age28,52. The relative risk increases
be used in the clinical setting. by a factor of 23 per decade after the age of 2853.
The relationship of BMD to fracture risk has It is likely that the increased rate of falls known
been questioned by some authors. Several to occur with advancing age54 is mainly respon-
studies35,4244 have measured bone mineral den- sible for this association. One report has shown
sity using dual-photon absorptiometry in the that perimenopausal women fall more than age-
contralateral hip of women who had recently matched men55, and an increase in the rate of falls
had a hip fracture and compared the results with around the time of the menopause may be respon-
age-matched controls. In all of these, and in the sible for the sharp increase in the incidence of
majority of similar but less well-conducted stud- distal forearm fracture seen in women, but not
ies, the mean bone mineral density in women men, at the age of 50 years16. Neuromuscular and
who had fractures was less than that in the con- visual impairment are predictors of hip fracture in
trols. However, differences in the distributions elderly mobile women. A slower gait, poor heel-
of bone mineral density showed considerable to-toe walking, and reduced visual acuity have
overlap between the fracture and control groups. been reported to be independent predictors of hip
This has been interpreted by some authors to fracture in a French study of 7575 women over
indicate that bone mineral density measurement 75 years of age56. A tendency to fall in an indi-
at these sites is a poor predictor of fracture risk18. vidual is likely to persist, and may explain why the
However, such a conclusion cannot be drawn most important risk factor for fracture, indepen-
from these data because the absence of fracture dent of bone mineral density, is a previous fragility
in women in the control group does not imply fracture. Such a fracture increases the risk of future
that they are not at risk of fracture in the future. fractures by as much as a factor of 8. The risk is
Bone mineral density measurements are not highest in the first year or two after the initial
intended to be a diagnostic test for fracture45. fracture57.
Serum cholesterol levels do not discriminate It has been suggested that the relative roles of
between subjects with or without coronary falls and reduced bone mineral density as contrib-
artery disease46 but, as with bone mineral den- utors to the risk of fracture are different for the
sity measurements, can predict adverse health three most common osteoporotic fracture types58.
outcomes47. Fractures of the distal radius may be more influ-
In summary, measurement of bone mineral enced by the rate of falls than by low bone min-
density at the lumbar spine and proximal femur eral density, whereas the rate of fracture of the
by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry is currently vertebral body, greatest in an older population,
the most appropriate way of measuring bone den- may be mainly related to low bone mineral den-
sity to predict the risk of fracture in postmenopausal sity. The rate of distal forearm fracture does not
women48. In postmenopausal white women, the appear to increase significantly in women over
relative risk of fracture is increased by a factor of 65 years old, whereas the rate of femoral neck frac-
1.53 for each decrease of 1.0 in the T score, ture increases steadily with age as the rate of falls
depending on the site measured4951. rises and bone mineral density declines. The vast


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Bone structure

CORTICAL AND TRABECULAR organized pattern. Haversian systems are sepa-

BONE rated from one another by cement lines which are
Bone provides the strength and rigidity of the strongly basophilic, have a high content of inor-
skeleton as well as acting as a reservoir of calcium ganic matrix, and correspond to areas of bone
and other mineral salts. It is a highly vascular, resorption and deposition.
mineralized connective tissue of cells in a fibrous Trabecular bone is found in the middle of bones
organic matrix permeated by inorganic bone salts. such as the vertebrae, pelvis, and other flat bones,
The collagen framework varies from an almost and at the ends of the long bones. It consists mainly
random network to highly organized sheets or of more fragmented systems of Haversian lamel-
helical bundles of parallel fibers. Mature bone lae and lacunae covered by numerous cement lines
may be classified into two types, cortical or com- separated by large spaces filled with bone mar-
pact, and trabecular or cancellous. row. Trabecular bone receives its blood supply
Cortical bone is always found on the outside from the surrounding tissues. The high surface
of bones and surrounds the trabecular bone area-to-volume ratio of trabecular bone indicates
(Figure 2.1). Approximately 80% of the skeleton that it is far more metabolically active compared
is cortical bone. The architecture and amount of with cortical bone and has the potential to change
cortical bone at any site are related to its function its density more rapidly.
at that area. Cortical bone is porous, but the ratio
of solid tissue to space is considerably higher than BONE CELLS
for trabecular bone. Cortical bone is made up of
a collection of cylindrical units termed Haversian There are three main types of bone cells: osteo-
systems, which run parallel to the outer surface of blasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes.
the bone. Each Haversian system has a central
Haversian canal containing a neurovascular bun- Osteoblasts
dle, and each canal is surrounded by concentric These cells originate from bone marrow-derived
lamellae of bony tissue (Figure 2.2). The lamellae stromal cells3 and are responsible for the deposition
are separated by small spaces termed lacunae, of the extracellular matrix and its mineralization4.
which are connected to each other and to the They are highly differentiated columnar-shaped
central Haversian canal by small channels called cells (2030 m in diameter), usually found in a
canaliculi. Osteocytes are found within the lacu- layer one cell thick, intimately apposed to areas of
nae and extend cytoplasmic processes into the bone formation or remodeling (Figure 2.3). They
canaliculi. The gaps between the Haversian sys- have a cellular structure that includes extensive
tems are made up of interstitial bone which con- endoplasmic reticulum, a large Golgi complex,
sists of similar tissue elements, but in a less and other cellular characteristics, in keeping with


Figure 2.1 Normal iliac crest bone (Goldners trichrome

stain) showing inner and outer cortices and intervening Figure 2.4 Histology showing osteoblasts on one side
trabecular bone. From reference 1, with permission of a trabecular structure with multinucleated osteoclasts
on the other. Osteoblasts are polarized, mononuclear,
fusiform to cuboidal cells with basophilic cytoplasm.
They form bone matrix (osteoid) which minerallizes
in a two-phase process to mature bone. Courtesy of
Dr Flemming Melsen

their role as protein-synthesizing and -secreting

cells. Whereas the plump osteoblasts are active
in bone formation (Figure 2.4), flatter and more
inactive or resting osteoblasts form the lining
cells on the surface of bone. These lining cells
may be responsible for removing the thin layer of
Figure 2.2 Photomicrograph of cortical bone show-
osteoid which coats the bone surface, thus expos-
ing concentric lamellae surrounding the central ing the bone for osteoclastic resorption.
Haversian canal. From reference 2, with permission
Osteoclasts are responsible for the resorption of
calcified bone and cartilage (Figures 2.5 and 2.6).
They are derived from hemopoietic stem cells and
are formed by the fusion of mononuclear cell pre-
cursors5. Their morphological and phagocytic
characteristics are similar to other cells of the
mononuclear phagocytic cell line. They are typi-
cally large (up to 200 000 m3) and may contain
up to 100 nuclei. The cells show cellular polarity,
and resorption occurs along the ruffled border of
the cell apposed to the bone surface. The cyto-
plasm adjacent to this surface is devoid of organ-
elles, but is rich in actin filaments and other
Figure 2.3 Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a microfilament-associated proteins6, suggesting
layer or pavement of osteoblasts. Courtesy of that this area contains the source of osteoclastic
Professor Sheila Jones bone adhesion.


Figure 2.7 SEM of osteocytes in the bone lacunae.

A liberated osteocyte is seen on the surface. Courtesy
of Professor Alan Boyde

Figure 2.5 SEM of osteoclasts in vitro. Courtesy of

Professor Alan Boyde

Figure 2.8 SEM of a cast to show osteocytes and their

canalicular processes. Courtesy of Professor Alan Boyde

activity declines, the size of the endoplasmic

reticulum and Golgi apparatus decreases, and the
mitochondrial content falls. Osteocytes commu-
nicate with one another via cytoplasmic processes
Figure 2.6 SEM showing osteoclastic resorption of (Figure 2.8) that pass through the bone canaliculi.
bone in vitro. Courtesy of Professor Alan Boyde
These processes may help to coordinate the
response of bone to stress or deformation.
Osteocytes are osteoblasts that remain behind in BONE PROTEINS AND MINERALS
lacunae (Figure 2.7) when the bone-forming surface Normal adult bone is termed lamellar bone. Each
advances. They are the result of osteoblasts self- lamella is a thin plate 57 m thick and made up
entombed by their own bone matrix-secreting of bone matrix consisting of protein fibers impreg-
activity. As they become further isolated from the nated with bone salts. In each lamella, the protein
bone-forming surface, their protein-synthesizing fibers are largely oriented parallel to one another


In the remodeling process (Figure 2.10), the

osteoclast moves to an area of bone to be remod-
eled and secretes lactate or hydrogen ions through
its ruffled cell border onto the bone surface to
create an acid environment into which proteases
such as proteoglycanase and collegenase are
secreted from within the cell8. The bone matrix is
then broken down by these enzymes, perhaps
with the assistance of calcium chelating ions, such
as citrate, which help to solubilize minerals
(Figures 2.11 and 2.12). It is possible that released
proteins such as bone morphogenic proteins act
Figure 2.9 SEM of lamellar bone matrix showing the
pattern of the collagen fibers. Courtesy of Professor
as signals or coupling factors for the osteoblasts.
Alan Boyde
After breakdown of the bone matrix is complete,
the osteoclasts disappear. Several days later,
osteoblasts move to the remodelling site, first to
(Figure 2.9). The organic matrix constitutes deposit extracellular matrix, and subsequently to
3040%, and mineral salts 6070%, of the dry control its mineralization4,9. The chief protein
weight of bone. Water makes up 20% of the secreted is type I collagen. The remodeling process
weight of the matrix of mature bone. occurs in both cortical (Figures 2.13 and 2.14)
The principal organic component in bone is and trabecular (Figure 2.15) bone. Recent evi-
type I collagen, which constitutes 9095% of the dence suggests that osteoblastic activity is influ-
organic matrix. It is a heteropolymer of two 1 enced by multiple factors including osteocrin, a
chains and one 2 chain wound together in a recently discovered bone-active molecule, which
triple helix. The important ionic components of in animals is highly expressed in cells of the osteo-
the bone matrix are calcium, phosphate, magne- blast lineage. Osteocrin levels appear to correlate
sium, carbonate, hydroxyl, fluoride, citrate, and with osteoblast10 and megakaryocyte activity11.
chloride. The most important crystalline compo- A study of osteoid seams, resorption cavities,
nent of bone is hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), and bone structural units in iliac crest trabecular
found as needle-shaped crystals 2040 nm in length bone suggests that the above explanation of bone
and 36 nm in breadth, generally lying with their remodeling may be overly simplistic. It appears
long axes parallel to the collagen fibers. The other that, in some remodeling units, bone formation
bone mineral ions are found in association with the may start before complete resorption, bone
surface of the hydroxyapatite crystals, or they may resorption may be arrested in some cavities, and
replace phosphate ions within the crystals. bone may be formed on quiescent bone surfaces12.
The results of further studies are awaited.
Bone is remodeled by osteoclasts and osteoblasts REGULATION OF BONE CELL
working in combination in a cycle of activity that ACTIVITY
lasts around 36 months. The resorption of bone Bone cell activity may be regulated by local or
by osteoclasts and its replacement by osteoblasts systemic factors (Table 2.1).
are normally coupled together, which ensures
that the processes of bone destruction and forma- Systemic factors
tion are more or less matched. This coupling is The three main systemic hormones that regulate
probably mediated by cellular messengers pro- calcium homeostasis (calcitonin, vitamin D, and
duced by each cell type. parathyroid hormone (PTH)) all appear to have


Figure 2.10 Diagrammatic

representation of the develop-
ing and mature cells of bone to
show the relationship between
osteocytes and surface
cells. From reference 7, with

Figure 2.11 SEM from a time-

lapse video of osteoclastic bone
resorption showing a track of
resorption pits. Courtesy of
Professor Alan Boyde.

direct effects on bone cells. The principal action (HRT) is a proven treatment for preventing osteo-
of calcitonin is to inhibit bone resorption. porosis. Estrogen deficiency increases the rate of
Parathyroid hormone produces changes in the bone remodeling, as well as the amount of bone
shape of osteoblasts, which is thought to be indic- loss with each remodeling cycle. Animal and cell
ative of increased bone resorption13 (Figure 2.16). culture studies suggest that there are multiple
It is probable that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 has sites of estrogen action, not only on the cells of
effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. It the bone remodeling unit, but on other marrow
increases osteoblastic production of osteocalcin cells. The mechanism of action is not known, but
and alkaline phosphatase, and stimulates osteo- potential sites of action include effects on T cell
clastic differentiation and multinucleation14. cytokine production, effects on stromal or osteo-
Estrogen has an important action in preserving blastic cells to alter receptor activator of nuclear
bone, and estrogen hormone replacement therapy factor B ligand (RANKL) or osteoprotegerin


(OPG) production, direct inhibition of differenti-

ated osteoclasts, and effects on bone formation in
response to mechanical forces initiated by osteo-
blasts or osteocytes15.
Estrogen acts through two receptors, and .
Receptors appear to be the chief mediator of
estrogens actions on the skeleton16. Osteoblasts
have estrogen receptors (ERs) (Figure 2.17) and
express ER, but the actions of ER agonists on
bone are less clear. Some reports suggest that the
effects of estrogen signaling through and
receptors are in opposition, while other studies
Figure 2.12 Histology from a patient with primary suggest that activation of these receptors has sim-
hyperparathyroidism showing a resorption lacuna in ilar effects on bone18,19. Functional estradiol recep-
trabecular bone (Howships lacuna) with multinucleated tors have not been identified in osteoclasts (Figure
osteoclasts. Osteoclastic bone resorption includes bone 2.18), but estrogen effects on bone may also be
matrix as well as bone mineral. The final depth of the via an action on cells of the hematopoietic lin-
resorption lacuna which reflects the amount of activity eage, including osteoclast precursors and mature
of the osteoclasts, is measured by counting the number osteoclasts via cytokines and growth factors13
of missing lamellae. Courtesy of Dr Flemming Melsen which may be mediated by T cells20. A direct

Figure 2.13 SEMs at low (a) and high (b) magnifications showing an evolving Haversian system in the bone cortex
(viewed longitudinally). The cutting zone (to the right) is followed by the reversal zone and the mineralization front,
with new bone then closing the canal. From reference 2, with permission


Figure 2.14 Back-scattered electron micrograph

showing stages of bone remodeling. The outer (lower)
cortex shows predominantly resorption and many
Haversian canals whereas the inner (upper) cortex
near the trabecular surface shows new bone formation
closing the canals. There is a mixed pattern in the cen-
tral cortical area. Courtesy of Professor Alan Boyde

effect of estrogen in accelerating osteoclast apop-

tosis may be due to increased transforming growth
factor- (TGF-) production21.
Several studies have shown that estrogens
increase calcitonin secretion in both pre- and
postmenopausal women2226, although some stud-
ies have not27. Calcitonin secretion has been
shown to be reduced in studies of established
osteoporotics compared with controls28, but other
studies have not shown this effect29. It is possible
that the different results of calcitonin studies are
due to variations in measurement techniques,
including the ability of different antisera to rec-
ognize different heterogeneous molecular species,
and differences in extraction techniques.
Figure 2.15 Histological biopsy sections from the
Local factors iliac crest show the principal phases of the remodeling
Local factors include cytokines, growth factors, cycle in trabecular bone: resorption by osteoclasts (a);
other peptides, and nitric oxide. A cytokine is a reversal, with disappearance of the osteoclasts (b); for-
peptide produced by a cell that acts as an auto- mation, with deposition of osteoid by osteoblasts (c);
crine, paracrine, or endocrine mediator14. A large mineralization of the osteoid (d); and completion of the
and increasing number of cytokines have been shown cycle (e). From reference 2, with permission
to have an effect on bone. Important cytokines
include interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6),


Table 2.1 Factors affecting bone resorption and

formation (some assignments are tentative)
Factors Resorption Formation
PTH/PTH-related peptide  
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3  
Calcitonin  ?
Estrogen, androgen  
Insulin ? 
Growth hormone ? 
Thyroid hormone  
Figure 2.16 SEM of the effects of parathyroid hor-
Interleukin-4  ? mone on osteoblasts. There is initial separation fol-
Interleukin-6 ? ? lowed by spreading and elongation of the cells, which
Colony-stimulating factor   become multilayered. Withdrawal of parathyroid hor-
Tumor necrosis factor  ? mone leads to an increase in cell mitosis13. Courtesy of
Interferon-  ? Professor Sheila Jones
Leukemia inhibitory factor  ?
Insulin-like growth ? 
factors I and II
Transforming growth  ?
Epidermal growth factor  ?
Transforming growth  
Bone morphogenic protein ? 
Platelet-derived growth ? 
Fibroblast growth factor ? ?
Vasoactive intestinal peptide  ?
Calcitonin gene-related  ?
Figure 2.17 Cytoplasmic staining for estradiol recep-
Heparin  ?
tor-related protein (p29 antigen) results in intense
Miscellaneous staining of primary human trabecular osteoblast-like
Proton  ? cells. From reference 17, with permission
Phosphate  ?
Fluoride   tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, and interferon
Bisphosphonate  ? (IFN)-.
Antiestrogen  ? IL-1 is a monocyte/macrophage product found
Gallium nitrate  ? in two forms, and , which appear to have
Alcohol, tobacco ?  similar biological activity. IL-1 stimulates some
Electric current   osteoblast-like cells to secrete proteinases, such as
collagenase and stromelysin, which may contrib-
Stress, exercise   ute to the breakdown of connective tissue matri-
ces22. The production of IL-1 after the menopause


oxide synthase are expressed by bone-derived cells,

and IL-1, TNF-, and IFN- are potent stimula-
tors of nitric oxide production36. When combined
with other cytokines, IFN- induces nitric oxide
production, which suppresses osteoclast formation
and activity of mature osteoclasts. High nitric
oxide concentrations inhibit cells of the osteoblast
lineage, and nitric oxide production may be partly
responsible for the inhibitory effects of cytokines
on osteoblast proliferation. At lower nitric oxide
concentrations, the effects appear to be different.
Figure 2.18 Cytoplasmic staining for estradiol receptor- Moderate induction of nitric oxide potentiates
related protein (p29 antigen) in human giant cell tumor bone resorption and promotes osteoblast-like cell
imprint. Osteoclasts are clearly visible because of their proliferation and function37. It is likely that nitric
lack of staining. From reference 17, with permission oxide is one of the molecules produced by osteo-
blasts that regulate osteoclast activity38,39.
is increased, and, in patients with osteoporosis, Proton secretion by the ruffled border of osteo-
may be suppressed by estrogen therapy29. IL-1 , clasts is necessary to solubilize bone mineral and
IL-1 and IL-1 mRNA are expressed significantly degrade the organic matrix of bone. One or two
more in bone from osteoporotic women than from protons are secreted for every Ca2+ liberated40.
women with normal bone mineral density or This secretion is mediated via an electrogenic
postmenopausal women taking HRT30,31. H(+)-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) cou-
TNF is also found in and forms, which are pled to a chloride channel in the ruffled mem-
similar in activity to each other and to IL-1. Both brane. Antiresorptive agents such as tiludronate
TNF- and IL-1 inhibit bone resorption and may partially act by inhibiting H(+)-ATPase41.
formation32,33. IL-1 and TNF- may act in syn- Changes in pH may be of importance, as the reg-
ergy and induce the production of each other as ulation of bone resorption and osteoclasts is
well as other cytokines. acutely sensitive to pH.
IFN- inhibits IL-1- or TNF--induced bone Recent studies of the molecular mechanism for
resorption, but has less effect on resorption the interaction between cells of the osteoblastic
stimulated by parathyroid hormone or 1,25- and osteoclastic lineages indicate that RANKL
dihydroxyvitamin D334, and may be considered a and OPG and members of the TNF- and TNF-
potential antagonist to IL-1 and TNF-. receptor superfamily are important15.
Numerous growth factors that directly influ- Osteoblasts produce RANKL, which activates
ence bone cell activity have been identified, and osteoclast differentiation and maintains their
include platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), function. Osteoblasts also produce and secrete
insulin-like growth factors, and transforming OPG, which can block RANKL/RANK interac-
growth factor (TGF)-. PDGF stimulates bone tions. Bone resorption stimulators increase
resorption, is mitogenic for fibroblasts, and may RANKL expression in osteoblasts, and some
mediate the mitogenic effects of IL-114. TGF- is decrease OPG expression42. Recently, a monoclo-
produced in an inactive form which is activated nal antibody against RANKL was shown to pro-
by an acid environment. Estrogens may prevent duce prolonged inhibition of bone resorption in
bone loss by limiting osteoclastic lifespan through postmenopausal women. It was also shown that
promotion of apoptosis mediated by TGF-35. RANKL levels were increased on the surface of
Nitric oxide (NO) has recently been found to bone marrow cells from early postmenopausal
have important effects on bone. Forms of nitric women, who are estrogen deficient43.


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The major factors that determine whether a person that general dietary intake in early life is as impor-
develops osteoporosis are the maximum (peak) tant as calcium intake as a determinant of peak
bone density that is achieved and the amount bone mass11.
that is subsequently lost. Bone quality and archi- Although it is well established that long-term
tecture are also important. physical exercise results in regional increases in
bone mass12 (Figure 3.3) and immobilization leads
PEAK BONE MASS to bone loss, it is uncertain whether a lifetime of
Peak bone mass in men and women is probably activity reduces the risk of hip fracture12,14.
achieved soon after their skeletal growth ceases1,2 Surprisingly few studies have examined the effect
(Figures 3.1 and 3.2). The bone mass at skeletal of exercise in early adult life on peak bone mass.
maturity differs between the sexes, being 3050% A preliminary study by Kanders and colleagues8
greater in men than in women3,4. However, the suggested that both an adequate intake of cal-
lean/bone mass ratios in mature men and women cium and an active lifestyle are necessary for max-
are similar, suggesting that both sexes at that imizing bone mineral density in early adult life.
time have an equal capacity to withstand mechan- Data from a UK study suggest that, after allow-
ical trauma. ing for body build, physical activity is the major
Peak bone mass is largely determined by genetic determinant of peak bone density15. A recent
factors. The variance in bone mineral density study that attempted to explain variance in peak
between dizygotic twins is much greater than in bone mineral density reported that vitamin D
monozygotic twins5, and the daughters of women receptor (VDR), estrogen receptor (ER), and
who have had a hip fracture have lower than aver- collagen type I1 (COLI1) genes and other fac-
age bone mineral density6. Genetic factors are tors such as birth weight, lifestyle, diet, and exer-
almost certainly the reason for racial differences cise were not major factors, and that the important
in bone mineral density, with a higher bone min- genetic and environmental influences remain to be
eral density in blacks compared with whites7 and found16.
no evidence of a change in the incidence of osteo- Excessive exercise may lead to hypothalamic-
porosis in people who migrate from an area of low induced hypoestrogenism which, in turn,
incidence to one of high incidence. results in reduced bone mineral density1719. Thus,
Environmental influences on peak bone mass physical activity cannot counteract the effects of
include diet and exercise. Some studies suggest hormone deprivation on the skeleton. Prolonged
that calcium intake during childhood and adoles- periods of hypoestrogenism during young
cence influences peak bone mass810, but there is adult life, such as are seen in anorexia nervosa,
little evidence that calcium supplementation in reduce peak bone density and predispose to
school-age children has any effect11. It is possible osteoporosis.


Figure 3.1 Bone density in the

lumbar spine (L24) in 107 pre-
menopausal and 166 postmeno-
pausal healthy women according
to age or time since menopause.
There is rapid loss of bone density
following the menopause. From
reference 2, with permission

Figure 3.2 Bone density in the

femoral neck in 108 premeno-
pausal and 171 postmenopausal
healthy women according to age
or time since menopause. There
is some premenopausal loss of
bone density, but more rapid loss
following the menopause. From
reference 2, with permission

SMOKING, ALCOHOL, AND mineral density deficit of 510% compared with

LIFESTYLE FACTORS non-smokers25.
Smoking is associated with a reduced peak bone It is not known whether the lower bone min-
mass2,20, earlier menopause21, and thinness22, all eral density found in alcoholics26 is mainly due to
of which are risk factors for osteoporotic fracture. inadequate dietary intake, poor exercise, or a
It appears to reduce bone mineral density by a direct effect of alcohol in reducing osteoblastic
mechanism that is independent of its effect on activity27, but it is likely to be a combination of
weight or estrogen metabolism20, and may act by these factors. Although the bone mineral density
reducing calcium absorption23,24. Data from a in the proximal femur has been shown to be sig-
twin study suggest that women who smoke nificantly lower in premenopausal women who
20 cigarettes a day throughout adulthood will, by consume more than two drinks per day compared
the time of the menopause, have an average bone with those who consume less2, the differences are


The active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvi-
tamin D (1,25(OH)2D), has important physio-
logic activities, including upregulating intestinal
calcium and phosphate absorption. Inadequate
vitamin D levels lead to impaired calcium absorp-
tion and a compensatory increase in parathyroid
hormone (PTH) levels. This results in increased
bone resorption and accelerated bone loss31,32.
Vitamin D may also have a direct effect on
muscle strength and dexterity. Receptors for
1,25(OH)2D have been identified in skeletal
muscle tissue3335 and low vitamin D levels
have been associated with myopathy in patients
with osteomalacia36. There appears to be a rela-
tionship between low serum vitamin D and
age-related muscle weakness37, increased body
sway38, increased risk of falls3942, and fall-related

Although one study43 suggested that integral spi-
nal bone mineral density declines linearly through-
Figure 3.3 Difference in femoral neck bone density out life, and another44 found that at least 50% of
between 101 healthy postmenopausal women who trabecular bone in women is lost before the meno-
took regular weight-bearing exercise and 70 who did
pause, most authorities agree that bone mineral
not. From reference 13, with permission
density declines slowly in women until just before
the menopause and that the loss increases consid-
small. A Finnish study of risk factors for fracture erably thereafter45 (see Figures 3.1 and 3.2). Bone
in 3140 women followed up for a mean of 2.4 loss probably begins in the third or fourth decade
years showed greater alcohol intake in those who of life and may be due, at least in men, to a decline
developed fracture than those who did not28. This in osteoblast function45. The decline in bone min-
finding may be due to an effect of alcohol on bal- eral density is around 0.5% per year.
ance rather than bone mineral density. A recent In women, bone mineral density appears to fall
study of predictors of bone loss from the exponentially, commencing just before the
Framingham cohort demonstrated that an alco- menopause46,47 when ovarian function begins to
hol intake of 207 ml or more ( 7 fl oz) per week decline. This loss is chiefly due to the increased
is a risk factor for bone loss, but concluded that resorption of bone4851 superimposed on the effects
weight, estrogen use, and cigarette smoking were of aging. The loss of bone is greatest initially and
the most important predictors of bone health29. may be as much as 5% per year for vertebral tra-
Increased parity is associated with increased becular bone52,53. The loss is even greater after
bone mineral density. A retrospective UK study30 oophorectomy54. The loss of cortical bone in the
of 825 women found a 1% gain in bone mineral perimenopausal years is slower than for trabecular
density per live birth that was independent of bone52,5557, and, after 810 years, the rate of total
other risk factors. bone loss declines to less than 1% per annum.


There is accumulating evidence that the rate of

perimenopausal bone loss varies considerably
between women. Approximately 35% of women
lose large amounts of bone mineral at the meno-
pause; they are the fast bone losers. A fast rate
of bone loss and a low bone mineral density may
contribute equally to future risk of fracture58.
Fast bone losers may lose approximately 50%
more bone mass at the wrist, spine, and hip within
12 years of the menopause than slow bone los-
ers59. Some reports suggest that this difference is
not related to initial bone mineral content, par-
ity, or smoking habits, but to estrogen levels and
fat mass60. Fat postmenopausal women have
higher endogenous estrogen production61,62, and
it appears that fast bone losers have lower serum
concentrations of estrogens than slow bone los-
ers6365. Some authors have demonstrated that
perimenopausal white women with the highest
bone masses lose most bone, in absolute terms,
following the loss of ovarian function54,55.
However, a prospective UK follow-up study of
postmenopausal women over 5 years found no
correlation between rate of bone loss in the fore- Figure 3.4 Typical isotropic trabecular (or cancellous)
arm and spine and baseline bone density66. bone from a non-weight-bearing part of the skeleton
(iliac crest). The tissue forms a three-dimensional lattice
BONE ARCHITECTURE AND of anastomosing plates and struts without a fixed orien-
QUALITY tation in space. This structure provides the maximum
The structural architecture of bone has received support with a minimum of material. Courtesy of
little attention until fairly recently. Recent Dr Leif Mosekilde
research has focused upon trabecular bone loss
and its response to treatment, as it is this bone whereas erosion is secondary to increased bone
type that shows the greatest metabolic activity turnover, which occurs during the perimeno-
(Figures 3.43.7). Trabecular bone loss may pausal years69. Increased bone turnover by itself
result from thinning or loss of trabeculae. The will increase fracture risk because of an increased
latter leads to a reduction in connectedness of likelihood of trabecular perforation. Conversely,
the bone elements (Figures 3.8 and 3.9), which therapeutic reductions in bone turnover may
may then have no functional value, but will con- reduce fracture risk even before significant
tribute to the bone mineral density. However, increases in density have been achieved.
there is evidence that a reduced connectedness is Computed analysis of the structure of iliac crest
also associated with a greater reduction in bone bone biopsies have made possible the measurement
mineral density than is trabecular thinning67. Both of indices of bone architecture such as trabecular
processes appear to occur with advancing age in pattern, trabecular separation, and number70.
both sexes, but disconnectedness is found more Such techniques have been used for detailed study
often in women68. Some data suggest that trabe- of the effects of the menopause and its treatment
cular thinning is due to reduced bone formation, on bone architecture7173.


Figure 3.7 SEM of osteoporotic trabecular bone show-

ing marked thinning and disconnection of trabeculae.
Courtesy of Professor Alan Boyde

Figure 3.5 Typical anisotropic trabecular (or cancel-

lous) bone from a weight-bearing part of the skeleton
(spine). The tissue forms a three-dimensional lattice of
thick anastomosing columns and thinner horizontal Figure 3.8 Histological biopsy section of iliac crest
struts. Courtesy of Dr Leif Mosekilde bone (Goldners trichrome) from a non-osteoporotic
subject shows connectivity of the trabecular elements.
Courtesy of Dr David Dempster

Figure 3.6 Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of nor- Figure 3.9 Histological biopsy section of iliac crest
mal trabecular bone showing thick trabecular plates, bone (Goldners trichrome) from a patient with osteo-
which are all interconnected. Courtesy of Professor porosis shows marked loss of trabecular elements.
Alan Boyde Courtesy of Dr David Dempster


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Biochemical changes

CALCIUM, VITAMIN D, AND postmenopausal women3. The lower level of

PARATHYROID HORMONE 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, in turn, results in a
In the normal person whose bone mass is being fall in intestinal calcium absorption4. Compared
maintained, approximately 6 mmol of calcium with normal subjects, osteoporotic women show
enters and leaves the skeleton each day1, and the differences in calcium balance, plasma calcium,
amount of calcium leaving the body in the urine and calcium-regulating hormones similar to those
and digestive juices is matched by the amount between pre- and postmenopausal women4,5. This
absorbed from the gut. Plasma calcium is chiefly suggests that neither a primary defect in calcium
regulated by the actions of parathyroid hormone, absorption6 nor renal endocrine failure7 is the cause
and vitamin D and its derivatives, on the kidney, of osteoporosis in the majority of cases.
skeleton, and gut.
Parathyroid hormone secretion increases in Urinary calcium excretion
response to a fall in plasma calcium and acts The early morning urinary fasting calcium-to-
directly on the kidney to increase tubular calcium creatinine ratio may reflect the difference between
reabsorption. It increases renal synthesis of 1,25- bone resorption and formation, as the influence of
dihydroxyvitamin D which then acts on the gut intestinal calcium absorption is minimal. Fasting
to increase the active transport of calcium. urinary calcium-to-creatinine ratios increase after
Increasing parathyroid hormone levels result in the menopause and fall in response to antiresorp-
increased bone turnover, with resorption pre- tion therapy.
dominating when parathyroid hormone levels
become supraphysiological. An increase in serum
calcium reduces parathyroid hormone secretion
and stimulates the release of calcitonin.
Calcium metabolism changes considerably around
the time of the menopause. Both bone resorption Alkaline phosphatase
and bone formation increase, but with formation The principal role of alkaline phosphatase is prob-
less so than resorption, leading to a negative cal- ably to hydrolyze pyrophosphate, and therefore
cium balance of approximately 50 mg/day. This permit growth of hydroxyapatite crystals on
calcium is excreted in the urine. The plasma cal- newly synthesized mineralizing osteoid8. Levels of
cium rises at the menopause2, leading to a small serum alkaline phosphatase are raised by increased
homeostatic decline in levels of both parathyroid bone turnover due to increased osteoblastic
hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in early production9 (Figure 4.1) but, as there are many


Early postmenopause (n = 170) (< 10 years postmenopause)

Late postmenopause (n = 262) ( 10 years postmenopause)

p < 0.001 vs premenopause

Bone formation Bone resorption


% increase from premenopausal mean




Serum osteocalcin Serum bone alkaline Urinary CTX Urinary NTX


Figure 4.1 Levels of bone formation and bone resorption markers are increased in both early (within 10 years of
the menopause; mean 5 years) and late (10 years or more postmenopause; mean 20 years; range 1040 years)
postmenopausal women (n 432). For each marker in each group, mean levels are expressed as a percentage
increase ( SEM) over the mean of 134 premenopausal women (ages 3157 years). Both bone formation and
resorption were markedly increased at the time of menopause, and a high bone turnover is maintained in late post-
menopausal women and in the elderly. NTX, type I cross-linked N telopeptides; CTX, type I C telopeptide break-
down products. Adapted from reference 9, with permission

non-bony causes of elevated serum alkaline phos- Procollagen extension peptides

phatase levels, interpretation is difficult. Assays During the formation of collagen from procolla-
of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase have been gen, N- and C-terminal peptides are released. A
developed using chemical inhibition10, gel electro- molecule incorporating three C-terminal frag-
phoresis11, and heat inactivation12. The generation ments (PColl-1-C) may be measured in plasma,
of specific monoclonal antibodies to bone isoen- and appears to be raised in Pagets disease, and
zymes should lead to even more sensitive tests in reduced in this disease with successful treatment
the future13,14. using calcitonin or bisphosphonate15. In a study


of 12 osteoporotic patients16, circulating levels of reported to be superior to urinary hydroxyproline

these fragments were lowered by estrogen and in discriminating between women with or with-
progestogen hormone replacement therapy out osteoporosis30. Serum levels of these markers
(HRT). More recently, these fragments have been also appear to reflect bone formation and resorp-
used extensively as markers of bone formation in tion rates31.
studies of osteoporosis and its treatment1720.
Type I collagen telopeptides
Gla protein Carboxy-terminal telopeptides of type I collagen
may be measured in serum, and appear to discrimi-
Bone Gla protein (osteocalcin) is a non-collagenous
nate between osteoporotic and non-osteoporotic
protein synthesized exclusively by osteoblasts. It
women32,33. Initial studies suggested they may not
is a sensitive and specific marker of osteoblastic
be sufficiently sensitive as markers of resorption to
activity in a variety of metabolic bone diseases,
detect the changes induced by HRT34, but more
including osteoporosis2125.
recent reports indicate that they are useful35,36.
Peripheral serum levels of IL-1 and IL-6 have, so
far, not been found to be useful markers of osteo-
Urinary hydroxyproline porosis37. Serial measurements of serum OPG
Hydroxyproline is a product of collagen breakdown, after estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) appear
and approximately 10% of the total production is not to be a useful predictor of the long-term
excreted into the urine as the peptide-bound form. effects of estrogen on bone density35.
Collection of urine for the measurement of total Biochemical markers of bone formation and
24-h urinary hydroxyproline is inconvenient for resorption can be useful in indicating the state of
patients, and has to a large extent been replaced by bone turnover (Figure 4.1). However, attempts
the fasting urinary hydroxyproline-to-creatinine to combine markers of bone turnover to improve
ratio, which may be determined from a small urine the sensitivity and specificity of detection of low
sample. Urinary hydroxyproline may be increased bone mineral density have proved disappoint-
by meat and fish in the diet, acute infections, and ing38. Although single markers may prove to be
collagen turnover in other tissues such as skin and useful in monitoring treatment, the lack of
cartilage, and results should be viewed with cau- accepted normal ranges and guidelines for their
tion8. Urinary hydroxyproline has been largely use make them still of limited value in the clinical
superseded by other more specific markers of setting39.
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In the past osteoporosis was often diagnosed on poor4,5, and the results of metacarpal measurement
the basis of a low trauma fracture, for example a do not reflect bone mineral density at more impor-
fall from standing, and X-ray changes. More tant sites such as the hip and spine6,7. Although
recently, because the inverse relationship between there is a correlation between bone mineral den-
bone mineral density (BMD) and fracture risk is sity in the peripheral and central skeleton6 (see
now well established, the diagnosis is usually Figure 1.4), the association is not strong enough
made using BMD measurements. to predict central bone mineral density from
The World Health Organization (WHO) peripheral measurements in a given subject6,8.
defines osteoporosis as a BMD 2.5 standard devi- At present, the main role of radiography is in the
ations or more below the mean value for young diagnosis of fractures secondary to osteoporosis
adults (a T score < 2.5), and severe osteoporo- (Figures 5.15.6).
sis as a BMD below this cut-off and one or more
fragility fractures1. The WHO defines osteopenia SINGLE-PHOTON AND SINGLE
as a BMD T score between 1.0 and 2.5. It X-RAY ABSORPTIOMETRY
should be remembered that whilst osteoporotic Single-photon absorptiometry (SPA) involves
fracture incidence is highest in those with the passing a collimated beam of monoenergetic pho-
most pronounced osteoporosis, a substantial tons from a radioiodine (125I) source through a
number of fractures occur in women who do not limb and measuring the transmitted radiation,
have very low bone density2,3. A new algorithm using a sodium iodide scintillation detector. There
from the WHO for the definition of osteoporosis is differential absorption of photons by bone and
treatment thresholds, which includes other fac- soft tissues, which allows the total bone mineral
tors such as age, is currently awaited. content in the path of the beam to be calculated
and expressed in grams per centimeter. The
RADIOGRAPHY method cannot differentiate between cortical and
Radiography reveals recognizable bone loss only trabecular bone, and interference from surround-
when 2530% of bone density has been lost, at ing tissue limits its use to the measurement of
which time osteoporosis is generally considered to peripheral sites, such as the distal or mid-radius.
have developed. In the past, radiogrammetry has At the mid-radius, the cortical-to-trabecular bone
been used to assess bone mineral density of the ratio is approximately 95:5, whereas at the distal
peripheral skeleton, usually at the metacarpals. radius it is about 75:259. SPA became superseded
The metacarpal cortical thickness was used for many by single X-ray absorptiometry (SXA)10. This in
years to diagnose and predict the risk of osteopo- turn has been superseded by dual-energy X-ray
rosis. However, the sensitivity of radiography is absorptiometry.


Figure 5.3 Radiographs of the distal forearm showing

a Colles fracture after reduction and external fixation.
Courtesy of Mr Paul Allen

Figure 5.1 Lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine of a

patient with osteoporosis shows wedging and compres-
sion of several vertebrae. Courtesy of Ms Linda Banks

Figure 5.2 Radiographs of the distal forearm showing Figure 5.4 Radiograph of the proximal femur showing
a Colles fracture. Courtesy of Mr Paul Allen an intracapsular hip fracture. Courtesy of Mr Paul Allen


Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA;
Figure 5.7) measures bone mineral density by
determining the absorption of two beams of pho-
tons at two different energies. DEXA is able to
measure bone mineral density (as mass/area) in
the proximal femur and lumbar spine as well as
the total body, but it cannot differentiate between
cortical and trabecular bone. The cortical-to-tra-
becular ratio is 1:2 in the spine11 and 3:1 in the
femoral neck12. Thus, measurements of the total
BMD at these sites are more a reflection of trabe-
cular bone density than are measurements taken
in the peripheral skeleton.
DEXA enables bone mineral density to be mea-
Figure 5.5 Radiograph of the proximal femur showing sured at the hip or spine with greater precision
an extracapsular hip fracture. Courtesy of Mr Paul Allen than with the methods described above (precision
error: 0.52%). The technique is able to measure
bone mineral density in the spine (Figures 5.85.11),
proximal femur (Figures 5.12 and 5.13) and the
total body (Figures 5.14 and 5.15). The scanning
time is around 5 min at each site. The radiation dose
is low, approximately 1 mrem for each site. Most
techniques involve measurements taken from
anteroposterior view. Early reports suggested that
lateral views may be better than anteroposterior
views in the diagnosis of osteoporosis13, and that
volumetric bone mineral density measured by
DEXA from both anteroposterior and lateral
views may better predict fracture than DEXA
from anteroposterior view alone14. The precision
of lateral measurement appears satisfactory15, but
these techniques have not been adopted and can-
not be recommended for clinical use16. However,
lateral views can now be used to give morpho-
metric evaluations of vertebrae to determine ver-
tebral deformities and fractures (Figure 5.16).

Quantitative computed tomography (CT;
Figure 5.6 Radiograph of the proximal femur showing Figure 5.17) with a suitable software package
an extracapsular hip fracture after reduction and internal enables the absorption by different calcified tissues
fixation. Courtesy of Mr Paul Allen to be determined so that areas of particular interest,


Figure 5.7 Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) system (Hologic Discovery). Courtesy of Hologic Inc,
Bedford, MA

Figure 5.8 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of lum-
bar spine bone density in a normal
woman (anteroposterior (AP)
view). Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI

such as the vertebral body (which has a cortical-to- At present, CT scanning is chiefly used to assess
trabecular ratio of approximately 5:95), may be trabecular bone density in the spine (Figure 5.19),
studied11. The technique measures true density11,17 although it has been reported to be useful in mea-
with the results expressed in g/cm3. Software auto- suring radial density1820. The precision and accu-
mation allows accurate determination of the region racy of spinal measurements are approximately
of interest, and the tissue density is compared 24% and 510%, respectively, but there is consid-
with a solid calibration phantom (Figure 5.18). erable variation depending on the method used.


Figure 5.9 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of lum-
bar spine bone density in an
osteoporotic woman (AP
view). Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI

Figure 5.10 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of
lumbar spine bone density in a
normal woman (lateral view).
Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI

Figure 5.11 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of
lumbar spine bone density in an
osteoporotic woman (lateral
view). Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI


Figure 5.12 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of fem-
oral neck bone density in a normal
woman (AP view). Courtesy of
GE Lunar, Madison, WI

Figure 5.13 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of femo-
ral neck bone density in an osteo-
porotic woman (AP view). Courtesy
of GE Lunar, Madison, WI

Figure 5.14 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of total
body bone mineral density
in a normal woman (AP view).
Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI


Figure 5.15 DEXA (Lunar

DPX-IQ) measurements of total
body bone mineral density in an
osteoporotic woman (AP view).
Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI

Figure 5.16 Lateral spine scan showing vertebral deformity evaluation. Courtesy of Hologic Inc, Bedford, MA


Figure 5.17 Computed tomography (CT) scanner

(Siemens Somatom Plus). Courtesy of Ms Linda Banks

(a) (b)

Figure 5.18 (a) Lateral quantitative computed tomography (QCT) showing midpoint identification L1L3 verte-
brae. (b) Transverse QCT at the midpoint showing normal bone density for cortical and trabecular bone. Courtesy
of Drs Kroll and Winter, Siemens AG, Berlin


Figure 5.19 Transverse QCT (Siemens Somatom Plus 2) of lumbar vertebrae in a normal subject (a) and a patient
with osteoporosis (b). The clear distinction between outer cortical and inner trabecular bone enables measurement
of each component. Courtesy of Ms Linda Banks

Figure 5.20 An enlarged view

of Figure 5.18b shows clear
differentiation of cortical from
trabecular bone. Courtesy of
Drs Kroll and Winter, Siemens
AG, Berlin

Dual-energy scanning (with double the radiation (Figure 5.20), and extraosseous calcium, which
dose) may improve the accuracy, but worsen the artificially increases the bone density measured
precision. The radiation dose (200 mrem per by DEXA, is readily identified (Figures 5.21
single-energy vertebral body scan21) and cost are and 5.22)22. Trabecular diameter and intertrabecu-
considerably greater than with the methods lar spaces can be measured using high-resolution
described above. An advantage of CT is that tra- CT, and abnormal trabecular architecture can
becular bone is distinguished from cortical bone be identified23. The recent development of


Figure 5.21 Transverse QCT

(Siemens Somatom Plus) show-
ing aortic calcification and an
intravertebral sclerotic area,
both of which affect dual-photon
absorptiometry (DPA) and
DEXA measurements. Courtesy
of Ms Linda Banks

Figure 5.22 Transverse QCT (Siemens Somatom

Figure 5.23 Three-dimensional CT of osteoporotic
Plus) showing extraneous calcification in the vertebral
vertebral crush fractures (anteroposterior view).
cortex due to degenerative changes, which affects DPA
Courtesy of Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
and DEXA measurements. Courtesy of Ms Linda Banks

three-dimensional (3-D) CT (Figures 5.23 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE

and 5.24) allows assessment of 3-D trabecular SCANNING
structural characteristics and may improve the Reports of magnetic resonance imaging of the
ability to understand the pathophysiology of radius indicate that density measurements corre-
osteoporosis, to test the efficacy of pharmaceutical late well with trabecular bone mineral density as
intervention, and to estimate bone biomechanical measured by CT14, and that imaging of the spine
properties24. using nuclear magnetic resonance can distinguish


Figure 5.25 Apparatus (Lunar Achilles) for ultrasound

measurement of the calcaneus. Courtesy of GE Lunar,
Madison, WI

Figure 5.24 Three-dimensional CT of osteoporotic ver-

tebral crush fractures (lateral view). Courtesy of Siemens
AG, Erlangen, Germany no ionizing radiation. The velocity of ultrasound
through the heel can also be measured30. Other
systems do not require the use of a water bath.
osteoporotics and non-osteoporotics25,26. Different Several studies have shown significant correla-
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging techniques tions between calcaneus broadband ultrasonic
are currently under further investigation, includ- attenuation and spine or hip bone mineral density
ing proximal femoral27 and distal radius28 bone as measured by DEXA31 or dual-photon absorp-
structure measurement. tiometry (DPA)3234, although one report found a
poor relationship between broadband ultrasonic
attenuation and DEXA measurements of the
ULTRASONOGRAPHY spine and hip35. Wasnich and colleagues36 reported
The attenuation of ultrasound signals during that calcaneus bone mineral density (measured by
their passage through bone may be measured by SPA) was as effective as lumbar spine or radius
determining the reduction in ultrasound signal bone mineral density in predicting fracture. A
amplitude. Several ultrasound parameters used to study37 of 4698 women aged 69 years or more
characterize bone have been proposed, including reported that the broadband ultrasonic attenua-
broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), speed tion at the calcaneus is related to the incidence of
of sound (SOS), combined index, amplitude-de- past fracture of the hip, and that this relationship
pendent speed of sound (AD-SoS) and others. is partly independent of bone mineral density.
Broadband ultrasonic attenuation describes the Ultrasound instruments have theoretical advan-
increase in ultrasound attenuation over a particu- tages over DEXA in that they are radiation-free,
lar frequency range, typically 0.20.6 MHz, and portable, and inexpensive. However, at present,
may be used to estimate bone mineral density of clinical use of ultrasound is difficult because of the
the calcaneus (Figure 5.25)29. The heel is placed absence of clear diagnostic criteria and the use of
in a small water bath between two ultrasonic a variety of instruments. Because of the techno-
transducers at a fixed separation. One transducer logical differences between devices, results cannot
acts as a transmitter, the other as a receiver. The be extrapolated from one device to another38.
measurement takes between 1 and 10 min, A T score threshold of 2.5 is probably inap-
depending on the type of machinery, and involves propriate for the diagnosis of osteoporosis by


quantitative ultrasound (QUS). A recent study radius density measurement procedure to develop
demonstrated that a T score of 1.8 for calcaneal an at risk value for use in screening women. J Orthop
Res 1984; 2: 32832.
US resulted in the same percentage of postmeno-
pausal women classified as osteoporotic as a 9. Chrischilles E, Shireman T, Wallace R. Costs and
T-score <2.5 for BMD measurements39. health effects of osteoporotic fractures. Bone 1994;
15: 37786.
A report of equivalent T score thresholds for
ultrasound measurements at tibia, radius, pha- 10. Borg J, Mollgaard A, Riis BJ. Single x-ray absorpti-
ometry: performance characteristics and compari-
lanx, and metatarsal in 278 healthy premeno-
son with single-photon absorptiometry. Osteoporos
pausal women, 194 postmenopausal women, and Int 1995; 5: 37781.
115 women with vertebral fracture demonstrated
11. Banks LM, Stevenson JC. Developments in com-
different T score cut-off values for each skeletal puterized axial tomography scanning and its use in
site measured by QUS40. bone disease measurement. In: Stevenson J, ed.
Using a combination of both bone mineral New Techniques in Metabolic Bone Disease.
density and broadband ultrasonic attenuation mea- London: Wright, 1990:13856.
surements may prove to have higher sensitivity and 12. Lindsay R. Pathogenesis, detection and prevention
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GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND and bisphosphonates, and those that stimulate bone
INVESTIGATION formation, such as teriparatide and strontium
Although most women presenting with osteopo- ranelate (which also has some antiresorptive
rosis in the postmenopausal period will not have activity). Antiresorptive agents decrease bone
a secondary cause for their low bone mineral den- resorption and, due to transient uncoupling of bone
sity (BMD) it is important not to forget that in turnover, result in a small increase in BMD of
some women there will be an illness or medication between 5 and 10%, usually in the first or second
causing their osteoporosis (Tables 6.1 and 6.2), year of treatment. In contrast, anabolic agents can
and efforts should be made to treat such conditions increase BMD by up to 20%. Recently, combined
or change relevant medication, when possible. regimens have been under investigation
Important secondary causes of osteoporosis
which may be missed include primary hyperpara- HORMONE REPLACEMENT
thyroidism and hyperthyroidism, either of which THERAPY
may decrease bone density by 1020%, and these Estrogen therapy is a commonly used prophylactic
conditions and others should be sought from the measure, and has been shown to reduce the fre-
medical history, physical examination, and appro- quency of osteoporotic fracture. Until recently,
priate investigation (Table 6.1). Serum 25-hy- few prospective studies of the effect of hormone
droxyvitamin D (25-OHD) and parathyroid replacement theraphy (HRT) on fracture risk had
hormone measurements can be used to exclude been published. In a report of 3140 peri- and
vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperpara- postmenopausal women followed for a mean of
thyroididsm in, for example, patients with limited 2.5 years, the age-adjusted risk of fracture was
sunlight exposure or malabsorption, or in those 0.75 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.50.96) for
using anticonvulsant treatment. Baseline serum HRT users compared with non-users1. Several
25-OHD and parathyroid hormone measure- retrospective studies have shown that the use of
ments may be performed even if calcium and estrogens for 5 years is associated with a 50% reduc-
vitamin D supplementation is planned, as they tion in the risk of hip fracture24 and a reduced rate
can be repeated to ensure an adequate response of vertebral fracture5. Estrogens may reduce the
to treatment. rate of fracture by increasing mobility and dexter-
ity, but the majority of their effect is likely to be
due to their action on bone density and turnover. In
DRUG TREATMENT addition, recent evidence shows that estrogen may
The methods of drug treatment of osteoporosis maintain vertebral disc height, and hence shock-
may be broadly divided into those that retard absorbing capacity, which may also help to reduce
bone resorption, such as estrogens, calcitonin, vertebral fracture6.


Table 6.1 Secondary causes of osteoporosis: diseases and investigations

Disease Laboratory investigations
Endocrine disorders

hyperparathyroidism Calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, PTH, 25 hydroxyvitamin D,
kidney function
hyperthyroidism TSH, free T4, free T3
hypercortisolism Cortisol, ACTH, dexamethasone suppression
hypogonadism Estradiol, FSH, LH, testosterone, SHBG
prolactinoma Prolactin
diabetes mellitus (type I) Fasting glucose, glucose tolerance, glycated Hb
Connective tissue disorders
rheumatoid arthritis ESR, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies

osteogenesis imperfecta
Marfans syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Reticulo-endothelial disorders
Leukemia Full blood count, ESR

Hodgkins disease

non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Metastatic carcinoma
Multiple myeloma Serum protein electrophoresis, urinary Bence-Jones protein
Respiratory diseases
cystic fibrosis
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
diffuse parenchymal lung disease
primary pulmonary hypertension
Liver diseases
primary biliary cirrhosis Liver function
Anorexia nervosa
Mastocytosis Urine histamine/prostaglandin D2
Thalassemia Full blood count, hemoglobin electrophoresis

Table 6.2 Other secondary causes of osteopo- Many prospective controlled studies of the effects
rosis of estrogen on bone density have been conducted.
The study by Lindsay and Hart7 was one of the
corticosteroids earliest reports, and measured metacarpal den-
anticonvulsants (osteomalacia) sity, using single-photon absorptiometry (SPA) of
thyroxine (excess) the metacarpal, in 120 postmenopausal women
GnRH agonists who were randomized to one of four groups taking
aromatase inhibitors different dosages of conjugated equine estrogen
cytotoxic agents
and a control group. There was no reduction in
rosiglitazone mean bone density in women taking 0.625 mg/day
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and 1.25 mg/day over 2 years, but there was
Immobilization/weightlessness a mean fall in density of 5% and 8% in the
Juvenile two groups of women taking 0.3 mg/day and
Pregnancy-induced 0.15 mg/day, respectively, and a fall of 8% in the
Idiopathic controls. Christiansen and co-workers8 used SPA


to examine the changes in forearm bone density (planned duration 8.5 years) in which 16 608
over 1 year in 69 early-postmenopausal women postmenopausal women aged 5079 years with
randomized to three different dosages of oral estra- an intact uterus at baseline were recruited by
diol and a control group. Bone density in the con- 40 US clinical centers in 19931998 and ran-
trol group fell by 2%, but rose by 1.5% and 0.8% domized to receive conjugated equine estrogens,
in those women taking 4 mg/day and 2 mg/day of 0.625 mg/day, plus medroxyprogesterone acetate,
estradiol, respectively, and did not change in those 2.5 mg/day, in one tablet (n = 8506), or placebo
taking 1 mg/day. (n = 8102). The hazard ratio (CI) for hip fracture
Whilst a dose-dependent effect of estrogen has was 0.66 (0.450.98), for vertebral fracture was
been shown in several studies, it has also been 0.66 (0.440.98), and was 0.76 (0.690.85) for
found that older postmenopausal women may combined fractures (Figure 6.2). The absolute
not need as much estrogen as younger women to reduced risk per 10 000 person-years attributable to
achieve the same skeletal effect. Lees and Stevenson9 estrogen plus progestin was five fewer hip fractures.
conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo- The estrogen-alone component of the Womens
controlled study of the effects of two different doses Health Initiative11 enrolled 10 739 postmeno-
(1 mg and 2 mg) of oral estradiol with the cyclical pausal women aged 5079 years with prior hys-
addition of various doses of dydrogesterone. Spinal terectomy, including 23% of minority race/
and hip bone density was measured by dual-energy ethnicity, who were randomly assigned to receive
X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for 2 years. The either 0.625 mg/day of conjugated equine estro-
bone density rose in all treated groups, with a gen or placebo. The estimated hazard ratio for hip
somewhat greater increase with the higher dose, fracture was 0.61 (0.410.91) and for all fractures
and fell in the placebo group. The increase in was 0.70 (0.630.79). The study reported an abso-
spine bone density for the 1-mg estradiol group lute risk reduction of six fewer hip fractures per
in the oldest quartile of women was similar to 10 000 person-years.
that seen with 2 mg estradiol in the youngest Estradiol implants appear to preserve bone den-
quartile of women (Figure 6.1). sity. McKay Hart and colleagues12 followed up 19
The estrogen plus progestin component of the oophorectomized women treated with 50-mg
Womens Health Initiative10 provided the first estradiol implants every 6 months for 2 years.
robust placebo-controlled data concerning the The bone mineral density in the lumbar spine
effects of HRT on fracture risk. This was a ran- (measured by dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA))
domized controlled primary-prevention trial increased by 4.3% per year. A similar increase of

Placebo Figure 6.1 Percentage changes

Lumbar spine BMD
1 mg in vertebral bone mineral density
2 mg (BMD) in response to two doses
10 p < 0.001 of estrogen according to age
7.5 quartiles. From reference 9, with
% change



< 51 5154 5558 > 58


daily for 12 of every 28 days), and compared with

a reference group studied concurrently17, bone
mineral density was measured at 6-month inter-
Hip fractures vals for 3 years, and skeletal turnover was assessed
by serum measurements of calcium, phosphate,
and alkaline phosphatase, and by urine estima-
tions of hydroxyproline/creatinine and calcium/
Spine fractures
creatinine excretion. Vertebral and femoral bone
mineral density rose significantly in both treat-
ment groups and fell in the reference group
Other fractures (Figures 6.3 and 6.4). The biochemical measure-
ments indicated a significant reduction in bone
turnover in the treated groups.
Several studies suggest that a small proportion
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 of women taking estrogen at currently accepted
Relative risk bone-preserving doses will not maintain their
bone mineral density. This may be due to variations
Figure 6.2 Relative risk of spine, hip, or other frac-
in the absorption of estrogen, failure of compliance,
tures with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) com-
pared with placebo. The Womens Health Initiative.
or individual differences in the response of bone
From reference 10, with permission
to estrogen. Unfortunately, the literature so far
does not allow any firm conclusions to be drawn,
as the designs of many of the studies showing loss
3.3% per year in trabecular bone density (measured of bone mineral density with standard doses of
by computed tomography (CT)) has been reported estrogen do not include sufficient data on compli-
over a 3-year period with the same treatment ance or estrogen levels5,18. Spinal bone density was
regimen13. The results of a cross-sectional study not maintained in one-third of oophorectomized
comparing the effects of oral estrogens and implant women treated with 0.625 mg/day of conjugated
estradiol and testosterone therapy on spine and equine estrogen5 and in 22% of women following
femoral bone density suggested a greater rise in a natural menopause18. It has been demonstrated
bone mineral density in women treated with that 12% of women taking either estradiol-17
implants14. The bone mineral density increases at 0.05 mg/day with norethisterone acetate
with implant therapy appear to be highest in 0.25 mg/day for 14 of every 28 days or con-
women who have the highest estradiol levels dur- tinuous equine estrogen at 0.625 mg/day with
ing treatment15. DL-norgestrel at 0.15 mg/day for 12 of every
Transdermal estrogen therapy appears to pro- 28 days with good compliance for 3 years will show
duce similar effects to oral therapy. Riis and co- significant loss of bone in the proximal femur17.
workers16 found increases in bone mineral density Withdrawal of estrogen treatment appears to
in the spine in postmenopausal women treated result in bone loss at a rate similar to that in the
with percutaneous estradiol combined with oral immediate postmenopausal period19,20; thus, it has
progesterone. In a study of spine and hip bone been suggested that the effect of estrogen on bone
density (using DPA) in 66 postmenopausal women mineral density is to buy time21. In women who
randomized to receive either transdermal HRT discontinue treatment, the amount of bone bought
(estradiol-17 at 0.05 mg daily with norethisterone is probably the duration of estrogen use multiplied
acetate at 0.25 mg daily for 14 of every 28 days) by the rate of bone loss duri`ng the slow phase
or oral therapy (continuous equine estrogen at (approximately 1% per year) after the period of fast
0.625 mg daily with DL-norgestrel at 0.15 mg loss in the early postmenopausal years (Figure 6.5).


Figure 6.3 Changes in spine

(L2-L4) bone density with oral
and transdermal estrogen ther-
apy compared with no estrogen
treatment. From reference 17,
with permission

Figure 6.4 Changes in femoral

neck bone density with oral and
transdermal estrogen therapy
compared with no estrogen
treatment. From reference 17,
with permission

But HRT use in the early postmenopause may elderly women with a high risk of osteoporotic frac-
still result in fracture reduction in later years. ture, in whom short periods of treatment appear to
Women who participated in randomized clinical have profound effects on fracture risk24. In sup-
trials with HRT or placebo were followed subse- port of this, it has been shown25 that the admin-
quently without further treatment for up to istration of unopposed very low dose transdermal
15 years22. Those who had been randomized to estradiol (14 g daily) will conserve bone density
take HRT had a significantly reduced fracture in elderly women with osteoporosis whilst having
risk compared to those randomized to placebo minimal endometrial effects or other side-effects.
(Figure 6.6). One report demonstrated that estro- The mechanism of the effect of estrogens on
gen was most effective in preventing hip fractures bone is uncertain, and is discussed in more detail
in women over 75 years of age23. It has been sug- in Chapter 2. Estrogens may have a direct effect
gested that an effective strategy to prevent fracture on osteoblasts or on the cytokines that regulate
in postmenopausal women would be to target osteoblast formation such as interleukin-1 (IL-1)



p = 0.02




All fractures:
placebo 36,HRT 27

Figure 6.6 Odds ratio (OR) for fracture in women who

had been randomized to HRT compared with placebo.
The PERF study. From reference 22, with permission

Figure 6.5 Prolonged effect of HRT following with-

drawal of treatment. Bone density, as measured by remain first-line treatment for this indication,
single-photon absorptiometry (SPA) in the distal radius, since other currently available treatments are not
is expressed as the initial percentage value (SEM) in as effective in this respect27. Meta-analyses have
242 healthy postmenopausal women at baseline and reported a 33% reduction in vertebral fracture
after 12 years. Group A (n = 68) received HRT for a and a 27% reduction in non-vertebral fracture
mean of 5.4 years followed by a period off treatment; with HRT use28,29, but an attenuated effect with
group B (n = 177) received no treatment for 12 years. age. However, more recent findings suggest that
*p < 0.001. From reference 21, with permission just a few years treatment with HRT around the
time of the menopause may result in lasting skel-
or tumor necrosis factor (TNF). They may also etal benefit in terms of fracture reduction in later
have an indirect effect on bone by increasing cal- years22, and that the use of unopposed ultra-low
citonin secretion or by influencing local factors. It dose estrogen may be an effective treatment for
has been suggested that, although HRT increases elderly women with osteoporosis25.
bone mineral density, it may not have an effect
on trabecular architecture, and is unable to reverse SELECTIVE ESTROGEN RECEPTOR
structural disruption in women with postmeno- MODULATORS
pausal osteoporosis26. Concerns regarding the long-term effects of estro-
In summary, HRT is an effective treatment for gen on the risk of breast cancer and on the endo-
the prevention of vertebral and non-vertebral metrium have led to the development of selective
fractures, and many maintain that HRT should estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Raloxifene


is a non-steroidal benzothiophene that inhibits was greatest in the group that received raloxifene
bone mineral density loss, but does not stimulate 150 mg/day although, in the total hip, the
the endometrium and is an estrogen antagonist greatest increase was seen in the 60-mg/day
for breast tissue. It does not appear to be a useful group. Compared with placebo, each of the treat-
treatment for climacteric hot flushes. ments statistically significantly decreased concen-
In a 2-year multicenter, placebo-controlled, trations of the three markers of bone turnover
double-blind study, Delmas and co-workers30 ran- (Figure 6.9).
domized 661 postmenopausal women to receive In the MORE (Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene
30, 60, or 150 mg of raloxifene per day or pla- Evaluation) study of 7705 postmenopausal osteo-
cebo. Of these women, 55% had low bone min- porotic women aged 3180 years, raloxifene
eral density. The densities of the hip and spine increased lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD by
were measured by DEXA every 6 months. 23%, reduced the risk of vertebral fractures by
Biochemical markers of bone turnover were mea- 3050%, and decreased the incidence of breast
sured every 3 months and included serum osteo- cancer31,32. The RUTH (Raloxifene Use for The
calcin, serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, Heart) study33 of over 10 000 women confirmed
and the urinary type I collagen C-telopeptide-to- the reduction in vertebral fractures, and the reduc-
creatinine ratio. By the end of the study, 25% of tion of breast cancer, but demonstrated conclu-
the participants had dropped out. sively that raloxifene does not reduce hip fracture
Bone mineral density increased significantly in incidence (Figure 6.10). Thus, raloxifene can be
the lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, and used for the prevention of vertebral fractures in
total body in all three treatment groups, and women with osteopenia/osteoporosis, but its use is
fell in the placebo group (Figures 6.7 and 6.8). not appropriate for women who are at high risk of
The increase in bone mineral density at most sites non-vertebral fractures.

Figure 6.7 BMD of the lumbar spine and total hip increased significantly (p < 0.001) with all dosage levels of ral-
oxifene. From reference 30, with permission


Figure 6.8 BMD of the femoral neck and total body increased significantly (p < 0.001) with all dosage levels of
raloxifene. From reference 30, with permission

CALCITONIN studies of intranasal salmon calcitonin suggest

Calcitonin directly suppresses the activity of that it may be of value in both the prevention and
osteoclasts and also inhibits their recruitment treatment of osteoporosis3944.
(Figure 6.11). It has been isolated from a large In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial45,
number of animal species. Calcitonin from fish is the effects of intranasal salmon calcitonin on bone
the most resistant to degradation in humans and, mineral density were studied for 2 years in 117
thus, has the greatest potency per unit weight. It postmenopausal women with reduced bone
is not yet known whether calcitonins from other density. The subjects were randomized to receive
species will be more effective. Daily intramuscu- salmon calcitonin 200 IU daily or three times
lar salmon calcitonin at a relatively high dosage a week, or placebo. Compared with placebo, daily
(100 IU) has been shown to prevent bone loss salmon calcitonin resulted in no significant loss
and slightly increase skeletal mass in women with in lumbar bone mineral density over 2 years
osteoporotic fractures35. In healthy women, a (Figure 6.12). In this group of women, those who
much lower dose (20 IU) of synthetic human cal- were more than 5 years past the menopause
citonin, given subcutaneously three times a week showed the greatest response. Although there
in the early postmenopausal period, was as effec- was no difference in changes in proximal femoral
tive as estrogen in preventing spinal trabecular bone density among the three groups, bone min-
bone loss36. The inconvenience of injectable calci- eral density did not fall significantly in women
tonin led to the development of alternative meth- taking daily salmon calcitonin. Significant bone
ods of administration. Reports of the use of salmon loss in both the spine and proximal femur was
calcitonin suppositories have failed to show effects seen in women receiving thrice-weekly salmon
on spinal or femoral bone mineral density, or on calcitonin or placebo. There were no significant
markers of bone turnover37, and the suppositories treatment-related adverse effects and salmon cal-
are reported to have poor tolerability38. However, citonin was well tolerated.


Figure 6.9 Markers of bone turnover were significantly decreased by all dosage levels of raloxifene compared to the
placebo group as were total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. From reference 30, with permission

A 5-year, double-blind, randomized, placebo- women taking 200 IU/day (relative risk 0.64,
controlled study of the effects of calcitonin nasal 95% CI 0.470.97, p = 0.03). Although the
spray on vertebral fracture comprised 1255 post- PROOF (Prevent Recurrence of Osteoporotic
menopausal women46 with established osteoporo- Fractures) study47 demonstrated that intranasal
sis who were randomized to placebo, or 100, 200, salmon calcitonin 200 IU daily appeared effective
or 400 IU/day of nasal spray. A 36% reduction in and safe for the prevention of bone loss in post-
risk of new vertebral fracture was observed in menopausal women with reduced bone mass,





% incident fractures

p < 0.01

Vertebral Non-

Figure 6.10 Percentage incident vertebral and non-

vertebral fractures with either raloxifene or placebo. The
RUTH study. From reference 33, with permission
Figure 6.11 Time-lapse sequence of scanning elec-
tron micrographs shows the response of an isolated
osteoclast to calcitonin at time 0 (a), 10 min (b), and
120 min (c). From reference 34, with permission

Figure 6.12 Percentage changes

in spine BMD with salmon calci-
tonin (SCT) 200 IU daily com-
pared with 200 IU three times a
week and placebo over 2 years.
From reference 45, with


decreases in fractures with 100 and 400 IU were There have been concerns that continuous use
not statistically significant. A review of 14 trials of pamidronate will halt bone remodeling, which
of parenteral and intranasal calcitonin involving a will lead to poor microfracture repair and an
total of 1309 men and women showed a 57% increase in fracture rate. Intermittent regimens of
reduction in fracture compared with placebo treatment have been proposed as a method of
(55% for vertebral and 66% for non-vertebral)48. allowing uncoupling of bone resorption and for-
Calcitonin may be useful in the management of mation, and intermittent phases of positive bone
the pain associated with acute osteoporotic frac- balance. In a 2-year, prospective, double-blind
tures. In a randomized controlled trial of 100 study56, 125 women were randomized to receive
men and women with acute vertebral crush frac- oral pamidronate 300 mg/day for 4 out of every
tures, 200 IU daily of nasal salmon calcitonin for 12 weeks, oral pamidronate 150 mg/day for 4 out
28 days decreased pain and resulted in earlier of every 8 weeks, or placebo. Bone mineral density
mobilization compared with placebo49. at the lumbar spine and femoral neck increased
significantly in the drug-treated women, but
declined in women receiving placebo. There were
BISPHOSPHONATES no differences in effect on bone mineral density
Bisphosphonates are stable analogs of pyrophos- between the two dose regimens, but withdrawal
phate which bind to the bone surface and inhibit from the study due to side-effects was nearly
osteoclastic activity. As bisphosphonates persist three times more common in women receiving
in the skeleton for many months or years, their the 300-mg/day regimen. In women taking oral
duration of action is prolonged beyond the period pamidronate 150-mg/day for 4 out of every
of administration. 8 weeks, the drop-out rate because of side-effects
Disodium etidronate has been shown to increase was comparable to that with placebo.
bone mineral density in women with spinal osteo- Alendronate has been reported to preserve bone
porosis compared with placebo-treated controls, mineral density, reduce vertebral and hip fracture
who lost bone density50,51. The incidence of new risk, and be well tolerated in women with low
fractures in etidronate-treated women in one bone mineral density in large prospective stud-
study50 was less than that in controls. Etidronate ies5759. In the multicenter, double-blind, 2-year
may be of use in the treatment of steroid-induced study of Chesnut and co-workers58, 188 post-
osteoporosis52. menopausal women, aged 4275 years and with
There are no interventional studies investigat- low bone mineral density of the lumbar spine,
ing the effect of etidronate on hip fracture inci- were randomized to receive placebo or one of five
dence, but epidemiological data suggest that it alendronate treatment regimens. Alendronate
decreases hip fractures by 44% in women over produced significant reductions in markers of
the age of 76 years53. bone resorption and formation, and significantly
Etidronate has now been superseded by more increased bone mineral density at the lumbar
potent bisphosphonates. In an early study54, spine, hip, and total body compared with decreases
pamidronate given continuously was shown to (significant at lumbar spine) in those receiving
cause a mean rise in lumbar bone density of approx- placebo. The mean changes in bone mineral den-
imately 3% per year, although in some patients sity over 24 months with alendronate 10 mg were
the bone mineral density increased by 50% after +7% for the lumbar spine, +5% for total hip
4 years of treatment. A double-blind placebo-con- and +3% for total body (all p < 0.01) compared
trolled study55 of 48 postmenopausal women over with changes of 1%, 1%, and 0%, respectively,
2 years indicated that pamidronate 150 mg/day with placebo.
increased the bone mineral density of the lumbar A larger randomized placebo-controlled study
spine, femoral trochanter, and total body. of the effects of alendronate on fracture risk in


16 Placebo 20

% incidence


% incidence


Figure 6.13 Percentage incidence of vertebral Spine
fractures in postmenopausal osteoporotic women
randomized to alendronate or placebo. The FIT study. Figure 6.14 Percentage incidence of vertebral frac-
From reference 59, with permission tures in postmenopausal osteoporotic women ran-
women aged 5581 years who had at least one domized to risedronate or placebo. The VERT study.
From reference 60, with permission
vertebral fracture at recruitment (Fracture Inter-
vention Trial Research Group59) enrolled a total
of 2027 women, randomized to receive either
placebo or alendronate (5 mg/day for 2 years fol- McClung et al62 studied 5445 women age
lowed by 10 mg/day for 1 year). Follow-up radio- 7079 years with low BMD and 3886 women
graphs were obtained from 98% of surviving over 80 years who had at least one clinical risk
participants (1964 women). The relative risk of factor for hip fracture. They were randomized to
one or more new morphometric vertebral frac- receive either risedronate or placebo. The inci-
tures for women receiving alendronate was 0.53 dence of hip fracture in women with low BMD
(95% CI 0.270.72) (Figure 6.13), and the rela- taking risedronate (1.9%) was 40% lower than in
tive risk of hip and wrist fracture was 0.49 (95% those on placebo (3.2%). However, there was no
CI 0.230.99) and 0.52 (95% CI 0.310.87), significant reduction in fracture risk with rise-
respectively. dronate in the older women (over 80 years).
Risedronate appears to be effective in the man-
agement of postmenopausal osteoporosis60,61. The Newer bisphosphonates
Vertebral Efficacy with Risedronate Therapy Ibandronate is a potent nitrogen-containing bis-
Study Group60,61 reported significant increases in phosphonate available as a once-monthly oral
BMD compared with placebo of 56% at the formulation for the treatment and prevention of
lumbar spine, 1.63.1% at the femoral neck, and osteoporosis. Preclinical experiments with estro-
3.36.4% at the femoral trochanter with 3 years gen-depleted rats, dogs, and monkeys demon-
treatment. They also reported a 4149% reduc- strated the efficacy of daily and intermittent
tion in the incidence of new vertebral fractures ibandronate dosing63,64.
and 3339% fall in non-vertebral fractures in In a multinational, double-blind, placebo-con-
women treated with risedronate compared with trolled, randomized study, oral daily ibandronate
placebo (Figure 6.14). (2.5 mg) significantly reduced the risk of new


vertebral fractures by 62% relative to placebo to placebo after 1 year, and a significant 41%
after 3 years of treatment, and caused a reduction reduction over 3 years (Figure 6.15)70.
of 59% in the relative risk of combined new mod- The Treatment of Peripheral Osteoporosis
erate and severe vertebral fractures after 1 year65. Study (TROPOS) of 4932 postmenopausal women
It has been reported that significantly more with osteoporosis reported similar reductions in
women with postmenopausal osteoporosis pre- vertebral fracture risk71. In addition, this study
ferred once-monthly ibandronate therapy to reported that treatment with strontium 2 g/day
once-weekly alendronate therapy66. significantly reduced the risk of all non-vertebral
Zoledronic acid is a newly developed bisphos- fractures by 16% and of major non-vertebral
phonate for the treatment of postmenopausal fragility fractures by 19%. The most commonly
osteoporosis whose chief advantage is its extended reported adverse events in the SOTI and TROPOS
dosing interval. There is evidence of a clinically studies were diarrhea and nausea. In both studies,
significant effect on bone density in women with the differences in diarrhea and nausea between
osteoporosis. In a 1-year dose-ranging BMD strontium and placebo disappeared after
study in 351 women with postmenopausal osteo- 3 months.
porosis, patients who received any of five dosing
regimens of intravenous zoledronic acid (0.25 mg TERIPARATIDE
every 3 months, 0.5 mg every 3 months, 1 mg Teriparatide is the name given to the recombi-
every 3 months, 2 mg every 6 months, or 4 mg nant parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH is an
1 dose every 12 months) had significantly (all 84-amino-acid peptide hormone which is one of
p < 0.001) greater increases in lumbar spine the major calcium-regulating hormones. It
(range 4.35.1% higher) and femoral neck (range increases serum calcium by reducing renal excre-
3.13.5% higher) BMD than patients who tion and mobilizing bone calcium through
received placebo 67. Musculoskeletal pain increased osteoclastic resorption. It also indirectly
(1020%), fever (920%), and arthralgia (825%)
were common side-effects. A 3-year study of
3889 postmenopausal osteoporotic women given 40 *p < 0.001
ibandronate 5 mg by short intravenous infusion
every 12 months demonstrated a 70% reduction
in the risk of morphometric vertebral fractures
Vertebral fracture incidence (%)

compared with placebo68. Hip fracture risk was
reduced by 41%. A more serious side-effect from
zoledronate to emerge from this study was an * Placebo
increased risk of atrial fibrillation. Clearly longer- Strontium
term safety data are still needed.


Strontium ranelate is an orally active drug that

appears to both stimulate bone formation and 0
inhibit bone resorption69. 12 36
The Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic
Intervention (SOTI) trial of 1649 postmenopausal Figure 6.15 Percentage incidence of vertebral frac-
women with osteoporosis reported a significant tures in postmenopausal osteoporotic women ran-
49% reduction in new morphometric vertebral domized to strontium ranelate or placebo. The SOTI
fractures with strontium ranelate 2 g/day relative study. From reference 70, with permission


increases intestinal calcium absorption. However, (a)

its effect on bone is also anabolic, and it increases
bone formation, as shown by the early studies of
Kalu et al72. With a continuous administration of
parathyroid hormone, such as is seen in primary
hyperparathyroidism, bone resorption usually
predominates, but when PTH is given intermit-
tently, bone formation predominates. So, in con-
trast to the antiresorptive agents used to treat
osteoporosis, PTH actually increases bone turn-
over. The biologically active fragment of PTH is
the 134 amino acid fragment, and this was used
in human studies to demonstrate the anabolic
effects of the hormone on the skeleton73,74.
Several clinical studies of teriparatide have
shown benefit of the intermittent subcutaneous
administration of this peptide on BMD and frac- (b)
ture risk in women with postmenopausal osteo-
porosis7577. Larger increases in BMD are observed
with teriparatide than with other therapies.
Importantly, PTH has been shown to improve
skeletal architecture, including trabecular
connectivity78,79 (Figure 6.16). Reductions in ver-
tebral fractures of around 65% were reported.
Whilst significant reductions in all non-vertebral
fractures have been observed, a significant reduc-
tion in hip fracture has not yet been established.
The concept of combining an anabolic agent with
an antiresorptive agent is attractive, and the addi-
tion of teriparatide to HRT gave significant
improvements in BMD76. However, when com-
bined with a bisphosphonate, a blunting of the Figure 6.16 Three-dimensional micro-computed
response to teriparatide has been observed in tomography (microCT) reconstructions of paired iliac
some80,81 but not all82 studies. At present, it seems crest bone biopsies (a) before and (b) after treatment
more prudent to follow teriparatide treatment with teriparatide showing increases in cortical thick-
with bisphosphonates rather than giving them in ness, trabecular volume, and connectivity. From refer-
a combination. ence 79, with permission, courtesy of Eli Lilly & Co,
Daily subcutaneous injection of 20 g teri- Indianapolis, IN
paratide is approved for the treatment of osteopo-
rosis in postmenopausal women and men, but
because of its high cost this is usually confined to neous injection. Headache, nausea, and dizziness
those who have severe osteoporosis with a high can occur due to its vasodilatory actions. Mild
fracture risk and who are unable to tolerate or hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria do not usually
respond to other therapies. Teriparatide is usually cause a problem75. Because teriparatide was found
well tolerated, although it has the drawback of to induce osteogenic sarcomas in rats in a dose
needing to be given by self-administered subcuta- and duration-dependent manner83, its use in


humans is limited to under 2 years, although no Upper gastrointestinal side-effects may develop
cases of teriparatide-induced osteosarcoma have in patients taking fluoride, particularly those using
been reported in humans. non-enteric coated preparations, and approxi-
mately 25% of patients develop pseudo-arthritic
ANABOLIC STEROIDS pains in the joints of the lower limb. Because of
these problems, fluoride is rarely used for the
It is not known how anabolic steroids produce
treatment of osteoporosis.
their effects on bone. It has been postulated that
they have a direct effect on osteoblasts or their
precursors and/or act to prevent bone resorption. VITAMIN D
There is evidence in vitro for the former effect84.
There is little evidence that vitamin D or its ana-
It has been suggested that the increase in muscle
logs are of any value in the treatment or preven-
mass induced by anabolic steroids is partly respon-
tion of osteoporosis for a large proportion of
sible for increases in bone mineral density85.
women in Western societies9193, although large
Because of side-effects such as fluid retention and
studies in Japan have shown fracture incidence
insulin resistance, anabolic steroids are now rarely
reduction. However, vitamin D supplementation
used for the treatment of osteoporosis.
may be beneficial for elderly or institutionalized
vitamin D-deficient women as vitamin D deficiency
FLUORIDE and secondary hyperparathyroidism are common
Fluoride appears to stimulate new bone formation, in such women. A French study of 3270 women
probably by stimulation of proliferation and dif- (mean age 84 years) living in nursing homes and
ferentiation of committed osteoblast precursors, apartment blocks for the elderly used 800 IU of
or by a direct action on osteoblasts. Several reports vitamin D3 and 1.2 g of elemental calcium daily.
show that sodium fluoride is capable of increasing This regimen decreased parathyroid hormone
trabecular bone density8689, particularly in the levels, increased femoral neck BMD, and reduced
spine. However, in one study87, this was not asso- the risk of hip fracture by 27%94. A study95
ciated with a reduction in vertebral fracture inci- of a Western population using 200 IU of
dence. There are also reports that fluoride vitamin D for 2 years showed preservation of
treatment results in an increased incidence of hip bone mineral density in the spine, but not in the
fracture90. The structural quality of fluoridated femoral neck. A recent report96 from the Womens
hydroxyapatite appears poor (Figure 6.17). Health Initiative randomized, controlled trial
compared the use of 1000 mg of elemental calcium
with 400 IU of vitamin D3 daily versus placebo in
postmenopausal women aged 5079 years. The
follow-up period averaged approximately 7 years.
In the active-treatment group, compared with the
placebo group, there was a small but statistically
significant increase in hip-bone density, but no
reduction in the overall rate of hip fracture, which
was the primary outcome. Calcium and vitamin D3
appeared to be well tolerated, but there was
an increased risk of kidney stones in women
receiving treatment. It is likely that the dosages
Figure 6.17 Back-scattered electron micrograph of of vitamin D metabolites necessary to produce a
fluorotic bone showing its dense irregular pattern. positive effect on bone in women who are not
Courtesy of Professor Alan Boyde vitamin D deficient are associated with toxicity.


New vitamin D metabolites may avoid such side- mineral density, but will probably also improve
effects and studies are awaited with interest. dexterity and muscle mass, thereby reducing the
chances of serious fracture should a fall occur.
CALCIUM Regular weight-bearing exercise produces a small
benefit to bone density in postmenopausal
It appears that, for the majority of adults follow-
women101103 but, by itself, is unable to prevent
ing a healthy diet, calcium supplementation has
normal postmenopausal bone loss. One report103
little or no effect on bone mineral density. There
suggested that there may be a protective effect of
have been few satisfactory prospective studies of
lifelong and current exercise on hip bone mineral
the effects of calcium supplementation on bone
density in postmenopausal women, but no effect
density independent of increased energy intake.
on fracture risk. It has been shown that the ben-
Although in one study97 a particular calcium salt
efits gained by exercise are rapidly lost if a sedentary
had some effect on bone mineral density when
lifestyle is resumed104. Thus, exercise should be
given to older women with very low calcium
regarded as an adjuvant, rather than an alterna-
intake, there is no good evidence that increasing
tive, to active treatment for osteoporosis.
dietary calcium intake to > 500 mg/day in adults
Patients who are not osteoporotic should be
has any significant benefit. One trial98 reported a
encouraged to take up exercise that puts stress on
reduction of lumbar spine bone loss after 1 year,
weight-bearing bones, such as the spine or hip, as
but no subsequent reduction during a further
is appropriate to their cardiovascular fitness.
3 years of treatment. Calcium supplementation
Good examples are walking, jogging, and play-
may prevent bone loss in older men and women99,
ing tennis. In established osteoporotics, exercise
but there is no convincing evidence that calcium
that involves jarring movements and flexion of
supplementation decreases the risk of fracture in
the back should be avoided; the emphasis should
patients with osteoporosis. It is very likely that
be towards activity that encourages flexibility.
any small increase in bone density achieved by
alterations in dietary calcium intake is insufficient
to prevent the rapid decrease that occurs in women PREVENTION OF FALLS
around the time of the menopause. In summary,
Falls in the elderly are common, and occur more
the evidence for increasing calcium intake to
frequently in women and with advancing age105.
benefit the skeleton remains controversial100.
Although it has been estimated that, in the general
However, given in conjunction with vitamin D, it
postmenopausal population, only 25% of falls
probably has a useful role in the management of
result in fracture106, and many of the predisposing
osteoporosis in the elderly94.
factors are unavoidable (such as chronic ill health
and cognitive impairment), strategies aimed at
LIFESTYLE CHANGES TO reducing avoidable risks may be expected to
REDUCE BONE LOSS reduce the incidence of fracture. Such risks include
All patients with osteoporosis and fractures should the use of sedatives (including alcohol), wearing
be given advice on lifestyle measures to decrease inappropriate footwear, hazardous home arrange-
bone loss. These include eating a balanced diet rich ments, and traveling in poor weather conditions.
in calcium, moderating tobacco and alcohol con- There is some evidence that fall assessment is
sumption, maintaining regular physical activity, effective. A randomized controlled trial107 in 301
and exposure to sunlight. elderly patients aged over 70 years, each with an
apparent risk factor for falling, used assessment
Exercise and modification of risk factors, and reported a
In a previously sedentary patient, a program of reduction in falls to 35% over 12 months, compared
regular exercise is not only likely to increase bone with 47% in those receiving the usual healthcare


risk of hip fracture among women and men using

hip protectors was 0.44 (95% CI 0.210.94).
However, a recent meta-analysis of randomized
and quasi-randomized trials110 in which data from
three individually randomized trials of 5135
community-dwelling participants were pooled,
there was no reduction in hip fracture incidence
with the provision of hip protectors (relative risk
1.16, CI 0.851.59). No evidence was found of
any significant effect of hip protectors on the inci-
dence of pelvic or other fractures. Compliance,
particularly in the long term, was poor.

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DIAGNOSIS AND SCREENING non-HRT treatment will be of value, but this form
Osteoporosis manifests itself clinically as frac- of program probably represents the most likely
tures, but by the time the bone density has fallen strategy for successful osteoporosis screening in
to levels that predispose to fracture with minimal the future.
trauma, the treatment options have become more In the absence of evidence for or against screen-
limited. Modern management aims to identify ing, our current policy for patients presenting at
those patients who are at risk of developing frac- menopause clinics is to measure the bone mineral
ture in the future. density using DEXA at the hip or spine in those
Several studies have shown that the presence of women who present with osteoporotic fracture or
risk factors in a given individual is not a good risk factors for fracture.
predictor of bone density16. Therefore, the risk of
fracture must be predicted by measuring bone TREATMENT
mineral density or identifying other factors that Estrogen replacement therapy is an appropriate
predispose to falls. method of treatment and prevention of osteopo-
There have been no satisfactory studies of the rosis and whose effects, both beneficial and
effects of screening the whole population for adverse, have been widely studied. Although
osteoporosis. The role of risk factor assessment and HRT use for the treatment of osteoporosis has
different bone density techniques, frequency of declined as a result of patient concerns about
screening, and identification of subgroups for which breast cancer, and following the publication of
screening is most effective remain unclear7. studies that failed to show any overall effect of
It is unlikely that bone mineral density (BMD) HRT on cardiovascular disease risk11,12, HRT
screening of the early postmenopausal population should remain a mainstay of treatment, particu-
will be valuable, as the BMD in the population at larly for prevention of the disease in younger
that time is quite high8 and there is considerable postmenopausal women. It remains to be seen
individual variation in bone loss in the 10 years whether several years of therapy around the time
after the menopause. A screening program that of menopause can result in future fracture pre-
utilizes hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as vention for years to come.
the treatment method is also unlikely to be suc- Other current suitable treatments include bis-
cessful, as long-term compliance with HRT is phosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modu-
poor9,10. It remains to be established whether a lators (SERMs), strontium ranelate, and, in selected
screening program that uses dual-energy X-ray cases, teriparatide.
absorptiometry (DEXA) or ultrasound in the Patients with severe osteoporosis may benefit
older postmenopausal population and that treats from the sequential use of one drug to stimulate
at-risk women with bisphosphonates or similar bone formation followed by another to prevent


resorption. The effectiveness of such combina- REFERENCES

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Page numbers in italic denote material in Figures or Tables.

actin 10 and bisphosphonates 5960

age and calcitonin 56, 58
bone density 6 and estrogen 51, 52
falls 5 fractures, relationship to 35
fractures 56 by age 4
osteoporosis incidence/prevalence 23 after HRT withdrawal 523, 54
alcohol 223 measurement 35
alendronate 5960, 60 and menopause 22
alkaline phosphate 2930 radial/vertebral, correlations 4
anabolic steroids 63 and raloxifene 55, 556
screening 71
biochemical changes 2933 and teriparatide 62
biochemical markers see markers bone quality 24
bisphosphonates 5961 bone remodeling 9, 12
bone architecture see under bone structure factors affecting 16
bone cells 911 local factors 1518, 16
interaction/signaling 17 systemic factors 1215, 16
regulation and pamidronate 59
local factors 1518 stages 15
systemic factors 1215 bone resorption 11, 12
see also osteoblasts; osteoclasts; osteocytes drug treatment 49
bone formation 9, 10, 12 factors affecting 16
and fluoride 63, 63 local factors 1518, 16
markers 2931, 30 systemic factors 1215, 16
and strontium ranelate 61 factors/stimulators 1718
bone loss 234 inhibition 13
after HRT withdrawal 523 markers 30, 31
perimenopausal 24 osteoclastic 13, 14
reduction by lifestyle changes 64 and strontium ranelate 61
bone matrix (osteoid) 10, 11, 12, 12 bone structure 919
degradation/resorption 14, 31 architecture 24, 24
bone mineral density (BMD) and teriparatide 62, 62
age, combination with 6 cortical bone 9


bone structure (continued) quantitative computed tomography

proteins/minerals 1112 (CT) 378, 434, 43
trabecular bone 9 radiography 35, 36
bone turnover single photon absorptiometry (SPA) 35
markers 29, 31, 56 single X-ray absorptiometry (SXA) 35
and parathyroid hormone 29 ultrasonography 456
in perimenopause 24, 30 apparatus for calcaneus measurement 45
broadband ultrasound attenuation 45 dual photon absorptiometry (DPA) 44, 45
dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) 35, 37
calcaneus T scores 45 bone density readings
calcitonin 16 femoral neck 40
in calcium homeostasis 13 lumbar spine 38, 39
and estrogen 15 total body 401
in osteoporosis management 567, 58, 59 disadvantages 44
in pain management 59 lateral spine scan 41
calcium homeostasis 12, 29 in screening 71
and teriparatide 613 system 38
urinary excretion 29 vs ultrasonography 45
calcium supplementation 64
with vitamin D 63 epidemiology of osteoporosis 18
canaliculi 9 fractures
cancellous bone see trabecular bone relationship to bone density 35
cholesterol 57 relationship to falls 56
cigarette smoking see smoking incidence/prevalence 13
collagen 9, 12, 12 estradiol receptor-related protein (p29 antigen) 16
collagen telopeptides 31, 57 estradiol therapy 51
Colles fracture estrogen 16
incidence 2 and bone loss 24
radiography 36 mechanism of effect 534
combination imaging 46 in calcium homeostasis 1315
combination therapy 712 deficiency 17
computed tomography (CT) with SERMs 72
lumbar spine 43, 44 treatment 49, 71
micro CT 62 dose and age 51, 51
quantitative 378, 434 failure 52
scanner 42 oral/transdermal 52
three-dimensional 44, 44, 45 with/without progestin 51
cortical bone 9 estrogen receptors 14
bone loss 23 etidronate 59
differentiation from trabecular 43 exercise
lamellae 9, 10 and bone mass 21, 23
cytokines in osteoporosis management 64
in bone cell activity 1517
effect of estrogen 534 falls
and age 5
denosumab 72 and gender 5
DEXA see dual X-ray absorptiometry prevention 645
diagnosis 3547, 71 relationship to fractures 56
computed tomography (CT) fall assessment 64
micro CT 62 femoral neck
three-dimensional 44, 44, 45 bone density 22, 23, 40
dual X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) 35, 37 fractures
bone density readings 38, 39, 401 and age 56
system 38 and raloxifene 56
nuclear magnetic resonance scanning 445 fluoride 63


Fracture Intervention Trial Research Group 60 magnetic resonance imaging 445

fractures management (treatment) 4970, 712
and age 4, 56 anabolic steroids 63
common sites 1 bisphosphonates 5961
after HRT withdrawal 54 calcitonin 567, 59
reduction by HRT 523 calcium supplementation 64
relationship to bone density 35, 4 drug treatment 49
relationship to falls 56 duration of therapy 72
fall prevention 645
gender fluoride 63
and falls 5 general 49
and osteoporosis incidence/prevalence 12 hip protectors 65
Gla protein (osteocalcin) 31, 57 hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 4954
growth factors 1618 lifestyle changes 64
physical exercise 64
Haversian systems 9, 14 selective estrogen receptor modulators 545
hip fractures strontium ranelate 61
and etidronate 59 teriparatide 613
global incidence 2, 3 treatment thresholds 35
incidence 13, 2 vitamin D 634
mortality/morbidity 2 markers
radiography 36, 37 bone formation 2931, 30
and raloxifene 55 bone resorption 30, 31
relationship to bone density 34 bone turnover 29, 31, 56
hip geometry 45 menopause
hip protectors 65, 65 and bone density 22
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 13, 4954, 71 and bone loss 23, 24
duration 72 minerals in bone 1112
effect following withdrawal 523, 54 MORE (Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation) 55
in screening program 71 Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE) 55
Howship's lacuna 14
hydroxyapatite crystals 12, 29 nitric oxide 17
hydroxyproline, urinary 31 osteoblasts 910, 10
hyperparathyroidism 14, 49, 50 parathyroid hormone, action of 13
hyperthyroidism 49, 50 relationship to other bone cells 13
hypothalamic-induced hypoestrogenism 21 in remodeling 12, 18
osteocalcin see Gla protein
ibandronate 601 osteoclasts 1011, 10, 11
iliac crest bone 10, 24 bone resorption 13, 14
non-osteoporotic vs osteoporotic 25 effect of calcitonin 56, 58
incidence of osteoporosis 13 parathyroid hormone, action of 13
interferon (IFN)- 16, 16 in remodeling 12
interleukins 16 osteocrin 12
IL-1 15, 1617 osteocytes 9, 11, 11
IL-6 15 canalicular processes 11, 11
investigation, general 49 relationship to other bone cells 13
osteoid see bone matrix
lamellae of bone 9 osteopenia 35
lamellar bone 1112 osteoprotegerin (OPG) 14, 1718, 31
matrix 12, 12
lifestyle changes as therapy 64 p29 antigen see estradiol receptor-related protein
lumbar spine pamidronate 59
bone density 38, 39, 43 parathyroid hormone (PTH)
and estrogen 512 action of 16, 23
wedging/compression 36 in calcium homeostasis 13, 29


and vitamin D 63 SOTI (Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic Intervention)

see also teriparatide trial 61, 61
parathyroid hormone (PTH) peptides 72 spinal fractures see vertebrae, fractures
parity 23 Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic Intervention (SOTI)
pathophysiology 218 trial 61, 61
and alcohol 223 steroids, anabolic 63
and parity 23 strontium ranelate 61
peak bone mass 21
and smoking 22 T scores 456
peak bone mass 21 teriparatide 613
physical exercise dosage 62
and bone mass 21, 23 limitations 623
in osteoporosis management 64 trabecular (cancellous) bone 9
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) 17 anisotropic 25
prevalence of osteoporosis 13 architecture 24, 24
Prevent Recurrence of Osteoporotic Fractures (PROOF) bone loss 23, 24
study 57, 59 differentiation from cortical 43
procollagen extension peptides 301 isotropic 24
progestin 51 osteoporotic 25
PROOF (Prevent Recurrence of Osteoporotic Fractures) transforming growth factor (TGF)- 17
study 57, 59 treatment see management
proton secretion 17 Treatment of Peripheral Osteoporosis Study (TROPOS) 61
pyridinoline cross-links 31 treatment thresholds 35
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) 16, 16
radial fractures
and age 5 ultrasonography 456
incidence 1, 3 in screening 71
relationship to bone density 3 vs DPA/DEXA 45
see also Colles' fracture
radiography 35, 36 vertebrae
raloxifene 545, 556, 57, 58 bone density 4, 22
Raloxifene Use for The Heart (RUTH) 55, 58 fractures 36
receptor activator of nuclear factor B and bisphosphonates 60, 61
(RANKL) 13, 17, 18 bone density, relationship to 4
targeted therapy 72 incidence 23, 2
resorption see bone resorption mortality 3
resorption lacuna 14 and raloxifene 556
resorption pits 13 and strontium ranelate 61
risedronate 60, 60 see also lumbar spine
RUTH (Raloxifene Use for The Heart) 55, 58 Vertebral Efficacy with Risedronate Therapy Study
Group 60
salmon calcitonin 56, 58 vitamin D 23, 29
screening 71 deficiency exclusion in diagnosis 49
secondary causes 49, 50 in osteoporosis management 634
selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) 545, 71 vitamin D metabolites 63
with estrogen 72
single photon absorptiometry (SPA) 3, 35 Womens Health Initiative 51, 63
single X-ray absorptiometry (SXA) 35
smoking 22 zoledronic acid 61


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