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Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation 4 (2014) 432-440 D DAVID PUBLISHING

Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves

and Surfaces in Spur and Helical Gears by Using CMM
(Coordinate Measurement Machine)

Luiz Henrique Melo Silva Nbrega1, Verlton Nunes da Silva1, Jos Carlos de Lima Jnior1, Joo Bosco de
Aquino Silva1, Esly Csar Marinho da Silva2, Igor Lucena Peixoto Andrezza3 and Rafael Franklin Alves Silva4
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Paraba, Joo Pessoa 58051-900, Brazil
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Institute of Bahia, Simes Filho 43700-000, Brazil
3. Informatics Center, Federal University of Paraba, Joo Pessoa 58051-900, Brazil
4. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal Institute of Paraba, Joo Pessoa 58900-000, Brazil

Received: March 12, 2014 / Accepted: April 03, 2014 / Published: May 25, 2014.

Abstract: Currently, engineering processes require reduced manufacturing time and low cost, in addition to the growing demand for
workpieces with high accuracy. Workpieces with complex geometries and free forms has been a common practice in industries from
different sectors such as: automotive, aeronautics, bioengineering among others. One way to satisfy the market requirements
satisfactorily is making measurements more efficient to make the production process faster, in other words, it is necessary to make the
inspection system more accurate and flexible. The coordinate measuring evolved over the past three decades and today it is the
technology that best meets the requirements of modem manufacturing through CMMs (coordinate measurement machines). The
CMMs are important tool for design, fabrication and inspection of manufactured products, also used in the application of reverse
engineering. These machines are also used by engineers in order to produce an accurate digital model in a virtual space for later use in
CAD (computer-aided design)/CAM (computer-aided manufacturing). It is worth mentioning that the accuracy of the modeling
process of given piece depends on the number of control points that are captured on the workpiece surface. Consequently, the laser
inspection systems are the best tools for use in reverse engineering, but more expensive when compared to contact measurement
systems that use the TTP (touch trigger probe), also used by CMMs. In this case, this paper aims to present an approach based on
NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines) to obtain free form curves and surfaces from a group of points obtained by using a contact
sensor, the touch trigger probe. NURBS is an important mathematical tool and consists of generalizations of Bezier curves and surfaces
and B-splines. The approach proposed in this paper can be applied for obtaining free form curves and surfaces in spur and helical gears.
Experimental results obtained by measuring spur gears showed that the NURBS technique contributes for application of CMMs with
touch trigger probe in reverse engineering.

Key words: Coordinate measurement machine, touch trigger probe, NURBS, reverse engineering.

1. Introduction products in the industries have become essential and

they can be done manually or by computerized
The advancement of innovative technologies in the
machines. The last one is most commonly used due to
several engineerings areas has generated new
two reasons: in one hand, when faced with the
demands/requirements with regard to ensuring the
achievements more complex operations, once the
reliability and quality of manufactured parts.
execution carried out by a human being, it would mean
Consequently, inspection operations of workpieces and
a greater use of time and could occur various errors,
Corresponding author: Luiz Henrique Melo Silva Nbrega, and in the other hand, it is due to the increasing
master, research field: coordinate metrology. E-mail:
interest in using the computer aided design and
Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical 433
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

manufactures concept CAD/CAM, the reverse are more used by using contact sensors today, since
engineering. these operations have great versatility, and low cost,
According to Ref. [1], reverse engineering is a when compared to non-contact measurement systems.
process that intends to generate a copy of a physical It is not an easy task to follow the changes in the
prototype at industrial level. This process involves the shapes of products on the environment metrological;
prototype measurement and the construction of a CAD we must use specific software like a tool for design.
(computer-aided design) model, followed by a The modeling can be considered as accurate and
manufacturing of the parts using CAM detailed creating of the free and complex forms. These
(computer-aided manufacturing) process through rapid are considered free forms when they are different from
prototyping or automatic milling machines. This models with known characteristics and geometry, for
process is also applied in industry to design new parts, example, planes, circles, cylinders, etc [6]. As CMMs
to reproduce an existing product, to recover damaged have CAD itself, they are able to identify, visualize and
or defective parts and to design molds. interpret data collected and thus characterize known
Nowadays, stringent and accurate inspections are geometries. For these types of measurements, the
needed mainly because they refer to workpieces being coordinate measuring machines have a good accuracy,
used in the aeronautical industries, space, medicine, etc. but for free form workpiece, the inspections become
And therefore, it is considered a major ally to conduct harder. Since then, research has been developed in the
inspections of complex surfaces, the CMMs area of data acquisition for surfaces of complex
(coordinate measuring machines) [2]. geometry using CMMs and CMA (coordinate
The CMMs operate according to the principles of measuring arm).
coordinating metrology. Its basic functions Li et al. [7] mentioned that it was considered to be
measurement of the actual shape of the workpiece, the complex surface of the format presented by pieces
comparing to desired shape and the information about and it has not the features of known geometry within
of metrological evaluation, is carried out. The actual the mathematical analysis. But it was defined by
shape of the part is obtained by contact of its surface in control points through Bzier, B-spline, NURBS
discrete measurements points, in which these are (non-uniform rational B-splines) techniques, etc.
expressed in terms of its coordinates [3]. According to NURBS are parametric functions that can represent
Ref. [4], the CMM are not only used for the inspection, any type of curve. NURBS are used in graphic
but also to reverse engineering. computation in CAD/CAMs industry and are being
Nowadays, the CMMs have two different considered a standard to create and to represent
measurement systems applied to dimensional control: complex objects (automobile industry, aviation and
measurement for contact and non-contact. Ferreira [5] vessel). The tools of more sophisticated graphic
shows that contact measurement systems, commonly creation provide an interface to use NURBS, which are
known as probing systems, aim to make the acquisition flexible enough to project a great variety of forms.
of a given point through contact with the surface to be Today it is possible to verify the expanded use of
measured, with the coordinate axis X, Y and Z relative to NURBS modeling objects for virtual arts, art and
a coordinate system defined on the machine. While the sculpture; and they are also being used to model scenes
mentioned system collects discrete points, on the other for applications of virtual reality [8].
hand, non-contact measurement systems are able to Also according to Ref. [8], NURBS results from a
collect a cloud of points, providing greater fidelity mathematical base, are unified to represent analytic
workpieces digitalization. According to Ref. [2], CMMs and free forms besides maintaining exactness and
434 Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

independence of mathematical resolution. Nodes in a NURBS curve are points on spaced

Then, this paper aimed to present the measurement parameters in which the rational polynomial curves are
of spur gears by using a coordinate measuring machine joined to form a segment multicurve [8].
with contact probe. Additionally, the measuring points Eq. (1) can be rewritten into the following equivalent
were used to generate CAD models by applying the form Eq. (5):
NURBS technique. Then, error analysis was performed C u Ri , p u Pi (a u b) (5)
comparing measuring points to respective NURBS i 0

and the Ri,p is known in Eq. (6):

ones. The results showed that the proposed
N i , p u i
methodology/strategy provides accurate CAD models. Ri , p u n
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes N j , p u j
j 0
NURBS curves and surface; Section 3 presents gears
Then, the equation of the NURBS curve can be
and measurement methodology; and Section 4 is the
represented in Eq. (7):
results; Section 5 gives the conclusion. n
C u Ri , p u Pi (a u b) (7)
i 0
2. NURBS: Curves and Surfaces
It is NURBS curve of p degree, which is defined by
B-splines are polynomial curves. They are flexible control points p0, p1, , pn, knot vector u = {u0, u1, ,
and offer many useful properties for the design of um} and weights w0, w1, , wn. It is important to note
curves, but they do not have the capacity to represent that because of the weight to be associated with the
the simplest ones, for example, circles and ellipses. For control point as its fourth component, the number of
dealing with the above mentioned geometries, it is weights and control points must be identical. This
necessary to get an extension of B-spline curves. From result in a very important characteristic of NURBS
the way to introduce rational homogeneous coordinates curve called local approximation, it means that if a
in a B-spline curves, it derived the definition of control point is moved or a weight is changed, it will
NURBS, which it is called non-uniform rational affect only that portion of the curve on the interval u
B-spline. [ui, ui+p+1).
A NURBS curve is a combination of a set of According to Ref. [9], the data processing involved
piecewise rational functions with n + 1 control points adjustment (approximation) of NURBS curves
Pi and associated weights wi, defined in Eq. (1): following the measurement path. This means that the

N u P
i, p i i
curve does not cross exactly over the data points and
C u i 0
(a u b) (1) there are errors related to the fitting procedure [10].
N u
i 0
i, p i Silva et al. [6] have published that the representation
of NURBS surfaces are very similar with the
The function Ni,p(u) is the basis function defined by
development of parametric representation of NURBS
B-spline function and it is determined in Eqs. (2) and
curve. A NURBS surface of degree p in the u direction
(3). The knot vector non uniform and non-periodic is
and degree q in the v direction is a bivariate
defined in Eq. (4).
1 if ui u ui 1 vector-valued piecewise rational function of the form,
N (u ) (2)
0 otherwise Eq. (8) [10]:
n m
u ui ui p 1 u
N i, p (u) ui p ui Ni, p 1(u) ui p 1 ui 1 Ni 1, p 1(u) (3) N u N v i, p j ,q i, j Pi , j
su, v
i 0 j 0
n m
(a u, v b) (8)
N i, p u N j ,q v i, j
U a,...,
a, up 1,..., um p 1, b
b (4)
i 0 j 0

p 1 p 1 The {Pi,j} form a bidirectional control net, the {wi,j}

Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical 435
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

are the weights, and the {Ni,p(u)} and {Nj,q(v)} are the
norational B-spline basis functions defined on the knot
vectors [10]:

U a,...,
a, up 1,..., um p 1, b
b (9)
p 1 p 1 (a) (b)
Fig. 1 (a) Spur and (b) helical gears [12].

V a,...,
a , u q 1,..., um q 1, b,..., b
q1 q 1

3. Gears and Measurement Methodology

It is very common for industries that manufacture
gears require equipment capable of measuring profile
of those ones with high accuracy. Nowadays, one of the
instruments commonly used for measuring gears
profile is called profile reproducer.
In this topic, a methodology to measure spur gears is
proposed. It involves the measurement of spur gears
using a coordinate measuring machine with contact
probe and the development of CAD models using
NURBS modeling techniques. One aim is to generate a
profile evolvental of cylindrical spur gear using a few
control points. The error analysis was carried out
comparing the data points with the respective CAD
points. Dumoulin et al. [11] presented a methodology
to recover the design of a Francis hydraulic turbine
runner and Filho et al. [9] published a paper that a (b)
Fig. 2 (a) Spur and (b) helical gears terminology [12].
measurement strategy was proposed to reconstruct a
Kaplan hydraulic turbine runner. All these authors
aimed to capture a minimum amount of points. Drive

3.1 Spur and Helical Gears

According to the gear geometry, the kinematics
Fig. 3 Tooth action [12].
relations and the forces transmitted, there are two types
of teeth gears: spur and helical teeth. Fig. 2b represents a portion of the top view of a
Spur gears are used to transmit rotary motion helical rack. Lines ab and cd are the centerlines of two
between parallel shafts. Helical gears are used to adjacent helical teeth taken on the same pitch plane.
transmit motion between parallel and nonparallel shafts, The angle is the helix angle. The distance ac is the
as shown in Fig. 1 [12]. transverse circularpitch pt in the plane of rotation
The terminology of spur gear and helical teeth are (usually called the circular pitch). The distance ae is the
illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. normal circular pitch pn [12].
436 Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

The initial contact will take place when flank of the generating curves and surfaces using that toolbox. In
driver comes into contact with the tip of the driven addition, specific algorithms were also developed to
tooth, as shown in Fig. 3 [12]. generate the building of vector knots and errors
This contact occurs at point a, where the addendum analysis in this paper.
circle of the driven gear crosses the pressure line. As According to Ref. [6], it is possible to observe that
the teeth go into mesh, the point of contact will slide up the accuracy of the modeling process of a part will be
the side of the driving tooth so that the tip of the driver higher the larger. Searching a convenient measurement
will be in contact just before contact ends. The final strategy, that seeks to optimize the number of points
point of contact will therefore be where the addendum collected, the theoretical curves were compared to
circle of the driver crosses the pressure line. The sum of NURBS ones using six and five control points, in order
the angle of approach and the angle of recess for either to achieve an error range less than 100 m. That
gear is called the angle of action, and the line ab is strategy was developed to generate an evolvental curve
called the line of action [12]. of a spur gear.
The evolvental teeth gear profile can be obtained by ISO 10360 dictates that the accuracy ranges of
prior knowledge of the radius of the primitive circle r, measuring equipment have measurement uncertainties
and the evolvental angle . Through these values, it is ranging from 20 m to 100 m. Among the equipment
possible to determine the coordinates (x, y) of any point specified by the standard are the CMM with laser head.
that belong to the evolvental. The coordinates are If the results of a system for contact point are within
calculated by Eqs. (11) and (12). this uncertainty level for the errors found, then the
following results are considered acceptable, because
x r.(cos sen ) (11)
although a lower cost equipment was used, it still
managed to meet the uncertainties with a smaller
y r.( sen cos ) (12)
number of points collected.
A similar methodology was developed for helical
3.2 Measurement Methodology
gear. In this case, a number of control points, which
According to Eqs. (11) and (12), they developed a composed of the surface of the tooth, were collected.
code using MATLAB software to generate control To collect the points, the gear was divided in a mesh.
points, simulating points collected through a CMM. To facilitate the computational procedure on building
The gear parameters used were: pressure angle 20, of multicellular matrices, it is important to collect the
module equal to 5 and number of tooth equal to 20 [13]. coordinates points to form a square matrix. Silva [15]
It is important to emphasize that this step was carried highlighted in his work a methodology for curves and
out in order to develop a measurement strategy to surfaces measurement. In this case, the author showed
collect points using a CMM. a (x, y) plane view and specified the direction that the
With the analytically points generated, the points should be collected through a machine contact
theoretical and NURBS curves were plotted, in order to measurement, as shown in Fig. 4.
establish a comparison of values between the two In Fig. 4, the red points indicate the collected
curves, for the evolvental profile in a spur gear. For the coordinates. The sequence to be followed for the
elaboration of NURBS curve, a toolbox, developed in storage of data starts at point A and ends at point E,

MATLAB ambient in Ref. [14], was used. observing the direction chosen, simulating the use of
It is necessary to insert the control points, the CMM. The sequence starts at A = (-1, -1), B = (1, -1), C
weights for NURBS function and the knot vector for = (-1, 0.75), D = (1, -0.75), and ends in E = (1, 1).
Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical 437
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

Table 1 Comparative values of representation of

theoretical curve X NURBS curve for the profile evolvental
tooth spur gear.
Collected Theoretical curve NURBS curve Error
points x y x y (mm)
Point 1 47.632 -4.384 47.632 -4.3840 0.0000
Point 2 47.727 -4.389 47.727 -4.3866 0.0024
Direction for collection points Point 3 48.013 -4.385 48.013 -4.3794 0.0056
Point 4 48.488 -4.343 48.488 -4.3360 0.0070
Point 5 49.150 -4.235 49.150 -4.2252 0.0098
Point 6 49.991 -4.031 49.991 -4.0190 0.0120
Point 7 51.005 -3.706 51.005 -3.6886 0.0174
Point 8 52.180 -3.231 52.180 -3.2091 0.0219
Point 9 53.504 -2.583 53.504 -2.5673 0.0157
Fig. 4 Selected points for NURBS surface representation [15]. Point 10 54.964 -1.736 54.964 -1.7360 0.0000

4. Results
4.1 Theoretical Results

Table 1 presents the comparative values between the

theoretical and NURBS curve. To plot the NURBS
curve, a MATLAB toolbox was utilized as
computational tool. The input data was utilized as the
points of control simulated and the knot vector.
Specific algorithms were generated to determine the
knot vector and the error analysis.
Theoretical curve
The set of points generated analytically was used to NURBS curve
plot the gear evolvental profile on MATLAB software. Fig. 5 Theoretical and NURBS curves (values in mm).
Fig. 5 shows the evolvental teeth curve using 10 Table 2 Comparative values of representation of
control points (points of the Table 1), presenting a theoretical curve X NURBS curvefive points.
comparative of the theoretical curve and the NURBS Collected Theoretical curve NURBS curve Error
points x y x y (mm)
curve, using the same points cited before.
Point 1 47.727 -4.389 47.727 -4.3890 0.000
Tables 2 and 3 present a comparative between the
Point 2 48.488 -4.343 48.488 -4.3064 0.0366
theoretical and NURBS curve for a determined number Point 3 49.991 -4.031 49.991 -3.9598 0.0712
of control points, generated using MATLAB. Point 4 52.180 -3.231 52.180 -3.1387 0.0923
The next section will detail the results of the cases Point 5 54.964 -1.736 54.964 -1.7360 0.000
studied with different points collected. Table 3 Comparative values of representation of
theoretical curve X NURBS curvesix points.
4.2 Experimental Results
Collected Theoretical curve NURBS curve Error
points x y x y (mm)
To generate the evolvental profile, control points
Point 1 47.632 -4.384 47.632 -4.3840 0.000
were collected in a spur gear with external diameter
Point 2 47.727 -4.389 47.727 -4.3823 0.0067
equal to 25.4 mm. For this procedure, a point-to-point Point 3 48.013 -4.385 48.013 -4.3377 0.0473
sensor, known as touch trigger probe in which Point 4 52.180 -3.231 52.180 -3.3184 0.0874
possessed a ruby ball diameter 2.0 mm, was used. Point 5 53.504 -2.583 53.504 -2.5383 0.0447
Point 6 54.964 -1.736 54.964 -1.7360 0.000
Bosch [16] highlights that the sphere located at the
438 Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

stylus tip, element that comes in contact with the object

to be measured, is usually made of ruby, since this
material is rigid and resistant enough. Fig. 6 shows the
gear used in the experimental procedure.
Based on a methodology described in Section 3.2,
the input data to the computational ambient developed
in MATLAB software in Ref. [14] were the control
points, which in this case correspond to the points
obtained in the CMM. For this piece, three Fig. 6 Gear used in the experimental procedure.
measurement cases were carried out with six and five
points on the curve length evolvental.
For each measurement case, a point was selected to
carry out the validation using NURBS.
Carrying out the experimental procedure described
previously, a CMM with the specifications TESA
Micro-Hite 3D of the Hexagon Metrology was utilized
as shown in Fig. 7.
For each case studied (six and five points collected),
a knot vector was generated. In this case, a
computational ambient using MATLAB to generate
the vector was developed as shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 7 CMM TESA Micro-hite 3D, hexagon metrology.
If the knot vector does not have any particular
structure, the curve generated will not touch the first
and the last segment of the control polygon, as shown
in Fig. 9. These types of curves are called open curves,
as shown in Fig. 9a. They may want to achieve that the
Fig. 8 Knot vector routine.
curve is tangent. The first and the last segment, to do
this, the first and the last nodes must be repeated. p + 1
(i.e., the multiplicity p + 1) will generate the
denominated curves semi-enclosed, as shown in
Fig. 9b [8].
The input data presented on routine are the control
(a) (b)
points and the degree of NURBS function. The knot Fig. 9 Types of curves: (a) open curves and (b)
vectors for five and six control points are shown semi-enclosed [8].
respectively below: Table 4 Points collected for case 1 (wi = 1).
Five points - U 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 1 1 1 Collected ZMEASURED ZNURBS Error
Six points - U 0 0 0 0 0.33 0.66 1 1 1 1 points CMM (mm) curve (mm)
PT 1 12.154 12.154 0.000
4.2.1 Case 1: Five Control Points PT 2 12.840 12.644 -0.195
Table 4 shows the values of the coordinates of the PT 3 14.123 13.987 -0.135
points probed by CMM that correspond the evolvental PT 4 14.976 14.904 -0.071
PT 5 16.078 16.078 0.000
profile to the left side gear, to the case 1 with five points.
Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical 439
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

Table 4 added the values of the weight function, Table 5 Points collected for case 2 (wi = 1).
required to input data to construct the profile evolvental Collected ZMEASURED ZNURBS
Error (mm)
points (CMM) (mm) curve
using NURBS. PT 1 12.877 12.877 0.000
4.2.2 Case 2: Six Control Points PT 2 13.377 13.343 -0.0331
Table 5 shows the values of the coordinates of the PT 3 13.742 13.724 -0.0175
points probed of the evolvental profile to the left side PT 4 14.170 14.150 -0.0192
PT 5 14.705 14.649 -0.0551
gear, to the case 2 with six points.
PT 6 15.947 15.947 0.000
Fig. 10 shows the evolvental teeth curve using the
control points studied in all the cases. The values of x
and y axis of the figure are defined in mm.

5. Conclusions
This article presents the definition for generation of
curves and surfaces using NURBS. To generate
NURBS curves, a measurement strategy for measuring
the profile of a spur gear was presented. A
methodology by Silva was presented to generate
surfaces. Before starting the experimental procedures, (a)
coordinates points were generated using Eqs. (1) and
(2). These equations were established from the
primitive radius r, and the evolvental angle . Initially,
with 10 control points generated analytically, the
theoretical and NURBS curves were drawn to compare
the values of the y axis. For the above case, the
maximum error was found to be 21.9 m.
For developing a measurement strategy, the same
procedure was carried out using five and six control (b)
points. The errors were: 92.3 m and 87.4 m, Fig. 10 Evolvental using: (a) five and (b) six control
respectively. After analysis of the theoretical data, the points.

experimental procedures were carried out in the CMM automatically, in other words, the coordinates of the
using the methodology described. With the touch touch point sensor-piece are obtained by correction of
trigger probe, the practical procedures were carried out the sphere radius at tip of the probe.
and obtained the following values for error: 195 m The results were considered satisfactory for six
and 55 m, for five and six coordinates points, points, where the errors obtained varies between 18 m
respectively. In this case, the modeling accuracy of a and 55 m, resulting in errors less than 100 m,
part as will be greater when the numbers of points according to ISO 10360. One way to minimize the
collected or measured on the surface are greater. error value would be changing the weight function. A
About the diameter of the probe ball, the choice of method for automatically changing and defining best
the diameter 2 mm of the sphere allowed a better weight is being developed as part of this research.
captures of the points desired for the analysis. The Further experimental work will be developed with
results showed by the machine were compensated helical gears, to generate surfaces.
440 Application of NURBS for Obtaining Free Form Curves and Surfaces in Spur and Helical
Gears by Using CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine)

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