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Iniciacin a la Traduccin Inversa de Correspondencia Social

Vanessa Bastardo

1st Section:
(National System of Protected Wild Areas)

Chilo National Park

Los Lagos Region


2nd Section:
Chilo National Park

<Maps depicting the island and the different sectors of the Park>


-Chilo National Park

-Chilo (Division for reference)
-CONAF Shelter (Cole Cole)
-Metalqui Island
-CONAF Shelter (Chanqun)
-Lake Cucao

Trail Length Chart

Tepual 1.11 mi

Children Trail 0.10 mi

Cole Cole 50.9 mi

Las Dunas 0.58 mi

La Playa 0.45 mi

Rancho Grande (up to the larch forest) 6 mi

Los Quiles 0.17 mi

3rd Section:
Chilo National Park Background Information

Chilo National Park is located on the coastal range, also called Piuchn Range, on Chilo
Island. It was founded on November 17th, 1982 by Supreme Decree N 734 of the Chilean
Ministry of National Assets. It comprises an area of more than 105 acres and is divided into
the sectors of: Chanqun, where the administration is located; Chepu and Cole Cole.
The highest peaks reach 850 m a.s.l. and have a characteristically wet and mild
Iniciacin a la Traduccin Inversa de Correspondencia Social
Vanessa Bastardo

climate. The average annual rainfall reaches 3000 mm and normal annual
temperature is 50 F.

The predominant landscape is the evergreen forest, and species such as the
mirtceas (Myrtaceae) and the olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum) stand out on the
coast. To the south theres a strong presence of Larch trees (Fitzroya cupressoides),
associated to the Ciprs de las Guaitecas (Pilgerodendron), an important Chilean


4th Section:
As it is an island, Chilo has allowed the development of endemic wildlife, such as
the zorro chilote (Darwins fox or Lycalopex Fulvipes), the monito del monte
(Dromiciops Gliroides), the comadreja trompuda (also called Chilean shrew opossum
and Rhyncholestes raphanurus) and the pud (pudu puda). On the coastline visitors
can see abundant bird species, such as the caranca (Kelp goose or Chloephaga
hybrida), the pato quetro (Fuegian steamer duck or Tachyeres pteneres) and sea
otters (Enhydra lutris), among others.

In sectors close to the Chanqun area, visitors can find the Huilliche people, who
keep their ancient traditions alive. These communities participate in the development
of the park and provide supplementary services for tourists.

1. Chilo National Park Dunes.
2. El Tepual Pathway.
3. Darwins Fox.
4. Murta blanca (Chilean Guava or Myrtus Ugui)

5th Section:
Chanqun Sector

Apart from beholding the scenic beauty of Chilo National Park, tourists will find out
about different aspects of life on Chilo Island and observe a variety of sea and
forest birds.

Visitors can enjoy short-distance trails, such as: El Tepual, Las Dunas and Los
Quiles (which is adapted for seniors and disabled people), and a trail specially
adapted for children. There is a refurbished museum that displays chilote cultural
and a courtyard with wooden crafts.

In coordination with the park rangers, visitors can attend talks in the conference
room where they will be told about natural resources in the Park, or visit the
Environmental Information Centre and see the local birds and animals exhibitions.
Iniciacin a la Traduccin Inversa de Correspondencia Social
Vanessa Bastardo

There are food outlets and public bathrooms, along with cabin accommodation,
camping areas and a provisions stand available in this sector.

Along the coastline, there is a trail that leads to a larch area. Visitors can also take a
detour to the Cole Cole Sector (where there are shelter and camping areas) up to
the Anay River. There is another trail that goes to the Chepu Sector up to the Lar
River and ends at Pescado River.


6th Section:
El Trauco
(a creature from Chilota mythology)
El Trauco is a short humanoid, no taller than 80 cm high. It has remarkably
masculine traits and an ugly face, but its gaze is sweet, enchanting and sensual. It
wears a well-worn suit made out of quilineja, a straw-like local material, and a hat
from the same material. In its right hand it carries a stone ax.

For single women, el Trauco is a preoccupying and disturbing mystery. According to

some, it is a horrible little monster that spooks people, and whose presence must be
avoided at all costs. Others think differently and maintain, that although its ugly, it
isnt so unpleasant, on the contrary, its quite attractive. Some more, in an obstinate
and unrelenting struggle, say they have banished it from their thoughts, where it
used to live, scorching their inner depths.

<Picture of El Trauco and maps of the country and region>

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