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Sean Coward Jr.

Ms. Connie Douglas

UWRT 1104


The Second Amendment: Stricken or Eliminate?

The U.S. constitution was created in 1789 to ensure the safety of all citizens of the United

States. The constitution included the second amendment which states that all U.S citizens have

the right to bear arms. As time progressed and new weapons were invented, cases of assault and

casualties resulting from guns increased significantly. Currently, the U.S. government faces an

issue of whether it should act toward imposing stricter gun laws or eliminating the access of

weapons for citizens. With a rise in the acts of violence involving guns, it is critical that there

should be a review of the second amendment to determine who can have guns and the number of

guns they should be allowed to own. There are several key issues around gun ownership and

violence that should motivate the government to revise these gun laws and regulations.

In the past decade, the amount of deaths caused by gun violence has sky-rocketed.

According to the, the United States encounters the highest death count

from gun violence in the world with over 30,000 people killed by gunfire each year. Weapons are

supposed to be bought and only used for protection, but recently, the majority of weapon use

involves committing crimes. The country is in dire need of a change on gun laws because there

are too many weapons easily made available to the public that are preventing citizens from

remaining safe from gun violence. As a result of the rapid increase of gun violence, if the

government doesnt step in, safety could be severely minimized.


Another issue that has been rising in recent years is the amount of people illegally

owning weapons in the U.S. and their use of those weapons. A lot of weapons are smuggled and

bought on U.S. soil because they are easy to get here. Some are brought in from other countries

and some are bought and resold here in the United States. People buy large surpluses of weapons

and sell them to people that are not allowed to have them. This is the reason that people like ex-

convicts and terrorists can commit crimes and cause casualties without the issue being prevented.

If the government worked to make gun laws stricter, it could prevent people from illegally

obtaining weapons. This would help prevent crimes and keep society safer.

The United States has one of the highest number of homicide and mass murder rates in

the world. The U.S. gives citizens access to high caliber military grade weapons that can be used

for the wrong reasons. Incidents like the batman movie theater attack could be prevented by

limiting the types of weapons that the population can access and the number of weapons they are

allowed to have. Preventing weapon access would lead to a decrease in homicide rates and help

keep society safe from dangerous, life-threatening situations. A lot of countries prevent these

types of issues by restricting weapon access from citizens and only allowing the use of weaponry

by military or police forces. If the U.S. government took action and limited weapon access, the

majority of the deaths from gunfire in the states would cease.

The U.S. government is one of the strongest legislative systems in the world, but their

policies on gun laws need to be stronger. If the U.S. developed similar gun restriction policies

like other countries, we would have less cases of violence and crime. Our country has one of the

highest death rates because we do not focus on preventing life-threatening situations from

occurring on a daily basis. The U.S. government should revise its gun policies and only allow

certain weapons to be in the hands of U.S. citizens. Some weapons should only be used by the

military and police forces to protect and serve our country. There is not a need for any U.S.

civilian to have an assault rifle or shotgun unless they are a part of the military. If the

government made changes like this, crime rates would decrease and citizens will be in a safer

environment. Taking a step to make the United States safer is a step towards making our country


Works Cited

"USA Gun Violence Statistics." USA Gun Violence Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2017.

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