The Need For Wind Energy

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The need for wind energy

Niels-Erik Clausen
Learning objectives

After this lecture you will be able to:

Explain the global need for wind energy

Mention the most important issues when planning land-based wind farms

Mention the most important issues when planning offshore wind farms
Climate change a global challenge

Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Oct 2015
The need for wind energy in the energy system

Climate change (global)

Environmental concerns (regional and local)
Security of energy supply (domestic fuel)
Cost competitiveness with traditional power generation
Provides local employment, regional economic development
Can be installed fast, compared with conventional power
Installed Wind Power in the World - end 2014
- Annual and Cumulative -
54,000 400,000
Installed MW in year Accu. MW



30+ years experience
50+ countries

Cumulative MW
MW per year

Offshore market ~ 2%
27,000 200,000

18,000 3.4% of world electricity 150,000



0 0
1983 1990 1995 2000 2005 2011
Source: BTM Consult - A Part ofSource: Navigant
Navigant - March 2015 Research, March 2015
Danish wind energy experience

offshore onshore

Total (Dec 2014) 4849 MW

Land-based 3578 MW
Offshore 1271 MW
Number of turbines 5244 Source: The Danish Energy Agency

Electricity (2014) 13.5 TWh

Penetration 40%
From centralised to de-centralised power system
Example the power system in Denmark

CHP: combined heat and power

from 15 power plants to 15 CHP, 415 CHP and 5000 wind turbines
Graphics: O. Gehrke, Infrastructures for power system integration and control of small distributed energy resources , Ris DTU PhD Thesis 2008
Siting of wind turbines on land
Distance to houses and roads
Wind resource
Environmental impact e.g. flora & fauna and protected areas
Grid connection
Local acceptability

Distance map Wind resource map

Source: Ringkjbing-Skjern Municipality, wind turbine planning, 2009

Siting of wind turbines offshore

Distance to land & to harbour

Water depth & sea bed properties
Navigation routes
Grid connection
subsea cable
Wind resource
Environmental impact Source: Fjord&Blt

- e.g. marine mammals

Source: DONG Energy A/S Anholt wind farm

Photo Mads Eskesen
Wind resources offshore

Wind speed m/s

Source: South Baltic OFFER project, DTU Wind Energy 2011


In this lecture you have been introduced to

The main reasons why we install wind turbines

Key issues to consider when selecting a location for a wind
farm onshore as well as offshore

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