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Health Education

Grade(s) Kindergarten

Subject(s) Health Education

Length of Lesson 30-45 minutes

Lesson Rationale: This lesson intended to show students what food is good
Overview/Rationale for their health and what food is not good for their health.
Overview: Nutrition and Physical Activity
Understanding what types of food is good for your body and what is
not, so you can have good health.

Curriculum Michigan Department of Education: Nutrition and Physical Activity

Framework/Standard Standard 1: Distinguish between unhealthy and healthy ways to
manage weight.
Page number 6

Learning Objectives Students will be able to demonstrate unhealthy and healthy

food on Kids inspiration software.
Students will apply images under the groups unhealthy food
and healthy food or both.
Students will show creative ideas.

Technology Uses Teacher use:

Kidspiration Software Inc.

Materials Material use for this lesson:

Computer: Kidspiration Software Inc.

Procedure Students will create a chart about unhealthy and healthy food
in Kidspiration Software Inc.
Students will be creative by putting some type of food
pictures under the groups unhealthy and healthy, or both.
Students will insert captures on the pictures after they located
in the right place.

Assessment Present the work in front of the class for a participation grade.

Health Education

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