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Volume 5, Issue 3 March 2018 Bicycle Safety for Enthusiasts


Helmet Habit
Protect your child!
I dont quite know why my
daughter, Kate, fell from her bike Did you know that each year over 1,200 people die and thousands
last July. Maybe she hit a small more are seriously injured in bicycle accidents? According to the
rock or just lost her balance. We American Academy of Pediatrics, more than 500,000 emergency room
found Kate lying on the ground. visits annually in the U.S. are attributed to bicycle accidents.
She was bleeding and had several Surprisingly, most of these accidents, especially those involving
cuts and bruises on her face and
children, occur on quiet residential streets. Most do not involve cars.
forehead. We called the
paramedics and she began to lose And many could be prevented with
consciousness just as they proper training and safety
arrived. At the emergency room, equipment. Over 500,000 trios a
we found out that Kate had a Think about it. Before were year are made to
broken nose, a missing tooth, and allowed to drive a car, we have to emergency rooms for
four other loose teeth. be a certain age and go through bicycle-related injuries
Fortunately, for all of us, Kate
extensive training and testing. Yet
was wearing a bicycle helmet.
Without even asking, three
many of uschildren in
different doctors have told us particularride the very same
that the helmet probably saved roads on a bicycle with little or no training at all. Kids are especially
Kates life. Bicycle accidents can vulnerable because of their undeveloped peripheral vision (about
happen to anyone! two-thirds that of adults), poor speed judgment, and lack of a sense of
Karen Brust
Boston, Massachusetts At Sure Ride, we believe bicycle safety education is crucial to our
well-being and to that of our children.
The bottom line? Bicycle safety is something we all need to make a

Bicycle Safety: Lets Make A CCIDENTS W AITING TO H APPEN
It a Priority! / 1 The majority of bicycle-car accidents are not really accidents, but
Accidents Waiting to avoidable collisions. Most result from the bicyclists failure to use
Happen / 1 proper riding techniques in a hazardous situation. Ironically, when
When Should a Helmet
asked, most children injured in traffic could describe the actual law they
Be Replaced? / 2
Kids and Traffic: Special broke.
Reasons for Concern / 2
See ACCIDENTS on page 2
......................................................................................................... Helmets save lives!

Who Says Helmet Arent Cool


To illustrate the effectiveness of a bicycle
helmet, try the following. Wrap a light bulb
in plastic wrap, seal the bottom with a
rubber band and place it in a bicycle
helmet. Secure the light bulb with tape and
drop the helmet onto a flat, hard surface
from above your head. The light bulb will
not break. In most cases, it will even still
light. Now, drop the light bulb without the
protection of the helmet. The light bulb
will produce a sick thud as it breaks.
Helmets can make a difference.
Caution: This experiment is meant to
be done under close supervision.
Figure 1 Certainly not the children of Shasta, California! One of the
biggest reasons children dont wear bicycle helmets is because their
friends dont wear them. By getting all the children in your school or
ACCIDENTS from page 2 neighborhood to order bicycle helmets at the same time, you can help
Research indicates that 60% of turn this peer pressure from negative to positive. Suddenly, wearing a
all U.S. bicycle-car collisions occur bicycle helmet becomes the cool thing to do. With your support, your
kids can be cool, too!
among bicyclists between the ages
of 8 and 12. Children are permitted
to travel with only look both ways W HEN S HOULD A H ELMET B E R EPLACED ?
before you cross the street and
make sure you stop at all stop After a crash. Almost all bicycle helmets are designed to absorb
signs warnings. Obviously, these the impact of a crash so that your head is protected. This
warnings are not enough. damages the foam liner and reduces its ability to protect in the
future. If you are involved in a crash and your helmet hits the
pavement, it should be carefully inspected and/or replaced.
When it doesnt fit. Bicycle helmets must fit correctly to offer the
Sure Ride intended protection. See your owners manual for information
on how to achieve a correct fit.
Terrence Morrow After three to five years. The Snell Memorial Foundation
Design and Layout: recommends that you replace your helmet after five years. Due
Sophie Brown to advances in technology and performance, we suggest your
Ryan Steele helmet be evaluated after three years. Normal wear and tear due
Sherai McAvoy to drops and exposure gradually reduces a helmets strength and
Hannan Cantor protection capabilities.
Published quarterly by:
Sure Ride, Inc. When it isnt being worn. For whatever reason (not comfortable,
P.O. Box 252 too hot, too heavy, too old, doesnt match the new hat or coat,
Redding, CA 96002
800-555-RIDE etc.), it may be time for a new helmet. Manufacturers have made
Fax: 530-555-9068 dramatic improvements in style, weight, ventilation and cost
Copyright 2018 by: over the last few years.
Sure Ride, Inc.
All rights reserved. ~2 ~

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