Double Punch Test For Asphalt Mixture by Abdul - Haq Hadi Alhaddad and Abdulmohaimen J. Addahhan

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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research

Al-Mustansiriya University
College of Engineering
Highway & transportation Engineering Department

Determination of Tensile
Strength of Hot Mixture Asphalt
by using DPT Test Method

A project
Submitted to the Highway & Transportation Dept.
Engineering College /Al-Mustansiriya University in partial
Fulfillments of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc in
Highway & Transportation Engineering

Abdulmohaimen j. kadhim Mohammed A. Ali

Supervised by

Dr. Abdulhaq Hadi Abed Ali

I certify this Project entitled Determination of Tensile
strength of Hot Mixture Asphalt By using DPT Test Method is
prepared under supervision at the university of Almustansirya /
college of engineering / Highway and Transportation
Department in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the
degree of Bachelor of engineering in Highway and
Transportation Engineering.

Signature :
Name :

Date : / /

, , , ,

.. ,

, ....

Determination of Tensile Strength of
Hot Mixture Asphalt by using Double
Punch Test


This project describes a new test technique for determining the tensile strength of
asphalt mixture. This test procedure was developed at the University of Arizona by
Jimenez (1974), and it is used to measure the stripping of the binder from the
aggregates, this test was reported by many studies, Kiggundu (1988); Solaimanian
(2004); Sarsam (2006); Turos (2010). In this test, a cylindrical specimen is placed
vertically between the loading platens of a testing machine and compressed by two
steel punches located concentrically on the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder.

The relevant formula for computing the tensile strength in the new test is herein
developed using the theory of perfect plasticity. It is shown that the formula for
computing the tensile strength of asphalt mixture, are very simple.

Table of Content

Subject Page
abstract 3
Contents 4
Chapter one ( Introduction ) 6
1-1 General 6
1-2 Objective of the study 6
1-3 Project Structure 6
Chapter Two (Literature Review) 7
2-1 General 7
2-2 Tensile strength in HMA 7
2-3 Test methods 7
2-4 Definition of DPT test method
Chapter Three (Preparation the Materials) 12
3-1 General 12
3-2 Materials 12
3-2-1 Asphalt Cement 22
3-2-2 Coarse and Fine Aggregate 21
3-2-3 Mineral Filler 14
3-3 Selection of Aggregate Gradation 14
3-4 Test Method 17
3-4-1 Marshall Specimens Preparation 17
3-4-2 Prepare Double Mold
3-4-2-1 Manufacture of plates
3-4-2-2 test procedure
3-5 Study Parameters
Chapter four (Data Analysis) 22
4-1 General 22
4-2 Discussion
4-2-1 Effect of Asphalt Type
4-2-2 Effect of Asphalt Content
4-2-3 Effect of Nominal Max. Aggregate size
Chapter Five (conclusion and recommendations) 26
5-1 conclusion 26
5-1-1 The effect of asphalt grade on the tensile
strength 26
5-1-2 The effect of asphalt content on the tensile
strength 26

5-1-3 The effect of aggregate gradation on the tensile

strength 26

5-2 Recommendation 27
References 22

Chapter One

1-1 General

Tensile strength of the asphalt mixture is one of the important properties

that should be estimated for the purpose of pavement design.

1-2 Objective of the study

The objective of this project is to:

1) Use of a Double Punch Test (DPT) to obtain the tensile strength of asphalt

2) Investigate distribution of tensile strength through the mixture sample.

3) Effect of mixture properties on the tensile strength.

1-3 Project Structure

To accomplish the objective of this project, the following approach is used:

1) A literature review of the current asphalt mixture strength test methods and of the
equivalence methods used for different strength test geometries is performed first.

2) Next, an experimental plan is proposed and carried out to obtain relevant data for
the analysis.

3) The analysis is performed using the results obtained with the proposed test

4) Lastly, a summary and conclusions are provided.

Chapter Two

Literature Review

2-1 General

In this chapter described literature review about the tensile strength in HMA and
then test method for measuring.

2-2 Tensile strength in HMA

Tensile strength of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is an important design parameter used
in various flexible pavement design procedures. The recently developed AASHTO
Mechanical Empirical Pavement Design Guide uses tensile strength as an important
design parameter to predict the low temperature cracking in flexible pavements.

Recently, a number of pavement cracking prediction models have been explored

and tensile strength is a key parameter in most of these sophisticated fracture and/or
damage models. Thus, it is important to accurately measure the tensile strength of
HMA in laboratory.

2-3 Test Methods

There are many tests have been adopted to estimate the Tensile strength of the
asphalt mixture, such as:

Figure (2-1) : Tensile strength test methods.

The Marshall Stability test was the past test for measuring the asphalt stiffness,
after that some laboratories adopted new test called Gyratory Compaction.

In 1953 known as the Brazilian test have been adopted which is named as the
Indirect Tensile Test (IDT), the formulas of estimating the tensile strength was
developed by Hondros.

In the IDT test a premature failure may occur near the loading points due to the
loading concentration on the loading points as shown in figure (2-2).

Figure (2-2) Examples of premature failure due to load concentration

Therefore the developers have modified the test using flat loading plates instead of
the direct loading to disperse the loading concentration as shown in figure (2-3) :

Figure (2-3) Modified IDT using flat loading plates

But despite the modification on the test, there is still a lack in it caused by this
tests plane of failure which is determinate which means that the failure plane will
take a fixed plane not the weakest one which will not give an accurate results and
may increase the results variation, while the (Double punch test) (DPT) as well as the
other tests may give higher results accuracy because its plane of failure is not
determinate which means there are many crack planes of failure and the failure will
occur at the weakest crack plane and therefore the lowest strength can be obtained.

2-4 Definition of DPT test method

In the IDT strength test, an increasing load is applied along a diametrical plane to
the cylindrical specimen to maintain a constant rate of vertical deformation until the
specimen fails.

Specimens used for this test were conditioned by placing them in water bath at (60)
C for (30) min. The test was performed by centrally loading the cylindrical
specimen, using two cylindrical steel punches placed on the top and bottom surface
of the sample, each specimen was centered between the two punches (1) inch in
diameter, perfectly aligned one over the other, and then loaded at a rate of (1) in/min
until failure. The reading of dial gage at the maximum load resistance was recorded.
Figure (2-3) and figure (2-4) illustrates the geometry of the sample for the double
punch test, and figure (2-5) shows double punch test apparatus. An ideal failure
mode for a cylindrical sample tested using this procedure will present several tensile
crack planes radiating from a central axis and two cone-shaped rupture regions
sheared in the compression zones directly beneath the punches. The punching
strength is computed by the equation below :

( )
.. (2-1)

t: Punching stress, Pa
Q : Maximum load, N
a : Radius of punch, mm
b : Radius of specimen, mm
h : Height of specimen, mm

Figure (2-4) Double Punch Sample Geometry (Turos 2010)

figure (2-5) double punch test

Chapter Three
Preparation of Materials

3-1 General
The materials used in this study are locally available and selected from the
currently used materials in road construction in Iraq.

3-2 Materials
The materials which is used in this project are;

3-2-1 Asphalt Cement

Asphalt cement of penetration grade (40-50) was used as a binder and introduced
into mixtures; it was brought from Al-Daurah refinery.
Tests conducted on asphalt cement confirmed that its properties complied with the
specifications of State Corporation of Roads and Bridges, SCRB (2003). Table (3-1)
presents the physical properties of asphalt cement.

Table (3-1) Physical Properties of Asphalt Cement

ASTM SCRB specification(2003)

property 22Test conditions designation Test results
no. minimum maximum

Penetration 25C,100gm,5sec,(1/10mm) D5-06 41 40 50

softening point
5C/min D36-95 49
(ring & ball)

Ductility 25C,5cm/min D113-99 150 100

Specific Gravity 25C D70-97 1.04

Flash Point Cleave land open cup D92-05 275 232

After Thin Film Oven Test Properties D1754-97

penetration of 25C,100gm,5sec,(1/10mm) D5-06 60% 55
ductility of
25C,5cm/min D113-99 85cm 25

Loss on weight 163C,50gm,5hr 0.3

3-2-2 Coarse and Fine Aggregate

Crushed coarse aggregate (retained on sieve No.4) was obtained from ALNibaae
quarry. Crushed sand and natural sand used as fine aggregate (particle size
distribution between sieve No.4 and sieve No.200), it was brought from the same
source. It consists of hard, tough grains, free from loam and other deleterious
substances. Table (3-2) presents the physical properties of aggregate.

Table (3-2) Physical Properties of Coarse and Fine Aggregate

Coarse Aggregate
Fine Aggregate
Property ASTM ASTM
Designation Test Results Designation Test Results
No. No.
Bulk Specific
C127-01 2.584 C128-04 2.604
Specific C127-01 2.608 C128-04 2.664
Absorption C127-01 0.57 C128-04 1.419

3-2-3 Mineral Filler

Ordinary Portland cement has been used as a mineral filler in this study.

3-3 Selection of Aggregate Gradation

The selected gradation in this study followed the SCRB (2003) specification for
wearing course (type A) with 12.5 (mm) and 9 (mm) nominal maximum aggregate
size. The tables (3-3) and (3-4) and the figures (3-1) and (3-2) below shows the
aggregate gradation for 12.5 (mm) and 9 (mm) respectively.

Table(3-3) : 12.5 (mm) nominal maximum aggregate size :

Upper Lower aggregate
Sieve No. Sieve size-mm- specification specification gradation
limit-%- limit-%- cumulative

1/2 12.5 100 100 100

3/8 9.5 100 90 95

No.4 4.75 85 55 74

No.8 2.36 67 32 40

No.50 0.3 23 7 12

No.200 0.075 10 4 7

Figure (3-1) : aggregate gradation for 12.5 mm.

Table(3-4) : 19 (mm) nominal maximum aggregate size

Upper Lower aggregate
Sieve size-mm- specification specification gradation
limit-%- limit-%- cumulative

3/4" 19 100 100 100

1/2" 12.5 100 90 95

3/8" 9.5 90 76 83

No.4 4.75 74 44 58

No.8 2.36 58 28 34

No.50 0.3 21 5 13

No.200 0.075 10 4 8

Figure (3-2) : aggregate gradation for 19 mm.

3-4 Test Method

3-4-1 Marshall Specimens Preparation

The specimens were prepared in accordance with (ASTM 1559), specific weight of
aggregates for each group of samples and filler were put in the pan, then, the pan
was put in the oven and being heated to (160) C , the pan was charged with the
heated aggregates and dry mix thoroughly. Asphalt was heated up to (150)C prior to
mixing, and it was added to the hot aggregate in the pan, which placed on hot plate
and mixed for two minutes. The aggregates and asphalt cement were rapidly mixed
until thoroughly coated, and lastly, the mixture was removed from the pan and was
ready for compaction process. The procedure begins with recording the mixture
temperature and observing until it reaches the desirable compaction temperature.
The mold is 4(10.16 cm) in diameter and 2.5 0.05 (6.35 cm) in heighten assembly
and the face of compaction hammer was cleaned and heated in oven at (120 - 150)
C, filter paper that was cut into pieces was placed in the bottom of the mold before
the mixture is introduced, the mixture that has been prepared is then placed in the
mold, and stirred by the spatula or trowel for (15) times around the perimeter and
(10) times over the interior, the collar is removed and the surface will be smoothed
with the trowel to slightly rounded shape, next, the compaction temperature
immediately prior to compaction temperature was (140)C, the collar then will be
assembled to the compaction pedestal in the mold holder, the (50) blows of
compaction hammer are applied with a free fall of 4.536 kg (10 Ib) sliding weight
and a free fall of (457.2) mm from the mold base, and the compaction hammer is
assured to be perpendicular to the base of the mold assembly, after compaction, the
base plate is removed and the same blows are applied to the bottom of the specimen
that has been turned around, after that, the collar is lifted from the specimen
carefully. Next, the specimen was transferred to smooth surface at room temperature

for over-night; lastly, the specimen labeled and prepared for testing. The procedure
of mixing and compaction are shown in figure(3-3).

Figure(3-3) : Marshall compaction procedure.

Total of the (36) specimens as shown in figure (3-4) were used in DPT .

Figure (3-4) Group of Prepared Marshall Specimens

3-4-2 Prepare Double Mold

3-4-2-1 Manufacture of plates

In this case modified the lower and upper plate of Marshall Mold as shown

Adding shift rod with diameter equal to 25.4 mm and 25.4 mm height at the center
of plates as shown in figure (3-5).

3-4-2-2 test procedure

1- Prepare the sample as in Marshall test method.

2- Put the samples in water container of 60 C for 30 min. before the test .
3- Using modified plates through the test as shown in figure (3-6).
4- Record the gauge reading for make the calculations for estimating the tensile
strength of the asphalt mix.
Figure (3-5) : Manufactured plates

Figure (3-6) Double Punch Test Apparatus

In our DPT test, (36) samples are prepared to be tested which have different
variables which are (Asphalt type, Max. aggregate size and Asphalt content ).Each
(3) samples have the same variables which gives us (12) groups with various
variables. The results taken from each group are compared with the others to
determine and show the effect of each of the variables on the Tensile strength
obtained from this test.

3-5 Study Parameters

The variables which are study:

1) Two of Asphalt ((40-50), (30-40) penetration grade).

2) Two Nominal Max. Aggregate size (19 mm, 12.5mm).
3) Three Asphalt content (4%, 5%, and 6%).

Chapter Four
Data Analysis

4-1 General
In this chapter, the discussion of DPT results will be obtained.
For the results of tensile strength as shown in the table (4-1) and the figure (4-1),
the average of each 3 samples with the same contents are calculated.

The results marked with * are neglected to obtain a more accurate results
because they have a high variance from the other results and they cause a high

4-2 Discussion
From the figure (4-1) we can see the following :

4-2-1 Effect of Asphalt Type

a. At( 4%) asphalt the 19mm(30-40) has the highest tensile strength(83.2 Kpa)
while the 12.5mm(40-50) has the lowest (38.1 Kpa).
b. At (5%) the 19mm(30-40) has the highest tensile strength (115.6 Kpa) and the
12.5mm(30-40) has the lowest (69Kpa).
c. At (6%) the 19mm(30-40) has the highest tensile strength (147Kpa) while the
12.5mm(40-50) has the lowest (93.7Kpa).
d. For 12.5mm(30-40) its increase in strength is as like as 19mm(30-40) but with
smaller tensile strength in general.

4-2-2 Effect of Asphalt Content

a. For 19mm(30-40) the tensile strength increased with increasing the asphalt
content with a nearly linear relationship to reach its maximum tensile strength at
6% asphalt.
b. For 19mm(40-50) there was a gradual increase in the strength with increase
asphalt, it was small increase in strength for (4 to 5%) and a larger increase in
strength for (5 to 6%).
c. For 12.5mm(40-50) the strength started low at 4% and increased too much at peak
strength at 5% then reduced again for 6% asphalt.

4-2-3 Effect of Nominal Max. Aggregate size

For comparing the results between the maximum aggregate size:

a. For 19mm the (30-40) asphalt gave a higher tensile strength than (40-50) as well
as for 12.5mm (except 12.5mm 5%).

b. For the same asphalt type and asphalt for all the results the 19mm aggregate
gave a higher tensile strength than 12.5mm (except 12.5mm 5%).

In general: the maximum tensile strength is obtained for 19mm 6% (30-40) and
the lowest is obtained at 12.5mm 4% (40-50).

Table (4-1): the results of tensile strength

Max ave.
DPT Corrected Tensile
Asphalt Agg. Asphalt volume applied Volume tensile
gauge height applied strength
grade gradation content cm^3 load(P) factor strengh
reading cm load -N- -Kpa-
-N- Kpa
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.0 12.0 6.6 535.9 506.6 0.9 471.2 38.8
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.0 17.0 6.6 535.1 717.7 1.0 689.0 56.8* 38.1
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.0 11.0 6.5 527.0 464.4 1.0 445.8 37.3
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.1 36.0 6.5 527.8 1519.9 1.0 1459.1 122.0
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.1 32.0 6.5 527.0 1351.0 1.0 1297.0 108.6 110.8
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.1 30.0 6.5 527.8 1266.6 1.0 1215.9 101.7
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.1 34.0 6.5 522.9 1435.5 1.0 1378.0 116.3
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.1 25.0 6.4 517.3 1055.5 1.0 1055.5 90.1 93.7
(40-50) 12.5mm 0.1 22.0 6.5 527.0 928.8 1.0 891.7 74.7
(40-50) 19mm 0.0 22.0 6.6 536.7 928.8 0.9 863.8 71.0
(40-50) 19mm 0.0 15.0 6.5 530.2 633.3 1.0 608.0 50.6 62.0
(40-50) 19mm 0.0 19.0 6.5 527.0 802.2 1.0 770.1 64.5
(40-50) 19mm 0.1 31.0 6.5 527.0 1308.8 1.0 1256.4 105.2*
(40-50) 19mm 0.1 22.0 6.6 531.0 928.8 1.0 891.7 74.1 73.0
(40-50) 19mm 0.1 20.0 6.4 518.9 844.4 1.0 844.4 71.9
(40-50) 19mm 0.1 37.6 6.4 518.9 1587.4 1.0 1587.4 135.1
(40-50) 19mm 0.1 30.0 6.4 518.9 1266.6 1.0 1266.6 107.8* 135.0
(40-50) 19mm 0.1 42.0 6.7 539.1 1773.2 0.9 1649.1 134.9
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.0 33.0 6.6 535.1 1393.2 1.0 1337.5 110.2*
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.0 17.0 6.7 545.6 717.7 0.9 667.5 53.9 55.6
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.0 18.0 6.7 543.2 759.9 0.9 706.7 57.3
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.1 15.0 6.5 527.8 633.3 1.0 608.0 50.8
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.1 22.0 6.5 527.8 928.8 1.0 891.7 74.6 69.0
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.1 24.0 6.5 526.2 1013.3 1.0 972.7 81.6
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.1 31.0 6.6 535.1 1308.8 1.0 1256.4 103.6
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.1 18.6 6.5 529.4 785.3 1.0 753.9 62.8* 102.0
(30-40) 12.5mm 0.1 30.0 6.6 534.3 1266.6 1.0 1215.9 100.4
(30-40) 19mm 0.0 21.0 6.5 527.0 886.6 1.0 851.1 71.3
(30-40) 19mm 0.0 27.0 6.6 535.1 1139.9 1.0 1094.3 90.2 83.2
(30-40) 19mm 0.0 26.0 6.5 527.0 1097.7 1.0 1053.8 88.2
(30-40) 19mm 0.1 28.2 6.5 527.0 1190.6 1.0 1143.0 95.7
(30-40) 19mm 0.1 40.0 6.5 527.0 1688.8 1.0 1621.2 135.8 115.6
(30-40) 19mm 0.1 33.9 6.5 525.4 1431.2 1.0 1374.0 115.4
(30-40) 19mm 0.1 44.0 6.5 527.0 1857.6 1.0 1783.3 149.3
(30-40) 19mm 0.1 39.3 6.4 518.9 1659.2 1.0 1659.2 141.2 147.0
(30-40) 19mm 0.1 44.0 6.5 522.9 1857.6 1.0 1783.3 150.5




Tensile strength-Kpa-

12.5mm (40-50)
12.5mm (30-40)
19mm (40-50)

60.0 19mm (30-40)



4% 5% 6%
Asphalt content

Figure (4-1): asphalt content percentage versus tensile strength (Kpa)

Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendations

5-1 Conclusion
Now, from the above points:
5-1-1 The effect of asphalt grade on the tensile strength:
The (30-40) asphalt gave a higher tensile strength than (40-50) and this is true
since the (30-40) has lower penetration which means it has higher viscosity than the
(40-50), this higher viscosity increase the adhesion between the aggregate and the
asphalt ,therefore it gives higher resist to tensile strength.

5-1-2 The effect of asphalt content on the tensile strength:

As seen before, the tensile strength increased with the increase of the asphalt
content, this is because increasing the asphalt content give a higher adhesion with
the aggregate which increases the interlocking between aggregate particles to give a
higher resist to tensile strength.

5-1-3 The effect of aggregate gradation on the tensile strength:

The higher aggregate of 19mm size gave a higher tensile strength than 12.5mm,
this may be due to that the larger aggregate particles gives a higher resistance to the
applied loads and then gives a higher tensile strength.

5.2 Recommendations and Future Works

1) Comparative performance for the specimens mixed by the previous aggregate

gradations and asphalt grades should be compared with those cored in the field.
This could be studied by constructing a trial section in the field meeting their
properties in the laboratory.
2) Verification of the effect of mixing characteristic on the tensile strength.
3) Effect of additives to the mixtures may be investigated.


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