Sistem Nilaian Sarawak Y5

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English year 5

Unit 1: family first

1. Dania and her mother are baking some _____________.

A. stew
B. muffins
C. porridge
D. salad

2. Salima has a cat and ______ has just given birth to three cute kittens.
A. it
B. he
C. they
D. They

3. Mother: ________ you had your breakfast, Ammar?

Ammar: No, I ________.
A. Had, hadnt
B. Have, hadnt
C. Had, havent
D. Have, havent

Unit 2: travel and adventure


1. He reached for his _________ in his backpack and took some photos.
A. Video
B. Microphone
C. Camera
D. binoculars

2. Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

A. Will you be driving to Muar next week!
B. Will you be driving to Muar next week.
C. Will you be driving to Muar next week?
D. Will you be driving, to Muar next week?

3. Last month, they _______ to the Great Barrier Reef to watch the migrating
A. go
B. goes
C. went
D. going

Unit 3: saving our environment


1. She carries a _________ shopping bag with her every time she goes
A. reusable
B. returnable
C. renewable
D. redeemable

2. Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

The rubbish was burned in a huge ____________.
A. insiniater
B. inciniator
C. incininator
D. incinerator

3. Choose the best answer for the picture given.

A. She puts the newspaper into the

recycling bin.
B. She is stacking the old newspapers.
C. The girl is collecting old newspapers.
D. The girl is taking some papers from the bin.

Unit 4: animals and us

1. The frogs eggs finally hatch into many ___________.

A. Cygnets

B. Fawns
C. Foals
D. Tadpoles

2. There was a _________ of whales swimming alongside the ship.

A. pod
B. troupe
C. school
D. buzz

3. Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

A. Pick it up and let it out.

B. Lets give it some food.
C. Do not touch it!
D. Ive got its fur all over my blouse.

Unit 5: bountiful harvest

1. Many types of tropical fruits are grown in his __________.

A. Orchard
B. Plantation
C. Vineyard

D. Cornfield

2. Choose the best answer for the picture given.

A. They are spraying pesticides on

the plants.
B. The men are watering the vegetables.
C. They are gathering the produce to be sold.
D. The men are planting some vegetables.

3. Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

A. Look! They are stealing the fruits.

B. Can we go to the factory, dad?
C. Where are you taking me, dad?
D. Where are the fruits taken to?

Unit 6: glorious food

1. She added some __________ to the curry so it is more spicy.

A. onions
B. tomatoes
C. chillies
D. eggplant

2. Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

A. Can you smell something burning?

B. Something smells delicious.
C. I want to have chicken curry for dinner.
D. Are you cooking chicken curry?

3. Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
All of them enjoy the scrumptious meal very much.
A. elaborate
B. delicious
C. healthy
D. beautiful

Unit 7: people

1. A _________ is going to visit their school.

A. minisitter
B. minster
C. mistener
D. minister

2. Sheila always arrives on time when she is meeting her friends. She is a
________ person.
A. Kind
B. Diligent
C. Punctual
D. Hygienic

3. The ________ announced from the cockpit that the plane is going to land
A. stewardess
B. pilot
C. manager
D. chef

Unit 8: inventions

1. Aiman received a copy of the document through the __________ machine.

A. fax
B. vending
C. washing
D. sewing

2. __________ invented the telephone.

A. Galilio Galilei

B. Alexander Graham Bell

C. Neil Amstrong
D. John Travolta

3. ___________, make sure the printer is connected to the computer, said my

father to me.
A. Firstly,
B. Secondly
C. Then
D. Finally

Unit 9: culture and traditions

1. On the first day of Hari Raya, the muslims go to the _________ in the morning
for prayer.
A. church
B. temple
C. school
D. mosque

2. Every year, my mother _________ her delicious rending for Hari Raya Puasa.
A. cook

B. cooked
C. cooking
D. cooks

3. I like to eat chapatti _______ my sister prefers roti canai.

A. or
B. but
C. and
D. so

Unit 10: what games do you play?

1. Aliza won this years badminton _________ organized by her school.

A. tournament
B. exhibition
C. campaign
D. concert

2. ___________ supporters have come to the match.

A. A band of
B. A bench of
C. A team of

D. A group of

3. Her knees and legs were ________ when she fell during the netball match.
A. injured
B. burnt
C. healed
D. infected

Unit 11: where do you live?

1. I sleep at night in my _________.

A. kitchen
B. bedroom
C. storeroom
D. toilet

2. My house is the __________ in the village.

A. small
B. smallest
C. big
D. bigger

3. Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

A. Its the one with the white fence.

B. I am standing in front of the house.
C. Walk along the road until you see my house.
D. It is somewhere near you.

Unit 12: the internet

1. Amin ________ on the internet to look for some information.

A. surfs
B. dives
C. swims
D. snorkels

2. Choose the best answer for picture given.


A. She is typing on the keyboard.

B. The clerk is printing out some documents.
C. She is watching a film on the computer.
D. The clerk is typing on a typewriter.

3. She gets emails from her pen pals around the world _________ India, Austria
and China.
A. and
B. such as
C. so
D. though


Unit 1

1. B 2. A 3. D

Unit 2

1. C 2. C 3. C

Unit 3

1. A 2. D 3. A

Unit 4

1. D 2. A 3. B

Unit 5

1. A 2. A 3. D

Unit 6

1. C 2. B 3. B

Unit 7

1. D 2. C 3. B

Unit 8

1. A 2. B 3. A

Unit 9

1. D 2. D 3. B

Unit 10

1. A 2. D 3. A

Unit 11

1. B 2. B 3. A

Unit 12

1. A 2. A 3. B

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