55 Environmental Service-Learning Projects PDF

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55 Environmental

Service-Learning Projects

Excerpted and adapted from Take Care of Oregon Days: 150 Service-Learning Project Ideas (SOLV 2008)
2009 Youth Service America
Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Research native edibles and herbs, and compile and  Tryon Life Community Farm:
A Cookbook of Native http://tryonfarm.org/share/
publish a recipe book highlighting native species. Learn
Plants about plant structure and growth, the local medicinal-plant-guide_pacific-northwest
 Local native plant nurseries
environment, local and regional history, and personal
health. Draw connections between the environment  Local oral history
and human inhabitants.
Adopt a local park or greenspace area near your  Our Cities Without Green Space
Adopt-a-Park www.aag.org/sustainable/gallery/
school, and coordinate with the parks management to
plant and maintain a section of the park. Research the
 Project for Public Spaces
impact of greenspaces in a community and develop an
advertising campaign to promote the use of the park.

Alternative Energy Use the internet and library resources to investigate  Alternative Energy News
past, current, and future research into alternative http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/
Resources energy resources. Share your findings with the  Alternative Energy Institute
community and evaluate the potential of introducing
or supporting various alternative energy resources
into the community.

Art in the Park Study significant public artists, focusing on the  Environmental Art Museum
environmental and cultural impact of their work. http://www.greenmuseum.org
Create art (murals, sculpture, etc.) reflecting pride in  Public Art Online
the community or region. Arrange to place the art in a
local park or public space.  Local artists and muralists
 Local parks
 Local arts associations

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Study access to and resources for public  Local transit agency website
Assess Local Public
transportation within a community, and share your
Transportation findings with local government and community
Learn about the resources needed to create athletic  Nike
Athletic Shoe Recycling http://www.nikebiz.com/
shoes, and the amount of landfill space used to
dispose of them. Create a campaign to recycle athletic reuse_a_shoe.html
shoes at your school.

Bat Houses Study the life cycle of bats and the natural pest control  Free Bat House Plans
benefits to the environment that they provide. http://www.eparks.org/
Construct bat houses simulating their natural habitat
and hang them in a nearby park. Inform local
 Why Bat Houses May Fail
community members about your project and the http://www.batmanagement.com/
importance of bat habitat preservation. Batcentral/batboxes/whyfail.html
 Building a Bat House / National Wildlife

Beach Cleanup Study the impact of litter on marine plant and animal  Helping Marine Life
habitat. Team up with other youth to organize a http://www.worldchanging.com/
beach cleanup day in a nearby beach community. Sort
and quantify the litter retrieved, and present the
findings at your school to encourage others not to
litter our beaches.

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Biking Clinic Use the internet and other resources to gather  Bicycle Transportation Alliance
information about bike safety, investigating the health http://www.bta4bikes.org/
benefits of biking, and the energy savings of bicycle  Bicycle Safety
transportation. Prepare and present a bike safety
clinic for local youth and community members.

Bilingual Signage Practice and develop your foreign language skills by  Google Translator
translating signs along a local walking trail in the www.google.com/ig
community into another language to assist those who  Local language teachers
do not read English.  Local government agencies

Bird Identification and Learn to identify local birds, and participate in a  Audubon Society www.audubon.org

Census national or locally-sponsored bird count project. Share  Great Backyard Bird Count
this information with local environmental agencies, http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/
helping to assess the health of native bird species.  Earth Easy http://www.eartheasy.com/

Birdhouses Study the habitats and nesting needs of birds.  Free Birdhouse Plans
Construct and maintain nesting stations for birds on http://www.freebirdhouseplans.net/
the school campus or in the neighborhood. Prepare  How to Build a Bird House
and present an informative display about the nesting
of birds for the community.
 Wild Birds Forever

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Bring Your Own Grocery Conduct research and interviews to compare the  Paper, Plastic, or Something Better?
environmental impacts of both plastic and paper http://environment.about.com/od/recycling/a/
Bag Campaign reusablebags.htm
grocery bags and the amount of landfill space they
 Roots and Shoots Reusable Bag Campaign
take up. Create a campaign to educate and
encourage community members to use reusable usablebag
grocery bags instead.  Local grocery stores

Build a Trail Learn why and how trails are built, and the process of  National Trails Training Partnership
securing permission to build trails on public property. www.americantrails.org/resources/
Help build, restore, install interpretive signage and/or
maintain a trail in your neighborhood or community.

Butterfly Garden Research the lifecycle of butterflies; find out what  The Childrens Butterfly Site
types of plants attract them, then plant a butterfly http://www.kidsbutterfly.org/life-cycle
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
garden at your school or at a local park using native http://www.wildflower.org/collections/
and noninvasive plants. The garden attracts collection.php?collection=OR
butterflies to beautify and enhance the area.  Berry Botanical Gardens

Buy Local Analyze the environmental impact of transporting  Local Buying Guides (for several cities)
goods and materials to different parts of the country http://www.newdream.org/buyingwisely/
and throughout the world. Visit local businesses to
 Local Farmers Market
learn more about goods and services produced locally
 Local Chamber of Commerce
in your region. Design and develop a local electronic
media campaign to encourage community members
to shop locally.

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Community Emergency Learn about disaster preparedness (earthquakes,  American Red Cross
flooding) and safety within the community by using http://www.redcross.org/flash/brr/English-
Preparedness Plan flash/default.asp
the internet and interviewing local experts. Use the
 Ready.gov www.ready.gov
information to create an emergency preparedness
 Sierra Club PLAN!T NOW
plan for the community.

Composting Read about composting and how it benefits the  Composting Guide
environment and the community. Create a composter http://vegweb.com/composting/
to turn food waste from the school cafeteria into  Cornell Waste Management Institute
compost for area gardens. Share your findings with
other classes at school, to encourage school-wide
composting as a practice.
Computer Recycling Investigate the different types of materials used to  StRUT
build computers and how these materials can be http://www.oregonstrut.org
StRUT*  Free Geek www.freegeek.org
either disposed of or recycled. Partner with a local
electronic waste recycler and develop a brochure to  Next Step Recycling www.nextsteprecycling.org
encourage community members to recycle old
Create a Rain Garden Study the benefits of rain gardens and the scientific  Create a Rain Garden
principles which support their use. Approach a local http://www.raingardens.org/docs/
government or community agency to help you create
 Local watershed councils
a rain garden at your school, using native trees and
 Local soil and water conservation districts

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Design a Hydroelectric Find out about the history of automation in the  Green Car Journal: http://www.greencar.com/

Car United States and around the world. Learn about  Electric Auto Association:
contemporary car designs and their impacts on the http://www.eaaev.org/index.html
environment. Investigate alternative designs to  Automotive News: http://www.autonews.com/
understand how they work, and the impact that such  HowStuffWorks.com: www.howstuffworks.com
alternatives could have on your community.  Who Killed the Electric Car?:

Downspout Disconnect Learn how roof rainwater runoff flowing directly from  Using Incentives and Other Actions to Reduce
downspouts into sewers can cause sewage overflows Watershed Impacts from Existing Development
Program http://www.epa.gov/nps/natlstormwater03/18
into area rivers and streams. Educate the community Hottenroth.pdf
and recruit homeowners to participate in a
 Redirect or Disconnect your Downspout
downspout disconnect program. Organize and lead www.marc.org/Environment/Water/
others in disconnecting downspouts in the downspout.htm
Energy Audits Learn about the environmental impact of energy use  Energy Star
and explore ways in which individuals and http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=home
organizations can reduce their energy consumption.
 Energy Audit Lesson Plan
Conduct an audit in school, or in a senior citizens http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/wue/energy
home in the community, to determine if there are 2_procedures.html
ways to reduce energy use. Present the results of the
audit to the school/senior citizens.
Garage Re-Sale Learn about the benefits of reusing and recycling.  Plan a Garage Sale
Plan and organize a garage sale at school for reusable http://www.wisegeek.com/how-can-i-plan-a-
items, advertising the sale on the school and other
 How to Advertise your Garage Sale
community-focused web sites. Select a community http://www.ehow.com/how_4435488_sale-
nonprofit organization as the beneficiary of the moving-sale-yard-sale.html
proceeds of the sale.

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Green Schools Learn about ways to green your school. Audit school  Tips: Green Your School
practices in waste reduction, resource conservation http://www.newdream.org/work/school.php
and energy use. Reach out to another school and  Green Your School Guide
provide them with assistance and advice on how to
 Energy Audit Lesson Plan
green their school.

Guide to Local Farmers Learn about botany and agriculture in order to create  National Resource Defense Council: Whats
a seasonal produce guide for shoppers at the local Fresh Near You
Market http://www.nrdc.org/health/foodmiles/
farmers market. Share the guide with local default.asp
community members.  Cornell Vegetable Growing Guide

Hiking Guide for Using research from the internet, the library, and  National Park Service
interviews with experts, gather information about http://www.nps.gov/index.htm
local hikes. Learn from experts what to bring along on  Visit a Preserve
a hike. Create an informational brochure or website ename=preserve_map&s_src=hpmap&s_subsrc
to share with the community. =findmap

Interpretive Signs for Create signs to mark points of interest along a nearby  National Park Service Lesson Plans
trail. Research the history of the area and learn to http://www.nps.gov/archive/grsa/resources/
Trails curriculum/elem/lesson39.htm
identify plants in the region.
 Plant Identification

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Invasive Plant Removal Learn about invasive plants and the challenges of  Protecting Native Plants and Animals
controlling them. Learn to identify and remove the http://www.nature.org/initiatives/
invasive plants found near your school or throughout
 Local watershed councils
the community.
 Local soil and water conservation districts

Ladybugs for Natural Learn alternative methods of pest control and the  The Beneficial Insect Co.
different impacts that these methods have on the www.thebeneficialinsectco.com/
Pest Control aphid-control-ladybugs.htm
environment. Partnering with a local organization,
 Ladybug Lady http://www.ladybuglady.com/
raise ladybugs and use them as natural pest control in
the community.
Local Natural Resource Investigate the natural resources available in your  Federal Bureau of Land Management
community. Learn how cities, counties, and states www.blm.gov
Planning and  Local government agencies
manage these resources. Create a resource
management plan and share it with local community
members and government officials.
Macroinvertebrate Learn about the importance of clean water for  Wetland Health Evaluation Program
humans and animals and how the presence or www.mnwhep.org/id28.html
Sampling  The Global Water Sampling Project
absence of certain macroinvertebrates can indicate
the water quality of a stream. Learn how to properly
sample for macroinvertebrates; sample
macroinvertebrate life of a nearby stream and share
this information with the local water agency.

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Mail Management Investigate the resources used in producing junk mail  New American Dream
and the impact this has on the earth. Learn how to http://www.newdream.org/junkmail
reduce the amount of junk mail you receive at home,  41 Pounds
and share this information with the community using
a website, a brochure, or a newsletter.
Making Enviro-Friendly Learn about the chemicals contained in traditional  Discovery Channel
cleansers and their impacts on humans and the http://planetgreen.discovery.com/
Cleaners go-green/green-cleaning/
environment. Research alternative methods of
 The Green Guide
cleaning. Produce environmentally friendly cleansers http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/113/rites
to be used at school or to be given to local community
Learn how watershed restoration projects can  A User Guide to Photo Point Monitoring
Photo Point Monitoring Techniques for Riparian Areas
improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Monitor http://www.shim.bc.ca/methods/pdfs/ppmAq
the health of restored sites using photo point atex.pdf
monitoring techniques. Assist a local agency by  How We Protect Watersheds
monitoring a restoration project and submitting data http://www.nature.org/popups/freshwater/
to that agency. watershed.html
 OWEB Guide to Photo Point Monitoring

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Plant a Heritage Garden Research, plan, plant, and maintain a community  American Community Gardening Association
garden of native species and locally cultivated species. http://www.communitygarden.org/index.php
 Native Plant Database
 The Dirt on Dirt
 Local native plant nurseries

Prepare a Catalogue of Research and identify native plants with medicinal  Medicinal Plant Working Group
properties. Learn about plant structure and growth, http://www.nps.gov/plants/medicinal/
Native Medicinal Plants plants.htm
the chemical properties of medicinal plants, and the
 Plant Identification
local environment. Draw connections between the
environment and its human inhabitants to create a biocounts/plant_id.php
written catalog of native medicinal plants.  Local native plant nurseries

Raising Honey Bees Learn the importance of honey bees in the food  Small Scale Beekeeping
production industry within the United States and the http://www.beekeeping.com/articles/us/
problems caused by the dwindling bee population.
 Honey Bee Lesson Plan
Raise honey bees to share with local community http://www.ent.iastate.edu/zoo/lessonplans/
organizations. honeybee.html
 The Honey Bee Project

Recycling Program After learning about the history and importance of  How to Go Green: Recycling
recycling, create or enhance a recycling program at http://planetgreen.discovery.com/go-
your school. Give presentations to other classes as
 Green Your School: Recycling
well as produce information about recycling, reducing http://www.newdream.org/work/school.php#r
and reusing to share with your schoolmates. ecycling

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Reduce School Cafeteria Use math and science skills to calculate how much  Organizing Cafeteria Recycling Programs:
food is discarded at your school cafeteria and to find http://ladpw.org/epd/envdef/
Waste Teacher-PrincipalPacket.pdf
ways to reduce this waste. Share this information
 Rethinking School Lunch Guide
with the school board and attempt to implement food http://www.ecoliteracy.org/programs/pdf/
waste reduction programs. rethinking_waste.pdf
 Can We Really Reduce Our Cafeteria Waste?
Lesson Plan

Reducing Energy Learn how energy use impacts the earth, and how  Natural Resource Defense Council
different practices can affect individual energy use. http://www.nrdc.org/air/energy/genergy.asp
Consumption  Power Score Card
Design an energy use calendar or create a
challenge to encourage students, families, and the reduce_energy.cfm
greater community to reduce their consumption.
 The Renewable Planet

Riparian Assessment Learn about the importance of healthy watersheds  EPA - How Can I Protect My Watershed
and how human behaviors can impact the health of http://www.epa.gov/epahome/
rivers and streams. Learn how to complete a formal
 Student Watershed Research Project
assessment of a riparian area near the school. Share www.swrp.esr.pdx.edu
the assessment with the local watershed council,
 How We Protect Watersheds
government agency or other community members. http://www.nature.org/popups/freshwater/

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Riparian Restoration Restore a local river or stream bank by removing  Protecting Native Plants and Animals
invasive species, planting and caring for native trees http://www.nature.org/initiatives/
Project invasivespecies/
and shrubs, creating habitats for fish, and monitoring
 Monitoring the Vegetation Resources in
vegetation. Learn about environmental systems, local Riparian Areas
wildlife, and plant growth. Draw connections between http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/
the environment and its human inhabitants. rmrs_gtr047.pdf
 Local native plant nurseries

Saving Water Research and study water needs and usage in the  How to Teach Children about Water
community. Learn about conservation strategies from Conservation
the water bureau. Design and publish a water-saving children-water-conservation.html
tip sheet to distribute to parents and community
residents, and create a coloring book illustrating the
tips for the communitys youngest residents.
Schoolyard Bioswales Learn how bioswales are able to manage storm water.  Tualatin Riverkeepers
Investigate whether a bioswale would be a possible http://www.tualatinriverkeepers.org/
option at your school; then learn more about the
 Bioswales / Vegetated Swales
history, construction, and operation of bioswales. http://buildgreen.ufl.edu/
Perform maintenance or plant additional trees and Fact_sheet_Bioswales_Vegetated_Swales.pdf
shrubs to improve the bioswales function.  Local watershed councils
 Local soil and water conservation districts

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Storm Drain Stenciling Investigate how storm drains work and where the  EPA Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox
storm water eventually ends up. Research what kinds http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/toolbox/
of materials end up in the storm drains. Educate the
 The Groundwater Foundation
public about the problems of dumping materials in http://www.groundwater.org/ta/docs/
storm drains by stenciling messages adjacent to stormdrainstencil.pdf
neighborhood storm drains.  Storm Drain Stenciling Reference Materials

Sustainable Building Learn about the history of building materials and  Green Building Sourcebook
methods in the United States and other countries, www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/
Practices  U.S. Green Building Council
and understand that some traditional building
methods can have a negative impact on the
 The Rebuilding Center
environment. Research alternative building methods
and create a brochure to share with local community
members and contractors.
Sustainable Gardening Learn how traditional gardening methods can have a  Garden Simply
negative impact on water quality and other http://www.gardensimply.com/index.php
environmental indicators. Research alternative  Sustainable Gardening Tips
methods and train community members in
 American Community Gardening Association
sustainable gardening.

Testing for Lead Gather information about lead poisoning its causes,  Lead Poisoning
symptoms, how to test for it, and its prevention. Use http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/lead.htm
this information to work with the local health  EPA Testing Your Home for Lead
department to coordinate a free testing day in the
community. Produce brochures to distribute to
homes in the community about how to check the
various sources of lead in the average home.

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Trash Audit Investigate where trash eventually ends up and the  Performing a School Waste Audit
environmental impact this has. Analyze the trash in http://www.recycleworks.org/schools/
your school and determine how much of it could be
 How to Conduct a Waste Audit
reused or recycled. Share this data with the school http://www.solidwastedistrict.com/projects/
administration and school board to encourage more waste_audit.htm
recycling within the school.  Waste Audit Tool

Tree Identification Learn to identify both native and non-native trees  Arbor Day Foundation
found within the school grounds and community. http://www.arborday.org/trees/whattree/
Project  What Tree Is It? http://www.oplin.org/tree/
Share this information with local government and
community agencies to assist in the development of  Plant Identification
citywide tree plans or other tree-related projects.

Tree Planting Research the use of trees for environmental and  The Value of Trees to a Community
social benefits. Plan and implement a tree planting http://www.arborday.org/trees/benefits.cfm
event to plant trees on school property, at a local park  The Right Tree in the Right Place
or at a restoration site. righttreeandplace/index.cfm
 Nine Things You Should Know About Trees

Vacant Lot Cleanup Identify a vacant lot in the community, and plan a  From Lot to Spot
beautification project. Research the lots ownership http://www.fromlottospot.org/
to secure permission to access the property in order  Any Little Patch of Dirt
to restore it. Organize and coordinate a cleanup bloom/index.html
event, removing both trash and invasive plant
material from the lot.

Project Title Description Suggested Resources
Vegetation Monitoring Discover how watershed restoration projects can  Monitoring the Vegetation Resources in
improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Learn Riparian Areas
appropriate vegetation monitoring techniques in rmrs_gtr047.pdf
order to evaluate the health of these sites. Assist a  OWEB Guide to Photo Point Monitoring
local agency by monitoring a restoration project and www.oregon.gov/OWEB/docs/pubs/
submitting the data to that agency. PhotoPoint_Monitoring_Doc_July2007.pdf
 Student Watershed Research Project

Water Quality Testing Learn about the importance of clean water for  EPA - My Environment
humans and animals. Learn how to conduct water http://www.epa.gov/myenvironment/
quality tests for a variety of parameters. Assess the  EPA - Ground Water and Drinking Water
water quality of a nearby stream and share this getin.html
information with the local water agency.
 Student Watershed Research Project

Excerpted and adapted from Take Care of Oregon Days: 150 Service-Learning Project Ideas (SOLV 2008)
2009 Youth Service America


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