Fine Arts Rubric

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Excellent Good Acceptable Poor

100-90 Points 89-80 Points 79-70 Points 69-0 Points

Students Students Students Students
story clearly story has story has story has
has all of the most of the few of the little to no
elements of elements of elements of elements of
fiction fiction fiction fiction
present. present. present. present.
Students Students Students Students
story is easy story is story is a story is
to follow. somewhat little hard to difficult to
Students easy to follow. follow.
story is at follow. Students Students
least 10-12 Students story is less story is less
pages long. story is at than 10 than 10
No least 10-12 pages long. pages long.
grammatical pages long. Some Many
errors. Few grammatical grammatical
Students grammatical errors. errors.
story is errors. Students Students
turned in on Students story is story is
time. story is turned in turned in
turned in on late. late or not
time. turned in at

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