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Name: Preslie Flemins Date: March 12, 2017 Subject: ELAR

Grade Level: 3rd

Interdisciplinary Connections: ELAR

Lesson duration: 45min-1hr

Relevance/Rationale: Have the students discuss with their neighbor for a

minute about a time they were afraid or brave.


Students will be able to identify the character changes.

Students will be able to identify the character relationships.
Students will be able to understand cause and effect.
Students will understand the evidence to support the text


Describe the interaction of characters including their

relationships and the changes they undergo [3.8B]
Identify the details or facts that support the main idea [3.13A]
Draw conclusions from the facts presented in text and support
those assertions with textual evidence [3.13B]

Use of Formative Assessment to Inform Planning:

Asking if there is any more questions
Snot Stew Character Traits Mat
Chapter Questions (independent)- Daily Grade

Technologies and Other Materials/Resources:

Lamp Assembly
Snot Stew Book (Ch.11)
Character Traits Mat Activity (Ch.1-11)
Idiom Workbook
Chapter questions (Ch.9-11)
Construction/ Manila Paper
Sticks(Students Names)

Academic Vocabulary:

Character Changes

Lesson Procedures-
Hook: Start off by having the students come to the carpet. Allow them to
turn to their neighbor for like 30 seconds and discuss what happened in
chapters nine and ten.

-Inform the students that theyre going to continue the book Snot
Stew. Have the students recall what we have already discussed yesterday
in chapters nine and ten. Also discuss some things that relate to them from
those two chapters.

Higher Level Questions:

What is the cause and effect thats happening?

What is the character change happening with the characters?
What does character trait mean?

Guided Practice:

1 Have the students pull out their idiom book out and fill in the Head
in the Clouds page.
2 Ask the students questions about what they think stay on your
toes means.
3 Discuss with the students what it means and fill in the blanks.
4 Have the students get their Snot Stew book out and transition to
the carpet and turn to page 73.
5 Give the students about 30 seconds to go through and look at the
handful of pictures in the chapter.
6 As a class, predict what we think is going to happen in chapter 11
based off what we know from chapter 10.
7 Periodically we will stop and talk about what was just read so that I
can assess the students understanding over what is being talked
8 The students will then transition back to their seat so that I can
further instruct them on what is next.
9 The students will receive instructions about what is to be done for
the character train mat.
10 Go through what character traits are.
11 Once we finish going through instructions give the students each a
piece of construction paper and Manila paper cut into three boxes.
12 Have students find evidence in the text that supports the character
being timid, or daring.
13 Have the students draw pictures in the boxes along with the page
number they found their evidence on.
14 Glue pictures on.
15 Have students turn into the strip when finished.
16 If there is time, have the students do the chapter 9-11 chapter

Closure: Let the students turn to their friend and have them discuss what
their favorite part of the story was.

Independent Practice: Were going to be whole group for part of the class.
The other part of the class the students will work on the character trait
activity on their own. This lesson is a build off of what we have been doing all
week. If there is time, the students will work on chapter questions by

Assessment Criteria for Success:

I will assess students understanding over the sequence of events

taking place in the book.
Each student will complete and turn in the character trait activity
at the end of the class.
I will walk around while the students are working independently
on their character activity. While the students are working, I will
be looking around to assess whether or not the students
comprehend what the instructions were and if they understand
what character trait is.

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