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Ateneo de Manila University

The Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU) is a university in Quezon City, Manila.

The AdMU is located at Katipunan Road, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Manila.

The university was established by the Spanish Jesuits. The AdMU started when a

public primary school, the Escuela Municipal de Manila, was established in Intramuros,

Manila in 1859. In 1865, the Escuela Municipal de Manila became an institution of

secondary education. The Escuela was then called Ateneo Municipal de Manila.

Bachillerato and technical courses leading to certificates in surveying, agriculture and

business were offered in the Ateneo Municipal. The Ateneo Municipal was acknowledged

as a college in 1908. The Ateneo Municipal offered the bachelors degree and certificates

in several disciplines. In 1909, the Ateneo Municipal de Manilas official name became

Ateneo de Manila (

Construction Industry

The construction industry is considered as one of the essential divisions that

provide significant components for the enhancement of an economy. It is an instrument

through which a society reaches and accomplishes its goals of urban and rural

development. The complexity in the construction industry is due to the redefinition of the

construction process itself and the large number of parties involved in the process. The

persons involved in the construction process are the users, clients, designers, regulators,

contractors, sub-contractors consultants, and suppliers.

Nowadays, construction projects are often characterized by new and innovative

standards, advanced technologies, multiparty participation, and the changes desired by

the owner. In line with this factors, uncertainties and complexities in the construction

process arises, which includes the physical, financial, and economic matters. These

factors eventually lead to the delay of the project completion (Divya and Ramya, 2015).


Delay is something that causes troubling in any construction project. In a

construction project, delay can be such a problem and a critical subject for the parties

involved such as client, contractors and consultants. Delay could be defined as time over

run beyond completion date specified in a contract or beyond the date that the parties

agree upon for delivery of a project. It is sliding over its intended schedule and is

considered as common problems causing a varied undesirable outcome on the project and

its partaking parties. Delay happens in many construction projects, although the priority

of delay causes is different in various countries due to environmental effects. Delays can

lead to considerable negative effects such as lawsuits between owners and contractors,

loss of productivity and revenue, and contract termination (Hisham and Yahya, n.d.).

The causes of construction delay may be categorized as (1) client related factors,

(2) contractor related factors, (3) consultant related factors, (4) material related factors,

(5) labor an equipment related factors, (6) contract related. (7) contract relationship

related, and (8) external factors.

Client related factors or the owner related factors includes the delay in progress

payments and in delivering the site to the contractor, poor communication and
coordination, change orders by the owner during construction, and late in revising and

approving design documents. These factors are also comprised by finance and payments

of completed work, owner interference, slow decision making, unrealistic contract

duration and requirements imposed and permits from municipality.

The second category is the contractor related factor. This category is composed of

factors associated with sub-contractors, site management, construction methods,

inappropriate planning, errors during construction stage, poor contractor experience,

funding by contractor during construction and mistakes in initial stage or during soil

investigation. Also, one of the causes of delay linked to this category was rework due to

errors during construction.

Consultant related factors are somehow related to the unclear and inadequate

details in drawings. The causes of consultant related delay are the management of the

contract, preparation and approval of drawings, and the quality assurance and waiting

time for the approval of test and inspection.

The quality and shortage of construction material, delay in material delivery, and

changes in material types during construction are some of the causes of material related

delay factors.

Labor and equipment related factors are those which are associated with the

workers and machines used in the construction process. Labor related factors include

labor supply, skills of labors, and personal conflicts among workers. Under the equipment

related factors are the supply of equipment, equipment breakdown, and the availability of

the tools and machines.

Sometimes, delays are caused by change orders and mistakes and discrepancies in

contract document. Delays may also be caused by the major disputes and negotiations,

unfitting overall organizational structure relating to the project and lack of

communication between the parties. Delay may also be due to the interruption and delay

in obtaining permits from municipality, weather effect on construction activities,

accidents in the workplace during actual construction, rise in prices and delay in

providing services from utilities such as water and electricity.

According to Hisham and Yahya (n.d.), there are numerous consequences that can

occur as the result of the delays. When a project is delayed, both the client and user will

have an impact not only the building cannot be used, but they had to reschedule their

early planning in addition to bear the cost of delay. This issue is one of the major

problems in the construction industry worldwide.

Construction Safety Standard

Construction safety standards is a general term for the safety rules and

regulations implemented during construction. These standards include guides and

regulations starting from the safety of the workers up to the safety in using the

machineries and other tools in the site.

According to Mackie, C. (n.d), construction site is considered as a dangerous

place. There is a large number of fatalities, injuries, and accidents observed in a

construction site yearly. Some of the common causes of injuries and accidents are: (1)

overworking of muscles; (2) improper and/or reckless use of machineries and tools; (3)
trench and scaffold collapses; (4) electric shock, and lastly; (5) failure to use protective


Construction safety standards are rules and guidelines that provide for the

protection of the worker. Some of the regulations are concerned with the use of protective

gears by the workers and the proper use and maintenance of heavy equipment.

Monitoring and Controlling

Project monitoring and control provides an understanding of project progress,

identifies deviation from the plan and is a mechanism for making any necessary

corrective actions. Consider the ramifications of deviation and learn about ways to avoid

it (Sheryl R., 2011).

Project monitoring and control also provide information to support status

reporting, progress measurement, forecasting and updating current cost and schedule

information. During this process, it is also important to ensure that implementation of

approved changes is monitored when and as they occur (Sheryl R., 2011).

Monitoring is observing and checking the progress of the project to ensure

compliance with project scope, timelines, deliverables and schedules. Project control is

measuring such progress by comparing and contrasting actual progress with project plans

and schedules and taking corrective action as required. The basis for project monitoring

and control such as the tools and techniques to use incorporates in the planning stage and

the actual monitoring and control mostly takes place during project execution (Nayab N.

To monitor is to check on how project activities are progressing. It is observation;

systematic and purposeful observation. Monitoring also involves giving feedback

about the progress of the project to the donors, implementers and beneficiaries of the

project. Reporting enables the gathered information to be used in making decisions for

improving project performance.

Project controls are all-encompassing for project definition, planning, execution,

and completion; assisting in the entire lifecycle of the project. The use of controls will

vary according to individual project demands, but project controls address, organize, and

of course control the following aspects of your project management system (Aramyan,



Scheduling is the fitting of the final work plan to a time scale. It shows the

duration and order of various construction activities. It deals with the aspect of when to

do it.

Scheduling is determination of timing of events in the project i.e., When tasks will

be performed? Simplistically, Its a reflection of plan. In other words, planning is how,

what and who whereas, Scheduling is When and Why. Schedule can also be defined as

detailed plan of the project work tasks with respect to time.

Scheduling also provides comparison of actual progress against plan and help

identify deviations from plan. Scheduling also enables early corrective actions and

adjustments to plan.
Procurement Strategy

The term procurement is defined as the acquisition of the supplies, materials,

services that are necessary and required in the project or a company for the success of the

operation or work. Procurement is the art of planning and organizing resources for their

most operative, most effective and most efficient use.

Procurement strategy is a prearranged and planned method and tactics of cost-

effectively procuring a companys required supplies, considering varios elements and

factors such as the timeline for procurement, the funding and budget, the projected risks

and opportunities, among others. It is also define as the approach of passing the gap

between executive level plans and policy directives and daily activities


development/ 2017).

According to Kirsten, J. (2015), in the procurement strategy there are questions to

be asked before making a decision:

a. How is procurement activity currently being carried out?

b. How efficient is this activity?
c. What are the skills and competencies of the existing human resources?
d. What are current procurement costs?
e. Who are the internal customers?

A histogram is an efficient instrument for presenting an overview data or

summary. It is a bar graph displaying a set of data or representing the distribution of

numerical data. Histogram is one of the most used tools to analyse the numerical datas

frequency. In constructing a histogram, the first thing to do is to divide the entire range of

values into a series of intervals or bin the range of values. The bins are typically classified

as consecutive, non-overlapping intervals of a variable. After the process of bin,

constructing of graphical representation of how much data falls within each interval will

follow (Scudder, R., 2009).

Some of the works where histogram was applied were in rebar, formworks and

concrete works.

According to the data acquired from D. M. Consunji, Inc. (DMCI) in their recent

project in Loyola Heights, Quezon City:

Concrete histogram. This graph shows the relationship of volume of concrete per

time (month, quarter, year).

Formworks histogram. Graphical representation of the relationship of area of

formworks per time (month, quarter, year).

Rebar histogram. This graph shows the relationship of weight of rebars per time

(month, quarter, year).

Cash Flow

Cash flow refers to the cost that will be incurred and how much they will amount

to throughout the life of the project.

Cash flow estimates and forecasts are based on settled fee expense schedules for

consultants and a simple partition of the construction cost over the construction period,

up until the main contractor has been appointed. Upon the appointment of the main

contractor, some forms of payment timetables agreed and a master programme prepared

become reliable (


Manpower is the total supply of persons available and fitted for service.

Manpower refers to those people who are skilled enough to do a specified work.


Temfacil is a short term for the word temporary facilities. These facilities are

permanent in the project. Temfacil may be used for project office/engineering office,

canteen, barracks, and security office. The existence of the temfacil was just like the time

of finishing the project. Temfacil was cut-off as the project was completed.

It is an area where the project engineers and project manager work together

regarding the planning and scheduling of the project. This area serves as a storage for all

the drawings, plans and other important documents for the project (Motin, M., 2011).
Plans and Specifications

Based on the Building Act 2004, plans and specifications include the

drawings, specification and other documents from which the building is to be

constructed, altered, demolished or removed, the proposed procedures for

inspection during construction, the definition of the intended building use and

the details of specified systems and procedures for their inspection and

maintenance. Scott (1964) defined specification as a detailed description

prepared by a consultant Engineer or Architect to tell the Contractor

everything about workmanship which cannot be shown on the drawings.

Bidding Documents

Bidding documents refer to documents issued by the Procuring Entity

as the basis for bids, furnishing all information necessary for a prospective

bidder to prepare a bid for the Goods, Infrastructure Projects and Consulting

Services to be provided.

In the bid process, it is recommended that Procuring Entities use the

Standard Bidding Documents which aims to increase predictability and

uniformity in the bidding process, to increase efficiency of the bidding

process and reduce costs, to reduce unresponsive bids and thus increasing

competition and to reduce preparation and review time.

It is unfortunate that many bidders do not spend enough time to

acquaint themselves with the content of the bidding documents. In

particularly, the bidders are required to understand all contents of the

Instruction to Bidders (ITB) and the Bid Data Sheet (BDS). These sections of a

bid document are important since they narrate to the bidders on how to

prepare their bids; the list of documents to be submitted; how to seek

clarifications during the bidding process; how, when, and where to submit

bids and how the bids will be evaluated.

The standard bidding documents also provide sample forms for

submitting various information for the bid. The bidder should ensure that

these forms are properly filled, signed and stamped as appropriate.

Eligibility and Technical Documents

According to Section 23 Article VII of R.A. 9184, the Bids and Awards

Committee (BAC) or under special circumstances specified in the IRR, its duly

designated organic office shall determine the eligibility of prospective bidders

for the procurement based on the bidders compliance with the eligibility

requirements within the period set forth in the Invitation to Bid (ITB). The

eligibility requirements shall provide for fair and equal access to all

prospective bidders. The documents submitted in satisfaction of the eligibility

requirements shall be made under oath by the prospective bidders or by his

duly authorized representative certifying to the correctness of the statements

made and completeness and authenticity of the documents submitted.

The eligible prospective bidders shall and then be evaluated using

numerical ratings on the basis of the short listing requirements prescribed for

the competitive Bidding concerned, within the period stated in the Invitation

to Bid to determine the short list of bidders who shall be allowed to submit

their respective bids.

Technical and eligibility documents include bid security, DTI business

name registration or SEC Registration Certificate, valid and current Mayors

permit/ municipal license, statement of all completed and ongoing

Government and private contracts, audited financial statements, computation

of Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC), organizational chart, list of

personnel, PCAB license , certification of availability of equipment., affidavit

of site inspection and omnibus sworn statement (Appendix B).

Financial Documents

After examining the eligibility and technical components of the bids,

the BAC shall open and evaluate the financial component of the prospective

bidders who completed the necessary bid requirements of the first envelope.

The bids of the short listed bidders shall be evaluated using numerical ratings

in accordance with the evaluation criteria stated in the Bidding Documents,

which shall include factors such as, but not limited to, experience,

performance, quality of personnel, price and methodology. The bids the

passed the preliminary examination shall be ranked from the lowest to

highest in terms of their corresponding calculated prices. The bid with the

lowest calculated price shall be referred to as the Lowest Calculated Bid

and the highest calculated rating shall be the Highest Rated Bid.

Request for Extension of the Project Duration

Last January 13, 2016, Engr. Sta. Maria, the president and general

manager of Filcor Construction and Development Corporation filed a request

for the time extension of the project duration due to the delays encountered.

The causes and number of days covered for such delays were enumerated.
First was due to unfavourable weather conditions with the total delays of 79

days. It was caused by typhoons Kabayan, Lando and Nona which affected

the accessibility of the site, concreting of roof beam and concrete gutter,

plastering works, delivery of cement, and arrival of backhoe for the specific

operation. Second was the lack of water supply due to the major repair of

pipe executed by Maynilad that lasted for 2 days.

The revised expiration date of the contract shall be on ________.

Accomplishment Report

An accomplishment report is regularly prepared status report that

provides an over view of what was achieved during the given period. Specific

information related to team work progress, goals to establish and achieved,

problems arisen and decisions made, and description of unplanned activities

are covered by the report.

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