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Brittani S. Luke
Marketing 1960
Professor: Whitney Wilkinson

Article Summary & Response: Power Up: 10 Strategies for Positivity- Barb
Langlois, RN, MSN Canadas Natural Health & Wellness Magazine, Jan2011

Brittani S. Luke Article

Summary & Response


Professor Whitney Wilkinson

21 April, 2017

Live a Healthier Life, and Stay Positive

Negativity is all around us! As humans, we have a tendency to share our negative stories,

more than our Positive. Most of us, will unknowingly try to outdo one another with our tragic

tales, in efforts to seek sympathy for their individual challenges. Like a virus, our negative and

positive attitudes can have an instant effect on the well-being of those around us. When we are

exposed to the negativity of others, we tend to take on some of that energy, and somehow let it

determine our actions and perception of life. In addition, those who tend to have a pessimistic

outlook have been proven to live shorter, and less fulfilling lives than someone who is optimistic.

While its fun to be with positive friends, family, or co-workers, theres always that one person

who likes to share the gossip. In these common situations, it is a good idea to practice responding

in ways that steer away from the negative subject, and instead change it to something more


Not only do we need to watch out for the extrinsic negativity, but we also need to learn to

shut out our inner critic. When it comes to our inner critic, we have two choices. First, we can

believe these thoughts- which usually result in stagnation, minimal life energy, and decrease of

self- worth. Or, we can learn to master and control them. Despite the advantages of being able to

control our thoughts, we cannot escape the nature of life and the negative events we encounter.

However, we do have the ability to choose how to respond to these stressful situations, and when

we react in a positive way, we also obtain the ability to reduce the stress that comes with it.

In conclusion, lessening the influence of negativity is something everyone can do. As a

result, we will increase our longevity, reduce stress, encourage and support others through

positive reinforcement, and improve our overall well-being for ourselves and those around us.

Work Cited

Langlois,Barb. Power UP: 10 Strategies for Positivity. Alive: Canadas Natural Health &
Wellness Magazine, no. 339, Jan. 2011, pp. 19-24.

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