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Date: January 11, 2017

Journal Entry 1:

The quote by Gertrude Stein about You will write if you will write without thinking of the result in
terms of a result, but think of the writing in terms of discovery, which is to say that creation must
take place between the pen and the paper, not before in a thought or afterwards in a recasting..
It will come if it is there and if you will let it come.

I identify with this quote because it speaks to my philosophy about life. I just do what I feel is
right at the time and see what comes to me. If you try to force anything in life it will come out
bad. It needs to come to you naturally. That is why I believe in predestination. It says that god
already has a plan for you and you just need to let him do his thing.

By living by this quote and philosophy I have found myself to be less stressed than the average
college student. I dont let things that I have no control over stress me out because it is a waste
of time. I also have heard that if you stress too much you start to break out and no one wants

I write and do the things I do because it comes to me. When an idea comes to me I write it down
and remind myself over and over to do it. Sometimes Ill go weeks with new ideas and no
execution. Then one day Ill go all out and finish everything.

My faith in god has brought me here.

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