Did You Know

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Running head: Did You Know: An Observation 1

Did You Know: An Observation and Analysis of Todays Apps

COM 106 Introduction To Social Media

Adrianna Matamoros

Professor Denise Belafonte-Young

Lynn University
Did You Know: An Observation 2

Topic: Did You Know?

General Purpose: To inform.

Specific Purpose: To inform and educate readers on the functions, goals and user responses of 5

separate social media apps, which include Fandango, The Hollywood Reporter, Harpers Bazaar,

Newsy and Nike Run Club. The information presented will largely include statistical information

and logistical information for each app.

Thesis: Although convenient and seemingly normal aspects of everyday life, apps are

tremendously impactful tools that are utilized by millions everyday and that maintain a far-

reaching influence beyond what we can fathom upon basic consideration. Basically: There are

much more to popular apps than first meets the eye.

I. Introduction
A. Overview: With the expansion of the digital age, apps for the iPhone and iPad are

growing tremendously in necessity and popularity. People utilize a wide range of

applications for a variety of different uses, from news and information, to social

media, to gaming, to music, to educational purposes and more.

B. Interesting Support: According to statistics obtained from ComScore and Statista,

iOS downloads in 2015 measures up to 50 billion, a number that has steadily

increased since. This number also does not represent the 25 billion downloads

from Android Apps. Statistics also indicate the average time spent on applications:

an average of 2.8 hours a day. (Dogtiev, 2017)

C. Thesis Statement: For purposes of this informative essay, applications pertaining

to entertainment, news and information, as well a health and fitness, which

together forms roughly 38% of app usage among all app users, will be presented
Did You Know: An Observation 3

and backed by logistical information that delves into the apps functions, purpose

and user satisfaction.

D. Credibility Statement:
1. I am an everyday user of all the apps that I will be presenting

information on, so I am familiar with their basic functions and value

from a consumers standpoint.

2. Like many others, I was a blind follower and user of each app,

tremendously unaware of the influence that the app had over me and

others, as well as unaware of the work, effort and challenges that

coincide with the development of each app.

E. Main Points:
1. A series of facts and logistical information regarding each app will be

presented to the reader as a means to introduce them to the widespread

influence that each app maintains.

2. The apps to be presented will include: Fandango, The Hollywood

Reporter, Newsy, Harpers Bazaar and Nike Run Club.

II. Fandango
A. Purpose
a. Anyone who is familiar with purchasing movie tickets may be familiar

with Fandango. Fandango is an online service corporation that sells movie

tickets from a wide variety of movie services based on zip code location. It

also includes additional content like videos, trailers and movie synopsis.

As of Feb. 27 2017, Fandango Movies Times + Tickets was featured in

iOS on 18 placements in the United States and has become the #1 movie

ticketing app. (appannie, 2017)

B. A History/Facts
a. The first Fandango app version to be tracked was 20120118.834 and was

released on January 19, 2012. Since then, there have been over 50 new
Did You Know: An Observation 4

versions that have been introduced. The latest update to be released was

February 8, 2017. (appannie, 2017)

b. The average global rating for the Fandango app is 4.5 out of 5 stars, with

214,122 total ratings split up into 5 segments. A total of 150,650 users

rated the app with 5 stars, 45,297 users rated the app with 4 stars, 9,082

users rated the app with 3 stars, 2,991 users rated the app with 2 stars and

6,102 users rated the app with a single star. (appannie, 2017)
i. Average reasons for highest rating: Easy to navigate, convenient,

allows for purchasing of tickets weeks in advance.

ii. Average reason for lowest rating: Tech complications individual to

each user, such as app download malfunctions.

c. The average number of Fandango app installations since its inception to

today, has been recorded at 10,000,000-50,000,000 users (appannie,


Transition: Fandango eases the experience for moviegoers seeking to purchase tickets in the most

stress-free and convenient way. As the statistics present, there is a high demand for such a tool,

leading to the idea that there are many film lovers actively involved with app usage. So, how do

these film lovers acquire news and information regarding the films they seek to see and purchase

tickets for? The Hollywood Reporter is a massive component to the equation: film goers can

obtain content information, learn about new and trending movies and even participate in the

creation process of films using apps like The Hollywood Reporter app.

III. The Hollywood Reporter

A. The Hollywood Reporter app allows users to keep up-to-date with all news

pertaining to Hollywood, from entertainment news, opinion pieces, analysis

and video content covering all things movies, entertainment and celebrity
Did You Know: An Observation 5

news. Users have access to a digital version of the THR magazine, published

every Thursday (47 editions in the year) with subscription. The app is

designed to give users a one-touch access to the same content that can be

found on the website thehollywoodreporter.com, or with a subscription of the

print magazine.
B. A History/ Facts
a. The Hollywood Reporter app functions under the publishers of

Prometheus Global Media, LLC. The first tracked version of the THR

app was Feb. 22, 2012. The latest version to be released was version

2.3.2 on Dec. 23, 2016. (appannie, 2017)

b. According to statistical information conducted by App Annie, app

analytics service, all versions have received a rating of 2.5 out of 5 for

75 ratings in the US. Almost 50% of ratings are 1 star, with only about

30% of users rating the app 5 stars. (appannie, 2017)

i. Reviewers noted that the app tends to freeze phone and in some

cases, issue warnings of malware. Many users note that the

older version were of better quality. (appannie, 2017)

c. Despite user issues and poor ratings, the THR app continues to

increase rank internationally in nations like Israel, (gross daily increase

of 517 as of March 5, 2017) Fiji, (gross increase of 243 as of March

5,2017) Grenada (gross increase of 147 as of March 5,2017) and more.

(appannie, 2017) This illustrates the influence the app still maintains

despite tech concerns associated with its functioning. The assumption

as to why this may be stems from the idea that THRs print and web

editions are renowned and revered for its content. This may influence

the apps continuous installment success, despite complications.

Did You Know: An Observation 6

Transition: Although enjoyable among movie lovers, information and news pertaining to

Hollywood and film is not the only thing acquirable. As multimedia journalism major, I make it a

priority to dedicate myself to the usage of a quantity of news apps, which include the Associated

Press app, CNN and Newsy. Newsy, in fact, is a current favorite, as it offers a news experience

directed to a millennial demographic, allowing users to find entertainment and excitement in

scouring the daily news.

IV. Newsy
a. Newsy is a news sharing app that is dedicated to providing information to those

who wish to view, challenge and discover national and international news on a

variety of platforms, including photo, video and writing.

i. Features updated global new stories, coverage and content 24/7 with a

customizable plan that allows users to have access to a range of news with

an individual set of notifications.

b. Version 1.0 of Newsy was first tracked on Sep. 21, 2009). Version 3.7.2 is the

latest version, released on Feb. 23, 2017). According to statistical information

collected by App Annie, all versions have received a 3.5 rating out of 5 total stars

from an average collected sample of 4,105 users in the US. Nearly 43% of users

gave the app the highest rating, while 31% gave the app the lowest rating.

(appannie, 2017)
i. Average reasons for highest rating: Not biased, fact-based, quality

reporting, easy to navigate, just news.

ii. Average reasons for low ratings: Some users dislike content pertaining to

suppositions of future happenings; some feel the news veers to the left on

the political spectrum. (appannie, 2017)

Did You Know: An Observation 7

c. The app delivers news to the following nations: United States, Canada, China,

Russia, Netherlands, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan, France, Singapore, South

Korea, Germany, Spain, Italy. This qualifies the app as a worldly network of

streaming information to almost every continent, which taps into the 38% of

people world wide, as of 2016, who utilize mobile news apps like that of Newsy.

(emarketer, 2017)
i. Users in the US interact with news apps like Newsy all/most of the time

43% of the time and some of the time 45% of the time. (emarketer, 2017)
ii. Users in Europe (UK specifically) interact with news apps like Newsy

all/most of the time 35% of the time and some of the time 52% of the

time. (emarketer, 2017)

Transition: Percentages of users who seek their news through mobile apps has continued to

increase by at least 7 percentage points in the last 4 years alone, rounding out to the 38 percentile

of world wide phone carrier who use news app in 2016, as discussed prior. Those seeking real

time, fact-based and credible news stories use News apps like Newsy, as demonstrated above. It

is important to remember, however, that although news information sites like Newsy make a big

component of this statistic, there are many who seek news of a different caliber.

Again, as a multimedia journalist, I prioritize news whether that is hard, soft, international,

national, entertainment, or fashion news. In fact, one of the most highly regarded news source

apps for fashion, photography and art among news connoisseurs like myself, is Harpers Bazaar,

a popular publication inspired app, similar to the THR and the Newsy apps that were presented


V. Harpers Bazaar
Did You Know: An Observation 8

a. As an international publication that has been distributing fashion news and

content for over 100 years since its debut in America in 1867, it is no surprise that

a Harpers Bazaar app would follow suit. The app features video content, writing,

interviews and photography pertaining to global fashion news. A digital version of

the print magazine is available to subscribed users.

b. Version 1.0.0 of the app was first tracked on March 14, 2012. The latest version to

be released was version 5.4.4 on Jan. 12, 2017. Average ratings for users in the

U.S are 3.0 out of 5 stars, based on 332 submitted ratings acquired by App Annie.

A calculated 35% of these users gave the app its highest rating, while a calculated

47% gave the app its lowest, specifically in the US.

i. Average reason for highest rating: Quality content, variety of content,

intriguing mediums to receive content.

c. Despite the apps little success with high ratings in the US, other nations

showcase a much different statistical perspective. Users in European nations, like

the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, the UK and Sweden all illustrate ratings of 4.0

and above out of 5 stars. Asian nations like China also showcase higher ratings,

along with Russia, Australia and Canada. (appannie, 2017)

i. Reason for popularity in other nations: According to several sources, a few

factors may contribute to the reason why a renowned fashion news

destination, like Harpers Bazaar maintains lower customer satisfaction. It

boils down to the census of individuals who value the fashion industry as

their primitive source of pleasure, news and entertainment. Among these

factors includes the notion that US receives most of its manufacturing and

textiles from foreign imports, about $80 billion worth of imports to be

exact. (Fernandez, 2015) This illustrates that the majority of

Did You Know: An Observation 9

manufacturing occurs in outside nations, like Europe and Asia,

encouraging the development of fashion-centered industries and

communities in those nations.

ii. The Big Four fashion capitals of the world of the 20th century include

Paris, Milan, London and New York. Of this list, are located in

European nations. The focus of fashion and related industries, which

include fashion news, is highly emphasized in these regions, which may

explain the reason for the need, usage and success of Harpers Bazaar in

outside American regions. (Gemperli,2010)

Transition: As presented, using apps for news, information and entertainment purposes, whether

that is purchasing movie tickets or acquiring a variety news from a range of platforms, is well-

pursued by a vast amount of users world wide. (Dogtiev, 2015) Social networking apps make up

a majority of time spent by these app users (29%) and is followed by news/information app (15%

of time spent by app users), however, there is a separate category that also houses a smaller, yet

still mighty percentage. (Dogtiev, 2015)

Approximately 23% of app users spend their time using a group of apps that are fall under the

other category. Within this category is our next app, the Nike Run App. (Dogtiev, 2015)

VI. Nike Run Club

A. The Nike Run Club app, owned operated and distributed by Nike Inc., is a leading

Health and Fitness app that tracks runners using a GPS system and develops a

specialized training plan, assembly of goals and expert advice and encouragement
Did You Know: An Observation 10

for each individual user. The app was first tracked in 2010 and has released its

latest version, Version 5.4.1 on Feb. 14, 2017. (appannie, 2017)

B. In the US, users rate the app 3.5 out of 5 stars, out of a sample of 603 ratings. A

calculated 43% of users rate the app a full 5 stars, while 25% rate the app with the

lowest rating of 1 star. Other nations, which include the UK, Canada, China,

France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Australia, Netherlands, South Korea,

Sweden, Switzerland and Singapore, rate the app at an average of 3.5 as well,

with some differentiating ratings that go as low as 2 stars and as high as stars.

(appannie, 2017)
a. Reasons for Average High rating: Better features than other running apps,

coincides with a popular brand name, is a convenient way to track miles

and training when working properly.

b. Reasons for average low rating: Unreliable, has a history of glitches

among many users, shuts down mid run, does not sync well. (appannie,

C. In 2016, Nike redesigned its app from scratch, despite the fact that it, under the

name Nike + Running, has already established success in terms of usage by

millions of users. After the reveal of the new app, renamed Nike + Run Club, user

satisfaction dropped tremendously prior to the apps re-launch, Nike + Running

accounted for 10 50 million installs on Google Play, with an added few million

on iOS. Immediately following the redesign, the app ratings fell to 1.5 stars and

only recently climbed again. (Welch, 2016)

a. Users complained that the functions became unclear following update and

was rid of many features like Challenges, Leadership Boards and no shoe

mileage tracking. (Welch, 2016)

Did You Know: An Observation 11

VII. Conclusion
A. Over All Analysis:
1. In this essay, readers were introduced to 5 separate apps that offer a range in

purposes and uses, which include entertainment, news/information as well as

health and wellness.

2. Apps, as demonstrated through the observations made and discussed with

regards to the logistical information of the 5 app presented, are being utilized

at an increasing rate, with increasing impacts on the daily lives of the users

that interact with them.

B. Thesis Reiterated: Apps have become a normal part of our daily existence, which

is why it is important to continue to expose ourselves the true scope of influence

that the apps that we utilize, for a variety of purposes, have over our lives.
C. Closing Statement: App development and usage has increased in the past decade

and will only continue to grow, impacting our lives in a multitude of forms that

we may not even be consciously in tuned with.

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Did You Know: An Observation 13

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