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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Mackenzie Schultz

Grade Level: K PO
School: Arlington School District
Date: 3/16
Time: 9:30 am

Reflection from prior lesson: Yesterday we worked on identifying sight words and understanding on how
to sound out these words if they are words that are able to sound out. He was able to identify the sight
words he already knew. We are going to switch gears and work on sounding out cvc words while trying to
identify the middle sound in those words. We will also be incorporating some of our sight words into this
lesson as well. We will be trying to tie it all together.

Lesson Objectives:
Student will identify cvc words including the middle sound with 90% accuracy on 4/5 trials
Student will identify sight words with 90% accuracy on 4/5 trials

Materials Needed:
Zing Word Game K-2
Picture cards
Mat the book
White board

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: Tristan is pulled out of the classroom for 30 minutes a day to
get extra support of what they are doing in the classroom. He works hard, however somedays he will just
sit in his chair and look at you. When working he sometimes waits until he can see your mouth moving
and telling him the answer to say the answer. He qualifies under specific learning disability in his IEP.
Tristan has been making huge strides of progress as in the beginning of the school year he only knew 3
numbers and 7 letters of the alphabet. Now he knows all his numbers up to 20 and all his letters of the

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (3 minutes)
Getting attention: I will ask Tristan if he knows what word these three letters
make. If he doesnt know I will say well then we are going to play the game Zingo so we can
practice sounding out letters and words.
Relating to past experience and/or knowledge: The other day we used out picture
cards to help us understand our words and help sound them out, well today we are using this
Creating a need to know: We need to understand this because it helps with
spelling and reading as well as a lot of other things in school.
Sharing objective, in general terms: Today we are practicing our words and
sounding them out. We will also be reading one of our books to go along with our game
today. Try and word your hardest today!

2. Content Delivery (20 minutes)

- We will start with me writing a cvc word on the board and having Tristan
try and identify which word it is by himself. I picked a few words I know
he can sound out so he will be motivated to play the game.
- Once we have identified the words, we will play Zingo. This is a game
where it pops out letters and you have a game board with different letters
on it and you have to make a word. The game gets tricky because not all
the letters will make words. You have to try and match up the letter that
comes out with an empty slot on the game board to make a word. This
game will get Tristan to think about the letter sounds and individual
letters as well as show him he is able to make words himself. This game
may take the most of time because we have 2 different game board cards
I would like to go through because this game really helps Tristan
understand why some letters arent able to go certain places.
- When we are done with both the game boards, I will have a short little
book for us to read that has sight words in it as well as cvc words which
will make it a learning tool for us.

3. Closure (2 minutes)
- Tristan do you remember a word you created during our game today? You do, can you tell me
what word it was? Once he tells me that word I will have him write each letter on the white
board to see if he is able to transfer his knowledge onto writing.

B. Assessments Used
- Student work sample is being used in this lesson as well as student observation. I am using both of these
hand in hand to try and provide myself with data as well as understand what areas we still need some
work in.

C. Differentiated Instruction
- Tristan is receiving the support he needs by being in a separate classroom with one-on-one support
guiding him through the process. We are also breaking down the steps and taking it piece by piece when
identifying our sight words. Playing games also helps Tristan learn better, which is why we tend to play a
lot of games.

D. Resources
-Special Education Room

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