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Annotated bibliography

Does white privilege exist and the effect it has on socioeconomics and education.

Faith Frye

Professor Malcom Campbell

UWRT 1104

Annotated bibliography

Crosley-Corcoran, Gina. "Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person..." Occupy wall

street. N.p., 2014. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.

This article explains why it might be hard for a poor white person to believe or understand that

they have white privilege. The author references another article I found in my research by Peggy

McIntosh, Extending the Knapsack: Using the White Privilege Analysis to Examine Conferred

Advantage and Disadvantage. She attributes that article to making her understand what white

privilege is, and that she does have it. In the article, she explains why for a long time, she didnt

believe she had white privilege because she was poor. She says that white people shouldnt feel

guilty for their white privilege because it isnt something they can control, but being aware of

that privilege is. She says that her attending college allowed her to realize that you can be

privileged in some areas in life and not have privileges in others. She also talks about the article

by Peggy McIntosh and explains why in that article, she believes many times where the word

race is mentioned, it should be replaced with class. She explains how being impoverished

shaded her perspective on opportunities for advancement in life. At the end of the article, she

discusses that white skin privilege isnt the only privilege she has nor is it the only privilege out

there. She gives the examples of citizenship, class, sexual orientation, sex, ability, and gender as

other privileges people may gain excesses from. This article helped proved the credibility and

usefulness of another article I was hoping to use form my research. I will be using this article to

help solidify my point of argument of my topic.

DeVega, Chauncey. "White privilege as economic reality: It would take African-Americans 228

years to reach the same level of wealth as whites." Salon. Salon Media Group Inc., 21 Aug.

2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.

The main focus of this article is the amount of time it would take a black household to reach the

same level of wealth as a white one. The article discusses how race and class are equally

proportionate to opportunities and privilege. It goes on to explain how institutional and systemic

racism plays a part in inequality for people of color. It talks about two equally poor households,

one black and on white, and how the white one has a greater chance of moving up the

socioeconomic ladder. The article references books written by credible sources to further

solidify their claims. Towards the end of the article, it discusses how it will take the proper

amount of anti-discrimination and civil rights laws to help close the wealth gap and how

reparations for the victims of Jim Crow should be sought out. The article is very informative and

it made me ask a lot of questions while I was reading it. I will be using tis article to help me

further my research and help me get more specific about how I am going to use the information I

am finding.
Holladay, Jennifer R. "On Racism and White Privilege." On Racism and White Privilege |

Teaching Tolerance - Diversity, Equity and Justice. Crandall, Dostie & Douglass Books, Inc.,

n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2017.

This article explores issues on race and white privilege. It starts off by first defining what racism

is and how it ranges from an individual to an institution. It discusses how racial slurs and things

such as Eurocentric textbooks have an effect on society and how that transforms into systemic

racism. The next topic the article discusses is white privilege. It explains how white privilege

isnt something with people can control or necessary enjoy on purpose but is a result of our

society. It talks about the perks white people enjoy because of this privilege. The author of the

article also explains how white privilege can be as simple as band-ids being your flesh tone, or

having a hotel carry the shampoo made for your texture hair. The article talks about world view

and representation. White people are widely represented form their faces being on money, to

many shoes and movies having a majority white cast. She explains how having these privileges

makes her life easier. She also touches on the fact that the main advantage of white privilege is

not having to think about your race constantly, that you can just go on living life, not worrying

about something that may happen because you are white.

Mcintosh, Peggy. "Extending the Knapsack: Using the White Privilege Analysis to Examine

Conferred Advantage and Disadvantage." Women & Therapy 38.3-4 (2015): 232-45. Web. 15

Mar. 2017.

In this academic article, the author examines the daily effects of white privilege. She listed the

privileges she experiences every day, privileges she has just for the simple fact she is white. The

article starts off with a short paragraph explaining what the list is about and why she created the

list. She created the list because she wanted to recognize the privileges she has as a white women

that her African American friends, co-workers and acquaintances do not have. There are fifty

different advantages and privileges on the list. She touched on issues from having her race

widely represented and not having her race represent her financial liability to not having to be

the spokesperson of her race. She doesnt really go in to detail about each advantage listed, but

they are pretty straight forward. The article isnt backed up with a whole bunch of statistics or

other researchers. It is based off of her own personal experience. The article has provided me

with a different perspective. It has provided me with the perspective of a white women

acknowledging she has white privilege and knowing exactly what those privileges are. I will use

this source to demonstrate the different advantages white people have because of their race.

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