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The Plan For Peace

by Nikita Nunnink

A Brief History
The Creation of Capitalism:
Changed some of the key ways people interact with one another.
Reduced labor and humanity into a commodity to be bought and sold.
Used Human exceptionalism to justify the degradation of our environment and the
exploitation of those who have resources that can be used.
The Curse of Columbus:
Brought Capitalist Colonialism to North America at the worst time possible
Promised he could take control of the entire Native population with "50 good men."
Used the idea of "discovery" to mask his true intentions for being in Cuba and
Hispaniola, which was the search for gold and treasure.
The Creation of the IMF:
It was created to serve as a temporary bank for occidental countries in case they needed a
loan for whatever purpose.
Expanded to incorporate SAPs, or Structural Adjustment Plans for developing nations, an
act that allows the IMF to completely change the economic structure of nations in order
to pay off debt.
This allows the leverage of debt by the IMF of indebted countries so that the IMF can use
their authority to benefit occidental exploits in these developing nations.
Where We Are Today
Our Language:
We are only allowed to speak very specific ways about very specific topics.
We cannot speak about things that don't "exist" within our language, otherwise we lose
Our language functions to create delineations in our society and in the home in such a
way that obvious differences are usually not lost.
Our Economics:
We cannot escape the class system nor its state sanctioned, corporately enforced cage that
surrounds us in all aspects of life. The IMF extends this to everywhere in the world.
If we wish to dismantle the system, the state will justify its use of power to stop you from
"destroying our way of life," the only Capitalist defense.
Any deviation from the standard way of earning wages will be treated with disdain,
mocking, or even violence, such as happens on Banana Plantations throughout South
Our Labor:
Is stolen by those who wish to use our bodies to create profit but share none of the gains.
We are used to fulfill purposes as cogs in a machine rather than thinking, informed
creatures with values and beliefs.
We are tricked into separating ourselves further by classifying beyond economic status,
but also in race, sex, gender, religion, and sexuality.

The Solution
The Solution to changing our world for the better so that the IMF cannot continue its
predatory Capitalist expansion is to change the way we speak, the way we buy, and the way we
evaluate. In the grand scheme of things, our planet doesn't matter to anyone but us, but in the
micro scale, we have become responsible for the billions of living creatures on the planet who
reside with us in all spaces. In this, we are left with a choice where we must:
Begin taking a Third Side approach to argumentation (side 1, side 2, side 3: the
community) and start speaking and negotiating with nonviolent communication.
Begin taking control of our food, clothing, and shelter and contribute to our community's
wellbeing and economic security by not supporting IMF driven markets.
Begin thinking and reflecting on what our values really are and where our priorities of
humanitarianism truly lie.

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