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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Mackenzie Schultz

Grade Level: K PO
School: Arlington School District
Date: 3/14/17
Time: 9:30 am

Reflection from prior lesson: Yesterday we worked on identifying sight words and understanding on how
to sound out these words if they are words that are able to sound out. He was able to identify the sight
words he already knew. We are going to switch gears and work on sounding out cvc words while trying to
identify the middle sound in those words.

Lesson Objectives:
Student will correctly sound out cvc words 4/5 trials with 90% accuracy
Student will identify the middle sound in a cvc word 4/5 trials with 80% accuracy

Materials Needed:
Middle sound word sheet
Picture cards
Letter blocks
White Board

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: Tristan is pulled out of the classroom for 30 minutes a day to
get extra support of what they are doing in the classroom. He works hard, however somedays he will just
sit in his chair and look at you. When working he sometimes waits until he can see your mouth moving
and telling him the answer to say the answer. He qualifies under specific learning disability in his IEP.
Tristan has been making huge strides of progress as in the beginning of the school year he only knew 3
numbers and 7 letters of the alphabet. Now he knows all his numbers up to 20 and all his letters of the

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (4 minutes)
Getting attention: Around the room I have placed 1 picture card and three letters.
The letter spell out bed and the picture is a bed. I will have Tristan go look for the cubes and
picture cards. Once he finds them we will put them on the table and work with them later.
Relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Remember how we have been
working on spelling three letter words and looking at pictures, we need to do this so we can
read books and signs around us.
Creating a need to know: We need to learn this because we want to be able to
read and write
Sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will be focusing on spelling our
three letter words and then trying to find the middle sound in each word.
2. Content Delivery (20 minutes)
- We first will start with our middle sound worksheet as well as using the
picture card if the student isnt able to identify the picture or word. With
the worksheet, the student has to look at the picture and see if they can
first identify what the word is. Once he has identified the word, we will
try and sound out the word using our arm which means we start at our
shoulder for the first letter, then our elbow is always the middle sound
and the wrist is the final sound. Tristan usually does pretty well when we
do it this way. Once we have gotten through the worksheet we will
continue onto something different.
- Now we will take the picture cards and pick 4 different ones out. With
these 4 cards we are going to spell out the word with our letter cubes. For
example I will provide him with the card bed, and he will have to try and
spell it on his own by connecting the b, e, and d together. If I see him
struggling, I will step in and provide help. I just want to see how much he
is able to do of this.
- If we have time, I will bring out a sight word book called Mat and Cat,
and we will read it and see if he can identify the sight words throughout
the story.

3. Closure (3 minutes)
- At the end of our lesson today, I will ask Tristan if he can identify the
picture card I laid out. If he can I will ask him to sound it out and tell me
what the letters are. I will also ask him to just tell me the middle letter. If
he needs assistance we will do this together.
B. Assessments Used
- Student observation is used throughout this lesson as well as student word sample. The worksheet is
used as sample work but I will also be asking him questions and providing assistance which falls under
student observation as well.

C. Differentiated Instruction
- This is considered to be differentiated instruction because we are focusing on what Tristans needs are
individually. We are slowing steps down and doing more than one or two trials with them. He is also
getting his one-on-one time as well as a separate room to work in.

D. Resources
- SPED Room supplies

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