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1. All Webservices are moved to ws folder for better management. Initially they
were on root.
2. Extra non-usable files are deleted.
3. For Webservices, the connection string, constants and other configurations ar
e moved to single file. Initially, it was across multiple files.
4.change in query for update_payments in driver_rides.php webservices
5. Images path corrected in admin - /admin/view_driver.php, driver_add.php, mana
ge_driver.php, manage_passenger.php, view_passenger.php, passenger_add.php
6. Error of multiple 0 resolved for driver. Changes in webservices in /WS/ cab_m
7. When driver registers, he will be inactive. Admin has to activate him and aft
er that driver can login. Changes in /ws/checklogin.php, user_register.php

1. APP Updated for Latest Google Play API Library.
2. Few depricated Function are updated in APP
3. Exception Handling added for GOOGLE PPLACES API so that app should not cresh
again and again. edited. Changes in
at line number 322,387
4. "Unfortunately stop" error resolved in This proble
m is because of null context so initialize context before attachslidemenu() at l
ine 72.
5. Unable to Draw Route
change in url in getTimeDistanceBetweenMapPoints() at line 216 and right url is
String url = ""
+ "json" + "?" + "&origin=" + source_lat
+ "," + source_long + "&destination=" + dest_lat
+ ","
+ dest_long + "&" + "sensor=false" + "&" + "unit
s=" + units;

6. Unable to exit in exit dailog from both profile. So change in ConnectionDialo

gClickListener anonymus class dialog_id to button on line no 616 in DriverActivi and line no 525 in
7. Thre was error in .addApi(Plus.API,null) and the error is null values are not
allowed. So remove null from googleplusActivity, in oncreate method line no 74.
8. In some mobile phones there is problem of No location acess so make changes i
n epb.helper package, Gps.util class line no 52
9. In Profile - Upload Pic, After touch on menu icon unfortunately stop so make
changes in at line 282. and add slide menu in correspo
nding xml layout file. Removed webview client and add code for actionbar.
10.There is problem in back button on Refer activity, so add code for onKeyDown
method at line no 319.
10. Problem in back press in some device so change code n Splash activty at line
no 46
11. For first time there is string to update profile on driver layout so make ch
anges in driver activity at 130-137

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