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Population Evolution (23.1-23.

2): Key Terms

Microevolution: change in the allele frequencies in a population over generations
Discrete Characters: traits decided by single gene locus with different alleles making distinct
phenotypes; Ex: flowers either purple or white
Quantitative Characters: traits that are a result of influence of 2 or more genes on single
phenotypic character; Ex: height or weight
Average Heterozygosity: the average percent of loci that are heterozygous
Geographic Variation: differences in the genetic composition of separate populations
Cline: a change in a character on a gradient along a geographic axis
Mutation: a change in the nucleotide sequence of an organisms DNA
Point Mutation: a change in a single base in a gene

Population: a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and
interbreed to create fertile offspring
Gene Pool: all the alleles for all the loci in all individuals of a population
Hardy- Weinberg Principle: principle that frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population
remain constant from generation to generation
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium: condition describing a non-evolving population (in a a genetic

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