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Reflector seniors say farewell to UIndy

Kylee Crane, Editor-in-Chief sick. I dont like that choice. Instead, I
In conversations focused on my rapidly choose to be happy.
approaching graduation and years spent I am happy that I have spent four
at UIndy, I have been asked, So, are you years on The Reflector staff at my dream
satisfied with what you have done? And campus. I have made amazing friends,
I smile and immediately answer. connected with hundreds of people, in-
You see, I live by cheesy, Pinterest- terned at my favorite newspaper, NUVO,
worthy, motivational quotes. One of my been mentored by the best professors, and
favorites that is displayed in my bedroom even met the love of my life in the most
says, Go out on a limb. Thats where the unlikely place at the most unexpected
fruit is. Its a great reminder that playing time. I would like to thank my friends
it safe is a risk in itself, so you might as who always understood when I couldnt
well take those steps out and see where hang out due to production. Thank you to
that takes you. my Reflector staff for the laughs, the tears,
Some of my steps have been suc- the stories and the love. I couldnt have
cessfulgaining experience and educa- done it without you. Thank you, Kyle, for
tion through various leadership roles on all of the rides home and for saying yes
campus, applying and receiving amazing when I asked you to be my boyfriend on
internships and meeting some people I our second date. Thank you, Mom and
will call friends for the rest of my life. Dad, for being in my corner since day
Other steps have led to falling off broken one. Nobody in this world will ever love
branches, which may have led to heart- me as much as you guys do, and I love you
ache and failures. Either way, I grew and more. Erik and Zo, I would say dont let
learned. me down, but I know you wont. I would
I spent weekends working in the say make me proud, but you already have. From right to left: Mercadees Hempel, Kylee Crane, Quiaira Johnson and Ainger Alexander. Photo by Laken Detweiler
newsroom or studying for an exam and I cannot thank everybody who helped
other weekends out having fun and do- me get to this point enough. I dont know we think we cannot recover. Whether a want to do because you feel it is whats cessful student is to simultaneously be
ing nothing productive with the best of what happens after this, but whatever it failed exam or class, a friendship, an in- best for you at that moment. Sometimes, involved on campus as much as possible,
friends. Either way, I created beautiful is, I cant wait to share it with you all. In timate relationshipwhatever the failure our decisions may leave us in some crazy volunteer, excel academically and work
memories I can talk about for years. Abarat, the book that made me want to is, it does not remove us from the circle places, but learn from them, and use them on your career.
Some weeks were filled with stress and be a writer, author Clive Barker writes, of humanity. In fact, it helps us search as positive reinforcement. You are better All of these things and more are the key
tearsdays when I could not wait for it Perhaps a wiser eye than hers would be within our experiences to define what than your last mistake, misjudgment, or to post-secondary success. Dont get me
all to be over. Others were filled with fun able to read tomorrow in tonights stars. encompasses basic humanness. failed exam. Take these years and make wrong; Im not complaining. I actually take
and laughter, days when I wished this time But where was the fun in that? It was My time at UIndy has definitely been a the best of them, and learn what it means pride in working for everything I have.
would never end. I have awards nailed better not to know. Better to be alive in roller coaster ride, but it is one for which I to you to live your best life. However, I wish that someone had told
along a wall to show for the hard work the Here and in the Nowin this bright, am and will forever be grateful.The process me that self-love and self-care are equally
Ive put in, and I have hundreds of photos laughing momentand let the Hours to of figuring out what I want to do for the Ainger Alexander, Editorial Assistant as important. Missing a class or failing an
to show the fun and other experiences I come take care of themselves. rest of my life has not been easy; in fact, I am not the traditional student. I exam is serious, but not as serious as a de-
have had along the way. I still dont have it figured out. One thing did not have the luxury of coasting by cline in mental health and feeling burned
So when someone asks me if I am Quiaira Johnson, Business Manager that I can tell you is that this journey, on mommys and daddys money while out. These things cause emotional strain,
satisfied with what I had done, I smile But even the worst decisions we make through its hardships and celebratory mo- in school. I have supported myself ever physical strain and sometimes theyre
and say, Absolutely. dont necessarily remove us from the circle ments, has taught me that I, like you, can since I was 17 years old, and that only grew just not worth it. Working my body and
I hope you can do the same. of humanity. Wes Moore only get better from here. My advice is to more difficult when I turned 18 and came mind so hard and overextending myself
You probably are wondering why I do you.If you feel like going out to drink to college. I had to worry about paying are probably some of the things that most
Mercadees Hempel, Managing Editor chose to base my farewell on that quote. rather than studying for that exam, do it. bills, tuition costs and having emergency negatively impacted my university experi-
Ever since I was 6 years old, I have The simple, honest answer is because If you think that having an internship is funds in case something went wrong. I ence. If I could offer one piece of advice,
known exactly where I was going to be we are our own worst critics. College is more important than being part of a club worked two, sometimes three, jobs at a it would be: take care of yourself. Take
and what was going to happen: I was the place where trial-and-error gives us or organization, do it. If you want to lie time while maintaining full-time status breaks from cramming, explore the city
going to go to school. But now I dont the push we need to help propel us into in bed and watch Netflix on days when at UIndy and being involved on campus. you go to school in, spend an afternoon
know where I will be next year at this time. chasing and choosing the very things that youre just not feeling it, do it. If you are Thats very hard to balance when you doing things you love. And when youre
Luckily, there is always a choice. I can be help us best live our lives. In that process, even considering studying abroad, do it. have to support yourself, yet people are feeling overwhelmed, overworked and
anxious, fret about it and worry myself we fail. Sometimes we fail so badly that My point is that you should do what you telling you that the only way to be a suc- overextended, take care of yourself first.

Size difference between MOAB & VW Beetle Nuclear option in Senate

By Erik Cliburn & Madison Hays decisions are in Congress. Those who
OPINION EDITOR & ONLINE EDITOR disagree with the way government oper-
ates need to participate in the political
process to change it.

MOAB PRO: The nuclear option that has

been so covered and argued over recently
Erik Cliburn

CON: While supporters of Repub-

is essentially a change in parliamentary lican Senators recent use of the nuclear
rules within the United States Senate. option may claim that the shortcut
It established the need for only a simple will make democracy quicker and more
majority (51 votes) to end the filibus- efficient, I find the nuclear option to only
ter of the minority party during the stifle the conversation and debate that
confirmation of a Supreme Court makes democracy liberating.
nominee, rather than the previously The filibuster serves as a tool for the
needed 60 votes. minority party, not only to buy time,
30 ft 13.5 ft Many, especially those to the left on the
political spectrum, have argued that this
but also to inform other members
of Congress about who or what they are
change in the Senate rules undermines the voting on and to provide the majority
Graphic by Melvin Mendez
need for compromise and takes away from party a new perspective before the voting

US bombings a concern
democracy as a whole. This move came occurs. This allows the minority party to
after a filibuster by Senate Democrats to bring up thoughts and concerns about the
block nominee Neil Gorsuch from being issue at hand, and when the two parties
confirmed to fill the vacant seat of the late can work together, compromises can be
Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. considered.
As tensions around the world intensify, will the United States keep its composure? While there is validity in the argument
of wanting the opposing parties within the
The filibuster allows for the minor-
ity party to have a voice and a way of
By Tony Lain by President Trump, but rather by Gen. fight against the coalition, and there's an Senate should work together and reach a affecting decisions. Using the nuclear
John Nicholson, the highest-ranking enormous incentive for Saddam Hussein compromise, that was the last thing that option to bypass the filibuster, the
military official in the country. While the to leave and spare the world a conflict." was happening before the nuclear option minority party loses its voice.
bombs use garnered enormous attention The MOAB could be a warning to was put into place. This essentially will be The nuclear option makes rash
on the world stage, the weapons impact Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. the first nail in the coffin for filibusters in decisions more likely because it removes
The United States dropped the Mother by any military standards was rather Shortly after the use of the MOAB, the Senate, which is something that has the filibuster step in which members of
of All Bombs MOAB on an ISIS af- underwhelming. North Korea again tested a nuclear bal- been needed for a long time. the Senate can drive home important
filiate in Afghanistan on April 13, killing According to Business Insider, ISIS listic missile, but the launch was a failure. One of the most annoying cases of the information about an issue that affects
more than 90 Islamic State militants and has 700-1,000 militants in Afghanistan, With 28,000 U.S. troops currently in filibuster was when Republican Senator voters.
destroying many underground bunkers far less than the 25,000 members of South Korea, the United States is looking from Texas, and later presidential candi- And while I hope that our Sena-
and ammunitions. Was this simply just a the Taliban. According to U.S. military to strong-arm North Korea away from date, Ted Cruz protested the Affordable tors are always well-informed on every
mission to attack a terrorist organization, officials, the Taliban control about a nuclear testing. Visiting South Korea Care Act (Obamacare). Cruz stood on nomination or issue they vote on, some-
or were there other motives at play for the third of the population in Afghanistan, last weekend, Vice President Mike Pence the Senate floor for more than 21 hours times it does take several hours of our
Trump administration and its plan to curb about 10 million more people than ISIS had a message for Pyongyang: "Since filibustering because the then Democratic diaper-wearing representatives fighting
North Koreas missile testing? controlled in Syria and Iraq at the height 1992, the United States and our allies majority, in the Senate could not reach for the minority voice to get across a dif-
Afghanistan has seemingly been of its power during the summer of 2014. have stood together for a denuclear- 60 votes to end the filibuster. Not only ferent perspective. The big fear is that the
ignored on most American news media The Kremlin and leaders in Moscow have ized Korean Peninsula," Pence said at a did he filibuster, but Cruz actually read nuclear option will be used in the Senate
outlets, with catastrophe in Syria and been supporting Taliban soldiers, claiming joint news conference with acting South from Green Eggs and Ham to fill more when it votes on proposed legislation.
madness in North Korea on the rise. they are helping the fight against ISIS. Korean President Hwang Kyo-Ahn in time. If that doesnt make a mockery of When first used in November of
According to CNN, there are still more However, the two radical groups forged Seoul. "We hope to achieve this objective the democratic process, then I dont know 2013, the nuclear option was said not
than 8,000 U.S. troops stationed in Af- a truce in August of 2016 and swore not through peaceable means. But all options what does. While the nuclear option to be intended for use in conformations
ghanistan on counter-terrorism missions, to fight each other. are on the table.The Vice President later wont completely rid the Senate of the of Supreme Court nominees. Now that
and one U.S. soldier was killed in combat Although the bomb was dropped on added, [The] era of strategic patience is filibuster, it is a step in the right direction. it has been used for that, it is now being
during an operation in the area just days an ISIS tunnel complex in Afghanistan, over.That Pences warning coincided with Abolishing the filibuster in the Senate said that it is not intended for other uses
before the attack. one cant help but wonder if the use of the bombing in Afghanistan seems to be for nominees is a two-way street. While in the Senate.
The bomb that was dropped on the one of the largest weapons in the United no coincidence, but a showcase of power the Republicans have the majority in the But now that door has
Afghanistan province of Nangarhar was States arsenal was actually a forewarning for Kim Jong Un and the North Korean Senate now, the Democrats could have the been opened, it may well be just
the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used to Americas enemies around the world. Army. While talks are currently underway majority after the midterm election. This a matter of time before the nuclear
in combat, equivalent to about 11 tons The MOAB was built in 2003, right with China to impose tougher sanctions means the change in the rules benefit not option is used over some a controversial
of TNT and with a blast radius com- before the invasion of Iraq, and had more on Pyongyang to persuade the North to only the current party in power, but any piece of legislation. If the nuclear option
parable to nine city blocks, according psychological implications than actual real change its course on nuclear weapons, future party in power as well, whether is introduced into our legislative system,
to the Pentagon. The bomb cost about uses. Former Defense Secretary Donald Kim Jong Uns radical government is hard Democrat or Republican. legislators will find it easier to conceal
$170,000 to make and had to be deployed Rumsfeld said of the bomb after its cre- to predict. According to the New York While those who oppose to the legislation plans until the time of proposal,
out of a cargo plane according to the Air ation,There is a psychological component Times, in a formal proposal last month, nuclear option have argued that it putting Senators more at risk of casting
Force. The MOAB was dropped shortly to all aspects of warfare. The goal is to China said that talks should be framed interferes with democracy, I say that it is, an uninformed vote.
after President Trump authorized the not have a war. The goal is to have the on the basis of North Korea suspending in fact, a shining example of democracy. The nuclear option puts the power
demolition of a Syrian airbase a week pressure be so great that Saddam Hussein its nuclear testing, and the U.S. and South The members of the Senate are democrati- solely in the hands of the majority party,
earlier and is out of line with the America cooperates. Short of that, an unwilling- Korea suspending their exercises on or cally elected by the people of the United allowing them to decide how long the
First platform that he campaigned on, ness to cooperate, the goal is to have the near the peninsula. States and therefore should use their filibuster will last, and to control the
and vow to take the United States out of capabilities of the coalition so clear and Whether either is willing to put away representation of the people to reform time the minority party is able to spend
Middle Eastern conflicts. The attack on so obvious that there is an enormous their guns on the Korean Peninsula is government, create, change and abolish reviewing legislation.
ISIS in Afghanistan was not authorized disincentive for the Iraqi military to uncertain. laws. The people who make most of the Madison Hays

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