Journal Lesson

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#2/#1 Name: Samantha Butkus


Lesson Title: Our Little Adventure: Journals Grade Level: 7 and 8 year olds

-Students will experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal
interests in a work of design (VA: Cr2.1.2)
-Students will create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of artistic processes
and materials (VA: Cr2.1.3)
-Students will categorize artwork based on a theme of concept for an exhibition
(VA: Pr4.1.2)

Overall Lesson Objective:

- BIG IDEA from Social Studies Standards: Identity Development and Identity
How can we document factors that contribute to who we are? Why might we journal
when we are going on adventures (i.e. when we are traveling, adventures throughout
life)? How might journaling enhance our experience as we continue our adventures?

Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:

Technical Skill:
Students will work with three different medias to create a design for the journals they
will be using for future lessons. Each journal cover will consist of: one place the
students adventure takes place, the students name, and three different medias.
Formal Qualities:
Students will use their designed covers to construct the journals that will hold their
preliminary sketches for future lessons. Students will observe demonstrations to learn
how to use designated materials for binding the journal covers and several blank pages

Conceptual Complexity:
Students will complete the construction of their journals in order to start the
preliminary sketches needed for the second lesson. Students will have the practice of
brainstorming visual solutions before executing a final product by having sketched out
ideas for their adventures before implementing this idea onto their journal covers;
therefore, the students will have experienced the benefits of preliminary sketches and

brainstorming. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their artistic choices and
how they may continue with the theme of this terms Art Express program.

Daily Objectives/Essential Questions/Academic Language:

Where is your adventure taking place? Have you been to this place before?
Are you working from memory or will you be needing a visual reference?
Are you depicting a map or a specific area of your adventure?
What is the definition of medias or a medium?
How will you visually represent your name? Is there enough contrast for it to stand out,
or does it disappear into the background?

Academic Language terms: mixed media, contrast, foreground, background, layering,

opaque, transparent

Assessment Criteria: Notes: 1) Link criteria to objectives, 2) Include rubrics, etc. as attachments.



OBJECTIVE 1 The student has The student has The student has
Technical Skill depicted two depicted at least not shown any
adventures, three one adventure, indication of
different medias, has used at least depicting an
adventure, has
and has two different
only used one
incorporated their medias, and has medium, and has
name. incorporated their not incorporated
name. their name.
OBJECTIVE 2 The student has The student has The student has
Formal Quality successfully bound bound together the not bound
together the two two journal covers together the
journal covers along with several blank journal or has not
with several blank pages, but the bound several
pages with at least journal is not as blank pages.
three pieces of secure due to lack
string. of string.
OBJECTIVE 3 The student has The student has The student has
Conceptual actively used the used the journals for not used the
journals as a place at least two journals as a way
Complexity for documenting preliminary to document any
preliminary sketches, but has type of
sketches and any not used it for the brainstorming or
other type of entirety of the preliminary
journaling program. sketches for other
throughout entirety lessons.
of the program.

Teaching Resources Needed to Support the Lesson: Note: All background materials, research
documents, and handouts should be listed below and included as attachments.

Art Materials Necessary for the Lesson:

- Cardboard
- Yarn/string, hole punchers
- Tempera paint, paintbrushes, cups for water, palettes
- Markers
- Crayons
- Oil Pastels

- Construction paper
- Glue
- Scissors

Teacher Activities Student Activities

As we wait for all students to arrive, The students will be at their
everyone will be prompted to create designated seats as they create their
multiple sketches of where their sketches. By doing so, they will not
environments will take place. only be thinking about the adventure
themes and how it will connect to their
Introduction: future lessons, but about how they
The PowerPoint will be shown in order to wish to visually represent these areas
introduce a variety of visual resources. (i.e. are they drawing maps or a
The students will be prompted to share specific scene?).
examples of where their adventures are
taking place, and they will be encouraged Students analyze their sketches to
to hold up their sketches for everyone to make their decision on how they will
see. design their covers.

There will also be a short discussion on

why and how we can document what we Students will consider the reasons why
see, feel, and ultimately experience while documenting experiences or what has
on adventures. The journals will then be been considered during brainstorming
introduced as the lesson for the first two sessions.

The teacher will have stations designated Students will work strategically to be
for dry and wet materials. In order to able to use different kinds of media.
control what materials are being used, the There will be practice on how to use
painting station will only have six seats time efficiently while wet medias are
available at a time. drying (i.e. to create more sketches for
the other journal cover and actually
The teacher may prompt a switch in designing the other journal cover).
stations to allow a fair amount of time for
each student.
The students will evaluate their artistic
The teacher will walk around the room to choices to be able to offer
make sure the students are on task. explanations.

The teacher will prompt the students to The students will review the purposes
return to their seats with their works in behind this lesson. The students will
progress. The teacher will ask the listen to the different ways that other
students to discuss things learned in this students may have problem solved
lesson so far. Things learned may include obstacles.
but are not limited to: the reasons for
documenting and preliminary sketches,
how to use both wet and dry media, what
it means for a work to be categorized as
mixed media, and the process of how to
bind the journals together.

Day one consists of the students

beginning and working on their journals,
while day two consists of the students
finishing their journal designs up to be
able to bind the journal covers together.

Critical Comments and Reflections:

(Problems, successes, and what to think about for next lesson)

Overall, this lesson was successful in terms of the students responses and the
variety of outcomes in designs. There were a lot of different medias being used,
and the students were learning how to justify the reasons behind their artistic

Using stations for different medias (wet & dry) were very efficient and helpful in
terms of classroom management. The students were respectful of materials in
both stations, and it seems that having the option for different medias allowed
each student to stay interested. There was a lot of students helping other
students, and I loved this whole environment that this created. It really
emphasized the community aspect of this program.

If I were to redo this lesson, I think that I should prepare the cardboard and papers
so that the hole punchers are not being used in the classroom. This took up a
good amount of time and resulted in some mistakes. Fortunately, the mistakes
were not damaging to the finished products.

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