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Revised January 24, 2017

Teacher Observation University Supervisor

Announced Observation Checklist

Directions: Teacher Candidate - Please complete the first section prior to your observation. This
pre-observation plan should be agreed upon between the University Supervisor (US) and the
Candidate, and shared with the Cooperating Teacher (CT) either in person or electronically
before the observation occurs. Also schedule a post-observation conference with at least your
US, ideally with the CT as well. After the post-observation conference, complete the second
section with your reflections from the conference and feedback you received. This form should
be submitted to your US within three days of the conference, and the US will forward to the
OAP office.

Teacher Candidate: _______Laura Jarrett___________

University Supervisor: _________Mae Hey____________________

Discipline and Class: _______Secondary Science, Biology__________

Observation Date: ____4/20/2017___ School: __________Eastern Montgomery HS_______

Provided Standards-based Lesson Plan: Date Provided to US: _____________

This lesson is part of unit plan: ______Evolution________________

Pre-observation Conference Scheduled: Date Scheduled: ___________
Agreed electronically (date) ________________
Observation focus areas (Teacher Candidate Provided): Please list what you want specific
feedback about

1. ______Student Understanding_______

2. ______Student Engagment_________

3. _______Pacing and use of Class-time____

4. ______Teacher/Student Interaction_______

5. ___________________________________
Revised January 24, 2017

Post observation Process Ideally the post-observation will occur with the candidate, supervisor,
and the cooperating teacher as well. Candidate, CT and US reflections should all be heard during
the conference. After the conference, the candidate will complete this form with their
recollections and submit to US within three days of the conference.

Post-observation Conference Schedule: Date Scheduled: ___4/25/17________

Attending: X Teacher Candidate X University Supervisor Cooperating Teacher

(InTASC 8):
Candidate strengths identified in conference:
-was able to bring all students together to learn collaboratively and work together to understand
new information

Developmental Feedback identified in conference:

-figure out a way to have smaller groups yet still allow time for the students to ask questions and
receive the expertise of the Candidate
-bring unique community factors into the lesson (i.e. creating dichotomous keys with
animals/plans that the students encounter everyday)

Candidate reflections on lesson and conference:

-I enjoyed the lesson and believed that it went well, especially being able to spiral through
information by bringing new concepts to the forefront in many different contexts. However, I
wish that I could have the opportunity to give an equal amount of time to each student, not just
those that I had in my small group direct all my time.
-The conference with Dr. Hey was illuminating and well worth it. She discussed the positives of
my lesson and we talked about how it could also be improved. I was able to think of new ways to
bring classification systems into my students lives and memory.

How will you use the information shared to improve your practice?
I will continue to strive towards creating a system in which we can employ small groups
(because it gives my students the opportunity to have one-on-one time with each teacher) while
also being able to talk to each student and share my expertise on the content.

(InTASC 9): In general, how have your reflections about your practice impacted your classroom
conduct? What outside sources have you used to help you reflect on and make choices and
I believe reflecting on my teaching practices is one of the best ways to determine the
effectiveness of my teaching as well as how I am enjoying teaching high school. I have talked
Revised January 24, 2017

with my cohorts, parents, and cooperating teacher about my lesson plans and teaching techniques
to improve upon my work and abilities.

(InTASC 10): In general, how have you involved yourself in this community outside of the
classroom? How do you reflect on those activities in terms of your relationships with your
students and their learning?
I have been tutoring students after school on Thursdays to make sure they are understanding the
scientific concepts we have been talking about in class. I have also going to many faculty
meetings in which we discuss teaching strategies and techniques. The students are much more
willing to ask me for help and discuss their life outside of school now that they know I am not
going to leave them quickly. Many of the students wanted to test me and my interest at the
beginning of my unit but after they realized that I was passionate about teaching and help them
succeed, they began to trust me.

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