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Safe Life

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p Th em li
H e l

Lend Your

16 Helioplis Masr ElGdeda
Tele: 01115780916
Fax: 02244365457
Understanding cats'

Cats retain much of the biology

and behaviour of the wild cats
they originated from. This means
they have very complex needs so
looking after them well can be
Understanding your challenging. Being aware of how
pet's needs wild cats live can help you under-
stand your pet cats needs better.
Cats retain much of the biology
and behaviour of the wild cats
Pets come in all shapes and they originated from. This means
sizes, from cats to chinchillas, they have very complex needs so
fish to goats, rabbits to snakes looking after them well can be
challenging. Being aware of how
Whether you own a cat or are wild cats live can help you under-
thinking of buying a puppy,
there are lots of important stand your pet cats needs better.
things you need to know and
do to keep your pet healthy
.and happy

The law requires you to care

for your pet properly and in
this section you'll find expert
care advice and practical tips
to help you do this, whether
your pet is a dog or a chicken
Pets have special
Understanding dogs' abilities
Whether you own a cat or are
thinking of buying a puppy, there
are lots of important things you
Dogs have very complex need to know and do to keep your
needs so looking after them pet healthy and happy
well can be challenging. The law requires you to care for
Insight into the biology and your pet properly and in this
behaviour of dogs can help section you'll find expert care
you understand your pets advice and practical tips to help you
needs better do this, whether your pet is a dog
The law requires you to care .or a chicken
for your pet properly and in
this section you'll find
expert care advice and
practical tips to help you do The law requires
you to care for
your pet properly
and in this section
you'll find expert
care advice and
practical tips to
help you do this,
whether your pet
is a dog or a
Saving pets from
You own a cat or are thinking of A special way to protect your pet
buying a puppy, there are lots of
important things you need to know You own a cat or are thinking of
and do to keep your pet healthy buying a puppy, there are lots of
.and happy you do this important things you need to know
and do to keep your pet healthy
.and happy you do this

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