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Annual Report 2015

Sales Trending Upward:

Southern Illinois Sizzle Heads
Into An Optimistic 2016
T he growth of national and global economic competi- counts. In addition, the availability of produce cannot always
tion limits local markets. Producers interviewed note a shift in be guaranteed to wholesale buyers. We as farmers cant guar-
recent decades from neighborhood markets to larger corpora- antee that well have a continual crop. The [chain stores] dont
tions, According to one producer, [We] can no longer com- know what theyll get every week. Other challenges to local
pete against WalMarts buying power or the profitability isnt food producers include the often inconsistent quality of locally
there. For many of the smaller producers, it is not as profitable grown produce, such as unevenly ripened fruit, and the respon-
to sell wholesale to larger corporations. sibility for transporting produce to distant distribution centers.
According to interviewees, selling to large chain grocery Several of the focus group participants indicate that chain stores
stores, such as Schnucks or Kroger, presents unique challenges. want farmers to obtain third party certification and conduct
Farmers find it difficult to secure face-to-face time with buy- audits to assure compliance with Good Agricultural Practices
ers. Often they are referred to a regional or national buyer. In (GAPs) food safety guidelines. GAPs certification may present
addition, the amount paid to the farmer is low. They wanted an additional hurdle for small farmers who do not already have
to pay less than a third of what I get [marketing retail]. I cant these practices incorporated into their production and market-
deal with the larger market. There is no way to compete. An- ing plans. The CFA Team identified four ways to support the
other participant indicated, The USDA has a price sheet for production and distribution of local foods in Jackson and Union
the terminal market there is one in St. Louis and it will tell counties: innovative marketing strategies; technical education
you what you can pay for peppers on the market. According and innovation for local producers; assistance with government
to the producers, wholesale buyers base their prices on these aid and policies/procedures; and access to local markets.
federal pricing guidelines. Chain stores often use distribution Barriers to direct marketing by producers include lack of time
centers that create a number of barriers for small farmers. For and lack of access, as well as lack of knowledge. I think we
example, distribution centers often demand more produce than have a lot of local food and not enough ways to get it to consum-
one farmer can offer. As one producer notes, The big chain ers.
stores want a constant supply of fruit, so the size of your
production could be a limitation on some of the wholesale ac-

Tracking May
2015 to April

The dark line is net revenue from the food; the light line is net revenue from
alcohol. Both are in thousands of dollars. 1
O ne form of marketing and increasing profits from their season extension and pest control. One producer suggests that
products is through value-added processing. On-farm re- growing year round is beneficial for three reasons. First, he
sources for value-added processing are limited. For example, feel[s] better eating his own food. Second, growing year
one grower notes, Time - the season is tough. We dont have round would provide and income throughout the year, rather
enough time to process. Some fruits can be stored until No- than for one season. Finally, he argues this is a better deal for
vember. Then theres time to process. In addition, although the local environment, not moving the food so far away. An-
marketing resources exist for farmers (one producer mentioned other participant indicates that learning to extend the season is
using the University of Illinois Market Maker website), most a lot of trial and error, suggesting that this may be a potential
participants are unaware of these resources. area for producer education. For instance, on the surveys, farm-
Agri-tourism is one marketing strategy that not only benefits ers note their use of hoop houses and single row season extend-
small farms, but contributes to the local economy. Jackson and ers as key production methods; however, several participants
Union counties currently benefit from agri-tourism through the mention learning about these on their own.
wine industry. The local food system would benefit from regional support for
The wine industry is a big help to us because it brings a lot of the creation of a Southern Illinois growers association. This
tourism to the area. We are on the wine trail. In the last couple association could potentially assist farmers with technical edu-
years they have been accepting other businesses to include on cation and innovation. As one producer notes, this association
the brochures. You have to pay to be a part of this. We recom- would assist in getting farmers together to discuss how we
mend exploring collaborations and providing financial support can help each other, starting farms, and how do you get more
for small farmers to increase their opportunities for joining people involved in getting the word out. Although several
existing marketing efforts. producers mention the benefits of the University of Illinois Ex-
Building on existing agri-tourism programs to include small tension, they note that they only help with production but not
and mid-sized local farms is a possible start. Focus group par- with sales, and added, it is difficult to get through and talk to
ticipants made a number of suggestions, including a farm stand someone. They are short on resources. They dont have special-
brochure and other promotional materials that list businesses ists locally. Since the time of these interviews, Food Works
which support local foods, such as restaurants, grocery stores, has worked with local growers to establish the Southern
and farmers markets. Another suggestion was to encourage Illinois Farming Network, an education and support program
synergistic relationships with local businesses, such as bed and providing on-farm learning and networking opportunities for
breakfasts, that could distribute the materials and recommend beginning and experienced growers in the region.
local foods to tourists. Some farmers already accommodate
tours of their farms, yet have limited means of outreach to
prospective tourists. Some farmers already accommodate tours
of their farms, yet have limited means of outreach to prospec-
tive tourists. For example, one producer noted, I ran into
some people at the [farmers] market who have asked to come
and see the farm, schools are involved that way. Producers
seemed interested in being more involved and connected with
agri-tourism, but did not have existing connections to develop
Another innovative marketing strategy to provide locally
produced foods is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
farms. CSAs are a marketing model in which the consumer
purchases a share of the farm harvest at the beginning of the
season, sharing in the successes and failures of the farm. Some
farmers indicate a willingness to deliver foods directly to the
consumer. Initiatives to subsidize lower-income consumer
access to CSAs, along with assistance to farmers to directly
deliver produce might help overcome the access barriers of
lower-income residents to fresh, nutritious and local foods.
Focus group participants address the need for education on

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